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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7766341 No.7766341 [Reply] [Original]


>There's also the Touhou fanbase, which is just.. hmm. It's filled with pasty white, angsty teenagers who actively participate in being subhuman. It's vile. None of these people even play the games, they're interested in the sub-doujin material, like arrange OSTs.

How does it make you feel, /jp/?

>> No.7766352

That has to be one of the most weeaboo blogs out there.

>> No.7766353

Feels like it doesn't apply to me because I actually play them. But I suck.

>> No.7766360

>English site
>obviously full weeaboo
>I am quoting my mind

>> No.7766377

Who are you quoting? Your mind is not a person.

>> No.7766383


Everyone here who's been on sys11 is dying from the irony right now.

>> No.7766388

Hahaha, sounds awfully like the pot calling the kettle black.

>> No.7766390

Feels like he is projecting

>> No.7766395

If personalities are people then so are minds.

>> No.7766393

I talk with him everyday.

>> No.7766403

Elixir collects figs, OSTs, hangs around Japanese news websites all day, is also really fat AND has never submitted a score on the hi-scores board.

>> No.7766408

>really fat

How do you know?

I have never seen a pic from him.

>> No.7766415

Hey, at least I tried playing all of them.
I'm just not autistic enough to waste time on practicing which could go into reading eroge.

>> No.7766419


He made a video of himself walking through an arcade and you could see his fatness in it.

>> No.7766420

>Just ordered 2 pizzas, ate 8 slices and wondered where the first pizza went. Etiran came over 15 mins ago with subs and I'm just like noooo

>> No.7766422

I think he uploaded a few, would you mind to post the actuall one?

>> No.7766428

Who give a shit.
Not your blog and not a site to advertise your blog.
Go back to >>>/gaia/.

>> No.7766427

>How does it make you feel, /jp/?
It makes me want to send you back to /a/, which I'm going to do now.

>> No.7766432

>It's filled with pasty white, angsty teenagers who actively participate in being subhuman. It's vile.
I'm 90% sure this was written by a woman.

>> No.7766436
File: 222 KB, 408x480, 1295047968472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like a person who spent an evening on /jp/ and got owned for lyfe.

It makes me feel indifferent really, after the hundredth victim, owning this hard isn't an event anymore.

>> No.7766449


He is premium western otaku professional anime enthusiast because his blog is on a Japanese blog site.
Try to beat that, you blogger scum.

>> No.7766470

It is funny really considering that majority touhoufags are the gaia/youtube/shrinemaiden Cirno so kawaii XD variant.
/jp/ probably only makes up 1% touhou fanbase.

Keep up the good work /jp/ and lets keep owning these faggots.

>> No.7766474

>It's filled with pasty white, angsty teenagers who actively participate in being subhuman
Sounds like he is just pulling things from his ass.

>> No.7766480

That's what all the pizzas are for. Need to have a steady flow of shit coming.

>> No.7766485

Elixir is a pretty cool guy

>> No.7766487

What if I sometimes play the games but I'm mostly in it for the brilliant music?

>> No.7766507

How exactly should I feel? That's exactly how it is for the most part.

>> No.7766509

Then you're part-time secondary.

>> No.7766514

Meh, I'm fine with that.

>> No.7766522

Sometimes I really wished I could see the pictures of people saying things like that. Though I'd probably die of laughter so it's for the best I guess.

>> No.7766569

Great OP. Especially since, unlike you, I'm not the secondary weaboo fag who wrote that piece of shit.

You blog on a japanese site. Entirely in English. You can only play games in English. You are a fucking failure, and I hope that in the not too distant future you realise this and commit suicide.

>> No.7766577

> is also really fat

It says he is from NZ. Only fat people are from USA LOL

>> No.7766705

>I grinded MoF for 60 hours to get my 1cc Lunatic clear
Is this supposed to be a brag? 60 hours is a pretty long time spent finding the X button. This is said after heavily implying that SA and UFO were too hard for him so he gave up on them.
It's alright being a slow learner, but then it's incredibly inconsistent to then insult others with words like "subhuman"...
This guy is disgustingly full of himself, and he doesn't even really have a reason for it. It's got narcissism written all over the place.

>> No.7766735
File: 95 KB, 247x302, 64.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's filled with pasty white, angsty teenagers

I'm black and I turn twenty two next month.

>one of these people even play the games

I've been playing Ten Desires whenever I can. Which is whenever I'm not playing Melty Blood or Dragon Quest 8.

>How does it make you feel, /jp/?

Makes me feel like he's a little bitch.

>> No.7766765

I object to only the teenager part

so I assume the person you're quoting is female?

