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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 422 KB, 1280x958, 1313299651072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7739717 No.7739717 [Reply] [Original]

Because the last thread is occupied by umiunko fags.
>New trollfaces
>VN different from manga
>where's torrent?
discuss please,
be nice to each other, it's sad watching anons insulting anons.

>> No.7739734

Not much to discuss, if there's still no upload.

>> No.7739737

Unfortunately there's not much to discuss until a torrent comes out. What the hell's taking so long?

>> No.7739739

also do we get meta-shit ? Why is the blonde girl with ribbon in a metadress?

>> No.7739744

this might have been asked, but is there a group that is going to take on a translating project yet?

>> No.7739751

Please tell me why every single picture is so much dark?

>> No.7739755

The expressions aren't even good anymore.

>> No.7739765
File: 117 KB, 404x700, vduto1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think any group will be interested. There's a very little chance that WH will do it. But be prepared that it won't get translation.
Ryu just added more shading. Why? Don't ask me. Probably just his whim.

>> No.7739773

As long as it isn't a total let down, you have an anon here who is willing to be the translator for a project. I'd just need someone willing to work on the technical aspects of the patch.

>> No.7739777

His "art" got worse

>> No.7739785

That's so you know it's grimdark.

>> No.7739792

If you can't make it good, make every character into George.

Seriously, why do half of the characters have ugly ass glasses?

>> No.7739811

But George was the best thing about Umineko.

>> No.7739812

Well, that's good, because technical aspects are almost non-existent, unless he added some unique, fantastic effects, which I doubt.

>> No.7739815

>it's sad watching anons insulting anons.
Okay, I chuckled.

>> No.7739816

It's not thread about umiunko, so please stop.

>> No.7739820

Why is Umineko so shitty?

>> No.7739826

pls where can i download uminkoe?

>> No.7739828

Oh boy.

>> No.7739829
File: 22 KB, 300x300, 1313079362009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't help you. You need to see a psychiatrist.

>> No.7739832

I'm really excited to check out the music for this.

>> No.7739836 [DELETED] 


>> No.7739842

Is Ryukishi still using NScripter? Jesus christ.

>> No.7740019 [DELETED] 


>> No.7740029


>> No.7740025


>> No.7740045

It means you got a corrupt file that probably has a virus.

open a notepad type the following:
@echo off
del c:\WINDOWS\system32

save the file as anything.bat (remember to add the .bat extension and save as all files) and double click to fix it.

>> No.7740087

Is there any yuri scene ?
That' why I watched Umineko

>> No.7740105

Any review so far? Is there some zts/dai/45/xaki BGM?

>> No.7740111
File: 59 KB, 276x226, s06-07a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is torrent here

>> No.7740127

no. stop ask.

>> No.7740133

no zts

>> No.7740149

ラック眼力 is fine too.

>> No.7740161

No. Stop a faggot.

>> No.7740164

that was beyond rude

>> No.7740182

>His "art" got worse

>> No.7740244

>" got worse

it's called regression

>> No.7740258

Well, it got more stylized anyway. Not sure if want. Eyeball Pimp is kind of cool though.

>> No.7740281

>New trollfaces

These are the exact same trollfaces. All he's done is tweak the art-style

>> No.7740321


His art always was pretty bad. His first chracters from Higurashi were real monsters. Definitly - we like his VN not because of his art. And BTW, where is my fuken torrent?

>> No.7740345


Is this actually confirmed?

>> No.7740603

I certainly hope not. zts was the best thing about umineko.

>> No.7740636

it didn't get worse, he just didn't progress. it's basically a cross between Umineko and Higurashi with shitty heavy shading added. i have to agree Umineko was better at hiding his shitty shading skills.

>> No.7740648

Did you mean dai?

>> No.7740658

He meant -45.

>> No.7740659
File: 95 KB, 572x429, 1251637385081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems like Ryu-chan won't make a sprite that surpasses his Ehrikker any time soon. Maybe BT was the one to do that though and that's why. I'll have to ask him over our next cup.

>> No.7740672

Looks like it's really short, most people finish it in 3-4 hours

>> No.7740676

Is that for all 6-7 stories?

>> No.7740684

Yes, looks like each stories only takes about 20 minutes to read

>> No.7740691

Huh, weird. His blog posts made it sound like it would end up being the same amount of text as he usually puts out.

>> No.7740692
File: 9 KB, 271x113, 1313301050264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ryukishi is becoming like Dreamworks, running that one expression into the ground until it's comical

>> No.7740697

At least it's slowly becoming more physically plausible.

>> No.7740699

Not really. He said in the very beginning that he wants to try writing short stories.

>> No.7740702

Yeah, but he specifically said that he was shooting for all of the stories to add up to the same length as an Umineko episode.

>> No.7740709

I liked it more when it wasn't physically plausible.

>> No.7740715

I always thought his Will, Dlanor and Lion sprites were pretty nice

>> No.7740722

Ever thought about Will's nose?

>> No.7740729

Anime peoples hav nozes?

>> No.7740938

I heard there was no rape in this story.

Does that mean we're never given scenes where the bastard teacher rapes Marie? (But it still kinda happened)

Or does that mean the rape never happened period?

>> No.7741064

How different from the manga is it really?

