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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 259 KB, 963x640, Tokyo Night.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7789635 No.7789635 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone out there move to Tokyo seeking a good life surrounded by a culture you love and have it turn out well?

Just wondering because I'm considering.

>> No.7789644


>> No.7789643

depends on what kind of mindset you're in when you move there.

if you go in with any expectations you'll be burnt out in a month or two

>> No.7789647

The mindset of living there simply because you'd be happy with the culture and life style.

>> No.7789646

Sometimes, I haven't put any serious thought into it though.

>> No.7789665

It is really difficult to get a job being a foreigner in Japan. Maybe if they need someone who can speak english fluently and japanese at the same time they may hire you, but trying to get a job an average japanese can do it is almost impossible.

I am a programmer living in Hong Kong, always wanted to move to Japan but it is almost impossible.

>> No.7789668

You would probably want to visit for a few weeks before making any serious decisions.

I'm sure you've heard this before, but japan isnt the kawaii anime land that popular media tends to portray.

>> No.7789672

I would imagine so. I also wish to go into IT or computer science of the sorts, but I feel as if I would be out of a job if I went there.

>> No.7789692

There's a lot of demand for programming/software development jobs, I'd imagine it's the same in Japan. You might need to learn the language though if you want to be competitive. Check out some job sites (careercross, gaijinpot, letsjapan.org, etc) to get an idea of what's in demand.

>> No.7789695

If you get to Tokyo, the first thing you have to do is to make your new friends.
I think this city would be very interesting and attractive.But it is only for the people who have friends in there.
There're far too many people, so lonely guys would get a neurosis.

>> No.7789703

What exactly do you "love" about the "culture"? Entertainment and cute girls?
Because you're going to have a hard time if you go there expecting fun all the time and then finding out you're supposed to do unpaid overtime till 12pm at least twice a week, the mindless servilism, bigotry and hypocrisy accepted as normal social interactions and lots of things that aren't featured in your animu because that's exactly the sort of thing the make escapism for

>> No.7789707

The real problem is having the experience required for those jobs.

>> No.7789726

You don't have to move to frikin Tokyo. Go somewhere more laid back in Japan.

>> No.7789734

i ll be using the working holiday visa to move to tokyo for a year (in 2013)

i am hoping for the best

>> No.7789739

I almost moved to Tokyo. Military had me on orders to Yokota Air Base, but when the earthquake/tsunami hit I was redirected to Okinawa.

It's terrible.

>> No.7789780

Hi OP -

"Moving to xxxx seeking good life" is phrase that shows that this isn't for you. Moving outside country isn't going on holiday trip. People who live in poverty and their country has war have hard time to move to next country and you want to travel so far away just for fun without even slight realistic view. This isn't something to "wonder and consider" choice of fun country to go. Start reading embassy site to check if you even have possibility to move there and money to move. Check possibilities for employment (being teacher is good for students going on longer holiday). Check prices of house/apartment - you need to pay for it before moving. You need money to survive few first months and for emergency return ticket. Also you need to learn all formal matters like healthcare, job insurance, banking matters, driving licence, status of immigrants (most of countries have strict rules for them) and much more. I doubt you did any of these if you make thread on imageboard.

Oh - and prepare for serious culture shock, realization that nobody likes foreigners (just like you probably complain about 'spics stealing your jobs' - because you will be 'american stealing Japanese jobs'. ) and fact that you need to speak at least fluent Japanese.

And these matters are probably more serious than you think they are.

Last advice is - go at first to Japan as tourist for as long as you can and be away from tourists spots even to check if you "like" to be there.

>> No.7790098

The important thing is to make sure you arrive with a lot of money and an employer that won't screw you over. If you google your company's name and it autofills "terrible company" right after it, it's a gigantic neon flashing warning sign.

>> No.7790102

>realization that nobody likes foreigners
Holy fuck,are you serious?
The only people that act like that are maybe old people(in Japan) They even eat lovely foreign made kfc every CHRISTMAS.

>> No.7790104

You'll have an easy life in you're biseinen. Over there, looks are one of the most important things.
They can give you work, money and almost everything what you need.

>> No.7790106

Not only tokyo but I went through japan as a whole.

I think if you go to tokyo with no english, a bit socially retarded (you DO browse 4chan), no friends.
It will get to you.