>> No.7766769

I can guarantee you that Elixir is better then then all you here at video games...

>> No.7766773

>I can guarantee that I am Elixir

>> No.7766776

My IP says something else

>> No.7766778

How do you know, are you his boyfriend? Reported for being homosexual and gay.

>> No.7766792

So much asspain its not even funny.

He is a regular at a certain place.

>> No.7766797

>hurrr see me post and not say anything I'm so misteraus

>> No.7766794

>Implying I won't kufi smack that nigga in any game and take everything he owns leaving him crying on the street in the fetal position clutching at his man boobs because I took the bed sheet that was once a Lucky Star shirt.

>> No.7766807

Id rather not have more 2011 kiddies

>> No.7766813

jp status: butowned

>> No.7766815

Come on OP dont be such a pussy and link to Elixir be a man and go the way of Icycalm our lord and savior

Arcade games the only good games created everything else is guttertrash


>> No.7766818

The feeling is mutual, please leave

>> No.7766822

How about you stop bumping this thread

>> No.7766824

I'm a subhuman OST arrange fan and Touhous are the only STG's I've played, and it took me 9 hours of total playtime to clear MoF Normal, Hard, Lunatic and Extra. It's quite understandable he's better than me if he playes several times as much.

>> No.7766830

I never actually see the shitty Touhou fanbase people cry about. Pretty much anyone I've ever encountered has at least played a couple of the games, and the people who haven't usually manage to not act like complete retards.

I guess if you don't intentionally look for it you don't find it.

>> No.7766831

Wow, you seem wanting to get revenge the same way your own feelings were hurt previously.

>> No.7766828

You are a subhuman due to the fact that it took you 9 hours to beat a game with autobombing

>> No.7766836

>This guy is disgustingly full of himself, and he doesn't even really have a reason for it. It's got narcissism written all over the place.
It's a blog. What do you expect?

>> No.7766832

http://shmups.system11.org/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=37268&start=60 ?

>> No.7766839

This is only true if you think /jp/ is the only touhou fanbase. If you go to japan you'd notice it's one of the most casual and easy going fan bases there.

>> No.7766843

I didn't bump it.

>> No.7766846

The person in the blog obviously came here from /a/ and tried to discuss idols, and then got analinvaded when his thread was saged, so he started shitposting on his own blog in protest.

>> No.7766851


Reported trolling,low quality posts and being an underage dick rider.

>Do not post the following outside of /b/: Trolls, flames, racism, off-topic replies, uncalled for catchphrases

>The quality of posts is extremely important to this community. Contributors are encouraged to provide high-quality images and informative comments.

>If you are under the age of 18, or it is illegal for you to view the materials contained on this website, discontinue browsing immediately.

>> No.7766854

Wow, you're a faggot.

>> No.7766863

Guys, the joke is that Elixir describes himself perfectly, he consumes secondary media related to shooters and barely plays them himself. You can stop posting ITT now.

>> No.7766864 [DELETED] 

Time to misuse the quote function:
>SA scoring is absolutely retarded
>autocollect when grazing is absolutely retarded.

>UFO's scoring is something I really enjoyed,
>implying the flying UFOs were good

>hat Cirno game thing had patterns on Lunatic which were hard to the point where you were forced to use your icicle gimmick
>complaining about difficulty when playing on Lunatic
>complaining about having to use the game's main gimmick, on the hardest difficulty no less

>icle gimmick, and that Shoot the Bullet clone got maybe 5 minutes out of me. I'm not going to explain why I like Ten Desires so far, no doubt I'll drop it once I see someone's superplay which probably consists of safespot grazing and spellcard manipulation.
>I'll drop it when people who are better than me start exploiting the game.

What the fuck is this I don't even...
Also I really doubt this guy is as skilled as he makes himself to be, he's just jelly because his obscure shmup series became popular in late years.

>> No.7766873

Time to misuse the quote function:
>SA scoring is absolutely retarded
>implying autocollect when grazing is absolutely retarded.

>UFO's scoring is something I really enjoyed,
>implying the flying UFOs were good

>hat Cirno game thing had patterns on Lunatic which were hard to the point where you were forced to use your icicle gimmick
>complaining about difficulty when playing on Lunatic
>complaining about having to use the game's main gimmick, on the hardest difficulty no less

>I'm not going to explain why I like Ten Desires so far, no doubt I'll drop it once I see someone's superplay which probably consists of safespot grazing and spellcard manipulation.
>I'll drop it when people who are better than me start exploiting the game.

What the fuck is this I don't even...
Also I really doubt this guy is as skilled as he makes himself to be, he's just jelly because his obscure shmup series became popular in late years.