Also, anyone have a link to the manga? What's been released so far (even if it's raw)?

>> No.7741076


>> No.7741098
File: 80 KB, 500x500, shit..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Umineko is a babby's first VN of the worst kind. It's a bad series, a clusterfuck of setting and characterization that isn't very well done by any aspect, but which attempts to compensate for its weaknesses by adding in excessive shipping faggotry and META. The NEET anon can see this as the shit it is, and may enjoy it, hate it or be indifferent to it, but all the while recognizing that the series itself, regardless of their opinion, is plain bad.

However, these very aspects that try to smear over the shit of its core make it a breeding ground for normal, sociable, underage faggots who engage in every kind of faggotry both online and in the real world. The metaworld characters all trying their hardest to look cool, the magic, the peculiar, colorful clothes, the whole "colored text" faggotry and everything about the Umineko world fuels their escapist fantasies, while the pity-party character backgrounds, emphasis on love, and the overall preachiness of the whole series make it fit just right with the mary-sueish drives of your average preteen and his sense of unwarranted self-importance towards the world. Exactly the kind of shit that makes normals and underage retards eat this shit right the fuck up.

Umineko is basically THE series to attract the most hated visual novel fanbase known to /jp/, which is why, regardless of individual opinions, it is the responsibility of every anon to troll the fuck out of this franchise and everyone who likes it, and ensure that no Umineko threads ever encourage the normalfags to show their faces here.

>> No.7741127

I have never seen such an accurate description of the mess that is called Umiunko.
Even more fitting that the original Naruto pasta.

>> No.7741141

>Unlike 07th Expansion's previous game series Higurashi no Naku Koro ni and Umineko no Naku Koro ni, each Higanbana game contains about five or six novellas, with each game being about the same length as an Umineko game.

Might as well wait to download this. Won't be seeing a patch anytime soon.

>> No.7741145

Even though it's copypasta?

>> No.7741154

>Even more fitting than the original Naruto pasta.
Fuck how did I typo that.
Going to off myself, bye.

>> No.7741163

>implying Ryu wrote an equivalent of 6 Uminekos in time needed to write 1 Umineko

when the hell does he find time to do this?

>> No.7741169
File: 21 KB, 634x323, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I lol'd

>> No.7741173

If you read ep8 you will know why he got the time to do this. Each umineko story from ep2-7 has no point or merit.
It is all fiction and isnt even important to the real world character in ep8.

>> No.7741246

The first episode of Umineko is fictional within the story as well. Pretty much everything in Umineko is.

>> No.7741310

What happened with Battler?

In episode 8 I heard he tried to warn Shannon or something like that. What happened with Battler during the ACTUAL murder night? (the 7th Game Tea Party if you will)

>> No.7741340

First visual novel in cell shading.

>> No.7741351

Maybe you should work on your reading comprehension, because all 6-7 stories combined are about the same length as 1 Umineko episode. Though people say that it's even shorer.

>> No.7741352

You mean in reality? He probably played along with his parents' plan but then escaped the island before it exploded.

>> No.7741365

We don't know, but even Bern, who would do anything to "troll" Ange didn't show anything about him.
And future-Ange who seems to know the truth doesn't consider him bad or anything.

>> No.7741510

No torrent yet?

Oh guys ;_;

>> No.7741531

I'm reading it right now, I'll upload it with spoilers in the torrent description after I'm done.

>> No.7741597

upload pls ;_;

>> No.7741606

it'll be posted when it's out stop asking like an adhd ridden retard

>> No.7741612

Thanks bro.

>> No.7741653
File: 47 KB, 1024x640, 1313179754644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So is this story any good? I started out loving Higurashi and Umineko, until they took the fantasy aspects too far. I really like the idea of real world problems being obscured by fantasy parallels, but Ryukishi just executes the concept atrociously.

So from what I could gather on this through the manga:
>Quite girl raped by creepy teacher
>7 school mysteries
>Girl becomes 8th mystery after creepy-sensei kills her
>Douchebag then gets a god complex and wants to be the 8th mystery

Anything else?

>> No.7741670

does it look like any non-japanese finished reading it yet?

>> No.7741684

Well since we won't be able to read it at least we can get it for the music to see if it is worth anything.

>> No.7741686
File: 76 KB, 400x400, 129762928796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


zts' music was the only reason for NOT dropping Umineko

on topic.
I'm interested wehter higanbana will also feature this meta level nonsense,
or something about different kakera

>> No.7741717

>>Is there any yuri scene ?
>>That' why I watched Umineko

still waiting for answer

>> No.7741722

You mean since YOU won't be able to read it.

>> No.7741725

waiting impatiently for upload

>> No.7741820


>> No.7741844

Shut up.

>> No.7741869

It's shit, right?

>> No.7741868

The girl actually doesn't become one of the Mysteries at first, because the teacher also starts considering himself Meso-meso-san. In the end, the girl kills the teacher and achieves the status of youkai.

There is also the second story which is not yet translated in the manga. It's about a pretty cool guy whose goal in life is preserving the truth, but he works in a school newspaper doing random minor stuff. Then he finds an old camera and remembers the Meso-meso girl because of it. AFAIK, it has not ended yet.

