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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7707782 No.7707782 [Reply] [Original]

When was the last time you cried? What made you cry, /jp/?

>> No.7707785

This morning.

Too sleepy, opening eyes resulted in stream of tears.

>> No.7707787

right now
this shitty thread

>> No.7707790

if shitty threads made you cry, you'd be dehydrated by now.

>> No.7707795

When I chipped my one of my fake nails this morning they were so cute too they had flower designs all over them.

>> No.7707800

Damn, bro, I know your pain.

>> No.7707817

Daikichi is cute

>> No.7707842

A /tg/ writefag made me shed manly tears, yesterday.

>> No.7707889

Did he ram it in like an ogre?

>> No.7707903

I'm always crying, I've just ran out of tears for the moment.

>> No.7707911


>> No.7707913
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No, he was like a Grey Knight.

>> No.7707926


>> No.7707934

He drew a protection circle with the blood of the innocent little girls he deflowered and then gutted them to wear their entrails on his armor so that he'd be guarded against demons?

>> No.7707935

Delicious, isn't it?

>> No.7707956


I wish a cute, saintly little girl would stab her abdomen and present her own intestines to me, out of her devotion to the Emperor and trust in me that I will put her guts to good use by utilizing them to purge the blasphemous warp-spawn, allowing her to aid me even after her death.


>> No.7707980
File: 62 KB, 325x277, i mever loved you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get your shit together, it's not like anyone can die from getting their abdomens stabbed. It would only ensure their immortality.

>> No.7707986

I feel bad about wanting to have sexual relations with Rin, she is six years old and it seems like she would break. But she should have thought about that before she decided to be so erotic.

>> No.7708008


Yesterday. Everything in my life suddenly caught up to me at once. Again.

I'm fine now though! It will probably be another month of complete failures before that happens again. So, next month.

>> No.7708083

When I found out Koholint wasn't real.

>> No.7708092
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the episode about the crow was sad as HELL

>> No.7708115
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9 years ago when I was 10.

I cried becouse my friend left me as only one out from his birthday party.

>> No.7708137

I've cried tears of a laughter a day or two ago. I haven't legitimately cried since high school when I got friend zoned.

>> No.7708144
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>> No.7708152

When my father died last Christmas.

>> No.7708161
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A few days ago I shed a solitary tear while listening to Not Read Yet by Eels. E's sister is sad.

You should be able to relate with her if anyone /jp/, a schizophrenic recluse that couldn't leave her room and eventually commit suicide.


>> No.7708168

Sometime this month, though I don't remember the particular reason. Just the usual "oh god what have I done with my life, why am I alive" shit

>> No.7708169 [SPOILER] 
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When I've read Katahane's ending few weeks back.

>> No.7708171
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About a month ago. I was hiding in my mind the fact that I feel utterly alone. So, when I read that a phrase that went something like "there's no biggest pleasure than being loved by someone", I realized my desires, my fears, and started to cry like a baby.

I know the issues of the 3D women, and I don't have a waifu, so I think that for now I'm screwed.

>> No.7708179

I read this:
Made me cry like a little girl

>> No.7708674

Shinryaku Ika Musume's 5th episode. Mini Ika Musume.

>> No.7708683

A few days ago while watching a Natsume Yuujinchou episode.

Anything emotional makes me tear up these days.

>> No.7708691

I cry every day because of my life.

>> No.7708695

Taki's grandad one?
If it's that, mine too.

>> No.7708705

crawled out of the dirty clothes pile I use as a nest, crying and snotfaced

checked to see if KS was released today (it wasn't)

made note of the month, heading back shortly

>> No.7708702

An internet friend (/jp/sie) had liver failure.

>> No.7708718

Yes, I know, /a/, /r/ or whatever, but source?

>> No.7708724

Last week, lying in bed I became paranoid, insecure, and even a little bit lonely. Alcohol has this effect on me now, it's all joy and fun for a few hours, then I feel awful after. Oh, and I cried a few hours before that too, that song the keions play for Azusa always makes me cry.

>> No.7708727

I don't remember. Probably when I was little and my dad beat the shit out of me for smoking.

>> No.7708730

Usagi Drop.

>> No.7708825
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Everytime I'm drinking alone, I have a feel of nostalgia.

Every image of my youth passes by. The joyful time I had with my friends... when my family was united and happy...

Then I look at what remains... and I cry.

>> No.7708834


I tend to get a bit emotional when I realize I'm well past the age at which I can repair the damage.

>> No.7708842

Last night a little, while listening to "ichiban no takaramono" from Angel Beats.
I found it slightly embarrassing.

>> No.7708847

I don't cry. I mope.

>> No.7708850

I find Sasuke and the music of Linkin Park to reflect my deep and troubled nature.

>> No.7708861

You made me spill my juice.
Fuck you.
