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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 479 KB, 855x446, 未命名.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7736397 No.7736397 [Reply] [Original]

Oh Cirno

>> No.7736407

Wait, it's out, or is it just a random screenshot?

>> No.7736404

I wish that they focused more on danmaku. And that they had voice actors.

>> No.7736416

yeah,it's out

>> No.7736420


it's out.

no voices though.

>> No.7736443

toho fandom is worse fandom

>> No.7736462

No, voices, bad sound effects, bad pacing...

...I'm going to assume this is just a demo version and with money from C80 sales they're going to put together a valid anime by C81. It'd be a pity if such a nice animation went to waste.

>> No.7736484

>no voices


>> No.7736477

I liked Sakuya's legs.

>> No.7736511

Dat song.
So good.

>> No.7736522 [DELETED] 

>mfw /jp/ is jizzing himself over this, but doesn't show it so he doesn't look like an /a/fag
>mfw he can't hold all the touhuos

>> No.7736537 [DELETED] 

Wow, go back to /v/ or /sp/ with your ">mfw" please.

>> No.7736544

>implying I'm not being ironic
>implying I'm not intentionally mocking the touhou fanbase by pretending to be part of it
check dis uyt guys marisas pussy so wet when she rescued XDD

>> No.7736554 [DELETED] 

Signs of new /jp/ denizens:

[X]-Appears constantly irritated, sometimes even enraged
[X]-Never posts without using sage
[X]-Feels the need to police the board
[X]-Will spam board redirects to anyone who disagrees with or irritates them
[X]-Complains about greentext, image macros, and other standard 4chan fare
-Complains about established /jp/ content, usually Touhou or visual novels
-Tends to overuse the terms "summer", "shitpost(er)", "newfag", and "samefag"
-On that note, they will almost invariably call two people who disagree with them "samefag"
[X]-All in all, treats /jp/ as if it's a secret club that only they belong to

>> No.7736555

I agree. Her footwear was... arousing.

>> No.7736562

It's a shame that most of the good parts were spoiled by the extended trailer.

>> No.7736565

what's with sanae at the end

>> No.7736580

The setting up for a sequel.

The other thing that disturbed me was Youmu petting "herself" on the stairs while talking to Marisa.

>> No.7736586
File: 40 KB, 338x338, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno what was up with those socks.. or were those boots? It was weird.

Also that fantasy heaven explosion.. And Yuyuko's cold pokey nipples.

>> No.7736595

This honestly worked better as a music video, and EoSD portion was better than the PCB portion at that.

>> No.7736596

So did they finally find out who stole Reimu's donation box?

>> No.7736610
File: 201 KB, 840x525, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everybody loves some pre-game masturbation.

Was the chair heavy at all?

>> No.7736607

what's wrong with that?
i pet myself all the time

>> No.7736613

>no voices though.
Thank god.

>> No.7736622
File: 43 KB, 362x582, 1302992401132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The picnic at the end made me want to open a portal to Gensokyo.

Any tips on how to do this?

>> No.7736624

So much armpit fanservice.

>> No.7736627

Also, sideboob.

>> No.7736640

It's all the typical fair that is the anime industry these days, pretty much all fetishes gets a wink. Sad to see nobody get wet.

>> No.7736644
File: 122 KB, 1280x720, tryingtoohardmeiling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope. The Meiling scenes warmed my heart. I also like the way she towers over other Touhous.

>> No.7736652

>anime industry


>> No.7736656

Which she shouldn't, really.

>> No.7736675

like every touhou animation, it turn out to be boring with a shitty plot
"baw waw i'm angry at Reimu"
"blablabla get along"

at least, the animation was good, better than the last one about yuri plot.
I liked Youmu godfather.

>> No.7736703

what the fuck did you expect from a doujin work

>> No.7736711

Sounds like one of those movies with Jack Chan + Plus that black guy.

>> No.7736721

Simple plot like the games.
What is the problem,sir?