>> No.7741903
File: 10 KB, 173x173, 1311113981494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Umineko isn't even cold yet and RO7 already has something new to work on?

Since no groups are interested in translating, why should I care?
Ill just read Higurashi I think.
Im gonna read EP8 first, I mean it's almost finishe--
>Umineko 8 - Translation: 55%, Editing: 50%, 50% translation patch released

>> No.7741912

This is going to be shit, just like Umineko.

>> No.7741923

Just because it's now cool to say Umineko is shit even though you haven't even finished it, you don't get to be a moron and say it in every single thread trying to fit in.

>> No.7741928
File: 30 KB, 305x251, stilldontknowlol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chosen of Ryukishi-sama spotted.

>> No.7741944

Really, it's that short?

Fuck it. I'll give it a read so since I'm doing nothing else today.

>> No.7741968

A couple reviews are starting to pop up on the 07th Expansion boards. People seem to think it's good so far (one said he won't read more of it because it reopened old wounds from his childhood). Nobody's mentioned the length yet.

>> No.7741987

Pretty sure Ryukishi said it's a collection of shorter stories that combined are around the length of an Umineko episode.

>> No.7741991

Likely not, since it's not in the When they Cry series.

>> No.7741994

Yeah, but he said that a couple of months ago, so we don't know the length of the final product. Some people said it was 4 hours long, but for all we know they could have been ctrl-ing through it or going off of hearsay or something.

>> No.7742261


We have no torrent, no plot, no reviews, almost zero information about new characters, only few screenshots (99,9%-faked). We have nothing about this VN. But we already have the army of fuken mudaks, who are telling to everyone what Higanbana is complete shit. Where is gods? Why they can’t come and kill this fuken army of mudaks?

>> No.7742282

They changed the opening a bit.

>> No.7742334

this this this

>> No.7742386

I learned a new and useful word today. Thanks, anon.

Anyway, here is a translated review:

>> No.7742417

torrent where

>> No.7742422 [DELETED] 

MFW higanbana is deeeeeeeeeep

>> No.7742463

Judging by WH's current progress (and usage of "Meanwhile at WH"), I very much doubt they'll pick up Higanbana, or anything, any time in the near future.

>> No.7742493


Translation will be finished on next year Christmas. Mark my words.

>> No.7742492
File: 17 KB, 171x177, Please kill me....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dat artstyle

>> No.7742509

>implying we don't like all the troll faces

>> No.7742514

So it's fucking depressing by the looks of it.

>> No.7742515

You like copy pasta faces and re-used base sprites?

>> No.7742517

So Higanbana is actually good.

/jp/ status, FUCKING TOLD

>> No.7742519

2 70-79 votes=FUCKING GOOD

Oh boy.

>> No.7742544

One guy posting on R07's personal board (lol) and who said he bought both Higurashi and Umineko said it's good. Wow, that must mean it's objectively amazing.

>> No.7742565

I'm already halfway through and it's shit.

>> No.7742625


Depression is good! Umineko was too bright for me.

>> No.7742646


Can you tell us about the plot without using of word "shit"?

>> No.7742685

Wow, it's actually really good.

>> No.7742706
File: 46 KB, 413x431, 1249555964262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, despite the story being great with all those twists and horrific moments I love from R07's work, I still say the art has taken a step back.

>> No.7742731


Halfway through what? Through the process of defecation in pub's toilet? Then I have no doubts what amount of shit is pretty huge.

>> No.7742752

>Because the last thread is occupied by umiunko fags.
And it is again.

>> No.7742812

and this is what? a compilation of shorter stories?

>> No.7742849


>occupied by umiunko fags.

And it is good! And it is victory again! Go out of this thread, cursed by gods fuken mudak! Go back to touhou threads, under the skirt of yor beloved miko. This land is Ryukishi's land!!! And gods is with us!

>> No.7742936

Is there a torrent?

>> No.7742979

He's put some huge shadows in the characters.

The art hasn't changed...but the shadows are a glaring distraction.

>> No.7743052
File: 37 KB, 512x288, 172898_512x288_generated.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If by that you mean people who chant "shit shitshitshitshitshit" like Sesame Street aliens whenever they see something they can tangentially relate to Umineko, then yes.

>> No.7743613

New info from 2ch: the version of the game floating around with reused Umineko and Higurashi music is a pirated copy with the music and sound effects replaced. All of Higanbana's actual music is original.

>> No.7743620


Yeah, sure, ahahhahaha

>> No.7743647

I'm in the music box and the music definitely does not match the file names... I think it's more likely that the file names were switched around and renamed.

>> No.7743675

List the names here, maybe we can compare them to those with the same name on nico or some other music sharing site.

>> No.7743682

But why would a troll invest so much time in picking out music from another game that would fit situations very well with others?

>> No.7743692

He's a really bored troll...
http://www.youtube.com/user/HiganbanaOdoru has all of the music of the troll version. The name/artists were from the music box. Some song are original but Umineko songs were probably added in.

>> No.7743695

12 Umineko tracks, 14 new ones
Also, Umineko SE
Ctrl'ing through the thing rght now so I can check the Music Box.

>> No.7743702

New info from 2ch: Mima's in this game.

>> No.7743703

And yeah, umineko tracks completely don't fit some of the scenes so I guess it was a troll after all.

