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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7705951 No.7705951 [Reply] [Original]

Visual Novel translation status

3 days - 7% translated
11eyes - 2nd partial patch out, 44.8% translated
Aiyoku no Eustia - Fione Chapter 40% translated
Akai Ito- Yumei's route released, Nozomi route fully inserted,Uzuki route 40% inserted, 14300/21674 (65.98%) overall inserted, last untranslated arc being translated by original translator
Apathy Midnight Collection - fully translated, one arc left to edit
>Ayakashibito - 17587/50995 lines translated (34.49%), common route fully translated, 12739/50995 lines edited (24.98%)
Baldr Force Exe - Project starting up
Baldr Sky - Translation ongoing
Battle Flier Itsuki- 21% translated
Biniku no Kaori- Scripts extracted and being translated, though needs work for rebuilding
Cancel a Format - Person attempting to translate it
Cartagra - Initial translation complete, future is unknown
>Concerto Note - C&D, continuing, translation at 30%, editing at 5%
Daiteikoku - 13,019/130,000 lines translated (10%)
Devils Devel Concept- 25%
DraKoi- Stalled, status "Rough draft: 38/40", Remaining scripts are ero
Fate/Hollow Ataraxia- 56.7% translated, second partial patch out
Fortune Arterial- 52 of 122 scripts translated, 14 of 122 scripts edited, patch for the trial version of the game
Galaxy Angel: Eternal Lovers- Shared/Milfie route in editing
Higurashi Daybreak - being translated
Hinomaru- 11.2% translated, main arc complete
Hime Kami Ni Bun no Ichi - "Part1 425/509 ", Total "Total: ? / 57437 "
Himekishi Lilia- Preview patch released
Honey Coming- Prologue 100% translated, Common route atleast 20% with progress being made. Yuma Shichiri's route 5% translated
>Hoshizora no Memoria - prologue patch out, common route fully translated, Isuzu's patch released, overall 27298/55183 (49.47%) translated
Hunks Workshop - Being translated, partial patch out
Katahane- Fully translated and edited, final release planned for August after QC
Kichikuou Rance- 20% translated

>> No.7705952

Killer Queen - 97 % translated 11312/13785 lines
Koitate - Yukino’s route patch released
Lamia no Baai - ~1/7th of the game translated, plus some new translation on top of that, still ongoing
LILITH-IZM03- 75% patch out
Little Busters - ~90%, new patch released with Haruka' route and Kud's route
Love Plus- 744/900 scripts translated (82.67%), 4th partial patch out
>Majikoi- Yukie + Chris + teacher route patch released, Momoyo route 48% translated
M&M Enchanting Magic & Sweet Charms- 61%
Muv Luv full patch released - Alternative fully translated, ongoing talks with age regarding the possibility of an official release
Muv-Luv Chronicles - Work being done on The Day After 00 + 01
Nursery Rhyme - Being translated
>Never 7 - 100 of 112 scripts and 9 of 111 tips translated
Ore no Imouto - 9.4% (28/299) scripts translated
Period- All image/UI editing complete, Miyu's patch released, game total translation: 51.04% complete, Rin's route patch released
>Princess Lover - being translated
>Princess Maker 5- 31% translated
Princess Nightmare - Translator said the project is still active, but very slow, nearly 50% translated
Prision Battleship 2 - 45% translated
Pure Pure The Story of Ears and Tails- Sachi Patch released, 76.96% translated
Rance 3 - 75% translated
Rance 4 - 20% translated
Real Imouto ga Iru - translation: 3986/16108 (25%) editing: 3699/16108 (23%)
Rewrite - 11,000 lines translated of the trial
Rin ga Utau, Mirai no Ne-iro- Miku patch released, Rin part 1st translation pass done, starting second pass
Sa.Na.Ra.Ra - 8 completed scripts
Sensei Da-isuki 2- 20%, still being worked on
Serifu de Kanjite! Seiyuu Doushi: Total: 185/5400 translated

>> No.7705954

Sharin no Kuni, Yuukyuu no Shounenshoujo - Fully translated
Sin- 65% of episode 1 translated
Sono Hanabira 7 - fully translated
Sorairo - 2755/48557 (6%) lines translated
>Steins;Gate - 87/175 script files translated
>Suihensei Made Nan Mile - 32% translated
Tenshi No Inai 12-Gatsu-"status: ~translating:active~"
The Second Reproduction - Fully translated
>Thief & Sword - Shalt route being translated, progress 376kb / 1021kb - 36.8%
Togainu No Chi- 77% translated, partial patch out
To Heart2- 56% - "The final product is still years away unless I get more help. ", alpha patch with Konomi, Tamaki, Manaka and Yuma routes translated
Tomoyo After - Partial patch released
Toradora Portable - Being translated
Touka Gettan: translation status: ~30% translated
Umineko 8 - Translation: 55%, Editing: 50%, 50% translation patch released
Under The Moon- 6% translated/checked/programmed, still active
Welcome to Pia Carrot 2 - 1st draft translation at 75%
>Yandere - 3% translated
Yoakemae Yori Ruriiro Na - Translation complete besides some optional text, editing is behind
>Yosuga no Sora - 20% translated + some, was looking for a new translator
>YU-NO- Total: 3962.65/3995.61KB (99.17%) Prologue patch released, all normal routes translated, translation moving onto the epilogue chapter, Editing at 3436.98/3995.61 KB (86.02%). Hacking has allowed additional stuff from the Saturn release to be included in the translation

>> No.7705959

Official work

>We Love Master- Released
>Conquering the Queen - Out of Beta
>Harem Party- Testing
>Dear Drops - Common route translated, Riho's route with about 1 long and 4 shorter scripts remaining, demo delayed
>Ef - "We just obtained an ef - the first tale build from MangaGamer." NNL
Harukoi Otome - 5 arcs translated thus far
Dengeki Strykers - Translation ongoing
Swords and Magic from Tactics
Sexy magic title from Score- off to script insertion
Da Capo III - Mentioned at AX
Innocent Grey would also like to bring over an upcoming title related to Kara no Shoujo
Negotiations with age for KimoNozo
Negotiations for Oretsuba are going steadily
Games from Denbonosu - "Hopefully in the future with MangaGamer, I can do something in the US too."[president of Denbonosu]
Picked up a Circus title with gameplay

