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File: 1.44 MB, 2000x1250, Minitokyo.G-Senjou.no.Maou.530666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7771172 No.7771172 [Reply] [Original]

Can't stop crying..


Let's have a favourite VN OST/track thread.

>> No.7771179

As far as character themes go, this is one of the best.

>> No.7771180


>> No.7771184

Why are KEY osts always so fucking great

>> No.7771204
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Not my favourite, but such an intense and fitting track for aerial dogfights


>> No.7771215

I preferred Close Your Eyes

>> No.7771226

A recent favorite:

>> No.7771233

You're funny.

>> No.7771234

Also enjoyed narcissu's OST

>> No.7771246


Yeah, yeah.

>> No.7771256
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HELL yeah

>> No.7771261


>> No.7771278


>> No.7771295
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pretty great too imo


>> No.7771296


>> No.7771331

"Hello, world." is my favorite, as always.

>> No.7771423

few of my favorite ones:

>> No.7771507


>> No.7771633

No mention of Daiteikoku? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_FZXIuLlLXI&list=FLCnWtPjlo6PdOZAwE_u07Jg&index=7

>> No.7771637

Vocal-wise, the ending songs of Pandora no Yume are pretty excellent

>> No.7771751

Elements Garden needs to do more instrumental stuff.


>> No.7771768

Can shmups come too?

>> No.7771773


Favorite track from G-Senjou. I can and have listened to this all day.

>> No.7771775

Awesome soundtrack, too bad the game is shit

Rewrite had a pretty awesome soundtrack

>> No.7771802

I honestly never played the game. I just picked up the soundtrack because Elements Garden did it.

Searching for some other tracks:

I tried looking for Grisaia, but either they're watching the streaming sites like hawks or I'm doing something wrong.

>> No.7771814
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Ever 17.

>> No.7771831

I like how I don't really need to post in VN OST threads, because there is always someone before me to post Natsukage.

I will contribute anyway.

>> No.7771897
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>> No.7771899


>> No.7771916

I have this one as wake up alarm

>> No.7771919

Lol G-sen.

The plot twist is that you aren't an interesting character after all. What a shitty game.

>> No.7771921

>plot twist
You mean there are people that didn't get it after the first chapter? really?

>> No.7771933

I got it before the game even came out in Japan, that's how hardcore I am.

>> No.7772111


Really. I wish that the protagonist was actually Maou. Would have been far more interesting.

>> No.7772227

Loved ef's soundtrack. Shame it's such a "wintry" game to me that I don't feel right reading it any other time of year.

>> No.7772277

I absolutely love this track. It's always playing in such powerful moments too.

>> No.7772392

Yes there are people who didn't get it, like you for example :)
Ever heard of Shroedingers cat?
Protagonist WAS Maou until his brother showed up. Which means, he was Maou in all routes except for Usami.
This is no shit i made up, but official statement from AB2, because there WERE people who didn't get it :)

>> No.7772397


>> No.7772405

That would make more sense than the actual solution...

>> No.7772431


>> No.7772451


>> No.7772462

Awesome post.

>> No.7774087


>> No.7774111

> Ever heard of Shroedingers cat?


Schrödinger's cat shows how you _can't_ apply quantum states to everyday objects. It is not a magical "make impossible possible" wand. I did not even read the thread. I just want you to leave the poor cat alone. Stop using her to fuel your delusions, okay?

>> No.7774258

nice song anon, it warmed my heart

>> No.7774261

dammit, that always makes me feel sad or teary

>> No.7776223


>> No.7776686


This is exactly why I didn't like Devil on G String. Mystery solving was fun and all - but once you start pulling things like Schrodinger's cat out of your ass it just makes the game seem silly.

And the Japanese have an unhealthy obsession with that cat...

>> No.7776706

Also with DID, it's been done to death.

>> No.7776718

But aren't unreliable narrators all cool and hip these days, R07 did it too!

No really, I couldn't stand G-Senjou either. The themes and drama felt superficial compared to Sharin, too. Made me think that Looseboy may be an one-hit success.

>> No.7776887

G Senjou no Maou was fun in the beginning because I thought I might actually be the bad guy. You don't really get to play many VNs where you are "evil" (usually the most it goes is a subjective "good vs bad"), and even fewer where the protagonist is level-headed and purely practical.

But then they fuck it all up. C'mon, I just wanted to work for the Yakuza and corrupt some innocent bitches.

In spite of all this, I felt the Kanon route was touching to some degree

>> No.7777328

I know that feel. It's like you lose something out of the experience if you don't read it at the right time.I'm having that same problem with a visual novel I started last year.

>> No.7777455
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>> No.7778872

well I don't know that feel at all. I first watched Air when it was winter, the experience was just as sweet, maybe even better

>> No.7778879

>Made me think that Looseboy may be an one-hit success.
A Profile was good. Not Sharin level but definitely better than G-Senjou.

>> No.7778880
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>> No.7779322

Really guys?No mention about this game's soundtrack?


>> No.7779330

Say what you will about the game but I loved the soundtrack. Probably my favorite OP and plenty of great tracks.

>> No.7779374

in fact, I heard countless arranges of this before learning where it came from...

>> No.7779388

Saya was a such a good heroine.

>> No.7780162

I may be alone here, but I fucking love when openings are used as insert songs.

>> No.7780188

You're not alone. It's even better when the song is used for the grand finale. Makes you feel like you just had a long journey ;_;

>> No.7780196

these sound way too aggressive and heavy for my taste. please tell me the whole ost isnt rip-kill like this?

>> No.7780199


Any VN that does this? I want to feel like I did when finishing Gurren Lagann again.

>> No.7780206

I just got OP's song (Close your eyes) in guitar chords. I have shit hearing so please tell me if I'm wrong.

G - C - G
Bm - C - D
G - C - G
Am - D - G

C - D - Bm - Em
C - G - Am - D
C - D - Bm - Em
C - C - D - D (B)

C - D - B - Em
C - G - Am - D (B)
C - D - B - Em
C - G - Am - D (B)

Em (Let ring)

>> No.7780207

Baldr Sky does this.
Rewrite has the instrumental version of the second opening that play during some of the big fights.

>> No.7780213

The second one isn't even "heavy". There's plenty of soothing and calm tracks in Muramasa.

>> No.7780218
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>guitar chords

>> No.7780230

Few here:

>> No.7780242

agree, when OPs get used in finale, it gives damn good feel, especially if the VN has been over 50+ hours long, gives that fuck yeah but melancholic feel that you now its going to end soon.
Baldr Sky is probably my favorite example of this, dat Jihad when it starts to play during the final confrontation: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zuZj_zYgqvc . has to be one of my all time favorite battles in anything by the feel it gives

>> No.7780245

thanks for spoiling

>> No.7780253

links pretty clearly spoiler by the wording and you go and click it

>> No.7780256

Actually, does anyone know where one could find VN related midis?

