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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 371 KB, 2592x1944, Photo0038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7808926 No.7808926 [Reply] [Original]

>Come back from work
>Daughter home asleep
>Go on computer
>See this on the desk
>Nah, It couldn't be
>It is
>look at TH1
>Scores are diffrenty
My daughter beat TH1.

More importantly she found my TH folder.

Wat do?

>> No.7808932

>she wants to fuck

>> No.7808934

Why did you procreate and who are you quoting?

>> No.7808937


>> No.7808939

Is there a lot of porn in your 2hu folder?

>> No.7808945

Nah, the porn is in a different folder but the games are in one separate.

Because it's fun. after hitting 30.

>> No.7808951

Just curious, how old are you and your daughter, OP?
I find this situation dawwworthy

>> No.7808954

Is that flockmod air I see?

>> No.7808959

>Wat do?

Fuck off you lying piece of shit. Nobody cares about that crappy thing you made.

Reported for being a worthless piece of trash

>> No.7808961

30 and 10

Kid was conceived after a drunken night out.

Never got word of it until she was 6, because I was moving out and the mother couldn't contact me.

>> No.7808971

Terrible human being.

>> No.7808976

I think the term you are looking for is amazing brit.

And the night out was my leaving party.

>> No.7808980

As if a 10 year old would even know how to fire up th1

>> No.7808978

When are you going to have sex?

>> No.7808983

I knew how to double click when I was ten.

>> No.7808984

>Implying I don't shove knowledge down her throat everyday
>implying she doesn't listen
You'd be surprised how easy it is to teach someone when given the unlimited opportunity of games sweets, and the ability to draw on a computer

>> No.7808986

And the infinite knowledge of emulators.

She even has her own USB stick which she brings into school to play games because they don't have that shitty security thing that stops all fun.

>> No.7808989

So you taught her how to do something and now you're suprised at her doing it?
Grats, I guess. I can train dogs to, but I don't post on an anonymous image board everytime they roll through the mud.

>> No.7808990

You should be proud of her !

>> No.7808998

I doubt that's the only thing you shove down her throat.

>> No.7808999
File: 82 KB, 720x540, yotsuba_whats_candy_by_hymnofvalefor-d31zbui.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am.



It's like living in The Yotsuba world, with my own blond Yotsuba.

>> No.7809001

Although, she DID beat SA.

That shit isn't easy even when you pick easymodo.

>> No.7809002
File: 322 KB, 800x800, sariel chibi_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your daughter is fucking amazing. Seriously, she sounds awesome

>> No.7809009
File: 123 KB, 640x480, P8020011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, you can't have her.

Though awesome she may be, she is scared shitless when it comes to Halloween, which is something I've been trying to fix.

Unfortunately, making these pumpkins and dressing up as the grim reaper has not helped.

I'm considering therapy.

>> No.7809018


There was this anon who wanted to give games in Halloween...

>> No.7809020

Besides for wanting to do it he also did actually do it for at least two years.

Oh hey, it's coming up again.

>> No.7809041

That guy is awesome IRL but he's moved onto other things.

>> No.7809058
File: 237 KB, 800x532, sakuya hnnng overload_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Goddamnit. First Usagi Drop, and now this thread. This is a global conspiracy to get me to want to have children, isn't it?!

>> No.7809061

It's more a collective consciousness conspiracy, really.

>> No.7809067


Also it just occurred to me. If she's scared of Halloween, maybe you could consider involving something she loves in it



>> No.7809077

That's nice OP, but please don't use greentext or fuck off to /v/

>> No.7809084

Except for one problem
>Go to door to get candy
>No one knows who the fuck you are
>Say angel of death
>Everybody thinks that is supposed to be the grim reaper.

>> No.7809096

This. OP is a greentexting shitposter. Don't listen to him.

>> No.7809097

I'm reading his posts and there's nothing you can do about it.

>> No.7809124
File: 40 KB, 512x512, cirno tally ho_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




Besides, if your neighbors can't humor a costume, they're shit tier. I once went trick or treating with my younger sister as BAGHEAD: HERO OF ALL BAGDOM. It was a paper bag with eyes cut out. I still got candy. Fuck yeah

>> No.7809133

>Nah, the porn is in a different folder but the games are in one separate.
I'd consider moving it off your main computer, or to a removable hard drive and keep it removed.
If she's started looking around the hard drive, she will find it eventually.
It's just a matter of time.

>> No.7809152

>Although, she DID beat SA.
What the fuck?!

>> No.7809156

that's an odd name for your dick.

>> No.7809154 [DELETED] 


>> No.7809153

Hey, I'd put it somewhere where she can find it. Kid's gonna find out about it eventually, better to get that out of the way sooner than later.

I mean, I found out when I was nine. She's ten. Who knows how much she knows already?

>> No.7809162
File: 14 KB, 226x226, sanae please don't talk about such vulgar things_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


H-how can you be so lewd, Anon?!

>> No.7809175

>I mean, I found out when I was nine. She's ten. Who knows how much she knows already?
There's a big difference between discovering porn and discovering _your father's_ porn.

>> No.7809178

Just clear all your local saved shit and stick to exhentai.

>> No.7809183

Well then, leave a danbooru page open with some meek imagery on it, like, I dunno, cirno rating:questionable. Doesn't needs to be your porn, though I doubt it makes a difference. She's ten.

>> No.7809208

>Doesn't needs to be your porn, though I doubt it makes a difference. She's ten.
It's because she's ten that it does make a difference.
If her first exposure to porn is her father's own whack off folder, that's going to have a big effect on her.

>> No.7809212

Introduce her to th2. Also remember that learning languages in childhood is much easier than in adulthood, so take her to japanese classes so she wouldn't pollute >>>/lang/ with 'halp me to learn nipponese plox'

>> No.7809218

You're making a big deal out of the whole father thing. Unless he enjoys scat or guro, I doubt the kid's gonna be shocked for life.

But like I said, doesn't needs to be his porn.

>> No.7809219

agreed, this is what I do for all porn, even 3D ones
except for cp

>> No.7809530

Oh, don't worry, I made sure to lecture her on faggotry in general and the evils of Gaia.

>> No.7809607

Get her to take Japanese class. Get her to translate shit for you.


>> No.7809638

this is not otaku culture

this is normalfag show and tell hour

>> No.7809850

It's good that she likes it, I guess. If she does more art, put it on!