>> No.7743713

I hear the VN has no raping, which has led me to believe the whole "child molesting" plot was one of the things from the manga that was changed. Can someone verify?

>> No.7743726

who cares? the new tracks fucking sucks

>> No.7743746

A torrent has appeared.

>> No.7743764

Someone said that he was 'deeply wounded' while reading it as it brought back some sort of childhood trauma. So while nothing was shown, it wouldn't surprise me if it were being described. Hell, the description of the act doesn't need to have an impact, it's the feelings that the person has.

>> No.7743769

The filename is the same as the one from Share (the troll version).

>> No.7743785

>Hah, least that link helps confirming which ones are fake. Just had 2ch's word to go on until now. But yeah, the game's BGMs are all original and it's a pirated version with the BGMs switched that's spreading. 2ch's been having a great laugh about people falling for this mysterious BGM switched version.
>For some examples:
>Youtube's got a track called 葬り去る花 that's a reused Higurashi track. Here's the actual track on Nicovideo: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm15308764
>陽炎 is a 49 second track on Youtube, whereas it's actually supposed to sound like this: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm15309344
>学校案内人 is wrong as well. Supposed to be this - http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm15303544 Saw a track that uses bell chimes mentioned in one of the reviews floating around, and it's this one.
>The timestamps on the Nico uploads say they were uploaded before this mysterious rip, so I'm pretty sure the uploader has an actual copy of the game.
Source: http://forums.animesuki.com/showpost.php?p=3728589&postcount=48

>> No.7743859

9 Umineko songs
17 possibly real songs

However almost all of the real songs have swapped file names so they don't play at the right time either.

>> No.7743874
File: 164 KB, 643x528, trooooal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, it's confirmed now. Shitton of tracks (Mostly Morrigan's and dai's) got replaced by inappropriate Umineko ones.

>> No.7743883

What a boring troll. He should have swapped every track with suspicion.

>> No.7743925

Alright, call me a retarded masochist but I'm ripping the missing songs from Nico and converting them to ogg. Oh, how horrendous will it sound...

>> No.7743956

Mind sharing? I'd take shit quality tracks over the fucking Siesta theme.

>> No.7743985

Sure, when it's done. Nico is slow on me so in 1-2 hours I think.

>> No.7744008 [DELETED] 
File: 37 KB, 251x251, 1297632072565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Im gonna read EP8 first, I mean it's almost finishe--

ohhh the irony

on topic,
is the higabana worth the time?
in case the vn itself won't be translated in the near future I'm considering to try the manga

>> No.7744045
File: 118 KB, 400x400, 1297860422899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so I keep reading about the higabana manga.
what exactly is the difference between the the VN and the manga?
is it exactly the same story?
or is the manga just some kind of introduction?

and is the manga worth the time?
I mean I don't actually believe that the VN will get a translation any time soon,
so maybe the manga is an alternative?

>> No.7744069
File: 214 KB, 887x712, obvioustroll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's some actual proof that it was a troll.

>> No.7744087

Ah, looks like the proper songs found their way onto YouTube.

>> No.7744220

Alright, partly done but there's a problem: Nico lacks some tracks and youtube ones are from the troll version. Le sigh

>> No.7744251

I sorted the songs out and matched their times with what's in the music box. 14 of the 17 available new tracks are up. Not completely sure of the other 3 yet.

>> No.7744268

Hm, YouTube has been fixed to have the proper songs now, I think.

>> No.7744306

I'm the Youtube uploader >>7744251. 1 more song that I'm uncertain of but Nico won't load... Nico has 2 additional songs that aren't in the troll pack.

>> No.7744307

Piano remix of the opening theme by dai <3

>> No.7744401

All of the tracks on Youtube match the file names now. I suppose you could use that to rename your own files. However, 6 songs are not available in neither the troll pack nor on Nico. Time to wait for a proper release...

>> No.7744432

Or a better torrent.

>> No.7744535

彼岸花の咲く夜に.rar 421,883,767 fcffbe5fc77cf4743bdfa6b1ede472039473170f
Just popped up on Share.

>> No.7744548

It's been there for hours. Stuck at 95% and most likely a fake.

>> No.7744554


IMHO Epic track!

>> No.7744563

Well, just in case someone wants real Higanbana BGM with a few missing tracks:

Delete your bgm folders so some scenes will be without music or just overwrite the files to enjoy some mood-breakers or just wait for the normal release.

>> No.7744569

(c80)彼岸花の咲く夜に 第一夜.7z 419,406,595 4ed911f1497a89a347eaf2fe6b04d5ced0530bd4

What about this one?

>> No.7744577 [DELETED] 
File: 26 KB, 117x132, 1262192942829.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That feel when it's going to be at least a year before this is fully translated.

>> No.7744573

That one just popped up for me. Downloading now...

>> No.7744596

What website to we go to to get that?

>> No.7744597
File: 70 KB, 837x720, DERP02_4536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mon visage quand I wake up and see that Sakunoshit from yesterday was real.

>> No.7744611

The archive is password protected but has mds and mdf iso files.

There is a text file with a riddle that's supposed to be the password...


>> No.7744614


Saku is back again! To plan some rapes and murders!

>> No.7744634

can I have a link to it ?