I've found ones for Key, Ryu07, SubaHibi, Ever17, Shikkoku no Sharnoth, Cross Channel and one or two others, but I was wondering if there was a site with a lot more? To be more specific, it'd be great if I could find some Muv-Luv ones.

>> No.7780257

no i mean you said the song plays in the finale now you killed my anticipation

>> No.7780260

Chaos;Head does it.

>> No.7780263

he said it was the final confrontation, what kind of retard would open the video despite that and complain about being spoiled?

>> No.7780267

oh, but it was mentioned already earlier in this thread too....

>> No.7780287


>> No.7780290

Steins;Gate does it, but by the time they do it, it's just the cherry on top.

Symphonic Rain's al Fine route is a little different, but its placement of the OP is amazing.

I don't know if Rewrite does it, but the Instrumental version of Rewrite sounds like a fucking boss battle theme. I think I like it better without lyrics.

>> No.7780293

>has to be one of my all time favorite battles in anything by the feel it gives
Finish Ichijou's route is all I have to say. If that doesn't tide you over, then you are literally the biggest BS fanboy ever. Just pulling your leg, I respect your opinion.

>> No.7780296

>Symphonic Rain's al Fine route
Am I the only one who found this lacking in impact, even boring?

>> No.7780305

>Symphonic Rain's al Fine route is a little different, but its placement of the OP is amazing

That's right after where the rain starts flickering on and off, at the beginning of the route, yes?

Also, do you have the instrumental version of Rewrite? I'd love to hear it.


Yes, you're the only one.

>> No.7780309

slowly getting there, Ichijous route been pretty great so far atleast.
also Muramasa has pretty great OST too, most were posted already I think but I like Ichijous theme quite bit

>> No.7780319

that was seriously great. It fit her perfectly.

>> No.7780333

I mean chords.

>> No.7780806

Muvluv, technically, what with how Alternative was intended to be released in Muvluv.

That guy on /m/ that are making that vaporware SRW fangame released a midi of Asu he no Houkou.

>> No.7780843

>Muvluv, technically, what with how Alternative was intended to be released in Muvluv.

I fucking forgot about this. I cried so fucking much when it played at the end of Final Extra.

>> No.7780859

Here is a track I liked in Rewrite
Kicking ass time

>> No.7780869

My favorite track in Rewrite, it plays during the best scene in the game too.
That scene almost made up for the rest of the game, almost

>> No.7780877


As I understand it, most of the game minus the last three routes is typical humorous Key shenanigans?

What's wrong with that? Little Busters is one of the most hilarious games I've ever played just because of that stuff.

>> No.7780892

>As I understand it, most of the game minus the last three routes is typical humorous Key shenanigans?
Not really.
Common route is mostly slice of life/humor with some foreshadowing here and there. The common route is like 10 hours long though.
The individual routes are more serious though it depends on the route.
Chihaya's route is basically a shonen with lot of (crappy) action scenes, Akane's route is really dark but pretty great, Lucia's route is R07 doing what he likes to do (though surprisingly it's probably the best thing he ever wrote), Shizuru's route is the most useless route ever and Kotori's route is just Romeo throwing some foreshadowings to your face without thinking about actually making a good route.

Then after finishing these you open Moon, a route that is really META.
Then after finishing it you open Terra that basically feel like Romeo forgot he was writing for Key and thought he was writing for Nitroplus instead.
It's pretty much the only real reason to play the game honestly.

>> No.7780912

> surprisingly it's probably the best thing he ever wrote
yeah, having other writers and actual editors check his work did wonders

>> No.7780927


Sounds a lot like how a few of the more famous VNs are constructed, honestly. MLA is boring as shit most of the time too but it's highly rated and deservedly so.

Even then, Rewrite doesn't sound half-bad. What's drawing all the hate?

>> No.7780937

It's not bad, it just was a bit disappointing after all this time.
And I wouldn't compare it to Alt, even at its peaks Rewrite never reach this level.

>> No.7780950

Key haters hate it because it's Key. Key lovers hate it because it's not really.

>> No.7780959

>And I wouldn't compare it to Alt, even at its peaks Rewrite never reach this level.

Honestly, while I liked Alternative overall, I've never understood the praise it gets. It's really not that special; it would have been much more so if every character was as consistently good and likeable as Yuuko or Alt-Meiya.

Just from looking at Rewrite I can tell I'd like it better because the main cast doesn't look like they'd be annoying piles of shit 90% of the time.

>> No.7780963


So it's just a case of marketing to the wrong demographic?

>> No.7780964

Rewrite as a story felt a bit "schizo"
It kept changing moods in such a way it felt really jarring at time.
Muv-Luv is a genre shift game too but at least you could felt some cohesion from the beginning, like the game was building toward something.
Even at the end Rewrite didn't felt like this to me.

>> No.7780968

Alt definitely is something special. You can't see it and it's your loss but it and Rewrite definitely aren't on the same level

>> No.7780999

>You can't see it and it's your loss

I guess, but my disappointment with Alternative largely stems from having seen most of the plot before in the material it's inspired by, and furthermore because, yes, the main cast is by and large fucking terrible.

I feel that people only praise Alternative because by the time it's over they've forgotten all the boring parts and how annoying the main characters are until they kill themselves off in increasingly badass and inspiring fashions.

>> No.7781005

I wouldn't say it's drawing a lot of hate. It's just not particularly good. R07's work was alright, but he only did one route. The author two others wrote rubbish. Romeo wrote Kotori's route which is one of the worst routes I've read in a while. Tonokawa's work is mediocre as usual.

The final route is OK sure, but I don't think that makes up for the rest of the game.

Although I have my problems with Alt, and I dislike Takeru, it's still a much better title than Rewrite.

>> No.7781015

>I don't think that makes up for the rest of the game.

Most people would agree that Coco's route makes up for CHICKEN SANDWICHES.

I'm just saying that I feel it's unfair that Rewrite gets this kind of 'the last route was awesome but it doesn't make up for the time I sunk into the rest of the game' treatment when other VNs don't, and I think this is probably because people played those other VNs years and years ago when they were still new to the medium.

But then again I haven't read it and am unlikely to for the next three or so years, so my opinion isn't really worth much.

>> No.7781019

>I feel that people only praise Alternative because by the time it's over they've forgotten all the boring parts and how annoying the main characters are until they kill themselves off in increasingly badass and inspiring fashions.

No, they like Alt because they realize that even after all the boring shit it was fucking WORTH IT.
Most people around here aren't critics, we don't try to judge everything like one, sometime you have to let your guts and your heart talk for you.
That's why people love Alt

>> No.7781024

Alt has something like 20 hours of pure concentrated awesome
It's not comparable with Coco's route or Rewrite

>> No.7781031

>No, they like Alt because they realize that even after all the boring shit it was fucking WORTH IT.

