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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 807 KB, 933x1288, P7070188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7760316 No.7760316 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /jp/, give me a little help.

A friend of mine got a new gf a few months ago and today she gave him an ultimatum to get rid of several things, mostly these pillows she found pretty creepy.

So now I have a lot of them. My friend told me the most valuable ones are from circles. So, anyone has any idea how to classify them or something?

I think I will sell most and just keep a few.

Pic related

>> No.7760322

That's a bunch of cheap shit, I'll give you 30 dollars + shipping.

>> No.7760323


"Circles" mean these are dakimakuras from doujin circles, which can be more expensive that dakimakuras from Cospa and the like.

>> No.7760325

Open up an ebay account man, I may be interested.

Seriously though, when his gf dumps him for a nigger isn't he gonna want that stuff back?

>> No.7760326

Yeah, look at it carefully.

If it's from something fairly mainstream, it's probably not from a circle (though you can't be sure)

also I want one i want one i want one i'll buy one off of you

>> No.7760327

Haha, you're not ripping me off mate, you've got em for free so be grateful for any money you do get.

>> No.7760328

Sounds about right.

Hard to see them all. If you have some rare ones, I would be willing to pay up to $45 for all of them.

>> No.7760330

> I want one i want one i want one i'll buy one off of you

>> No.7760331

Sounds like your friend's new gf is kind of a bitch.

>> No.7760335

And so my hatred for women continues to grow.

>> No.7760336

I'll give you $80, final offer!

>> No.7760338

Would you be willing to display them in a more orderly fasion? And would you consider selling some for cheap?

>> No.7760339

I think I see Sayori's vocaloid dakimakura. I'll give you $50 for it.

>> No.7760342

>A friend of mine got a new gf a few months ago and today she gave him an ultimatum to get rid of several things, mostly these pillows she found pretty creepy.

I don't know which is worse, that fucker who has the gall to buy about 20kg of dakimakura covers and abandons them all for a 3D whore, or the vapid cretin herself who can't tolerate the hobbies of the man she is supposed to be together for her whole life and has to enforce her ignoble normalfag worldview on him.

>> No.7760345
File: 852 KB, 933x1288, P7070189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well, he seems pretty set in making this work with this girl, but I don't blame him. It is the first gf he has in like five years.


Thanks for the clarification.

>> No.7760346
File: 114 KB, 234x700, 10075149a2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there by any chance one like this among them?

>> No.7760347

He said gf, not wife. Not that it matters much, your wife will cheat on you just the same as she would if she was still your gf.

>> No.7760349

All for $100

>> No.7760351

Keep them for him so he'll have one less thing to feel regret about when his girlfriend dumps him.

>> No.7760352


sure, I'll order them.


Sorry, I can see you are trying to rip me off.

>> No.7760354

How much for rider? HOW MUCH?

>> No.7760355

do you have a mira from sumaga one?

>> No.7760356

You got a good $500 worth of stuff there, easily.

>> No.7760359

are you a fool? now he will get greedy and try to make as much as he can.

>> No.7760364

Yeah, display them properly and we'll sink out teeth into this like fucking hyenas.

On the other hand, it would be nice if you saved them for him for when things invariably go south. But it's his loss...

>> No.7760362

Anything to spite other posters on /jp/.
That's a lowball number anyway.

>> No.7760366

Where I come from, when you get a girlfriend you do so with the full intention of marrying her, the girlfriend status just means you haven't had the chance to organize your engagement or marriage yet. If that, too, has changed, then I truly fear where the world has been headed.

Anyhow OP, this is a solid collection. If they're kept in mint condition, the rarer ones can go for quite well.

>> No.7760374

buuump, tehe!

>> No.7760375

rent a locker and temporary store them there.

>> No.7760378

Just organize a /jp/ meetup already.

>> No.7760379

how many smooth types? are they all twill?

>> No.7760385

Nice viral marketing OP.

>> No.7760388

Why would you guys buy used bodypillow?

>> No.7760390

open an ebay, you WILL get money.

>> No.7760392

<+Sanakan> It's copy and paste, he made the same thread before but with figurines
<AoC> are you sure? The exif data checks out...
<+Sanakan> I'm sure he took legit pics of his dakimakura
<+Sanakan> but the thread's principle is exactly the same
<+Sanakan> The text might be, even

Bun devs seem to think that OP is a lying cunt.

>> No.7760397

There are actually people on bun?

