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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 24 KB, 703x511, 0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7765946 No.7765946 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.7765954

I hate my life.

>> No.7765956

That fucking comma splice.

>> No.7765957 [DELETED] 

From your perspective it might be late but you are talking to people from all around the world not just bumfuck, South Carolina.

>> No.7765958

I'm also a private detective

>> No.7765959

i have 4chan X nigga

>> No.7765966

That's not a comma splice.

>> No.7765961

I actually use the refresh button, nice try.

>> No.7765962

>You're a NEET among NEETS.

I don't get it. Are you praising me?

>> No.7765963

So there are 5 people on /jp/?

>> No.7765971

I makes me feel powerful.

>> No.7765970

You're an Alpha NEET.

>> No.7765973
File: 7 KB, 319x153, 1278656895591.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7765974

Only you and me.

>> No.7765982
File: 655 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Nichijou - 16 [720p].mkv_snapshot_13.53_[2011.07.17_01.00.45].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying it's not 4:30am and I didn't just wake up

>> No.7765977

Real isn't an adverb. Perhaps you were looking for ``really''?

>> No.7765983

You're right. It's still an incorrect use of a comma.

>> No.7765986

text on picture belong to /v/

>> No.7765990

Fuck you sudofat. please die.

>> No.7765992

Show me something I've not already seen, OP.

Tip; no one is severely retarded enough to keep spamming the f5 button.

>> No.7765993
File: 273 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Nichijou - 12 [720p].mkv_snapshot_13.53_[2011.06.19_00.59.46].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7765996
File: 87 KB, 527x416, 1311959952170.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel sick knowing I'm in the same timezone as you.

>> No.7765997
File: 33 KB, 640x480, autist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7765998

I love you sudobigboned, please become immortal.

>> No.7766004

Feels right... I was always the superior NEET here anyway.

>> No.7766008

There's no way you can surpass me with your puny powa rebbu

>> No.7766009
File: 2.05 MB, 500x500, 1306891331594.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe you're my next door neighbor.

>> No.7766011
File: 71 KB, 400x500, ohayou_koishi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7766013

It's morning, you stupid American.

>> No.7766017

No, I'm not. And neither are they. You're a faggot sion. You used to be awesome. You have changed.

>> No.7766019
File: 102 KB, 573x711, 1312145002023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7766020

Well, I am right outside your window.

>> No.7766024
File: 98 KB, 276x400, 1310625021739.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7766025
File: 68 KB, 436x348, 1312226128612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sion used to be awesome

>> No.7766029
File: 69 KB, 665x720, 1312035383503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going for gold this time Sudo.

>> No.7766030

You know, that's the first time I've ever seen that pic with that filename.

And it's brilliant.

>> No.7766031

Sudo, I want to cuddle with you in bed.

>> No.7766027

I haven't been in school for ~13 years and never worked a day in my life, come at me bro.

>> No.7766035

Woah woah woah, one does not simply hug Sudo in bed, you have to take him on at least 5 romantic dinner dates first.

>> No.7766033
File: 44 KB, 300x311, 1309178987023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7766037
File: 22 KB, 450x299, sudo getting laid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7766038
File: 99 KB, 400x276, 13106840990729.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7766041
File: 108 KB, 400x276, 1313830447400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7766043
File: 183 KB, 1276x718, 1313186088821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, it's the Bengal kinectimal and Sudo

>> No.7766045
File: 24 KB, 300x311, 1310218971926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7766051
File: 13 KB, 263x192, dat rebbu..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7766053
File: 35 KB, 576x662, 1306361230082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7766057

                      /         ⌒ヾ'r'   \
                   、_ノ        i   rミ、   、 }
                   フ ノ ;  i  _ノ;   ( {ノ:;   乂
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                   }'//; ; < ノ} }八 (/ /;  ){! { ト-ィ )ノ
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                    V {ヽ(ヘ(´     ′{    ノノ/ノ
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                           _ハ} `ーぇ≧、r'彡イ{、    yx───-   _
               -─-x、  ィ代 ト、_)Yr‐、Y|!| r‐(ぅ)ー‐rく  \_____
         ─ ´      ノノ}くヽ  `ミx〈_ノノ{[ト`¨゚/  / ノノ\ |
       |ヽ_    ─   ´ ̄ 人 \ー==ミヽ\/r=ヽ{ レイ彡'゚丿 「::「::「T‐r-r-r‐r‐

>> No.7766058
File: 103 KB, 706x708, 1312145375915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7766060 [DELETED] 

I'm fucking drunk and I'm F5'ing /jp/ at this hour, but I'm not a NEET.

What does that make me, exactly? A super NEET?

>> No.7766063
File: 545 KB, 600x340, 1305588773345.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7766064
File: 166 KB, 509x578, 1313185510841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The gold is mine this time Yama.

>> No.7766065

>What does that make me, exactly?


