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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7783913 No.7783913 [Reply] [Original]

Why does Daisuke make my dick so hard?

>> No.7783914

I'd hit Kou.

No homo though.

>> No.7783921
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>> No.7783928

Don't worry anon, homosexuality has become more accepted in the modern world, you can come clean about yourself here, /jp/ is a refuge for sexual deviants of all kinds.

>> No.7783932


The best.

>> No.7783940

It's like I'm really Japanese!

>> No.7783941

Don't encourage people to start dicksucking threads, please.

>> No.7783958

Because he's the best girl.

>> No.7783966

Chie is the best trap

>> No.7783971

>thread about which underage girl you'd most like to shit on
>Thread about your crush on a man.

>> No.7783975


>> No.7783979

/jp/ - Faggot Culture

>> No.7783995
File: 469 KB, 600x793, 0d6f6c61d208cb16f2148943a78c4bd705d46e92.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We both know you would suck that dick dry.

>> No.7783998

time to fap

>> No.7784006
File: 12 KB, 429x410, Christian.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Homosexuality as bad and a sin, mkay?

>> No.7784007
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I know i would.
..It is not gay if the dude looks like a chick!

>> No.7784017

/jp/ homosexual crew represent

>> No.7784021


>> No.7784027


>> No.7784049

What would you call homosexual men if they all suddenly transformed into women?


>> No.7784059

>all homosexuals are promiscuous because those are the only ones I even know are gay or remember seeing

not really

>> No.7784075

I'm sure you have met rational, decent gay men. That is good.

I haven't. Not even once. Otherwise I would consider your truth as a possibility. Homosexuality is a beast-like state for me.

>> No.7785034

>I am afraid of sex

>> No.7785039

Persona 4 is like Ar Tonelico but better and more VN like which makes it /jp/ related.

>> No.7785047

Nice obtuse logic there.

>> No.7785060

If seeing people be sexual offends you, then you are, indeed, afraid of sex.

>> No.7785083
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People being sexual does not offend me, in the same way I am not offended by any other sort of biological need. It is natural.

Except that homosexuals are beyond promiscuous. I make a dime every month for assorted STDs they contract. And when I compare them with the prostitutes that come once a month, the gay men are far more infested than any of them. By far.

And if homosexuality was the worst deviation I had ever seen, I would be worried. It is how queer men carry it out that makes me feel contempt.

>> No.7785088

Confirmation bias.

Prostitutes have an obligation beyond their health to keep themselves clean. Sexuality is their livelihood and fucking that up with STDs is the last thing they need.

>> No.7785093

>Persona 4
>Like Ar Tonelico but better
How fucking dare you say that! How dare you insult Ar Tonelico's superior music and story. I can't even imagine what crossed your mind when posting that.

>> No.7785096

It's not confirmation bias if it's true.

>> No.7785095

Kou > Daisuke

>> No.7785101
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>> No.7785107
File: 161 KB, 600x483, Gay Culture..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ - Gay Culture

>> No.7785113
File: 540 KB, 579x816, 21196931.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup, I know. Those girls try to take care of themselves as best they can. Some of them are kinda shy. Poor dears.

What you don't seem to understand is that I'm comparing a high risk group with another high risk group, and I find your average prostitute to be healthier than the average gay man.

And then we have the issue of the bug chasers. You would think that having a gruesome, painful, slow death would deter most people, but I see this is not the case.

But hey, I understand that you do not want to believe that such a thing is possible or that it happens around you. That's completely understandable. I didn't want to believe it at first. Read more cold, hard, data from completely neutral sources and you will see.

>> No.7785145
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Fucking STDs.
As if other humans are not scary enough.

Then again i suppose its a good thing they exist.
If not most people would go on a rampant slut spree.

..Me included.

>> No.7785150

