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7763367 No.7763367 [Reply] [Original]

Which mecha eroge is the best overall?

>> No.7763371

Why do you keep trying to troll with this thread?

>> No.7763375

I am not trying to troll. I am genuinely interested.

>> No.7763381


>> No.7763384

MLA > Baldr Sky = Muramasa

prove me wrong

>> No.7763382 [DELETED] 

bump to piss off the japanese elitist superstructureXD

>> No.7763389

proof that MLA is the best

#1 Muv-Luv Alternative 9.29 (413)

at vndb

>> No.7763391

You can't be serious.

>> No.7763397

I'm sure the whole thread is serious.

>> No.7763402

Personal opinion:
Baldr Sky > Muramasa > MLA

>> No.7763403

Actually, compared to previous versions, this one makes sense.

>> No.7763401

whats da matter nihongo masters, afraid of telling your preference because of a possible backlash on your game's fanbase XD?

>> No.7763407

>Which mecha eroge is the best overall?
Don't know much about that, but Crime and Punishment is easily the best book of the bunch.

>> No.7763416

here comes the DEEP reading hipster faggot

>> No.7763411

Only the plot of MLA and ender's game have in common with each other

>> No.7763427

Hey ey, Neuromancer was really good, and Ender's Game was at least enjoyable if predictable.

>> No.7763423

>Translated by Constance Garnett

>> No.7763424
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Everything in that image is better.

>> No.7763425

Yeah, I know, it's a semi-troll thread, but imo:

Muramasa > Baldr Sky = MLA

All of them great games. You're missing out a lot if you know Japanese and haven't played them yet.

>> No.7763430

I never said they were bad. But if you want real literary merit, you go for Crime and Punishment.

>> No.7763429

why don't you try and go make this thread on /m/

>> No.7763435

>real literary merit
lol spoken like a true hipster

>> No.7763443

In my opinion
Baldr sky=Muramsa>>MLA
Having to read the shitfests of extra and unlimited is not fine with me.

>> No.7763441
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>> No.7763455

>Having to read the shitfests of extra and unlimited is not fine with me.
This. Making the reader go through ML Extra+Unlimited and Unlimited-lite in MLA is pretty unreasonable.

>> No.7763459

I mean, reading them improves alternative, but seriously they are dull as fuck.
Baldr sky got it right, except for the read all the unskippable memories before entering the 5 route' part

>> No.7763458
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mikoto is sad

>> No.7763464

They weren't THAT bad. Besides being somewhat cliche (but in most ways Extra felt more like a parody anyway) and in Unlimited's case having a horrible non-ending before anything happens (but then if you treat it as an intro to Alternative that's not so bad) they were perfectly solid at least as a mediocre time-waster tier eroge. (Leaving aside side-routes as I've heard they are horrible and not checked them out myself.) The only reason people seem to find them as some horrible experience is because they go into them expecting shit, and are anxious to get to the "real" VN they were looking forward to.

>> No.7763466

Sky because you get the experience actual mecha combat.

>> No.7763472

each one is pretty different from each other so they can't really be compared and it's up to taste to decide. altough with MLA you have to read 2 mediocre games to get to good parts when the other two are insteresting straight from the begining so I'd say MLA is worst and then tie with Muramasa and BS

>> No.7763486

>lolz i don't agree with him he must a trollz xDDDDD1

Get the fuck out.

>> No.7763487

Oh god, it's this annoying faggot again. You're not 'genuinely interested', you're just shit-posting.

>> No.7763492

If I tried to be "objective", I'd probably have to say Muramasa - a good theme whose faces are explored well and in a systematic way in the several routes.

However, MLA had the most profound impact on me (I read it way before either of the two other games were released, which may have something to do with this) so I consider it the best of the three. The two other are also great, but I still put them a few steps below MLA in my personal ranking.

>> No.7763489 [DELETED] 

Well, I didn't hate it myself even though I'm being harsh against it. ML was a solid slice-of-lifeish eroge with few funny moments. Give it 7.5-8 at best. But if I were to pit the Muv-Luv saga as a whole against Muramasa, I sure as hell can't say that MLA, which requires you to read ML Ex+UL to get the most of it, stands a chance against it. I remember having said this same thing in some thread yesterday.

Haven't played Baldr yet so can't comment about that.

>> No.7763499

best post in this thread

yes MLA best

>> No.7763494 [DELETED] 

Oh come on be gentle with me... I am genuinely interested. Look, there's an ongoing, civil discussion going on.

>> No.7763495


>> No.7763502

Oh come on be gentle with me... I am genuinely interested. Look, there's an ongoing civil discussion.

