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File: 128 KB, 320x440, zunart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7769238 No.7769238 [Reply] [Original]

Zun's getting better at drawing.

>> No.7769249

I have mixed feelings about this

>> No.7769246

His Youmu becomes more and more like a real (3D) girl.

>> No.7769251

So did we ever figure out why there's a paint brush on the end of her sword?

>> No.7769262

1. go to archive
2. search "tassle"

>> No.7769258

Are those bloomers? They're kinda long if they can stick out under her dress like that.

Also, her hair should be smoother.

>> No.7769259
File: 16 KB, 514x443, bill_connelly_troll_extrordinaire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

opinions, my tastes HELLa better than your taste troll thread

>> No.7769269

youkis beard

>> No.7769279


Not at all. Hell, by any chance.

>> No.7769296

Quality of hairstyles and hats is declining.

>> No.7769298

See that pattern on her dress that looks somewhat like Myon? Yeah, she just added something that looks like Myon to her sword as well.

>> No.7769318

TD character art looks like shit.

>> No.7769336

Myon is Youmu

>> No.7769401

>Also, her hair should be smoother.

Fuck you Anon frizzy-haired Youmu is cutest Youmu

>> No.7769547
File: 22 KB, 263x480, hand809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, just look at those two right hands! Real quality.

>> No.7769553

ZUN art peaked with Shou in UFO.

>> No.7769561

I really liked the IN portraits.
They were cute.

>> No.7769574

You mean Nazrin.

>> No.7769585
File: 89 KB, 256x436, Th12Reimu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I honestly believe that his art peaked at UFO. TD is sorta alright, but their expressions are so horrifying, especially when they open their mouths.

>> No.7769587
File: 66 KB, 128x256, face_yk01n2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree.

>> No.7769601
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>> No.7769607

How can anyone believe that Zuns art did not peak at IN?

>> No.7769613
File: 342 KB, 474x800, marisa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks worse.

>> No.7769615
File: 353 KB, 1024x705, d8a2b06bd4953be4204d18159e09a0d7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody have any ideas on what memes the Japanese fandom is going to spew out now that TD is out and the characters are known?

Mamizou's obviously got her balls, but how do you think the rest of the cast is going to develop? There's also Seiga using Yoshika as a sextoy it seems as well.

>> No.7769624

fucking aliens

>> No.7769625
File: 61 KB, 128x256, face_mr01hp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can anyone believe ZUN's art was not the best in in?

>> No.7769629

I always wondered: Does ZUN design the dresses himself? Some of them are pretty interesting.

>> No.7769635
File: 72 KB, 258x213, 1313890630977.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess her lemur pinky and non-existent thumb is technically an improvement for Zun.

>> No.7769636

Why you want to try to ''argue'' on something that is based on puns/references is beyond me.

Anyone can pull up a new one just by making a piece of art with a nicopedia article and enough publicity, often a video on Nico.

>> No.7769637


Fuck you. Go back to your animu crap if you can't enjoy it.
I find his old style adorable!

>> No.7769639

Because of Sakuya's derp face

>> No.7769648

Talking about this one.

>> No.7769649

Youmu looks weird when she opens her mouth wide open in TD.

>> No.7769651
File: 63 KB, 128x256, face_sk01no.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I see nothing wrong with it.

>> No.7769665

IN art was the best.

>> No.7769675
File: 144 KB, 256x512, face_ym00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I disagree.

IN youmu portraits are far superior.
TD youmu moveset is far superior to IN, however.

>> No.7769681
File: 56 KB, 128x256, face_ym01dp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Look at that smile.
Don't you find such things adorable?

>> No.7769689

What program does ZUN use to draw his art? And how does he do that hair?

>> No.7769692

Can we at least all agree that SA's art was the worst?

>> No.7769697
File: 57 KB, 128x256, face_ym01hp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7769698


MoF was worse than SA.

>> No.7769703


Oh my god!

>> No.7769701


Hell no. Rin was one of his best character portraits ever, and Parsee was pretty damn good too.

>> No.7769702

IN's art is pretty good, especially Kaguya, but I guess my favorite game in terms of ZUNart is UFO. Not only because of Kogasa.

>> No.7769706


>> No.7769707
File: 7 KB, 251x201, hnng.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7769714

Youmu looks like toddler in TD.
I don't like it

>> No.7769716

She ages slow.

>> No.7769718
File: 53 KB, 256x512, Th11Satori.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7769722

She ages backwards. She quite mature in IN. Either that, or TD happened centuries before IN

>> No.7769723

So droopy

>> No.7769731
File: 116 KB, 256x256, face_st08dp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


But that hair, how does he do that hair?!
The gradient so the end of each hair seeps darker.
And the back of the hair, too.