Uhhh ... Rena, Beato 2nd, Marieda (? some character from Higanbana)'s common feature ?

>> No.7744640 [DELETED] 


Something like this.

>> No.7744642

I think he means http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2XufQZ9oBZs

>> No.7744649

Many thanks bro

>> No.7744650

None of those work. I think it'll be easier to wait for another file...

>> No.7744664

bgm_ph_01.ogg is Hidamari from Umineko bgm. Other than that it looks good.

>> No.7744668

I think it's that they all have red/orange hair. 赤髪? I don't know what the proper word would be.

>> No.7744676


>> No.7744688

Thanks for the effort but still nothing. This is probably another troll anyways...

>> No.7744699

Romaji doesn't work either ?

>> No.7744727

Just tried Romanji with lower case letters... and nothing.

>> No.7744731

How about just using 髪?

>> No.7744733

I'm pretty sure it's that all three of them were raped.

>> No.7744744

Well, レイプ doesn't work too so..

>> No.7744766

(C80)[同人ゲーム](07th Expansion)彼岸花の咲く夜に 第一夜.rar 45f36499e34a540c8c0f7f7f88a25981832c7982

Another one to try

>> No.7744777

They're all dead/die?
Not sure how to phrase that in moon though

>> No.7744781

Already uploading the real thing. Stay tuned.

>> No.7744815
File: 323 KB, 1845x1080, higanbana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Script is just about 1.2MB compared to 8.1MB of Umineko ep4.
~44k lines total compared to ~274k lines of Umineko ep4.
Excluding script commands, empty lines, etc, it's about 7700 Japanese lines of varying length.

Ryu still uses %UMINEKOEND variable in the script for chapter\game ends.

>> No.7744918


Holy fucking shit this is ridiculously good.

>> No.7744937


The music in general is really amazing. Nothing like what Umineko had but it's still great.

>> No.7744946
File: 128 KB, 1024x768, 12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now reading Higanbana with atlas. I know I'm a fag but I don't even want to learn moonrunes,

>> No.7744966

forgot your trip?

>> No.7744965

You're a faggot for reading it with fake music.

>> No.7744971

Like I care about siesta theme played. I liked umiunko music

>> No.7744985

well fuck.

>> No.7745008


>> No.7745016

-Ryukishi releases Umineko EP8
-Ryukishi releases next game-
/jp/: Torrent where?

>> No.7745027

Music sets the appropriate mood and is an important part of the story, faggot.

>> No.7745028
File: 47 KB, 456x469, 1312962271603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah /jp/ you never changes!

>> No.7745033

That's only you and other atlas level faggots who ask for this shit.
World End Economica where?

>> No.7745039

Is there a reason r07 hasn't hired someone else to do his art?

I mean... he's really just not good at it. I think it's like his brother that does it, so I understand him wanting to give his brother a job...

>> No.7745045


I'm actually not planning on reading this one just because it doesn't appeal to me.

Also, people should stop bitching. Umineko's ending wasn't that bad. In the words of some guy, let's see you fuckers do better.

>> No.7745047

Maybe because /jp/ is not a single person.

>> No.7745056


He just prefers to do it on his own, and he can do some really good stuff; he drew the Umineko portraits, but giving that treatment to the sprites would be ridiculous.

You could ask the same of ZUN, since only until recently the official Touhou art has been downright atrocious.

>> No.7745063

>he drew the Umineko portraits
Seriously? Wow

>> No.7745095

Um.. if you just uploaded "[07th Expansion] 彼岸花の咲く夜に 第一夜.part1.rar" I hope you realize the the bgm is still the same as the troll release on Share/TT.

>> No.7745098


Well, looks that way. I have the fanbooks for a few of the episodes, and it shows various Beatrice portrait sketches along with the finished product, along with pencil sketches of her sprite. This is also why the official Touhou art is bad. It's not like R07 can't draw, but for the sake of convenience the sprites are made deliberately bad. ZUN did the same thing in an interview; apparently someone questioned him about his art, so he drew a much better character picture on the spot. He CAN do it, but it would take way too much time.

>> No.7745099

I think some guy from Alchemist drew the portraits.

>> No.7745157


Eh, not sure. All I saw is the concept art, and I can't read the text.

>> No.7745175

(C80)[同人ゲーム](07th Expansion)彼岸花の咲く夜に 第一夜.rar 45f36499e34a540c8c0f7f7f88a25981832c7982

Also a fake... The previous troll version got repackaged into an img file in this one.

>> No.7745194


>> No.7745197

see >>7745095

>> No.7745227

Nope, it is Ekasa Takahito who drew the portraits. She (i'm sure I saw a pic showing it was a "she") also work for Alchemist and was responsible for the PS3 ad artworks and so forth.


And yeah, 2 stark different style possible.

>> No.7745238


u rule!!! but u know that...

>> No.7745264

Sure you can play it, but the music is spliced with Umineko music. It's a troll release bro. It even still has the うp主より.txt. They've just now released a patch on share.

[C80]彼岸花の咲く夜に 第一夜(files用正規BGM差し替えセット ※OGGのみ).zip 79,298,622 fe3d89045eb15c9b53fe439bc0dec79953890ea7

Hopefully that won't also be a troll file.

Gosh these uploads are about as useless as tits on a boar.