>Osananajimi wa Daitouryou ~ - Should have a bug free version next week, possibly master version by end of the month
Eien no Aselia- Seeing an official release of the all ages version based on the fan translation, Goal for end of Summer
Yumina the Ethereal - Final QC/post production, images being translated and edited, goal end of the year
Moero Downhill Night Blaze- debugging, 2011 release expected
School Days HQ - First half of 2012 release scheduled
Saya no Uta + Hanachirasu - Being released together
Kikokugai + Django: Being released together
Sumaga- 81.6%, 2012 release
Seinarukana- picked up, ~30% translated
Starless - picked up
Starry Sky- official release possible
Muramasa - Common route complete, 2 of 5 chapters towards true end translated, uncertain what will come from the project

LUDESIA- English release planned
Hakuoki - Aksys 1Q 2012
>Stuff like this has been either added or updated since the last thread

>> No.7705962


>> No.7705966

>We Love Master- Released
>Conquering the Queen - Out of Beta
>Harem Party- Testing
I hope they don't expect this shit to sell.

>> No.7705968

Topic of the week is here!

>Steins;Gate - 87/175 script files translated
Holy shit they're already past 50% for script translation.
Although there's still CG editting to be done and quality checking.

>> No.7705971

Needs more green.

>> No.7705975

So little green, I am disappoint

>> No.7705982

I just hate it when shitty nukige come out, becquse the climax of a whole week wondering, "What's going to be the picture for the next status thread?" ends up being something like "We Love Master".

>> No.7705977

Wait, Yosuga no Sora is still being translated? I thought it received a C&D?

>> No.7705998

I wonder how many people bought we love master. Did they even make a single sale?

>> No.7706016

>Suihensei Made Nan Mile
Huh, that actually looks enjoyable.
And somewhat pretty.
But did they give up on releasing the trial or what?

>> No.7706013

>Princess Maker 5- 31% translated

Today is a day to rejoice.

>> No.7706020

>Osananajimi wa Daitouryou ~ - Should have a bug free version next week, possibly master version by end of the month
I downloaded a copy yesterday. Anyone knows what's the bug all about?

>> No.7706032

Honestly. How much do those shitty nukige sell? 100 copies? 120 at best?
People who know about this media don't need to buy their porn. There are zillions of doujinshi out there, catering to every conceivable fetish. Why would they spend their monies on MG's products?
Something makes me think the buyers of translated nukige are mostly unlikable people.

>> No.7706044

Savegame glitch?

>> No.7706046

something with backlog, japanese locale.

>> No.7706057

nah. they translate them only to keep mg unprofitable

>> No.7706075
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>Yosuga no Sora - 20% translated + some, was looking for a new translator

Half yearl-WHAT.

>> No.7706150

>Yosuga no Sora - 20%
>To Heart2- 56%
Annual dose.

>> No.7706218

We Love Master is still the best seller right now.

>> No.7706217

>We Love Master

Should have gotten They Are My Noble Masters.

>> No.7706230
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They might pick that up once the translation is finished. It was around 50% last I checked.

>> No.7706247


>> No.7706249

The thread isn't going anywhere anon.

>> No.7706262

Okay, I chuckled.

>> No.7706303

I'm new to translating and I'm starting with Spice and Wolf Volume 6. Is this a good thread to get tips?

>> No.7706313


>> No.7706316

I have the English patch for Osananajimi wa Daitouryou from erogedownload; is that the leaked version? Is/will JAST version be any better or should I just finish the one I have?

>> No.7706323

/jp/ generally only cares about visual novels, you won't likely find much help getting a light novel known for it's anime/manga adaptions adaption here.

>> No.7706327

>I have the English patch for Osananajimi wa Daitouryou from erogedownload; is that the leaked version?
No, it's the official version.
What the fuck do you think?

>> No.7706330

The version floating around the internet is from last year, using unfinished scripts from before Jast announced that they were working on it. So missing will be the uncensored CGs, final versions of scripts, and any problems that there were not addressed (if any).

>> No.7706337



>> No.7706338

Ok, noted.

>> No.7706347

>Yandere - 3% translated
Who picked this up again?

>> No.7706363

I'm going to hijack this thread for a question. I remember reading a while back that the way to play untranslated VNs and understand them is to download some sort of program or something that extracts the text and converts it to english.

Does anyone know what I'm talking about, and if so does it work?

>> No.7706378

AGTH + Translation Aggregator + ATLAS

I gave you the name, go google it. If you know 0 Japanese you'll have trouble understanding though.

>> No.7706380

Best thread of the week, etc.

>> No.7706381

Shit, alright then, thanks

>> No.7706392

You can use AGTH to extract the text and machine translate it, but you won't really get far unless you already have a pretty firm understanding of the language.
Most people just use it to look up that one kanji every few sentences they have never seen before.

>> No.7706425

There's also ITH (Interactive Text Hooker) which I assume works with Atlas.

>> No.7706769

princess lover? Someone picked it up again?

>> No.7706798

How's my Kara no Shoujo drama CD coming along, /jp/?

>> No.7706800

>princess lover? Someone picked it up again?

>> No.7706811

thanks bro

>> No.7706897

> We Love Master
Hmm. I'm thinking if I should support MG
> € 24.95 (US$ 35.59)

> After Toshiya blackmails them into becoming his maids, they begin a daily regimen of sexual harassment training!

Looks like polished virgin roster. At this point I'm not even sure that if it's worth pirating.

>> No.7706913
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>dat feel when all the good VNs being translated are dead projects

>> No.7706918

Oh, nice to see an update on Concerto Note.

Oh boy Never7 is almost complete, after so many months.

>Yosuga no Sora: Was looking for a new translator
Haha, oh wow. And after all that "they are still working on it but not updating".