>> No.7769738

By drawing it that way? I don't know what you're asking.

>> No.7769743


"How does he color it that way?" Is what I'm asking.
It seams impossible for me unless I draw the hair and then color pixel-by-pixel.

>> No.7769744

That's a quite easy lighting technique.

Do you even draw?

>> No.7769745

Pressure sensetive graphics tablet?

>> No.7769749

It's not that hard, just look for some photoshop tutorials.

>> No.7769752

Not who you are replying to but, I draw by hand only and I tend to do this quite a bit. It has to do a lot with making the lines and trying to shade in a way that gives the hair more definition, it seems like it might be similar, although I can't wrap my head around doing digital artwork.

>> No.7769760 [DELETED] 

Drawing hair like that takes like 5 seconds, what.

>> No.7769763
File: 28 KB, 471x455, notevenhair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drawing hair like that takes like 5 seconds, what.

>> No.7769783
File: 480 KB, 640x640, face_st08dp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No, I'm talking details. Look very closely in the red circles.

Suppose I wanted to draw hair that looked EXACTLY like that.

I doubt a few simple strokes would cut it.

>> No.7769792

Learn to draw? I still don't understand what you are saying.

>> No.7769799


Alright, look at the top of Mokou's hair, and then look at >>7769763

you could see the strands of hair on the top, and the sides too. Though, it's somewhat blurred due to the increased size of the image.
You don't see that in >>7769763

I want to know how to replicate the effect

>> No.7769800
File: 59 KB, 255x255, 130915612248u.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7769812

YOU JUST FUCKING SHADE THE BOTTOM OF THE HAIR! For fucks sake! You draw normal hair and then shade it. What the fuck more do you want me to say? You're clearly retarded.

And I don't understand him because he's clearly retarded or a girl.

>> No.7769817
File: 199 KB, 800x600, BambooForest3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back on topic.

More ZUNart, anyone?
Mokou says "hello!" by the way.

>> No.7769818

>retarded or a girl


>> No.7769827

Oh god.

I want more Hellos from her.

>> No.7769825


Not on paper, captain dumbass.
Digital only. At least a link a relevant tutorial would be more proper than your autistic response.

>> No.7769829
File: 292 KB, 640x480, 9016687_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

next touhou game

>> No.7769835
File: 494 KB, 600x700, 15917224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How about Danmaku instead?

>> No.7769838
File: 141 KB, 400x1200, LFJXg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7769845
File: 167 KB, 400x1200, IwkIt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7769847

The most simple answer is that he probably spent a lot of time on the pictures. However, on TD, it seems like he barely spent any time on anything. I haven't seen any TD threads on /jp/. Everyone must have been severely disappointed with the game as a whole. The final boss's music sucked. 4th stages stage and boss theme were easily the best.

>> No.7769854

Your post is totally backwards.

>> No.7769861

I ramble when I post. It's a horrible habit. I want to delete it, but then I realize that people have already seen it and it would be pointless.

>> No.7769860

>The final boss's music sucked. 4th stages stage and boss theme were easily the best

You trolling me bro? The final boss music was one of the only decent pieces in the game. I personally disliked the 4th stage and boss themes. They weren't horrible, per se, but they're pretty forgettable. My biggest qualm with the game music wise is the Extra boss theme. Fucking terrible. The first extra boss music that hasn't been good in my opinion.

>> No.7769866

Your post is completely backwards too.

>> No.7769872
File: 7 KB, 512x512, 1247780344158.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7769881

That reminds me, I gotta finally 1cc the game so I can see the extra boss. The game is extremely easy, but the lack of 1-UPs is killing me.

On topic, the final boss's theme felt extremely empty, and almost generic. Maybe it was the fact that I over anticipated final song. I held it up on too high of standards when I didn't even know what to expect. Listening to it now, it does sound pretty cool, yeah, I was being a faggot.

>> No.7769896

It's probably my favorite track in the game. Suits the battle well I guess.

But yeah, Extra was incredibly disappointing to me. The stage is easy and the vast majority of the spellcards are unoriginal and/or bland. The shaped bullets are cool, but that's about it. Not to mention the aforementioned bad music.

>> No.7769910

Wait no, I changed my mind, I'm not being a faggot. There's no bass to the song. It's nearly all melody except for the constantly repeating pattern in the background and repeating percussion hits. There needs to be a something that accompanies the melody. Hell, some half notes thrown into the main melody would have made the song god-tier maybe. Definitely not Zun's best work.

>> No.7769914

I personally don't mind that. Different strokes and such.

>> No.7769918

Do you know how to digital art? it's the same fucking concept! You just apply different hues of the same color until you get a result you like. God damn. I'm betting you have no idea how to draw at all how can you ask such a dumb question.