>> No.7766071
File: 23 KB, 304x185, 1310251783212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7766074


>> No.7766077
File: 457 KB, 500x500, 1311732328059.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7766080

                `〃:.;.;.;.;'彡 .:y.:′ 〃.:.::彳 : `ヽ\
                V' ;' ,.彡' ,.:ッツ;;;;;;: 〃.:.:〃 .:    :`!
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                  〉ー=彡从ミミ =ニニ彡ノ 1!!::.:.: ミミミヽヽV
               〈 ,.ィィイメ二,,_ヽニ二彡シ、、1!!.:.ミミミ`ヽV
                    Vイイハ `¬i下''''tテz弌ミミヽミミミミミV
                 `ヾ:::i   リ .:.:.      ノノノト川
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              _ ,.ィ入く    /,r^ Y レハヽ.:l ト、、,,_
.         ._ , .ィくヽ   `ヽ\ └' ノ1 i!l(└'.:://.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.
     , .ィくヽ\ \\\ヽ    `ヽ ニニノ1 i!ト ‐'フ/  .:.:.:.:.:.
    /⌒ヽ \」」 __」 」__」 L     `ヽ\1 |L //    ,rr
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.   ,′    ',           \\((⌒)〈.   ) !i ((⌒V/
   i        ',            \\ノ ム:::ニ人 ト、__ノ/

>> No.7766082

    /        ,  iii ゙!,ヽ,  ,ヽ, ゝ、.. ;;;, ゙ヽ,
    i゙       ,  ,! , ili l i., l;, i, l;;;;,`ミ゙ヾ';;;, ゙i i
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    lv',ィ' ,;;;i 〃;/ リ.リl| !l゙:,ト,゙:、li;'、 i:.゙i;..;;;;;;;,ヾ ;;:〈
   ,ィ,ィ/ ,,;;:;;イ,/シノン' ノ ゙l! ゙'いミ`ミゝミゝ、゙';;;;;;;;;;;;;'v;;;i
  '" / ,;;-''シr--=、∠,,__゙、 ゙ゝ,;≧-─ミーi;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;l
   i゙i゙  ;;ヘ | ーt‐:ァミ:`、` ' '<"t::ラー- |;;;ハ;;;;;;;;;;i゙
   ゙;゙、 ( ハ,!  `""´'  ゙:   `' ` ´   ノ;リ ,i;;;;;;ノ
    ゙:,゙:、.ヽ,ミト:       ,  :.      ケノ./;;ャ'′
      `:、`ー;      ,'.  :::,     '゙フー';;l゙
       ノ,;;;;゙ト     `ー-‐'゙     /};;;;;;;l、
      ,ィ'ス、;;;|`、   -‐ - ─-   /,.};;;;;;;;;;「
      _」 ゝ、;;;l ;゙:、   '''''''   ,ィ゙ 'ク;;;:;:;;;;」
  _//   `:'、 ゙; ゙' 、      ,ィ'゙ ;'ク:::::::::::;`;、_
 '"/  l    r‐`i゙:,  `ー---‐''゙  「..:::::::::;ィ^!;;;;;;;;;;;;

>> No.7766081

Clicking refresh master race reporting in.

>> No.7766086
File: 649 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Nichijou - 18 [720p].mkv_snapshot_07.32_[2011.07.31_09.52.15].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7766090
File: 24 KB, 300x311, 1310218971926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7766093

That's pretty harsh, considering how Yukko is already rather autistic.

>> No.7766091

     ノイ;:;:ノ;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:ノノ ハヘ ∧;:;:;:;:;:;:;:ヽ
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      /彡彡ニ彡イ彡ニニ"   __ ヘ;:;:ハル'
       ト彡イ イ.l|   ̄`   ´fォッ` /ソ''
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       ル;;;;ヽヘ      ー-'   ノ
       从;;;;;;;;;|    / ̄ ̄ ̄`ミ辷ニニヘ
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       |>ー--、.ヽヘ           /ニニ≧.  |
        |.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:ハ ゝミ、      zヘ、___.  、 |
     /.:.:|φl.:.:.:.:トY´ ̄`Yニニ>ヾ::(    、 |___
--一'.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:ヽ.   ハ ヘ   |.:l´ ̄  、  ∨.:` ̄`ヽ
.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.人   |::  J  j.:.:ヽ、       }.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:\
.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:>ト、___∠.:.:.:.:.:ヘ、.   /.:.:.:

>> No.7766095
File: 31 KB, 550x400, laughing heero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not using one hand to f5 and the other to switch tabs to refresh

>> No.7766097
File: 71 KB, 552x600, zunbar playing guitar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hot damn, I missed a Sudo thread.
I might be able to get Silver at least.

>> No.7766100

What can I say, I have a thing for the enthusiastic, slightly dumb tomboy type.

>> No.7766103

Touching refresh on my smartphone because I'm still at work.

