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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7821470 No.7821470[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.7821472

We have a board for anime, but we don't have a board for video games. So they have to go in /jp/.

>> No.7821476

cry more, reported

>> No.7821478

shut the fuck up newfag video games have always been more /jp/ related than your 2hu and anime shit since day 1

>> No.7821481

/jp/ would be empty, there is enough space here for a whole barn.

>> No.7821487

/jp/ related

>> No.7821489

Since clearly /v/ isn't for video games they have to go somewhere.

>> No.7821496

/v/ is too shitty to discuss video games

>> No.7821503

you need to edit it so it shows how he'll randomly allow certain video games, but not others. that's even more dart boardish than his choice about anime or video games. literally this faggot just let's his homo suckbuddies post whatever they want, but everything else gets deleted.

>> No.7821501

so much hurt feelings

>> No.7821502

/jp/ is too shitty to discuss anything, but nevertheless we push on.

>> No.7821504
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>> No.7821519

>implying JAPANESE video games aren't /JAPAN CULTURE/ related

>> No.7821523

/jp/ is 2hu and vns only. pack ur shit and gb2 /a/v/b/ buttplundered nerds

>> No.7821526

2hu is a game you faggot

That's why we should keep game discussion here limited to niche shit like danmaku shooters to keep the faggots from /v/ away. Any discussion on deus ex past today should probably be discussing how much like a VN it is. Assuming you faggots have noticed the similarities yet.

See above.
Also "oh no! meido has opinions and preferences! unforgivable!"


>> No.7821529

Anime is the one thing /jp/ is specifically NOT about.

>> No.7821530
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>star ocean

>> No.7821534

VNs and Touhou are video games though.

>> No.7821539
File: 58 KB, 500x498, gay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why so shitty?

>> No.7821541

and this board was created especially for them.

>> No.7821543

Some /v/ threads were deleted and now we have to deal with butthurt kid and his "I'm playing on Japanese Servers" spam.

>> No.7821550

Oh look, it's another "/jp/ flavor of month" buttowned victum.

>> No.7821545

There's a board for anime. >>>/a/
There's a board for anime imagedumps. >>>/c/
There's a board for commercial video games. >>>/v/

/jp/ is for VNs and 2hu only. Get out.

>> No.7821546

The video games disscussed in /jp/ are niche jrpgs like gust shit or some other obscure stuff that can't be discussed in /v/.
Anime is a maintsream hobby no matter what, and you can talk about it in /a/.

>> No.7821547

Are people seriously complaining about touhou on /jp/ or is it just a joke? I don't even know anymore because there have been so many retarded posts lately that they might be serious.

>> No.7821553

I'm wondering, is meido gay?

>> No.7821554

VN's aren't games you faggot. They're seriously electronic picture books, sometimes they come with voice acting too. They're closer to movies than games you dumbass.

>> No.7821552

Since touhou isnt a VN, should touhou get out of /jp/ too?

>> No.7821555

>specifically for them.*

>> No.7821557

I'm inclined to think its some idol guy who got his ero AV thread deleted and believes it shouldn't have, and you always know that complaining of board policies is to be done through rage shitposting and spamming

>> No.7821562

This board is Touhou. Take away Touhou and there will be no /jp/.

>> No.7821572

Touhou is the cancer of /jp/
It's just hard to see because it has always been around

>> No.7821581

Cry harder guy, its never going to leave without /jp/ going with it. and even then it'll still be here.

>> No.7821580

2hufags are cancer and GUSTbros and other JRPGbros are the chemo trying to cure /jp/

>> No.7821584

Nice reverse trolling bro xD

>> No.7821583


>> No.7821582
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Yes. Primaries: >>>/v/
Secondaries: >>>/a/

>> No.7821589

gb2 your 2hu faggot

>> No.7821591

Doujin games are /jp/ related, and Touhou IS /jp/. Whatever gay ass flavor of the month games are being discussed in /v/ are not related.
As enjoyable as S.T.A.L.K.E.R is, I'm afraid to say it's not related either.

>> No.7821593

STALKER is bullshit. It takes 2 hours to go from a place to another close one.

>> No.7821593,1 [INTERNAL] 

idolshits are the cancer killing /jp/. Moreover they are sick and disgusting stalkers.
I would not desire those people as the comrades, nor as my friends on the internet.

>> No.7821593,2 [INTERNAL] 

you fags will complain about anything

don't worry, meido hates idolfags too.

>> No.7821593,3 [INTERNAL] 

Only reason the guys are tolerated in the first place is because they keep it all in one thread, this new guy has a really poor understanding of his position.

>> No.7821593,4 [INTERNAL] 

Why is the meido such a godsend?

>> No.7821593,5 [INTERNAL] 

It's probably one of those troll wannabe kids.
Just like the guy wanting to discuss anime here.

>> No.7821593,6 [INTERNAL] 

talking to yourself janitor?