>> No.7706931

>Conquering the Queen - Out of Beta

Not long now it seems. About time. They're forcing me to wait a long time for this shitty game.

>> No.7706940

not to jump the gun, but has anyone showed interest in translating walkure romanze when it comes out?

>> No.7706945
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>> No.7706948

Will this be another December without angels?

>> No.7706952


>> No.7706957
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So happy to see some sora movement.

Its probably not TLWiki, but rather another group, there is an archived thread of a translater uploading a slightly more advanced version then TLWiki had, If anyone else has any information on what's going on with Sora please inform.

>> No.7706958
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>> No.7706995

Is it any good? I've been looking for a good romance vn.

>> No.7707013


It's not bad. Not as good as some KEY classics like Clannad, but better than the other Leaf/Aquaplus games IMO.

>> No.7707018
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will this scene live up to being spammed for years?

>> No.7707025

Shizuku,Kizuato,and White Album,

>> No.7707027

If you're talking about that thread, then yeah. That's the latest news.

Someone who applied passed my test, and he's getting ready to finish the first 2500 lines of Sora's arc (I did the last 5000).

I still need to go back over mine since it's been a while since I translated them, but just with the addition of my lines it should add 13% to the total % completed of the game. If the 20% was accurate before, then now it's at least 33%.

>> No.7707040

>3Days 7%
That's 2% up from last week! Fantastic!

>> No.7707069

>Tenshi No Inai 12-Gatsu
>I only want to do releases in December to fit the game. Since nothing is ready for this December, December 2008 will be the earliest date for a release of any kind.
I guess we are due for a december 2011 release

>> No.7707095

>Yandere - 3% translated

Who's doing it?

>> No.7707109

Or when someone makes that game stop crashing after 3 lines.

>> No.7707274

Godammit, you are making me feel so unsatisfied. I really want to read the Leaf classics... Why can't somebody just translate Shizuku or Kizuato already? The Kizuato translation is so damn dead, it's not even funny, but...

And White Album should be pretty popular at this point, it makes no sense to me that there has never been a TL project... And we aren't even going to talk about December without Angels....

Oh well, it looks like ToHeart2 is the only leaf game that is ever going get even a partial translation released.

>> No.7707280

Erm, since I didn't make this clear in my post, I'm exluding SRPGs from the entire consideration. That's why Utawawerumono and Tears to Tiara don't count.

>> No.7707376

At least nobody's picked up Megiddo yet. It's pretty and all, but I cannot imagine the shitstorm /jp/ would throw about the evil doom clock.

>> No.7707827

What's wrong with you, jp?
The only thread that matters is on page 5.

>> No.7707833

So what? There are 16 pages on this board.
Fucking newfag.

>> No.7707861

>Suihensei Made Nan Mile
>did they give up on releasing the trial or what?
So, anyone's got any idea?

>> No.7708010

I wouldn't hold my breath. Remember they are the dudes who couldn't even get the title down properly (even now), and upload trojans to their site for some elusive reason (no idea why).

>> No.7708198

I hear that shitty nukige tend to be high sellers actually, but I can't remember where from. I think it was peter payne though.

>> No.7708214


>> No.7708232
File: 3 KB, 220x189, 1297511815440.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Steins;Gate - 87/175 script files translated
Atleast they are making progess, where can I find their project website?

>Umineko 8 - Translation: 55%, Editing: 50%, 50% translation patch released

I was hoping for it to be done before christmas, I guess not

>Hunks Workshop - Being translated, partial patch out
What? Isn't that bara eroge? How? who?

>> No.7708281

>Aiyoku no Eustia
>Thief & Sword
Waiting warmly.

>REAL DEAL faggots from /a/ thinking nukiges don't sell
Lolling heartily.
>Peter EroPayne saying that nukiges always sell more than story games
>Mangagamer's weekly rating:
1. We Love Master
2. Koihime Musou No Voice Spacial Edition
3. Kara no Lied
4. Kira kiras boring shit
5. My sex slave is a classmate

>> No.7708290

> After Toshiya blackmails them into becoming his maids, they begin a daily regimen of sexual harassment training!

Remove blackmail and harassment and I'd have bought the game. Sadly MangaGamer keeps trying to sell titles that only sell to two categories. Sadistic men, or men who gobble up anything with porn.

I'll keep hoping for Harem Party to actually be a story about lovers and not just "A harem of brainwashed young ladies, ready for sexual abuse".

>> No.7708299
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>playing translated VNs

>> No.7708304
File: 121 KB, 320x167, PM-Tea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Princess Maker 5- 31% translated
This is wonderful news.
The tea today tastes even sweeter than in a long time.

>> No.7708307

shamefur dispray

>> No.7708335

do you know what word weekly means

>> No.7708346

That circumstanced Koihime is still outselling much newer Elfen no Shojo?
Deal with it nerd.

>> No.7708353

that was real random

>> No.7708383

>Suihensei Made Nan Mile - 32% translated
Oh wow, what a surprise
And i don't see smile cubic up there

>> No.7708435

Translating White Album seems like it would be a waste when there's the superior PS3 version around.

>> No.7708573
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>not reading

>> No.7709542
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Actually I was thinking about

When do you guys plan to release an update? And are yall only working on sora's route?

>> No.7709915

Not sure. Neither of us are really affiliated with the team. I'm just someone who decided to translate the last 5000 lines of Sora's arc in my free time, and months later decided I'd never finish and offered to combine it with the team's translation. What they had of Sora's arc was unusable, so I advertised here for someone who'd be willing to finish the first 30% of Sora's arc. Well, I found someone, and he should be starting soon.

As far as patches and the other routes go, I'm not sure. It's more of just a joint project with the team, and the two of us are only dealing with Sora's arc. I'll make sure there's at least some patch for Sora's arc released in the event it were to go into some kind of limbo again.

>> No.7709927

I was meaning to ask about that, what you mean by unusable? Overlapping with your translation, or simply so bad it couldn't be used?

>> No.7710162

Classified information.

>> No.7710177

Has anyone picked up Rewrite?

>> No.7710192

Yes. It'll be done by next week.

