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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7758026 No.7758026 [Reply] [Original]

If you sit at home 24/7, why don't you make push-ups?

>> No.7758033

I find DDR a more enjoyable and fulfilling form of exercise.

>> No.7758031

I do few every month, it feels really uncomfy though. I dont like such things.

>> No.7758040

I want to be able to do as many push-ups as Wanko-san, but I thoroughly do NOT want to become muscular. What a dilemna.
Sit-ups are fine though.

>> No.7758046

I've been doing it for nearly 8 months, along with situps, chinups, and I don't notice any change.

>> No.7758047

You will never be muscular by doing push-ups, dumbass.

>> No.7758054
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enjoy your pain in your shoulders for the rest of your life.
Doing an 7 hour fapping exercise is the better way.

>> No.7758057

>Doing an 7 hour fapping exercise is the better way.

Enjoy your low iq and weakness for the rest of your life.

>> No.7758060
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>> No.7758063

Then what are they for?

>> No.7758072
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It's for your good daily shape. If you want relief then you should do weightlifting. But you can't do it without a good shape so at first you should do push ups.

>> No.7758075

What's the point, though? When I'm in a situation where I can choose between continuing to sit in my chair and be comfortable, or get down on the floor and exercise until my arms ache, I'm going to need a much better reason than "why not" to decide to go for the latter.

>> No.7758074

okay for weakness, but low iq?

>> No.7758092

Old superstition from the days when they thought fapping would also make you go blind.

>> No.7758094

/fit/-fag on steroids trollin'.

>good daily shape
Wrong. If you want to get fit, go swimming or sometimes jogging. Weightlifting is for brainless normalfags. You don't train balanced your body. Enjoy your pain.

>> No.7758095

Actually, pushups are good for training your triceps. Although you're right, you'll be better off at a gym.

>> No.7758099

Yeah, because jogging and swimming is only for smart people. You're so dumb I have no words to express how I feel right now.

>> No.7758102

No thanks OP. I prefer sit-ups.

>> No.7758106

I stay at home 24/7 to take it easy, not work. Besides, muscles are un-feminine.

>> No.7758104

I can't do more than 30-40 push ups at once. Is that really bad?

>> No.7758108

I can hardly do 15, I'd say you're fine.

>> No.7758109

I wasn't implying that. But is seems your weightlifting is showing its effects already.

>> No.7758111

I'm secretly also a /fit/izen but I avoid mentioning it since both boards look down on each other. The gym is full of douchebags but if you can find a specific time to go when it is mostly empty and then do a weightlifting routine, you would probably find it really enjoyable. The release of endorphins is really good and it is much easier to achieve from weightlifting than running.

Though for some /jp/ers you would probably need a friend to help you out, since an empty barbell weighs 20kg/45lb. Almost crushed me but I had my one-and-only friend spotting me.

>> No.7758112

I've never gone past 15.
I don't get it, it doesn't even hurt, my arms just stop doing what I tell them.

>> No.7758116

12 here. With a big afterpain. Can't even lift my hands anymore. Doing push-ups was a silly idea.

>> No.7758119

I probably couldn't do more than 5 right now. I'd say "beat that", but knowing /jp/, someone would eventually come and brag about not being able to do more than one.

>> No.7758120

Shit tier exercise. Do it only if you can't do absolutely nothing more than that.

>> No.7758123

I do pushups or situps when I'm waiting for my lunch to warm in the microwave.

>> No.7758125
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>Though for some /jp/ers you would probably need a friend to help you out

>> No.7758124

What is the best way to exercise without ever having to leave the safety of my house?

>> No.7758127

High intensity short interval fapping

>> No.7758131

Because I can't.

>> No.7758144

The same kind of exercises you did in middle school gym class.

>> No.7758148

Would it help if I tied weights to my penis?

>> No.7758152
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>> No.7758155

Sitting on the bench and pretending to be sick?

>> No.7758166

I do push-ups right on top of the spot where I always masturbate so that when I give up, I get a facefull of my own cum.

>> No.7758193

Masturbating in a changing room.

>> No.7758206


>> No.7758210


This thread is getting all the doubles.

Leave some for me guys!

>> No.7758211

I have noodle arms. Can't even do half of one.

>> No.7758216

Why incentivise your failure?
That is some severe mental training.

>> No.7758217

I can only do one push up with Hinako with Hinako.