>> No.7760400

spread your buns and release godly air.

>> No.7760409

All 2 of us.

>> No.7760417

how much for tabitha?

>> No.7760418

if you were a bro, you'd hang on to them for him.

Just imagine when she dumps him (99% of relationships) and you package up all his stuff and hand it back to his sorry ass. He'll be so happy, he might even let you suck his dick.

>> No.7760422

>anyone on /jp/
>caring about being a "bro"

>> No.7760429


Do they talk about threads on /jp/ all the time?

>> No.7760430

It's actually 100% when the relationships involve a (former?) 2Dfag and a 3D whore.

>> No.7760433

I see a Saber or at least an Excalibur. How much?

>> No.7760437
File: 1008 KB, 966x1288, P7070190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, here are in order.

>> No.7760442
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>> No.7760451

Make a pic with one of them on your head and a timestap otherwise I have to call bullshit

>> No.7760444

how much for the two on the bottom right?

>> No.7760459


Well I don't know. I was hoping you guys helped me price them.


You are making me wonder. It seems he really invested a lot in these pillows

>> No.7760461
File: 216 KB, 399x1506, de28559290ae2b08e8d68b354b8da4df.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When someone links them occasionally.

Rider looks interesting. Perhaps too lewd to my liking, but it looks good.

>> No.7760465

Hang onto them at least until next year. He'll probably be dumped before valentine's.

>> No.7760467

Yeah I'm torn between telling you to keep them or sell them. On one hand, I think a "true" friend would keep them. I'd say that they truly meant a lot to him...

...but obviously that can't be completely true if he gave them up just to fuck some 3D cunt. He should pay the price for that shit.

>> No.7760473

You lie. A guy with such a collection won't give up his hobbies even if Michael itself descended from the heavens with a blazing sword in hand and a battalion of angels in tow and demanded that he give them up.

>> No.7760471
File: 139 KB, 708x1000, 0d9fa1c587f8410bf83b66799ccebe6e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give me a timestamped photo. I would definitely buy several of these of you if not a troll.

I hope you have a paypal account.

>> No.7760472 [DELETED] 
File: 15 KB, 300x225, current state of jp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7760479

>that can't be completely true if he gave them up just to fuck some 3D cunt
This. If he wanted them, he could have rented a storage locker/closet somewhere and stashed them in there.

>> No.7760483
File: 716 KB, 999x995, 10081864a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate to agree. It looks like he put a lot of effort into collecting them and a relationship that calls for such one-sided sacrifices is not going anywhere good fast.

As for the price, it would be anywhere $60-$100 depending on quality and if still sealed. Each. But I would feel like an asshole buying them from you when I know he'll need something to go through the night when it ends for them.

>> No.7760485

I'll take the Sayori and Carnelian dakimakuras.

>> No.7760493

Fuck nuggets I didn't see the Sayori one, I so wish I could get that

>> No.7760500

Well, the doujin ones wouldn't be quite that expensive, maybe he could sale them for $30, but some of those are in fact retail products.

>> No.7760502
File: 296 KB, 370x591, 2173819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not her Chocolat or Vanilla dakimara though. It's this one.

>> No.7760504

>Implying everyone in this thread hasn't been troll

Oh boy, autism at it's finest /jp/!

>> No.7760508 [DELETED] 

Say that to my face motherfucker not online and see what happens you fucking fat nerd

I may be browsing /jp/ but at least I lift

>> No.7760510
File: 1.14 MB, 1288x966, P7070192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




I think they are all sealed. I never saw any displayed at his place.

>> No.7760514

the only thing you lift is your ass cheek whenever you pass gas

>> No.7760515 [DELETED] 

Man, I wish I had my tripcode on when I said that.

Oh well.

Well, better properly responde to the copypasta:


>> No.7760516

Oh I know, I saw it and knew which it was, Sayori's shit is still love though.

Yet my pocket contains but a few moths, though something tells me that passes better as currency then USD anyways, but not enough.

>> No.7760518

Not true, I lifted your mother up to set her on top of my DICK

Burned faggot

>> No.7760519

>>7760467 >>7760473 >>7760479
You'd be surprised what some people will do when they take a fleeting interest in someone. Especially if they have no prior experience with flings that would cause them to show some prudence.

He's probably going to be one unhappy sucker in a few months. Either that or he'll be whipped for life. Either way, he loses.

>> No.7760522

I can't tell how lewd these are...

