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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 40 KB, 400x300, 1292164440332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7763668 No.7763668 [Reply] [Original]

1. Most productive tripfag
2. Most shitposting tripfag
3. Most fat tripfag
4. Most annoying tripfag
5. Most angry tripfag
6. Most buttmad tripfag
7. Most newfag tripfag
8. Tripfag that should leave to Gaia
9. Tripfag that should leave to /b/
10. Most stupid tripfag
11. Most notorious tripfag
12. Most funny tripfag
13. Most retarded tripfag
14. Most trollable tripfag
15. Most unfunny tripfag
16. Most silent tripfag
17. Most greasy tripfag
18. Most dirty tripfag
19. Most perverted tripfag
20. Most gay tripfag
21. Most straight tripfag
22. Most handsome tripfag

>> No.7763670

sion > *

>> No.7763671
File: 103 KB, 1280x720, [MahouShoujo+yesy]_Puella_Magi_Madoka_Magica_11_[1280x720p][ts][x264][aac][8e06989f].mkv_snapshot_12.21_[2011.08.17_20.51.24].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>22. Most handsome tripfag

>> No.7763675

White Ren

>> No.7763676

Arr rook same.

Except for Ken-kun.

>> No.7763679
File: 26 KB, 500x507, small pig in janitors grasp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3. Most fat tripfag

>> No.7763681

Zun!bar goes in all bad fields.

>> No.7763687

Reported for shitposting.

>> No.7763683

What's with that picture?

>> No.7763685

1 ZUN!bar
2 ZUN!bar
3 Sudo
4 Sudo
5 Sudo
6 Sudo
7 Sudo
8 Sudo
9 Sudo
10 Sudo
11 ZUN!bar
12 ZUN!bar
13 Sudo
14 Sudo
15 Sudo
16 Aya's boyfriend
17 Sudo
18 Sudo
19 Sudo
20 Sudo
21 Anon Jones
22 ZUN!bar

>> No.7763694
File: 47 KB, 620x462, Slav got his wellfare check.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7763696
File: 66 KB, 466x449, 1313627696163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is homu playground.

>> No.7763697
File: 273 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Nichijou - 12 [720p].mkv_snapshot_13.53_[2011.06.19_00.59.46].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7763698

1. Most productive tripfag: Hong, RemiliaJAM
2. Most shitposting tripfag: WTH
3. Most fat tripfag: Sudo
4. Most annoying tripfag: WTH
5. Most angry tripfag: Scandaroon
6. Most buttmad tripfag: Scandaroon
7. Most newfag tripfag: WTH
8. Tripfag that should leave to Gaia:WTH
9. Tripfag that should leave to /b/:WTH
10. Most stupid tripfag:WTH
11. Most notorious tripfag:Hong
12. Most funny tripfag: Aya
13. Most retarded tripfag: WTH
14. Most trollable tripfag:
15. Most unfunny tripfag: Suigin, WTH
16. Most silent tripfag: Eksopl
17. Most greasy tripfag: Sudo
18. Most dirty tripfag: Sudo
19. Most perverted tripfag: Gay!bar
20. Most gay tripfag:Gay!bar
21. Most straight tripfag: none
22. Most handsome tripfag: none

>> No.7763703
File: 29 KB, 500x322, Vladimir and Vitali.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7763706
File: 35 KB, 576x662, 1306361230082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7763709

wtH-chan not on 1?

The fuck are you smoking

>> No.7763717

I miss the old wtH, the new one is a boring wannabe.

>> No.7763723

Does he even count as a /jp/-tripper? I always got the impression he has nothing to do with /jp/ and is just an infiltrating /v/-spy.

>> No.7763724

     ゝ、i:ノ ゝi:::::::::::::l l   l  ,x≠=x、`/ ./   /`´,x=≠=xノl  / ./::::
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>> No.7763737

This thread is actually pretty bad.

>> No.7763739
File: 416 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Nichijou - 20 [720p].mkv_snapshot_13.41_[2011.08.14_04.25.30].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7763740

        ,ィイ'''" ̄, ̄     ``ー-、 
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 /  j!  ,l  ヽゞミミl i jト、   `、   丶  ``ゞY        
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.リ ,イ/  ,f/,!ト、,k ト、゙ヾ! N/ヾ;;:;:ヾ、,,,ィ j   ``''ー〈リ   
 >'゙   _ノ li l l| ,j`ト、 ヾミミ`ヽー-,イレ'三ヾ≡三〈.      
 i ,r'"´  リ川 / リ^リヽゞミ三彳ィ'´-ァ''ゝミト、``ヽ     
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           「jヽ    //    // /__________,. '"´    _」

