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7814310 No.7814310 [Reply] [Original]

Seriously /jp/, why do you want to be "the little girl" or at least, just a girl? What do you find so attractive beside the obvious aesthetic improvement? Don't you realise it's already too late for you? You don't want to BE a girl you want to have a girl life, especially when she's still at school.
You want to live the k-on/touhou dream but it's impossible. Even if you were born as a girl you would have known nothing beside the superficiality and the sluttiness of the actual girls. You'll never fall in love with your best friend and even if so she would reject you and you'll be called a freak by your former "friends". What you're seeking is a pipe dream.

So, anon, I know you know it. But, why do you still want to be the little girl?

>> No.7814314

I don't want to be a little girl. Are you really taking that meme seriously?

>> No.7814311

Because it is common to ignore real-world complications when entertaining fantasies.

>> No.7814322
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Because frilly pink skirts and tea parties.

>> No.7814325

No one said it was a realistic dream.

>> No.7814326

Thank god I'm not a woman. I'd be too afraid of being raped.

>> No.7814328


filthy dumb

newfag scum

get out

>> No.7814329

Even though I have the occasional sexual fantasy of being an underage female, I've realized than being male is way more convenient in the long run. I don't think I would want to spend half of my life bleeding and feeling like shit every month.

>> No.7814333


>I wear girl's clothes only because my regular clothes are still wet.

You're not in denial. Sure.

>> No.7814338

I would rape you silly boy

>> No.7814335

i just want to be nice without being called a fag and seen as weak. as it is, if i'm not a cocky asshole, people disrespect and ignore me.

>> No.7814342
File: 882 KB, 964x788, 1314601960937.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Girls can wear all kinds of cool clothing (even men's clothing).

Men have SHIT clothing options.

>> No.7814340

>You don't want to BE a girl you want to have a girl life
Nope, you couldn't be further from the truth.
But I guess I'm getting in your way, you're obviously not interested in facts of any kind. You clearly enjoy thinking you know more about others than they know about themselves, based on, oh, just about no information whatsoever. So don't let me spoil your fun, just ignore me and carry on.

>> No.7814346
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I'd rather be a dinosaur.

I mean how fucking awesome would that be?

>> No.7814351

I'd be glad if /jp/ers became little girls, they'd sure be more than happy to get raped by a biseinen like me.

>> No.7814356


Would you be a male or a female T-Rex? I would be a female because they are bigger and aren't afraid of anything!

>> No.7814358

Not cool, man. You'd be distracted by every slight little thing that moves and your brain would be too small to appreciate your awesome body structure.

>> No.7814362

Sorry, but I'm only into getting raped by old, fat, bald, and smelly guys.

>> No.7814359
File: 15 KB, 400x300, indianajones-fedora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they used to have awesome options

>> No.7814365

>old, fat, bald, and smelly guys.
You forgot to add "faceless".

>> No.7814369

I dunno, I just think it would be nice to be cute. Although I admit I'm fine with my current body.

>> No.7814370

Just think about it: In about a hundred years, all men will be wearing some faggy shit and people will talk about how awesome suits and ties used to be with nostalgia.

>> No.7814377

be a girl? hah, enjoy your menstruation.

>> No.7814383

I could be cute without people thinking I'm gay or something. Also, my family would have lower expectations of me because I'm female. I want to hide under my sheets exploring my lewd, blossoming body.

Who doesn't want to be a little girl? If everyone was a little girl, things would be different around here.

>> No.7814384

Nuh uh, what about a smart dinosaur like Troodon(if you're unfamiliar very interesting animal actually).

This isn't about gender its about dinosaurs.

>> No.7814381

enjoy periods guys. oh, i mean "girls".

>> No.7814388

Being a little girl would be a living hell EXCEPT if all the /jp/sies become little girls and come to the same school as me! It would be like a giant lesbian moe orgy.

I'm totally going to make a /jp/ server when the first virtual reality network will be released for the common mortals.

