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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7728457 No.7728457 [Reply] [Original]

Go and get a job, /jp/-san! Everyone else in this village is trying their hardest, but all you do is sit in your room with your door locked making weird, lewd sounds!

>> No.7728462

i'm making music you stupid shitcunt ass-caravaneer.

>> No.7728465
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No one likes Eruru.

>> No.7728466

the fuck d'jyew get in, ero-ero

>> No.7728467

I have a better job than you
and what a shitty game

>> No.7728481

Eruru is best Utawarerumono girl.

>> No.7728487
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>> No.7728484

ray romano, ehehe

>> No.7728490

> not Kagura
Dude wtf

>> No.7728494
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No thanks, I'd rather continue to laze around and fuck Touka

>> No.7728504
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>>my face when

>> No.7728510
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For some reason i realy hated this game.

Or to be exact i hated the fact that i had to be a manslut who sleeps with everything when all i wanted was pure pure Eruruw~

>> No.7728511

You mean Karura? Good taste.

>> No.7728509

im studing and that's called music you B*tch

>> No.7728540
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>> No.7728577


Same here. Didn't like how you were kind of forced into it.

>> No.7728612

I see everyone talking about this game often, but never hear the name spoke. What is the name of the game??

>> No.7728614

Spoiler: Eruruu is Romano's daughter

>> No.7728620

underwater ray romano

>> No.7728632
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Look it's the village prostitute.

>> No.7728656

Isn't it more like descendant?

>> No.7728667

thanks. I've never played hentai VNs before, out of beliefs. I know I sond like a newfag for saying that, but I've been here for 3 years. What are they like? I know there are pics you can unlock, but do some have videos to unlock?

>> No.7728674


what are you doing on /jp/

>> No.7728704

A guy can be here for reasons other then VNs.

>> No.7728711

I can't imagine that many

What's there here besides VNs and shitposting?

Maybe an idol thread? Toehoes?

>> No.7728722


Haven and Hearth.

>> No.7728726

Haven is your own room, unless you go outside. HEATHEN.
/jp/ is secretly full of chinese people, so there's definitely no heart. Well, there's that 50 cent lyric spammer. Where has he been anyhow?

>> No.7728765

>>7728711 To be honest I come here to discuss Japanese history, cinema, politics, culture, and occasionally doujin but I have only read 2 hentai ones (regret). I usually know what everyone is talking about and occasionally conribute in many different ways. There have been quite a bit of successful threads I've created over the years.

I would just like to say that most doujin I read, whether sexual or not, are appealing because of the somwhat side stories.

>> No.7728773 [DELETED] 

why are you giving him attention...

>> No.7728772

7728765 here.
Iforgot to hit the enter key there breh. my bad.

>> No.7728774

>To be honest I come here to discuss Japanese history, cinema, politics, culture, and occasionally doujin but I have only read 2 hentai ones (regret)

How can you honestly say you've been here for three years, and still type that without knowing it'd give you away?

Okay, so you've been browsing /jp/ for two months and you're finally ready to stop being a weeaboo and get into eroge.

Utawarerumono isn't a traditional VN, it's more of a strategy rpg with h-scenes.

>> No.7728793

>Utawarerumono isn't a traditional VN, it's more of a strategy rpg with h-scenes.
considering the gameplay is barebones and takes up like ten-twenty minutes between scenes I wouldn't say it's a SRPG proper. It's more like a regular ADV with gameplay tacked on.

>> No.7728802


Someone is too much of a pussy to Hard Mode 3

I spent more fucking time in that shit than I ever did reading.

>> No.7728803

>tacked on
Doesn't it have like 30+ battles?

Doesn't seem very tacked on to me. There are fire emblem games with less battles than that, and you could say fire emblems are SRPGS + Plot put into it.

>> No.7728806

>two months
>implying I'm a summerfag

My threads get responces, but I know that a lot of /jp/ says that "We don't like Japan. We only like what they produce." what your pointing out about me not "knowing" what this board is abot has been pointed out numerous times, yet anons do indeed talk about such things on occasion. I don't need this speach again.

>> No.7728812


You are a summerfag. You can't spell for shit, you're mainly here for /jp/'s side projects, and you say you come here to discuss japan when such threads on /jp/ get trolled harder than they do on /int/.


>> No.7728815

>Japanese history, cinema, politics, culture,

What is this shit?
Are you that idiot who keeps shitting up our board with korea > japan threads?

>> No.7728820
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Is there a problem with that, Anonymous?

>> No.7728821

You can't spell, you have used "implying" and you generally don't seem to understand this board or how it works.

The door is that way >>>/a/

>> No.7728825

That's good for you. I play games on harder difficulties only for games I like enough to replay, Utawarerumono wasn't one so I just did a normal run.

>> No.7728827

First off I'm using my ps3 to browse and post, so my spelling is going to be shit otherwise I would be using spell check like I always do. Second of all I really don't care if you think I'm a summer fag. I've been here long enough to not take the summerfag mud throwing to seriously during the summer. I know I've been here awhile man.

>> No.7728828


But you're missing out on aruruw's cgs you pussy

>> No.7728833

I don't post about Korea, so I don't think so.

>> No.7728834


You wouldn't take it so personally if it wasn't true.

No spellcheck as an excuse might work if you weren't making grammatical errors too, but hey, who cares?