>> No.7763747
File: 631 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Nichijou - 17 [720p].mkv_snapshot_10.16_[2011.07.24_02.30.54].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7763756 [DELETED] 

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>> No.7763758

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>> No.7763760
File: 640 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Nichijou - 20 [720p].mkv_snapshot_21.23_[2011.08.14_04.34.22].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7763766


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>> No.7763774
File: 4 KB, 203x214, disturbed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1, 11, 21, 22 all go to QC
4, 5, 6 all go to suigin

>> No.7763784


HELL yeah

>> No.7763791

Goddamn, Sudo, learn to sage your shit already

>> No.7763788

Forgot your trip.

>> No.7763792


You forgot YOURS, suigan.

>> No.7763793
File: 54 KB, 252x264, already_knew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

YOU are

trying to make me look samefag, can't get nothin past me cuz i'm smart as HELL

>> No.7763795
File: 121 KB, 662x807, 1296564198001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7763803

It's Wth.

>> No.7763801

Forgot your trip again, wth.

>> No.7763802


>> No.7763805
File: 59 KB, 928x176, uidrew moving to .jp..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7763820

Does this thread actually exist? I'm getting half-broken thumbnails for a few of the images.

>> No.7763827

Yes, but all images are deleted, aside from the OP's one.

>> No.7763828


we're in the twilight zone

>> No.7763908

All of them

>> No.7763937
File: 27 KB, 241x230, 1312053787083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7763944


>> No.7763948
File: 352 KB, 1251x1750, moe 89299 alice_margatroid madokan_suzuki touhou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's currently shitty right now so I felt like browsing /jp/ at the moment.

Has a lot of time on his hands.

>> No.7763953



>> No.7763959
File: 90 KB, 432x585, 1308700172998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>abusing the report system.

>> No.7763963
File: 40 KB, 563x800, 1284241338600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about me? I haven't been with you long, but I hope I can make a worthwhile contribution to this board.

>> No.7763968 [DELETED] 

i |/〉:',

          |::::i:::|:::|:||:::|:i i::::::::i:::|::i ',:i::||::|:::::i::::::i:::::::i:i
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           \  ` 、  ' ‐ r    /::::|::::::::::::::|
           |:::::\  ヽ‐ ,..{   ´iソ:::::::|::::::::::::::|
           ,.-'ヘ:|::ゝ   `y,j .|    .l:::::::j//〃⌒` 、
          /"`、 |:/   ./、  |   .|:::::i/ /   }

>> No.7763974

Reported for using a reaction image outside /b/.

>> No.7763987
File: 43 KB, 500x375, 1313771967058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you expect me to use my random folder, my Alice folder, or what about my K-ON! one?


>abusing the report button.

Enjoy your b&

>> No.7763994

Reported for being a huge faggot.

>> No.7764022

I nominate Uncle Mugen for all categories.

>> No.7764023

Stop trying to make Uidrew look bad, asshole. He's cooler than most of the people who post here.

>> No.7764026


>> No.7764027
File: 114 KB, 1440x810, 1313455746535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think you've checked my trip on /a/ and it's history have you.

>abusing the report button.

>> No.7764030


Please, get out. /a/-reject foreigners are not welcome here.

>> No.7764037

This made me remember the add me on formspring threads. They got me acquainted with the variety of shitposters on jp and I can identify most of their threads now.

Too bad there's no practical use for that info.

>> No.7764038

I can browse this place if I want.

Luckily it's only when /a/ get's crap, so I'll probably browse here on a whim or if I see a topic that interests me (or one I can "possibly" fit in).

Also pot calling the kettle black.

>> No.7764039

>abusing the report button.
lol your newfaggot is showing

>> No.7764041

obligatory shit greentext
>functioning brains

>> No.7764040

Then don't use it for petty reasons. Mere my existence shouldn't be used for the report button.

if it were like that, I'd report every time I see White Ren makes a reply.

>> No.7764042

Tripfags on boards like /tv/, /lit/, /v/, and even sometimes /mu/ are more historical than anybody on /a/ could be. What the hell? That's like saying there's been a notable trip on /b/ since 2005. Even /jp/ is more important than boring /a/.

>> No.7764047


I'm hardly mad.

>> No.7764043

shut up you butthurt faggot

>> No.7764044

Who are you quoting?

>> No.7764048

His greentext, if you haven't noticed it, smart-ass.

>> No.7764050

Alright, I'll bite.

