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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7709717 No.7709717 [Reply] [Original]

Holy shit, you see what /jp/ has become? we use to just have a small little group of pure blood /jp/ers that talked about things in a high level manner,even if it had a bit of autism. Now /jp/ is filled with a gaia level userbase,even worse than fucking /v/ and /a/. Im leaving this shit hole, at least there is still /m/, which has a good elite pure blooded user base. /jp/ is totally done for,there is nothing good here left, i came for the user base but now its nothing but gays who love realshit,normalfags,even fucking hipsters who have no idea what /jp/ even is. I just cant understand how this shit happened..I mean its just such a fucking change.

>> No.7709724

It's hundreds of times shittier than 2008, but still, where else am I to go?

>> No.7709725
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>> No.7709728

Why are you still here? We are all waiting for you at /bun/.

>> No.7709731

Just get the fuck out. you faggot.

>> No.7709736

You sound frustrated. Are you the yurishit spammer?

>> No.7709732

qq more faglord

Go look up any thread from 2008 and be amazed at how your nostalgia goggles clouded your judgment.

>> No.7709740

> /jp/ers

>> No.7709741

>even worse than fucking /v/ and /a/.


>> No.7709747

All is lost.

>> No.7709748


>> No.7709749

Sorry but it at least was better than this shit, our userbase is fucking terrible as fuck right now.
Fucking no, im neither, i just looked at that thread and couldn't believe my eyes. actually every thread i see is utter shit Where the fuck did everybody go? where did our go userbase go? or is it that its being covered by all these fucking newfags,or whatever they fucking are.

>> No.7709750

I just can't see all those things you're talking about, give us some examples.

>> No.7709763

Well I've been here since the first day, I don't recall doing anything different from back then.
I just kinda don't like touhou as much as before, so it seems harder to find interesting threads.

>> No.7709764

we ran out of things to talk about
notice how nobody tells people to go back to shrinemaiden in "WHICH TOUHO FUCK" threads

>> No.7709765
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>> No.7709760

>inconsistent capitalization
>complains about quality of posts

>> No.7709772


Don't let the door hit your ass on the way out.

>> No.7709770

Than get the fuck out, you would have to be new as fuck not to see it. Its like we get worse every fucking day, the whole userbase acts like they just came from fucking /b/ or something. /jp/ is no longer what it once was. everybody is a fucking 14 year old.

>> No.7709778

Alright, I'll be honest then: I've been here since a bit after the split and /jp/ has been the absolute worst board on 4chan bar none. There's barely anything to talk about because the only /jp/ related content is the occasional VN or obscure translated game and those are few and far between. All that's left is touhou/type-moon threads which have barely enough new content to breathe a semblance of life into them, so what's left? Trolling, Forced memes, and autism. Miles of it. Because /jp/ has no moderation and its community is too small to drown out the voice of one persistant autist that wants to turn the board into a trainwreck of his personal fetish.

It's been like this for years. I was away for a while and it got worse, sure, but it's always been unbelievably horrible.

Just cause i'm curious, what do you come here for? For me it's just the translation thread.

>> No.7709777
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No but I think it.

>> No.7709782

Ashley, are you implying that those threads aren't quality content?

This meta thread is some quality shit too.

>> No.7709789

My question stands, I mean, yes it's shittier, everything is bound to do so, but not as much as you're stating.
And stop it with the "you're new" excuse, you know that's not true.

>> No.7709790

>Our userbase is fucking terrible as fuck right now.
Yeah, it's got people like you in it.

>> No.7709791
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Go ask them.

>> No.7709788

i woner if whoever transcribed that actually plays a musical instrument and if they would teach me some tips and tricks

>> No.7709792


>> No.7709795

Best place to find people similar to myself.

>> No.7709806
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>> No.7709814
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>> No.7709810

Ugh can't wait for a billion idiots sticking "REIMU FOR NEW SSB" in their sigs in every forum ever when the trailer for it comes out.
Nothing is quality anymore.

>> No.7709811
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I guess this is as good as a thread gets to rant about these complaints.

Firstly, WTH, that fucker is an eyesore, yet no one addresses that shit.
Secondly, those faggots using the word "ironically". It doesn't work that way.
There's also the relatively new trend of replying to kusothreads with "xD funneh" and the likes. Go fuck yourselves.
Lastly, the "2011, I seriously hope you don't do..." Fuck off, that shit doesn't belong here.

I swear I spend more time reporting and telling posters to fuck off than actually browse the board and post on-topic posts.

>> No.7709813

I used to come here for the decent elite userbase that was underground and didn't have any morals or act like normals. There were no real shit dick/whatever threads,also its like people act like they are fucking normals and hipsters. Did nobody notice this? the only way i can explain it is this board acted more elite and such,now its spammed with /a/ and /v/ threads and everybody acts like them. Most people dont even tell people to leave,they just go along with it like they actually like it.

>> No.7709823

Boy, why are you even here?
I come here for the drawing threads, Ar Tonelico, Recent eroge/VNs, translations progress, Comiket and such. There used to be a time where you could see new Touhou stuff, now it's all the same. But that's not /jp/'s fault.