>> No.7736733

Not that guy, but my problem was the lack of spellcards.

>> No.7736742

I don't like the historical revisionism denying Sakuya's role in PCB events.

>> No.7736746

if i wanted a simple plot, i'd play PCB.

>> No.7736757

Anyone else notice this coming out the same day as TD and the very, very similar coloring?

>> No.7736771

So you wanted a complex plot put into 16 minutes of animation?

>> No.7736781


Took way too many liberties with the characters and plot. Especially Youmu. Seriously, Myon is not a pet and mai waifu is not an evil mastermind.

>> No.7736797

Great animation.

I have no complains.

>> No.7736799

Ever notice how they were hyping this 16 minute video up for several months?

>> No.7736802

If people didn't like simple plots, they wouldn't be making sols.

>> No.7736811
File: 67 KB, 409x654, rage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you /jp/, I knew this board was filled with sociopathic imbeciles, but this thread is a whole new level of douchebaggery...
It's a doujin animation that's in a level that makes some professional studios look bad, animation-wise and direction-wise. It made me eat my heart out that Zun said there will never be a Touhou anime, because this shit just showed how much potential it has both as slice of life and action anime.
And all you fags can do is complain about something you just watched for free, when the circle who made it is selling it at C80 right now.
You guys are the worst. Yes, I mad. As long as you can't produce even 0.001% of the quality that this animation had - you're just a consumer of productions like this - you have no right to complain.
Fuck you /jp/. Fuck YOU!

>> No.7736808

Is there a soundtrack of the music in this anime short? I love the Border of Life bits.

>> No.7736815
File: 109 KB, 1280x720, cow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

them cowtits

>> No.7736823

My new favorite touhou

>> No.7736817

I hope I can find a copy on Mandarake and have them ship it to the wrong country again.

>> No.7736819

You mad, bro? You mad?

>> No.7736826
File: 34 KB, 235x295, BONER!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7736830

>visible perky tits
I know this is a doujin video and all, but this is kind of cheap.

>> No.7736835

>Balloon breasts

>> No.7736837

Why are men attracted to breasts?
Is it because they give life?
Is there some higher reason?

>> No.7736840


They are soft and fluffy.

>> No.7736841

Natural instincts.

>> No.7736846

They are just hot that's why. Washboards don't do that much for me.

>> No.7736853
File: 23 KB, 220x165, blofeld-cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was hilarious, but in the "I laugh because it's so bad" sense.

>> No.7736854

Made my day

>> No.7736859

I just want to put my dick in them and pump all my semen all over

>> No.7736886

You suck at it when you are young and subconsciously you want to suck it at again.

>> No.7736929


>> No.7736933

Why are most of /jp/'s Touhou "fans" so tasteless, unappreciative and obnoxious? ;_;

>> No.7736936

You don't know for yourself?

>> No.7736942

No you see /jp/ actually has taste. They also have autism though and believe that if you're going to do something you might as well do it right or not do it at all.

>> No.7736968



>> No.7736964
File: 110 KB, 686x800, 9f6289abd6e9088e14000841f4dfcc99.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HELLa cute thread.

>> No.7736969

They're right there, in the video, stupid.

>> No.7736990

I have my pet idea to improve /jp/. A post on /a/b/v/ should result in an automatic ban from posting here for, say, a week.

>> No.7736993

not everyone can read moonspeak, stupid

>> No.7736999

You should have specified the language, then.

>> No.7737008

Doing it "right" is completely subjective.

>> No.7737010 [DELETED] 


>Cos' y a see I iz awsome and people that can't read at least 3 different alphabets are stoopid XD (especially when there is only 3 alphabets in japanese lol)

Fuck off nigger. If you take it like that get a proxy and get lost on 2chan.

>> No.7737025

The first time I actually get aroused by Yuyuko in two years. Well done, fan animators.