1. Most productive tripfag: Meiling
2. Most shitposting tripfag: Any idolfag
3. Most fat tripfag: ZUN!bar
4. Most annoying tripfag: Sakura
5. Most angry tripfag: White Ren
6. Most buttmad tripfag: White Ren
7. Most newfag tripfag: Homolord
8. Tripfag that should leave to Gaia: Any idolfag
9. Tripfag that should leave to /b/: Any idolfag
10. Most stupid tripfag: King of /jp/
11. Most notorious tripfag: White Ren
12. Most funny tripfag: White Ren
13. Most retarded tripfag: Any idolfag
14. Most trollable tripfag: Any idolfag
15. Most unfunny tripfag: Youmu
16. Most silent tripfag: Fleet Admiral Kokoro
17. Most greasy tripfag: Sudo
18. Most dirty tripfag: Sudo
19. Most perverted tripfag: ZUN!bar
20. Most gay tripfag: Any idolfag
21. Most straight tripfag: The Package
22. Most handsome tripfag: Sudo

>> No.7764053

It's in response to this:
>I don't think you've checked my trip on /a/ and it's history have you.
The implications are that he's a notable tripfag. He isn't.

>> No.7764058

I never said that.

I said "never checking the history behind my trip" because if he thinks I am "cool", then he clearly hasn't seen the shit behind it.

Oh wait, you never go outside /jp/ do you.

>> No.7764059

1. Most productive tripfag : Vn-status-kun ; Hong; Remilia
2. Most shitposting tripfag :: WTH
3. Most fat tripfag : Sudo
4. Most annoying tripfag : WTH
5. Most angry tripfag : WTH
6. Most buttmad tripfag : WTH
7. Most newfag tripfag : Naruto-something
8. Tripfag that should leave to Gaia : WTH
9. Tripfag that should leave to /b/ : WTH
10. Most stupid tripfag : WTH
11. Most notorious tripfag : VN-Status-kun, if only once a week.
12. Most funny tripfag : Uncle Mugen
13. Most retarded tripfag : WTH
14. Most trollable tripfag : Mugen?
15. Most unfunny tripfag : WTH
16. Most silent tripfag : VN-Status-Kun
17. Most greasy tripfag : Sudo
18. Most dirty tripfag : Sudo
19. Most perverted tripfag : Zun!Bar
20. Most gay tripfag : Zun!Bar
21. Most straight tripfag : White-Len
22. Most handsome tripfag : Mugen

>> No.7764061


I saw a baby picture of Sudo on /jp/. He's pretty cute.

>> No.7764062
File: 43 KB, 300x311, 1310852823083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>22. Most handsome tripfag: Sudo

>> No.7764065
File: 26 KB, 500x375, 1312315147267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice to see the IQ levels of this board though. Abusing a button just because they dislike something they see on here.

>> No.7764066

>you never go outside /jp/ do you.
I'm sorry, this isn't /a/.

>> No.7764070
File: 108 KB, 900x600, 8954854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never said it was.

And going with that logic, you shouldn't be throwing a hissy fit and spamming the "report" button every time you see my name.

>> No.7764076

I swear to fucking god if you don't stop posting, I will find you, tie you down, and fuck you with my huge swole nigger dick.

>> No.7764078

Reported for shitposting.

>> No.7764081


Calling Uidrew a tripfag is an insult to tripfags everywhere.

>> No.7764085
File: 114 KB, 540x498, 1303991554361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's not shitposting my friend, that's just me telling you to stop abusing something because you are getting quite mad when you see my name posting on here.

>> No.7764091

reported for false accusations.

>> No.7764095

We still need the Best Tripfriend, Uncla Mugen to show up.

>> No.7764097 [DELETED] 

reported for false accusations.

>> No.7764100

Jesus Christ, you make wtH-kun look smart.

>> No.7764104


Uncle Mugen is working right now. Somthing about smuggling more fruit.

>> No.7764107
File: 48 KB, 450x428, 1309827862752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone here is so butthurt.

I love it.

>> No.7764114
File: 254 KB, 379x533, SwimMeat2 Uidrew&amp;Komeiji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, nobody wants even more retards on this board.

>> No.7764109
File: 247 KB, 1497x480, 1313714130598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does it make you look cool that you can keep using that button for the wrong reasons?

It makes you as bad as /a/.

>> No.7764116


So me moved from vegetables when he got busted huh?
He surely is persistent.

>> No.7764119


>> No.7764124
File: 33 KB, 198x166, Sudo - Cute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7764126

How autistic. He actually thinks they're reporting him.

>> No.7764126,1 [INTERNAL] 

Quality work by the Janitor, as always.