>> No.7769940

In EoSD, that one portrait that ReimuA uses for Fantasy Seal with her hand up is so fucking badass. He should've given Reimu more badass portraits.

>> No.7769937
File: 16 KB, 126x252, Hina11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ZUN's Mona Lisa

>> No.7769953

>but the lack of 1-UPs is killing me.
Activate trance by hitting C when the meter is at max whenever you see the life spirits. Without deaths up to stage 4, you should be able to use it at every opportunity to double lives obtained. The ~7 bombs obtained in the process feel too generous as well. At that point, anyone could bombspam their way to a 1cc.

In short, trance mode doubles life/bomb fragments collected. It's intended that you choose to use it at certain junctions of the game, like collecting/destroying UFOs in TH12.

>> No.7769952

Actually I liked that one too. One of the few things he's drawn that I actually considered legitimately good.

>> No.7769970
File: 319 KB, 640x480, th08 2011-07-26 12-55-21-04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7769978

Zun-Kanako when she narrows her eyes is fap worthy.

>> No.7769982

The game is incredibly easy to finagle and 1cc when you know where to trance. In fact I did a bunch of practice stage runs to figure out where to trance for it with the replays here.
They're done with Marisa though, but generally the good trancing spots should be the same. If you trance well enough you can get 5 extra lives over the course of the game and a shitload of bombs.

>> No.7770001


>> No.7770009

Extra stage boss is my favorite song from the game, followed by stage 4 theme/boss, stage 2, 3 and final boss, I'm surprised to see hate on it. To each his own I guess but I cannot agree that the fanbase is reacting badly to this game, the only valid complaint I'm seeing is how it's a bit easy, which is easily solved by playing on harder difficulties. Lunatic players might be screwed though but I haven't heard anyone saying yet that TD's Lunatic is easier or not than the rest, and I can't see it for myself.

>> No.7770024

I hear the Lunatic is a bit easier. To be honest, I like Ten Desires. But I have my problems with it...I liked the previous style of portraits better. The music is, to me, very fitting to the stages it's in, but not as memorable and doesn't stand alone as well.

All in all, I think it's just people hating because it's different. That pretty much summed up my gripes with it too.

>> No.7770042


Yes I have my gripes with the game too. Marisa shot type is horrible and some of the art is really painful to see coming from UFO, especially Marisa and Reimu. It's far from killing the game for me though, and I suggest giving the songs a try by hearing them outside of the game. After my first playthrough I too thought the music was sub-par but after listening a few hours later in my car I started to appreciate them a lot more.

>All in all, I think it's just people hating because it's different.

UFO had a bigger problem with this than TD and it turned out well in the end didn't it?

>> No.7770054

I think people who hate TD are just mad because Mima is not there.

>> No.7770057

That's the thing with touhou songs, the more you listen to them, the better they get. Not just in the, you get used to it sort of way, but you hear things you didn't at first. I swear to god on the 2nd play through, I unlocked background music on the 4th-6th bosses.

Also 7769881 samefag,

During a few plays, I figured out what some anon said while I was away, to trance at certain points. I grazed the bosses and mid bosses to save up trance points and got a fuckload of lives and bombs. I never 1cced before, but on this run I had 3 lives and 5 bombs. Now to do extra.

>> No.7770059

I hate it because trance ruins what would have been a good game. It's not like UFO where the system is sound but annoying. It's broken at the core.

>> No.7770065

I think Trance is broken too, but saying that the UFO system isn't also broken is pure retardation.

>> No.7770071


I don't see where are you coming from, you mean score-wise?

>> No.7770069

You could just not press C and don't move when you die, though. That way, it's like you don't have a trance mode in the game at all.

>> No.7770076

Yep, that has to be the only possible reason.

It could never have anything to do with the horrible music, shitty score gimmick, predictable and boring stages, and easy bosses.

>> No.7770081

Tell me why.

>> No.7770083


Everything you mentioned has been pretty subjective.

>> No.7770084

You ever notice that most of the people complaining about difficulty don't even play on anything harder than Normal?

>> No.7770088

I laughed hard as hell when I beat the final boss and thought to myself. "Wow, Mima wasn't in this game, people are gonna be pissed."

>> No.7770086

> and easy bosses.
Well, we kinda expected that since ZUN mentioned he did the game easier so more people could get into Touhou.

And we all know that an easier Touhou can be a bad Touhou for people who've been playing the games for a long time. I've seen IN hate threads here before because the game is easy.

>Horrible music

>predictable and boring stages
Difficulty again? I don't know, I really like the stages, but yes, they are predictable. Boring? Not for me, at least.

>> No.7770090

Yeah, watch any score run replay. It's disgusting. Touhou has strayed there before but in TD you do it full on for the entire game.