>> No.7737041
File: 115 KB, 639x354, yuuka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The hell is Yuuka doing in here?
Top notch music and damm good animation for a doujin.
Make JC staff and shaft look like shit.

>> No.7737045
File: 784 KB, 1000x1336, 1312950495618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, why was the monster let out of her cage? Was this the semi official anime we've been waiting for? If so, what the hell was this? I thought officially she was NEVER allowed outside.

>> No.7737053


No, the wording is "usually", actually.

>> No.7737059

I wish they had animated Saijyouji Flawless Nirvana but it's amazing overall.

>> No.7737058

This is NOT official and ZUN is not affiliated with the makers of this video in any way.

>> No.7737065

No choice.
Gotta include everyone especially the poplar character like Flandre, Yuuka & Sanae.

>> No.7737070

Not to mention Aki sisters.

>> No.7737074

Flandre just stays with herself. The "Locked in SDM/Basement" stuff is fanon bullshit.

>> No.7737088

They know what they are doing all right.
Bringing in Sanae and completely ignoring Imperishable Night.
Seems like even the nips hate IN.

>> No.7737093

Shit sucks. If you aren't going to add voices, work around that. Dont just let people talk nothing and add subs, you fucks.

>> No.7737096

But Mokou and Keine were there.
Sanae feels really out of place though.

>> No.7737103

>Yuyu can invoke death in mortals
>Marisa and Reimu are mortal

Why didn't she just instagib them?

>> No.7737108

Let me put this in a way you might better understand.

>ignoring spell card rules put there to prevent the complete annihilation of gensokyo

>> No.7737111


>> No.7737112

All the important IN characters are there.

>> No.7737114
File: 785 KB, 4698x2409, 1297483709600.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Doujin animation is called Memories of Phantasm
>>Phantasm stage bosses play no important role whatsoever in the story and were only flashed onscreen for a few seconds

Being Yakumo is suffering

>> No.7737125

Who are you quoting?

>> No.7737124

>Spellcard rules existing to allow the marysues to win every fight.

Fuck Reimu and Marisa.

>> No.7737134

Well I know the EX bosses are there but even EOSD was summarize in the OP. With how it ended, it is like they are skipping IN and going straight for MOF.
I dont really mind this since I always feel that IN casts suck and I only love IN stage 4 because of Marisa.

>> No.7737141

I was talking about Mystia and Wriggle, actually.

>> No.7737209

Whoa! that's was great specially when Reimu appeared.

>> No.7737235
File: 40 KB, 410x410, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In other video-related releases. This is adorable.

What is up with the MoF cast and Eurobeat? Seriously.

>> No.7737254

Wasn't some other Touhou animation being released today?

>> No.7737267

I love how they use no voice actors because because they know about the shitstorm it would trigger.
These people understand the touhoufandom and came up with a touhou anime solution that will please many people


Yeah this was something that bothered me too, it doesn't fit her

>> No.7737477

What's the deal with Cirno?

>> No.7737484

Got a link?

>> No.7737506

Mystia, Wriggle, Mokou and Keine

i don't see a proplem. They are only good IN characters.

>> No.7737652

Thanks go to Hong for uploading.

>> No.7737732

I really enjoyed that; I just wish they had shown more Sakuya in the fight against Yuyuko.

>> No.7737758

They also showed Eirin and Kaguya as well. I don't recall Reisen or Tewi.

>> No.7737772

She was being a slut so Marisa kicked her ass.

>> No.7737805
File: 1.06 MB, 1366x768, Top.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7737816
File: 222 KB, 616x584, 26dc5891843586fcb6606548b34db8ebe2bbeddb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey asshole. You have five minutes to explain to me how you forgot Tewi before I fuckin' erase your ass.

>> No.7737843
File: 2.00 MB, 1887x1076, sakuyalegs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You wanted to post this.

>> No.7737867
File: 1.25 MB, 1366x768, lower.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone put these 2 together?
i tried it myself but i suck at this

>> No.7737870

English subs and voices when?

