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File: 951 KB, 802x604, Baldr Sky.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7732495 No.7732495 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread: >>7716640

What games are you playing/expecting/have just finished, etc? You know the drill.

>> No.7732506

Any good moege coming out soon?

>> No.7732514

The only 2 noteworthy commercial releases this month are Rance Quest and Mirai Nostalgia. Think you're out of luck. Then again, I don't know about Comiket.

>> No.7732522

Nothing because they suck

>> No.7732536

Playing Muv-Luv. Planning on getting all the girl's endings before I start the Extra game.

>> No.7732539


>> No.7732562

Playing Shapeshifter.
Concept seems interesting enough so far, and the art is fairly nice.
Delicious rUGP, I must read.

>> No.7732587

Playing Baldr Sky Dive 1. Finished my 6th play through the whole game farming points and exp while getting all of Nanoha's endings this morning. Now I'm on Chapter 7 of Chinatsu's route, first play through.

I've really liked the pacing of this game so far. Even though Nanoha wasn't my favorite heroine, the speed in which they've introduced new pieces of information, the occasional battle, and the overall quality of the voice acting provide a, general, nice momentum that makes the game really easy to play, real fluid. My one complaint is that, like Rain's route the greater portion of Rain's route, Nanoha's route felt like a gateway to deliver information as opposed to a full route with a clear purpose and plot.

My one gripe with everything as a whole is that I don't like the plot armor of the singular point phenomenon. Though, I'm sure there's reasons to justify it unknown to myself (yet). Nit-picking aside though, this is a really solid, enjoyable game oozing with quality. Also love the gameplay, a lot.

>> No.7732590

Muramasa wants me to commit suicide before I've finished it right?
I'm still on Ichijo's route and the whole part about Sakurako, the rape and the fucking BONES was horribly disturing
The worst part is that I couldn't stop thinking the rape would have been even worse is doushin had worse the mask made with her father's bone during it

>> No.7732602

Don't complain too much about Nanoha not feeling like a whole route, they try to fix it with Aki's route that comes from the Chinatsu's one and just fucks up the pacing.

>> No.7732631

Singular points as well as a lot of other questions are answered in the final route of Dive 2. Dive 2 itself is much better, just have some patience till then!

>> No.7732963 [SPOILER] 
File: 100 KB, 687x619, 1267655059600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, I just finished Eustia...


>> No.7733144
File: 31 KB, 442x282, why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry if this has been asked in a previous thread but I keep getting pic related in MLA and I have no clue why it's happening. Anyone know?

>> No.7733200

I had a similar problem with Extra and Unlimited. Find the extra/unlimited patch by Amaterasu, open it with 7zip and extract the modified exe if you want to play it in Japanese. Otherwise install the english patch and it should work.

>> No.7733970

damn those are some ugly mechs

>> No.7734189


So I hear this is in the same setting as Alternative or something? With characters THAT moe?

>> No.7734304

Yes, it's revealed later that those stuff were red herring. The game goes at length at the end of the routes to explain both of those spoiler blocks. But it didn't make stuff retroactively good then, I didn't find myself like "wow, what a clever twist, you sure got me now writer". The twist with the sisters was disappointing in my opinion.
I really hope not things like this are supposed to be the redeeming factor of the game, because I didn't really like nor that, nor the climax in Ayako's route.
Also no offense but I just hate nonsensic RAPE NTR BULLYING.

Guess I start the third route--
>Maki Izumi heroine

>> No.7734529


>> No.7734566

It's not as it sounds, there's maybe one or two mentions that makes you realize it's the same setting, the rest of the game doesn't even touch the issue.

>> No.7734623


So what, it's just set somewhere far, far removed from BETA?

>> No.7734670

>Also no offense but I just hate nonsensic RAPE NTR BULLYING
It's not nonsensical since it makes sense with the plot, one of the main theme of Tsukutori is the violence between communities and racism, there is a reason everything happen.
No offense but I think it's just not for you.

>> No.7734700

I'm playing MLA. Just how long can it be?

Right now I'm at night before hive attack

>> No.7734742

From the archive: the game is set in 1996 in Kyushu, two years before the big BETA invasion of Japan. The draft age was lowered around that time, and women drafting was made compulsory (one important plot point). Kyushu was evacuated at that time too (another important plot point).

Plus in one ending, (Lieselotte's), the village was shown to be nothing but wasteland in the wake of the enemy invasion. No points for guessing what had happened.

>> No.7734973

The other three chapters are around 35-40%of the game.
Iirc, it's been a while, after this battle, you have a long down period of around a week in game time dealing with (Safe spoiler for you)Unit-00 followed by another battle followed by the final battle.

However, at the point you're at, after that second bit of downtime, the reason why you played the game to begin with will become very clear, very fast. Chapter 10 IS Muv Luv Alternative.

>> No.7735057
File: 150 KB, 1040x614, ikikoi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Making my way through horny imouto route.

>> No.7735298

well this flashback was kinda boring and drawn out at the start of ch5 in Muramasa. should have been half of the lenght imo. and then soon after game over... don't tell me I have to have both heroines around to actually continue?

>> No.7735305

You have to have one heroine alive.
And how can you find Subaru-sama and the chief of bandit boring?

>> No.7735324
File: 290 KB, 1029x608, Clipboard30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do have one alive, but it still ends up suddenly game over. don't tell me I have to have more affection point?
And I didn't really like them, they weren't bad either, but it the scenes felt too drawn out and longwinded to me without accomplishing much. the end of flashback was good tough but everything else, not so much to me atleast

>> No.7735340

just use a walkthrough (there should be a decent one at foolmaker's at least), if nothing else the final route will be fucking painful without one.

>> No.7735345

I thought you were firmly set on the route after chapter 3 and that game over will only appear if you choose the wrong choice? Didn't even know something like that can happen since I followed the walkthrough myself, so can't really be of help.

>> No.7735351

using walktroughs? only over my own dead body, they are the last thing I use, when all else ends up failing only then I allow myself to do it.
well whatever, reloaded from ch3, and this skip is painfully slow....

>> No.7735360 [SPOILER] 
File: 100 KB, 1024x576, puzzle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder how many did that part without looking at a walkthrough.

>> No.7735366

i was thinking more about the dream part but I guess that one is also pretty bad if you don't have much patience.

>> No.7735368

I did, it's pretty easy

>> No.7735393

I did, I was kinda annoyed at first by having to stop to think when I just wanted to keep reading, but the following sense of accomplishment, however small, was worth it.

>> No.7735630
File: 170 KB, 615x323, ritsuko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And aside from that, one character from there appears in one version of the age 10th Anniversary Chronicles PV.

>> No.7735665

Just finished All the Songs With You in the Future and enjoyed it greatly, though that's probably cause I'm already quite the Miku/Vocaloid fan.