No, it really wasn't. My reward for sitting through hours of briefings and quantum physics nonsense was an hour of the main cast killing themselves followed by HAREM ANTICS XDDDD.

Chapter 7 was worth playing through Extra and Unlimited for, but I feel that Alternative blew its load way too early.

>> No.7781034

I wouldn't know about that. I never played Ever17, and I have never played any other game with all crappy routes except for the 'true' one. My problem with Rewrite, is my main desire to play it is for the heroines. The heroine routes are all very very mediocre. So regardless of how good Terra may or may not be, it still doesn't change the fact that I will be disappointed because the main thing I played the game for was of low quality.

On the other hand, Alternative is not a multiple route game. There is one route, and it is very entertaining at times. This is why I would say Alt is better than Rewrite.

>> No.7781035

>No, it really wasn't. My reward for sitting through hours of briefings and quantum physics nonsense was an hour of the main cast killing themselves followed by HAREM ANTICS XDDDD.

That's only you and you are in a very small minority

>> No.7781038

>Alt has something like 20 hours of pure concentrated awesome

Total? Yeah. Non-stop? Hell no.

The "20 hours of pure concentrated awesome" is diluted by the really boring and pointless parts in between it all. Were it consistently good I'd consider it the masterpiece most people seem to, but it's not.

Its flaws outweigh its good points, is what I'm saying. Even Moogy spends most of his review complaining about it, the difference between us being that he considers the whole package to make up for it; I don't.

>> No.7781039

>My problem with Rewrite, is my main desire to play it is for the heroines.

But... it's not that kind of game. Anyone who looked at the writing staff could tell you it wouldn't be that kind of game. Hell, even Little Busters wasn't that kind of game, not really.

>> No.7781044

>diluted by the really boring and pointless parts in between it all
I don't remember any boring or pointless part starting from the coup d'état.
I hope you aren't calling the briefing scenes pointless, it's called world building.

And no, the flaws definitely don't outweigh the bad, the fact that most people end the game totally satisfied is proof of it.

>> No.7781048

Little Busters was totally that type of game. The best heroine route of it, Saya's, was just as good as Refrain the 'true' route. If the game is not for the heroines then why try to make 'moe' girls, and give them romance routes? Obviously they are trying to appeal to that type of crowd. Even Key themselves describe it as a Renai Adventure Game.

>> No.7781051

The heroines in Rewrite were definitelly lacking in development.
Chihaya could have been removed easily, Sakuya was the star of her route anyways.
Kotori's route was a joke, her the main heroine? Poor girl is pretty cool but she got fucked over hard.
Shizuru is a cool character but her route is horrible.
Lucia actually developed well in her route but she basically disappeared during the rest of the game.

So only Akane actually had some weight as a character and was actually important in the plot.

>> No.7781061

>I don't remember any boring or pointless part starting from the coup d'état.

I do. They're the reason I feel Alternative isn't a masterpiece.

>I hope you aren't calling the briefing scenes pointless, it's called world building.

I feel the game would really have benefited from a TIPS or Codex system of some sort, so I wouldn't be forced to read technobabble and could have done so on my own.

Then there's Takeru's constant reaffirmations of his RESOLVE, which got annoying after the first time I heard it... the game has a lot of extraneous text which makes it a pain to read through sometimes.

>the fact that most people end the game totally satisfied is proof of it.

But, see, I've played much better games that made me feel so much more emotion than Alternative did. Symphonic Rain is one. Clannad is another.


Saya's isn't even in the original release.

>If the game is not for the heroines then why try to make 'moe' girls, and give them romance routes?

Two reasons:

a) To sell copies to people who only care about the cute girls

b) To genre shift

>> No.7781066

Don't forgot Takeru's constant saying of "ma'm"

>> No.7781070

>Saya's isn't even in the original release.
So? It's not like LB!EX is an inherently different game.

Regardless of there being a genre shift, that doesn't excuse the heroine routes for being shitty. Not to mention it's not like the genre shift is well done or anything. And either way, they still advertised it as a romance game so you can't fault me for expecting at least competent heroine routes.

>> No.7781079

>But, see, I've played much better games that made me feel so much more emotion than Alternative did. Symphonic Rain is one. Clannad is another.
I did both too, I also did some like Muramasa, Baldr Sky, Oretsuba, Yu-No, Forest and lots of other.

I still think Alt is god tier, probably in my top 5.

>> No.7781081

>Don't like something

If only the world worked this way.

Kids these days.

>> No.7781094

>And either way, they still advertised it as a romance game so you can't fault me for expecting at least competent heroine routes.

No, but I can fault you for playing exclusively for heroine routes in the first place.

>I've played objectively better games
>Alternative is still better than all of them 'just because'

I don't get this kind of thinking. This is basically what Moogy's review said too.

>> No.7781093

How could you possibly have a problem with that?

>> No.7781098

>try to have a discussion about an entertainment medium
>don't like something
>like something

Well that would be boring.

>> No.7781102


I think he's trying to say that Takeru endlessly repeating how DETERMINED he is to the reader is as much a part of his character as his 'ma'am' towards female officers who aren't Marimo.

Of course, it isn't, it's just poor editing.

>> No.7781109

I said that was the main thing I played for, not exclusively. The rest of it wasn't particularly good enough to redeem the disappointment is all.

>> No.7781116

>I don't get this kind of thinking. This is basically what Moogy's review said too.
I don't care about Moogy, also your use of "objectively" is retarded. Especially considering you never read any of these.

Muramasa is my favorite eroge by a wide margin but I still think Alt is fantastic.
Get over yourself, your opinion isn't "objective".

>> No.7781118


Fair enough. Well, whatever, I'll bring this up again when Rewrite is translated and I probably end up really liking it.

>> No.7781133

>Get over yourself, your opinion isn't "objective".

I never said it was, and I realize I used the word incorrectly. I'm sorry.

I liked Alt a lot, but a lot of parts were pretty horrible. I just don't see why it gets the praise it does, and no one has ever been able to explain it to me in terms I can appreciate, i.e. without using terms like 'fantastic' or 'awesome'.

>> No.7781139

Maybe because there is nothing to explain.
Sometime you have to stop using your head and start using your heart.
Something about Alt grab the readers and doesn't let them go till the end, Rewrite more than anything lacked this

>> No.7781153

>Get over yourself, your opinion isn't "objective".
Neither is yours. You're touting it as the best thing since sliced bread and basically saying that anyone who doesn't enjoy it 'just can't see it'. How pretentious.

>Sometime you have to stop using your head and start using your heart.
You sound like a stealth marketer. The fact is that there are people who see the story as nothing special and fairly trite. "Using my heart" doesn't change that it's not a masterpiece in my eyes.
How pretentious.

>> No.7781156

>Sometime you have to stop using your head and start using your heart.