>> No.7766104

              ///  /   /   /    /          レ'///∧::::   |   
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\ /   ヽ  /   |  /  ./ :| / ::|  /:::/  /|     |  〉/////:::   |  
  V /|   | /   /::| ::|  /\|;/ :::::| / :::/ ∠孑 ,イ  |ノ∨/// ,∧ヽ:::  |
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       \   :::::::::::∨ | \!__,f|||iュ    .f||||li    /: /,へ   /`‐t_,,ツ:::    
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    r┴-、                                 r‐┴ 、

>> No.7766106
File: 670 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Nichijou - 15 [720p].mkv_snapshot_00.48_[2011.07.10_00.53.16].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7766111

That's even worse.
4chan X, and mouse gestures to switch tabs.
If you're going to control your workspace with the keyboard use only your keyboard unless the mouse is absolutely required. Like vim-style hotkeys and whatnot. Otherwise it's just clunky and slow.

>> No.7766112

  >      /ィ'" _,,、、ァ=テ、_ェニ-‐'゙ /イハ い,゙!、  ノ lト,ヾ!'; ';';';';'; i
 /゙/ 〃  //,、-''"」「 i゙ i゙ ;'゙   ̄``''-、_゙!、ヾ、`ー''",ノノ ゙!ll ';';'i, ;';': `:、
. l/゙/; '    //,;、-^、 、ヽ_ト、!   '"~`T''ァッ'ミ=、ニヽi「´,´ ,ィ リ   ヾ, ゙i、「i`ー'
 !/ l l  , ; /rィ"i゙ ⌒、゙、゙'tーゝ       `''ー゙-` `i「 リノィノ'゙レ「 !、 ヽ,il ;!|
 Y l    i f゙ff ;';| リ´,ハ ゙! ヾ;          `    -'"彳テミ,_トミ,_ヽ ゙いリハ!
  ヾ    i ! || !.!| ヽ(.  ! ;l゙'|                    | ``゙ー ノ,:ンラ | l'′
`ー'゙,、  ,  ゙!゙!゙!\`ヾ、| ,ハj                l  ーデ-彡ィ'゙リ
>'゙ ,r',,r'゙   ゙  〃:、゙リ/ ソ                 i,  ,「" '"´ '゙
, ィr'゙ィ'゙ , //  | ,〃  フf               '゙¬,r'"  /ト=‐'
ダィ'゙ , /// ,;! ;l ハ|   l゙、          ,、<`ー-ニ、   /リノ
f゙/////  ,;'タ,ハ!゙:!   ! \        !、_  ̄`¨`/  /ノ'′
/! ,r' ,、-'ノィ゙`''-、_   i  \         ̄`¨`''′ /
`L/!/-‐''"`'-、_ `'-、!i    \            ,:'
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  `、\    '" ̄`ヾ`-、_ `'-、    `'-、__   /
   -'  \      |l _....`-:、_`'-、_ /゙ ト「 ̄

>> No.7766114
File: 73 KB, 401x451, zunbar at the races.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7766117

               /::i _
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 ,' \   i:::::::/´ ,   '´ {::::::::::,メ;-''' ̄ '、 , '゙´ )
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  `'ヾ.   ¬、 ,ハ x、   レ'´_,x lノ| l | ' У ̄>
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            /っ   Ψ ヽ
           ,く、_      _, ゝ
           ゙-v xエ工工エツ
             | /  l  j
             lエj   lエj

>> No.7766118

/jp/ only has one post worth reading on it for every 15 minutes of time.

So saving an extra .5 seconds means nothing.

>> No.7766120
File: 126 KB, 913x536, yama having a tinkle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7766119
File: 631 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Nichijou - 17 [720p].mkv_snapshot_10.16_[2011.07.24_02.30.54].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7766122
File: 119 KB, 500x332, 420 all day.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7766123

Don't tell me this is the only page you use so much time to browse?

>> No.7766125
File: 42 KB, 300x261, 1311734029376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7766126

What's wrong with that?

>> No.7766128
File: 51 KB, 450x330, who shot the sudo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7766130

I just noticed that sudo only posts reaction images from some unknown anime, he doesn't do anything else. What's the point, man? If you don't have something to say, you might as well not post at all.

>> No.7766131
File: 907 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Nichijou - 20 [720p].mkv_snapshot_13.34_[2011.08.14_04.25.13].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7766134
File: 336 KB, 450x437, 1311739882182.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he hasn't seen Nichijou!

>> No.7766135
File: 17 KB, 400x341, white ren farting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7766132

  .:; :; :. :. :; :; :.:; ;:;:;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;: ;: ;;ミミミヽヽヽミ
   ,ィィ彡彡ノ,.イイ l.:l.:l .:;! !  .: .: ;: ;:;;;;/ハ トトト、ミミミミ
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 .:r'r'"´   ニ 二ニニ =;; zz、ヽ 〈 V/,,、、zニニ二,,,, !;:;:;;;;;    
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;                      ',      /.:;;;;;;;;;;