If you really want to sell them, you should take pictures of them, five at a time, number them, and have /jp/ers take claims at them.

I don't know if /jp/ is the best place for that kind of shit, though...

>> No.7760523
File: 1.26 MB, 966x1288, P7070193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Perhaps too lewd to my liking, but it looks good

I opened it and the other side is even more lewd. It also had these things inside. Some cards, a plastic page thing and a B&W cardboard page.

>> No.7760525 [DELETED] 
File: 101 KB, 595x602, 1269555266466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't reply to this post.

>> No.7760530

I remember a thread like this, but with figures.

>> No.7760531

I bid $50 for that.

>> No.7760535

Indeed her stuff is. I've seen her Chocolat/Vanilla dakimakura floating around, but it's fucking expensive. On a related note, I recognized the Sayori dakimakura by the coloring.

>> No.7760541



raider is do want

>> No.7760548

I see some to love ru stuff in there.

I'm somewhat interested in that. Mind showing them off?

>> No.7760542

I spot by coloring, hair and most definitely eyes, for me.

>> No.7760543

It is indeed quite lewd. And everything seems in good condition.
I would gladly pay for Rider and Sanya (no Sae though, that's a shame) but I would really feel bad about it. It's like that story of an ad in the paper of an impossibly cheap vinyl record collection. Turns out it's the wife taking it off on the guy she's divorcing and selling his shit for cheap.

So yeah, you can get a good price for these and I would love to get my hands on some of them, but I'll pass.

>> No.7760545


Define fucking expensive?

>> No.7760550

Sweet, its real.

If you do something like >>7760522 then I will place some bids.

But I have a feeling that mods will get this thread soon, so you might want to post an email you will use just for this.

>> No.7760555

Though, if that other anon doesn't want too, I will bid on that Sanya for sure.

>> No.7760558

I'll beat the serious bids by these jerks by 200 cents.

>> No.7760561

No, meido has been leaving this thread alone. Why wouldn't he?

>> No.7760562

Did you actually buy the figurines from that guy from /tg/ a few months(?) ago?

>> No.7760570


Holy fuck, the Love Ru one is also fron Sayori.


>> No.7760571

Can you sell them on Ebay?.
That way you can avoid scams.

>> No.7760565

Same here, but how recognized it was by the color of the hair. The hair was the only thing shown.
Around $200.

>> No.7760566

I've always seen ebay like threads deleted.

Well, I hope not. I don't want to miss on some deals.

>> No.7760567

Who the hell collects so many dakimakura but just leaves them unopened (they seem to all be sealed)? I've seen people just pin up the cases as a psuedo-tapestry type thing on their walls before, but this was just plain wasted potential/hoarding going right here.

Well, I guess it is true though that he'd need a Bed Bath and Beyond's worth of pillows for all those otherwise.

>> No.7760574

Meido's cool like that.

>> No.7760575

Nah, none of them were really to my liking and I didn't want to pay his price.

>> No.7760580
File: 21 KB, 272x204, toolewd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7760589


This, OP

I was bidding on an Deathsmiles dakimakura that got over $100

>> No.7760591

The coloring was done by Sayori while the artwork was done by someone else.

>> No.7760586

Ahh, meido deleted my Mamizou testicle attack thread just a few minutes ago. That was perfectly legitimate, too, the fucker.

Also I'd suppose maybe he would want a few of the cases; this kind of thing doesn't happen very often.

>> No.7760592

Looked pretty shitposty to me. Also NSFW

>> No.7760593

Put these on Ebay OP.
I want to go shopping.

>> No.7760600


oh shit i want this. name prices, OP.

>> No.7760605

OP, is your "friend" wealthy? i might feel bad if this was hard earned money.

>> No.7760602

It's just the same Nitro+ fan from a month or so ago showing his collection.

He ought to stop it, though. What he has is quite admirable, but this thread is in poor taste.

>> No.7760610 [DELETED] 
File: 32 KB, 437x227, Melon2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7760611

At first I thought this was copy pasta since I remember reading this text and then you provided timestamps.

>> No.7760606 [DELETED] 
File: 28 KB, 437x230, Melon1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7760607

What the fuck do you want next, troll? Shoe on OP's head?

>> No.7760608

Back off, it's mine. I spotted it first.

>> No.7760616

Okay OP. I am willing to pay you $250 for everything tonight.

>> No.7760621

Yeah fucking right, I don't think OP is that dumb.

And if he is, I'll pay 300USD for all of it.