You would need contacts.
For example japan-guide.
Get 4-5 people. Fly over there for 2 weeks, meet people.

Then fly again if you liked it.

Japan can be awesome!
But also lonely if you have a language barrier, ESPECIALLY if you go to such a big place like tokyo...
I have no clue why people like this city.

>> No.7790108

>surrounded by a culture you love
But I just moved away from Tennessee, I can't go back already much as I'd like to.

>> No.7790114

Japanese people are very carefull about their "outer appereance" as a whole.

But 2 things I found out:

If you are white you have it alot easier.
Certain rules are not as harsh. And you have a "look bonus".
Seemed they appreciated it if you are honest and not a shallow person.

But again, if you visit tokyo or even roppongi then thats the kind of people you will meet.

>> No.7790121


>every christmas

>> No.7790122

The same way as 99% of Americans eat Chinese fast-food and Japanese sushi - nobody cares what is country of origin.

And yes I'm serious, I bet you haven't left your country before.

I'm not telling that everyone on spot will hate you - but you should be prepared to be told to leave place or strange reactions when riding a train or people staring on you. You are foreigner and you will have similar reactions as you have for foreigners in your country. And even worse in countries with small amounts of immigrants like Japan (In Tokyo it might be "OK" but outside it will be a lot worse).

Really - before moving and setting your life try going as tourist to check country.

At first he needs working permit.

>> No.7790125

I've considered moving to Japan when SHTF, but then I realized they'd be at high risk of getting nuked by chinks.

>> No.7790134

this. come to osaka. full of nice people that take it easy.

>> No.7790154
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Must be because you're black.

>> No.7790170

worked for two weeks in a high-class bar in tokyo, and one time out of ten or so, they'd ask me for a japanese waiter.
though being french and cute ( from their perspective at least ) made it a looot easier with female customers.

>> No.7790174

>or people staring on you.
Implying japs are not ultra fast with their staring.
Unless they sit in a car.

Was living in a mini town for months.
The local obaasans helped me out alot and were very friendly.

I'm sure there was talk about some foreigner with crappy japanese living for a few months. But thats normal.
I'm from austria. If some guy from africa comes to some small town he gets attention too.

>but you should be prepared to be told to leave place
Which places? Hostess? Soapland?

>Tokyo, not good move to a town more laid back
>come to osaka.
Wtf anon.
Osaka always seemed cold to me. The city itself, not the people.
I liked Sapporo alot more. Pun unintended.
But to each of his own.

>> No.7790177
File: 86 KB, 377x504, 1314149167722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Same here. When I was in Tokyo, a random jap on the street was so mesmerized by my whiteness that she asked for my autograph.

>> No.7790182

>The local obaasans

>> No.7790188

I'm white and really - I'm not telling this out of spite to Japanese people. I simply see that people moving to Japan have no idea about life and how it is "outside of USA".

And really - there is myth about "Japanese worshipping whites" but it's only myth that is spread on shitty websites like kotaku and other let's admit - attention seeking websites.

But truth is that foreigners always attract attention especially White and Black. While you will have it easier with some kinds of social situations (in places where people will think you are tourist) in everyday life you will have to act in "Japanese way" and will be judged from it.

If you think it social/culture related things are not important - go ahead.

Now comes the hardest part -
Try to get Working Permit/Visa.
You need to know basics of Law.
You are left yourself - local government won't help you too much - they have own citizens and own problems to solve.
and things related to Money.

If OP is serious - start at your local Japanese embassy to ask if you even have possibility to move to Japan.

>> No.7790201
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How else should I call them?
Local old/middle aged women who stand on the street talking about the latest gosip?

>> No.7790204

no, I just thought it was funny

>> No.7790213

Okay, no harm then. Sorry anon.

>> No.7790318

ITT: People who know nothing about japan.

>> No.7790321
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Enlighten us with your wisdom anon.

>> No.7790370
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I am one step from earning a scholarship for 5 years to study in Japan (just waiting for the green go from MEXT), but the truth is that I'm a bit scared about moving there if I do earn it.

It's definitely better than the shithole my country is, but things like the legal system/gaijin card/work ethic are a bit intimidating. I think I've read and seen both spectra from notorious internet gaijins, from Debito to Ken Tanaka.