>> No.7766141

        ,、、,ィ'"ィ'"ー--'ー-- 、、
      .r'⌒      ミ、 ヾ;:::::::::.ヽ
     ,r'"    ミソ  ,ィツ  ;i:::::::::::i^ヽ
    f   `ミ=彡'   ,ィ,,,,:'::::)(::::::::::::. ゙!
    (:::.    ̄  ,,>;;r=''''' クフ´``=!:::::リ
   、Jミヾ ミ、__,ィヅゝゝ  ´    -'1:::ツ
    (   `ー=/ _、、、、、,_  ,、-─レ′
     ゝf ,r-、マ ´,ィrか;   f''セ)`' リ
     ( | l 仆、!    `´   ゙!   ,|!   
     `ヾゝ、_、      ..., ,〉  ,l!    
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       '^1い:F\    ー  /
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      __,,、、」ミ,l7/ハ.「>)ノ ン'",、-"^ `''…ーッ,ニy-
  ,-‐ゥrイl」[..、-'ヘ_/l|l.i ヒ彡チ、-''^ー--、、_f∠ //_
  ハ-─'''''三≡、 -:jjj:`""´. _,ィ'^ミニー-、、、,,,__
  ,r'ニ ̄r='''ヽヽ、 lll   ,、-',、-'´c=ヽ`''ァ ,ィ‐-、`:、
  ゙!∫`| |   `i | ||| r''"-''" '⌒ヽ_ノ,ノ//  ⊂ノ

>> No.7766137

spending hours refreshing one board with such an abysmal post rate? What the fuck is wrong with you? At least find some thing to read/watch in another window, this hardly requires your full attention until there's something to read!

>> No.7766138

when browsing 4chan its rare for me to look at the front page of /jp/ more than once every 10 minutes unless the other boards are slow or I'm imagespamming or conversing in an active thread.

>> No.7766143
File: 213 KB, 500x375, uncle mugen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7766149
File: 2.71 MB, 400x225, 1310596794412.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7766147

            /!_                 ト、 _
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            ゙、   ``"´ 〕.:::b7 `"´´.::::/
              ', r─ ‐=‐ !:.::抂! ‐=┐.:/
             ',       〕:::::/ . :.:::::!/
             \    〔.:;;;;〕 .:.::::::/        ……   
    _ _ _     _ _   \   」。:::! .:::::::/              ∴∵ ∴
                   \_」:::/.:.:::::/      …

>> No.7766150
File: 29 KB, 517x584, cf8fd23f2d6f19208128bae492492085.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See what I mean? You have nothing interesting to say, I had to obviously provoke you in order to get some sort of green response.Listen, I'll give you some sort of challenge, in order to make your next post, you have to say something interesting, funny, or intriguing, okay? Try it out, ti might take soem time, but I'm sure you'll think of something!

>> No.7766151
File: 19 KB, 300x365, that black guy from tron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7766158

          〃  . : : : : : jii l l ト、 ', : '; .:.:.:.:.:.:;;;;;;;;;;:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:',
           l1 . : : : : : :jii l i トト、;;;;.......;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;:;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;`、
            l1: : : : : : ィイリ 川 ヽト、;;;ヽヽ;;;\`ヾ;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;゙,
          /イ: : : : ;.ィイソ   '、ヽー====-、ミミヽ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i
        〃,': :.j ィイ  ̄二ニヽ   ';.:.:-モテ=`ヽ )ハ;;;;;,r‐ 、;:;;;;;;;j!
        lハ{ i j j;;',  ィてテン.;,   ``゙゙  ̄`   !;;;;レイ !;:;;;;;;;!
          `ヾ从;;;;;',  "゙ ´ ,′:        ノl/リ ) ,!;;;;;;;;!
           `ヾ从;;;',    ノ ,::.        ′ノソ/;;;;;;;;j!
                `゙゙j!   (  `::.:.        、_ノ;;;;;;;;;;j!
                 ノハ    `゙゙"´        /, j;;;;;;;;;;;j!
               jハ    ー===…'    / ,゙ {;;;;;;;;;j!
                 ゙、   、 ___ ,,     / .,′ ;,;,;ッツ
                   ゙、        __ /_ /_ ヾツ-‐…┐
         /´ ̄ `¨` ー-`ト、       /        .:. :.:.:.:.:::::',
          //.::::',   ,.‐くソ ` ー=ニ,'.::::::.! .:r‐ '''"´rカ!.:.:: ::::::',
        ,ノ/.::::::::i / ,r ‐-`y ´ ̄``y.:.::;:;;′.:l rカ `¨  .:.:.:.:.:.:::L.-‐
  ,   =‐-'´.:.:::::::::::::レ′ / /.: : /    l/.::;;;;;;′.:.::.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:/

>> No.7766154
File: 236 KB, 1600x1200, tenshi brown nosing jones.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7766161

You're still using more effort. At least get 4chan X, it's easier to browse relaxed with it.

>> No.7766162

Fuck you, Sudo teach us how to get money from the government for being mentally disabled.

>> No.7766163
File: 670 KB, 1280x720, 1311732510115.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're not the boss of me.