>> No.7814410

Why would I waste my first time on you?

>> No.7814406


>I use my admin power.
>Instant rape!

>> No.7814407

collarless sleeveless shirts with corporate logos on them. pocketless pants with elastic waistbands and flip-flops.

dear lord no.

I love dressing up in really nice suits and ties. if it weren't for the fact that you usually do so to go to work or a wedding or other stupid thing, I'm sure more people would feel the same. also, the crap you usually wear, like polo shirts, are awful compared to a nice suit and blazer.

>> No.7814418

5 days of pms followed by 5 days of bleeding from your genitals

>> No.7814433

>spend half of my life bleeding and feeling like shit every month

The period lasts for about 3 days at average, so it's less than 10% of live when you do have it, minus the time it didn't begin yet/already stopped.
Also, not all women suffer while they menstruate. Probably not even most f them.

>> No.7814437

I want to dress up in stockings and a skirt and look pretty.

>> No.7814447
File: 142 KB, 320x534, Picture (93).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Little girls don't have period.


Why am I SERIOUSLY hurted when you say that?

>> No.7814454

Why the fuck is everyone bringing up menstruation and the like? I said I want to be a little girl, not some old bitch.

>> No.7814459

One thing to consider is that all of the advantages of being a girl evaporate when you're about 30. Your beauty fades, you're not anywhere near cute anymore, nobody will be nice to you for no reason other than you're breathing ever again. When a girl lacks her attractiveness, she has nothing, esp. when she hasn't built a good life with children and other accomplishments. (which 90% of the personalities here wouldn't do).

Men's social value is, by default, lower, (which I think is why this fantasy is so prevalent) but it isn't as held up on some irreversibly ticking clock like womens' is.

>> No.7814468

missing the point entirely.
It's "I want to be the little girl"
not "I want to be female".

Of course it's an unrealistic desire, noone denied that.

>> No.7814478

Actually, I just want to have the body of a little girl.
My mind and life style are fine as they are today.

>> No.7814499
File: 119 KB, 350x700, 14a7386ac8ad23c4e69ce8e3ffbb33f3..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I want to be a manly little girl. Everyone would be a futa little girl forever!

>> No.7814493

But I think i applies to everyone. If you work toward achieving something, you'll be always set, but if you do nothing your life will be shitty always whether you are male/female/20 or 60

>> No.7814508

I rather be a delicious little trap. Vaginas are nasty.

>> No.7814518
File: 93 KB, 1280x720, SMACK MY BITCH UP..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Totally fine too. The problem is that wen you get old you look like that.

>> No.7814553

Some are nasty, some are cute. Just like some dicks are disgusting while others may look lovely.
But i agree that being a trap sometimes could be awesome.

>> No.7814554

Yeah I know, but I'm partly talking to people I know who are reading this thread who are transgendered and actually DO want to be female. (half of them are lesbians in men's bodies, which makes no damn sense)

Given, but men don't lose as much.

Think about it this way. When you last talked to a cute girl, who seemed available, and was nice to you, what was that like? Did you feel like you would do anything for her, make any accommodation, laugh at any stupid joke, as long as she hung around? If you were ever in the same situation with an old lady, didn't you treat her worse than you'd treat even a male friend?

Men aren't (socially) worth much, but their value is consistent throughout their lives, and it's dependent entirely on their achievements. Old women are worth zero regardless of their achievements. Only their extant relationships give them any relevance.

>> No.7814568

What I think TG people want isn't to be a girl. It's to have people falling over themselves to please them regardless of the fact that they don't do anything worthwhile. They want to be valued for being "themselves" without realizing a girl's value comes solely from her fertility.

>> No.7814584
File: 227 KB, 640x360, Cyborg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If there was a way to obtain a little girl (or at least a girl) body by brain transplantation inside a bio engineered or a cyborg body, would you do it? I mean, it's like the forbidden wish you ever had but it means throwing your body and everythings that make you YOU.