>> No.7760622

I'd do $300.

>> No.7760623

Yeah, I wonder if the OP is just trolling to get people drooling over his collection of covers.

>> No.7760630

I'll pay $356.41+Shipping.

>> No.7760633

$400+shipping I would even

But I'm sure we are being trolled ehre

>> No.7760637

I love you /jp/ but I don't understand.

What sort of guy spends so much money in dakimakura covers? This is too much even for me.

also, I'd honestly take soft female skin over soft tricot fabric

>> No.7760631

At this point, its worth being trolled if there is even a small chance of it being real and getting at this at a great price.

>> No.7760640

Yeah, probably a troll.

But I'd do 450 + Shipping still.

Though there are only really 4 or 5 of them I want, so ebay would be the best choice, or the numbering of the so we can pick.

>> No.7760650

I don't see the point of a dakimakura.
I couldn't tell the difference between that and a decent pillowcase in the dark.
I guess if you wanted to display them instead of cuddle them they'd be your thing though.

>> No.7760642

Can't you read or what? This is his own collection, you dimwit, he didn't get it from anyone. He did the very same a month or so ago, except with his figurines. No one got anything off of it.

>> No.7760643

$500 plus shipping OP. My final offer tonight.

Email me.

>> No.7760645

OP's being really quiet. He's probably getting it on with the covers right now to lower the value to the amount people are offering him.

>> No.7760658

I was really interested in the Lala one. Damn.

>> No.7760652

>I'd honestly take soft female skin over soft tricot fabric

Dude, I'm a guy posting /b/ combos with a public trip and even I think you're a fucking loser. Get out of here.

>> No.7760653

>also, I'd honestly take soft female skin over soft tricot fabric
What a loser.

>> No.7760655

Why would he keep them all sealed up though?

That's pretty dumb, its not like they hold or go up in value like rare figs do.

Then again, the only fig I have still in its box is the Reimu figma.

>> No.7760656



I want to keep a couple. is that alright?

>> No.7760659

>public trip

I think you mean SUPERIOR TRIPCODE.

>> No.7760670

Collector's obsession. Can't have them exposed to potential wear by unpacking them.

>> No.7760671


Okay, emailing you.

I feel bad but he gave them away, so I guess is his fault.

>> No.7760666


$500 through Paypal right now, and I pay shipping expenses.

And we can discuss that. I want all the Sayori ones and the Sanya one. You can keep any other two.

>> No.7760674

I'll give you $250 for just the Sayori dakimakura.

>> No.7760687


which one is the Sayori Dakimakura?

>> No.7760693
File: 162 KB, 640x480, 11e9a987c4bbef52f97a6d0a5fc963c1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well fuck, I don't really want to out bid the 500 one.

Oh well, I really only wanted Sanya. If only I wasn't trying to save money right now.

URGH, I really want to bid $550 too....

>> No.7760697

This one. >>7760502

>> No.7760701


How much would you offer for that one? (also point out which one it is?)

I think I can get more selling them separatedly. Sorry >>7760643

>> No.7760703


$600 here.

>> No.7760705

what state is OP in?

>> No.7760711

Why couldn't this thread have occured before I spent $1500 fixing up my car.
Those repairs could have waited until cuddle time was over.

>> No.7760713


People's Republic of China.

>> No.7760709

Well, I don't like to ruin a deal, but yes, you will. You could make the $500 from 10 of those.

Its this one,

$70 + shipping.

>> No.7760719
File: 129 KB, 477x358, skadnaefaergaerw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw this thread

You guys really have that much money to spend on normal dakimakuras? Wtf, you should better buy some figurines with that much money

>> No.7760722

Oh wow, a bidding war? In /jp/? Finally the high rollers come out.

$650 would still be a steal

>> No.7760723


I offer $80, OP.

I need Sanya to go along with Francensca

>> No.7760728


Do you have an e-mail?

>> No.7760729

But I already have like a few thousand in figures, and only a few pillows.

Good old american tax dollars hard at work, right? It could be wasted on worse thing.

>> No.7760733


enjoy your ban OP

>> No.7760742

$670 here

>> No.7760743

Can we get a list of characters in the pillows? It's hard to see some of them.

>> No.7760738
File: 3 KB, 51x51, 130915612248c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7760739

OP, what's your email? It's would be easier for those of us interested to email you instead. Create a throwaway one.