This statement is not only cliche, but completely meaningless.

>Something about Alt grab the readers and doesn't let them go till the end

Didn't experience this. The game has no forward momentum; it shudders to a halt at too many points for me to want to read it. I had to literally force myself to get to a point where I legitimately wanted to finish it.

>> No.7781159

I agree. Alt had it's fair share of problems and I don't really think it deserves a 10 from any one. But I can still see why people would like it.

>> No.7781163


Holy shit you're using the word correctly. Thank you. You're an inspiration to us all.

>> No.7781165

I never said that my opinion was worth more than yours, also stop using pretentious we aren't in /a/

And nothing is universally liked, I even saw some people hate on Muramasa. I can accept that people like this exist but do I care? Hell no, nothing they could do or say could convince me.

So just accept that even though some people definitely think like you the vast majority did see this "special" thing about Alt.

>> No.7781174

>This statement is not only cliche, but completely meaningless.
We are talking about opinions, there is nothing more meaningless than this. And being a cliché doesn't mean it's wrong.
Feelings aren't mathematic.

>> No.7781180

>I never said that my opinion was worth more than yours
You sure are implying that.
>Almost everybody can see it for the masterpiece that it is, if you can't see it, it's your loss

>also stop using pretentious we aren't in /a/
Why not? You are pretentious, am I not allowed to call you out on it anymore?

>the vast majority did see this "special" thing about Alt.
There you go with that again. Except there's nothing special objectively, as we've said multiple times. It's just a matter of opinions on whether you like it or not. How pretentious.

>> No.7781190

>Except there's nothing special objectively, as we've said multiple times
And I'm the one being called pretentious.
You managed to use both objectively and "we" like you have an army behind yourself. Awesome.

Seriously, you should really get over yourself..

>> No.7781200

>You managed to use both objectively and "we" like you have an army behind yourself.
Really now, skirting the point, ad hominem, AND strawman? Please.

You keep going on about this 'special' thing that people can see in their 'hearts' that puts MLA above the rest. I'm asking you to tell me what this is and all I get is
>If you can't see it, your loss

So yes, objectively, there's nothing special that puts MLA above the rest except maybe its presentation of the series and how it ties everything together, but we all know this isn't the 'special' thing you're talking about.

>Seriously, you should really get over yourself.
You first. I'm tired of MLA fans looking down on anyone that doesn't like it as much as they do when it's all a matter of opinions. Throughout this thread, you've given off an air of superiority as if you have better taste or are more intelligent for seeing something 'special' that others don't. That's the definition of pretentious and it's gag inducing.

But we're straying from the topic of the thread, so I suggest you drop this before you dig yourself a bigger hole.

>> No.7781205

I'm only looking down on your use of "objectively" ad nauseam, it's really retarded
That's why I'm telling you to get over yourself, you aren't some sort of impartial god that can tell what is special or not.

This entire argument is getting really stupid.

>> No.7781214

>I'm only looking down on your use of "objectively" ad nauseam
Except it's right in this case. You have done nothing to prove how MLA is 'better' than anything else except using emotions and THE HEART in your arguments, which are very fallacious.

>you aren't some sort of impartial god that can tell what is special or not.
Neither are you. Stop being a hypocrite with your words.

>This entire argument is getting really stupid.
Because you made it so. For the sake of this thread though, I'll stop responding to you; your pretentiousness is really wearing me out.
And yes, I will keep using that word until you stop being pretentious.

>> No.7781212


He's not the same person as >>7781133, that's me.

Just putting that out there.

>> No.7781226

Stop being pretentious vs. stop saying objective.

It's like a retard fight.

>> No.7781230

The diffference between me and you is that I never stated that Alt was "objectively" special, I only stated that most people found it special. That's a big difference.

What sort of proofs do you need anyways? Should we talk about the quality of the prose? The composition? What do you want?
And why do you want it so much? People like different things and it's okay, you don't have to understand every little things.
That's why, once again, Get Over Yourself.

>> No.7781237

Name one thing that is objectively [adjective]. You can't, so why should we?

>> No.7781255

>Should we talk about the quality of the prose?
>Implying we can do that when most of us have read it through a mediocre translators interpretation and in Kouki's style.

>> No.7781249

>The diffference between me and you is that I never stated that Alt was "objectively" special
No, but you did imply it like I said earlier. How many times do I have to bring this up?
>If you can't see how it's special, then it's your loss
That's saying that it is special by default and I am somehow retarded for not seeing it. Well? I'll ask again. What's special about it? And please, no answers like
>Look inside your heart
>Turn off your brain
that come straight out of a 90's propaganda campaign.

>What sort of proofs do you need anyways?
Facts as to why MLA is 'better' as you say? If you accept that it's all a matter of opinion though (see above, I doubt it), then it's all fine.

>That's why, once again, Get Over Yourself.
Stop doing this. You are acting so pretentious right now, it's ridiculous. Just... try to see your hypocrisy for your sake.

>> No.7781258


Objectively what. Good? I never made the claim that anything else was objectively better, I just want to know what's so 'special' about MLA that puts it above other works with the exact same flaws.
You can't, it's all a matter of opinions, this 'special' fact doesn't exist.
Burden of proof is on you friend.

>> No.7781261

>Just... try to see your hypocrisy for your sake

You would do well to heed your own advice.

>> No.7781263

This thread has become objectively shitty.

>> No.7781270

Thanks for dodging the question.
I'm giving you (guys?) one more chance to answer the question. Don't expect a reply if you're just going to hang around and play strawman all day.

>> No.7781295

I'm not dodging the question; you were asking someone else.

>> No.7781409

>No, they like Alt because they realize that even after all the boring shit it was fucking WORTH IT.
I felt it was worth it, but not worth it enough to be the best eroge ever. It seems like a lot of people only look at the highlights of a game (especially if they're toward the end) when judging it, like when people judge Ever17 only by Coco's route. Of course they're welcome to do that, I'm just not one of those people.

>> No.7781589

>It seems like a lot of people only look at the highlights of a game (especially if they're toward the end) when judging it

And it seems like people aren't doing that with Rewrite at all, which annoys me.

>> No.7781606

Isn't this all applied to even Clannad too?

I mean, AS is what supposedly makes Clannad great, and other than that you got 2, maybe 3, 4 at best long and short routes that are anywhere near interesting, and several routes that are time sinkers that don't really develop the plot and fill almost filler-ish (and one that is utter shit). And you can't even skip them even though they don't develop the plot, since AS's true ending forces you to finish them.

>> No.7781644

What the fuck are you talking about? Rewrite has a 84 on EGS and you're acting like everyone hates it. Quit being so autistic just because Alt is the better game.

>> No.7781645

>sometime you have to let your guts and your heart talk for you.
What the hell?
Who even talks like this in real life?