INB4: GITS philosophical questions about existance.

>> No.7814596
File: 29 KB, 502x275, little girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7814612

>Did you feel like you would do anything for her, make any accommodation, laugh at any stupid joke, as long as she hung around? If you were ever in the same situation with an old lady, didn't you treat her worse than you'd treat even a male friend?

Well, just because you and plenty of others 20 something year old boys don't want to hang around with older women (and probably vice versa), doesn't mean no one does.

> Old women are worth zero regardless of their achievements. Only their extant relationships give them any relevance.

I'm not sure what are you exactly reffering to. Whether it's about the prospects of future, employment or ability to get laid of average middle aged women, I could only guess that you haven't met many of them within your life.

>> No.7814622

It depends on what you call old. A 75 years old woman/man that hasn't done anything in his/her life worth equally nothing.

>> No.7814634

I don't care about gender, I just want to be a forever innocent little child, being a little boy is fine too, but sadly this time is long over

>> No.7814631
File: 84 KB, 301x484, 1299361253997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes i would.
As far as i am concerned what makes a human is memories and experience not flesh and blood.

Then again i would imagine what happens is that "i" die but the little girl body will think its me.

>> No.7814637

Yeah sure, as long as it's done Ship of Theseus style I don't think there will be any problems.

>> No.7814642


Hard mode now. The body is the real body of a living little girl. Obtaining it would be like obtaining a kidney on the black market. Would you still do it?

>> No.7814663
File: 30 KB, 433x363, 1301065712964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes i would!

Infact i would want her mind to still be there in a way, so she can watch as i taint her body and her friends~
I will even turn her mother into my strap-on slave!

>> No.7814674

>I'm partly talking to people I know who are reading this thread who are transgendered and actually DO want to be female. (half of them are lesbians in men's bodies, which makes no damn sense)

People you personally know? Or you're guessing from some of the other threads active from time to time?

So if the question is why do you want to be female then I guess I don't really know. It's like, why do you want to eat? Or why do you want to ask a girl out? Or why do you have a waifu?
I mean you can think of all sorts of reasons to validate it and some of those reasons might even be logical. But the truth is it's all sort of vague I think, like your instinct tells you this.
I don't really consider myself lesbian but I don't consider myself especially attracted to men either. I don't really know how to explain it but I don't mind if I am stuck in a room forever without any real human contact as long as I can be a girl.
I don't like being male, I never liked the bulkier body, rougher hair, having to cut my nails, body hair, facial hair, masculine hairline, height, hips, chin, and other stuff.

The way people develop isn't decided by just the male and female chromosomes, there are a lot of other things that play a part too. You should look up about birth defects and stuff, and that isn't even half of it. Only if you're lucky are you born as a masculine man that will want to do things men are supposed to do. Most people are actually born with a combination of masculine and feminine traits, and have levels of masculine and feminine hormones. I don't see why people think it's possible for a man to be born with a feminine feature like nose or ears but not possible to have feminine features in their brain.

>> No.7814681

Life is actually pretty messy like that but maybe in the future they can figure out what causes GID so normalfags can have abortions. I also think that people that treat old people bad just because they're old are worthless pieces of human trash. But that's just me, I'm strange.

>> No.7814692

No, I don't want to be a little girl, I can't make that happen. I've been jealous of girls and wishing I was born one my entire life, but it's only taken until now to actually start making the life style changes necessary in order to change myself. I'm aiming for HRT next year.

It takes an awful lot of balls to say you don't want them in the first place.

At least I won't have to worry about periods or getting pregnant.

>> No.7814694

Children with exactly zero experience in actual human society thinking they know exactly how the world works never fail to crack me up.

>> No.7814709
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But I don't want to be a little girl.
Why choose a fleshy, imperfect form?