Can't wait for the sequel to get translated. If the guy translating estimate is accurate it'll be done in 1-2 months.
Fun times. It's a shame he doesn't have a donate button or I'd buy him a beer.

>> No.7736233


>> No.7736287
File: 337 KB, 1366x768, Laughing neesan and amused Kageaki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really enjoyed the flashback....

>> No.7736297

Me too.
She was amazing.

>> No.7736309


>> No.7736320

>Sakura !RAILgUnr8s
>Ririko !!/Qwmi6CVNBZ

>> No.7736330

okay this is just retarded. so went bit back in ch4 and made different choices, still get that stupid game over.... then went back to ch3 and made it so that both heroines would be around in ch5... so Kanae has more "affection points", so she should get killed right? but nooo Ichijou gets killed instead. this makes no fucking sense from the viewpoint of story and how the killings have so far worked. and there shouldn't be route locking in the 2 first routes right?. so yeah ended up in Kanaes route altough wanted to Ichijous first. bit stupid designing there for a bit how everything worked out. also Ichijou didn't get to be awesome in ch4 if both heroines are around there.

well wahtever, going to do Kanaes route first for now, can't be arsed to skip again trough all that due to skip being so damn slow

well it had it's moments but it was too long and drawn out imo.

>> No.7736392
File: 141 KB, 480x702, 449 jojo dododo..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get ready for some ridiculous choices in Kanae's route, including the directions of your dodges and a whole mini-quest, with inventory and stuff. They annoyed me when I was reading the route, but now I actually consider it more enjoyable because of them. To compare: Ichijou route has only one choice.

Also, 449 and his sexy sword technique. Man, it's the best fucking technique in the game, no wonder he's voiced by Narahara himself.

>> No.7736490

is clannaids worth playing? I'd like to play some VNs but I really hate moeshit

>> No.7736500


>> No.7736543

sometimes the affection points are irregular, like a side character gets three at a time or you get a few scripted boost points, maybe that fucked you up, the system itself is pretty straightforward in how it works. I don't remember having particular problems with it

>> No.7736629

there was no point gains in ch5. after killing Aoe after the flashback ended I had 4 points on Kane and 2 points on Ichijou, so that neither of them gets killed in ch4, as the side-character gets 4 point in choice, and not killing side-character nets me game over then in ch5. it even shows the card at that point in ch5 and the points were 4/2 and none were added, and it still killed Ichijou at that point.

>> No.7736633
File: 50 KB, 288x400, 110206_fmd_hagane-thumb-288x400-1543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you guys recommend out of the various Muramasa manga/novels/etc?

I'm especially interested in Youkou Hibun.

>> No.7736648

Me too, then I saw
and my interest dropped

>> No.7736764

Are there any scans at all for any of them?

And where the hell are my Muramasa figures? Were those awesome photos just promotion material for Kotono?

>> No.7736800

Does anyone have the muramsa art book? what's up with the blacksmith girl on the cover?

I've been thinking of getting it, because I love namanaku ATK's art and I don't know of anything else he's done

>> No.7736809

I was hoping for a thread like this.

What are some recently translated VNs to try out from? Last I finished was G Senjou which was a long time ago already.

>> No.7736816

IIRC he's been doing some side artist jobs at N+ since it was founded, I've seen his name in Kikokugai's or Saya's credits. Muramasa was his debut as a lead character designer

>> No.7736821

The entirety of Muv-luv

>> No.7736843

I realize this has been asked like 100x times in this and the previous thread before, but I've been avoiding MLA related posts due to possible spoilers, so I'll ask one more time: is the shit going to hit the fan in MLA at episode 6? I'm at episode 5 right now, can't wait to see some damn action already..

>> No.7736845
File: 266 KB, 1011x1773, 18997225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Does anyone have the muramsa art book?
Which one? I have the visual fanbook, but it doesn't have that much original artwork.

And yes, Namaniku is awesome. That's why I'm so sad about Nitroplus forgetting about Nubatama no Nue, since he was supposed to be one of the lead artists there.

>> No.7736861
File: 291 KB, 1920x1200, ichizou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Namaniku is awesome
Agreed, Ichijou is one sly-looking handsome bastard

>> No.7736870
File: 430 KB, 1021x573, sip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7736884

What ever happened to the guy that did character design for Gekkou and Hanachirasu?

>> No.7736890

He does nukige now.


Looks quite different without the Nitro+ coloring.

>> No.7736897
File: 39 KB, 277x400, 101210_kotono_mook-thumb-277x400-1464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one. Also, is that namanaku's art there? Where did you find that picture? I'd given up on finding his website or pixiv.

>> No.7736904

Ugh wow. It's even worse because I can see his lineart has improved. But it looks so lackluster and generic when squeezed into that nukige style.

>> No.7736921

Ah, no, don't have that one. I thought it was just a collection of stories published in that PVC magazine.

That's a fanart of 棺姫のチャイカ, and yes, the artwork there is done by Namaniku.

>> No.7736931

The guy who did artwork for Gekkou/Hanachirasu was never that good imo. Only the art direction of Nitro+ made it good.

>> No.7736962

Even if the coloring was Nitro+, his characters were recognizable and nice to look at, I don't ask much more from an artist. I don't know where you see he was "never that good". The characters of Shinkon Seikatsu look pretty good, and the coloring is more bright/weird because it's a nukige and dark shading wouldn't exactly fit.

>> No.7737034

Speaking of which, how much does art direction depend on the artist himself? For example, was the artist the one who designed Perla and Carmelo, or was it Baio?

>> No.7737042

I think that he's good, but the character designs in the nukige are very uninspired compared to Hanachirasu or Gekkou. I wouldn't have thought it was the same artist if I didn't look closely, and it's not just the coloring.

That said, it's not necessarily his fault, because the nukige has its own art directors that probably aren't looking for anything too interesting.

>> No.7737063

What parts of Little Busters is not translated in the Partial patch?

>> No.7737071

Cool, I found some art of his on the official N+ blog here for anyone interested: http://www.nitroplus.co.jp/staff/blog/author_8/index.php

And from what I'm seeing it looks like he's the official artist for 棺姫のチャイカII .

Still can't find a pixiv page. It's unusual for an artist who's that skilled to just appear out of nowhere like that. Mostly I can find art from my favorites that dates back to when it wasn't even passable, but it looks like Namaniku didn't even exist before Muramasa.

>> No.7737081

>but it looks like Namaniku didn't even exist before Muramasa.
He did, but he just never debuted as a character designer.

>> No.7737113

Anyone ;_;?

>> No.7737121

Well, I'm sure he didn't emerge from thin air, but I haven't been able to find any of his art from before that era.

I know he's working on a Nitro-Chiral vn, but that seems to be his only other commercial work.

>> No.7737126

Soon, just wait, it isn't that long.
The engine enables great action scenes visually, so look forward to it.

