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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7754236 No.7754236 [Reply] [Original]


>many Asian cultures respond to uncomfortable or shocking situations by laughing.


>> No.7754239
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>> No.7754244


Well it makes sense in retrospect, I've seen it so many times in Asian movies, I thought they were just bad acting.

>> No.7754246

Huh, my grandma does that too.

>> No.7754248

>cracked.com as a source
>mfw I have no-face for this

>> No.7754251


>many Asian cultures respond to uncomfortable or shocking situations by laughing.

I can related this to Americans and such kinds of stupid people. You notice, every time someone mentions even little intelligent thing, they laugh with their herd, so they comfortable. They would feel bad otherwise.

>> No.7754253

I'm not asian and still do that. DOUSHIYOU.

>> No.7754257


>man tried to immigrate into Japan
>police tied him to a pole and left to starve
>no one was punished

>in Korea, it is normal to spit on strangers' faces
>interbreeding is a federal offence

>> No.7754258

You watch too much anime and play too much vndya. I bet you even make V sign with your fingers when somenone takes photo of you. Or at least you would do that if you had friends to take photo of you

>> No.7754259
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I do it too. Pic related.

>/jp/ - ubermench
Stay special, snowflake.

>> No.7754262

I don't watch anime or play games at all.

>> No.7754271


>> No.7754272

I wanted to emigrate to New Zealand.
I don't want to anymore. Fucking cracked.

>> No.7754274

Every cracked article is basically some guy whining subtly between the lines about his very specific experiences.

>> No.7754282

6. You'll never be accepted! (who said anything about acceptance?)
5. American immigration is better because America wants people without a degree
4. Only the United States isn't dangerous
3. Since everybody won't love you, why bother if you can't be an attention whore?
2. Effort is required and you don't want that
1. The gaijin bubble is inescapable

>> No.7754278

what's wrong with New Zealland? There are lots of sheep and I know a loli there who wanted to have sex with me.

>> No.7754286
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In this thread /jp/ Discovers that there are different cultures and countries around world. And when I made thread about this people were had problems with understanding.

>> No.7754287

they will throw bottles at you, spit on you, hate you, hate your country so you start loving yours and forget why you left....

>> No.7754292

im asian and i smile whenever im anxious or embarrassed. :];_;

>> No.7754293

come to sweden, everyone is welcome there

>> No.7754300

Come to germany, we hate foreigners too, mainly muslims, but we won't say anything against them out of fear to be called a nazi

>> No.7754303

I always thought everybody did that.

>> No.7754307

You left because you wanted to experience the culture, not because you wanted to go to another planet where people aren't assholes. When other people are hating you know you're doing it right. If you can't take it, then move back but don't try to include all other immigrants with you and I think you'll find once you move back that people are still assholes. If fitting in is #1 for you then join the military.

>> No.7754312

Come to Russia, we treat foreigners much better than our own people.

>> No.7754314
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Sometimes such things happen.

>> No.7754315

Come to Poland. If you're black you'll "vanish" during the night.

>> No.7754319 [DELETED] 

They do but anything Japanese people do that can be interpreted as negative is unique to them, even if everyone on the planet does it and anything they do that Americans don't is crazy.

"I'm not going to move to Japan because the toilets are different and they have corrupt polititions unlike America."

>> No.7754320

But I do want to go to another planet where people aren't assholes.
Trouble is, I don't think they'd let me in. :-(

>> No.7754322

They do but anything Japanese people do that can be interpreted as negative is unique to them, even if everyone on the planet does it and anything they do that Americans don't is crazy.

"I'm not going to move to Japan because the toilets are different and they have corrupt politicians unlike America."

>> No.7754324


I'll pass on that, Hong. Come to the UK, we have thousands of underpaying jobs for you!

>> No.7754332

No thanks. I've just seen two of my friends off a couple of days ago. They got admitted to the University of Aberdeen. How will they manage to earn enough to satisfy living costs there without whoring themselves out is anyone's guess.

>> No.7754335

How unfortunate. It seems that I'll have to go elsewhere.

>> No.7754339

But you ban lolis.

>> No.7754347

>When other people are hating you know you're doing it right.
More like: you are doing it wrong or they are wrong in a head.

Also most people being assholes doesn't make it a right thing.

>> No.7754357

lolis r gud

>> No.7754366

that's the typical mindset of people/americans in here

can't see their own faults, gotta find point them out in others somehow

>> No.7754367


Really? I heard that Russia is racist as fuck and discriminates down to hair color.

>> No.7754381

he was bein sarcastic

>> No.7754387

Who are you people and why are you keeping this constantly bumped?

>> No.7754395

my name is Sergei and I live in Vladivostok

>> No.7754397

Fucking Russians.

>> No.7754405

>respond to uncomfortable or shocking situations by laughing.

I do this all the time. I guess ill move to Japan. They will accept me as a brother. My life as a NEET is over. later yall.

>> No.7754412

Not really. We don't like our local Caucasian muslims and other Central Asians, but that's because they are often involved in some ethnic criminal groups and government spends a lot of money to please them, so they won't go waging wars and blow shit up.
As for blacks, we simply don't really see them much here, though lately it's become cool to be a racist and hate blacks for no reason.

Other than that, Americans\Europeans will more likely be respected or even adored.