>> No.7709818
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that place seems nice, i think i could make some friends there

>> No.7709820

wtH is funny. If you get upset over those little things you really must be unironically autistic.

>> No.7709826

> Most people dont even tell people to leave
You can't be serious. Every other thread has some shitdick pointing posters to another board.

>> No.7709824

True that. And yet we come back here all the fucking time to read more shitposting.

>> No.7709825

>I swear I spend more time reporting and telling posters to fuck off than actually browse the board and post on-topic posts.
The mods don't even look at your reports. You're just wasting your time. Also, you are literally autistic.

>> No.7709832

>unironically autistic
here's a case in point.

another example.

>> No.7709827

Fucking all of this, its like nobody fucking cares or is not from /jp/, you still at least have the /jp/ spirit, there are only so many of you left.
Get the fuck out.

>> No.7709828

This. I sit here all day long. /jp/ is my what fills my social needs. It's not nice when people just shit all over the board.

>> No.7709837

yeah,one guy. it use to be fucking everybody on /jp/ at once, and it was get out of /jp/.

>> No.7709833

Don't be hating on wtH-kun. He's okay.

Yeah, you're right

>> No.7709835

/jp/ has always been pretty shitty. Why do people always pretend like it's 'now' gotten to some theoretical shitty high that it has never been at before?

>> No.7709836
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thats what you get for wanting to be japanese, yet pulling out instead of cumming in your 20lbs of pussy and ass

>> No.7709845


>> No.7709846

There's varying degree of shittiness. I am, and I believe the others complaining on here are saying that it's gotten even worse.

>> No.7709847

(This is all assuming you are OP)
You know, it the elite's duty to do something about it, not just run away.
Noblesse Oblige or something.
I stay my ground, yet most of the regulars I had the chance to know are now gone for the same reason you're leaving.
(This is all assuming you are OP)

>> No.7709843

The longest I stay here the more I both hate it but wish for a similar place, preferably away from 4chan, with some of the non-shitposters as the population. I know no one here is a fan of forums, but sometimes a random video game thread or some similar off topic thread pops up here that is informative or just has good discussion going on. It'd be nice to post about things a lot of people here have an interest in despite it being "not /jp/" and without reaction images etc etc.

>> No.7709844

i've been on /jp/ since fucking december 2010 and even i can tell that the quality has regressed

>> No.7709852

I could swear I ctrl+x'd the last part, fuck.

>> No.7709849

What the FUCK. It's like I'm watching /v/ slowly go to shit again. Is this how far we've fallen? We encourage shit like this now because it's "funny"? Fuck that and fuck the whole lot of you.

>> No.7709854

Perhaps C80 will bring the quality up.

>> No.7709855

You again.
I thought you were banned for posting spam, fucking useless mod.

Well reported anyway.

>> No.7709856

It's funny because the OP is the guy who's always making /m/ threads here.

>> No.7709858

you mis-quoted >>7709827

>> No.7709864

Even Kimmo's bots are funnier than wtH.

>> No.7709865

I feel like /jp/ has always been about this shitty. Sure you have posters like WTH, but I just filter and forget. There have always been posters like that. The number of saten spam and all other types of spam threads /jp/ used to have was ridiculous.

Just stick in the threads you like, that's what I do.

>> No.7709860


>> No.7709868

My bad, shit tends to happen when your mad and sleep deprived.

>> No.7709869

Get out of /jp/, this is not your /v/ version 2. All these fucking /v/ posters are the problem. Also /jp/ has hit a new fucking low, it really does seem like all the real /jp/ers just got up and left and got replaced with the new userbase and lurkers.

>> No.7709873

> Kimmo

>> No.7709874

His sheer dedication to his persona blows my mind in the same way that Cudder used to. In much the same way, I can't tell if he is in all seriousness autistic or simply a god-tier troll.
Well, I've stuck around for the trolling.

>> No.7709876

it will lead to the increase in the number of good posts along with the increase in the number of shitposts as well.

>> No.7709877

I'm not the same guy. I just posted that to piss you off.

Do you honestly believe you're in a bright position to call other people shitposters?

>> No.7709880

>getting mad on the internet
You REALLY don't belong here.

>> No.7709884


>> No.7709885

Sure is autism in here

>> No.7709882

This. Any form of moderation that allows wth to exist on this board is neither fit for moderation he isn't fit for autism.

>> No.7709883

That might be the case, though I can assure you, I've always been here.
Also, /jp/ is famous for being shitty on any other board, why would new people come here?

>> No.7709891

Shut up nerd.

>> No.7709892

Why would you piss off someone, are you a bad person?

>> No.7709886

God damn, you fucker, leave this place right now. I bet you don't even see why I'm telling you off eh.

>> No.7709887
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>"Everyone on /jp/ is a shitposter except me!"
>"Stfu fag you're the reason why /jp/ is terrible in the first place!"
>"no u"

Rinse and repeat.

>> No.7709888

I guess we could go to Tohno-chan or something

>> No.7709896

and greentexting.

People just don't try to follow /jp/'s customs anymore.

>> No.7709897

Holy shit, and you people are complaining about this place.

