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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 137 KB, 450x775, 1304706636330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7800488 No.7800488 [Reply] [Original]

/jp/ is beyond saving.
My only hope is that it's users will leave like rats jumping off a burning ship.

>> No.7800493

suck my cock dude

>> No.7800497
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>> No.7800505

Someone screencap the front page the amount of shiposting going on is EPIC.


>> No.7800503
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>> No.7800513

Oh dear. Guro. You are so extreme.

Why don't you post actual gore, you pansy?

>> No.7800508
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>> No.7800510
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Liberate tutemet ex /jp/

>> No.7800520
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I can't fap to gore.

>> No.7800523
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>> No.7800526

Isn't that /a/'s area, though?

The worst thing is that this is happening after summer, which implies there is no hope left. I'm surprised the board held up for so long, actually.
Thanks for all the good times, guys. I'm out.

>> No.7800532
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(Don't hit your tail on the way out!)

>> No.7800539
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>> No.7800545
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>> No.7800553
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>> No.7800550
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>> No.7800559


>> No.7800568
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Please don't shit up my thread with that trash.

>> No.7800574

Funny. Eurofags used to complain about the quality of jp, but it is always when Europe is active when all the shitposting begins.

Off to bed I go.

>> No.7800584
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>> No.7800595

"meido is not around so I must shitpost"

Get spammed

>> No.7800597

You're not really trying to say the shitposting ever ends, are you?

>> No.7800601

I hope you're not implying Americans go to bed before midnight.

>> No.7800605
File: 338 KB, 750x1000, 94520260d16db858f7e36c27a912a78f..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might as well be a thread I approve of than some other shit thread.

>> No.7800612
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>> No.7800615

But its still shit

>> No.7800620
File: 1.13 MB, 1000x1224, 18827290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you rather be covered in your own shit or someone else's?

>> No.7800623

Oh, you and your unwarranted self-importance, Anonymous~

>> No.7800624
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>> No.7800626
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>> No.7800632
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>> No.7800633

Just what are you implying with a name like that?

Are you tsundere for cutespammer?

>> No.7800644 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7800647
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>> No.7800653
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>> No.7800666
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>> No.7800671

why boner

Who is this artist?

>> No.7800673
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>> No.7800677

/jp/ /a/ split

In the beginning:
/a/ - Good grief, we got rid of those rule nazis! We can talk about Naruto all day long now!
/jp/ - We got rid of the retards, now we can concentrate on Touhou and VN

/b/a/v/ raids
/b/a/v/ - I....I think I want to stay here. ⇦Decline starts here
/jp/ - W-Why is everything going so fast

More /b/a/v/ raids and immigrants
/jp/ - \(^o^)/

Able /jp/-ers move to 2channel, only mid to low level /jp/ers and immigrants remain ⇦ -NOW-

>> No.7800678
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>> No.7800685
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However, I dislike gelbooru because guro is officially against the rules and thus it's an incomplete collection at best.

>> No.7800687

How am I suposed to move to 2chan if I can barely read japanese?

>Your post implies that you are a mid-low tier /jp/er

>> No.7800692
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>> No.7800700
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I just love unnecessary drama.

>> No.7800699
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>> No.7800706



>> No.7800703
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>> No.7800711
File: 337 KB, 1000x1350, noway.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7800712

they were still spamming naruto threads whenever they were made on /a/ during the split. way to show you weren't even around during it.

all the old /jp/ users who don't only play vn or 2hu browse /a/ since it's commonly better than /jp/ for entertainment.

>> No.7800716

I spoke to an /a/ user recently in an MMO, he said he came to /jp/ to shitpost because there was too much shitposting ruining /a/ and that he was trying to get his friends at highschool to come here.

>> No.7800718
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>> No.7800723
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>> No.7800732
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>> No.7800727
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My love.

>> No.7800730
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>> No.7800731

What? I know a lot of long term /jp/ers personally through bad fotm games and the consensus even among those who used to browse both is that /a/ is unusable before you even get to the question of /jp/ quality.

>> No.7800735
File: 365 KB, 1000x1000, b49546cdd7317858555a3e2ea7dcb9fe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do not get some sort of wrong idea of this, I've been avoiding you as long as I could.

>> No.7800738
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>> No.7800739
File: 107 KB, 1280x800, 2011-08-23_00001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>open images
>three pages of christ moralfags complaining about it
>all sensible people got downvoted into oblivion

>> No.7800744
File: 428 KB, 525x700, 1305450155729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7800745

/jp/ metathreads made by newfriends like this one always remind me of this sketch:


>> No.7800748
File: 335 KB, 600x800, 63920718bb7873fa5592c95c71f546d2da41f774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I love it when you show up.
I can sleep easy now, so i'll be deleting this in five minutes.