>> No.7737143

First bit of action is around December 15th.
After that, there's some more action during XM3 testing.
Then a down period, then the next three (very long) chapters have a ton of action.

>> No.7737149

Alright, that's encouraging. Not that I dislike what I've read so far, but I completed almost all ML routes and went straight for MLA, it sure is getting a bit repetitive already.

>> No.7737172

He's been with Nitroplus from the very start, he started with coloring in Phantom and then became the chief of the 2D graphics team and worked on most of their games, you very often see his name in the credits. Muramasa was his first time has the lead artist for a game but he also did the illustration for the Jingai Makyou novels before that.

>> No.7737183

Is Namaniku ATK the ZUN of eroge?

>> No.7737195
File: 331 KB, 1022x573, chachamaru1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, just look at this silly touhou-like hat.

>> No.7737220

obligatory kageaki frowning in the background

>> No.7737273

Not in that sense, I meant like doing-all-guy. Nvm.

>> No.7737347

Uhh, no, he only does the art. Why would you think otherwise?

>> No.7737355

No. Chapter 7 is where the action starts.

>> No.7737365

Typical touhou autist probably thought that Namaniku wrote muramasa and did the art for it

>> No.7737383

I see. But chapter 6 is where I get to see all the battalions gathering up and shit and the game taking full advantage of the engine right? Such things have been pretty scarce so far. Also, are there 10 chapters in total?

>> No.7737474

11, counting the fairly short final one.
Chapter 6 is pretty lacking in action if I remember numbers correctly.
5 is the Coup. 6 is XM3 Testing and Extra Branch, right?

>> No.7737482

But really, no large scale battles until Chapter 7/December 25th.

>> No.7737556

No, 5 is nothing much, 6 is coup. The end of 6 has some pretty awesome action.

>> No.7737592

Seems I got them more mixed up than I thought.

>> No.7737708
File: 1.17 MB, 817x661, asdas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing Dies Irae right now.

Game is interesting, real interesting. The text and it's pretentious vocabulary combined with excellent artistic design in CGs and luxurious exposition in battles provides an unshakeable feeling of quality. In spite of that, no matter how solid it may be, the central storyline is decent in the sense that it provides reason for the events, but lacks the complexity and depth necessary to make all parts of the game interesting. Consequently, the best parts are all in moments throughout the games, and everyone who does die goes out with a memorable bang that lingers in my memory for days afterward. This directorial flaw is often mended through how fucking awesome the speeches and descriptions in battle scenes are.

Overall, I'm really liking it.

>> No.7737724

dat chuuni shit

>> No.7737736
File: 1017 KB, 1025x601, the best heroine ever.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Episode 6 is where the action starts to kick in. But then it goes away. And then it comes back. And goes away.

Honestly though, I thought the best chapter was easily Episode 7, even though it's almost completely devoid of action. Damn good writing and Sumika was actually not annoying for once.

>> No.7737900

Hey guys,

Before you ask yes, I am retarded but I was just wondering if the Rance Games are all connected?

I want to play Rance quest when it comes out but I'm absolutely terrible at Sengoku Rance and have no idea what the fuck I'm doing.

Rance quest seems a bit more like Chrono Trigger/Earlier Final Fantasy games

>> No.7737921
File: 187 KB, 768x576, sureissilly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scenes like this kill me sometimes.
The faux-Nicovideo effects didn't help either.

>> No.7737949
File: 35 KB, 222x320, c615245package.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to download, but no seeds...
Hopefully it's good, right?

>> No.7737955

And Irish mythology references everywhere.
Jesus Christ. Haven't been recognizing them at first though, because, well, I'm not that familiar with it in the first place, and transcribing Gaelic to Japanese and back again is something I can barely do with English, let alone Gaelic.

>> No.7737967

I had to grab it from ~20 MU links.
Finding Shapeshifter was even worse. Without resorting to PD/Share, only could find FS/HF links. That was fucking terrible.

>> No.7737975

Not really, it's pretty dull.

>> No.7738151

I dropped it after one route.

>> No.7738192

Rance Quest's combat is, in essence, how dungeons played in Sengoku. With wartime stuff and troop count and related elements non existent.

Comparing it to older RPGs would be really faulty, imo.

>> No.7738933

I'm playing through Daibanchou big bang age and it's harder than i thought since I'm not using a guide

is there a new game+ when i beat it?

>> No.7738975

Sort of. If you clear stars 1-3 for a character, they gain stat bonuses (+5 on all or something like that) on all future games. If you clear all stars, they gain double the bonus. You don't need to beat the game though. You could even clear the stars, then reload the save game to before recruiting them and they'll have the bonuses.

>> No.7739036
File: 120 KB, 642x526, characterclears.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does it make a really big difference? I was hoping i could just breeze through everything on the 2nd playthrough

i only have 3 it seems

>> No.7739065

So now that the 13th has come and gone.

Eroge/Galge releases this comiket I want to play? I know this has been asked before, but the list seems so pathetically small, I can't help but verify.

>> No.7739066

Wiki says
>■3 Star Bonus - 10 HP, 5 Attack, 5 Hit, 10 Law, 10 Income
>■5 Star Bonus - 20 HP, 10 Attack, 10 Hit, 20 Law, 20 Income, 1 Stamina

But I'm pretty sure it's 10 Hit AND Evade for 3 and 20 Hit/Evade for 5, which makes a huge difference for some characters. The game's easier if you know a few tips though, even without a guide. Recruit a buttload of schoolgirls in District (or later) since they're the best earning units in the game. It's better to just fix public order when a skull appears instead of worrying about upkeep, and get Curry Wolves early (suppress Curry Museum in National) and you should have enough cash so that Loyalty is never an issue.

>> No.7739067

Was going to play Kono Uta ga Owattara, but the window was too big for my tiny-ass laptop screen.

Anyone know of a good "true horror" VN? Not like "OH THERE'S A GHOST HEROINE IT'S HORROR U GUYS" but like...actual freaky shit?

Already read The Noose, Night Of The Forget-Me-Nots, and in the process of reading Dark Blue, but I'm taking kind of a break from that.

>> No.7739101

that helps
i've been spreading units out so thin that i gave up areas to not get fucked in battles

first time i've heard of curry wolves though and i already took out PGG and nation guys

>> No.7739160
File: 282 KB, 768x576, objection.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure is silly in here.

>> No.7739177

Curry Wolves cost 100 to build and give 50 BP every income phase which can be improved by 5 more each time you research Curry. Dump them all over the place and be rolling in cash.
Cash and loyalty is where people usually trip up, but they're both solved the same way. If you have enough cash and you can restore everybody's loyalty to full in Hawaii. The cost depends on what turn it is.

>> No.7739258


GSS has a few such moments. The only other one I've read that creeped me out was The Noose, and you've already mentioned that.