>> No.7709898

No, the posters are most likely here from this summer, /jp/ in fact has gotten 10x faster also,which means new posters from other boards. which means that /jp/ has in fact gotten shitty as fuck. If you cant see just how bad the posters are,i dont know what to tell you. Once you see /jp/ in the winter on days where all the normals and shit posters go to work or school,the REAL /jp/ers will be left.

>> No.7709899

Stop that.

Somewhat? That guy just needs to calm down is all.

>> No.7709900

By the way OP writes, it's pretty clear he's one of those idiots.

>> No.7709893

I despite wtH, but I think given the option, I'd take him over you.

>> No.7709904


It's late.

>> No.7709901

Everyone here is an a completely unironic version of the protagonist from Chaos;Head.

>> No.7709902

Fuck no

>> No.7709903

This thread is an eyesore.

>> No.7709907

You're only proving his point. Don't even bother replying.

That thread gave me cancer.

>> No.7709909

For you.

Close the curtain.

>> No.7709910

Its better than half the shit on the front page, at least some people actually see the shittyness. I thought everybody really did leave.

>> No.7709905

I think some people just forget how it is outside of /jp/.

>> No.7709906
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/jp/ most definitely has not gotten 10 times faster.

>> No.7709914

The fact that you even remember who Kimmo is proves this thread is full of outsiders who are claiming /jp/ as their own. Fuck off.

>> No.7709916

Back to /b/

>> No.7709917

This is what you get for not being aggressive enough. New lurkers that actually like the board will stick around and assimilate, no matter how rude you are to them.

>> No.7709912

/jp/ has not gotten faster, if anything it feels slower than it used to.

>> No.7709913

Everyone desperately blames summer, but the truth is that /jp/ is a bad community and the people are what makes it bad.

>> No.7709920

Meta threads shit up the board by complaining about the shit that's already there. It's like fighting shit with shit. All it does in the end is create a big shitpile.

>> No.7709919

As sad as it may be, I must agree with OP. There is so much shit if it wasnt for the VNs I would have stop going here. and yeah its worse than /a/. Seriously. If I was the meido I would delete every single thread right now.

>> No.7709924

This is why people like OP need to stop complaining and do something about it, not leave.

>> No.7709926

Slower? Summer sure feels nice huh?

>> No.7709921

Not remembering Kimmo makes him a newfriend? Nice logic there, kid.

>> No.7709922

You remember him too, get out of /jp/ shitposter.

>> No.7709928

/jp/ is definitely slower than it used to be. Threads tend to last more than 24 hours. They used to last between 10 to 20 hours around a year ago.

>> No.7709931

Even the Ar Tonelico thread? Fuck you

>> No.7709932

>I don't like what other person posted on MY secret elite board
>Quickly! I must create a thread about this and tell everyone how frustrated I am.
Well OP, seems like at least you know what being quality /jp/ poster is really about.

>> No.7709929

This is the weirdest hysterical statement I've ever heard. Can you explain how being here before since they instituted captcha makes someone a newfag?

>> No.7709930

Cool board redirect hombre. Why don't you fuck off instead? Or both of you, I don't care.

>> No.7709935

It really was once good, at least better than now, it had a lot of older people also,now its a bunch of kids who just got here.
This,/jp/ was once aggressive enough to kick everybody out,but for some reason everybody stopped. What happened?
To bad its filled with nothing but /a/ and /v/ now.

>> No.7709936

however shitty this thread is, it is necessary in my opinion. Something really needs to be done, or we're never recovering in the slightest; again IMO.

>> No.7709943

I try to do this, but one can't always be around.

>> No.7709945

Requesting thread ban

>> No.7709946

How can you recover when you're next door to every other board on 4chan?

>> No.7709947

Ok sorry, excluding, Ar Tonelico, /jp/ radio and kigurumi.

>> No.7709948

/jp/ was A LOT slower than this, if you dont notice it, your new as shit. I miss slow /jp/...

>> No.7709950

Can we take this to easymodo in any case? Please

>> No.7709957
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OP confirmed for newfriend.

>> No.7709958

I wish i could agree, but your first two statements make no sense. /jp/ has always had terrible moderation, although a while ago I think there was a mod for a brief period when we were making all those meido comics.

Also it's really impossible to back up that first statement. From my angle, it looks like a bunch of NEET autists rather than younger people who might have a chance to go outside. /jp/ seems more insular and self-hating than ever, rather than having an influx of topics that new users would be interested in. Sure there are vn reccomendation threads, but those have always been here.

>> No.7709959

I don't know. Isn't that what we should be trying to figure out? I guess as that anon pointed out, being less forgiving the people migrating from other board would help. Maybe we might even tell wtH off.

>> No.7709960

Look around you. People are still being aggressive, but nobody ends up leaving. I think a lot of posters have either given up at this point or assume that telling the trolls and shitposters to fuck off is only encouraging them.

I respect your opinion, good sir, but I still have to disagree. The reason for that is that this thread is less of a discussion about what can be done to stop shitposting, and more of a shitstorm of shitposters calling each other shitposters to make themselves look less shitty.

>> No.7709954

I love how people do nothing but complain about /jp/ = /a/+/v/.