>> No.7764128

  __    __
 / ☣ \   / ☣ \ This thread is currently being fagged up by
〔(◣◎◢)〕〔(◣◎◢)〕 Uidrew !!m4tW5PKB2UV
 (つ㍍ づ  (つ㍍ づ    Quarantine procedures are taking effect.
 | | |   | | |     All civilians, please evacuate the area immediately
 (__)_) (__)_)     and await further instruction

>> No.7764130

>>19. Most perverted tripfag: ZUN!bar


And /a/ guys, they aren't actually reporting you.

>> No.7764137


>> No.7764135

Who are you again?

>> No.7764140
File: 369 KB, 571x800, 1309551723905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course they aren't. If they honestly did, then they could have only done it once over here when I first used my trip at >>7764040


>> No.7764141

Don't give them wrong ideas!

>> No.7764145
File: 114 KB, 500x574, 1bff3513820c92eb7617e0b4c21b5ae2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about me?

>> No.7764152
File: 272 KB, 677x1000, 16836468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That person was getting his context done incorrectly as I never said anywhere that "Aspergers" was better than "Autism".

>> No.7764153


Can you two please take of our >>7764140
overstaying tourist?
You should be acquainted with him since you both visit /a/.

>> No.7764159

And here I thought Jones and Sion were bad.

>> No.7764163

Get out you fucking retard.

>> No.7764166
File: 95 KB, 500x502, eecbd764623e43a228cd8a6e564903f4cedeea23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well it'll be quite hard to get rid of me really, I pretty much browse "any" board as I please.

You should be lucky that I aren't going to post on here constantly though, no reason to for now (unless that spammer get's to me).

>> No.7764178

Ah, Suigin, you were such a marvelous poster in the past.
I wish I could put on my trip and join you, but unfortunately, I cannot reveal my identity.

>> No.7764181

Komeiji, I know you're here and baking up your buttbuddy.

Just ignore those two people.

1. Most productive tripfag: RemiliaJAM
2. Most shitposting tripfag: Wth
3. Most fat tripfag: Sudo
4. Most annoying tripfag: King of /jp/
5. Most angry tripfag: White Ren
6. Most buttmad tripfag: athens
7. Most newfag tripfag: those /a/ tripfags
8. Tripfag that should leave to Gaia: above
9. Tripfag that should leave to /b/: YamaXana
10. Most stupid tripfag: thoughtless celestial
11. Most notorious tripfag: Gay!bar
12. Most funny tripfag: Jewnsy
13. Most retarded tripfag: Freezing
14. Most trollable tripfag: Hermit
15. Most unfunny tripfag: Youmu
16. Most silent tripfag: QC
17. Most greasy tripfag: mugen
18. Most dirty tripfag: Croatia
19. Most perverted tripfag: Helen
20. Most gay tripfag: Arc
21. Most straight tripfag: Yutanpo
22. Most handsome tripfag: BOOF

>> No.7764182
File: 156 KB, 1028x709, 1291330746785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So how was your...nah, just kidding.

>> No.7764183
File: 95 KB, 256x253, 1306475088269.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever, but until now, you're still tryhard tripfag #7634
Who are you anyway?

>> No.7764185
File: 857 KB, 1920x1080, blargh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which one am I? (I used to go by Francis York Morgan)

>> No.7764186
File: 51 KB, 600x450, badass_naruto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Uidrew sullying our precious Touhous
Oh God, I wish you were dead. Go back to /a/.

>> No.7764199

some retard from /a/ it seems

>> No.7764201
File: 24 KB, 640x480, 1311980207716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just someone who mostly frequented /a/ and /c/.


>> No.7764208
File: 220 KB, 700x700, 1241642858622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh fascinating, I give him four metathreads before he goes back there.

>> No.7764209

Honorable mention for iluvOP and Aya girlfriend.

>> No.7764209,1 [INTERNAL] 

Jesus Christ

>> No.7764209,2 [INTERNAL] 

So who's this failed abortion product?

>> No.7764209,3 [INTERNAL] 

Even though I'm indifferent towards them, it's sad to think that some of the old-timers tripfags don't post anymore, and instead we have this new crop of /a/ trips.

>> No.7764209,4 [INTERNAL] 

It's our new tripfag resident.

Make sure to fellate him daily.

>> No.7764209,5 [INTERNAL] 

>>like 5 people saying "Most gay tripfag : Zun!Bar"


Consider me trolled into the stratosphere, Anons.

>> No.7764209,6 [INTERNAL] 

Excess denial and insecurity of one's own sexual orientation is a sign of homosexuality.