>> No.7814728

Reading through this, I notice that people are ready to admit that being the little girl is 'not a realistic dream.' If I may ask, if it saddens you that you cannot be the little girl and you realise that is a unrealistic dream, do you think you would happier if you gave up wishing to be the little girl?

My example would be when I realised it's unlikely I'd ever be in a relationship so I gave up on the idea of trying to find someone and I'd say I am much more relaxed and stress free after giving up. The question of course does assume people are legitimately unhappy about not being little girls, it's sort of a moot point if it's just a fantasy for the sake of it.

>> No.7814731

Don't worry, one day we'll solve the aging issue and then anyone can remain an adorable shota for as long as they like.

>> No.7814738
File: 351 KB, 700x700, e8bd29fd82c65104e5082ee281fd890f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Holy fuck. Are you me?


We all know you want to be the little sororitas bullied by her cannoness. You don't fool anyone fa/tg/uy.


It's not that I don't want to give up, it's just that I can't, just like >>7814674 explained.

>> No.7814741

People can still dream right? Sometimes people think they'd like to fly or want to become pop singers, meet UFOs etc. but in reality it's impossible.

I doubt anyone really is cutting himself for not being born girl. It's more of a "Yeah, If I could be born again I'd prefer being female, big deal".

>> No.7814745

But Omnissiah is clearly a robotic little girl.

In fact, all machine spirits are also little girls. I am a Princeps and the Titan I am attached to works better when I pat its machine spirit on the head and tell her that she's a good girl, I can even get physically intimate with her because we're mentally linked. Having a lover who is both a shy, perverted 10 year old girl and a 50 meter-tall engine of destruction and having sex with her even in midst of battle due to our mental connection is the greatest pleasure one could ask for.

>> No.7814748

Wanting to become the little girl is a desire to be loved and sought after simply by existing. As people grow older you start to notice that you're not special, not needed, and you'll have to try hard to mean something to anyone. Wanting to become the little girl is the want to escape from all those obligations and failed attempts and simply returning to an innocent and loveable form

>> No.7814757


Fair enough. I think I find the mentality hard to understand because I'm too content with how I am; my friends actually think this is one of my worst traits because it means I never do anything new.

>> No.7814758
File: 13 KB, 229x251, 1283534531674s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your telling me I haven't been chatting with girls my age this whole time? I feel betrayed! What kind of boys would have interests in the things we talk about in /jp/? Everything is for girls!

>> No.7814772
File: 119 KB, 615x768, 1263812982523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, you found me out.
Pic related, it's me.

>> No.7814780

That sounds pretty here-tek to me.

>> No.7814822

Only if you're an ignorant cretin blind to the ways of the Omnissiah. You would not be speaking such nonsense had you known the pleasure of gently rubbing the blessed oil on a Baneblade's engine while imagining its loli machine spirit moaning softly in protest, lewd juices dripping from her smooth thighs as you molest her forbidden parts.

>> No.7814828


Please save it and repost it in /tg/ later.

>> No.7814860 [DELETED] 
File: 416 KB, 800x1112, 6b94601db07b340cb840a2f5a992d9ba..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>MFW I realise I am REALLY having a boner for a fucking tank.

>> No.7815112

>>7814674 I don't see why people think it's possible for a man to be born with a feminine feature like nose or ears but not possible to have feminine features in their brain.
This is true. But why do you have to want a female body just to be kind and nurturing as opposed to driven and competitive?

While I think aggression and submission can be genetic, I don't think body image is.

>> No.7815131

How does the world work then? People who say things like this tend to have their own reasons for turning away from the truth, some investment in the status-quo.

>> No.7815132


Go back to /a/.

>> No.7815145

You can't "give up" on wishing on something. You can give up on the idea that you will ever achieve that dream and give up on any kind of attempt to reach it.

It's like if I asked to the average normalfag: "do you wish you were rich?" I think everyone would say yes without a second thought. But most of them aren't even trying to become rich and don't really think they'll ever become rich.