>> No.7709968

I agree, but still, you MUST remember the countless times we've been "Oh fuck /jp/ is going shit and dying, we must do something about it", and nothing worked, /bun/ was created, some other shit happened, and here we are again.
Also, you just can't teach some shitposter to behave by telling him to get the fuck out, you need to be an example. But as naive as that is, it used to work at some point.

>> No.7709962

We actually have a reason, go back to wherever you came from.

>> No.7709963

Can you get out of this thread already? It's obvious "your" one of the people who are part of this problem.

>> No.7709969

I was literally posting here from day one. And I mean in comparison to a year or two ago, not to when the board was made.

>> No.7709975

>this thread is less of a discussion about what can be done to stop shitposting, and more of a shitstorm of shitposters calling each other shitposters to make themselves look less shitty.

Well, that about sums up /jp/.

>> No.7709970

Thank God I'm not the only one who remembers. I remember me and Croatia making Yuka threads every season change and I would come back a week later and it would still be there with people making great posts.

>> No.7709978

And that reason is? This happens every summer, stop whining and move along.

>> No.7709981
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>> No.7709987

I don't really care that /jp/ is shitty as fuck right now, and that it's probably going to get more and more uniformized with the rest of 4chan as time goes on. What really worries me is that this time I have no Plan B, no other place to go to except for boards that get 1-5 posts a day.

>> No.7709983

I remember that touhou music thread that lasted a week

>> No.7709984

Okay? Week long threads aren't exactly a big deal these days.

>> No.7709985
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>> No.7709988

Complaining about 'summer' is such bullshit anyway.

All the kids are on vacation with their mommies and daddies or are out swimming and doing alpha stuff to be busy with ruining your precious board.

Winter is when they're inside all day. THAT is when they will shitpost here.

>> No.7709989

At least,where half you people even here for this?

>> No.7709990

Wow man that was ages ago. You can't expect us to have seen it.

>> No.7709993
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>> No.7709996

I was just wondering how many people are really that fucking new.

>> No.7709994


Fuck off with that already. Anyone who DIDN'T arrive here this summer knows that /jp/ is always shitty. It wasn't much better here in the winter, and the rate of shitposting is always increasing, regardless of the time of year.

>> No.7710002

I remember it. Not that old, was it?

>> No.7710004

He was being sarcastic, I'm sure.

>> No.7710014

/jp/ has these threads from time to time and people come up with what could be done to stop the increase of shitposting, but once the thread gets deleted by a mod/janitor, it's like people just forget about it and go on.

If you really care about the quality of /jp/, IMO, you should keep up with the breaking in of the new posters.

>> No.7710009

Oh god I had forgotten about this. Thanks for the memories.

>> No.7710010
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>> No.7710012

I miss original Meido

>> No.7710020

Actually, I think the problem here is on your side.

>> No.7710016
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>> No.7710017

Yeah, I miss 15 pages being deleted and then having the board be raided for half the day because of it.

>> No.7710024

If you're still thinking about Kimmo Alm, it means that you have some connection with ED or other /b/ invasion shit. Same thing with Christian Chandler, Jessie Slaughter, etc. Nobody would be thinking about these idiots unless they were mentioned somewhere, and why would anyone be talking about them on Otaku Culture? Oh, right. Because you're from fucking /b/.

Get out of /jp/.

>> No.7710024,1 [INTERNAL] 

I wonder where all these imaginary new posters you guys talk about are at.

>> No.7710027

Dude, you're a fag. Stop.

>> No.7710029
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>> No.7710036


>> No.7710034

Better than new Meido at least

>> No.7710040

I'm afraid you'd have to be as crazy as AoC to believe that.

>> No.7710041

/jp/ was never good.

>> No.7710049

Oh, so you don't remember the two days straight where half the replies on /jp/ were from spambots? Or the months and months before that when the board was infused with nonstop anontalk spam?

You're joking. You must be joking. In fact, YOU remember it. You're talking about it RIGHT NOW.

How can anyone on /jp/ be this frustrated?

>> No.7710045

/jp/ declining in quality metathreads count as a meme by now, right?


>> No.7710050

I loved that you piece of shit, the old meido kept all the newfags fucking away, she did it because she knew what would happen, look,look around /jp/,look at the posters. without meido keeping shit in line it turned into /a//v/ mark 2.

>> No.7710052

I liked how all drawfriends would make actually good threads around drawing Meido and stuff.

>> No.7710054

15 pages of shitty off topic threads.
Yes, how could he remember someone who spammed the entire site with his bots for an entire year he's obviously from /b/ and so are you since you know the names of whoever those people you mentioned are.
The problem is that new kiddies believe "trolling" is fun and don't care about the quality of their posts, nothing can be done, I'd rather address the stagnant repetitive uninteresting threads we have every day.

>> No.7710055

You're confusing cause and effect.

>> No.7710066

Its because of our new shit userbase that just came off the plate this whole year from /v/. It all started with the manga gamer shit threads back in the winter. They dont even fucking care how shitty they post or how they act,some even fucking call others out with moral shit,like they were normals.

>> No.7710067

Who the fuck is Jessie Slaughter? Sounds like YOU are the one who shouldn't be here.

>> No.7710071

Where the fuck is Jones anyway?