>> No.7821593,7 [INTERNAL] 

making shitty threads and complaining to yourself idolfag?
Yeah, if the janitor really understood his position he'd be deleting all of the idolshit's threads.

>> No.7821593,8 [INTERNAL] 

All anime belongs in /a/, except in cases where it's being compared directly to the VN or what have you.
Some video games belong in /jp/.
That's just how it is, sorry guys.

>> No.7821593,9 [INTERNAL] 

>Some video games belong in /jp/.
you mean all video games belong in /jp/ because /v/ doesn't discuss vidya

>> No.7821593,10 [INTERNAL] 

idolfags have always been on /jp/(...as far as I can remember, at least). why should it change? why do we need to fight among ourselves? they haven't done much wrong, let them be.

>> No.7821593,11 [INTERNAL] 

No, I meant what I said. /v/ does discuss video games at times.

>> No.7821593,12 [INTERNAL] 

While some people are being extreme about it, I do agree with you.

The problem is the idolfag making all the shitty threads and spamming that "2hu" thing around.

>> No.7821593,13 [INTERNAL] 

>why do we need to fight among ourselves
>fight among ourselves

Anyone who's an idolfag, a piece of shit that worships promiscuous, 3d pig disgusting whores with fake as fuck personalities, is most definitely not one of us. They don't belong to this board any more than the /a/, /b/, and /v/ shitposters do; the only reason they were tolerated and not told to go back to /s/ is because they kept out of sight for the most part.

As everyone can see, however, they've recently become haughty and obnoxious as hell with their garbage threads (the simulator ones) covering the front page and their attempts to force Touhou off the board. We shouldn't tolerate their presence any longer.

>> No.7821593,14 [INTERNAL] 

That pic is awesome. I'm just glad people are realizing what I've been saying over the past few weeks.

Now I don't really need to talk about it anymore myself. Can concentrate on posting 2D girls instead.

>> No.7821593,15 [INTERNAL] 

It's almost certainly not an idolfag of the /jp/ variety.

If by "they," you mean newcomers and retards with no affiliation with the idolfags who have been posting for years, you would be right. By that logic we should also expel the Touhou fanbase because a lot of the new Touhou posters are also retarded spammers.

>> No.7821593,16 [INTERNAL] 

OK, so which one would you guys rather have: Both video games and anime getting deleted, or neither?

>> No.7821593,17 [INTERNAL] 

Neither. The kind of games/anime we talk about are aimed at the same audience anyways.

>> No.7821593,18 [INTERNAL] 

So you mean you want to have use discussing Star Craft 2 and shit right?

But its okay because its fun, right?

>> No.7821593,19 [INTERNAL] 

But the image is wrong. /jp/ is based on video games much more than it is on anime. Touhou mainly, and VNs as well. It's certainly possible to call VNs video games, especially considering ones that blur the line like Sengoku Rance, or 999 to Phoenix Wright even. (Though I'd imagine Gyakuten Saiban crosses too far over into /v/ territory, since it's more of an adventure game.)
Even further, the original creation of /jp/ pretty much specifically said that anime goes on /a/, and not /jp/.

But you can continue thinking whatever you've convinced yourself to think I guess.

>> No.7821593,20 [INTERNAL] 

While zunbar is definitely the lesser of the intolerables, its not like we try to be strict just for the sake of it. People will take a mile if you give them an inch of slack, which is demonstrated plenty on other boards and on /jp/. Take trap threads for example, they've pretty much evolved in to /soc/ levels of meet and fuck.

>> No.7821593,21 [INTERNAL] 

and the recent spate of retardation by that one idolfag. I won't blame him for the japanese servers spam thing but I can guarantee he did quite a lot of spam beforehand

>> No.7821593,22 [INTERNAL] 

Stop spelling Touhou as "2hu", you fucking retards.

>> No.7821593,23 [INTERNAL] 

Non-Japanese things would still not be allowed.

The /jp/ traps are even bigger virgins than the non-traps from what they have told me. So you shouldn't worry about those guys.

>> No.7821593,24 [INTERNAL] 

If you want to discuss anime go to /a/
If you want to discuss video games go to /v/
If you want to discuss figurines, visual novels, and Touhou go to /jp/

>> No.7821593,25 [INTERNAL] 

If you want to discuss visual novels and Touhou you should find somewhere else to do it. If you want to discuss nothing and post anime screencaps and sub-/b/ tier threads, go to /jp/

>> No.7821593,26 [INTERNAL] 

/jp/ is not your personal textual toilet, kid. That's /b/

Sorry to burst your bubble

>> No.7821593,27 [INTERNAL] 

Sorry, kid. There's little difference anymore.

Sorry to burst your bubble.

>> No.7821593,28 [INTERNAL] 

Why does kuran-kuran(what the fuck is this name? sound fucking lame) suck so much ass?

>> No.7821593,29 [INTERNAL] 

"ponpo a shit", as the spammers might say. Probably.
