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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7814487 No.7814487 [Reply] [Original]

Why doesn't /jp/ like g-string?

>> No.7814490

Only sluts wear them

>> No.7814520

I do, there's just nothing to discuss besides which maou would you fuck.

>> No.7814545

I didn't like the setting all that much but I enjoyed the read immensely.

>> No.7814539
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Oh but I did.
Though I only read Tsubaki's route, and then I didn't really feel like reading the others.

And then, I found out that Tsubaki's route happens to be the route based on the story's original idea and premise where there is no brother. Wheras the others follows a different canon.

>> No.7814537


>which maou would you fuck

I didn't know there was more than one

>> No.7814550

I always wondered, was it said the eveil twin didn't exist in the other routes?

I mean, was it confirmed by the writers?

>> No.7814551

I fucking loved g-senjou, it's just that it became popular with /a/ and /v/, so obviously /jp/ has to hate it to death otherwise their indie-cred is down the drain.

>> No.7814564

>I mean, was it confirmed by the writers?
It was. Though only for her route. I also say that version is a whole lot less of a clusterfuck, and it also makes the whole story a whole lot sweeter with the protagonist softening up, being healed by her un-ending love, eventually saving not only him, but both.

The antagonist kind of conflict they had in the others felt hamfisted in or in either way didn't flow nearly as naturally if I were to say so myself.
Tough luck if you don't like Tsubaki, but her story was built the best.

>> No.7814572

The game is mostly terrible, regardless of what you think. If it comforts you to think otherwise based on such a stupid reason, I guess I can't really stop you though.

>> No.7814575


But then ... WHO STOLE THE MONEY!?

>> No.7814576

Well, I liked Tsubaki the best, so I'm cool with it.

>> No.7814586
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This route was the best before the timeskip

>> No.7814587
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Shiratori route was the most horrible route and it stole Tokita route.

>> No.7814593


You're a fagget.

>> No.7814595

Not that it matters, but am I the only one who thinks that Mizuha's route was the only route truly worth reading?

>> No.7814594

Tsubaki's route was a carbon copy of Sachi's route.
Gonzou is bad Houzuki expy.
Just too similar and inferior to SnK.
Extra routes don't make any sense after true ending.
The propably cut out Tokita route.

The fact that they shove you "lolololol Kyousuke is Maou" red herring all the time and even mention his "deceased" brother. You had to be fucking retarted not to notice his brother was Maou all along. The other mysteries too (the money exchange) we're all just obvious too.

Rank below SnK in drama, less unoriginal setting and a bad detective story.

Oh and because /jp/ = autistic hipsters.

>> No.7814588

Reason in the two years it was released no one in /jp/ spammed how much he hated it.

>> No.7814591

Because the last chapter.

>> No.7814599

You do know the writers intended Kyousuke to be Maou in every route but the main route, no?

>> No.7814601

Err, that came out wrong.

Kyousuke was Maou in every route but the main route.

>> No.7814610
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>retarded enough to fall for a faggot like Kyosuke

Lolno. If she had a route I would lose all respect for her. Although that retard bad end didn't help. They seriously butchered her character there. I mean, she can't come up with a better plan than stabbing a guy while he's fucking her? Seriously? Fuck this game.

>> No.7814613

Yes but it still doesn't make any sense.

>> No.7814616

Oh, I agree. I hated the 'twist'.

>> No.7814633

SnK was bad.

G-Senjou was bad.

**End discussion.**

>> No.7814636

Because on the opposite of english-only peasants, they don't feel the need to tell the world their own opinions.

>> No.7814641

>You had to be fucking retarted not to notice his brother was Maou all along
Apparently not, because that wasn't the case other than in the main route in which it was changed later on to be the case.
It's a pre-release retcon basically, and it wasn't the case for all routes.

>> No.7814645 [SPOILER] 
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I will admit that bad end of her was awesome, because she was complete worthless for Kyousuke and becomes his sex slave.

>> No.7814648

>Yes but it still doesn't make any sense.
What doesn't make sense? Do you mean that it isn't a psychologically plausible/possible condition?
Or that the execution didn't make sense somehow?

Cause it was hinted on early on, and all the while he warmed up towards the Miwa family things progressed gradually, gradually, until he cut off all ties, felt accepted, loved, free, and with past grudges not being relevant anymore.
Don't see how it didn't make sense.

>> No.7814693

I meant being Maou in another routes, but not in the true route (unless the very fabric of reality distorts every time he picks Haru).
Believe me I fucking wished from the bottom of my heart; "Please let Kyousuke be Maou, please let Kyousuke be Maou." but I knew it would be impossible to make Haru's route to work that way.

I'd preferred there had only been a true/evil ending waiting at the end of Haru's route where some sort of epic mindfuck intrigue action had taken place and Kyousuke was Maou.

>> No.7814708

check out this gonzou remix: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5poSw7tFLB4

>> No.7814719

What didn't make sense to me at all is the way his condition disappears during the final chapter.

>> No.7814729

Oh look, someone remixed the main theme as well!
(All the tracks are works of classical music. Not only Gonzou's theme. )

>> No.7814737

o rly

>> No.7814739

>final chapter.
Final chapter of what route? It makes a difference.

>> No.7814744
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I like the route were Tama-nee turns into a masochistic sex slave.

>> No.7814746

He most likely means Haru's final since it's THE final chapter.

>> No.7814749

During the main route, of course. As soon as the blatantly obivous plot twist happens, his headache stops forever.

>> No.7814750

GSnM needed a route where

Eiichi is Maou

>> No.7814755
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>> No.7814766

But I did like it....

>> No.7814778


What condition?

>> No.7814783

The "My headache makes me lose my memory and become Maou" condition, probably.

>> No.7814790


Tsubaki bad end is the real true end.

Game would have been so much better if you actually were Maou. Fucking shitty brother and schrodinger's cat Maou bullshit.

>> No.7814803
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>that feel

>> No.7814817

Charlie don't surf, bro.

>> No.7814835
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>> No.7814864

Eichi had some awesome trollfaces

Though I wanted to punch him for most of the first part of the game....and the second part

>> No.7814878
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>> No.7814914

I think I would've enjoyed G-Sen so much more if it weren't for the editing. Especially Eichi's dialogue, it's like it was intended for /v/ to read or something.

>> No.7814947
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>> No.7814957
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>> No.7815695

I thought they should have made all heroines routes only doable AFTER you have completed the main route as a bonus fanservice.

The other routes just derailed the momentum and made the story seem sort of pointless.

>> No.7815722

I quite disliked all the characters.

>> No.7815726

Haru is one of the best visual book heroines ever in the 12 year history of /jp/.

>> No.7817226

Might be a tad inclined to agree with you, but I am still not sure.
Tsubaki had the sweetest ending, not to be speaking of how sweet she was herself.

>> No.7817232

why don't you wear panties like everyone else?

>> No.7817252

Plot was bad. Girls were good. Yakuza themes and Kanon were fucking great.