>> No.7766160
File: 85 KB, 600x450, Sudo's body guard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7766164

::::::::::::::;;;;;/ /  /   / /      ,l   | :::. \ヽ:::::::::::::ヽ   :::::  |
::::::::::::::::/ ,//  /:::   /  ,/      / |   l ::.  ヽ \::::::::::i   ::::  l
;;;;;;;::::::/ ///  ./ ::   i  //      ./  l  ,|  ::.   i i:::::::::::\  :::   .|
;;;;;;;;;;;;i!// .i  l :  , | ./ .!     /- ―|- /.i...._::    |i l:::::::::::::::丶::_   l
:::;;;;;;;;|!;;;l l  | :: イ.l/ ̄|`   //    l / /| ::`   .lヾ::::::::::::::::::::\ ̄ >|
:::::;;;;;;l|;;;| i;| | ! : / |!  l  / ノ    /ノ l :: i  |;;;|;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::::::::::ヽ,.へ
ヽ::_;;;;;!;;_!.|;l l   i .i ====r==   ==r===| :  l /l;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::::::::::::::::::::|  l
、 ! r┐! ヽ!、ヽ  |l:::!   !::::::゙‐-:ノ      !:::::::゙‐-ノl  / / |;;;;;;;;;;;::::::::::_:::_::::!::::. |
.ヽノ 丶-'ヽ\ヽ ヾ::i  ゙ ー ゙       ゙ ー ゙ レ'ノ ノl、;;;;;> イ´>、 | rrー:/
\l   i| :: !! : `il`l ::| ''' "" 、 _    , ""//  / ノ r- 、〈ヽ\_ノ/ ‐'
  ヽ  |l : / .:: ノ !ヽ!、        ̄    l〈 i /-r ' /ヽ...ノヽ...ノ .:  /
   i / / -―-'---'  i 、         ,. ィiヾ l .|::::i::: / /  , /  _
、  | /   , ィ:: ̄//:::`,:i  、....  </:::::| \ヽ\!:_/  / ./> ' /
  ヽ/ヽ  /./::::::/ /::::::::::l |;;;;X;;;;;;;;;;;;;/:::::::l  |::ヽ    ` < / //
   !  \゙ l::::::::ヽ \::::::l レ  ヽ;;;;/!::::::ノ  !::::::::`ヽ、    ヽ/ / /
   |    ヽ|:::::::::::\ ヽ:! |--/.ヾ / '   /::::::::::/::/    /| ./ /

>> No.7766168

Just confess already, you'll feel MUCH better

>> No.7766169
File: 30 KB, 560x375, sudoafteraharddayswork.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7766176

Come on, I dare you to do it. What, those little girls at the animu you're watching can't talk, so you try to mimic them?

>> No.7766172
File: 22 KB, 502x327, Sudo#1fan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7766177

         jレ' .:.:.:.:.'゙´.:!'''ニヽ、`ヽ、从{,,  トト、 ィ≦ニソj:!   l.!
         j.i:l : l l.i  .:!  '、_彑シヽィシ'ハィ彡テテt、  リ.:; .:l.!
       i.l:l :.l.:l.! i.:ト、 ゙゙´  ̄´ .:.:.:'  ,ミヽ`'='-  ィイ;; .ji!
       Ⅵ.j:! l.!.:.i.:j! ',       .::.;  ;      ィj.:':';';j!ソ
          Ⅵ リ.:.j.:j! !     .:.:ィ.:;  :       イィ从ツ
         }! j.:.川      `ヾ;;; '′     ./. l/
        ,r ===ェェ=ェェ==ュ.:., -====.、.:   /i.:!.:.j!
       /.:.:/     ``ヽ`1 `ー---‐'    /.:i.:!.:j{
-====イ.:/.:.:.:.:.:.      ',i !` ー…-'   ,.イ.:.:j.:!.:ツ
. .. .. :.: .:.:.:l/!.:::::::::::::::o     l l      / !ツノノL_
;;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;.:l.:.::::::::::::::::     ji !ゝ--- <  ⊥`ヽ.:.:.:.`ヽ
;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;l;;l:.:.:::::::::::::::     /l/.:.:.: ..:.:.:.`¨¨´.::  !.:.:/.:.:l
;:;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;/⌒i.:.丶.:.:.::::__ ,. ィ' l      .:.:.:./   j!./.::::::L
;;;;;;;;;;;;;/  ヾ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.: /``ヽ     /   ,j!.:.::.:.:.l.:.:`ー- 、,,_
;;;;;;;;;/ /   "´, 二ニニニ= 、j   }___ __ __/ `ヽ/.:.:.:.:.:.:.:..:.:.:.``ー- 、
;;;;;;/ j,. {    /   ;     リ   ', .:. :. :. :. :. :. :.:  ,.イ{.:.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:`ヽ

>> No.7766178

I do other things, right now I'm rereading karakuri circus as a group recently picked it up and its surprisingly good for a shounen manga.