>> No.7764209,7 [INTERNAL] 

Man... I certainly wanted to join this thread... too bad I have to focus on something really hard right now... I swear I'll fill page one with nothing but Uncle Mugen's love when I'm done with this multi-million mega project

(deny as much as you want... I don't care... once I pulled this one... I'll be rich!... oh wait... I AM RICH!)

>> No.7764209,8 [INTERNAL] 

go dig a hole mugen

>> No.7764209,9 [INTERNAL] 

You shouldn't be proud of being rich from onion smuggling schemes. Nobody likes a cheater.

>> No.7764209,10 [INTERNAL] 

There are no good tripfags - mugen is a sumggler, zunbar is a murderer, jones is a jew, suigin is from argentina, wth is retarded and the rest are either pedos or homos.

>> No.7764209,11 [INTERNAL] 

I don't recognize any of these trips!

ITT, Jones-sama edition:
1. Most productive tripfag: Hong Meirin gate
2. Most shitposting tripfag: Sion
3. Most fat tripfag: Sudo
4. Most annoying tripfag: Sudo
5. Most angry tripfag: pretty sure nobody gets mad at the Internet (maybe Sudo because he has Aspergers)
6. Most buttmad tripfag: maybe Sudo because he has Aspergers
7. Most newfag tripfag: all of the ones in this thread apparently!
8. Tripfag that should leave to Gaia: all of the ones in this thread apparently!
9. Tripfag that should leave to /b/: all of the ones in this thread apparently!
10. Most stupid tripfag: Sion
11. Most notorious tripfag: no such thing as trip-notoriety
12. Most funny tripfag: Alabama's gay stalker
13. Most retarded tripfag: Sudo, genuinely retarded
14. Most trollable tripfag: maybe Sudo because he has Aspergers
15. Most unfunny tripfag: all of them
16. Most silent tripfag: a contradiction of terms if I ever saw one
17. Most greasy tripfag: mugenjohncel
18. Most dirty tripfag: Losstarot
19. Most perverted tripfag: Hong Meirin gate
20. Most gay tripfag: Sion (but ZUN, you're pretty gay too so go ahead and feel bad)
21. Most straight tripfag: yours truly
22. Most handsome tripfag: whoever posted that swimsuit picture all those years ago

>> No.7764209,12 [INTERNAL] 

Ghost just got awesome!

>> No.7764209,13 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.7764209,14 [INTERNAL] 

Are you frustrated? You are frustrated, my brother. You are so mad. Why are you so mad? I can post anything otaku related, that is what is says in the rules. I don't care about your rules of faggotry. Why are you so mad?

>> No.7764209,15 [INTERNAL] 

suck my cock dude

>> No.7764209,16 [INTERNAL] 

lol XDD epic lulz
*puts lol sticker on this thread* rofl

>> No.7764209,17 [INTERNAL] 

That wasn't very nice, considering that I'm a namefag. But I'm happy that haters like you can't begin to understand my habits, so they write it off as 'stupidity'. Being misunderstood is the true sign of geniouses!

>> No.7764209,18 [INTERNAL] 

suck my cock dude

>> No.7764209,19 [INTERNAL] 

>suck my cock
What are you, gay?

>> No.7764209,20 [INTERNAL] 

suck my cock dude

>> No.7764209,21 [INTERNAL] 

So what, are we palying ping-pong or something?
dude suck my cock.

>> No.7764209,22 [INTERNAL] 

Dude ping my pong.

>> No.7764209,23 [INTERNAL] 

You'll play ping pong, i'll play pokemon.
Go Metapod! Use harden!

>> No.7764209,24 [INTERNAL] 

which reminds me, when you get unbanned (due to time passing) do you get a message detailing why you ware banned, or just that your ban has passed?

>> No.7764209,25 [INTERNAL] 

>not evading bans

>> No.7764209,26 [INTERNAL] 

>this meme again
I'm gonna leave my current living place soon. problem is, the IP here is static; the next person to live in my place will know that the previous resident is banned for 'child model' (I have my reasons), and this could prove fatal to my future.

>> No.7764209,27 [INTERNAL] 


Can't switch to a different provider?

>> No.7764209,28 [INTERNAL] 

the internet is provided by the person renting this house. now it's too late to switch, the next resident will still see 4chan as tough he was me.

I know that by the time the next person shows up the ban will be lifted. question is, will it say why I was banned or only that I was and now no longer? if the second, I could probably leave here calmly. if the first, well there are ways to prolong my stay here so I'll be still around for the ban to lift. either way I can probably deal with it, for now I'm staying because that's safest, but it's still a hassle so I'm making sure that I had no other choice.