>> No.7710975

What >>7710162 said.

>> No.7711020
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That totally makes us want to help!

>> No.7711028
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I alwais liked Yuki the most.

Do you know anythign about the current team of translators? If they are active or anything?

>> No.7711034

are there plans to tanslate Sora's epilogue in Haruka no Sora fandisk?

>> No.7711106

>It has a very cute, fun, and interesting story to back up its hot ero, which makes for a good read in my opinion!
She's probably stretching it tho.

>> No.7711134
File: 62 KB, 800x600, 1291512494172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Trying to edit MG Wikipedia article
>Adding "Controversy" section
>Vandalism filter triggered
>"Suck my dick or die"

>> No.7711140

Her afterstory? I'd assume someone would eventually do it, since it's not that bad.

Only problem with Haruka na Sora is that it requires a lot more hacking. Right now there's a bug where it wordwraps WAY too early (you can fit four words per line if you're lucky). The only fix so far is with a hook that annoyingly shows up in like every virus scanner.

>> No.7711152

just include a note on the download page and readme and you're all set.
Anyone that doesn't read instructions is a fool.

>> No.7711199 [DELETED] 

That's not very professional though.
And in any case, it'd be a while until translation is finished, so there's plenty of time to hack. Plus it uses an open source engine.

>> No.7711206

That's not very professional though.
And in any case, it'd be a while until translation is finished, so there's plenty of time to hack. Plus it uses an open source engine.

>> No.7711214

Make an account on WP and it won't trigger any filters.

>> No.7711798

I just want to say thank you so much for picking YnS up, I've really wanted to read it for a long time. Here's hoping you finish Haruka no Sora as well.

>> No.7711851


>> No.7711852

/jp/, i really need some help.

the last two vn's i played on my desktop, sekien no inganock and cross channel have both had fucked up font spacing. my laptop seems to run them fine though. any idea what's wrong?

>> No.7711863
File: 545 KB, 5000x5000, 1312011469213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a problem here?

>> No.7711865

font spacing as in like this:

"the quickbr own foxj umped overt he lazy dog"

>> No.7711868

Maybe he wants to see some twins bonding sexually. Nothing wrong with that.

>> No.7711883

Did you do something to upset Ixrec?

>> No.7711899

Clearly you cant use google.

Search: Cross channel english text problem

>> No.7712295

I had an account for years, but apparently I don't have enough edits to avoid filters.

>> No.7712696

JumpingDango dango
Ottawa!!! -Rin2 100% 593/593- #tlprogress
vor 12 Stunden

>> No.7712698

>vor 12 Stunden
for 12 hours

>> No.7712701

>Just asked Makoto, he says he's around 45% done with Muramasa, and right now he's working on Django right now not Muramasa so other projects are definitely a factor in the slowness.

whos ready for django

>> No.7712704


wrong translation

>> No.7712707

Yeah, I'm confusing it with für I guess

>> No.7712711

youre like two months late

>> No.7712716

yes, certainly with "für"
"vor" would translate to "before" or "ago", the later would be the better translation :D

>> No.7712721
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>Princess Lover - being translated

>> No.7712725


>> No.7712926

Sweet Pool is up to 65%. Might want to add that to your next update, OP.

>> No.7713141 [SPOILER] 
File: 413 KB, 1000x1422, 07_s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm sure it is on the same level as the "He is my master" manga. You can live with it, but you get the feeling that it was much worse than it could have been.

>> No.7713636

First pass translation is almost ready. First pass editing is in progress. Second pass translation has barely even started.

>> No.7713955

I've been wanting to read that for a while so I was excited to hear jast had picked it up. I still want to know how they're going to cram english text into those vertical boxes for muramasa though.

>> No.7714154

This has been said quite few times before, but Muramasa's text box can be quite easily flipped sideways. Hell, the game itself does it in few points.
So yeah, that won't be a problem at all.

>> No.7714313

Woah, I only post in these threads during december but you guys made me come out of my lurking. Glad to see some Teninai bros.

Angels probably won't come this december either.

>> No.7714327

>Angels probably won't come this december either.
Don't you dare say that.

>> No.7714370
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>> No.7714378

t l
s o
f c

>> No.7714388

Authentic Japanese experience

>> No.7714430

Has there been any progress with the Idolm@ster translation? I've been playing through it, and it could use some editing. For instance, who the fuck thought it would be a good idea to translate Hibiki's name as "Echo"? That's as bad as that Princess Aroma shit on Alicesoft wiki.

>> No.7714437

Classic Cudder

>> No.7714497

how about KimiAru?

>> No.7714507

The entire translation is shit. Maybe a new translation would be good.

>> No.7714523

>Princess Aroma
What kind of idiot did that? The wiki must use the same fucking name the game uses.

>> No.7714538

The echo thing is from the original translation on TL wiki. I guess the current guy combined them a bit.

>> No.7714554


>> No.7714593

There'll be angels long before December.
Galaxy Angels

>> No.7714613 [DELETED] 

Hooray, the best thread of the week is here!

>> No.7714616 [DELETED] 

It's been here for two weeks now.

>> No.7714621 [DELETED] 


>> No.7714619 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7714637 [DELETED] 

You shouldn't be editing Wikipedia.

>> No.7714643 [DELETED] 

Why not?

>> No.7714645 [DELETED] 

One of the most stereotypical normalfests on the internet, dude.

>> No.7714648 [DELETED] 


>> No.7714651


>> No.7715080

Best thread of the week on page 3?
Not on my watch

>> No.7715126

Haha don't think I didn't catch you bumping the thread.

>> No.7715201

>Never 7 - 100 of 112 scripts and 9 of 111 tips translated

Holy fuck, these guys work fast.

>> No.7715219

So, Saya no Uta is finished, or just started? Because I'd totally buy that.

>> No.7715253

What do you even mean? Saya no Uta has been "finished" for years. JAST just thinks they can get away with selling a stale old translation if they attach the name "Urobuchi" to it. There's a reason Saya is paired with Hanachirasu, and Kikokugai with Django.