Pic related, people unfamiliar with the Japanese legal system should watch the whole movie because it taught me quite a bit about it: それでもボクはやってない

>> No.7790380


What shithole?

>> No.7790388
File: 56 KB, 450x300, 4634bus2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Country's Panama. US expats usually come here to live cheap retired life in one of the high-class ex-US areas, but for us commoners work wage is pretty much shit, public transport is awful (pic related), food price is bloated in comparison to what the average person earns, the education sucks (I only know English due to scholarships and work, not many are that lucky), crime rate is over the top (I almost got killed myself once, inside my own house)... well, it's not so bad if I compare it to some African starved country, but at least Japan is a switch in a better direction from this.

>> No.7790409

Japan doesn't hate foreigners.

>> No.7790415

I live in France and I'm thinking about moving to either the USA or Japan after my studies. I've never visited any of them, and I realize that I don't know enough about each of them.

I don't think moving to Japan would be a good idea, with the different cultures and language barrier.

Since most of you leave in the US, is moving to the US worth it?

>> No.7790484

I've never been to France, so I can't really say if leaving France for the US is a good idea or not. The US isn't a bad place to move to, but the only places you want to be are the east coast or the west coast. Everything in the middle is for people that might as well be dead. Try not to move to any dangerous places, like Baltimore.

>> No.7790737


Wo kommst du her? Wohn auch in Österreich.

>> No.7790748

Can you tell me a little bit more about living in Sapporo? I've always been interested in going there (hopefully try to get sent there via JET) but I can't find nearly as much info on it as places like Osaka and Tokyo.

>> No.7790747

'the city itself' is cold? what does that even mean?

>> No.7790776

>seeking a good life surrounded by a culture you love and have it turn out well
I hope that you are being ironic, OP. Really.

>> No.7790840

Gib doch a Ruh und bleib daham.

>> No.7791046

I see, thanks.

>> No.7791836

Why not improve your shithole country instead of going to a better one to ruin theirs?

>> No.7792710

Hmmm, I'm late, hope anybody sees the response.
Ich komm aus Salzburg. (Der Stadt).
Ausser saufen kann man aber hier ned viel unternehmen. Drum hau ich öfters ab.
Wo kommst du her?

The first time I saw Osaka (after arriving at the Airport and traveling to the other one) I saw huge lifeless buildings.
It's possible its just me but that kinda takes away your energy and motivation.
I also was 3-4 days in Osaka without traveling in a bus just between the airports.
Visited Dotonbori etc. (Everything near Namba).
The people were friendly, I liked it.
But again the city just seemed so lifeless.
A huge fucking building with hundreds of people living in them. Who wants that?
But again, maybe I don't know Osaka good enough. I'm not the big city type.

Was there for a week so I can't say much for living.
However the people were extremely friendly.
2 older women offered me to walk with them to the place I wanted to visit.
Another one walked for 40 minutes in the cold with me. Very helpful and friendly. But a week is maybe short to judge the people.
Was there in december, it was freaking cold. But there is a beautiful christmas market in odori koen, if you are every there I suggest you check it out.
They have christmas illumination. Just wonderful.
Subway system is a bit confusing. (comparing with other citis)
So I guess Sapporo is very nice, but it sucks its so cold in the winter.
Even the japanese try not to walk too much outside.

Jo genau.
Haben doch so schöne Berge. Das muss reichen.
Bekomm ich auch oft genug gesagt. Die sind leider dann keine Trolle so wie du.

>> No.7793350

I know a girl who moved to Japan and teaches English there. She loves it. I'm jealous.

>> No.7793469

Your English is great, couldn't distinguish you from a native at all. How long have you been speaking it for?

>> No.7794595

Doesnt artifact the guy who runs Shitkaku live in Japan?

I wonder if what he makes from the site is enough to support himself there.(If he actually lives there that is)

>> No.7794605

Just putting it out there

>> No.7794620

I've considered going to spend all my savings and kill myself

I wouldn't want to move there unless it was with the military or something, and I'm pretty sure with my luck getting stationed in some busy shit tier european city is much more likely

>> No.7794650

>she wants to fuck

>> No.7794669

If you're a foreigner, be prepared for bigotry every single day.

Have an uncle who lives in Japan and literally hates it. Visited him there as well, and was absolute shit.