>> No.7781652

No one is saying everyone hates it; people are saying how people are ignoring the flaws of MLA or at least downplaying them while slamming VNs like Rewrite full force because of it.

It's a bit hypocritical.

>Quit being so autistic just because Alt is the better game.
Not this shit again.

>> No.7781657

Not in my case, at least. Clannad is my favorite VN and I enjoyed every route.

Muv Luv fanboys, I guess?

>> No.7781663

You are assuming those are the same people. And they are also like completely different games. Alt is a one route game. The one route is entertaining despite its flaws. Rewrite is a 7 route game. 6/7 routes are mediocre at best. It shouldn't be hard to understand why people think Alt is better.

>> No.7781672

The routes in Clannad are still better than the routes in Rewrite my friend.

>> No.7781685

>Alt is a one route game. The one route is entertaining despite its flaws. Rewrite is a 7 route game. 6/7 routes are mediocre at best. It shouldn't be hard to understand why people think Alt is better.
I didn't want to post in this thread, but jesus fuck, how can you even write shit like that with a straight face?
Fanboyism is such a horrible, horrible disease.

>> No.7781692

Woah, really? There's even worse shit than Kyou's?

>> No.7781697

>Let's have a favourite VN OST/track thread.
>Vn Ost/Track

>> No.7781698

>Alt is a one route game. The one route is entertaining despite its flaws. Rewrite is a 7 route game. 6/7 routes are mediocre at best. It shouldn't be hard to understand why people think Alt is better.
Bias is a horrible thing isn't it?

This post just reminded me why I hate nearly all MLA fans.

>> No.7781704

Favorite soundtrack as a whole or favorite individual track. Duh.

>> No.7781706

...it's a thread for both favorite soundtracks as well as single songs, what the fuck is hard to understand about that?

>> No.7781710

>Bias is a horrible thing
>I hate nearly all MLA fans

>> No.7781714

Funny thing is Extra,unlimted and Alt were supposed to be released as one game.

>> No.7781722

My post was directed at the whole "Mla better than Rewrite crap"

>> No.7781720


You're an idiot. You might be somewhat correct, in a certain sense, if Rewrite didn't force you to play all the other routes before you unlock Terra.

It's the exact same thing as MLA or Ever17, so please either slam the former two as much as you do Rewrite or give Rewrite the praise it deserves.

>> No.7781729

When most of the ones I see on here act like that shit poster?
Yeah, I feel pretty justified in me looking down on them.

>> No.7781740

So you're just a butt devastated anal armageddoned KEY shit then, right?

>> No.7781745


Not really, just someone who hates hypocrisy.

>> No.7781746

Typical MLA fan resorting to insults and name calling when the contradiction in his bias is pointed out to him.

Don't even try to say you're not a fan, no one here believes you anymore Mr. Shitposter.

>> No.7781915

>implying I posted in this thread after it went to shit before that
Typical Key shits looking for an enemy in every post.

>> No.7782210

Sounds like Holst's Jupiter.
But then again, so do a lot of things.

>> No.7782281

Yea Kotori's route was way worse than Kyou's. I still can't believe it ended the way it did.

>> No.7782851

The 6 routes in Rewrite are way longer than Extra + UL combined.
And Terra is only about 5 hours long. Also Terra has some great scenes but it never reach the level of Alternative either.

I don't even know why someone who didn't read Rewrite feel the need to defend it so much though

>> No.7782862


This game had the best soundtrack ever

>> No.7782900

>I don't even know why someone who didn't read Rewrite feel the need to defend it so much though

Because not even Alternative 'reaches the level of Alternative'.

You fucks hyped it up for months and it never delivered. I'm trying to get you people to admit the flaws in the stuff you read, all the stuff you read, so that I never have to feel so disappointed again.

>> No.7782905

Go cry in a corner faggot. Nobody need to justify anything, especially not for someone like you.
Fucking peasant.

>> No.7782907

Maybe the problem is on your part for having expectations get to you too much. Just saying.

>> No.7782914
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>> No.7782920


Oh, sure, I admit my expectations were too high, but I almost felt as though I'd been lied to; I expected '20 hours of awesome' to mean '20 hours of endless battles full of heroism, despair, and sacrifice that appeals to a military buff like myself', and not '5 hours of battles full of heroism, despair, and sacrifice interspersed with 15 hours of briefings, meaningless technobabble, and people talking about their feelings'.

My expectations were high because almost literally everyone told me this was the best VN ever written, and honestly, Symphonic Rain, which I had completed in between Alternative's patch releases, was much, much better, because it was consistently good.

>> No.7782931

Yeah, sounds like expectations fucked you over. I'm sorry for that.
Also, pretty much no one ever said Alternative was an emotional rollercoaster all the way through, and every relevant english review before the patch said it had slower/more boring parts. So learn to choose which opinions to take into account better, I guess?

>> No.7782942


Yeah, I read Moogy's review, but as I said many hours ago he basically states 'from an objective point of view the writing is HORRIBLE, but who cares it's awesome', something I don't agree with. Ixrec has nothing but praise.

I might note that I still enjoyed Alternative in spite of its flaws, but I'll certainly never be reading it again.

>> No.7782958

Moogy is also a retard who think a lot of hard kanji equal good writing, stop taking what he says as the word of god.
Alternative is very well written.

>> No.7782978

>I read Moogy's review
>Alternative doesn’t even have the decency to start getting good until another 10-20 hours have passed. And even then, it lacks any sense of pacing. The story is frequently interrupted by mostly uninteresting briefings and (quite literal) lectures about things that aren’t even very important in the long run. The entirety of chapter 8 was apparently devised as an exercise in trying the player’s patience, as it consists of pretty much nothing but the aforementioned briefings and lectures. It also comes directly after some rather blood-pumping development that gets the player itching for some action, thus making it the best example of the game’s incredibly poor pacing and structure.
>Ixrec has nothing but praise.
>Although the extreme detail is great, some may feel that watching the characters talk about stuff for hours on end takes too much time away from actual combat and plot development.

You were warned against the flaws, whining about being "lied" to is pretty ridiculous.

>> No.7782979

>Alternative is very well written.

No, no it's not.

The STORY is good. The WRITING is very bad and in desperate need of editing.

>> No.7782997

>Alternative is very well written.
Of all the good things you could say about Alt...writing sure as hell isn't one of them.

>> No.7783033

Did you at least read the original?
It's well written, the prose itself is nothing great but it's well controlled.

>> No.7783382 [DELETED] 

Please stop the bickering. If we're talking about objectivity, then Muramasa beats the hell out of MLA and Clannad/Rewrite or whatever you kids think is the "best" VN.

>> No.7783387

Please stop the bickering. If we're talking about objectivity, then Muramasa beats the hell out of MLA and Clannad/Rewrite or whatever you kids think is the "best" VN.

>> No.7783386
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>> No.7783397

You know you can turn the shitty blue bar off, right?