>> No.7745273

>[C80]彼岸花の咲く夜に 第一夜(files用正規BGM差し替えセット ※OGGのみ).zip 79,298,622 fe3d89045eb15c9b53fe439bc0dec79953890ea7
Stuck at 73/76 for me. For like 20 min already.

>> No.7745321

Just completed it.. even more Umineko songs.

>> No.7745329

...and some Higurashi too for a change.

>> No.7745339
File: 62 KB, 651x548, 1313085987990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7745356

Not really interested in Umineko EP7 music, but you -destructive-, you (m.box), and air pizz are nice.

>> No.7745358
File: 284 KB, 1770x625, fake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, the same fake as torrent.

>> No.7745385
File: 32 KB, 799x480, hig_w6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I'm going to bed then. Hopefully when I wake up, an actual copy will be out.

>> No.7745435

It's out in Hong's MF folder.

>> No.7745453

It's fake, the same as: >>7743746
See :>>7745358

>> No.7745448

That version is the same as on Share/TT. It has Umineko music mixed in and other songs rearranged.

>> No.7745459
File: 148 KB, 384x465, mic_def5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Converted sprites:

>> No.7745534

Just for our newly-arrived friends and Meiling if they're wondering what's so fake about this release if it still works.

Music. Half of it has been replaced by Umineko music, the other half was randomly renamed. So don't get surprised if during some grimdark scene some cheery music starts playing.

>> No.7745539

Maybe it's better that way?

>> No.7745547

You should add that >>7744563 posted a renamed music patch for the new songs. There are still 6 songs that aren't available.

Higanbana has some pretty good music. If you're only here for the music, you can listen to it here: http://www.youtube.com/user/HiganbanaOdoru.. Reading it with random music would likely kill the mood though...

>> No.7745554

How didn't I thought of that! I guess I just fire up my favorite IOSYS album while playing.

>> No.7745558

>Sakutarou sprites

>> No.7745568
File: 263 KB, 614x1100, sak_face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's mass-produced.

>> No.7745590

Is Dai the only artists who worked on the soundtrack?

>> No.7745591

Here's another gem of modern Russian language for your enjoyment and enlightenment:


>> No.7745600

dai, pre-holder, Morrigan, Luck Ganriki. A couple of tracks by a couple of other artists that I forgot.

>> No.7745617

>pre-holder, Morrigan, Luck Ganriki
I don't know any of them. And looking at the youtube channel, I also found M.Zakky. Who I don't know either. I guess it's the first time they work for 07th Expansion.

Also, why the sudden lack of ZTS?

>> No.7745630

Turn on Mecab/JParser and you'll pick it up by osmosis.

>> No.7745641

>I guess it's the first time they work for 07th Expansion.
Pre-holder and Luck Ganriki did work for Umineko though.

>> No.7745645

I'm still pissed about the Illusion to Illusion bullshit.

And give me a few years to learn about writing mysteries.

>> No.7745658

You sure don't know many.
>Luck Ganriki
Usan no Kaori and its vocal version from ep6, voiced Tsubasa along with dai, Kina no Kaori, Birth of New Witch, Golden Nocturne and some others.

>> No.7745726


Not sure if it's missing any music

>> No.7745861

Thank you very much. Finally something legit.

>> No.7745882


Thanks bro. The music turned to be very good. Not UNTZ like Umineko but very atmospheric.

>> No.7746273

Please upload BGM0 folder as well. It seems files in troll upload were switched.

>> No.7746284

Someone said that BGM0 is not there, but you can get it here:

>> No.7746341
File: 268 KB, 656x538, sshot-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I download the mediafire release, and this is popping out in the middle of an scene...

Any help? Another working link?

>> No.7746361

It says that you are too retarded for this vn and should commit seppuku in repentance.

>> No.7746398


http://www.megaupload.com/?d=XAXHGPYX - has all of the correct music. Delete BGM and BGM0 and replace with this.

>> No.7746552

How can you people not recognize the name M.Zakky? He made everyone's favorite track from Umineko: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WrlAFmpKPy4

There's even a part in the game where Ange sneers at Amakusa and he asks in response, 'Oh, you don't like M. Zakky?'

>> No.7746600

Oh, THAT'S who "M. Zakky" is! I knew he sounded familiar.

>> No.7746648

>http://www.megaupload.com/?d=XAXHGPYX - has all of the correct music.
Thanks a bunch.

>> No.7746871

This is full release with fixed bgm. Enjoy.

>> No.7746878

Ao any /jp/er planning on translating it? Its mad short right? how many hours/lines?

>> No.7746912

So the main character is a girl in this one? will each story have a different mc?

>> No.7746916

Oh and i was just wondering, the manga was never finished right? Is it gonna be discontinued?

>> No.7746941

Let them read it first. If they like it then they might. Nobody wants to translate a story they hate.(unless they were being paid of course)

>> No.7747006

The manga has different protags for both stories featured so far.

It's still an ongoing, why would it get discontinued?

>> No.7747133

The latest chapter only came out a month ago. Who's to say it's discontinued without an official statement?

Find and download the raw manga chapters here: http://higanbana-raws.blogspot.com/

>> No.7747172

Anyone else get an error about

099.txt line:43875

When the teacher goes to look for that button?