>> No.7710074

Don't worry, old Jewnes just posted a few hours ago.

>> No.7710073

>They're spamming Saten in binary now
Every time.

>> No.7710077

I can say the only thing that prevented me of being the typical newfriend/kid/shitposter today were the etilism and aggressivenes that I saw as soon I decided to visit this board, and made me lurk for a whole year before posting. It's a pity not everybody can do the same.

>> No.7710078

Way to miss the point I was making you morons. It's not that anybody remembers it, it's that anybody cares about it ENOUGH to remember. Isn't it a fine coincidence that the worst threads always mention 4chan drama bullshit like Kimmo or CWC?

Fuck, you're all idiots. I can't believe I'm in /jp/ right now. This thread is awful, and the worst part is, none of you are even reporting it.

>> No.7710081

Someone make a stupid /jp/ forum with dedicated subforums for tea, gust games, etc.

Forced animated gif avatars and sigs.

>> No.7710082

You are literally insane.

>> No.7710088

Well done.

I always thought this was really educative.

>> No.7710089

Even if a good replacement happened it'd die due to the lack of dynamic 4chan has.

>> No.7710086

Just go away already.

>> No.7710104

>It's not that anybody remembers it, it's that anybody cares about it ENOUGH to remember.

You are too frustrated to make sense. When has anyone ever mentioned CWC or Kimmo on /jp/? I certainly can't remember.

All of this 4chan drama came from you, and you alone, in response to someone comparing the shitposter wth to kimmo's bots. Take it easy, anon. Walk off the frustration.

>> No.7710105

I think we should just take it easy.

>> No.7710109

I don't know, that thread yesterday about the guy and his plummer was one of the most hilarious things I've recently read.

If you think about it, compared to ten years ago, nearly everything is better. On any board about discussing any topic there will be people who infuriate you and who dislike your subset of what is appreciated.

Try to make good threads, talk about what you like, and ignore anyone else. And if you continue to not have the kinds of threads you like, look elsewhere. Or learn to enjoy trolling.

>> No.7710116

> ignore anyone else
You're asking far too much of the people around here.

>> No.7710118

We cant anymore,not with the new rageful userbase. I just cant take it easy seeing people talking about wanting to suck off real men or having sex with real women and other normalfag shit,like there from some hipster board like /soc/.

>> No.7710120

I wonder how many people still knows the meaning of this line.

>> No.7710135

I won't comment on whether /jp/ is shittier or not, but you must be new if you don't think that /jp/ hasn't changed quite drastically since the early days.

- Reaction images
- Green text stories
- MS-paint faces/sadfrog
- Way too many people not knowing what sage is
- Slew of /b/ memes in general (- "x-fag" "Jelly" "U MAD")
- Decline in average grammar/spelling

None of these things existed in the beginning.

Also, most noticeably, the turnover rate of threads has gone up drastically. Page 0 was more or less the same threads for days.

>> No.7710128

It would die because of the low population, but I don't know what kind of 'dynamic' /jp/ has now. I guess there's new reaction images hourly so that keeps things fresh.

>> No.7710131
File: 26 KB, 267x410, face it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go to hell. I'm going to post in this thread until it hits bumplimit, because it ain't going away otherwise.

>When has anyone ever mentioned CWC or Kimmo on /jp/?

Oh, come the fuck on.

>> No.7710134

I like trolling. But it must be of good quality. /b/-level nuclear bomb picture trolling just bores me.

>> No.7710143

People can't be THAT new

>> No.7710148

Yeah, we never used reaction images before.


>> No.7710159

>None of these things existed in the beginning.

>Reaction images
>Green text stories
>Way too many people not knowing what sage is

I can't tell if you're blind, trolling, or being sarcastic.

>> No.7710160

Ransmirk was well past the starting point of shitty times in /jp/

>> No.7710161

The first time I visited /jp/ there was a sticky from a mod saying that /jp/ was not a place for copypasta stories in which your sister caught you masturbating.

Just saying.

>> No.7710154

These guys are right and it annoys me that many dont even see it or notice it. It goes to show that there really are no real /jp/ers left and it will never go back..

>> No.7710168

Ah ransmirk, good times (?)

>> No.7710171

You realize you just quoted yourself, right?

>> No.7710179

Remember the Doyouremmberlove threads.... One lasted for like 2 days and we talked about good macross shit all night.

>> No.7710172

ransmirk was also before /jp/'s time.

>> No.7710185

The suck a dick thing REALLY annoys me,that's for sure. I couldn't believe it at first.

>> No.7710199

Haha, wouldn't that be one of the /a/ things you're complaining about in the OP?

Not that it matters to you obviously, since you're the one who always makes those threads.

>> No.7710193

I forgot about Ransmirk, but I guess I meant anime reaction images. At least Ransmirk was touhou, nowadays anime reaction images that have nothing to do with /jp/ are everywhere.

>> No.7710207

Just shut up already, jesus.

>> No.7710210

Sounds like every other image board on the planet. You'll get over it.

>> No.7710216

Stop complaining about /a/ images.

Every /jp/er also watches anime. If you don't, you don't belong here.