>> No.7737873

I thought that was Kaguya NEETing from the thumbnail

>> No.7737878

How could they release this without v/o after working so hard? are they ever planning to release a final version, or is that it?

>> No.7737897

I want an english valleygirl voice for Youmu

>> No.7737907
File: 290 KB, 655x480, Sakuyalegs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7737908

This is so boring. What happened to the denpa Touhou from fandom.
I mean, this is a fan made stuff, after all.

>> No.7737925

Actually, Reimu was already beating everyone before the spellcard rules.

She also fought someone akin to Yuyuko and her ability but even more beyond (The Angel of Death).

>> No.7737927
File: 589 KB, 853x478, R.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There's your english subs /jp/. Go nuts

>> No.7737954
File: 31 KB, 639x358, Mute_Marlon_Brando.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7737964

you will never fly above Gensokyo through the cold winter snow on your broomstick ;_;

>> No.7737990

Shit, that was fast.

Thanks dood.

>> No.7737998
File: 232 KB, 1356x1446, untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm not an expert either, but here's a rough one.

>> No.7737999

I didn't really like this movie.

>> No.7738036

Animation was pretty nice, but I didn't really like it. It made Yuyuko look like some kind of evil mastermind.

>> No.7738039

I love you

>> No.7738069

Scarfkuya is damn pretty

>> No.7738086
File: 195 KB, 1276x2101, kero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dat slut!

>> No.7738098

The only thing I liked about it was the animation.

>> No.7738106


She really gets around.

>> No.7738114
File: 284 KB, 448x448, Sakuya (55).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7738127

I bet everyone would be much warmer in the snow if they wore coats and pants.

>> No.7738129
File: 326 KB, 448x448, 1313282989233.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7738134

We need voices goddammit

Everyone in that video should be voiced by Aya Hirano.

>> No.7738135

Who needs coats and pants when you have scarves!

>> No.7738138
File: 231 KB, 1398x2100, Ned-Stark-Game-of-Thrones.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I bet everyone would be much warmer in the snow if they wore coats and pants.

Japs (and americans) have no idea about Winter and the fact it's coming.

>> No.7738140

On the other hand who needs that when we can have Nyanners make english voices.

>> No.7738142
File: 34 KB, 637x358, Swordtits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I was thinking exactly this when I saw Aya flying around in short sleeves.

She really does not give a single fuck about anything.


I know the attire plays a large part of this, but I love how Youmu's chest looks bigger than Sakuya's.

>> No.7738145

Fucking time/space manipulation.

>> No.7738177
File: 248 KB, 410x423, âKâmâôâhâìâtü@öÜÅ╬.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7738386

Nyanners is the gentle and beautiful goddess of /jp/, fagpot.

>> No.7738395

Okay, the soundtrack is pretty awesome too.

>> No.7738396

who's nyanners?

>> No.7738410


Inb4 faggots bitching about lilypichu being better.

>> No.7738421

You are on the wrong board.

>> No.7738424
File: 413 KB, 827x639, âKâmâôèτæσ(öwîiôºë▀).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you think i was insulting her?
you are way off
>Nyanners is the gentle and beautiful goddess of /jp/
again i laugh

>> No.7738431 [DELETED] 

imo i hope all of those youtube girls get lobotomized imho

>> No.7738450

She needs to stop trying to get popular through 4chan.

>> No.7738451

Ah, why didn't I hear about this troll-tan?

>> No.7738457

Tell me, what board should be for "underground" weeaboo idols, if not this?

>> No.7738459

More like someone craving attention desperately.

>> No.7738465

/jp/ doesn't like weeaboos.

The place you're looking for is /a/.

>> No.7738466

None of them. She's so terrible that not even /b/ deserves that level of shitposting.

Take it back to youtube.

>> No.7738470 [DELETED] 

You guys are getting so good at trolling you're troll yourselves.