>> No.7715283

You sound pretty angry.

>> No.7715388

>There's a reason Saya is paired with Hanachirasu, and Kikokugai with Django.
is it because they are too short so releasing hard copies of them separately would be a waste of money

>> No.7715420

Sasuga /jp/, suggesting that my personal feelings have the power to change the truth. That said, I think JAST's business model is a little ridiculous. If there was a real market for translated eroge, then maybe they would make enough money to offer an actual motivational level of compensation for their mercenary translators. As it stands, the translators still do it for the same reasons they do fan translations, and JAST only throws a wrench in the works by forcing everything through the path of greatest resistance.

To reiterate, it would all be wonderful if JAST made enough money to to offer levels of compensation that actually encourage people to translate games (who might not have otherwise done it). Imagine, JAST could put up bounties for fan-requested translations, and attention-seeking populist translators could pick them up, knowing that they'll be praised by Peter Payne's sheep, and with a little money for their time, to boot.
Of course, everyone knows that would ruin vntl as a whole, because it would mean more people would be able to read titles that they wouldn't have otherwise even been aware of, and if they like something we don't like, or god forbid, don't like something that we do, then our crippled, unadaptable little brains wouldn't be able to handle it. Everyone knows that hipsterism is only satisfying if it's nonconformist, right?

>> No.7715432

why are you so mad

>> No.7715448

Sounds like I hit the nail on the head. You're angry as fuck.

>> No.7715454 [DELETED] 
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>3 big paragraphs of butthurt over four words

>> No.7715468

No, hon, think about what you just said, for a minute. The length of the game has nothing to do with how much it costs to produce a hard copy, now does it? It's not like they are going to charge proportionally less, based on the total number of lines in the script, are they?

Since you didn't seem to understand the first time, I'll try to explain it more clearly.
Saya no Uta and Kikokugai were both written by Urobuchi, who has become explosively popular with /a/-tier casuals, ever since Madoka aired (which he also wrote...). Saya and Kikokugai are therefore very marketable to a whole, new demographic of customers who probably haven't ever read a visual novel before in the first place, and are therefore likely to be unaware of the existing fan translation patches for both of those games. Peter Payne isn't completely incompetent, so he has realized that he can use the potential popularity of these two titles to sell more copies of other games, too. Since Saya, Hanachirasu, Django, and Kikokugai are all rather short, the customer is likely to be more willing to buy two at a time, and may even feel like he is receiving a "better deal" (akin to those "but wait! If you call now, we'll double your order!" offers on infomercials). And again, since he isn't totally, 100%, full retard, he has chosen to bundle the two (potentially) profitable titles with the two titles he was able to acquire that weren't very likely to sell well on their own.

(my post is two long, to be continued)

>> No.7715470


That said, naturally I am looking forward more to Django than any of the other bundles, because of course we already have the very same translations that JAST is going to sell, so, really, Peter's strategy even has the benefit of forcing people like me to buy Kikokugai, even if we've already played it, in order to get a hard copy of Django.

The third and potentially most important part of the strategy is that it will inflate the reportable sales numbers on all four games. JAST will be able to tell Nitro+ "Look! Look how well all 4 of these games sold!" when in reality, it will only be one or two of them that has any popularity with the casuals at all. On the other hand, there is also the possibility that JAST can create new fans by exposing people to games they might not have otherwise played. In either of these scenarios, JAST, although still likely not making very much money on selling eroge, will have valuable good news to show to their potential partners in Japan, which will help them acquire new licences. If things go well, maybe someday they'll peddle a Hello World translation, for instance.

>> No.7715527

Mmm, I'd say I don't think I got through to you, but of course I didn't, since I'm not confronting a man, I'm confronting a system, an ideology.

I really hate to be so unoriginal, but there's a reason "autism" is such a mantra in /jp/. There's this idea that communication is deplorable--unpleasant--something to be avoided. The idea that the only thing that could drive me to write three paragraphs, is something so spirit-breaking, so mind-numbingly horrifying, that it surpasses the apparent pain of writing something more than a four word attack.

If I may go on the offensive for a moment, I'll go as far as to say that I'm enjoying it! If I weren't, I wouldn't still be doing it... instead, I'd do what you all so often do, and shitpost yourselves in order to fit in with the crowd that never was.

In fact, I'll take care of that right now!
"So much butthurt"
"Sugoi monogatari aniki"
"some unoriginal greentext"

If there's anything else you'd like to say, let's have a dialog!

>> No.7715536

Can I have a summary of the thesis you just posted?

>> No.7715542

Dude I don't even bear any ill will towards you or anything you said.

But you seriously need to chill the fuck out.

>> No.7715543

the fuck is this

>> No.7715558

Teenage "fight the system" angst at it's finest.

>> No.7715575

I'm bored and want to post, so I thought I'd see how long I could troll and counter-troll without resorting to a meme or pasta.
And also I think "you mad" is autism incarnate, since it implies that talking to people is undesirable.

Ha, yeah, you're right, but I'm just having fun with slightly-more-animated-than-normal language. My blood isn't boiling or anything, don't worry.

>> No.7715581

Can you not handle a post longer than a sentence?

>> No.7715585

so do all those words mean i shouldn't wait for saya no uta to get uploaded so i can get some uncensored saya cgs?

>> No.7715586

I literally can't.

>> No.7715594

Oops! I got the reply numbers mixed up! Transpose those two and it will make more sense, I think...

Oh boy, now I've really started something...

>> No.7715606

Learn to use sage on off-topic posts for fuck's sake.

>> No.7715607

I think it means that he's butthurt and that a VN he likes is going to be translated for all those baka gaijin. And that makes him so mad.

>> No.7715614

so what makes written-by-madoka-devs django less marketable than written-by-madoka-devs saya or kikokugai?
and why cant you buy dl version of django if you dont want kikokugai? or pirate it?
did you bought japanese versions of hanachirasu saya and kikokugai?

>> No.7715611

What do you want with uncensored CGs?
Honestly, I can't feel comfortable looking at genitals without a mosaic anymore, but that sounds pretty stupid... And it's not like I try to fap in the middle of story-based novels.