It's the same with me and my wish to be the little girl.

>> No.7815150

I dunno man, How can I be sure you've not been tainted by the warp?

Your attachment to the adolescent female form seems nothing short of excessive.

>> No.7815152

Anyway, I think the difference is moot. I don't really have a problem with you wanting to be a girl for the body-type. I just don't think it's genetic. It's something that happens when you were a kid. Not really anything traumatic, but just something gave you the idea that female bodies were better.

Throughout my childhood, taller kids were always more well-liked and seemed to be able to talk their way out of things. Does this mean that taller people actually have that advantage? No. Would my life be better if I was taller? Probably not by much. But still, I would like nothing better than to be 6 feet tall and skinny. (I would take being that tall in a girl's body too lol)

>> No.7815174

>>7814674 People you personally know? Or you're guessing from some of the other threads active from time to time?
Both. I hang with a crowd of em... well, they're a few steps above how the average /jp/ troglodyte presents himself. They all have fetishes, the girls all have fucking rape fantasies, and a lot of the men want to be girls. They're nice people but the constant watching myself to make sure I don't say something NPC is maddening.

>> No.7815188

But I really do just want the aesthetic upgrade- It's my ideal form, you see. I'm aware of world events and doubt the odds of transhumanism becoming a reality, but assuming it occurs, I am definitely lining up to transfer my mind to my ideal robotic form.

>> No.7815211

Oh dude... that.

Yeah, I wouldn't keep a body at all, I'd just park my brain in a data closet somewhere and travel the net, infiltrating peoples' cyber brains to feel what they're feeling and seeing etc... Lovers walk along the beach, I'd be able to tap into their feelings and know what it's like from both sides. If I found out that one of them was just using the other, I'd take steps to break them up.

I'd go into corporate moguls just to see what it feels like to rule the world, then trip them up into making a stupid mistake so that their empires would fall.

I'd know what it is to be a father a mother a son a daughter, everything. Even some animals will probably get cyberbrains.

The fact that I can't make friends with anyone in the world wouldn't matter anymore.

>> No.7815214

Because it's more justifiable to leech off society, and I could do cute voices. Masturbating as a girl also seems to be more fun than as a guy.

Also, I'm really feminine, and everyone says I seriously should have been born a girl.

>> No.7815218

Well yes, that's basically what I plan on doing afterwards, but it'd feel good to be doing it in my ideal form.

>> No.7815227

Oh, and because I can wear pretty clothes. I really love pretty clothes, it's a shame so many girls have shitty tastes. Or maybe my tastes are just shitty and nobody really likes them, I guess that's a price to pay from 2D fetishism. Nobody fucking wears kneesocks, or frilly dresses. And it doesn't have to be uncomfortable frilly dresses, there are plenty of casual ones that would work just fine but nobody goes for them. I once knew an Asian girl that really had a nice sense of fashion, but she was odd caus she went to sleep in cosplay. Regardless, I always envied seeing her in cute clothing. She wanted to dress me up in some, but that doesn't do them justice at all for an ugly man like me to wear such cute clothing. Especially not when she plans on taking pictures of me in them.

>> No.7815259

They are cute and I enjoy cute things. However, I can only enjoy the maximum of cuteness when I become cute - and hell, I'm pretty damn ugly. Therefore, I want to be the little girl, so I can enjoy life as a cute little thing.

>> No.7815291

>I'm partly talking to people I know who are reading this thread who are transgendered and actually DO want to be female. (half of them are lesbians in men's bodies, which makes no damn sense)
GID is an extremely low-level brain thing. It's not reducible to any other psychological phenomena, the only answer you're going to get as to why someone has it is neurological. Being attracted to females is likely a side effect of all the testosterone the brain gets due to being in a male body.

>> No.7815302

>>7815291 GID is an extremely low-level brain thing.
Got any citations for that bold claim? At least I had anecdotes.

>> No.7815307

also gay males tend to have a higher testosterone level than straights.