>> No.7766184

              /         ``丶、
            r'´              }
           / ∇      _,,,,,,,、、、、、、L
          /     ,. ‐' ̄ ヽn      \
           {,   /   i l   Ww `ヽ.   i
          ├ー'´ 卅从jUハヽヾ、彡      !
            (!人rrニ=  ィ=ニゝヽヽ     }
           J i '工j_    工T~  )ノ  li;, ト  
           fi  i   ¦       彳  リ ハ.} 
            L i   〈 、       iWjj!'  / 
             ヽl   _ .,,,,,_     /   r'´
                八   =    人从 リリ   
                \     / /  Y'´ _  
               _>i… '´ r┬'' ̄ ̄ |   
             f干  __.」_,,,,,....,_| |  _   ヽ_
             | ヽ「/,イ /  fノ  | |└=  /  ̄`''ー-、__
         ,,,,,,,-‐'|  | | Nノ   {!  |_二.‐'

>> No.7766181
File: 40 KB, 733x646, 1311738813115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go to a doctor and get diagnosed with depression/anxiety and get on medication. Go to a therapist for a while and then apply for SSI if you're not feeling better. The more Doctors you've seen/the longer you've been treated, the better.

>> No.7766182
File: 283 KB, 1600x1200, sudo is depressed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7766187
File: 289 KB, 1280x1024, sion doing the never ending terror.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7766196
File: 66 KB, 662x518, sion doing kong fu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7766194

           ,.   ´ ̄ ̄ ̄``ヽ、
          ,. '´            \
        /  o ノ             \
        l                  \
        /⌒ー---------‐‐‐- 、      \
       /.. : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : . `丶、     |
     /.:/. : : : : :: : : : : : : : : : . . . . . . . . .: \   |
      レ'. : : :/: :/ . : :ト、: : : : : . . . . . . . .: : : : .\ l
    _ノ.:.:.:.:.:/ l:/ |. . |ヽ\. : : : : : : : : : : : : ::.:.:.:.:.V
   '´  |.:.:.:イ-┼‐ |. : |    \二ニヽ. : : : :.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.',
      |.:.l.:.|     \|      `¨¨`ヽ: : :.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:l
      Nハl                  }.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.l
         }ニ三三    三三ミヽ   l.:./⌒ヽ.:./
        /                    l/ レ /.:/
         l ゙゙゙゙゙゙゙      ゙゙゙゙゙゙゙゙゙゙゙ ・   _ ノ:./
       ヽ    、_,、___,      ,. イ.:.:.:.:.l
          \              / ノノl.:.ハ!
          ` ー---------‐'´      l/

>> No.7766199

         ヾ.:.:::::::::::::::::,,、-‐'''",ィ, ィ  ̄``ー .:.:::::::!
        ,.イ`ー‐ィィシハji! 川イ从仆,'  .:;、  ``リ
        l/ iii! /´ 二ニミl/l/ ミーl/-、ト ト';、';、  I!
        ヽji .! ヽ(・)_.::〉  .:::、二'''``ヾ .:;:;:;:;' l!
         ル,;'|     /    、(・)ヽ j!  .:.: ,!
        /,ィイ!    /      ̄  ノ   .:; /
        l/ヾjj    ヾ;:;:、     ノ ,ィイ :;:;j!   
          ゙、j',   r===、    ,イ     .:;/  
         __Vハ  `ー--'    リ  .:.:';:':;'ノ'′  
        /.:::::::Vト、 ー    , イ.:;' ,:;';;イ
        _ノ.::,r''¨フ > --- ィ´,′)ノィイイ
    /.:.::::::::/ ,r'´  / ``Y.:.:.:.:::::::::::::::|
  _/.:.:::::::://  , イ   //.:.:.:::::::::::::::::::|

>> No.7766198
File: 106 KB, 360x276, shining gundam super mode.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7766200
File: 13 KB, 300x169, 1310539451766.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7766201
File: 59 KB, 500x349, pigracing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7766205

             i゙(    、_,.ィ ,, ,ィ゙ ) ゙i
             ナ  ミ≡`'テァ'ヷ′'ヘ、`!、 
             (f  ッン`ニ´.,_   _,..、「ソ` 
              ゙f r‐'ミ!´  tr`7 ('tr 〈′ 
              ゙i|.iンi;!,   ゙ ′i  ,i′ 
               ヾーヒ!ヽ   ' -ノ'  i′  
              ネ!i祇 ゙  ー─  /、     
              ,、┴;|`\  `´ _/_!)!,   
          _,,...」 |f゙´ノ、_>─f"i,/!:ト、_
       /`/ ̄_,/;;ノr゙ ///  / /|/ ; ゙'`,=-、,_
     / ,/ ̄/'"´/;! ゝ、__,、-‐''7 ':'゙ , ノ   `'-、_ `''-、,_
    /  /..:::/  /;;;;!      ,;;:'''/ ''`'-、l_  ,、-''" ̄ ゙i
   上ー、∩:::/   i゙;;;ツ     '' /〃 ,,;;;/ >'"      ゙i
  ,上ニ`ゝ、`:゙!   |!'′     /./Aヽ,,;;;;;f ,r'゙,,,,,,,,,/ ̄\  |
 /ど三`   ゙!;;,,_!__,,,、、、,_ f゙  〃 ;;;;;;;;;V_;;;;;=ィ┘    ヽ/
,/-ァ=─`…'''" ̄    才三r"゙''ー-、,,_ _,ィチ- i i i    ,イ゙/
,/            i三 i    ,、-''~    \\ニニ'゙ノ:/
                ゙!三゙i、:;'ーr'゙        `'ー ̄┘ /

>> No.7766207
File: 735 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Nichijou - 10 [720p].mkv_snapshot_21.35_[2011.06.05_01.26.54].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7766214

How many money do you receive per month?