>> No.7763508

For me it would be harder to rank KEY novels, really.
Baldr sky>muramasa>ML series

>> No.7763513

Well, I didn't hate it myself even though I'm being harsh against it. ML was a solid slice-of-lifeish eroge with few funny moments. Give it 7.5-8 at best. But if I were to pit the Muv-Luv saga as a whole against Muramasa, I sure as hell can't say that MLA, the game which requires you to read ML Ex+UL to get the most of it, stands a chance against it. I did give 10/10 for MLA, though. I remember having addressed this same thing in some thread yesterday.

Haven't played Baldr yet so can't comment on that.

>> No.7763516

Well, I didn't hate it myself even though I'm being harsh against it. ML was a solid slice-of-lifeish eroge with few funny moments. Give it 7.5-8 at best. But if I were to pit the Muv-Luv saga as a whole against Muramasa, I sure as hell can't say that MLA, the game which requires you to read ML Ex+UL to get the most of it, stands a chance against it. I did give 10/10 for MLA, though. I remember having addressed this same thing in some thread yesterday.

Haven't played Baldr yet so can't comment on that.

>> No.7763521

Why did you copypaste my post?

>> No.7763527

Sorry, it was an accident.

>> No.7763529
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this yaroo...

>> No.7763532

Well, I didn't hate it myself even though I'm being harsh against it. ML was a solid slice-of-lifeish eroge with few funny moments. Give it 7.5-8 at best. But if I were to pit the Muv-Luv saga as a whole against Muramasa, I sure as hell can't say that MLA, the game which requires you to read ML Ex+UL to get the most of it, stands a chance against it. I did give 10/10 for MLA, though. I remember having addressed this same thing in some thread yesterday.

Haven't played Baldr yet so can't comment on that.

>> No.7763551 [DELETED] 

Which is the Neuromancer eroge?

>> No.7763555

Metarail when are you going to enter Ichijou's route? It's the best shit ever (IMO), Kanae's route is weak compared to hers (IMO).

>> No.7763561

I would suggest you to read the goddamn thread, but you seem mentally challenged.

>> No.7763560


>> No.7763566

lolz OP, don't act like you're some expert on the subject just because you're following the conversation of the nihongo hyperelitists, bywatcher

>> No.7763571

Just sobriety-challenged I'm afraid.

>> No.7763577

>Which mecha eroge is the best overall?


>> No.7763575

Same BETA is same.

>> No.7763584

It's funny how people have to say "MLA", and not "ML+MLA". You have to count in the prequels as well you know, otherwise it isn't fair.

>> No.7763590

The shittiest thread of the month is here, rejoice!

>> No.7763593

Thread isn't even bad. Pretty civil discussion and is going just in the direction I wanted it to. There's just one faggot being autistic. Read >>7763575

>> No.7763594

If we're counting all of the Baldr games as a whole too, then I guess Muramasa wins, right?

>> No.7763600

I didn't like janen hen at all in Muramasa.

>> No.7763602

except Baldr games aren't connected like ML+MLA are

>> No.7763607 [DELETED] 

BS1 wasn't bad. It isn't as good as 2 of course, but it sure as hell isn't as average as ML. The gap in quality between certain parts of MLA and ML is noticeable.

>> No.7763614

It really doesn't have any connection to the main game, since it's just a shitty fanfiction by guest writers

>> No.7763615

It isn't saying much, all three games are pretty huge and Muramasa is the only one who didn't happen to be cut into smaller games, but it does have its slow setting exposition moments at the beginning as well. If anything, the history, flying kendo and ezo culture lessons can be more boring than Extra and Rain route combined unless you like worldbuilding.

>> No.7763616

BS1 wasn't bad. It isn't as good as 2 of course, but it sure as hell isn't as average as ML. The gap in quality between certain parts of MLA and and the whole ML is noticeable.

>> No.7763624

BS1 feels like an actual part of a series that actually requires to read the second part and doesn't work as stand alone.

>> No.7763642
File: 70 KB, 453x342, 1281443176004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay guys, objectively speaking, which game is the Shakespheare/Tolstoy/Dostoevsky of eroge and which two enjoy the Twilight/Harry Potter-like popularity? In short, which game would be objectively deemed the best if there were professional literature critics reviewing eroge?

>> No.7763647


It's funny because they all wrote overrated shit.

>> No.7763651

Man, you're so desperate.

>> No.7763652

But you haven't even read any of them.

>> No.7763654

Come at me, broskis. Which is it? I demand to know.

>> No.7763656

Speaking of mecha eroge, is Zwei Worter any good?

After playing euphoria, I've been looking at some other Clock-up games and this one caught my interest.