Does looking at an uncensored penis and a fraction of an anatomically stylized-at-best labia really do that much for your fapping experience?

>> No.7715637

Well, I wasn't saging because I like this thread to be as near to page 0 as possible, but, ok, I'll sage for you, my dearest anon!

It's like you don't have reading comprehension. I said the opposite. I even said that I hoped JAST would become even more successful, so that they can localize more games (I specifically mentioned Hello World).

>> No.7715644

Not really, but I mean, if I watch an anime series while it's airing and I like it, and the blu rays get subbed, I'll download the bd release to hold on to in case I want to watch it again, even though I rarely do. Same here, might as well archive the best.

I know they tend to be shit, like, Demonbane's gigantic uncensored penises ruining everything. But if I have the option of no mosaic or mosaic, I wouldn't consciously pick mosaic.

>> No.7715674

Ah, first of all, it seems I made a mistake. I actually didn't know that Django was also written by Urobuchi, but I went ahead and checked, and it was. Still, my second point about Django being the only one of the four that is as of yet untranslated, which encourages people who have played all the other ones to buy it.
For your second point, it's true that purchasing or pirating a download is always an option for all four of those games, and personally, yes, that is probably what I will do, since I don't want a closet full of porn DVDs gathering dust right now. Regardless, even a quick survey will show that "Hard copies" are always one of the top requests of users when it comes to localized visual novels, and JAST has always been able to provide them (they even ship them out before the download goes on line, in order to encourage people to buy the game, rather than pirate it, if they want to be one of the first to play it in English).
So, if JAST didn't offer hardcopies for these games, they would be subject to a lot of totally avoidable criticism, and since they are trying to squeeze extra sales out of the hardcopies by forcing you to buy two at a time, they are also obligated to offer them as independent downloads, since if they didn't, there would be all sorts of complaints from people who only want to buy one of the games. In the end, if they didn't offer independent downloads, they would lose sales from people who objected to the forced bundle on principle!

>> No.7715684
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I agree.

>> No.7715689

Well, of course you're free to "archive" the JAST release when it comes out "this fall" (fingers crossed, but time has taught me to be skeptical...), but it's not like you'll be missing anything other than the uncensored penises if you choose to play it now rather than later. You can play the current version, that is, and then just replace it with the JAST version, if you care to.

>> No.7715712

Ah, no worries, I played it a long time ago. I agree with you, I wouldn't avoid or put off playing a VN because it had mosaics, but I will be replacing the version sitting on my external for jast's release.

>> No.7716879

>Not as good as some KEY classics like Clannad
Is there anything worse than sticking Nagisa down every reader's throats?

>> No.7716888

She was the main heroine, that always happens.

>> No.7716902

Twincest, obviously.

>> No.7716919
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>KEY classic

>> No.7716952
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>> No.7716960
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Don't cry Asuha!

>> No.7717648
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fuck this shit :( did makoto say he is going to release muramasa without jast deal??

>> No.7717741

I sure am. Badass heroines, western shooting, action scenes by Urobuchi and a kick-ass soundtrack. The fact they all get violated by disgusting monsters only adds to the fun (and to my erection as well).

>> No.7718752

are all of the h scenes rape? I remember looking at a cg rip a while ago and thinking that was the case. I can't fap as well when I'm feeling bad.

>> No.7718783

I just lost all my interest.

>> No.7718841

pleaase refrain from doing that.

>> No.7719027


Funny how this wasn't the case before he got an anime.

Why so hipster?

>> No.7719035

Don't worry about that. That's just the kind of faggot who also says that Type-Moon doesn't belong here.

>> No.7719158

Steins;Gate site is here:
Apparently they've got 7/11 chapters done now.

>> No.7719163

>Funny how this wasn't the case before he got an anime.
Yeah, people just flat out ignored the writer because he's pretty bad.

>> No.7719172

They only have one month left before all the /a/ kiddies like you stop caring.

>> No.7719178

I don't get what /jp/'s issue is with these guys.
They're translating it and I'm sure many are keen to play it.
Why is that such a problem to you?

>> No.7719185


/jp/ hates any VN that becomes translated.

You must not been around long if you didn't already know this place is full of hipster shitheads.

>> No.7719194

I've been around here for a bit and I've seen that some of them are keen for some translations, but others they hate.
I just don't really know why.

>> No.7719202

7/11? Very nice.

>> No.7719217 [DELETED] 

And why are you keen on it? Is it because you're a branless fluffy sheep obsessing about a terrible show? Yes it is. Yes it is, you fluffy wuffy widdle sheep.

>> No.7719228

I don't really know why I expected an intelligent answer from you, but if you must know why I want to play it, it's because I like the concept, I'm also fond of Huke's art style. Plus the fact that I'd get more out of the VN than the anime.

>> No.7719261

>I like the anime
Careful, Timmy. If you try too hard to fit in with us, you'll alienate your /a/ friends.

>> No.7719265

Still acting juvenile?
You give your board a bad name, I expected more maturity for some reason.

>> No.7719290

>obsessing about a terrible show

It's pretty good, actually. Not that you'd know, as anime is too mainstream for you.

>Yeah, people just flat out ignored the writer because he's pretty bad.

People here used to love Urobuchi. Jun Maeda, too, before Angel Beats happened.

When one of Romeo Tanaka's VNs is finally animated, people will start to hate him, too. That's what being a hipster is like.

You hipster.

>> No.7719298

As for my final note, I would recommend this series for viewers who like anime in general, most recommended to individuals who like a mahou shoujo genre anime that is geared towards the more mature young audiences as the series contains elements of drama and dark themes.

>> No.7719305

People's opinion of Urobuchi never changed, basically 'unoriginal as fuck' and 'just strings cool things he likes on a plot'.
/jp/ never dissed on Maeda's VNs and most of the hate always came from /a/ inhabitants.
Though angel beats was bad.

>> No.7719311

Holy shit, look at this guy raging like there's no tomorrow. Calm down bro.