>> No.7739503

I'm this close to trying GSS again, but I can't find the Vista version fucking anywhere.

Considering just breaking down and trying Kara no Shoujo again, but it does that thing where it makes my CPU go insane when saving, even after using that KiriKiri settings thing. Help? Maybe?

>> No.7739662

Use a virtual machine dude. Get VM Ware, should take care of the details and configurations for you automatically, and then you can tune the resources it takes. Kind of mandatory for playing on a vista PC.

>> No.7739946

First half of Chaos;Head

sadly those are only things I know of that I have felt any good horror feel to them. anyone else know some good ones more? as I'm interested in finding some too

>> No.7740174

Gonna try out Extravaganza, thanks for the recommendation.

I keep seeing Majotachi no Nemuri under the horror tag on VNDB, but can't find the PC version anywhere. Something to look into, I guess?

>> No.7740179


First three Higurashi games are pretty freaky. I had trouble sleeping after this one TIP.

The rest of you know which one I'm talking about.

>> No.7740181
File: 6 KB, 118x119, eye'm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tsui no Sora because I haven't played it.

>> No.7740218


Kagerou Touryuuki I guess? Like most games mentioned here it's not a pure horror game by any means but it has its moments.

>> No.7740270

Tsui no Sora isn't anything remotely related to the horror genre.

Except In the first route, where Yuki's clock ticks to July Twentieth, and they make a banging noise and cut the game there. That sent a shiver up my spine.

>> No.7740418

did you use a thesaurus while writing that?

>> No.7740431

Deep Voice
Yugami Kairou
Apathy VNV

>> No.7740453

Currently reading Steins;Gate and Subarashiki Hibi, slowly. Wondering when SubaHibi will pick up the pace since the little bits of weirdness I've been getting so far will only last me through so many slice of life scenes.

>> No.7740459

You are still in the prologue I guess, the true story only start when you finish that part.

>> No.7740466

Chapter 1 never happened. Chapter 2 is AWESOME. Chapter 3 is terrible, in the "oh god why is this happening" sense. Chapter 4 onward, you'll get the answers you seek bit by bit. Particularly in Chapter 5.

>> No.7740474

Er, sorry, made a mistake when I typed that. Chapter 1 as in, Down the Rabbit Hole Part 1 Never happened. Part 2 did.

>> No.7740481

I... see. I have no idea what to make of that, which is probably a sign that I should keep reading.

>> No.7740515

Then yeah, you're still on the prologue, which is entirely irrelevant to anything in the central storyline. Keep playing. After the prologue it'll pick up almost instantly.

Yet still, even then the game will be kind of slow. Around It's my own Invention, Chapter 2, Takuji's chapter, you'll get a lot more of the denpa shit the game is known for.

Also Takuji is the motherfucking Savior, who would want to fuck with that.

>> No.7740666
File: 387 KB, 1200x1494, moe 189873 sample.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7740664
File: 495 KB, 1500x926, moe 189874 sample.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is a better quality version of this scan but it's too big for /a/.
Chizuru looks good without her buns

>> No.7740705
File: 675 KB, 1024x600, Snap1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This scene was basically a buddhist version of the matrix, Yakou knows how to get his girls

>> No.7740999 [SPOILER] 
File: 125 KB, 800x600, Tenshi no hane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't expect a harem end

>> No.7741184

I'm looking for a good yuri game with routes (not like Sono Hanabira series).
Any recommends?

>> No.7741243

The opening of Your Diary, new Cuffs.
I hope it will be as good as Natsu no Ame

>> No.7741286

Can someone recommend me a decent VN in Japanese with a voiced main character and relatively easy language? I want to try taking a stab at one untranslated for once.

>> No.7741305

White Album2
Its very good, quite short and not too difficult I think

>> No.7741343

is ther eseirously a VN called white album2? that sound sridiculous

>> No.7741521
File: 205 KB, 1029x608, Clipboard35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well this one pretty nice scene.

also laughed at the ceiling Kageaki scene

>> No.7741570
File: 310 KB, 1029x608, Clipboard36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's with this old geezer

>> No.7741814

He's fucking Spiderman, bitch!


>> No.7741851
File: 340 KB, 1029x608, Clipboard33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rides a spider and hangs from the ceiling, like a true spider.
and that guy was based on real person, nice. kinda like him, having pilosphical talks about pros and cons of wearing pantsu with Kagaeaki with straight face, only in muramasa

>> No.7741886

Anyone cares to list some 埋もれている名作? No, EGS tag wouldn't help.
Noel is decent enough I guess, though strictly speaking it doesn't have routes, just different endings.

>> No.7741942

How about 書淫、或いは失われた夢の物語。? If not 埋もれている enough, you can take a look at the other game by the same brand+writer, though I'm not sure to which degree I'd consider it a 名作...

>> No.7741963

don't hidden gems heavily depend on one's tastes/preferences anyway? Otherwise they wouldn't be that hidden

>> No.7741969

What genre do you want?
I recommend:
Folklore Jam
2nd LOVE
あしたの雪之丞 1 & 2

All of these are 8/10 or above in my opinion.

>> No.7742006

Currently playing and being heavily amused by 巨乳ファンタジー.
I'm enjoying this more than I thought, and I don't even like kyonyuus.

The story is pretty amusing. Its practically Irresponsible Captain Tylor the eroge.

>> No.7742009

Yeah it's a good (and highly fappable) eroge.

Play the gaiden after that too.

Yukiuta is god tier

>> No.7742017

Well, Shapeshifter has a much different story structure than I expected, based on the one route I've been playing.
Sort of expected heroine routes to start you know, before the "last boss" was fought and beaten aside from a handful of scenes here and there, though I suppose that that makes it possible for the route to have a good amount of nice couple scenes and all that.

>> No.7742207

I'm jealous of all of you with the drive to learn Japanese, I can't even bring myself to remember the hiragana.

>> No.7742275
File: 115 KB, 1024x576, $2$EV701AD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After the regular scene in-game being a nun masturbating outdoors in front of you and then getting pounded twenty feet away from children playing, a blowjob and missionary sex with the lights on feels... weak?

>> No.7742284

What game is that?

>> No.7742299

(C80) [Eushully] Kamidori Alchemy Meister Appendix ~ Hanna-san no Junrei Ryokouki ~

>> No.7742304

was there any links/mentions of other games characters in the append?

>> No.7742308

No. It just adds a few quests for Hannah with her playable, another h scene for her, a few new associated maps/tilesets, about half a dozen extra items (mostly staves), and one new monster (another slime).

>> No.7742310

>あしたの雪之丞 2
Masaru was fucking awesome. Very highly recommended. Not sure if it could really be called a hidden gem though.

>> No.7742325

ok thanks for the info, still going to go trough it at some point as now I'm too busy with mura

>> No.7742474

Fuck, being in the middle of multiple games, and deciding which one to continue reading is a pain in the ass.