>> No.7738472
File: 71 KB, 300x300, 1292938629456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7738483

>I have been here for 10 minutes guys xDDD fucking weeaboos dont know where they are xDDDD

Go away.

>> No.7738485


Where's you're Touhou?

>> No.7738491

Who are you quoting?

>> No.7738505
File: 60 KB, 772x748, untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should delete your post more.

>> No.7738510

It's obvious the post they were quoting was deleted.

>> No.7738519
File: 138 KB, 550x667, 1308593490181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best thread on /a/.

>> No.7738525

/jp/ is the weeaboos. You're deluding yourself if you think otherwise.

>> No.7738536

Whatever makes you feel better man.

Do you even lift?

>> No.7738538 [DELETED] 

Its obvious the post they were quoting was deleted.

>> No.7738540

Keep yourself in denial, /a/fag. /jp/ doesn't care one bit about Japan or its people (except ZUN).

>> No.7738548

But Touhous are for the most part japanese.

>> No.7738564

Oh look, some sort of retarded irony troll or something. Go away, we're trying to take it easy here.

>> No.7738566

Yeah, I'm sure everyone here would be entirely unaffected if the entire country simply disappeared.

>> No.7738576

knees and armpit in the same picture? this looks dangerous

>> No.7738581

Did someone upload the HD version of this yet?

>> No.7738588

Man, /jp/ gets filled with more weeaboos every day. There won't be a piece of the actual /jp/ left in the near future. Such a disgrace.

>> No.7738596

I don't know who's trolling who now.

>> No.7738707
File: 467 KB, 810x629, wtdh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you're trolling me, personally.

>> No.7739899


Youmu looks better with big tits, so...

>> No.7740008

Milady... I just wanted to hear the refined voice that would have been assigned to her.


>> No.7740230 [DELETED] 

instantly reported

>> No.7740553
File: 41 KB, 310x247, 1264046942633.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Counter-reported for illegal content.

>> No.7740558

I can't be bothered to watch, was Cirno sitting on Marisa's lap?

>> No.7740592

That's really arousing.

>> No.7740833

The sign of a true /jp/ oldfag is the wholehearted embrace of trolls and shitposters.

>> No.7740981
File: 1.48 MB, 900x1200, 18831782.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh, no disagreement, here. I just find it amusing that they'd be bigger than Sakuya's.

>> No.7741197

>it seems that /jp/ is autistic over this thing. as always. do they ever not complain about something?
Seems like the people in /a/ really lap up everything even though it is shit and cant see through any flaws as long as it is Japanese.

>> No.7741201

I don't remember that...

>> No.7741274

Is anyone planning on subbing this from the raw? Without youtube's lolcompression?

>> No.7741288

nyanners, lilypichu and yuugisned fandub


>> No.7741291

/a/ loves toehoes xD LOL EPIC WIN!!!!

>> No.7741294

go away idiot

>> No.7741299


>> No.7741301


No, I'm tired of all these autistic youtube voice actors. They're only popular because LOL SO RANDUM. They all sound the fucking same too because they all do that one high pitched voice.

>> No.7741303

its ture you could have worded your post better though

>> No.7741331

>its ture you could have worded your post better though

Wow. You're one to talk.

>> No.7741332

The art is nice.

>> No.7741384

Resurrection Butterfly where.

>> No.7741418
File: 10 KB, 130x165, honk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7741437


What? Yuyuko found her when she came to Gensokyo?

>> No.7741438

this is how i owuld have worded his post and im trying my best right now to have proepr spelling and such etc. etc. and to have cohererancy
"I'm tired of all of these YouTube voice actors. They're only popular because of their forced eccentricity. They're also monotonous and too alike."

>> No.7741463

I liked the animation.

>> No.7741471

Sanae came to Gensokyo ~4 years after Youyoumu.

>> No.7741498


>> No.7741502

CTRL+F www

>> No.7741933

That was so awesome! I hope they make another episode.