>> No.7770100

Played hard, beat the boss with continues.

Played UFO hard, can't get passed the 3rd boss with continues. Mind you, I practiced for quite a while on UFO.


The fact that the music compared to his previous games is shitty is not an opinion. There was obviously a lot less work put into the music in this game. I'm not even talking about the different style that he is used for the music, its just over all lackluster. There is less of an effort put into the background parts of the music. Hell, even the character art looks shitty compared to his previous works.

>> No.7770097

I was going to say that you've obviously never played for score, but then I realized that the system is fucking terrible even for survival players. But I do love it when the boss fights (you know, the main part of the game) don't mean dick for score.

>> No.7770114


I for one am glad I don't have no make a choice between survival and scoring anymore to make a decent score while in UFO I either had score or no lives at all. I can see why high level players would be bothered but isn't it a little bit too early to call it quits, on where to use the trance and all that?

>> No.7770120

>Hell, even the character art looks shitty compared to his previous works.
You can't pretend this is a fact and not just an opinion, man. I mean, just look at MoF's art, IT'S COMPLETE SHIT.

Oh wai, that was an opinion too...or maybe a fact?

>> No.7770121



In many respects I consider TD better than UFO (not as good as SA, and maybe comparable to MoF in some ways).

I might as well break it down, so here's my purely subjective grading (comparing the newest 4 [main] games):

Cast: MoF = SA > TD > UFO
Music: MoF > TD > SA > UFO
Fun: SA > TD = MoF > UFO
Cards: SA > MoF > UFO > TD
Difficulty (for points, lunatic): UFO > SA > TD = MoF

Also I'm half-expecting that the next game will be much harder than TD, judging how he ratcheted it up after getting complaints MoF was too easy.

I suspect that ZUN thought that the soul-collecting thing would make the game harder and thus he went easier on spell cards.. of course, this doesn't make much sense since the boss sometimes only spits out a lot of soul once you capture a card; there is usually not much while actually maneuvering it. I guess that the scarcity of lives was also another factor in making TD easier, although, it's pretty easy to instead stack up bombs and spam any even mildly inconvenient cards (and trance another one to boot). I've always hated the little life pieces thing too, I prefer more points = more lives.

>> No.7770122

>Played UFO hard, can't get passed the 3rd boss with continues.

No fucking shit, Sherlock. You have unlimited continues in both games, but UFO starts you at the beginning of a level rather than right where you died. Are you seriously complaining about the game being too easy when you're using continues and not 1ccing?

>> No.7770123

Both this and MoF art is shit, whats your point?

>> No.7770130
File: 7 KB, 250x250, 129268218042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Difficulty (for points, lunatic): UFO > SA > TD = MoF
>Supposed Lunatic scorefag
>Highest is UFO

>> No.7770131 [DELETED] 

>Complaining about ZUN art


>> No.7770138

The top left Marisa look so good.

>> No.7770135

I play for score. Is your criticism that most of the points come from the UFOs? So what? You still have to nail the bosses to get a good score and make it to the end. The system's hard, it has good tradeoffs, it works. Hate it all you want, I don't care.

>> No.7770142

But you don't have infinite continues in TD. I've also 1cced touhou 6, so your theory of me not knowing about difficulty is invalid my friend.

>> No.7770146


That's a bad comparison, UFO's hard is equivalent to some Lunatics.

Your opinion on the music is still subjective, I found plenty of pieces in this game that I really engaged with and I know for a fact I'm not alone here. The consensus on the art is as you say though.

>> No.7770159

That many people would disagree, making it a opinions VS opinions fight. I still like TD's style more than MoF's and Sakuya/Meiling from EoSD.

About TD hate, I believe that is going to be like UFO's case. At first, I didn't like the charaters (that fucking Nazrin) and the UFO system felt horribly bad and frustrating...but after reading several doujinshis, played every stage over and over again and 1cc the game, I can say that I really love the game, incluiding its music, characters and art. It's hard to hate Captain Murasa, Nue and Byakuren.

Funny fact, I've loved every single TD character since I watched the livestream of the whole game.

>> No.7770169

I've found a couple of them decent, but nothing special. I'm mostly pissed off about the boss fight though. The last 2 boss fight songs have been pretty epic and this boss fight's music just feels lackluster compared to it. I mean, you can't tell me that you weren't like oh shit, when Utsuho's music started playing. The klaxon, the fucking spinning radioactive symbol with a cat on it, the outer space looking background, FUCKING SUNS EVERYWHERE. TD feels extremely boring compared to 11. Theres nothing hype about it. For it to be a true touhou game, you have to rage hard about something also.