>> No.7758244

I did pushups for a few months and it sure strengthened my upper torso. So much in fact, that my manboobs stood out even more.

>> No.7758245
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i am fit as HELL xD

>> No.7758261

I want to train my hips and abs so that once I go to Gensokyo, I'll be able to ride the dick of my favorite touhou much better. What kind of exercises should I be doing?

>> No.7758268

Ride a suction cup dildo on a tile floor.

>> No.7758274

I can only do like 5 pushups before I get tired. I don't really see any reason to exercise because it's not like I need any physical strength to browse the internet.

>> No.7758280
File: 211 KB, 850x850, touhou reimu the stampede.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In which case you DID GAIN MUSCLE, and "just" need to cut bodyfat too so you can see it.
Less carbs, no sugar, more protein.

Also albuterol in tablet or liquid form. You have to cycle it one week on / one off though (unless you're taking receptor downregulation inhibitors.) Ask /fit/ for further details.

>> No.7758294

I started with only 10 push ups last year and after ~2 months was able to do 70. Then I dropped it.

>> No.7758295
File: 50 KB, 265x398, touhou marisa deal with it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Osteoporosis and being generally feeble in old age. Peak bone mass is reached by age ~25 so it's important to do free weights / bodyweight exercise before then, and best of all to do it during puberty. (You can increase bone density at any time though, heavy free weights again being the best way.)

>> No.7758297
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>> No.7758304

>Also albuterol in tablet or liquid form.
Stop with that /fit/ shit. You'll fucking kill his heart.

>> No.7758309
File: 437 KB, 374x207, lava bath animu anim.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then your diet was wrong. You *MUST* eat excess calories and sufficient protein to bulk, otherwise you can lift forever and not get any bigger (although you will get stronger bones / tendons and improved cardiovascular fitness.)

>> No.7758317

Clenbuterol is the dangerous one. Albuterol is relatively safe and widely prescribed. Of course no drug is without side effects, educate yourself etc.

>> No.7758319

>otherwise you can lift forever and not get any bigger (although you will get stronger bones / tendons and improved cardiovascular fitness.)
I for one don't see anything wrong with this?

>> No.7758319,1 [INTERNAL] 

Interesting. I have an Albuterol inhaler for my asthma medication.

>> No.7758319,2 [INTERNAL] 

>>gym rats doing albuterol (liquid or pill form), clen, roids, etc.

Oh lol /fit/.

Inhaler dosage is low and won't do anything but open the airway. But I agree with >>7758304

The fat loss isn't significant for most goofy retarded gym rats anyways.

>> No.7758319,3 [INTERNAL] 

Why would anyone here want to put on muscle in a hurry? There's nobody for you to impress, so there's no point in permanently damaging your body like that.

So did I! Sick unmoe bros represent.

>> No.7758319,4 [INTERNAL] 

Healthy body = healthy mind.
You shouldn't care about anyone but yourself, be slightly more narcissistic.

>> No.7758319,5 [INTERNAL] 

>Healthy body = healthy mind.

Then why I'm so twisted?

What you mean with healthy mind?

Also people browsing /fit/... Getting a stronglifts invite isn't that hard, yeah... Mehdi is an asshole but who isn't on /fit/?.
Even bodybouilding or t-nation forum are better.
Unless you browse /fit/ just for shits and giggles I fail to see why would you go there.

>I've been doing it for nearly 8 months, along with situps, chinups, and I don't notice any change.
>I don't notice any change.

If that is true, the problem wasn't the lack of calories but bad macro.
Even if you exercise while on maintenance kcal you can still gain mass and strength. Small gains but 8 months is enough to make you look decent. Unless you're morbidly obese.

>> No.7758319,6 [INTERNAL] 

Exactly, so stay the hell away from performance enhancing drugs!

>> No.7758319,7 [INTERNAL] 

>>7758046 here, I'm actually skinny. Maybe it's my metabolism.

Then again, now I can do triple the amount of exercise when I first started. I guess something did change. It's just that there isn't any visible change in appearance. I asked that because I thought you can't become ripped, or anywhere near that, without weightliftings or working out at a gym. I will try eating more.

>> No.7758319,8 [INTERNAL] 

Try getting your calories with a macro like this.
You can lower the carbs and up the protein if that macro doesn't works for you.
Don't lower the fats, otherwise say konichiwa to motherfucking diabetes-kun.
Try to eat less than 20g saturated fats per day.

Also. yeah, you can't get big without weightlifting.
