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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 267 KB, 1270x1367, 13_9d47b3d8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7745497 No.7745497 [Reply] [Original]

You can only pick one

>> No.7745502
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>> No.7745500

'60s LSD Tanuki

>> No.7745516
File: 324 KB, 700x700, 0da801ecaaa358e5ce3d0eeddfe7aa26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The reverse trap, thank you.

>> No.7745512
File: 2.60 MB, 826x300, playmeinwinamp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7745520
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I like the design of the one next to Basara as well, but the rest don't do anything for me.

>> No.7745523

I'll stick to Miyako.

I still like her design the best out of the new ones.

>> No.7745530

Yet you still can't even get her name right.
Typical Touhou "fans".

>> No.7745540

the used goods housewife

You would be dumb to choose anyone else

>> No.7745545

What did he get wrong?

>> No.7745543


If you don't posses encyclopedic knowledge of a game that was just released, you're not a -real- fan.

Fucking hipster primaries.

>> No.7745548

Alright, Yoshika

happy now?

>> No.7745551
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Whatever makes you feel better about yourself anon.

>> No.7745565

And you don't even know her full name.
Typical Touhou "fans".

>> No.7745564
File: 113 KB, 239x512, Th13Mamizou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop denying, /jp/. Stop being such a tsuntsun towards her.

>> No.7745567

Floating notepad master race. Aya is so jelly.

>> No.7745566

Seiga Nyan Nyan~

>> No.7745572
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>> No.7745575
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>> No.7745580

Where's Kogasa?

>> No.7745585

those double ghosty feet

>> No.7745582
File: 451 KB, 550x551, 9fc829475d94d4cbd1e997d8126d6723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mamizou's mammeries are a thing of beauty and a joy to behold.

>> No.7745593
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>> No.7745594
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>Now, prepare thyself, for I shall demonstrate the fusion of the secret art of the Mononobe
and the way of the Tao upon thee!



>> No.7745609

Holy Lonely Night can make anything better, even this thread

>> No.7745608

they all look like shit.

can i pick youmu?

>> No.7745612

Best touhou.

>> No.7745613

Headphones look cool. Finally some touhou that understands that wearing headphones (the bigger the better) is cool.

>> No.7745625

Shit son, I just walk around with a pair of speakers strapped to my head with a belt.

>> No.7745702

Miko is the first evil touhou

>> No.7745714

i don't mind wearing headphones, but there's a high risk to be stolen by niggers and terrorists where i live so yeah, i don't go out with them and i don't go out of my house[Spoiler]

>> No.7745721

Wait, evil? For what reason?

>> No.7745720
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>> No.7745719

Headphones and two right hands pale in comparison to dual monocle tanuki.

>> No.7745724
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>> No.7745730

Manipulative bitch who used religion to further her goals while pursuing her worldly desires in secret. And then she has the gall to go ahead and lecture other people about their impurity.

Damn bitch, she needs to be raped a good ten times (once for every desire, which are actually completely innocent things like attachment to life) until she's a shameless slut who begs for futanari Touhou penis.

>> No.7745736

Please, no! If you want to know how she speaks, read the original Japanese text, not the localized translation.

>> No.7745741

>Manipulative bitch who used religion to further her goals while pursuing her worldly desires in secret.

Sounds exactly like Byakuren. And she's (still) one of the closest characters Touhou has to a good alignment, too.

>> No.7745745

Preserving her youth isn't that much of 'worldly desire' for Yokai Jesus.
Besides, she just wants everyone to get on, which puts her at odds with pretty much everyone else in Gensokyo.

Good think her ranks have increased in this game with Kyouko and Mamizou.

>> No.7745747

She's reverse Byakuren. Byakuren started with evil intentions but grew to love the youkai she defended in secret to extend her life, Miko was a honest person corrupted by Seiga into using her position of authority for personal gain.

I still find it odd that Byakuren's title is "Nun who Endured the Eight Sufferings", though. She's anathema to one of the eight, the loneliness you feel when you are on your deathbed, as that was what she tried to avoid all along.

>> No.7745749

I don't know about you, but I fucking hate these new touhous. They are the epitome of bad taste.

>> No.7745752

She can fulfill 10 rapists' desires at once.

Do you hate Kyouko and Yoshika, too?

>> No.7745755

From what I understand, she also destroyed/caused the destruction of Futo's clan (No idea why they're allies now).

>> No.7745754
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>> No.7745758
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>not picking Miko

What the fuck is wrong with you guys? Miko's character design, stage and boss music are incredible. She's also smart AND beautiful.

>> No.7745760
File: 205 KB, 703x883, 18500377_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did enjoy her music but I liked Yoshika's dialogue better.

>> No.7745765

>Ah, geez... Fighting a zombie in a graveyard? What kind of third-rate movie is this?