>> No.7719313

That's not how you use the quoting function, get the fuck out.

>> No.7719314


What faggot is this from? Madoka was great but I'm sick of seeing people say shit like this about it.

>> No.7719322

A popular series getting a lot of praise from many people? Well fuck me upside-down, this is unheard of. Better call the FBI while we can.

>> No.7719323

Of all the genres in anime, there are few as innocent and as light as the magical girl genre. It is usually by default that audiences expect the same old concept of the young, optimistic heroine who harnesses some sort of magical power given to her to battle evil forces in the name of justice. So to those unfamiliar with director Akiyuki Shinbo and writer Urobuchi Gen, Puella Magi Madoka Magica must have come with quite a shock.

While there certainly have been magical girl shows that have taken a darker focus in the past, none so far have been able to deconstruct the genre as successfully as Madoka Magica. In this regard, Urobuchi Gen lives true to his name, as he manages to carefully and logically dissect the magical girl genre, turning it into an often cruel and unforgiving place. The tension and horror that Gen creates is further compounded by an aura of ambiguity that lies over the setting, which is propagated by one of the most unreliable exposition characters of all time, Kyube. In such a universe there is no solace to be found in this little mascot companion, all the while there are barrages of unsettling revelations.

>> No.7719336


Reviews like that invite reviews like >>7719323

I swear, people should be forced to watch every good or decent show from the past fifty years of anime before they review anything, just so they don't sound like titanic, self-important faggots.

>> No.7719335

Oh boy, reviews make me so mad.

>> No.7719341


Who writes shit like this? Seriously? Who the fuck writes something this ignorant?

>> No.7719346

>Dissing Gen as unoriginal as fuck
>Not dissing Maeda for even worse
Welp. At least Gen has the cool factor.

>> No.7719355

Its okay to borrow a little.

>> No.7719359



It sounds way too out there, I suspect a (reverse) troll like 99% of all copypasta.

>> No.7719365


Exactly, nothing's original. Madoka certainly wasn't original, and it took forever to get to the point where I actually enjoyed it, but I felt that the last three episodes were extremely well-executed.

Sayaka is a horrible character though and Urobuchi should feel ashamed for using someone like her to show what happens to the majority of magical girls.

>> No.7719375

>I suspect a (reverse) troll




>> No.7719376


There ARE people that stupid. Look at Random Curiosity.

>> No.7719379

Go fuck yourself.

>> No.7719381

>Look at Random Curiosity
Why would anyone do that

>> No.7719383

The story is a dark Mahou Shoujo. Not like Nanoha at all. Nanoha had some seinen elements in it, but Madoka is a seinen. It takes all the elements of Mahou Shoujo, chucks them in the trash, and completely rewrites the genre. I should note that I have watched a fair amount of anime tagged Horror here on MAL, and not a single one has actually instilled fear in me like Madoka has. This is the only Mahou Shoujo I have come across that actually covers events like suicide, murder, and death in a serious manner and keeps them believable. There is a heavy amount of psychological elements in this anime, too, I should warn. In congruence, I want to laud how the characters mental states and characterization pushes the plot forward unlike many productions. The psychological aspect is so crucial to the story, that without it, the story would be nonexistent.

>> No.7719390
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>The psychological aspect is so crucial to the story, that without it, the story would be nonexistent.

>> No.7719394

One guy posts a copypasta, then reacts to it himself. Other brainwashed idiots follow.


>> No.7719398

To laugh at how a guy spent 5 years building up a respected site with massive traffic and then handed it over to a pedophillic a-tard.

>> No.7719403


Who then hired the biggest newfag ever witnessed on the Internet to seriously review anime.

Best anime blog in the universe, guys.

>> No.7719404


No I'm not.

A hater would pretend to be a fan, acting in the most retarded way possible that there's no way they can't be a troll. People who don't know the art of trolling too well take it seriously, assume all fans are like that, and retaliate by shitting over fans' threads. Mission accomplished.

It's pathetic, but what can you expect from a site that has places like /b/?

>> No.7719408

Who the fuck cares? Get your shit together.

>> No.7719411


Also, you can tell when someone's trolling by the words they use. Like, someone saying "deep and intricated story that no man has ever seen before", no one talks like that.

>> No.7719417


Ixrec and Moogy do. But they're faggots.


I care because something that used to be good is now bad. That's something that everyone should care about.

>> No.7719421

>something that used to be good is now bad

Excuse me? A bunch of autistic kids reviewing anime makes it bad? Jesus christ, you are clearly beyond any help. Please kill yourself.

>> No.7719430

You realize that he's talking about a blog, right? Something defined by its writers and content. The writers and content changed. Stop being such a kneejerk dipshit.

>> No.7719428


No, I meant that RC used to be pretty good. Now it's fucking terrible.

>> No.7719440

Again, if you care about reviewers, people who have their heads so deep inside their asses that their feces loop, you are a fucking retard and you should kill yourself. That or keep being the buttmad autist you are, your call.

>> No.7719445


You seem upset. Did something bad happen?

>> No.7719450

So you choose the latter? Fine by me.

>> No.7719459

I don't think it was every THAT good. Omni always had the same retarded backwards attitude that if he was watching it, it must be good and there was never anything bad to say. Also that things weren't worth blogging unless they got him hits, which is still the attitude at the site. He was quick though and despite what I've heard about him actually being a giant asshole, he always wrote fairly professionally without sounding like a jerkoff fanboy.

>> No.7719462

I have never liked RC. Fucking summaries, summaries everywhere. I prefer blogs like baka raptor, thecartdriver, etc.

>> No.7719468
File: 29 KB, 419x333, what9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>refresh thread from an hour ago
>100 new posts of "hipster", "autism", etc
God damn it guys

>> No.7719470

>Omni always had the same retarded backwards attitude that if he was watching it, it must be good and there was never anything bad to say.

Still better than Aroduc's 'Everything is shit, presentation is all that matters' attitude.

>> No.7719472


Kurogane has one of the best anime blogs I've ever read, despite him being a huge moefaggot.