>> No.7754423

So is this why people laugh at me when I walk around without pants? I thought maybe I was an entertaining conversationalist.

>> No.7754442

>I do this all the time

Seriously? Even when your girlfriend comes before you and tells you she is terminally ill?

>> No.7754446

>>7754442 girlfriend
Come on.

>> No.7754456


Jesus Christ.

Alright, then... I dunno. Your mom (and let's pretend you actually like her and respect her) tells you she has cancer, with tears in her hymen.

You'd laugh in her face?

>> No.7754463
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>> No.7754471
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>Not that we want to single out anime fans, but they serve as a good example for this.

that 1 HELL of a troll, stopped reading right there.

>> No.7754473

Well its one thing if its your mother, i doubt asians laugh when they find out their mothers have 3 months left to live. However if it were some coworker or random guy in the fast food line, yes I would laugh.

>> No.7754497

I'm in love with Black men... what do?

>> No.7754508

Move to Argentina.

>> No.7754527

Move to Western Europe.

>> No.7754535
File: 51 KB, 620x400, 543543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thankfully i am never going to move anywhere.

The government pays money out of its ass to keep me well fed and with a roof over my head.

Norway is the ultimate place to be a neet.
..Or a murderer, hotel suit prison cells~

>> No.7754541

Thanks for reminding me. If I'm ever down enough, I'll gather enough money for a plane ticket and go to Norway and kill someone or even better rape some lolis.

>> No.7754540

Enjoy your Muslims.

>> No.7754553

So you've managed to successfully get on welfare? I see Scandinavians brag about this all the time, but then it just turns out they've never actually tried to get on welfare and can't give me any advice on it.

>> No.7754554

How can this Japanese music im listening to be so happy and enjoyable if the country is not also bunnies and rainbows? Answer, It cant. This article is obviously written by a troll.

>> No.7754564

Ohh shit, I just realized that if that article is accurate, moving to another country is exactly like a thread on /jp/ that took a turn in to world politics.

>> No.7754565

NZ here.

It is probably one of the better countries to move to IF you have a job lined up and don't mind putting up with stupid laws and shitty internet. The maoris are annoying but no way near as bad as in America.

>> No.7754581

Is NZ still the libertarian paradise?

>> No.7754579

I pretty much learnt to do that (and smile when I'm sad) when I was depressed, to fool people.

>> No.7754600

Somewhat, I avoid politics as much as possible.

>> No.7754603

>shitty internet


>> No.7754622

Capped meaning you can only download like 40gb a month (though some plans have off-peak free) and horrible pings and I max at 8mbps BUT I may need a new router.

>> No.7754623

30gig limit, 150k download on a good day, 2 times what you pay for unlimited 1mg in the US.

>> No.7754618


>> No.7754626

I heard the cost of food and everything there is pretty ridiculous.

>> No.7754631

And US internet is already expensive.
Romania has very good internet.

>> No.7754628

Shieeeet. Okay, so can't go to Australia because DFC is banned, can't go to New Zealand because shit internet...

... welp, Canada, here I come.

>> No.7754634

That's the problem living on a island.

>> No.7754640

Milk and dairy products expensive as fuck which is stupid considering we have a big dairy industry. Meat afaik is expensive everywhere. Other stuff you have to really shop around for. From what people have told me though our rent is much cheaper though it depends where you live.

>> No.7754652

Romania also is a nation of Gypsies.

>> No.7754661


>> No.7754665

Good luck trying to get decent internet here in Canada.

>> No.7754677

What the heck are you talking about? I get 50mb down with monthly bandwidth of 400GB.

>> No.7754691
File: 26 KB, 251x414, 1310338249020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tells you she has cancer, with tears in her hymen.
>tears in her hymen

>mfw I noticed this

>> No.7754694

Komeiji is from Canada and he's online p. much 24/7.

>> No.7754709

>read article
>they don't want you there
>just spent 2 weeks in korea
>was fucking awesome

i try to take cracked articles seriously out of sympathy but my god they aren't even trying

>implying being welcomed with open arms was expected or desired

liking anime =/= wanting to be japanese

>> No.7754719

>>just spent 2 weeks in korea
>>was fucking awesome

Yeah, you spent 2 weeks in Korea as a professional Starcraft player or a tourist. That's a difference.

>> No.7754734


talk about full retard, i was there with my friend who moved back with his family.

you know not every american stays in an english speaking commune with other americans going to touristy spots all day when they travel abroad

>> No.7754736

Fuck off.

>> No.7754762

My normalfag (well he likes One Piece) friend moved to Japan, got married and really enjoys it BUT he doesn't like how feminine they are.

>> No.7754774


lots of guys dressed pretty metro, its not something i would do but i have no issue with that

>> No.7754775
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Personally I have no problems with it.

>> No.7754827

Now that you mention it, what does the Japanese gay community think about gaijins? The really feminine and submissive ones tend to be attracted to big and masculine men, so wouldn't it make sense for a lot of them to at least be curious about what gaijin cock feels like?

>> No.7754903

>The really feminine and submissive ones tend to be attracted to big and masculine men

Actually, no, speaking as a gayboy myself.

>> No.7754937

Sergei is also gay, wanna have fun time?

>> No.7754944


>> No.7754957