>> No.7763661

everyone already knows what it is, they just don't want to say it. looking at your post, no wonder

>> No.7763665

I had to read a ton of Shakespeare in school, dropped War & Peace halfway through, and I just started Crime & Punishment, which actually doesn't seem that bad, but I can't judge it yet.

>> No.7763666

>everyone already knows what it is, they just don't want to say it.
Damn. What a bunch of pussies these people really are.

>> No.7763705

You just can't make the same shitty thread a bazillion times without everyone realizing that you're just trolling.

>> No.7763731

>objectively speaking, which game is the Shakespheare/Tolstoy/Dostoevsky of eroge and which two enjoy the Twilight/Harry Potter-like popularity? In short, which game would be objectively deemed the best if there were professional literature critics reviewing eroge?
Is no one brave enough? Are you afraid of getting ostracized by your eroge playing peers if you answer?

>> No.7763743

Twilight/Harry Potter = Tsukihime/Fate Stay Night.

>> No.7763744

Muramasa. There, I said it. You can fuck off now and take the rewrite dinosaur friend with you.

>> No.7763749

Twilight = Clannad.
Harry Potter = F/SN + Tsukihime

>> No.7763754

Except Harry potter is actually good while Twilight isn't.

>> No.7763759

Twilight/Harry Potter = Umineko

>> No.7763764
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yet another victory for MLA

>> No.7763776

Where the fuck do you see him mentioning anything about MLA. Just kill yourself.

>> No.7763785

That's the point.

>> No.7763796

Pretty sure that every non-saged post in this thread is from the OP. Post some more Rewrite-dinosaurs.

>> No.7763799

Just so you know I'm not this guy. I'm planning on making these threads in the future as well, no way would I ruin my own thread by trolling it.

>> No.7763830 [DELETED] 

which game has the best muci

>> No.7763836

Which game has the best OST?

>> No.7763838

Oh look, it's this thread again.

>> No.7763851

Both BS and Muramasa have a a great soundtrack too but you just can't beat the soundtrack of MLA

>> No.7763852

all equal imo, each one has good and fitting OST for their general atmosphere

>> No.7763862

Except for those goddamn ML tracks before chapter 6-7, damnit

>> No.7763895

>Which mecha eroge is the best overall?
>In short, which game would be objectively deemed the best if there were professional literature critics reviewing eroge?
>Which game has the best OST?
Just stop replying to this faggot, he is just looking to spark a flamewar between fans by using "best".

>> No.7765264
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>> No.7765283

MLA Fans = Twilight Fans = Arcueid fans = Call of Duty Fans = Naruto Fans = Orihime Fans = Sakura fans

>> No.7765304

Kageaki = Sasuke ripoff

>> No.7765328
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>> No.7765355

Which game has the best protagonist?

>> No.7765504

I'd like to say Muramasa's Kageaki, but I've not read the other two yet.

>> No.7765526

You don't need to read MLA to tell that Takeru is a typcal shitty anime protagonist

>> No.7765529

and just how am I supposed to do that without reading it? I'll keep this neutral opinion of him until I've actually read Muv-Luv.

>> No.7765651
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>> No.7765681

ender's game was the best book i ever read
its my favorite

>> No.7765686

The Op image makes me kind of want a visual novel comparable to all the other sci-fi greats.

A mote in god's eye has unlimited potential for moe UNLIMITED.

>> No.7765715
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Kageaki easily.

>> No.7765718

Kageaki > Kou > Takeru

>> No.7765721

>Kageaki > Kou > * > * > shit > Takeru

>> No.7765726

Baldr because it has gameplay.

>> No.7765733
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>> No.7765736

Looks like the kids woke up.

>> No.7765745

Is OP's image supposed to make me angry?

Because my jimmies are fairly rustled.

>> No.7765784

autismical ADD fagget

>> No.7765881

What the fuck?

>> No.7765979
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>> No.7766085

I've only read Muramasa, so I can't make proper judgment until I read Baldr and MLA. Though I'm afraid that I'm going to constantly compare them to Muramasa while reading and always finding Muramasa better because of nostalgia goggles.

>> No.7766140

For some reason I've been comparing every eroge to Muramasa ever since I read it a year ago. And no, it's not because of nostalgia goggles either.

>> No.7766654

which one has the best VAs?

>> No.7766667

Are you mentally incapable of posting without using the word best or something?

>> No.7766678

Your momma. No really, she sounds great with a cock in her mouth.

>> No.7767176

how good is baldr sky i wanna play it

>> No.7767190

thank you for possibly spoiling MLA for me

even if i deserve it for putting it off