>> No.7783406

Yes, that's a screenshot from extra when i didn't know yet

>> No.7783833

You see, I have no problem with anything you said since expectations did screw everything over

>Alternative is very well written.
Is plain wrong. You can't blame everything on the translation, since it's clear from a technical point of view that it wasn't amazing even in its native language. This is also germane to the point though, as nearly everyone read the English version and still thought it was well written.

>> No.7783871

I read it in the original version and the writing was good enough. A good prose isn't the only thing needed to be considered good writing, it's also a question of control of the text, development of the thematic, etc...

For example you stated that Clannad and Symphonic Rain were your favorite, right?
You think they were well written? In term of prose Clannad in Japanese was simplistic to a fault (and the translation was the worst trainwreck ever and I'm surprised anyone could bear to read it in english), Symphonic Rain also was nothing unusual.

Yet they are both really good, I love them too, why? Because they do whatever they tried to do really well, Alternative was also the same, they may have not have much "style" but they had a lot of "substance".
That's what I meant by "really well written".

I would take these over something like Sharnoth or Valcia that have a really pretty prose but mediocre everything else any day

>> No.7783926

>15 hours of music briefings, meaningless rhythm game, and people talking the constant rains
This is your problem.
Games like MLA just isnt for you. Just dropped it and play other games instead of whining about how other people treat the games that you hate on a pedestal.

>> No.7783993

So, badly paced games just aren't for him?
Well no shit, sherlock.

>> No.7784070

>15 hours of music briefings, meaningless rhythm game, and people talking the constant rains

Listen, those things had a point. I swear that fully half of MLA's text could have been better delivered via a TIPS system.

>For example you stated that Clannad and Symphonic Rain were your favorite, right?

The guy you're replying to isn't me, the guy who likes SR, but I liked it because, as I said, it remained consistently good. There wasn't a single part that I outright disliked. Nothing to do with the technicalities of the writing.


Yeah, this is what killed it for me. The people saying that must be new to VNs or something.

Although, I find I haven't been able to play another VN since, but that's more due to being burnt out on the medium after marathoning the damn thing than anything else.

>> No.7784127

>For example you stated that Clannad and Symphonic Rain were your favorite, right?
You assume too much.

We are not the same person and there are multiple people arguing against you MLA fans. The fact of the matter is that the writing in MLA is solid, but not 'great' or anything. I don't see anything that puts it above the rest and I doubt you can convince me either.

>> No.7784156

Jesus Christ.

>> No.7784154

I'm not trying to convince you or prove anything to you.
What's with you people and this "prove it to me" "convince me" anyways? Are you guys that weak minded?
I already told you before, you have your own opinion and that's okay, next time stop hyping yourself too much.

God I bet you guys will do the same thing with Muramasa "ALL THESE BORING KENDO LESSON SHIT, IT WAS HYPED AS THE BEST THING EVER BUT IT'S SHIT" etc..., it's going to be a sight to behold.

>> No.7784158

>The fact of the matter is that the writing in MLA is solid, but not 'great' or anything

Let me guess, you read it in english, right?

>> No.7784179

>What's with you people and this "prove it to me" "convince me" anyways?
Considering that is the original topic... did you just enter this thread without reading anything and antagonize people or something?

>Are you guys that weak minded?
Oh, another shit poster. That explains it.

>> No.7784185

>Considering that is the original topic
>Let's have a favourite VN OST/track thread.

>> No.7784190


>> No.7784196

It's about naming your favorite X and then presumably explaining why it's so great, unless you want it to be a everybody posts nobody reads survey thread.

>> No.7784200

Yeah favorite OST you retard.

>> No.7784201

That's nice. However,

>What's with you people and this "prove it to me" "convince me" anyways? Are you guys that weak minded?

is a general statement.

>> No.7784213


What, so reading it in Japanese somehow removes all the pacing issues?

>> No.7784216

Are you really that retarded?
When you have a thread about OST you don't talk about how the trumpets in that track are so well used but that other track is more skillfully made.
It's about sharing musics you love and discovering some others.
This is what this thread was about before you fags had to come bawwwwing like faggots because MLA wasn't good enough for you.
Seriously grow a brain.

>> No.7784222

original mla is just like 8-10 hours long

>> No.7784232


>I'm not trying to convince you or prove anything to you.
You have the gall to come in here and call people out on asking for proof on why a VN is getting all the praise it gets (with a patronizing post filled with backhanded comments) without reading through the thread and understanding anything. Now, you expect us to refer to the OP's post when it's clear this thread was derailed 100 posts ago and you're participating in the topic?

Shit posting at its finest. I hope summer ends soon.

>> No.7784239

>The fact of the matter is that the writing in MLA is solid, but not 'great' or anything
It sure is better than your run of the mill eroge. Seriously, did you read it in English? Because if you did, that automatically invalidates your opinion on the quality of the writing.

Reading it in Japanese makes you appreciate the text a lot more and might even make some people overlook the tediousness.

>> No.7784240

Hey, what's so 'special' about MLA that you ignore the same flaws present in Rewrite?

Oh wait, still can't answer that and going to deny you're the same person. It's all right, once this thread 404s, no one will remember your retardation. No one will be laughing, it's ok.

>> No.7784244 [DELETED] 

>Seriously, did you read it in English?
You would have a point, if not for the fact that most of the people praising the writing and technical aspects only read the English version.

>Opinion invalidated
What are you, twelve?

>> No.7784245

English only peasants need to know their place.

>> No.7784246

how about playing rewrite first, retarded Key fanboy??

>> No.7784248
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>the people praising the writing and technical aspects only read the English version.
>the people praising the writing only read the English version.

>> No.7784249


They DON'T have the same flaw you fucking retard. They are completely different in their execution and delivery.
Just because they are the type that get good by the end doesn't mean that they are similar in any way.
Why are you so fucking fixated with Rewrite when you can't even read it anyways? You are fucking pathetic.

>> No.7784256

>Hey, what's so 'special' about MLA that you ignore the same flaws present in Rewrite?
I didn't even play Rewrite. I'm not even arguing about Alternative's pacing, but the whole point about hype and liars.

>> No.7784257

There is no liars moron, just different taste.
Why can't you understand it already? Not everyone is like you, thankfully.

>> No.7784264 [DELETED] 

Back to /b/ with you.

>Key fanboy
You can keep saying that, but it doesn't make it true.

>They DON'T have the same flaw you fucking retard. They are completely different in their execution and delivery.
The amount of stupid in this snippet of your post is overwhelming.

>You are fucking pathetic.
Says the guy who defends MLA and puts it on a pedestal; yet, when asked why, he can't explain. That's sad.

>> No.7784294

English only peasants are so hilarious

>> No.7784301

look troll, isn't it funny no one took your shitty bait and didn't even bother to respond u? keyfag mad?