>> No.7766217
File: 65 KB, 600x439, pigfig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7766218

        〃  、.:.:.:;:;:;::;ィ彡'´,ィイ⌒ヾ;:;:;::;:;:i!
        |i  ミミィィヲ.::.ィィイシ′ リハ、;:;',;;i;!
        リ  ミラ-‐''゙ `ヽ      `ヾミミi:!
       イ、,,ィィイ ,.ィ彡ニミz;;ィ ,rz彡⌒ヾ;:;;;l/
        !;:.:;:;;;;{  ーfモン`, .{.:;ニテァ  !;:;;シ
        ヾ;:! リ     "´,′ 1`    l1     
         ゙、l カト、    .::::; |    j!リ
          );、', ',     ^"^    イリ
         イ:;;;爪   `ー-‐-‐  ,j;!
          ヾii! ',ヽ    ー‐   /リL
         /.:.::::::::::i.:.ヽ、      / l:::::l!
         _/.:.:::::::::::::「`7 `'' ー─イ ィ::::l L_
   -‐'''"´.:.:.::::::::::::::::::l /    l ト、 N::::::l/.:.:.:.`''ー- 、、、_
  .:.:.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::LL__ リ__!:::/.:::::::::::::::::::::;:;;:;;;;;;;;;;

>> No.7766227
File: 48 KB, 300x281, 1312399359588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$700, it's more than enough to buy whatever I want since I have no rent or bills to pay. If I lived alone I'd get more.

>> No.7766233
File: 95 KB, 500x404, neets relaxing on sunny day.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7766230

Actually, I'm up at this hour to get ready for school.

>> No.7766234

           ||   i!   | |      _ _ _ _    _ _ _
  ∴∵ ・・・・ ,  || 只」|_.   | !          _ _ _    
          ,rij,レ'ー''‐-|  | |             _ _ _ _ _ _
         ,イノ「三三乍l  Yj」           ______
        ,「イ |l;;;;;l;;;;;;;;j」_」!!-尺ー=='T´ ̄ ̄ ニ二二二二ヽ
     _,イ'´,rーゝ                  |.     | O O O 0 ij |
  ,シニ二,イ ik/   r=、 ¨     「 |   」    | O O O 0 ij |
  |!   | i ill  ∵ _」ユl!! iユl l   _」 」  ill|     | O O O 0 ij |
  三三二 i 〕  〔iiij三二ニニ   カ三!  ill|    二二二二二l|   :  ‥ .......
  |!   | ! i/   ヾiiiii」」 iユl l。.  ヽ |..   ill|..     | O O 0 0 ij | _ _ _ _
  ゞー-、  ,i!  ∴  二'´¨     |_」   「|     | O O 0 0 ij |  ‥ .......  
   ヽ _ゝ、|||!、_    i i.       144M |     | O O 0 0 ij l
       ヾYシシシカ>ー────-、、、__」    └ー‐──‐/       ∴∵ ∴∵ ∴ ∵∴  ………
        ヽ!Y/三三三三三r'´i ̄i  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
         ヽ」イ三三三r'´  |  |    ‥ ・ ‥...
 . .        .  `ゝニニニニr'   |  |
           /l| |!        |  |
‥ ・ ‥....  / l| |        |  |
            / l|, i               

>> No.7766236

It's only 11:41 PM and a Friday night at that.

>> No.7766237
File: 60 KB, 848x480, 1311733151107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7766243

/ / \
/ \
| )
| O O /
\ \
\ \
_\ \__ It is not easy being a dick!
/__\ __ )I've got a head I can't think with it,
\\ _| // and eye's I can't see out of,
\_) // I have to hang around with
/ `-'\ two nuts all the time,
/ / \my closest neighbor is an asshole,
/ | |and my best friend is a pussy!
| | |
| \ /
\____/ `---'
| | | |_
_| | |___)

>> No.7766239

It's almost 6pm Saturday. Stop living in the past.