The city itself is great with lots of history, great places to visit, etc. But people treat you like scum. The Japanese hate anyone not Japanese.

>> No.7794687

Oh god here we go

>> No.7794696


People hate anyone who's not them

>> No.7794704

>people treat you like scum.
Maybe because you are scum? Gaijin pig.

>> No.7794712

ITT: People who never heard of the saying "when in Rome do as the Romans do"

>> No.7794723
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But those Romans are crazy.

>> No.7794732

If Romans jumped off a bridge would you do it too?

>> No.7794742
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>58 posts and 6 image replies omitted
>trv thread

>> No.7794938

Otherwise I would not go to their country.

>> No.7795518

The thing I find so saddening about tons of Otaku is that they think moving to japan will end up with them living surrounded by people that like the same things they do. In reality most people frown upon them, and japanese are notorious racists.
I actually knew this one guy who I can only assume was autistic. He once said to me that you could go to japan and talk about touhou and the whole country would love you. Are all of you ignorant fucks like this?

>> No.7795558

Otaku culture being socially unacceptable in Japan is such an old subject that it's not even worth discussing anymore. I find it hard to believe anyone browsing this place regularly still maintaining any such delusions.

>> No.7795564

I'm argentinian, will they think I'm white?

>> No.7795581

I hear they need people who know computer animation and conversational english teachers. Also; game show contestants!! Everyone likes to laugh at foreigners, especially Americans.

>> No.7795602


Samefag here. That's actually the point, since I'd be going for a degree to come back to my country with better education than what I could've earned here, smartass.

>> No.7795624


siempre me sorprende que encuentro tantos argentinos en el internet. de que parte sos?
y los argentinos son blancos, todos saben eso.m

>> No.7795636

I want to go study one or two semesters in tokyo but I find it very unlikely, my major being literature.

>> No.7795637


>> No.7795684

flor de la v.jpg

>> No.7795936

Yeah, don't move to Japan "seeking a good life". This is a bad fucking time to be hitting that place anyway. I lived there for 3 years, in Saitama-ken, right next to Tokyo. Unless you have some badass marketable skills, finding a job that will afford you a lifestyle to have ANY fun will be next to impossible. If you had any useful skills you'd probably have a decent job in whatever country you currently live in, and wouldn't be considering Japan. Expect to get there and end up working in an eikaiwa -- aka english sweatshop. You'll make $30k a year, and live in poverty with a bunch of other foreigners around you, but hey, that would be a good life, right?

>> No.7796195


What were your expectations to begin with and what line of work were you involved with while you were living there for three years?

>> No.7797117

You are as ridiculous as the people that think all japanese watch anime.

Some like it, some don't.
But to say that Anime/Games isn't bigger in japan than in the west thats just plain wrong.

Always depends on who you hang out with.

>> No.7797186

I like so much when white people think moving to a whole 'nother country is like a walk in the park.

Like, I come from Mexico, I was in France, and I tell you, it takes a while to adjust to how things work there. The greatest shock for me was that I had to obey the law. You know how in Mexico people give such a little fuck about the law they see no problem with torching a casino and killing 50 and getting away to a safehouse where they will get shitfaced and celebrate? Well, in France, this doesn't happens, because you have to obey the law, you have to research the law to know how you're supposed to act. I had to research the law to learn how to ride a bike in the streets so I could move around in Vélib bikes for fuck sake.

And now, if this happened when I moved from a Western-like culture to a Western culture, imagine what happens when you move from two cultures that grew separated until the 20th century...

>> No.7798222

I'm a top tier student in the UK with good job prospects but I know I'll never have a happy future in this shitty country.

>> No.7798275

If you really want to live in Japan and have a bachelors, you could teach English over there for a year or two to see what it's like. Just realize that as much as you love the culture of Japan you're seeing it through a filter, there's a lot of xenophobia and racism you'll encounter if you do end up living there.

I'm planning on teaching English over there myself but it's good to be realistic about what to expect.

>> No.7798298

Time to move to Mexico.

>> No.7798302
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I live and work in Taiwan.

Really enjoying it! Hot girls and cheap living. It is the home of HTC, Asus and Acer. Quality of life is high in the capital of Taipei.