>> No.7815309


>> No.7815326

That might just be your experience.

You know that babies are physically female for the first one or two months or so of pregnancy right? It's just my own conjecture but coupled with what we already know about hormones, dna, and recent studies done on mice and stuff I'm going to say that the definitions between genders are kind of blurry.

Stuff like these two genes seriously fuck everything up. And the simple fact they exist could lead someone to reasonably speculate that many biological factors play a part in how an individual develops their gender.

Of course the end result is what you get and you can't really turn back time and switch stuff on/off before it does what it was coded to do.

Your pseudo-psychology 101 explanation about people wanting to be what they perceive advantageous is probably true in some cases. I think women can be competitive or uncaring as well however, and I believe someone that forces themselves to conform to those standards to validate the gender they feel they are is trying too hard. Even if someone successfully transitions there is always a part of them that is masculine, just like every other female. I think the only successful ways to fix gender identity disorder as you seem to want, are lobotomy and homicide. Forcing someone to live as the incorrect gender when they are brave enough and clearly wish to transition just seems arbitrarily cruel and ignorant.

>> No.7815364

to tell the truth I was actually hoping you would come back with something when I issued that challenge.

very interesting, but that study only suggests a correlation, it doesn't prove a causation. the sample size seems to be on the order of about 20 people. there are a host of alternate interpretations of the data. it is also well-known that the function of a person's brain, how it is used day-to-day, can influence its structure.

There's no evidence that gays have less testosterone than straights. I've seen a few studies that show they have more. I do not think it would account for the attraction to females in an otherwise female brain.

this doesn't change any of the social or moral implications or anything, and it doesn't mean that what you wish you were is anyone else's business.

>> No.7815371

Sexual orientation != gender identity.

>> No.7815382

42 brains were studied, actually.
And if you bothered to read the study in detail, you'd notice that the alternate interpretations are all (not conclusively, of course, because this is one study) countered by what was observed in some of the non-transsexual patients.
>There's no evidence that gays have less testosterone than straights. I've seen a few studies that show they have more.
This actually isn't relevant at all. What you'd want is data showing testosterone levels in lesbians as compared to straight women.

>> No.7815398

>>7815326 Forcing someone to live as the incorrect gender when they are brave enough and clearly wish to transition just seems arbitrarily cruel and ignorant.
It's not me forcing them. It's circumstance. It is so difficult to remember to refer to this one, manly looking dude, as a she. And he gets so mad whenever I trip up that I've stopped trying to get it right just because he's made such a big deal out of it.

It's not me being cruel. It's not me being ignorant. I'm not saying that people should live their lives to the edict of society. It's me just going by the system that everyone uses, as a matter of convenience. At restaurants it has happened that someone refers to him as she, and a server will come back "There's no 'she' out there."

As you've said, they'll never really be women. These 'labels' are only for convenience, and you shouldn't let them define you. They make such a big deal out of it that, honestly, I think they get off on forcing other people to accommodate them.

I have no problem accommodating them wearing dresses. I do crossplay myself, and I find it fun and exhilarating. But you are what you are, and nothing will change that until we have interchangeable bodies.

>> No.7815407

That was a response to this statement:
>>Being attracted to females is likely a side effect of all the testosterone the brain gets due to being in a male body.
Who seemed to believe that MtF TGs would be attracted to men if not for their male hormones. It don't work that way.

>> No.7815410
File: 151 KB, 960x1449, ab7793f080a612843c841cf6e810d3a4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd be a dinosaur girl. Seriously, best of both worlds. I get to wear frilly dresses, silly hats and tear lesser prey apart.

>> No.7815430

What if you were a cute girl with certain somethings that made your body never age past 10, /jp/? Even though you'd probably have a shorter lifespan and maybe even be more prone to getting sick? Not a midget, by the way.

I'm sure I've seen something like that on the Internet some day in the past.