I don't hate people browsing /jp/ for the first time. You just need to stop being a weeaboo, lose the /v/ memes, and you'll be able to pick up the rest over time.

>> No.7728857
File: 207 KB, 495x497, Mishima3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I am being honest about being here for three years and I do think the summerfag insult is bad, but like I said....
To totch bais on the gramer thing.....I have been called Disabiliy-san here for awhile,because I do mispell thing. I often must explain by disabilities on /jp/, otherwise I am seen as a newb. I am going through life differentially from others and strive to do my best. These disabilities have made me stronger through trials and they are a part of me. I will not let them hold me back from my goals & dreams. Know there have been threads of Japanese culture that have been successful. From what I have guessed from my 3 years here, there are only around 35 /jp/ers. There are enough of us to keep threads going, but many threads die from a lack of us. I believe this is why you may have not seen my threads. I won't apologise for my disabilities, but I do try to use spell check.

>> No.7728872
File: 18 KB, 610x513, this shit is deep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am going through life differentially from others


>> No.7728878


Oh you're that rebel that posts shit, has everyone call you a retard, and then everyone forgets about you.

The only problem is your sense of time is wrong, you've only been around for about a year and a half, bud.

Anyway, sure, keep on bein' a rebel and /jp/ will keep calling you a retard. That's the circle of life. At least until you find a place more appropriate to post.

>> No.7728882

Oh my god, my sides

I think what diability's problem is, is essentially that he's so socially awkward that he can't fit in with us "35" social rejects because he has no chance of fitting in, in a normal situation either.

@Social reject guy, Honestly, we're just poking fun at your grammar and your writing. Those are secondary. What really makes you come off as someone that doesn't belong is the content.

>thanks. I've never played hentai VNs before, out of beliefs. I know I sond like a newfag for saying that, but I've been here for 3 years. What are they like? I know there are pics you can unlock, but do some have videos to unlock?
Thanks. I've never played hentai VNs before. How do I unlock pics and videos?

If you post intelligently / social acceptably, nobody will care how long you've been here for.

Alas, at least you're not saying 'omg sage'

>> No.7728885

If your trying to be funny then I had a lol, but what I mean is that I'm taking on challenges that much of society doesn't have to deal with. There are others like me who work twice as hard in life because of the disabilities. Many of my needs are acomidated for when nessiarey by employers and the Goverment.

>> No.7728902

I've only started using my PS3 to post in a year and a half, otherwise I've been here three years with proper gramer.
I'm not even a shutin. I am a fulltime collage student, work part time, have scholarship, belong to multiple school commies/clubs, I go out with a different group of friends about 3 times a week, work out with a group of friends 3 days a week and have had relationships with girls.
I think its because of all these things that I sometimes have a hard time fitting in here.
What my friends don't know is that I am Otaku.......you all are the only ones that share these somewhat same interests with me.

>> No.7728905

It's impossible to miss a thread on /jp/ unless you're browsing no more than first two pages

>> No.7728907


He just explained that he really is mentally retarded, so he doesn't realize that it's that /jp/ doesn't care about his threads, he thinks it's just that they're not seen.

>> No.7728913

I would like Utawaremono if the damn game didn't crash each time I save without fail

>> No.7728915

Not only is he mentally retarded, he's an absurdly high functioning mental retard with scholarships, jobs, tons of friends, 3DPD, and a secret shame for otaku culture.

ITT Pretend ; _ ;

>> No.7728919

This thread is among the funniest shit I've read in weeks.

Your asbergers is too great, even for /jp/, disability man.

>> No.7728927

Oh, I see now.
But this thread brings an interesting question. What does It mean to be /jp/?

Are we the elite or shitstains left after /v/ and /a/ lovemaking? Are there special conditions to be /jp/?

Personally, I think there's at least one condition. I can't imagine a /jp/er that hates Touhou

>> No.7728937

I'd be careful saying that, I know of a few /jp/ers who hate/dislike Touhou, or atleast make out that they do.

>> No.7728940
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>> No.7728944

They are not a true /jp/
Not for me, at least

I mean, that's one of the main reasons of the Great /a/ Split

>> No.7728948

No.7728937, here.
I definitely agree that they are not "true /jp/ers", but once again, they make out as if they are, they come here, shitty up our threads, like everyone else, etc.

>> No.7728957


/jp/ is a lot like masculinity, in that is defined not by what it is, but what it is not.

For example, someone who browses /jp/ cannot post without being ridiculed if they are, for example
"Successful" in life, utilizing foreign memes, expressing an interest in 3d, expressing an unhealthy interest in Japan as a country, and so on.

This unfortunate fact makes it difficult to define /jp/

>> No.7728963

I think it's a love / appreciation for extreme amounts of sarcasm (or complete obliviousness to it)

Maybe it's the fact that we can laugh at ourselves.

Take it easy, anon.

>> No.7728968

>/jp/ - too deep for you

>> No.7729066 [DELETED] 

I kill sandniggers for a living. I've earned the right to masturbate to drawings.

>> No.7729076

Damn, you just reminded me of that guy with the hotaru real doll. Does that guy still post on 4chan ever?

>> No.7729107

There was a guy with a 10K Candydoll that sometimes reposts his Miku cosplay. I'd really like to see more of these kinds of contributors. Feeding my fetish.

>> No.7729119

To answer your question, I think might have moved on to operatorchan.

>> No.7729124

I would have found it funnier if it was an asymptote