>> No.7798314

Warning: Blog entry detected:

I moved to the country, more than an hour from Tokyo by train. I was alone for most of my time there, but my landlady made a point of having me over for tea once every few weeks. I tried to keep my otaku-ness closeted (but I had Miyazaki posters mixed in with the other art, and my one poster of Ayukawa Madoka in the garage...some people probably guessed.)

I got the "X" (crossed arms indicating No Good or "NG") when I tried to enter many establishments in and out of Tokyo. Many of these were nightlife or adult services establishments.

I'm a skinny, genteel, slightly feminine looking white dude, and I usually travel alone. I was lonely sometimes, though I wallow in it and enjoy it.

Things would have been a lot harder if I didn't have money.

I didn't actually make real friends, but I didn't try that hard (according to the author of one of the best books I've read (Lonely Japan) even the Japanese don't make real friends after they leave their K-12 years.)

If I had it to do again I'd become a regular at a bar/izakaya, and talk to the other regulars there. I made several single-serving friends in the course of, say, going to Sapporo and finding a place that served bear meat hot pot. --everyone is curious about a white dude traveling alone, and they're less likely to be racist to a white dude than anything else.

...though black dudes tend to get lots of lady action.

...speaking of lady action, when I experimented with shaving ALL my body hair, I was much better received at the soapland that I FINALLY found that would accept gaijin.

>> No.7798336


Blog entry continued, but shortly:

I moved back to the US after a few years to follow my job. I was happy to get back and savor a beer selection, meat selection, and book selection more in keeping with what I liked. If I liked watching TV shows and talking to strangers, I'd have missed that also; my Japanese-fu is weak.

It's been three years now. I miss the grocery stores, convenience stores, izakaya, and manners of Japan almost every day even now. I'm trying to learn to make certain dishes in my kitchen, and I try to arrange my business trips to transit through Narita so I can at least stop at the sushi place there (even in Hawaii, good sushi is almost impossible to find.)

If I were utterly single (I am not) and had enough money to do whatever I wanted, I'd go back and settle there.

Try it. You'll be dead in 70 years and forgotten in 100. Life's too short not to experiment. This may be a mistake, but it's the kind of mistake you'll regret not making.

You can order books off of Amazon. You can go without a decent steak, barbecue ribs, peanut butter, or your booze of choice for a while also. Go native. One of my few white friends there (well, I knew him for a week before he left; he'd been there years) went to the same bathhouse every day because his place didn't have a tub. He made friends. ...and he was super hairy all over.

I'm going to go watch Lost in Translation now.

>> No.7798368


Unless you're so far into the countryside that it'd take you an hour just to get ON a bullet train, nobody is even remotely interested in your whiteness.

...but if you're really tall? Oh, everyone will want to take pictures with you. ...this is true all across asia. I once had someone put their six-inch foot next to my twelve-inch foot and take a photo without even asking permission.

People got uncomfortable in the rare occasions when I talked about ANY of my geekish passions. I quickly learned to keep it quiet. ...even when talking about Igo or Shogi, fer krissake.

Read all the books you can find about travel there (not travel guides, though those are good too, but the "culture shock Japan" and "lost Japan" and anything else that speaks about what it's like there.) Otaku-centric books (there are a lot of self-hating otaku here.) aren't as useful, but every bit of knowledge is valuable. ...and a little Japanese goes a long way, but the few times I stepped away from using polite language ended up, as often as not, very embarrassing. I don't handle embarrassment well.

>> No.7798379

>cheap living
How much first world money do I need to save up to live the rest of my life there in a mansion with a harem of crossdressing maids?

>> No.7798443

Everyone everywhere hates immigrants and foreigners. Even if they don't spit you in the face they will still consider you the scum of the earth.

You will be like the Mexicans in America or the Turks in Europe.

>> No.7798597

f*ckin japs. why do they hate us ????? :(

>> No.7801005

 .    | \
     |Д`)   No one is here.
     |⊂     I can dance now !

     ♪  ☆
   ♪   / \    RANTA TAN
      ヽ(´Д`;)ノ   RANTA TAN
         (  へ)    RANTA RANTA
          く       TAN

   ♪    ☆
     ♪  / \   RANTA RANTA
      ヽ(;´Д`)ノ  RANTA TAN
         (へ  )    RANTA TANTA
             >    TAN