>> No.7742495

I'll go for that one then, thanks for the recommendations!

>> No.7742503

Don't forget to play the first one before the second, it's a must

>> No.7742505

Should I play Kira Kira, Hanachirasu, Swan Song, or Kagetsu Tohya?

>> No.7742528

All of them, to be honest.

Play Swan Song if you want to cry. Play Kira Kira if you want to relax. You can play Hana Chirasu in a day. Play Kagetsu Tohya last, or first if you're a big fan of Tsukihime.

>> No.7742999

Jesus Christ how much longer do I have in MLA? I'm right at the point after the whole XM3 Training ordeal.

>> No.7743003

A lot.
You're about halfway done.

>> No.7743010

You've got a long way way to come.
A long and harsh way.

>> No.7743075
File: 288 KB, 768x576, senzubeans.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those silly (Phi-)age devs.

>> No.7743154

Ah, thanks, that list will do, found some decent looking I haven't heard of yet.

>> No.7744656 [DELETED] 

Anyone know where to find 逸脱愛 ~オレニヤラセロ~?

It's a nukige with itou shizuka in it

I've checked hongfire and surprisingly there isn't a single torrent or direct download for this, and the one torrent I found has no seeds.

For now I'll try to remember how to use share

>> No.7744691

There are lots of eroge with Shizuka Itoh. Why not play a good one?

>> No.7744710 [DELETED] 

I'm gathering nukige specifically right now.

I found some working DDL links on kiss-sub.net, but not all the links are shown until you pay forum credits or some shit, and they only open forum registration on the weekends. What the fuck

>> No.7744881
File: 955 KB, 905x653, キャプチャ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god, I can't stand Yukino's route, but I like playing through in order of heroine importance.
I've heart putin's is godly, but how are Ran's and El's?

>> No.7744894


>> No.7744929

well thats disappointing

>> No.7744942

I heard they finished all the translation but didn't QC.

>> No.7744952


depends on the patch. partials were released, but a final one without finished QC'ing should be out there

>> No.7744968

multiple routes? you mean I could have gone out with putin? TELL ME HOW.

>> No.7744996





>> No.7745762

I'm enjoying Chinatsu's route in Baldr Sky quite a bit. The little bits where she's not being a drama cow clad in too much clothing are heart-clenchingly romantic, especially the scene on the top most part of Midspire after they had a few drinks at the bar. Chapter 11 now, probably going to beat the game here soon.

Also, bump.

>> No.7745766

>little bits
Yeah, her route is good and her motivations understandable, but she's quite a bitch for the most part, though she's love in two ends.

>> No.7745865

I think for the most part, my fondness for her character is derived from the excess of recollections dealing with her. I always liked past tense Chinatsu myself.

>> No.7746890


>> No.7747049
File: 342 KB, 1029x608, Clipboard37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chinatsus route is good, but it just gets bad rep due to Chinatsu being bit too emo at time in it and Kou being bit idiotic. but it has some great scenes tough, especially the finale, the both final fights where insert songs play are great.

also shit starts to get real, and then MINI GAEMS. well it kinda fits situation tough

>> No.7747063

I'm also in Kanae's route now, somewhat before that. She's interesting to say the least.
Finished Ichijou's route yesterday, the end was amazing.

>> No.7747086
File: 501 KB, 1023x573, 1308759033714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>also shit starts to get real, and then MINI GAEMS.

Oh man, you have no idea.

>> No.7747132

thinking about getting into VN's the only problem is i have a mac
can someone help me with a possible program to run them on or where to get different VN's

>> No.7747147


>> No.7747145

Dualboot Win7, problem solved.

>> No.7747353

When KiriKiri 3 comes out, you'll start to see some games with dual-platform support.

>> No.7747403

Finished Kajiri Kamui Kagura's trial, the themes are classic chuuni but everything else from aesthetics to characters to presentation is pretty awesome, and having different protag/heroine couples rather than one main character fucking 4-5 girls does wonders for narrative.
Even if it probably won't reach the masterpiece zone I'm looking forward to this and hoping it doesn't get released half-finished like dies irae.

>> No.7747792

I don't really understand why people seem to hate Chinatsu/her route. I rather liked it and her, and felt bad for her.

I thought you could install Windows on a Mac? Or maybe I'm confused.

>> No.7747971

From someone playing it now. Chinatsu is always really cold and self abasing. She arbitrarily beats herself up and then Kou gets the collateral. Furthermore, at this point, I, at least, am fond of Rain and relatively fond of Fenrir, but Kou's constant secretive attitude and conspiring and finicky disloyalty for a character who's largely been nothing more of a bitch to him is awfully off-putting.

I appreciate where she's coming from, her incentives, reasons, and attitude make worlds of sense. However, the direction the story takes around her, for her specifically, I can't say that I don't like Kou's on the receiving side of abuse, nor that he's being lead around on a leash.

Don't get me wrong though, I like her route no less. When Chinatsu loosens up and lowers the drama and emo facade, it feels exceptionally rewarding.

>> No.7747978

I'm reading Chinatsu's route right now, and I feel as you do.
I'm at the part where Kou tells Rain to escape by herself.
Goddammit, you're a soldier. Act like one.

>> No.7748038

It gets worse. Chinatsu's bitchiness aside, Kou is a complete and utter dick in her route. This route is mostly why Dive 1 left a bad taste for me.

>> No.7748054

Is Da Capo 2 any good? I've never really paid attention to the series, and I remember the first one having magic or something dumb like that. Is Da Capo 2 any good if I just want to play romance game?

>> No.7748072

Man, I'm really feeling sorry for Rain.

>> No.7748077

The bitch gets a whole fandisc for her and overshadows the supposed main heroine, don't complain.

>> No.7748079

Da Capo is shit.

>> No.7748084

I'm feeling sorry for Rain in Chinatsu's route.
What the hell does a fandisc have to do with anything?

>> No.7748091

People at the MG forums love it.

>> No.7748103

Da Capo 2 is really good.
I've only played through Yume route though, and I recommend you do the same

>> No.7748106

Da Capo without magic wouldn't be Da Capo. DC2 is much better than DC but if magic was your problem you probably won't like this too.

>> No.7748115

Just finished MLA some minutes ago then went to /a/ since I'm one of them but found out the quality dropped even more after my two weeks marathon...I was expecting some sort of troll ending but I'm glad I didn't got one.

>> No.7748130

I felt sorry for Rain every time it wasn't her route. I just want more Rain.

I think in the first Da Capo the protagonist wasn't real or made out of magic or something right? And that was the contention of the drama? If the protagonist is just normal in the second then that's fine.

>> No.7748314

You're writing about DC2, he was normal in DC.

>> No.7748434

Finished a route in Shapeshifter.
And I don't think I've played many, if any VNs that are as "bipolar" as it was.