>> No.7770178

>But you don't have infinite continues in TD
You sure? I watched my friend use like 7 beating the game on Lunatic. But hell, even having ONE continue where you spawn at your dying point is better than infinite ones with restarting spawns. And I know from experience you have at least 3.

>I've also 1cced touhou 6
You didn't even mention what difficulty. That's pretty important. Also, EoSD isn't that hard unless you can't remember your hitbox.

>> No.7770180
File: 134 KB, 152x171, 85c68bb9bd3a36225e0fbdfc7e34a447cee23539.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>For it to be a true touhou game, you have to rage hard about something also.
>Game is too easy to rage at
>People bitching about the music and the art instead


>> No.7770185

>EoSD isn't that hard unless you can't remember your hitbox.
And there's a patch for the game so your hitbox can be visible all the time. I still think it's harder than any other Touhou (aside from SA) but I still don't know why...it's just...harder for me. Maybe because the games works different than the others, I mean, even PCB and IN feel a little slow compared to MoF, SA, UFO and TD.

>> No.7770191


I can agree with that actually. In UFO the vista in the scenario and how strong Cosmic Mind was really made an impact on me that wasn't there in TD, not too mention it was actually hard and it took me some time to 1cc it, while in TD I scored it on my very first run. I still love True Administrator though, and her fight had it's good moments. I just wish I had played the game on hard instead of normal during my first run.

>> No.7770193

>And there's a patch for the game so your hitbox can be visible all the time.

Using that patch is no better than patching in invincibility. It's cheating and you should feel bad about it.

>> No.7770201

I do feel bad, though, and it doesn't even make the game easier for me. Is there a way to see my hitbox only when i'm holding shift? Maybe I can finally 1cc the game if something like that exists.

The first time I 1cc'd EoSD I was really, really happy...5 months later, I realised what that "Player Penalty" phrase on my screenshot meant.

>> No.7770203

>People needing a patch to dodge bullets in EoSD

That's why I don't even need to look at my fucking character to dodge most of the time. I can just judge where I was a short while ago and look at the top of the screen nearly, unless I'm dodging some weird moving bullets.

>> No.7770204

I thought all of the Windows games with the exception of PCB and IN were harder than EoSD. That's just me, though.

>> No.7770210

Playing Touhou for score is like playing a fucking WWF wrestling game for the tourneys. You've got the wrong damn game.

>> No.7770207

I never thought there would be a game easier than Imperishable Night.

And then Ten Desires came out.

>> No.7770209


If you play Touhou long enough you get the feel where it is naturally, you don't actually need to see it. It's one of the reasons why EoSD is a good starter game, it's better not to depend so much on it.

>> No.7770211

>hitbox in EoSD.
There's one already: The bow on Reimu's back.

>> No.7770212

I've 1cc'd every single Windows Touhou game and been playing for more than a year. Maybe I just suck at it, since I can easily graze on the other games without even thinking that i'm gonna die.

>> No.7770213
File: 149 KB, 515x600, 21094462_m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm pretty goddamn sure that TD's cast is better than UFO's at the very least.

It doesn't really have the instant appeal that say the IN or SA casts did though, but I think it might go through a MoF-like metamorphosis where, as the chars get fleshed out better (and more fanart and doujinshi explore the chars), the cast will age like a fine wine. I'm guessing Futo and Miko and Mamizou be the next Sanae/Kanako/Suwako... Futo will be the most popular of the three, Miko will have a consistent following but not be mega-popular, and Mamizou will be kind of niche but still well-represented. It's hard to tell who's favored yet though, since they all have 10 pages worth of art on Pixiv so far. Oh, and Seiga has 7 pages, and that little two-tailed midboss has 4, for comparison. Kyouko and Yoshika can't really be compared since they've had a couple months head start.

>> No.7770217

Wait. Maybe very few people don't like the chars yet because they don't know what they are saying? I could possibly like the game better if I knew what was going on.

>> No.7770219


I'm expecting to see a lot of Byakuren vs. Miko content actually. It has been a while since we had such a clear conflict in Touhou.

>> No.7770223


>> No.7770227


>> No.7770232

>Kyouko: A temple for youkai that is kind to youkai.
>Remiu: Well, I'll have to exterminate you right away!

I hate Reimu so much.

>> No.7770233

We already have the translations of their dialogues and the story in general. I just needed to see the characters portraits to know if I liked them or not. I LOVE MIKO.

By the way, have you noticed how several things are connected since MoF untill TD? MoF has Kanako aka Evil Mastermind, who gave Okuu her powers in SA, wich was ambiented in a subterranean world where several characters of UFO were present*, and here we see Byakuren and some characters who are trying to make a world were Youkais and Humans can get along, wich bring us to TD, were the characters are trying to stop Byakuren**.