>> No.7710211

See OP, now people stated making troll threads to annoy you.
Now, I we had old Meido that wouldn't be a problem.

>> No.7710212

I just dont know where those people even came from, they were also saying it was always around and said "oh well /jp/ always wanted to be the little girl" like they didn't even get what being the little girl was about.

>> No.7710225

/jp/ always liked macross and old shows. Nobody ever complained about that spammer or i think,many spammers.

>> No.7710231

In the old days, everyone knew that a decent chunk of /jp/ watched anime due to most of the population being old /a/. But the golden rule was that you went to /a/ for anime and never discussed it on /jp/. This is another thing that's being totally ignored nowadays.

>> No.7710238

You're terribly wrong, /jp/ only care about VNs and Touhou.

>> No.7710244

Saten spam started a really long time ago. It was always a rule, but like all rules on /jp/, it was always ignored completely.

>> No.7710249

Do you guys think its the idol guys spamming the dicks and making 3dp threads? I mean they stay in their own threads like they are in their own little world,but you never know...

>> No.7710246

And then when we have people like this guy who thinks /jp/ is some sort of hivemind.

>> No.7710257

Saten spam did not start a "long time ago," Railgun wasn't even airing when /jp/ started.

>> No.7710254

Over 200 replies?

That's pathetic even for /jp/.

>> No.7710256

I'm also of the consensus that the old /jp/er's have either left or become lurkers first most.

The reality is as it has always been, meta threads don't lead to anything that productive on /jp/.

Now consider this when you have what elements making /jp/ are sitting at the table here.

Half of these people should of/would of been banished in old times or slapped if they even opened their mouth, they now through autistic friendcircling have perversed the system and compromised the community.

So what can we do. I'm not sure, it can't be a simple solution, and it certainly doesn't revolve around one sided moderation/janitor approaches. This will only enrage the ones directly being targeted and the shit posters too.

I'm of the belief that the /jp/ community has devolved into a very terrible thing, something completely different than what was around in those first two years. And to be honest, the ones who held the fort and were allowed to be flooded by the worst with no lead from the top have no intention of working over the the scum tier minds of actual in real life autists who plague this board and the never ending /bun/ shitposting presence.

When it became a community of people I wanted nothing to do with it became very easy to walk away. I hope some of my old bros have found more sophisticated websites and mature fan collectives to discuss their interests. Because, considering 4chan in 2011 and the state anonymity as a whole featured on this site. There is not much integrity left to stand up for, it is returning back to the more structured days. Well, not 2ch of course, but that's a whole nother thing entirely.

>> No.7710274

> Itachi !.Uchiha/Jo
Get the fuck out.

>> No.7710278

How many years ago was that though? At least two right?

/jp/ is what, four or five years old, isn't it? In the lifetime of the board I'd consider that pretty old.

>> No.7710279

/bun/ is a bad guy now? I mean, yes, it's boring, but that's it.

>> No.7710289

February 2008 for /jp/
Late 2009 for Railgun

>> No.7710308

You don't know shit about how the /bun/ crew works then.

>> No.7710302

Who the fuck are you to sat that? Looking at your trip, it seems like the appropriate time to tell you to get the fuck out of /jp/.

>> No.7710316

I think we need to be more proactive with our reporting. I mean yeah, everyone reports the major shit threads, but it seems like everyone just ignores the bigger problem: shit threads that the janitor ignores. If idol threads and MMO threads get enough reports then they might get off their asses and do something about it.

Probably not, but we've got nothing to lose

>> No.7710320

/jp/ has always had threads about its ne level of shittyness, get the fuck out.

>> No.7710322

The threads are not actually them

>> No.7710328

It's funny because you think you're a good poster, or that 4chan has ever had quality discussion. What's wrong, TM powerlevel threads aren't as common as you want them to be anymore?

>> No.7710332

>delete penis thread
>leave this shit

>> No.7710334

I'm going to start reporting people who feel the need to constantly police the content of the board.

>> No.7710334,1 [INTERNAL] 

Not here, apparently. Says something.

>> No.7710342

Why do i feel like nobody even reports any more? Why do i feel all of the /jp/ i once knew changed?
how about you fucking leave,>>7710334
you too. /jp/ has always talked like this.

>> No.7710344

/jp/ isn't going to go back to the way it does. Communities never work like that. They only go one way, gravity is an absolute force.

>> No.7710349

Oh hi, idolfag.

I'm sure you'd be okay with the janitor leaving the /b/ threads all over the place too then. There's no point in different imageboards having different subjects.

>> No.7710354

to the way it was*

>> No.7710361

Reporting idol threads 3+ years into /jp/ is probably as autistic as one could get. And we don't even need to bring up their reputation and impact on the board as the whole.

The hotglue shit definitely has had unexpected perverse effects on /jp/ but only because it really was about an outside collective muscling in on /jp/.

>or that 4chan has ever had quality discussion. What's wrong, TM powerlevel threads aren't as common as you want them to be anymore?
So you think /jp/ hasn't had quality discussions over its history at all? I've never participated in powerlevel threads.

>> No.7710362

I'm well aware, but I'm still going to report shit threads, even if I'm doing it alone.

