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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7813165 No.7813165 [Reply] [Original]

/jp/ level.

>> No.7813212

Oh, I get it. It's outisde the box-Reported.

>> No.7813251

Bitch you don't even know me

>> No.7813258
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>> No.7813266

so what it even means

>> No.7813271

Wooden league in starcraft 2.

>> No.7813293



>> No.7813487

/jp/ meetup

>> No.7813502

>jp after losing a match


>> No.7813507
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have you laddered today, jp?

>> No.7813521
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>> No.7813532

but im fruit league

>> No.7813538
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>> No.7813543

I feel like Ive become 10% more korean after getting into masters

>> No.7813573

Since there is occasion to ask.

Is it worth to buy Starcraft2? I did play 1 but it was already "too late" and even thought I could win with cpu most of online battles were over before I could do anything.

>> No.7813595

>have you laddered today, jp?

No cuz ladder is too scary for me since I'm not familiar with timings and not wasted 200 games for every popular strategy, I'll wait for Dota 2 where I can blame my stupid team if we lose.

>> No.7813601

>Is it worth to buy Starcraft2? I did play 1 but it was already "too late" and even thought I could win with cpu most of online battles were over before I could do anything.

Obviously it's not too late because there will be two more expansions.

>> No.7813606

It's not near what BW was in 2009 and has a lot of terrible players to play with.

>> No.7813609


>> No.7813610

Starcraft 2 is horribly balanced. Everybody plays Terran, and thus gets boring real fast. If you like Protoss, you have a fighting chance of your opponent is an idiot. If you are Zerg, it is a lost cause.

I would suggest waiting until the whole thing is out. The story is fine, the efects are amazing, but the damn thing is not ready for online play.

>> No.7813620
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>> No.7813637

>The story is fine
Unnecessary cosmic love stories, bland and/or unlikable characters, and a script composed entirely of one-liners does not make a fine story.

>> No.7813638

If you intend to buy it for the single player story, I'd heavily advice against it. The whole thing is full of butchered character personalities and DEEP twists that shit all over Starcraft's legacy.

>> No.7813634

I'm max level on Killing Floor. I've already reset my perks two times, going for the third this month.
I only play on normal servers
come at me nerd.

>> No.7813665
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>> No.7813680

How am I supposed to count? Years since birth? Guess that's make me General of being awesome.

>> No.7813888

Balance only really comes into play at the highest levels, and it's nowhere near horrible, even if Terran is a little too good. Bitching about balance when you're in bronze is just a way to divert responsibility for your own failures. It's just as bad as the people who play team games so they have someone else to blame.

>> No.7813897
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I may be a mere brigadier general now, but one day I will be Kaiser.

>> No.7813907

Major general reporting in for duty.

>> No.7813908

wait, terran is good now?
I quit after the crazy infestor buff when terran was incredibly hard

>> No.7813919

I like how you used Marisa for the kaiser badge.

>> No.7813926
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I don't even play SC2.,, I only watch the tournaments.

>> No.7813934

I am the grand kaiser! Be proud /jp/.

>> No.7813943

Infestor play is weak to drops.

>> No.7813969

Marauders massacrate all Gateway units. Marines + Marauders rape Zerg easily, worse if they have a dropship.

Viking air superiority is uncontested. Smart Protoss player can beat it, but Zerg is just plain destroyed.

>> No.7813971
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SC2 is shit. Get that out of /jp/.

>> No.7813974

But sc2 is overhyped. These things are related to /jp/.

>> No.7813984

Wait, you mean stopping the dropships in their tracks with fungal growth and then picking it off with infested marines is weak play?

Better to just roast them (infested marines, which also strikes infestors with splash) with hellions or emp with ghosts.

>> No.7813987

Why is this still up?

>> No.7813988


/v/ troll I guess


stop talking about a shitty game