>> No.7748997

Ok this is kind of an important question, I'm playing MLA and I have to wake up tomorrow morning. I just finished chapter 8 and just got briefed about the Hive mission, How long will it take me if I keep reading until I can find a good place to stop? So basically how long will this Hive Invasion take? It is 10:30 and I want to go to sleep by at most 3 or 4 AM and I don't wanna have to stop in the middle of an awesome part or end up staying up all night....

>> No.7749013

I'm pretty sure you'll be finished before 3 or 4. I can't remember how long it was exactly, but it most certainly wasn't too long.

>> No.7749167

Person who complained about IM0 earlier.
IMV is about 5 times better.

>> No.7749676

>IMV is about 5 times better.
Heh, I don't know, the gameplay is undoubtedly more refined (which isn't saying much, I ended up using auto battle for everything except bosses) but the story is all over the place and that's where Zero shined. I love Genrin characters and still Liui felt more like a distraction than anything (and they chose the worst heroine for him), the need to link Verita to IM1's plot also threw the story balance off since the whole segment about Serika recovering and defeating a random black dragon after the Gods Graveyward climax felt underwhelming. At least Zero began and closed with Aidos.

>> No.7750092


>> No.7750795
File: 381 KB, 1030x608, Clipboard39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KABOOOM, didn't thik it would actually happen.
also laughed in this scene, definately usefull skill, yeah

>> No.7751211

Whelp I started playing Da Capo 2. It can't be as bad as Shuffle at least. I think I will go for Maya on my first play through.

>> No.7751252

What from comiket turned out to be worth playing?

>> No.7751998

I remember someone here mentioned file needed to solve problem with music in old eroges. What's that file's name?

>> No.7752005

Suguri 2 is pretty awesome.

>> No.7752083
File: 236 KB, 450x765, sona_novelcut13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm waiting for reviews on World End Economica. I think there was a trial out before comiket anyways, anyone tried it and can share impressions?
On other news, the Sona-nyl webnovel ended with the announcement of a novel book, "Hypnos no magan". While this is great I hope it's not a substitute for the next game.

>> No.7752561
File: 77 KB, 1023x575, shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As if ONE dragon wasn't annoying enough now there are FOUR?
I want to strangle it slowly.

>> No.7752761


>> No.7752765

Wait till you see who's piloting.

>> No.7753332

I'm literally right before the final boss of Chinatsu's Route on my first playthrough of Baldr Sky. If I remember correctly, this is the point of time, before finishing the game, to install Dive 2.

So I just installed it. Is there anything else I need to do to ensure all the data carries over?

>> No.7753409

This, god damn.

>> No.7753446

If you're having problems with CDDA music, http://www.geocities.co.jp/Playtown-Domino/8282/

>> No.7753485

I want to play my first VN and i think i will go with Fate/Stay Night so can someone tell me what to do?

>> No.7753490

Click on the screen to progress

>> No.7753494

I meant what should i do to install the game

>> No.7753534

Anyone? :(
Also i don't know where i can download it

>> No.7753542

Where do I download a full English version of Katawa Shoujo?
I'm new to the whole graphic novel thing.
The sight only has act 1, and I need to find out what happens, and make either the blind or burned chick my waifu.

>> No.7753584


>> No.7753870

I just beat Chinatsu's route.

The tensity of those last two boss battles, and their immediate build-in was empowering. Holy shit.

Also, bump.

>> No.7754580

Well shit, did erogamescape block foreign IPs? Can't load the site normally but everything's fine if I use a japanese proxy.

>> No.7754584

Working fine for me.

>> No.7754598

huh, that's weird, I even used downforeveryoneorjustme and a couple of other proxies, but the japanese one is the only one that loaded the site. Well, whatever, I guess the prolem's on my part

>> No.7754609

Not just your's, EGS is not working for me too.

>> No.7754613

Where are you guys located? I'm in Canada.

>> No.7754644

Works for me too.

>> No.7754858
File: 284 KB, 800x600, Seven Bridge54354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7754868

holy fuck, I just finished downloading this because I got into the mood for some western stuff after playing django. how's the game? not planning on reading it just yet though

>> No.7754889

It could be great if second part wasn't that horribly rushed, it's kind of 未完成. And for western stuff it's better to play Angel Bullet, not this one.

>> No.7754898

I downloaded both actually.

>> No.7754939

I am also having this issue and can not figure out what is causing it.
at least now I know it is not just me.

>> No.7754953

I hope to god they didn't do a range ban because some retard from my country kept spamming accounts.
Then again I have trouble thinking they would even know about egs, but you never know. Oh well, I hope it gets fixed sooner or later, having to switch sucks.

>> No.7755447


>> No.7755546

Apparently OCN implemented an authorization key and the main TA developer isn't interested in fixing it.

That's disappointing. OCN was the best for looking up idioms or colloquial phrases I didn't recognize and TA provided a transparent background process to check shit like that which I could quickly tab to and back. Sadface.

>> No.7756854

I'm from RF too and it works fine for me.

>> No.7756868

It says on the EGS top page there was a problem with the servers, and should be ok now

>> No.7756887

>On his way back to his home planet after completing his mission, the steel giant Yarusenaizer collides with a meteorite and crashes down to Earth. Being badly damaged by the crash, Yarusenaizer can't go back to his home planet until his repairs are fixed. Taking pity on him, the protagonist, Amanogawa Seiji, takes him to live with him.

Holy shit, is this Iron Giant: the VN?

>> No.7756892

It's open-source, if one guy doesn't fix it someone else will sooner or later.

>> No.7756899
File: 261 KB, 800x600, yarusenaizer3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Except it looks like a Megazord. Or a Voltron.

>> No.7756996

How many hours are left in MLA if I'm about to start Operation Cherry Blossom?

>> No.7757006

I'd say about two or three, assuming you're already past the briefing. You're right at the end.

>> No.7757308

Just now extracted bgm music from ruitomo fd, but even though it have .ogg extension, all players can't open this files..seems they have special format or encryption...
May be there are some kind people, who already succesfully converted those music or there are spesial tools which I may try? I really want some tracks from this game, but seems that ost cd doesn't contain those tracks.

>> No.7757406

Well, the thing with Chinatsu's route, if I remember correctly is that at that point you don't really know who's good and who's bad because Seira has yet to reveal her true intentions to Kou. So really, I think it was a great way to see the other side's point of view (Isao's), which really wasn't totally wrong.

While her emo-ness was annoying at times, I found it completely understandable given what happened to her. If you can't sympathize with that, well, whatever the case, different strokes for different folks.

Also, Kou put his military professionalism aside and defected to the enemy because he loved her. I really wouldn't have had it any other way, than doing what's necessary for the woman he loved.

>> No.7757431
File: 98 KB, 648x906, c33adc87c2356825b610bb595b6f56bb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished Eustia.