>> No.7815440

My reasons for this argument are just the fact that, if I were born female, with the exact same brain I have now, I would have had no problem proceeding through life as a girl. But I was born male, so I went through it that way.

I'm also bi so that probably taints my worldview a bit. (I also think that everyone is at least slightly bi, but whatever. That's an entirely different argument with people who have their entire self-image invested in the outcome)

It's very difficult for me to imagine being so fixated on a gender identity that you can't just take on what's presented to you as "proper".

>> No.7815438

>I'm sure I've seen something like that on the Internet some day in the past.

XX gonadal dysgenesis, perhaps?

>> No.7815442

More prone to getting sick? So my onee-chan could take care of me forever?

>> No.7815445

please tell me there's a genetic condition that causes this

>> No.7815454 [DELETED] 

>Rather, Akagi provocatively suggests that lolicon fans
project onto girls: “Lolicon readers do not need a penis for pleasure, but rather they need the
ecstasy of the girl. At that time, they identify with the girl, and get caught up in a masochistic
pleasure” (Akagi 1993: 232)

>> No.7815461

>Recall Kinsella’s suggestion that lolicon be understood as men performing the shōjo to
>come to terms with an unstable gender identity (Kinsella 2006: 81-83). If being a man ceases to
>promise power, potency and pleasure, it is no longer the privileged subject position. Akagi
>explains that lolicon is a form of self-expression for those oppressed by the principles of
>masculine competitive society (Akagi 1993: 232).32 Lolicon is a rejection of the need to establish
>oneself as masculine and an identification with the “kindness and love” of the shōjo (Akagi 1993:

>> No.7815467

Now THAT, I like. And probably would rather date than the other options.

>> No.7815487

Well fuck

>> No.7815489

Are pterosaurs okay too? I want to be the tall but flat-chested Zhejiangopterus onee-san who is deeply concerned about her boyish figure and goes out of her way to dress in frilly, girlish outfits to compensate for her lack of womanly curves.

>> No.7815532

But that is that and this is /jp/... I don't think you're especially cruel, but suggesting people with actual problems should just learn to deal with it rather than look for a solution is cruel. Your "friends" sound like idiots though and you should tell them to stop presenting as male if they want to be accepted as girls.

That brings us to another argument brought up against people with GID wanting to transition. You seem to understand that most people go by what they see so--well actually that basically explains everything. Even if you're at home you don't want to see your body as not nice.

As for me I'm not as bulky, tall and masculine as a lot of other people and a lot of females from the same areas tend to be taller and more masculine than other places. I don't see myself as especially feminine, but I think I'm more feminine than some girls around here. I present male though, and I'm probably often confused for being gay and occasionally/rarely seen as a woman.
I think I can present properly as female, not just in front of the mirror, with some corrective treatments. But I'm not keen on SRS because of dilation, horror stories of collapse, and just generally how crude and superficial the result is. So the OP questions become pretty ignorant.
>So, anon, I know you know it. But, why do you still want to be the little girl?
To me it isn't as much about that as it is about not wanting to be a freak: have a bear, receding hairline, large muscles, rough skin and hair.

So yes I already know I can't live the life I want. So you expect me to live the opposite of what I want? I really don't understand that. I wont be happy either way, but I think I'll be less personally distressed with less testorterone.

>> No.7815568

>have a bear
Having a bear would be nice though.

>> No.7815635

>If you were ever in the same situation with an old lady, didn't you treat her worse than you'd treat even a male friend?
I never treated my grandma like that though.

>> No.7815887

Imagine your pruny spanish teacher from 10th grade wanted to hang out. A cool old lady is almost unimaginable. But a cool old man is.

>> No.7815922

Respectable old ladies are very common though. My great-grandmother is still up and kicking and she's seen World War I firsthand, it's honestly moving to talk to her.

>> No.7817380

Both are unimaginable for me.

>> No.7818371

Old people are moe. The only kind of people I hate are masculine men.
