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File: 886 KB, 820x660, best_end.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
777769 No.777769 [Reply] [Original]

If the game ended right here, it would have made up for the shitty plot twist and be the greatest epic BEST END in recent memory.

All I have to say is: this game is Death Note except about 5 billion times better. If medicore mass market moe-blob shit like Kanon gets animated TWICE and this doesn't there no fucking justice in the world.

>> No.777774

So wheres the anon translating it?

>> No.777780

I dont care if its better than death note, touhou, and ever17 combined

If its not translated, I'm not going to waste my time playing it

>> No.777799

Yeah it was fucking awesome.
I would hesitate to say it's my favorite eroge for now but it's close, the ending was amazing.

>> No.777801

Kanon is awesome and both animes were epic

>> No.777805

This is being translated right anon?



>> No.777808

At least the main route, read the awesome route is being translated....I have heard so atleast.

>> No.777811

Yeah, some anon posted that he was going to translate the main route

True story. Trying to AGTH/Atlas something is like punching nails into one's eye sockets.

Also, I liked Kanon.

>> No.777813

Yeah, less than a week in translation and it's up to almost 5% done.

And I'm really surprised there isn't an anime of Sharin already. I can only assume that Akabee were offered one from someone and turned it down because they didn't want anything less than the best, because there's no way something that won multiple scenario awards could be refused in anime in the face of much lesser shit otherwise.

>> No.777814

so how's the translation coming forward?

i can't wait to play itt

>> No.777818

It looks okay, but that character in the OP is very unattractive to me.

>> No.777819

They started a manga for Sharin, 1 chapter released so far.

>> No.777823

Where can I dl the cg pack?

>> No.777827
File: 103 KB, 1280x1024, 1212865688441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.777828

Her hair just seems like a mess, and not in a good way.

>> No.777830


Is this it?

>> No.777836

Your a heartless beast, anonymous.

>> No.777838

How would an ending right there have worked?

>> No.777833


... for some reason, that's extremely hot.

>> No.777840


>> No.777845


>> No.777851

Becuase it would have given anon a raging boner for a sequel or fandisc.

Another thing: this game is being translated, no matter what. English-only anons are going to be ass-raped by a A+ game, something they aren't used to being exposed to medicore shit and weaeboo culture games all the time. We should NEVER give out spoilers, even with spoiler tags.

>> No.777860
File: 109 KB, 800x600, 1212866274597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanted to scream and cry at the same time when they pulled out IT WAS HIS LONG LOST PRESUMED DEAD NEARLY IDENTICAL LOOKING BROTHER ALL ALONG! from sheer anger and frustration. It soon redeemed itself again, but jesus.

>> No.777867

Agreed. Stop spoiling it.

>> No.777886
File: 109 KB, 800x600, 1212866508056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanted to scream and cry at the same time when they pulled out painfully cliche awful mediocre plottwist in haru chapter from sheer anger and frustration. It soon redeemed itself again, but jesus.

>> No.777913

Okay first of all, there's LOTS of plot twists. This is Death Note except much better -- there's a twist everywhere. However, the specific twist everyone who's played the game knows about, was completely full of shit. Maybe the scenario writer did it just to shorten the game, but it's dead obvious it was completely made up. It was sill a pretty good story with a good end. But, damn, there was a lot of boring exposition about various character's past that I just didn't care about. This is contrasted with the emotionally powerful imagery of Kyouske's past in the main part of the game.

>> No.777934

let me guess
does it have to do with blood relation

>> No.777937

Err that big twist made sense in retrospect, it was obviously not made at the last minute, it was also obvious that something like this would happen.

>> No.777942

Does anyone have a torrent link?
With the daily "THIS GAME IS AWESOME" spam I grew some interest in it. Is it better than MuvLuv brick-shitting wise?

>> No.778212

HF thread here

>> No.778225

incest or no?

>> No.778232

Newfags need to stop comparing shit to DN, it sucked.

>> No.778240

includes all CGs, so I guess spoilers are there? fuck

>> No.778250

Thanks. Now I'll see if this is as epic as you guys claim.

>> No.778265

well I haven't played it yet since am playing Sharin( Which is Awesome) but I know theres an sister route in it.

>> No.778268

>I hate a popular manga, am I cool now?

After that anon is done translating the main route, he's going to translate the side routes right?

>> No.778273

>I'm a sheep that follows trends, am I cool now?

>> No.778281

Same shitty troll

>> No.778291

Way to prove you're a newfag, they're the only ones that use the stupid troll rating system.

>> No.778300

Way to prove YOU'RE a newfag. They're the only ones that use that fucking term. By the way, I know this best since I am a newfag.

>> No.778301

gee, sure is ironic in this thread

>> No.778304

I'm sure you'd know.

>> No.778310
File: 41 KB, 500x400, 1212871569870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.778317

Are you the same faggots that shit up the yandere thread?

>> No.778325

Way to draw conclusions, idiot.

>> No.778329
File: 51 KB, 704x396, 1212871700200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.778342

I see, it is you. Anonymous. My brother.

>> No.778344

Go back to /a/ where you belong, sir.

>> No.778347

But I didn't even post in that yandere thread.

>> No.778368

I won't fall for that a third time.

>> No.778381

But this was only the first time.

>> No.778447

I don't care if there're spoilers.
I always do it like that:
1.Dl the CG pack -enjoy the pics
2.Wait for the translation of the game-lasts at least 0,5-1 years.
3.Play it-and it's been so long ago since I saw all these CG's so I've long forgotten about them.

..or something like that

>> No.778453

I just look for the CGs that have tits in them and ignore the other ones.

>> No.778672

Half of what makes this game awesome is the scenario. The other half is the soundtrack.

Trying to find Japanese reviews of this game.

>> No.778679


>> No.778858
File: 75 KB, 810x648, 1212875753449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No plans to at the moment. Maybe, if I'm not interested in doing it, someone else will be. But I'd rather clean up and polish the main route first. The other routes really aren't all that interesting compared to the main one. They aren't too bad, and would be fine in any other eroge, but they don't really work with this game. We'll see, though.

Translation progress: 1288/26396 (4.88%)

>> No.778878

I loved Kanon's route, the final was awesome.
Granted her voice was a little too childish.

>> No.778894

Kanon's route was alright, and I kinda enjoyed the other two routes a little as well. However, I felt that they sort of ignored the story in the main route and pretended that all that shit just went away, which seemed a bit odd to me.

>> No.779118

Spoilers in the CG don't really matter if there's any length of time between viewing them and actually playing the game, because in a lot of the ones that really could potentially spoil events, they don't do it in ways that would be clear enough to someone that doesn't know the game story. There's two exceptions, but neither are in the HCGs, so if you just look at those you'll be fine.

>> No.779169

How is the quality of this game with ATLAS and agth?

>> No.779181

It's read able, atleast for most of it. I atlest haven't had any problems understanding most of stuff

>> No.779476

Maou is like a cross between Light and Naruku. He's totally sexual for L (Usami), but too in to himself/arrogant/awesome to show it most of the time. But he also has this thing for being super-evil, but seeming to struggle with his least shred of humanity.

Now every eroge villian needs to have Maou's BGM or else I can't take them seriously :(