>> No.7710362,1 [INTERNAL] 

So, do we pull the butfrustrated macros out of the cellars to reinforce the quality of /jp/ or what?

>> No.7710364

TM lore threads are fun and alright, the power level shit is /a/ though.

>> No.7710366

No one reports? Do you even browse here?

>> No.7710369

Reputation? Everyone that isn't in their shitposting clique fucking hates them. Their impact is shitposting. Just because they have connections with the janitors/mods/what the fuck ever doesn't mean that they aren't the biggest shitposters on /jp/ currently.

And you think that shitposting is okay as long as they've been shitposting for a long time? What?

>> No.7710379

I applaud your efforts.

>> No.7710379,1 [INTERNAL] 

I can't be the only one who finds the OP far more annoying than any of the people he's ragging on, right?

>> No.7710386

That's ok, I guess.

But I hope you aren't one of those people that announces that you "reported" the thread/post with a one word post. Otherwise, I guess there's no harm.

>> No.7710400

That's a horrible analogy. You can do something about having too much mass, but can hardly do anything about simple change, much less so when talking about fragmented stuff where parts changed in the same manner individually.

This isn't /jp/'s problem, though. The odlfags are still there, stoic like stone, it's just that the stone got shat on and we also need some bomb or something to get more shitasteroids from he collision path, rest of that shit that got already splattered on us is biological, so it's going to become stardust given enough time. The bombing used to be janitor's work and they still do it most of the time.

I think it's going to be alright if everyone who is /jp/ does his best to be /jp/ enough.

>> No.7710403

No, I don't. It's a waste of time and another form of shitposting to boot.

>> No.7710414

reporting threads is meaningless now

If you browse /jp/ from the catalog, you know it's so slow that an active janitor would be able to check all the freaking threads in /jp/ for offtopic shit.

>> No.7710408

Haha, two very different sides of the same autistic coin.

I know both of you faggots have caused more trouble on /jp/ then a whole crowds worth.

And for anyone that didn't realize, stating you are reporting someone for a violation is fundamentally sound. In fact, in some corners of the 4chan moderation team sweeps and bans are formulated on these simplistic yet effective flagging codes alone.

>> No.7710411
File: 67 KB, 500x388, reportqueue.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've already reported this thread a dozen times with my neighbors' internet.

Mods don't care about report queue.

>> No.7710411,1 [INTERNAL] 

Well, he is right about change, but undermines his feet by creating a thread about it, proving to be new. I am really more mad about the constanzas on the frontpage.

>> No.7710420

Might as well call /jp/ - /v/ MK2.
You know how everyone call /jp/ shit, yet kiddies from /v/ and /a/ always come to /jp/, "/a/ and /v/ suck, let me make a /v/ & /a/ threads here guys.
Just look at those MMO, JRPG and fotm animu shit here.

>> No.7710430

I'm with you.

>should of/would of
I believe you're talking out of your ass right now. If you have been here as long as you've claimed to be, someone would have corrected you.

fuck off

You were trolled if you actually believe that people from /bun/ make those threads. The one(s) making the threads just want to start shit up, and troll people like you into thinking that way.
As a regular /bun/ and /jp/ poster, I prefer how an average poster behaves in /bun/ compared to how an average /jp/ poster behaves.

>> No.7710429

I have a plan.
I think if everybody stops making threads,/jp/ will became boring,therefore all the newfags,kids,etc will leave sooner or later. /jp/ has become to fast and fun,less aggressive,and less caring of 3d,normalways of thinking,etc,which attracts retards.

>> No.7710437


>> No.7710435

Are you done yet?

>> No.7710437,1 [INTERNAL] 

You're not alone, if that makes you feel better.

I feel free to metadiscuss the board to death, but I always get worried about making it seem as a closed, racial purity only club. It's childish at best.

Not really even skimming through this, just wanted to show you my support.

Abuse the report system by filling it with noise, to a point where mods can't tell what is really disturbing the board and what is just one bored moron with a vendetta towards a topic he personally doesn't like. And then wonder why they ignore it.

Idiots. Although nothing compared to before they put the captcha in the reports. Goddamn it anyway.

>> No.7710461

Done doing what?
Dont you have a TERA thread to go back there complaining about how the pantsu is censored?

>> No.7710456

I don't really complain about /jp/ much anymore. I take a look at page 0 and decide whether I'm going to spend most of my day on 2ch instead or not.

If you've been on since the beginning, and all of those "I'm learning Japanese" threads were true, you guys should be good enough by now to make the move as well.

>> No.7710457

What we really need right now is someone spamming for 3 days straight that Yukkuri image with the most fundamental rule of /jp/ - TAKE IT EASY.

>> No.7710463

As a matter of fact I do.

>> No.7710464

Remember the fucking year long rika threads? that just shows you how fast /jp/ has become.

>> No.7710473

That never happened, and we have a 2 month Rika thread around right now.

>> No.7710475

I'm learning it now just because this and eroge.
Is 2ch really worth it?

>> No.7710480

It hasn't, statistically. That's just cause he stopped posting. It was, like wth and cudder, just the case of one autist with a soul and brain of iron.

>> No.7710482

There never was a year-long Rika thread. The longest-lived Rika thread is actually the current one.