The game was great, except for the last bit.

Anyone else feel like the ending was a complete let down with no resolution? Eustia's whole route felt like the characters were just running around not knowing what the hell they were doing, culminating into a climax that gets resolved by complete happenstance. Caim's settlement of his resolve felt uninspired and came out of nowhere; it was almost cartoonish. Did the writer just give up or something at this point?

>> No.7757452

you just don't understand THEMES

>> No.7757457

By all means explain these "themes."

>> No.7757509

An ending can be coeherent with the themes and still suck in execution.

>> No.7757577
File: 24 KB, 469x629, 1313649287870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7757624


What exactly is Meikyuu and Rakuen? Are they fandisks, sequels or what?

>> No.7757626
File: 153 KB, 600x800, 1313648974708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New Nekoneko
Hopefully they learned from their mistakes so they won't put little sister ntr this time

>> No.7757632

Sequels looks like.
Meikyuu will be about Yuuji's past and will have after stories for the heroines.
Not much is known about Rakuen but it looks like it will have something to do with Yuuji's past too.

>> No.7757651

I heard there was this one girl who didn't get a route that left everyone disappointed with the game. Is there any indication that they're going to fill that gap?

Also, I'm assuming it's the same writer? From the 2 hours or so of the game I read, the narration made the game. I don't think I read anything Japanese that was so candid and blunt.

>> No.7757688

Yeah that girl is pretty important so she will definitely get a lot of spotlight.

>> No.7757723

『WHITE ALBUM2 -closing chapter-』
セット版:10290円/「introductory chapter」
※「introductory chapter」は11月頃にダウンロー

>> No.7757755

To be honest I the game would've been a lot better if it didn't have the last chapter.
Caim's (non)action during the last chapter is facepalming.
It started pretty good, but then he started endlessly whining and moaning.

>> No.7757766

And don't forget the disillusioned assassin who spent 80% of the game talking down on people's ingenuity, being one-upped in dirty tricks by the idealistic noble

>> No.7757779

I'm probably the only one who liked the final chapter, but that's probably because I'm empathetic as fuck and actually felt for Caim.

Don't judge me.

>> No.7757798

That too, I find it really hard to believe that he fell pretty easily. He lived in the prison, he's used to trickery.
Even more disappointing is that he didn't even kill the guy in the end. Isn't this guy an assasin?

I feel like the drama was badly done and it wasn't really Caim's character to act like that.

>> No.7757826

He was always a soft guy who only got a hardened shell due to his experiences in the Prison.
The whole situation with Tia is what cracked that shell open.

At least, that's how I see it.

>> No.7757862

So I jsut got the apparently the bad ending in Yume Muri.

All I can see is "what the hell..." I mean really., a Soprano ending...Really?

>> No.7757882
File: 907 KB, 320x240, 12793982215.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never played a visual novel. What are the very best ones?

>> No.7757959

I would be more sympathetic if the rest of the game wasn't entirely about the contrast between his hardened shell and the other soft characters, he became the ultimate version of what he criticized for twenty hours straight. There's a line between being soft like when he rescued Tia and being basically lobotomized while Tia gets tortured and your friends are being slaughtered by people you despised for you all your life.
I see what the author tried to do and I could've liked it, but it simply came out awkward and should've been done better. The worst part being the final one leaves a bad aftertaste.

>> No.7757967

Dunno man.
Soft. I don't think that entails consigning your girlfriend to torture and death. Or ordering the soldiers to attack/kill your people. Or trying to assasinate your bestfriend. He didn't become soft.

My main beef is that Caim in the last chapter acted way out of character. He isn't a hero. He has no reason to act like a hero. There is especially no reason for him to sacrifice the prison and his girlfriend so that the rest would live. He isn't really that type of guy.

I can see him whine and moan but there's really no reason for it to encompass the whole chapter. He should've been able to make up his mind once the rebellion started.

>> No.7757989

You both seem to forget that Tia herself insisted on saving everyone in the city, and Caim didn't really want to go against that at first.
If she didn't want it, I believe that Caim would have just taken her and ran towards the wheat fields.

>> No.7758016

That's not the central issue, though. It's a development you see often and the problem doesn't lie there, you could see the reversal coming from a mile off and it's a pretty good trope to use anyways. It's that literally Caim does nothing but mope until that point after he spent all the game shitting on people who moped. And his point of view suddenly seemed to be more of an upper-stratum noble thant someone who passed all his life in the prison. As I said, I don't hate the fact that he was conflicted on what to do for a while, it's the writer went about it in the worst way possible throwing subtleness out of the window.

>> No.7758064 [DELETED] 
File: 90 KB, 1024x601, 62gfyefgy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get it. I mean, why create a fantasy world which is basically exactly the same as Tokugawa Japan including Perry and his black ships if you could just make it alternate history with demons and shit. Oh well, setting is still great, I'm liking the trial a lot. This will be worth it for the soundtrack and art alone. It's so ridiculously pretty.

How will the narrative work though? Do we get to choose one of the protag-pairs at the beginning or will it be a single linear story with switching view-points?

>> No.7758065
File: 80 KB, 767x346, rapandmordor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just DLed 3 rape/murder VNs;

ユーフォリア - http://vndb.org/v6540
Dark Blue - http://vndb.org/v2715
鎖 - http://vndb.org/v181

Are any of these even remotely good story wise?

>> No.7758078

It tries to emulate Muramasa's mishmash of alternate history and fantasy worldbuilding, except it doesn't try to be as subtle so you have full blown magic and folklore demons.
It's not really Tokugawa Japan either, the aesthetics and how the political structure works is more reminiscent of the Heian period if anything.
Going by the trial it's going to be a mostly linear story with a few segments where you can choose who to follow, but of course it's just speculation. Maybe following a couple many times gives you access to their late individual routes or something, who knows.

>> No.7758145 [DELETED] 

So there would be a common route that branches into the individual couple's stories? Yeah, I guess that would work. Having several protags is a neat concept, I wish more VNs would use it.

>> No.7758159

Well it's ultimately just speculation of course, but the last part of the trial had you choose which couple to follow, and at the end it unlocked extra "initial stage" profiles for the two you read about. Maybe you can access the later stages profiles only by always choosing the same couple.
And yeah, several protags with specific heroines is definitely one of the good points, it avoids a lot of boring clichès.

>> No.7758181

What's that?

>> No.7758189

Like I wrote before, I am an empathetic fuck who was able to feel for Caim when he was 'moping'.
What the writer did there didn't work on you, but it worked on me - that's all there is to it and there's nothing to discuss past that point.