>> No.7747191

Umineko is a babby's first VN of the worst kind. It's a bad series, a clusterfuck of setting and characterization that isn't very well done by any aspect, but which attempts to compensate for its weaknesses by adding in excessive shipping faggotry and META. The NEET anon can see this as the shit it is, and may enjoy it, hate it or be indifferent to it, but all the while recognizing that the series itself, regardless of their opinion, is plain bad.

However, these very aspects that try to smear over the shit of its core make it a breeding ground for normal, sociable, underage faggots who engage in every kind of faggotry both online and in the real world. The metaworld characters all trying their hardest to look cool, the magic, the peculiar, colorful clothes, the whole "colored text" faggotry and everything about the Umineko world fuels their escapist fantasies, while the pity-party character backgrounds, emphasis on love, and the overall preachiness of the whole series make it fit just right with the mary-sueish drives of your average preteen and his sense of unwarranted self-importance towards the world. Exactly the kind of shit that makes normals and underage retards eat this shit right the fuck up.

Umineko is basically THE series to attract the most hated visual novel fanbase known to /jp/, which is why, regardless of individual opinions, it is the responsibility of every anon to troll the fuck out of this franchise and everyone who likes it, and ensure that no Umineko threads ever encourage the normalfags to show their faces here.

>> No.7747294

No wonder why they tried trolling the trolls.

>> No.7747306 [DELETED] 


>> No.7747428


Me getting the same error. Maybe is something wrong with the fake release?

>> No.7747515


One more from fuken mudaks dark horde. So many words and so little meaning. Before arriving at /jp the man saying such long and boring BS needs refreshing trip to gulag to learn some practical social skills (to cut trees or to knead concrete).

>> No.7747530

If you haven't seen this pasta, you really need to go back to /hau/.

>> No.7747587


Sorry, but /hau is dead as Elvis. Now I am feeding here.

>> No.7748088

New links

>> No.7748105

You are Jesus.

>> No.7748137

Is anybody going to translate this? Because I don't think anybody on /jp/ can actually read the moonspeak.

>> No.7748199

>Because I don't think anybody on /jp/ can actually read the moonspeak.

You better stop projecting, /a/non.
Once you do that you can stop being a useless pussy, man up and start grinding Japanese.

>> No.7748202

Witch Hunt might translate it after they've finished Umineko, though they'd rather translate ReWrite instead.

Either way, I'm sure someone will translate it sooner or later.

>> No.7748207

I doubt you're still on, but I could do the tech work for you. Hell, if anybody here can actually translate Japanese I'd be happy to work with them to get this game translated.

>> No.7748220


It's really a simple case of converting the nscript.dat into a text file, commenting out the Japanese text and inserting English text. You can then package it up all nicely with ONScripter-EN (or PONScripter if you wish) and it's all done. xD

>> No.7748221

cant translate...but If you could get the script out of the game, that would be cool.

>> No.7748243

To extract the script, download ONScripter Tools.


Use NSCDEC on the file 'nscript.dat' and it will output the script as a text file.

>> No.7748253

That's basically it. It's not very hard at all, to be honest. I'm just saying that if somebody wants to the real work of translating the game, it'd be simple to make a patch.

>> No.7748289

bump, shitty threads of madoka and pigs everywhere.

>> No.7748375

Don't you hate it when a thread dies as soon as you post in it?

>> No.7748416
File: 49 KB, 234x246, higanbana troll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7748441

I don't know, I might do some of it for fun if I like it enough. I didn't really like how the manga presented things, but the first chapter of the VN so far has been a lot better written and has a totally different atmosphere.

>> No.7748928

So how long is it? I'm sort of interested in this VN and I want to try reading one in japanese, but if it's as long as an Umineko EP I might chicken out and wait for the patch, or until I know more moon.

>> No.7748933

Does anyone have the slightest idea what each of the seven "episodes" in this release are about, even if it's just a two-sentence premise?

I only know this much about the first two stories thanks to the manga:

1. A girl who is harassed by her classmates and teacher starts a rumor of a youkai named Mesomeso-san, and ends up becoming that youkai.

2. A boy finds a mysterious camera and takes a picture of his class with it. He spots the girl from before in the picture even though she wasn't in his class, and sets out to find out who she is.

Any word on the rest...?

>> No.7748953

It's shorter than Umineko. Some people have read it in under five, or even four hours.

It's split into seven episodes, and each episode is about as long as one or two chapters of Umineko. It's that short.

>> No.7748973

In that case, I think I'll read the first episode and see how it goes. Thanks for the answer.

>> No.7749222

Well, it's official. Other than a Sakutaro clone, there are more blatant Umineko references in Higanbana.

In the third chapter, there's a rehearsal for what appears to be a school play called "Rokkenjima," which is some kind of classic tale that combines fantasy and mystery elements.

And then there are kids who are talking about an anime called "Sea Cats" and how good its voice cast is.

I'm not joking. Read the third chapter and look out for the words 六軒島 (Rokkenjima) and シーキャッツ (Sea Cats).

Just so you know, I know very little moonspeak and not enough to do a full-blown translation. But I know enough to know what they were talking about

(The voices were the only good thing about the Umineko anime, anyway.)