>> No.7800751
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>> No.7800758
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As much as I hate to say it, I've been in an exceptionally ornery mood as of late, so this did help alleviate it a bit.

Of course you're still at fault for ignoring the rules.

>> No.7800766

if they still watch anime and read manga then /a/ is just fine. i assume they're like the usual /a/ bashing retard who doesn't even watch anime or read manga. yet somehow they have some insight about the quality of the board.

/a/ translates anime, manga, light novels, and even helps translate visual novels related to /a/. /jp/ leeches off everyone and has "users" who visit twice a year translating crap games at a snails pace and a few users who translate doujinshi (like it's difficult). which board is better?

>> No.7800766,1 [INTERNAL] 

See, even these threads aren't as good as they used to be.

>> No.7800766,2 [INTERNAL] 

I'd rather not be banned.

>> No.7800766,3 [INTERNAL] 

Why do you even bother posting them in the first place then?

>> No.7800766,4 [INTERNAL] 

Why does anyone post to /jp/ ever?

>> No.7800766,5 [INTERNAL] 

I meant why does he post a guro thread knowing he'll get banned

Or you, if you're the one who posted it

>> No.7800766,6 [INTERNAL] 

The only reason the /b/-style shitposting is so rampant is because the meido is giving them attention by deleting their posts and not banning them so they shitpost with no regard to the consequences.

I've been saying it since the beginning, the meido needs to be fired or replaced with a mod with actual fangs. They'll either get bored and leave or run out of proxies/network adapters.

Also, people don't seem to realize the Buttranger /new/ edit is ironic and wasn't supposed to encourage shitposting like it apparently did.

>> No.7800766,7 [INTERNAL] 

It's your fault for creating this shitstorm so you have to be the one to end it.

Go forth and slay the evil Meido like you were born to do, Buttranger. It's your destiny.

>> No.7800766,8 [INTERNAL] 

Yeah well, I'd say its a step up from /jp/ being spammed all over 24/7.

It would be nice to see an actual mod take residence here, but that's asking a lot.

>> No.7800766,9 [INTERNAL] 


I prefer to sift through the occasional shit thread to find a possibly off-topic interesting thread rather than nothing but boring as fuck touhou / old VN threads thanks to an overzealous janitor. Right now once the meido leaves the tightly closed shit valve bursts open and you can't even have a semblance of discussion in the constant flow of shit. The valve has to be left open but controlled.

>> No.7800766,10 [INTERNAL] 

Sorry if /jp/ isn't for you then, there are plenty of other boards however, you might even find one that suits your tastes.

If not that, then look elsewhere on the internet.

>> No.7800766,11 [INTERNAL] 

Make me.

>> No.7800766,12 [INTERNAL] 

/jp/ was around for a long time before the most recent janitor started actually enforcing the no fun allowed rule.

>> No.7800766,13 [INTERNAL] 

>because the meido is giving them attention by deleting their posts and not banning them
How the hell can a janitor ban people?

>> No.7800766,14 [INTERNAL] 

Do the job your tools permit, not the job that you wish you had the tools for. You can't rule a board with an iron hand if you're not a moderator.

>> No.7800766,15 [INTERNAL] 

Crap, the first thing I did after waking up and getting on my computer was visit /jp/. Fuck you, force of habit, I don't want to come here anymore.

I don't think that could really work, after all they can always just reset their router and get a brand new IP (or fire up new proxies) to shitpost. Don't underestimate their autism, by the way, because judging by the recent spam on other boards like /a/, these people are easily capable of spending 12+ hours per day doing nothing other than spamming.
And, well. If the shit isn't deleted, it will clog up the entire board. If it is, they'll shit harder and harder. How can one fight that? I admit that ignoring it could work, but it's too risky - after all, they could just spam harder to try catching the attention of the janitor or something like that.

Ah, damn. I don't think there's any more hope for this board, and at this point I don't even know who I should blame.

>> No.7800766,16 [INTERNAL] 

Is your definition of fun acting like a retarded 12 years old kid? Why can't you just go to one of the thousands of forums about that, then?
I love some of the off-topic threads on /jp/, but this is just silly.

>> No.7800766,17 [INTERNAL] 

>And, well. If the shit isn't deleted, it will clog up the entire board.
Hide and report shit threads, sage off-topic threads, bump on-topic or otherwise decent threads, and have the janitor clean the whole house when there's more than forty useless threads floating around.


>> No.7800766,18 [INTERNAL] 

And by useless threads, I mean shit threads. Useless threads are sometimes interesting and don't hurt anyone unless there are genuinely too many of them and in that case just exercise judgment.

>> No.7800766,19 [INTERNAL] 

This sounds like a good idea. Maybe the janitor being too active is bad for this board.