>> No.7758190 [DELETED] 

Kajiri Kamui Kagura

>> No.7758205

Euphoria has pretty great true route and the other routes are decent/good, dark blue is decent nothing special story wise, and Kusari is actually pretty great too from what I have heard, and is on my to read list at some point

>> No.7758377
File: 361 KB, 1280x960, 1313677832994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New eroge by the Akatsuki no Goei team

>> No.7758382
File: 361 KB, 1280x960, 1313678451232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7758389

Is it just me of is Akabesoft making a new brand for every new game they release nowadays

>> No.7758401

They aren't part of Akabesoft anymore

>> No.7758404

Why is Coco so cute?

>> No.7758515
File: 391 KB, 1280x960, 1313679264125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well the artist got better at least

>> No.7758644


Kk, I'll start out with euphoria then. thx

>> No.7758672

It appears the new Lover Able continues the costumization gimmick by allowing you to choose what kind of furniture to put in your new love nest together with your heroine.
Couple that with better heroine designs and hopefully more clothes choices and I'm pretty hyped up.

>> No.7758696

I will be eagerly waiting for this. I enjoyed the Akatsuki no Goei games immensely despite all the flaws it had.

>> No.7758745

Japan really wants me to have diabetes.

>> No.7758806

What do you all think is the best VN opening song?

>> No.7758835

> throwing subtleness out of the window.

This is exactly it. As I said before, it felt like the author completely gave up at this point.


There's another issue. At every turn before, Caim always questioned the authenticity of everyone's words, no exception. However, when it came to Lucius's "Oh, we need to torture your girlfriend to save the city," he completely took it for granted. (And look at what would've happened if Lucius did actually have his way. All Lucius could say was, literally, "Oops, lol.")

Also, Caim is a smart guy. There's really nothing "right" about a complete the ends justifies the means approach. Utilitarianism has its fair share of critics but Caim didn't try to argue against it.

All in all, it's just really hard to empathize with a character that got handed the idiot ball by the author for the obvious purpose of bad melodrama. It was just badly done.

>> No.7758844

I like this one:

>> No.7758858

I dunno. It's a new game but just a continuation of the protag and heroines relationship after the first game? I'm not that interested. I kind of want new heroines, I don't need more of the same stretched out for another whole game. They should just make it a fandisc.

>> No.7758875

Nigga is you's even serious? 空気力学少年と少女の詩, the others aren't even trying. (a)Slow Star was also neat.

>> No.7758890
File: 341 KB, 1028x608, Clipboard41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's party time, the first thing that came in mind in this scene.
Also the pilot of the GATTAI! tsurugi was kinda suprising, didn't except it

>> No.7758891
File: 165 KB, 702x458, 201108182353157b6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I don't need more of the same stretched out for another whole game
Well, yeah, I'm hoping the fact that they're established couples facing problems together will feel a bit more fresh than starting the relationship which is sometimes you see everywhere. Anyways this is the routes outlines, they might be interesting I guess.

>> No.7758892

Too difficult to choose just one. 世界ノ全テ probably had the best songs (OPs, EDs and inserts) overall.

>> No.7758902

Face of Fact, altough there are lot of good ones but thats my favorite probably

>> No.7758904

Yeah, all the Tamasoft games have a great soundtrack

>> No.7758905

Agreed, SubaHibi OP is pure gold.
I also like Sharnot's and some others sung by Rita.

>> No.7758906

It might not be the best one but I personally like Dorchadas a lot.

>> No.7758913

Beat Blades Haruka op


>> No.7758921

MLA Opening, though I am a JAM Project fanboy. I also like Adenium by Rita (Sekien no Inganock).

>> No.7758926 [DELETED] 

I can't get the Sengoku Djibril OP out of my head:

Deranged NTR rapefests have never been this cute!

>> No.7758931


>> No.7758943 [DELETED] 

This is amazing.
This too. Holy shit.

>> No.7758962

I liked Makai Tenshi Djibril 4 op better.

>> No.7758972

The OPs from 2 and 3 are actually the best. Sorry, this is objective fact, not opinion.

>> No.7758981

too bad about the game, but Bullshit! Hard Problem! was pretty good

>> No.7758982

Think it's time for a new thread.

>> No.7759033

『ギルティクラウン ロストクリスマス(仮称)』 ニトロプラス 2012年? ※15歳推奨
シナリオ:鋼屋ジン 原画:未定

込ませて動かす試みが成功しているので、それを使いたい) 、原画家は絶賛選定中。
・アニメ同様ヴォイド(人間の身体から取り出す武器の概念) の描写が見所、あとはアニメ本編の主人公が17歳の少年なのに対しゲームは

>> No.7759037

『君と彼女と彼女の恋。(仮)』 ニトロプラス 2012年予定
シナリオ:下倉バイオ 原画:津路参汰

・ヒロインは2人のみ(サブ+2人) 正統派ヒロインと主人公の前に突然、電波系のヒロインが現れて…というオ
・スマガ層にも楽しんで頂けるような作りにしたい(CVいちごみるく のキャラも出る)

>> No.7759043

>just finished 999, true end make me laugh when see Alice, and it turn into an angry face when ]it isn't a real "happy-end"
>my friend writes:
>>1+2+9=1 do you know why is this true?
>number bases, binary root, and shit like these going through my mind

I'd like to play robotics;notes, and Eustia if they get (released and) translated
and I don't know what to play now

>> No.7759059

Ever17 is pretty much like 999 from what I've heard.

>> No.7759067


Every time.

>> No.7759073

New thread

>> No.7759077

Anime tie in and shit from Shimokura.
Nitro+ is dead

>> No.7759122

oh, I had that feeling that i should write there, that I already player ever17
and remember11 (this game makes me to pay attention to the huge amount of bad endings tag in vndb)
and saya no uta (my first one, i started it first at 2 o'clock at night, yes, it was fearquit)
and errrrr thats all,
there are tsukihime and umineko downloaded but I just dont want to start them

>> No.7759156

>There's another issue. At every turn before, Caim always questioned the authenticity of everyone's words, no exception. However, when it came to Lucius's "Oh, we need to torture your girlfriend to save the city," he completely took it for granted. (And look at what would've happened if Lucius did actually have his way. All Lucius could say was, literally, "Oops, lol.")
And once again, Tia is forgotten.
Caim accepted it ONLY because she insisted on it.
It's not like he went 'Oh, you need my girlfriend to save the city? Sure, take her, lol.'.
>Also, Caim is a smart guy. There's really nothing "right" about a complete the ends justifies the means approach. Utilitarianism has its fair share of critics but Caim didn't try to argue against it.
He almost beat the shit out of Lucius for that, but held back.
Because Caim is a smart guy and he knew that it would've accomplished absolutely nothing.

>> No.7759331

Is that Tomose Shunsaku's art? Thought he left and formed his own company.

>> No.7759339

Yeah, I really liked Kusari a lot myself. If you don't mind NTR and rape then it's a really engaging title pulling you in, I opine. Kishida is a great villain, and the imouto's ending is brilliant.