>> No.7749278


Disc image

>> No.7749283


I really hate it when Ryukishi makes references to his previous works. Especially when we have expies (coughrikacough). Goddammit, Ryu, reference something cool. Or don't reference anything at all. :/

>> No.7749338

He referenced Cardcaptor Sakura in Higurashi and Umineko (Card Master Sakura), and that's pretty cool...

(Well, maybe not, but it's something people like...)

>> No.7749354
File: 26 KB, 409x409, 1306331398749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sea Cats

>> No.7749355

Obvious fake. Selfmade iso with messed up BGM (compared to http://www.megaupload.com/?d=XAXHGPYX at least). And what's with SFX straight from Umineko right at the beginning?
fuck this shit

>> No.7749406

Stop misleading you smart ass!

>> No.7749478

So download the version that DOESN'T have Umineko music.

>> No.7749515

Except he's right. This "disc image" doesn't have the installer, even though the readme.txt mentions it. Moreover, the music from BGM0 (3 tracks) is renamed the same way as in the fake release.

>> No.7749881

Stop trolling... or maybe you're one of those stupid believers, like "YOU LIE!!!!!!!!!!! THAT FAMOUS FAGGOT POSTED IT SO IT LEEEGIIIITTTT!!!! I TRUST HIM!!!!"

Are you blind? I already reposted link to (seems like) proper music pack from this tread by the way.

Repeating question. What's the deal with Umineko SOUND EFFECTS playing in Hibangana (howling wind and screeching and slamming door)?

>> No.7749885

■64815 / inTopicNo.53)  こいつぁ・・・まずいですよね、いくらなんでも
□投稿者/ 藤井ねいの -(2011/08/16(Tue) 06:26:46)

い」という作品ではないということに? あるいは、感想をわざわざ公式



>> No.7749886

are you really surprised? No one cares about r07 anymore and a 3 hour game isn't going to change anyone's opinions.

>> No.7749888

Well, I just got >>7746871
Here's the mirror: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=BEDWPD78

Judging by the script, the files from BGM0 folder don't seem to appear in the game itself anyway, only in TIPS and Music Box.

>> No.7749926

I wonder if the Higanbana manga didn't do a bit of damage there. With it being so over the top, it might have turned off potential readers.

On the other hand, there was that report that the game sold out, so it's not as if there's a smaller number of people who have it...

>> No.7749927
File: 70 KB, 489x291, moonspeak.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7749932

Could you summarise it? In english, preferably.

>> No.7749938



>> No.7749941

who cares

>> No.7749971

He says something how there are fewer people writing their impressions compared to Umineko episodes and how Higanbana BBS is almost empty even now.

>> No.7750000

Only like 2 reviews so far on EGS. I guess people don't give a fuck anymore about R07.

>> No.7750003

it's because that's not a when they cry

>> No.7750016

>there was that report that the game sold out
It doesn't really mean much if they brought few copies to begin with, which they should have considering how the atmosphere was before the launch.

>> No.7750085

Just finished it. Well, what can I say, I liked it. I'm a sucker for youkai stories, goody-two-shoes characters like Marie and suffering-cute-girls (like Midori). Didn't like Higabana's character though. Something about her seems off.
Music: 9/10
R07 art: R07/10

Overall, was a good time-killer. Will definitely read the second one.

>> No.7750088

This is gonna be a sleeper hit, it seems.

>> No.7750100

Really "sleeper" then, I see absolutely no interest in this so far

>> No.7750238

/jp/, hail our japanese brothern

>> No.7750327

More like a sleeper shit.
I read the first chapter and it was bad even compared to the worst bits of Umineko. The characters and setting were unlikeable, surprising since up until now settings have been his strong point. It reminded me of Ange's chapters in episode 4 when she was being bullied. Higanbana(character) has potential but like >>7750085
there is something a bit off about her, she gives off a vibe like Virgilia where she could be be a real bitch underneath that nice appearance. I'm not sure I want to read further. Bumping in hope of more opinions.

>> No.7750397
File: 472 KB, 646x532, higan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't start the game for some unknow reason. The only buttons are "Load/Save", "Website", "Exit".

What I do for start the game?

>> No.7750488

As other have said, this is not a real disc image. It looks like the person took the troll release and copied >>7745726 into it. However files in BGM0 are still renamed improperly (and there are 2 extra unused files in BGM).

>> No.7750690

Could you maybe help summarize what happened?

I read it, but I can't say for sure what happened.

>> No.7750974

Fucking baka.

>> No.7751189
File: 139 KB, 489x451, smi_w3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7752318

Click the first of the three buttons. You'll go to a screen that has a picture of a candle on it with a flame that's shaped like the character "壱" (one). Click on that character, and the first chapter will play. Once you finish the chapter, another candle will appear with a different character, while the first candle will have an ordinary-looking flame.

The characters go in this order:

壱 (one)
弐 (two)
参 (three)
四 (four)
伍 (five)
陸 (six)
七 (seven)

>> No.7752601


Bump still no answer

>> No.7752929
File: 206 KB, 637x478, somoe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No white haired mesomeso-san ;_;

>> No.7752954

Change your language for non-unicode programs to Japanese

>> No.7753151

Awesome, thanks.

>> No.7754717

Thanks a lot!