*I think, I can't really remember.
**Or that's what I read in some translations of the game.

>> No.7770237

The cast seems good to me. Their 20 page backstories help a lot. I wish they were in a better game.

>> No.7770239
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A good part of Futo's popularity will come from the fact that she's just hot, but, people always pay a lot of attention to the Stage 5 boss because it's a candidate for future playable. And Futo seems to be almost a sure-fire winner.

Futo seems a much more likely candidate than Orin (even though I like Orin more). As a rival to Miko, she could easily join the heroines in a sort of enemy-of-my-enemy-is-my-friend way. Not to mention she seems to be human (or is at least a human ghost).

>> No.7770246


It's more like a big Butterfly Effect than a evil mastermind plan.

>> No.7770258
File: 1.63 MB, 1600x1200, 21164052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I liked Futo's boat.

>> No.7770270


I'd like Futo a lot if it wasn't for that hat. She'd look a lot cuter without it, like if she just had some of those long ribbons tying up the ponytail for example, would have been a silly headpiece but still not be too distracting.

Then again, I thought I could never get over Keine's hat either, and yet by now she's one of my very favorites.

>> No.7770267

Yeah I think everyone's noticed that since MoF each game has caused the next one. The SA->UFO connection is that Okuu's geysers freed those characters and their flying treasure ship which allowed them to finally rescue Byakuren.

>> No.7770272

Did the arrows in Ten Desires have any meaning?

By that I mean Yuyuko has her butterflies, Sakuya knives, etc.

>> No.7770278

In that case, what do you think it's going to cause Touhou 14?

>> No.7770287

I like her except for that she's a crappy stage 5 boss. The stage 5 boss is supposed to ruin all your runs and make you mad. That's their job.

>> No.7770291

Are you saying that Udonge is a hard boss?

>> No.7770297

Prince Shotoku succeeded in his campaign by having a crackshot retainer of his shoot the Mononobe clan leader and all his heirs in the face, that's the closest he gets to arrows. He was more of a sword dude.

>> No.7770312


My bone[r]s say it has something to do with the Oni. Then again I really, really have a thing for ZUN's oni (all of them) and so that's just what I'd want.

However, given that he's been working on WaHH fleshing out Kasen as the third mountain deva, I'm thinking all the Oni could appear in the next game, with the 4th being the final boss (or an extra boss). Maybe the 4th oni now wants to do something for/against Byakuren after the shenanigans she's been pulling, although it'd probably have more to do with the results of TD's events rather than UFO. UFO will probably just kind of fade away from this point on, such as how SA now didn't -really- have anything to do with TD, aside from a Nue cameo, who even then was herself basically just a leftover design from SA.

>> No.7770320

I couldn't have predicted any of these plots based on the previous games. It's always been something incidental pun. So while the obvious thing would be some kind of religious conflict, it will probably be like the Taoists caused a bunch of divine spirits to go someplace they shouldn't go and someone completely unrelated got pissed or woken up or whatever.

>> No.7770328

>aside from a Nue cameo, who even then was herself basically just a leftover design from SA
I don't understand.

>> No.7770329

Where's my border between real world and gensokyo is dissipating and youkai start to leak into the real world and finally we get some Renko and Maribel

>> No.7770338

I know. When are the worlds going to collide, ZUN? It has to happen some time.

>> No.7770341

When was the last time ZUN put a character from his works into an official Touhou game? We still haven't seen the Lunar Sister from SSiB, Akyuu, Rinnosuke, Kasen, Reisen II, Christian Girl, etc.

>> No.7770350


No, her spells on hard+ were actually challenging.

>> No.7770355

Orin is only difficult because I don't know how to deal with the ghost fairies during that one spell card.

>> No.7770356

Nue just followed the heroines until the end and didn't necessarily actually work with the other cast, in any great detail. She used some of her disguises on some of the fragments the other youkai were using to help Byakuren, but, I don't recall Nue directly helping. She was just kind of there, out of curiosity.

So, it can be reasoned that she did essentially nothing but follow you out of the hole after you were done with SA, and go "boo" after you were done with the plot. So, she's just a leftover from SA.

>> No.7770358

What does that have to do with how I feel about Futo

>> No.7770362

Nue was in SA?

>> No.7770365

>stage 5 boss is supposed to ruin all your runs and make you mad
From what I can see, you're complaining about Futo being too easy for a Stage 5 character, while Udonge was a very easy boss.

Some them were, some of them just had more bullets. Though the spell card practice helps a lot.

>> No.7770370

Well.. there is Fairy Wars. Which technically, had Touhou in the title.

But other than that, it does seem that the is a definite manga-only lineage.