>> No.7710490

I swear i remember them being a lot fucking longer, like months or close to a year.

>> No.7710491
File: 7 KB, 150x132, chill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh HELL?! a meta thread? good read. xD
luckily this janitor doesn't delete my posts, he must like me or something

>> No.7710501

I remember when we had a 40 day or so Flyable Heart thread because Cudder kept deleting his own posts to bump it before he knew about the archive.

>> No.7710502

There's more than one person posting in them.

Then your memory is deceiving you.

>> No.7710505

Filter out "Korea"(韓国) and (韓流) and 2ch is pretty nice. Or just stay out of VIP, ニュー速/+, etc.. The anime, VN, manga, etc... boards are very pure and they have very low tolerance for non-board/thread related posting. Trolling exists, but at least they're all related to the board.

>> No.7710506

That is because he would remake them instantly. He was always there, always watching, ready with the dedication to extend those threads as if he was, in some small way, extending his own life, his own love for Rika, off into infinity, no matter how futile it was.

Rikafag, I hope you're still out there. We all hope you're still shining out there, for us.

>> No.7710511

Maybe he realizes that you can take it easy unlike half the guys in this thread.

>> No.7710519
File: 375 KB, 600x390, 32c1287bc535766137564d9bcc05bc70.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He must, your the only good tripfag on this entire website besides BOOF and Gendo.

>> No.7710524

>good tripfag on this entire website besides BOOF

>> No.7710525

How different is it from 4chan? And I assume your world filter is because korea racism is hysterical at the moment.

>> No.7710527
File: 4 KB, 210x229, hands_on_cheecks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7710529

No its because wtH is just not worth wasting his time on, also true /jp/ers complain because they understand and see just how bad /jp/ has been getting for this whole year, since meido got fried.

>> No.7710530
File: 10 KB, 150x132, 1312769296368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When everyboy is wtH, nobody is.

>> No.7710539

you guys disgust me.

>> No.7710544
File: 28 KB, 360x400, Becausewheneveryone______noonedoes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7710554

This motivates me. Thanks.

>> No.7710546

>true /jp/ers complain
Holy shit you are so terrible.

>> No.7710548
File: 16 KB, 423x340, dawn_mad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7710560

What do you want to achieve by constantly shitposting on /jp/? What must I or the /jp/ community do to get you to stop? Why do you insist on shitting up this place that already has its other slew of shitposters to deal with? Just why?

>> No.7710561


get out.

>> No.7710571
File: 784 KB, 700x990, 1283976411291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I disgust myself sometimes

>> No.7710579
File: 331 KB, 875x639, 1267823995476.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7710580

If he's not with you, he's your enemy. Never lose faith.

>> No.7710584

There are much worse shitposters here than wtH. I think those tripcode using femanons might be a better place to start.

>> No.7710588


>> No.7710592
File: 50 KB, 420x420, fuck_this_thread_OUT_OF_HERE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol that's the only post not made by me =/

i guess, i'm going to HELL but only for the night

>> No.7710599

And the yurihater,the the 3dgaydick lovers,the pussy thread,etc.

>> No.7710602

Are you hallucinating?

>> No.7710607

Are you sure you don't want to suck a dick, bro? I think you're just repressing your natural desires.

>> No.7710608

And the yoaifucks.

>> No.7710608,1 [INTERNAL] 

Why /jp/ gets so shitty at night?.

>> No.7710608,2 [INTERNAL] 

The reason, I believe, has to do with how the other boards become better.

>> No.7710608,3 [INTERNAL] 

Wait, what?

>> No.7710608,4 [INTERNAL] 

best time for /jp/ is around 7am~12pm GMT0, IMO, when trolls and shitposters from Americas (I'm not calling all Americans shitposters/trolls here) are asleep.

>> No.7710608,5 [INTERNAL] 

Because we're bored, bitter people with nothing to do. A joyless existence filled with minutiae and blaming everyone but ourselves.

You know, the usual.

>> No.7710608,6 [INTERNAL] 

This is obviously a mere copypasta by one of the /a/ers.

>> No.7710608,7 [INTERNAL] 

Wow, they finally deleted it.

>> No.7710608,8 [INTERNAL] 

probably someone faggot who thought it was funny to copy paste this OP and replace /jp/ to /a/.

>> No.7710608,9 [INTERNAL] 

No its not, they just copied my post for some fucking reason.

>> No.7710608,10 [INTERNAL] 

It also shows that /a/ and /v/ really are the one fucking us up.

>> No.7710608,11 [INTERNAL] 

It's hilarious how deluded you are.

>> No.7710608,12 [INTERNAL] 

That's why it's already a copypasta, no?

>> No.7710608,13 [INTERNAL] 

And yet they continue to bring /a/ and /v/ contents here, no? I mean if /jp/ is so shitty, why dont they stay in /a/ or /v/?

>> No.7710608,14 [INTERNAL] 

So glad I'm sleeping when /jp/ is this awful.

>> No.7710608,15 [INTERNAL] 

/jp/ is the garbage can where you only go to shitpost. That's what it was created for in the first place.

>> No.7710608,16 [INTERNAL] 

tsun tsun