>> No.7784314

It takes two camps to derail a thread, and the discussion only slowly slid into the usual MLA shitfest from Rewrite discussion. I only got here after the thread was totally shit on. If you really don't care for the "justify this to me" attitude just don't get in these retarded arguments in the first place.

>> No.7784360

Goddammit, /a/ Shut up and post VN music.
Saging because my favorites have already been posted.

>> No.7784392


>> No.7784543

Can we get back to music instead of bs.

>> No.7784549

Rance's OST is great.

I find this one positively erotic, I've sometimes listened to it while masturbating to things outside of the game.

>> No.7784557

while not the original this guys guitar rendition of "i do" from GITS:SAC is still amazing:

>> No.7784571

when did sac turn into a visual novel?

>> No.7784616

Steins Gate had a pretty good OST I thought.

>> No.7784638

It was a little too much like Ever17's, but that's not a bad thing.

>> No.7784639


Since when did we become infested with summer /a/ kids?

>> No.7784650

Where have you been the last year or so?

>> No.7784654

The suffix has been used for an extremely long time.
Expecting it to disappear now is foolish.

>> No.7784666

It's just people from /a/ and /v/ that have come to our board over the past couple years. Nothing to do with summer.

>> No.7785077

I have no idea where all these pacing issues faggots come from.
I rather play VN/eroge with high peak and overall average consistency rather than consistently just good VN/eroge.

I wont lie but my 3favs in no particular order is CC, Ever17 and MLA. Since I usually finish them in 1 or 2 sitting, I have no idea how people can say that they lose interest because of certain bad parts. Once you are immersed in the setting/plot, you wouldnt stop reading and this is the part where Ever17, MLA and CC shine.

For the guy saying that Clannad and SR have much better with the pacing?
Clannad have fuck tons of shitty below mediocre routes to go through before you get into after story and SR mechanics of rhythm game and save cumming location hunting consider good storyline flow? Really now?
It is not our problem you felt betrayed by /jp/ hype or recommendation. And since when does /jp/ hype anything? Everything is OVERRATED SHIT over here.

>> No.7785080

Location hunting in SR? The girls are literally always in the same spot.

>> No.7785098

That shit is definitely retarded. It's even worse when someone mentions playing Muv Luv as one of their first VNs and then everyone instantly jumps in to tell the person that they will never play a VN that's better than it and they will be disappointed by everything else the medium has to offer (and yet worse when you realize some of the people saying that are limited to translated VNs). People trying to indoctrinate others into their idiotic hiveminds is a pet peeve of mine.

>> No.7785103

No one ever says that. Where do you get these ideas?

>> No.7785105

ITT: People talking about soundtracks of the few translated VNs out there...

>> No.7785115

More than half the posts are from untranslated titles.

>> No.7785122

I'm certain I've seen posts like that many times before. Otherwise why would I complain about it?

>> No.7785124

I cringe every time I read someone say that the setting info, briefings and mission build up of MLA were shitty and/or useless.

They are what made the game for me. MLA wouldn't be half the game it is without the fantastic setting and how the missions are handled.

>> No.7785140

Everyone on /a/ (I go to /a/, deal with it) says this and recently, quite a few people on /jp/. Listen, you must have been living under a rock because nearly every ML thread over there goes like this.

Like this faggot, who did everything shy of copying the post you were referring to outright.

>> No.7785149

Muv Luv Alt has a great setting for sure. But there is still far more text than necessary and way too much inner monologue or explanation that I feel was entirely unnecessary and only served to artificially lengthen the game.

>> No.7785156 [DELETED] 

>I go to /a/, deal with it
That is your problem.
In /jp/ the criticism/flaws always outweigh the positive comments. Learn to make your own conclusion instead of replying other people opinions.
It is not like playing VN/eroge is time consuming. At least you didnt waste your time playing shit like umiunko which I will never get back.

>> No.7785160


Dude, I've seen it myself. On /jp/, even.

>> No.7785162

>I go to /a/, deal with it
That is your problem.
In /jp/ the criticism/flaws always outweigh the positive comments. Learn to make your own conclusion instead of relying on other people opinions.
It is not like playing VN/eroge is time consuming. At least you didnt waste your time playing shit like umiunko which I will never get back.

>> No.7785170

>MLA wouldn't be half the game it is without the fantastic setting and how the missions are handled.

There's this thing that a lot of VNs with excessive amount of setting-specific material use: a TIPS system. You could even justify it by having Yuuko or Isumi or whoever hand Takeru various dossiers on things and tell him to memorize the contents.

>But there is still far more text than necessary and way too much inner monologue or explanation that I feel was entirely unnecessary and only served to artificially lengthen the game.

Don't forget the flashbacks to things that happened five minutes prior.

>> No.7785171

>In /jp/ the criticism/flaws always outweigh the positive comments

What? No it doesn't, where are you getting shit like--


Oh, you're one of THOSE people.

>> No.7785174

>and way too much inner monologue
That's not what I was complaining about though, even if you are right or not.
>explanation that I feel was entirely unnecessary and only served to artificially lengthen the game.
Hardly when everything makes sense. You don't expand on the setting to "artificially lengthen" a game. That removes the "artificially" completely.

Hell, I don't remember a single thing explained that didn't affect either the plot or Takeru's view of the world. Everything revolved on either the BETA, the world wide situation, the technology (I suspect many people refer to this, maybe) or Takeru's (or other character's) view of the world.

>> No.7785183

>a TIPS system.
That's lazy as shit. You are not even trying to incorporate the setting and other information into the story proper like a well told story.

Hell, one of the things I found terrible in Umineko was the fact that they were giving important information of the mystery and characters in the TIPS section instead of in the story.

>> No.7785195

>THOSE people
You mean I have taste and can rely on myself to judge what is good and bad instead of relying and conforming to the majority?

At least I dont feel insecure like that rewrite guy that started this derailment.

>> No.7785201

>In /jp/ the criticism/flaws always outweigh the positive comments.
I'm starting to think you're blind since this very thread has proven you wrong. Either that, or you're an MLA fan.

>Learn to make your own conclusion instead of relying on other people opinions.
No one is relying on any other's opinions, I'm just saying that they're retarded and its tiring see shit like that all the time.

>At least you didnt waste your time playing shit like umiunko which I will never get back.

>> No.7785263

>You are not even trying to incorporate the setting and other information into the story proper like a well told story.

Some things don't need to be explained directly to the player, or need to be referred back to later without interrupting the flow. I didn't even remember the names of all the BETA because they were mentioned all of once, in one briefing, but then you get things like Yuuko's nonsensical quantum physics theory, the specifics of which really weren't important enough to warrant the amount of attention they got.

MLA needed an editor.

>they were giving important information of the mystery and characters in the TIPS section instead of in the story.