I suppose he doesn't want to use those chars because people would accuse of him of recycling/rehashing. Considering it's not like it's hard to think/draw up a new Touhou (with thousands more "easy" ones waiting to be done), he probably figures he should at least do mostly new casts for the numbered games.

Oh, and something I'd like to see in Touhou 14: fucking dragons. I wanna see a kirin Touhou (and not Hong).

>> No.7770376

Well, I see what you mean. And we also have the fact that it would be kinda complicated to put several of those characters in a game.

Akyuu fighting? Nah
Rinnosuke actually knowing how to fight with danmaku? I don't think so.
Lunar Sisters coming back or even thinking about going to Gensokyo? Never.
Christian Girl? She doesn't even have a name
Renko and Maribel? They don't even know magic.

I can see Kasen fighting in Touhou 16 or something, though. Or at least in a fighting/aya game.

>> No.7770374

That can't be reasoned. Nue was acquainted with the other UFOs. She followed THEM out, and decided to screw up their plan because they followed some stupid human. She's fundamental to the story, and later made up with Byakuren and moved in. She's as much an SA leftover as any of them who were sealed and blown out which is not at all.

>> No.7770383

I don't think ZUN would care if he got accused of rehashing. He makes the games because he wants too, and for him, not the fans. He has said a couple times that even if they stopped selling he would continue to make touhou games.

>> No.7770399
File: 187 KB, 800x800, Rinnosuke24a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Rinnosuke ever fights, I'll echo that nipaah trip's suggestion for one of his spellcards:
[Sacred hand movement] ~ 100000 unborn souls

Given his status though, I'd think that the only way he could appear is if there was a Touhou game that inexplicably had an in-game shop (his of course). I can only realistically imagine that happening in a ZUN-sanctioned RPG; it'd be a weird gimmick anywhere else.

>> No.7770427

I understand, just if I was saying anything about Udonge it would be that she's a crappy stage 5 boss too. I'm fond of her gimmick though, and her soft rabbity butt.

>> No.7770436

I could see Rinnosuke learning a little danmaku and being a stage 1 boss. That would be no threat to the current order.

>> No.7770438

>I think Trance is broken too, but saying that the UFO system isn't also broken is pure retardation.
Oh goodness, I'm going to have to see how you can possibly compare TD to UFO.

>I was going to say that you've obviously never played for score, but then I realized that the system is fucking terrible even for survival players. But I do love it when the boss fights (you know, the main part of the game) don't mean dick for score.
I'm going to have to say that you've never played for score. Perfecting the bosses is absolutely ESSENTIAL for scoring in UFO. UFO requires a lot of skill to score well on since you simply cannot waste any of your resources on mistakes.

Ten Desires, on the other hand, requires absolutely no effort outside of the first couple stages. For the rest of the game, you end up shitting on bosses' faces with bombs and trance without dodging a single bullet. There is no fucking way you can compare TD's broken scoring system to UFO's.

MoF: Actually pretty difficult, requires perfect execution later in the game, perfect timing and route execution to maximize faith. Still, I wouldn't put it over UFO.
SA: Bomb for graze, and later in the game, bomb anything you don't feel that you're good at because spell card bonuses are worth nothing. The world record runs are pretty underwhelming for this reason, though it's completely understandable.
TD: Shit on bosses, no dodging required, etc.

Which one of those do you think is harder than UFO?

>> No.7770470

Anyone who thinks TD's scoring isn't a farce and bad on a level completely different from the ways the other systems are bad just doesn't understand it.

>> No.7770480

>[Sacred hand movement] ~ 100000 unborn souls
That sounds like a Last Word card to me.

>> No.7770494
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Uh, I don't think she'd oppose Miko.

>> No.7770633

>Is there a way to see my hitbox only when i'm holding shift?
Here's one:

But really, learning where the hitbox is isn't very hard. A lot of other shmups don't even give you the luxury of a visible hitbox either. What really takes a while is learning all the bullet hitboxes.

On the subject of TD's difficulty. I managed to 1CC the game on hard on my first attempt with two lives remaining. It /is/ easier than the previous games, almost entirely because the scoring mechanics require you to just shit all over a boss's face by bombing and tracing on top of them.

And because of the broken scoring mechanics, I feel a lot of spellcards came out very plain and uninteresting, which just makes them unsatisfying to capture in the first place.

>> No.7770904

Zun really did drop the ball on the spellcards. He didn't really theme the spellcards well with the characters I'd say. But then again it seems the characters didn't really have schticks to base their spellcards off of so all their spellcards feel generic. The only danmaku I felt was memorable was when Seiga shot out bullets that hit Yoshika to revive her which then splashed away in all directions, that Not Mima spellcard with arrows that zigzag, and that one Futo spellcard where she got on a boat, rode back and forth across the screen while shooting arrows at you.