>> No.7760745

$80 eh? Anymore and you pretty much will have retail price. But I really need her to go with her figure.

Oh crap, look at those ebay prices.

I guess bidding $100 on it will be worth it.

>> No.7760748


Okay, screw it. $800 for all BUT I want all the Sayori, Carnelian ones

And the Sanya one because I dislike namefags

>> No.7760744

This. Can you show them off properly please

>> No.7760749

I 3rd this, although it may take some time to do all this.

>> No.7760757

You can make more selling them seperately, don't sell them all.

>> No.7760755

Cleary OP needs an ebay account as this thread shows him how much money this autistic fags will waste on these.

Don't let the buy it all guys waste your money, $1000 would be a fair starting price. There are some very expensive ones in that collection.

>> No.7760766



>> No.7760769


>There are some very expensive ones in that collection.

which ones? I am trying to do an Ebay account right now and an email for contact.


I don't know half the characters

>> No.7760770

Wow, I could outbid that by a little, but then I would have no money until the first.

Still, OP would get more selling them seperatly.

>> No.7760767
File: 88 KB, 357x500, 01_noa_l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sayori, Carnelian ones
You bastard. For the record, here's what the Carnelian one looks like.

>> No.7760775

I offer $100 for Rider, with all the extra goods

>> No.7760785

Wow, I bet OP is surprised his friend would give him over a thousands dollars worth of merchandise for free. And for 3DPD? Wow. Just. Wow.

Also, some fag out bid me so I gonna tell you to sell them seperatly just to spite him.

>> No.7760787

I'll give you $1250

>> No.7760788

Did you friend went on vacation to Japan or something?

Some of these doujin dakimakuras are fucking impossible to find unless you are willing to spend a lot of cash in yahoo auctions japan.

Literally nobody sells here in the west

>> No.7760794


Autism general

>> No.7760797


Op I'll give you $800 for eight pillows only.

That is a better deal that selling them all together. I just want to chose 8 of them

>> No.7760804

I'll give you $10 if you jerk off onto them before shipping them to somebody else.

>> No.7760801
File: 184 KB, 362x1000, moe 127876 sample.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's what one side of another one looks like. I recognize more, but I'm too lazy to post what they look like.

>> No.7760812

>I'll give you $1250

Yeah, so fake

>> No.7760813

By the way, where do you live OP? I would like to make the transaction personally. Hope you are in the east coast.

>> No.7760815

OP, before you do anything check some japanese sites.

The Rider pillow is over 20,000 yen at yahoo auctions, and that is like $270

selling them in bulk is a bad, bad idea

>> No.7760821

Alright, OP If i were you, I'd post the ebay account you are gonna sell these on and delete the thread.

The $1250 deal might sound good, but like it was said in this thread, some of these are pratically impossible to get outside of Japan (and even hard to get IN Japan). You will get more if you sell them separately.

Also, I am mad since I was outbidded.

>> No.7760827


>> No.7760830

Whoa, first you were trying to rip OP off by bidding for them all, now you are giving him advice and telling him how much they are really worth?

They is no way his friend would give these up, he could sell of them here for thousands to collectors.

>> No.7760841
File: 105 KB, 480x640, plump-sukumizu-goddess-005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That girl better looks like this, for my sanity

>> No.7760848

OP is not here? I will only buy it if you are in the east coast. I could give you more than 1300 but I would need more pictures.

>> No.7760852


Hell no, don't do this OP. 6 or 7 of the rares ones alone will fetch that price on auction.

>> No.7760859

OP here. Can everyone post their final offers please?

>> No.7760856

Read the thread, dummy. He said he's in China.

Also, I love how you think everyone is from your country.

>> No.7760861

If you were a TRU BRO, you'd keep those for him for when he inevitably breaks up with his bitch.

Then, as a Congratulations present, you give him his covers back.

>> No.7760862


>They is no way his friend would give these up, he could sell of them here for thousands to collectors.

Bro, I've seen guys sell their cars to get jewelry for 3D chicks.


OP said he is making an ebay account.

>> No.7760863
File: 50 KB, 292x302, 1313724686319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haruiro ouse daki...and no way to save her

>> No.7760863,1 [INTERNAL] 

I love how you think I'm american. I just live there.

>> No.7760863,2 [INTERNAL] 

Will we ever get OP's contact info?

>> No.7760863,3 [INTERNAL] 

Go back to Mexico

>> No.7760863,4 [INTERNAL] 

Why would you want a troll's contact?