>> No.7745780
File: 202 KB, 636x628, Touhou Mamizou Futatsuiwa 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tanuki with the power to transform things

She can make you the little girl, therefore is best.

>> No.7745781

Futo directly caused the destruction of her own clan to chase that petty immortality of hers.

It goes like this.

1. Seiga, a Chinese hermit practicing Tao, goes to Miko, tells her that she can grant her real ultimate power through Taoism. Miko is pleased.
2. Miko tells her rival, Futo, of the plan. If both figureheads work together, they can unite the land quite easily using Buddhism, while practicing Tao in secret to attain immortality.
3. Futo is brought over by the prospect of eternal life. Miko and Futo work together to convert the Soga clan into devout Buddhists.
4. Plan works. However, the rest of Mononobe, a nature-worshipping clan, are vehemently opposed to Buddhism.
5. This results in their eventual fall as Buddhism rapidly gains popularity.
6. Tojiko is just sort of there. Unlike the rest of the Soga, she's in on the plan, though.

>> No.7745783 [SPOILER] 
File: 356 KB, 1000x1000, 527bfd982273b2ba712fef894156daa2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a slut.

>> No.7745788

How do I become an undead mind slave?

>> No.7745789 [DELETED] 

>Do you hate Kyouko and Yoshika, too?
Fucking yes. For fucks sake: Dogs aren't cute? Zombies aren't cute!

>> No.7745793

She's a bear

>> No.7745796

>Do you hate Kyouko and Yoshika, too?
Fucking yes. For fucks sake: Dogs aren't cute! Zombies aren't cute!

>> No.7745797
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>> No.7745798

Marry a lesbian necromancer.

Yoshika was the man Seiga married, but she killed him, modified his corpse into that of a little girl and raised her as a jiangshi because she's a lolicon lesbian.

>> No.7745803

Don't care it's the same thing. I hate these anthropomorphic animals. I could live with corvids, but Chen and especially Nazrin... ugh. Fucking furries.

>> No.7745808
File: 11 KB, 244x236, 1309526882974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yamabikos aren't dogs.

>> No.7745810

You're either a master of the sarcastic arts or you do not understand kemonomimi. I damn you to listen to NEKOMIMI MODE~ for the next hour.


>> No.7745811

If I pick Seiga, do I get to listen to her theme 24/7?

>> No.7745823

What they then, pigs?

>> No.7745839
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>> No.7745851

Monkey Dog

>> No.7745876

Better use a picture of a non-shit tier touhou if you want me to take you seriously.

>> No.7745878
File: 1.53 MB, 1657x2100, 21061096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go for the one with the sword, that's my general rule.

>> No.7745890
File: 1.76 MB, 1657x2100, 21061096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Purple and gold are my favorite colors ! And I honestly really like her design.
Also, all this backstory and evil intentions seem quite interesting.

>> No.7745892

1,5+mb jpg-mind

>> No.7745894

Who is this. I really like the design.

>> No.7745899

Your mom.

>> No.7745900

Better than the original 6+mb png, at any rate.

>> No.7745907

This is what I'm saying! I think I'm in love.

>> No.7745921
File: 196 KB, 764x1000, 21072996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mai new waifu

>> No.7745923

Did ZUN learn to draw hands?

>> No.7745925

Seiga & Yoshika. That was the best part of the game anyway.

>> No.7745927

Does Miko belong to the ばーばー group? She doesn't seem as old as everyone past Remilia. In fact, her appearance seems even younger than Remilia.

>> No.7745934
File: 303 KB, 1600x1200, 28174 gap highres socks wallpaper yakumo_yukari yuuki_tatsuya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at least she is not a hag in appearance.

>> No.7745935

She doesn't seem to.

Mami, on the other hand, is pretty much guaranteed to join them.

>> No.7745943


Probably teenager or so (Aya, Reisen age). Nobody in TD looks older than a teen anyway. Maybe Seiga since she is a widow. Futo looks pretty small (fanon Shikeiki size).

>> No.7745953

Miko has two right hands.

>> No.7745949

Seiga should have been the extra boss.

>> No.7745966

Wrong. She has one right hand and a paw.

>> No.7745966,1 [INTERNAL] 

Whoa, what? Why?

>> No.7745966,2 [INTERNAL] 

I REALLY hope it was the OP who deleted it, and not the janitor leaving all the other shit on the front page like london riots, >i hope you dont do this, that moot thread, and that other massive greentext story thread.

>> No.7745966,3 [INTERNAL] 

One would hope. I don't see why he would've done that though, it's not like it was getting off-topic or anything.

>> No.7745966,4 [INTERNAL] 

Or OP got banned for something else and all his posts automatically deleted.

>> No.7745966,5 [INTERNAL] 

Could someone please repost the OP image? Thanks in advance.