>> No.7766876

If you're going to delete your post and post again you could at least use sage. No point putting trolling garbage threads like this on the top of page one.

>> No.7766880

And you are clearly new.

Come back when your name says 2005 below it like mine.

>> No.7766882

Yeah and /jp/ existed in 2005 you are not fooling anyone

>> No.7766890

>57 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

>> No.7766888

Based on his behaviour on the Shmups Forum I conclude he's incapable of intentional self-irony.

>> No.7766892

>Hates touhou secondaries,plays a bunch of vns, has tons of figs

He is /jp/

>> No.7766893

That was clearly lost on you


>> No.7766899


He's capable of acting like a huge faggot and getting called out on it over and over again.

>> No.7766903

I actually agree with him, on Touhou being needed in 2004 because back then there were no good bullet hell games on pc. ZUN himself sort of admitted to that when he said his userbase had changed with TD.
Still, complaining about Touhou not having HD graphics is as bad as being one of the white kids who only enjoy sub-doujin products, like he himself said.

And if there were no need for touhou then people wouldn't still be discussing it.

>> No.7766905

Elixirsrandom posts>>2011 kiddies

>> No.7766907

Yep. And thus the joke isn't really a joke because the one saying it isn't aware.

>> No.7766908
File: 163 KB, 768x576, 1191796640066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7766912

How do you even pronounce this?

>> No.7766913

Fucking masterpiece

>> No.7766917

The samefagging weeaboo blogger doesn't count as everyone, even if thinks that way himself

>> No.7766922

elixir hate, now even on /jp/

my day has been made

>> No.7766929

Fuck off Siren back to using system 11 as your personal blog

>> No.7766934

Keep shmupsforum off of /jp/.

>> No.7766940


I ain't him bro

>> No.7766944

Ok Treasurance

>> No.7766951


Keep guessing, you'll get it right eventually

>> No.7766953

Ok Bananamatic

>> No.7766955

ugly as HELL hairy mole troll thread

>> No.7766960

what the HELL fake me

>> No.7766966
File: 43 KB, 600x590, my_face_when_55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut theH ELL up

>> No.7766973

waht is going ON

>> No.7766981

What the fuck is a '2011 kiddy'?

>> No.7766987

some fag from 4chan that joins some forums and goes


>> No.7766989


Keep trying. It's getting too close for comfort though.

>> No.7766991


Maybe that's a sign you should stop fucking around with forums.

>> No.7766998

That guy is great, though possibly autistic.
"That's what games writing has finally degenerated into, dear readers: strumpets with hairdos jumping up and down on Wii Fit boards."
Quote taken from his rant at http://insomnia.ac/commentary/cocksucking_videogameland/

>> No.7767007

He's too pussy to take criticism on his forum, though.

>> No.7767008


you could just replace all the articles with "FUCKING CASUALS" and no one would ever notice

>> No.7767022

>posting icycalm

>> No.7767025

Why do you keep making threads linking to some guy saying "boo hoo the 2hu fanbase sux" like we actually care about his opinion or think the Touhou fanbase is some sort of elite group of intellectuals?

>> No.7767063

I have a theory that it is Suigin who makes these threads, shitposts in them, to eventually at the end put on his trip and speak some wise words so we can all bow our heads in reverance to the wise and well-mannered Suigin.

>> No.7767075


argentina . suigin u cant lie to us

white lolololo

>> No.7767080

it's hilarious that you'd think those are "wise words"

>> No.7767091

it sure is compared to how he wrote few months back

>> No.7767099

hi guys
my name is suigin
i write like this
because im from argentina
i am 19 years
i play tuhuu on lunatic mode
with one hand

>> No.7767104


Filthy, Dumb, Secondaryfag Scum.

>> No.7767106

I'm also 400 different tripcodes that speak to themselves ironically to shit up /jp/.

>> No.7767107

lol @ all the angry subhumans

maybe one day you'll be as good at budget jap indie games with little girls in dresses as i am

>> No.7767109

There are so many things wrong with the site in the OP I don't even know where to begin.

>> No.7767116

Suigin's oldest post: http://archive.easymodo.net/jp?search_ord=new&search_tripcode=%21fKazami5bE&search_del=dontc


>> No.7767119
File: 148 KB, 500x500, 1299874606536.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know it's the weekend, but jesusfuckingchrist.

>> No.7767127

Oh God i knew it i KNEEEEEEW IT

>> No.7767132 [DELETED] 

yep look at this and tell me suigin isnt autistic


>> No.7767138

Why are you guys getting mad about the OP link? Are you guys actually secondaries or something?