>> No.7766245
File: 83 KB, 360x360, NEET.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7766246

                          ,、、- ー - 、、, _
    _,,、- ー ' ´ ヽへヾ、         /´: : : : : : : : : : : :``ゝ、
   ノ´       ゞ"    `ヘ         {: : : <>: : : : : : : : : : : : : :ヽ,
  _,イ´彡           ゝ ヘ       〉、: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : ',
 ノ)   ノ)      ヘ   ヽミ     /∨>==─- - 、,,:.__: : : : : :',
  (('"´ ノ   ハ   /ヘハ ヽ ヘヾ    (iイノiゝイ人レヘルヘゞイト、:_:_:.丿
  ノノ ハ彡ノノノ)丿ノ  )ノ!ハ.ゝ      )iヘ(ヒ_]     ヒ_ン ).人|、i ノ
 彡ノ/レi' (ヒ_]     ヒ_ン レ'ソ.ノ        !""  ,___,   "" ノ)!ノ((
  ノ) ヘゝ'"    ,___,  "' i レ'        ',   ヽ _ン     ハ ノノ
   `ヽ,ハ    ヽ _ン   人!          ヽ、       ,イ| |!| /
     ソハ>,、 _____, ,.イリ          ノレ` ー--─ ´ノルレ´

>> No.7766248
File: 2.62 MB, 695x225, 1311282695797.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7766250

Does the medication affect you, and how so?

>> No.7766251
File: 18 KB, 265x250, GoldMedal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7766252

        ,.''"´        ``ヽ
      ,r'´        ,ミjミ    \
     / ,〃 ,イ    1い´^^ハ、    ゙i
      i.:.ゞj ノソ  ,ィ彡jリ !    `ト、 ヽ.;:;!
     ノ,ィツ;;;;:;:;ミ三ィイソ'   ,,、、、_ヾミ、.:.:;:!
     /ゞ;:;:;:、;:;:;:;::フ"´   _,ィ゙,.-ー-ゞ゙i;:;:;:;ト、
     i;:;ィツ;;;;;ィ三二ニj ゞ‐''´r,=,、、  ゙ト、;:j.ト,
    ゙ゞ;:タ;:'´ 、_,ィ6j〉゙ i ヽ ー゙ー'‐    1,ヘ;;;;|
     `ヾ;:j  , "´,イ | `ー- 、  ,j リ{<!;:;;!
       Yk     ヾ ,!        /^リ /;;;;′
         ',;:ト、    ゝr ^ '      ,'  V;:;;:{
        `トj、   、,,z= ==,'´  ′j ;;i;;;N
         !;;!    `ニニ´    /;:;;イ;从
         `ヾト、   , -ー   ,/. . .:;;|.`ヽ
         /! ヽ、      /,.-‐'"´.:.:i
        /:::::;|_.  `ー─‐''´ /.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.::.L_
        ,ィ∧:::::レ゙´ ̄`y'´ ̄ヽ<ハ.:.:.:::::::::::::.:.:/_.: .`''‐- 、
    _/:::/::::「7′   ,゙  ,  /.:.」:::::::::::::::/:::::::::::::..`ー-

>> No.7766254

You don't have to take it.
The medication is just Prozac.

>> No.7766255
File: 139 KB, 400x225, 1306888161359.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

None of the ones I've been on so far have helped really. I got prescribed a new one yesterday, though, so we'll see.

>> No.7766258

  ,.ィィ彡彡ノ ノノノノノハ .:! !   .:.:;:;.::;/  i, !! |i', ゙i;ミミミ
.:__,ィイ彡彡'___  ノノ  N ',   イイ /   i, !! |i', ゙i;ミミミ
 .:r'r'"´   ニ 二ニニ =;; zz、ヽ 〈 V/,,、、zニニ二,,,, !;:;:;;;;;     
;;;;;;;'´   ミ< __(.:・) __≧ミミヽヽヽ;;と _(::・:)__ ノ ,;:;:;;;;;;;    
;;;;          ̄ ̄      〈;;;;′      ,;;;;;;;;;;;;     
;;                   ',;;;       ,;:;;;;;;;;;;
  ,.ィィ彡彡ノ ノノノノノハ .:! !   .:.:;:;.::;/  i, !! |i', ゙i;ミミミ
.:__,ィイ彡彡'___  ノノ  N ',   イイ /   i, !! |i', ゙i;ミミミ
 .:r'r'"´   ニ 二ニニ =;; zz、ヽ 〈 V/,,、、zニニ二,,,, !;:;:;;;;;     
;;;;;;;'´   ミ< __(.:・) __≧ミミヽヽヽ;;と _(::・:)__ ノ ,;:;:;;;;;;;    
;;;;          ̄ ̄      〈;;;;′      ,;;;;;;;;;;;;     
;;                   ',;;;       ,;:;;;;;;;;;;
  ,.ィィ彡彡ノ ノノノノノハ .:! !   .:.:;:;.::;/  i, !! |i', ゙i;ミミミ
.:__,ィイ彡彡'___  ノノ  N ',   イイ /   i, !! |i', ゙i;ミミミ
 .:r'r'"´   ニ 二ニニ =;; zz、ヽ 〈 V/,,、、zニニ二,,,, !;:;:;;;;;     
;;;;;;;'´   ミ< __(.:・) __≧ミミヽヽヽ;;と _(::・:)__ ノ ,;:;:;;;;;;;    
;;;;          ̄ ̄      〈;;;;′      ,;;;;;;;;;;;;     
;;                   ',;;;       ,;:;;;;;;;;;;

>> No.7766260
File: 32 KB, 600x399, gold medal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well done friend.

>> No.7766265

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