>> No.7719487

They stopped doing that when they stopped being fast and instead decided to be slow as a shit glacier. They didn't replace it with anything worthwhile though, just the same weekly fanboy bullshitting about how the episode was another masterpiece.

>> No.7719497


And then, when the show is over, spending six paragraphs explaining how it sucks balls.

How credible.

>> No.7719498

At least nobody's praising Miao. Good god, what happened to him? There's the pre-Haruhi era where he was mostly thoughtful and witty, and the post-Haruhi era where it's all Shaft, all Kyoani, and nothing but memes.

>> No.7719506

It's all about the hits. They've actually even said that. They say and do whatever they think appeals to the masses. That's why they started covering Bleach and Naruto.

>> No.7719507


Holy shit, I forgot he existed.

>> No.7719512

Guys, guys, can we stop talking about blogs and get back to talking about how shit Steins;Gate is?

>> No.7719516


What faggots. People like that shouldn't be allowed.

>> No.7719519


Steins;Gate is awesome, fuck you.

>> No.7719522

Overrated as fuck, but decent. Adaptation still sucks massive balls.

>> No.7719529

You sure? I don't think White Fox are doing a bad job at all.

>> No.7719531
File: 14 KB, 341x300, positive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, I'm sure.
I'm HIV Positive

>> No.7719543

Good anime blogging; http://www.baka-raptor.com/2011/02/19/squid-girl-vs-jellyfish-princess-an-objective-analysis/

Terrible anime blogging; http://randomc.net/2011/08/08/baka-to-test-to-shoukanjuu-ni-05/

>> No.7719557

More like godawful site design by a 5 year old and... terrible anime blogging... How can people even write shit like "I have no idea why this episode was awesome, but it was." That's as bad as psgels, but he at least has the defense of being an insane Norwegian. It's a wonder any of them can even work an internet browser.

>> No.7719562

I think the design is supposed to be some kind of maddox ripoff.

>> No.7719571

It's still unbrowsable technicolored shit.

>> No.7719578
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>> No.7719582


This Baka-Raptor guy reminds me of the way Miao used to blog, back when he was relevant.

>> No.7719590

One blog has excellent content with an atrocious layout. The other has atrocious content with an excellent layout.

>> No.7719593

What's Miao's blog? I'm curious.

>> No.7719597


>> No.7719603

umm,this is jp right?

>> No.7719607

Yes, is there a problem?

>> No.7719613

I bet he missed the day when we were distracted into a 50 post discussion about the best breed of dog.

>> No.7719836

This thread looks like /a/ level autistic buttfrustration.

>> No.7720180

Awesome animay discussion bros.

>> No.7720639

Aroduc follows Yahzee's philosophy.
They aren't reviewers, they are critics.
So they criticize.

>> No.7720851

That's fascinating, please tell us more about anime blogs. It's so relevant to this thread and board.

>> No.7723889


>> No.7723929

If I were really autistic I'd say "WHEN YOU BUMP A THREAD TO PAGE 0 WITH THE ONLY INTENTION OF BUMPING YOU SAY 'age' LIKE THE SUPERIOR POSTERS OF 2ch". But yeah. I don't care, but I'd imagine a FEW of the posters here on /jp/ would.

>> No.7723934

damn dude how do you live day to day?

>> No.7723944 [DELETED] 

I don't think I've ever seen a post like that.

>> No.7723945

I would like to try downloading and reading one of these translated erotic visual novels, but this thread is huge, the list of titles is enormous, and I don't know anything about this stuff, so right now I'm overwhelmed.

Where should I start?

>> No.7723951 [DELETED] 

Official /jp/ list of kusoge
1. Muv Luv
2. Cross†Channel
3. Umineko
4. Yume Miru Kusuri
5. Subahibi
6. Fate/Stay Night

Official /jp/ list of kamige
1. Clannad
2. Planetarian
3. Muramasa
4. Baldr Sky
5. Tsukihime
6. Grisaia

>> No.7723963




>> No.7723973
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>> No.7723974

More like your official list of kusoge and kamige to me.

>> No.7723975

Some strange, strange people like to think that.

>> No.7723976


>> No.7723980

But you don't do that.

>> No.7723984


Official /jp/ list of kusoge
1. Muv Luv
2. Cross†Channel
3. Umineko
4. Yume Miru Kusuri
5. Subahibi
6. Fate/Stay Night
7. Clannad
8. Planetarian
9. Muramasa
10. Baldr Sky
11. Tsukihime
12. Grisaia

Official /jp/ list of kamige
1. Muv Luv
2. Cross†Channel
3. Umineko
4. Yume Miru Kusuri
5. Subahibi
6. Fate/Stay Night
7. Clannad
8. Planetarian
9. Muramasa
10. Baldr Sky
11. Tsukihime
12. Grisaia

>> No.7723988

Sounds about right.

>> No.7723991


>My personal shitty list of opinions


>> No.7724276
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>anime blogger

>> No.7726151

I'm assuming Kusoge is bad games and Kamige is good games? Am I correct in this assumption? Yes, I am new here.

>> No.7726176

That had nothing to do with the point at hand.

>> No.7726198

It'd be more accurate to say shit games and godlike games

>> No.7726783
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But it's more thread related than anime bloggers.

>> No.7729162


>> No.7729173

Why the fuck do people make "EPIC" rankings of games they haven't played.

>> No.7729189

>Muv Luv full patch released - Alternative fully translated, ongoing talks with age regarding the possibility of an official release

Do companies consider turning fan translations into official translations often?

>> No.7729721

You must be new here.
Short answer: Yes.

Sligtly more drawn out answer: It depends on the company and whether or not Mangagamer or JAST steps in to mediate. age has never done this in the past, but Mangagamer claims to be negotiating with them over KimiNozo, so it's possible that MuvLuv will come into the discussion too. I don't ever expect to see a commercial MuvLuv release in English, but then again, I never expected to see that happen to Ef either. Gipface's last troll was pretty brilliant...

>> No.7731205

Sup Gipface.
How's that Tenshi no Nichiyoubi going?