Not really, the characters get full introductions. I was more referring to a glossary-like TIPS system like Remember11's or Chaos;Head's.

Why are you complaining about having to read in a VN anyway?

>You mean I have taste and can rely on myself to judge what is good and bad instead of relying and conforming to the majority?

Well, first of all, the 'majority' here hate Umineko, so really you're just going along with them, but what I meant was that you're one of those people who thinks they calling a game 'shit' is a legitimate form of argument.

>> No.7785355
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>but then you get things like Yuuko's nonsensical quantum physics theory
That was a major plot point, what the fuck? Are you seriously saying they didn't need to explain why everything in episode 7 happened?

>Why are you complaining about having to read in a VN anyway?
Me? Last time I checked you were the one wanting important information out of the way.

>> No.7785443

>Are you seriously saying they didn't need to explain why everything in episode 7 happened?

...Yes, actually. Certainly not in that much detail.

Her explanation basically boiled down to 'because magic' anyway.

>Me? Last time I checked you were the one wanting important information out of the way

Nah, I'd read all of it. I just don't want it to interrupt the normal flow of the text.

>> No.7785456

>BETA because they were mentioned all of once, in one briefing
They were mentioned multiple times you just weren't paying attention.

>> No.7785463

Anyone notice how the people defending MLA use reaction images, buzz words, and have 'fag' in every other sentence?

Speaks leagues about its fanbase if you ask me.
No, this isn't used to prove a point or anything, you're just all retarded for obviously being /a/ regulars.

>> No.7785473


The names of the types of BETA, in conjunction with images of their corresponding appearances, was only mentioned in one briefing, yes.

>> No.7785487

MLA is kusoge so it's to be expected of its kuso fanbase

>> No.7785516

I sure love huge sweeping generalizations about an entire fanbase based on the posts of one person.

>> No.7785531

>This thread
>One person defending MLA

I wish. Sure is selective denial when it doesn't support your cause in here shit poster.

>> No.7785536

It's pretty easy to tell who's who.

And are you really calling others shitposters when your tirade is what caused this thread to go completely off-topic?

>> No.7785543

Can't wait for Baldr Sky, Muramasa, Ikusa Megami Zero/Verita, etc. to get translated completely.

>> No.7785572

>...Yes, actually. Certainly not in that much detail.
>Her explanation basically boiled down to 'because magic' anyway.
What detail? She explained and set the rules of the universe and multiversing. That's what a good story does. It explained the detail needed and related. Please point me to what WASN'T needed in her explanations.
This is such a baseless argument I don't know exactly what I should be adressing.

Feels like you just didn't give a fuck about the Sci-Fi aspect of it and just wanted to see actionz and awesomely epic and people dying!.

>> No.7785590

>It's pretty easy to tell who's who.
No, it really isn't, unless anyone using a buzzword/a reaction image is always the same person; then you have other problems.

>And are you really calling others shitposters when your tirade is what caused this thread to go completely off-topic?
Except I just came into the thread near the end. See what I mean about samefag? You assume that others are when it helps you, but when it casts you in a bad light, you deny it. Hypocritical AND shit posting. Never seen that one before.

>> No.7785600

>Feels like you just didn't give a fuck about the Sci-Fi aspect of it and just wanted to see actionz and awesomely epic and people dying!.
It's funny because the original poster was saying that these things don't make MLA good.

We can all strawman and make presumptions, but doing so doesn't help our arguments. You're making yourself look retarded right about now.

>> No.7785632

Ok then, I'll stop doing that. Answer the other part of my post now.

>> No.7785668

>She explained and set the rules of the universe and multiversing.

But those weren't even needed in the first place. It's standard sci-fi, the audience should already be familiar with such concepts.

>Feels like you just didn't give a fuck about the Sci-Fi aspect of it

Well, no, I didn't, because it was extremely shallow.

>> No.7785710

>It's standard sci-fi, the audience should already be familiar with such concepts.
Yes, universes sharing information and trying to make the situation equal in both worlds, the loss of memories and characters who apparently travelled through universes but actually not really he's an amalgam sure is a common trope in sci fi!

>> No.7785739


Sure, those bits were essential, but we got quite a bit more meaningless babble than that, mostly the standard crap about how alternate universes work and the like.

And the justifications for those things you mentioned were pretty weak overall. Again, especially considering the G-Elements, it all boils down to 'because magic'.

>> No.7785750

Exactly what did they explain about multiverses that wasn't needed?

And the justifications for those things you mentioned were pretty weak overall. Again, especially considering the G-Elements, it all boils down to 'because magic'.
Like every soft science story ever.

>> No.7785765

>It's funny because the original poster was saying that these things don't make MLA good.

>We can all strawman and make presumptions, but doing so doesn't help our arguments. You're making yourself look retarded right about now.

>Well, no, I didn't, because it was extremely shallow.

I had a good chuckle.

>> No.7785785

>And the justifications for those things you mentioned were pretty weak overall. Again, especially considering the G-Elements, it all boils down to 'because magic'.
Except no. The G-Element only allowed Sumika's inner wish of bringing Takeru. The reason why Takeru gets forgotten, memory losses, the shared memories, and everything else have nothing to do with the G-Elements and were properly explained and foreshadowed before and during episode 7.

>> No.7785890

>The reason why Takeru gets forgotten, memory losses, the shared memories, and everything else have nothing to do with the G-Elements and were properly explained and foreshadowed before and during episode 7.

...They're because he's a "causality conductor", which is something that Sumika turned him into. And Sumika can only do that because of the G-Elements. Which are, in effect, magic.

>> No.7785940

>...They're because he's a "causality conductor"
No, the memory loss, share of memories and etc is a side effect of the worlds exchanging information, with memories being the first thing to be exchanged, as VERY clearly explained.

The G-Element was the plot device used for 'summoning' Takeru. Everything else is a consequence or side effect of stablished concepts of multiversing singular to ML that have nothing to do with the G-bomb explosion that enabled Sumika's desire.

Don't say something is shallow when you don't get the most basic of plot points.

>> No.7786025

bump for more epic MLA trollingz!

>> No.7786137

>Again, especially considering the G-Elements, it all boils down to 'because magic'.
Dont read sci-fiction or fantasy.
You should stick with non fiction.
This if the first time I heard someone criticize the whole point of the story which is Sumika heart.

>> No.7786212


Why did you have to remind me OP? Now I feel nostalgic and sad.

>> No.7787416


Back to VN music please, instead of just sprouting shit that I don't care about.

>> No.7790304




>> No.7790316


ony of my favs. it fits so perfectly for ever 17's setting

>> No.7790333
File: 37 KB, 640x637, 13_bad_end.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


They were going to make it this time ;_;

>> No.7793271


>> No.7793289
File: 52 KB, 400x400, 1313598366922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>open the thread
>expect it to be 277 posts of awesome OST links
>read the thread

>> No.7793326