Miko seems completely lacking of danmaku that represent her which I guess would be hard to make since she has a rather unusual power. She also has what is possibly the easiest final stage 6 spellcard. Which is also another problem since no spellcard at least on normal is actually really difficult which means there are no spellcards that are memorable simply because they're difficult.

The previous games had memorable danmaku so I wonder why Zun dropped the ball on them so much. In UFO you had Unzan's fists and eye lasers, Murasa's anchors and ghostporting, Shou's curvy lasers and green boomerang, and Byakuren's superspeed, Shinki lasers, and venn diagram border bullets.

All the games before had memorable spellcards that represented their characters well, but TD feels lacking in comparison. The only new characters that really felt like they had unique defining danmaku were Mamizou with her animal cutout bullets and Reimu transformation card and Kyouko with her echo reflection bullets.

Well that's a long rant.

>> No.7771219

>Kanako seeks worshippers
>Steps on Yukari's toes
>Kanako sponsors nuclear power to power up techno-miracles to attract worshippers
>Too bad the gal in charge of the reactor went nuts
>The water blast from the nuclear plant hurl Byakuren's ship to the overworld
>Byakuren's folks seek to free her
>Byakuren's supposed new temple is accidentally built on top Miko's mausoleum
>Ohnoes let's call Mamizou to defeat this anti-Buddhist

This has been a continuing saga. Namely, Kanako versus Yukari with Byakuren in the middle.

>> No.7771222

You forgot the full-house party.

>> No.7771223


Heh, heh, heh.

>> No.7771224

>Zun's getting better at drawing.
>173 posts and 33 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

>> No.7771263

>he sees more than cute girls shooting lazers at each others

>> No.7771282

Why do you seek to comprehend the workings of a god? Your feeble, tiny human mind cannot possibly grasp such magnificence.

>> No.7771304

The art in TD is a mixed bag. Some of the characters look down right retarded, like Marisa. Others can be adorable (sexhair Youmu for ex) but have odd quirks like the oversized snotball at the end of the hilt there.

>> No.7771307

>Steps on Yukari's toes
No, she didn't
>Too bad the gal in charge of the reactor went nuts
That was the plan. Utsuho comes to the surface and Sanae tames her.
>Byakuren's supposed new temple is accidentally built on top Miko's mausoleum
see >>7771223

>> No.7771323

>That was the plan. Utsuho comes to the surface and Sanae tames her.

Everything's true except this part, please don't make shit up like this. And even so, the millisecond Utsuho reaches the surface, the whole land would of transform in flames and death.

>> No.7771354 [DELETED] 

>The feeding of the crow was successful.
>I guess you could say the first stage is complete.
>She was a lot calmer than I imagined, and listened to what we had to say.
>I thought she'd go wild above ground; this is kind of anticlimactic.

>> No.7771358

>The feeding of the crow was successful.
>I guess you could say the first stage is complete.
>She was a lot calmer than I imagined, and listened to what we had to say.
>I thought she'd go wild above ground; this is kind of anticlimactic.

>And even so, the millisecond Utsuho reaches the surface, the whole land would of transform in flames and death.
Please don't make shit up. Utsuho's not that powerful. Stage 5 and 6 were flames and death before Utsuho got her powers.

>> No.7771373

Where does it say that Sanae would tame her? Nowhere huh?

And yes, she is that powerful, the manual says that she has the ultimate energy. You've seen what she can do, what I meant was that right after Utsuho came out of the ground, Gensokyo would become covered in flames or start disintegrating from the suns being thrown at its green fields.

>> No.7771380

>ultimate energy
Yeah yeah, and Yuuka has the ultimate magic. Gensokyo would become covered in flowers or start overgrowing from the roots being thrown at its green fields.

>> No.7771384

I guess you still can't 1cc SA, or you'd know Okuu comes to Reimu's shrine.

>> No.7771385

I see future bloody conflicts between Mamizou and Ran.
The youkai had the gall to bring someone who will piss off Yukari's right hand woman.

>> No.7771407

You seem to have misunderstood something, it's not her ''presence'' that would burn everything, it's the fact that she'd ravage everything and everyone in Gensokyo the moment she comes out, suns and all.

>> No.7771415

Suika's been throwing suns for years and nothing happened. And making black holes, too.

>> No.7771813

Really mixed on TD. Negatives for me would include the fact that he did make the scoring absolutely stupid, lack of challenge, spellcards not being as interesting overall. However, I really like the new bullets he added. Youmu has to be the most fun shot type I've ever played even though she's absolutely broken, music is pretty good overall, and I like the new bullets and sound effects. I like the game even with its flaws. I really hope he adds a Youmu style charge shot in the next game as well, except not as overpowered so I don't feel bad about using her.
