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File: 22 KB, 320x236, monster8editub9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7698642 No.7698642 [Reply] [Original]

Which Touhou could defeat SPC-682

>> No.7698648

Do you mean SCP...?

>> No.7698652

yeah, typo

>> No.7698653


>> No.7698660
File: 68 KB, 800x534, 1296389244293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7698664

What is that thing anyway? One of those creatures from the Tremors movies?

>> No.7698676

Yukari could gap him onto some uninhabited planet lightyears away

It's not even an attempt to kill or maim him, so he won't be able to adapt to it and come back

>> No.7698684

Yukari or Flandre, because their abilities are very broken.

>> No.7698689

>You are now imagining a powerlevels thread including /jp/ favourites in such threads as well as all documented SCPs.

>> No.7698708

Tohno Shiki could kill SCP-682. Discuss.

>> No.7698711

What the fuck is SCP-682?

>> No.7698715

It's a super-strong reptile with high-speed regeneration and the ability to adapt to anything it's hit with. Basically, its gimmick is that it's a monster that can't be killed, period.


>> No.7698725


The person who told me about that caused me to waste like 15 hours on the wiki.

>> No.7698735

It's article 682 of the SCP foundation.

SCP is basically some giant archive of scientific records for items you'd find in Lovecraft stories or creepypastas.

Some are really shit, some are unique, some are interesting.

>> No.7698757

Most Touhous could probably kill it. I don't think SCP-682 was meant to stand against fictional characters with ridiculous powers.

>> No.7698764

I'm fairly sure nuking 682 will kill it. It's just not enough of a problem to be worth the effort of trying to hide a nuclear detonation.

>> No.7698768 [DELETED] 


>> No.7698766

I mean, uh. Utsuho could kill it.

>> No.7698771

Many of them could defeat it, he's not that strong. But none of them could kill it.

>> No.7698782

The best SCP is that machine that transforms stuff into other stuff based on the setting.

>> No.7698784

Except he was


See: 826

>> No.7698788

914? That's my favorite, too. 093 was also an interesting read.

>> No.7698802

he flew around in space in one of the short stories

>> No.7698806
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>> No.7698814

Excuse my ignorance and maybe newfaggotry, but could anyone explain this SCP thing, I've browsed the site and don't get a shit about what's going on.

>> No.7698819

SCP-XXX: Gensokyo
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: All known boundary-penetration zones are to be under armed guard at all times to prevent traffic in either direction. 24-hour satellite surveillance of the restricted area is to be maintained to prevent trans-boundary excursions in non-primary areas. SCP-XXX is considered a Hostile Containment Area. Security personnel are authorized to use lethal force against individuals or entities involved in trans-boundary excursions.

Description: SCP-XXX is a sealed region of spacetime with entry points located in modern-day [DATA EXPUNGED], Japan, formerly a region known as "Gensokyo". SCP-XXX-A is the boundary between SCP-XXX proper and ordinary spacetime. The general topography of SCP-XXX is similar to that of the geographical location from which it was originally derived.

Research expeditions and interrogation of captured entities have revealed the following about the interior: SCP-XXX is home to both ordinary humans, who have established a small settlement inside the area, and an assortment of native and non-native paranormal entities of varying threat level and nature, including two Class-III immortals, a variety of nature incarnations, and a vampire. (See Document-XXX-1, A Listing of High-Profile Threat Entities Within SCP-XXX, for more information.) Cultural and technological advancement within SCP-XXX remains, with isolated exceptions, that of mid-1800s Japanese pre-Restoration society.

>> No.7698822

Addendum: Entity XXX-Alpha is HXXXXXX RXXXX, a human female in her mid-teens, attendant of a local Shinto shrine located within SCP-XXX, which also serves as Boundary Penetration Zone 01. XXX-Alpha exhibits significant paranormal abilities, and appears to be linked in some way to the establishment and maintenance of SCP-XXX-A, but expresses interest in preventing future trans-boundary excursions. Establishment of a liaison is recommended.

NOTE: Due to elementary evidence suggesting a connection between Entity XXX-Alpha and the continued presence of SCP-XXX-A, and in consideration of the negative consequences believed to stem from a full reintegration event (i.e. convergence trauma), termination of Entity XXX-Alpha is to be considered a final resort.

>> No.7698827

what exactly is OP's pic? It's looks like a crocodile's head fused to a tree stump.

>> No.7698830

Started as kopipe on /x/. Got immensely popular, people decided to create a wiki for it.

All the "in-universe" stuff you need to know is right here: http://www.scp-wiki.net/about-the-scp-foundation

>> No.7698837

Thanks a lot, and especially for not calling me faggot, finally a sensefull and normal answer.

>> No.7698846

I hate SCP so much. I'm not even sure why, but I really, really do.

>> No.7698859

I just have a general distaste for anything /x/.

>> No.7698862

It was a cool idea that was run into the ground. That is why.

>> No.7698863

me too. is like if I and other people start making a wiki about all the things we created in the past. so I can go somewhere and say "Ranburdy is the strongest fighter in all the negative multiverse. he challeged all the guardians of the non-euclidean tower and after a millenialong battle won. I wonder if there's a touhou strong enough to at least corner him, considering that he can't die nor be banished "

>> No.7698868

It's a dead whale rotting on a beach.

>> No.7698869

Used to be good, then people flooded all-powerful named scientist self inserts and shit like that.
I miss when it was just about creepy shit or nifty items.

>> No.7698870


>> No.7698927

This. The first wiki was pretty good. When it was actually about the SCPs and there were only a couple of named characters that remained in mistery. I think things started going to shit when they started adding bullshit like "Cain and Able" and "SCP God". It was about that time that the crossovers and continuity started building up.

>> No.7698954


>> No.7698958


You will never be Dr. Bright.

>> No.7698966

The █████ ██████████████ ████ ████████ ██ ███████████████████████ ████████████ ███████████ █████████████████ █████████████████████ and ██████████████ ██ ███████████ ██ █ ███████████████ █████████████ ████████████ that █████████████ ████████ ███████████ █████████████████████ █████ ███ ██████████████ penis ██████████████████ ███████ █████████████████ ████ ████ ██████████████ █████████ it.

>> No.7698976

So basically its a wiki on monsters and supernatural phenomenon

God just how many of those entries are "Here's my monster, I made him myself! He can do anything"

>> No.7698983

That's exactly what we're lamenting. It wasn't always so terrible.

>> No.7698988

All the SCP monsters are stupidly overpowered.
It gets fucking old after a while.

>> No.7698993

Honestly most of them are still pretty decent. You just need to ignore the ones that are actually just people with special powers or frequently mentions a Doctor by name.

>> No.7698996

that's what I tried to say here>>7698863
looks like a Another World stage. cool.

>> No.7699005


You should know this feel /jp/

>> No.7699008

It used to be a good alternative to the Holders Series. It started as small texts about creepy pictures, worded as if they were containment protocols from a mysterious organization. The original one was a picture of a weird-ass statue in a creepy room and the copypasta described it as a weeping-angel-like being (this was before that episode, by the way) that could only move when not seen and attacked anyone in the room. After a few more creepypastas popped up, a wiki was created. Now there where some pastas without pictures (which wasn't necessarily a bad thing) and a small mythology started forming (site 19, personnel classes, etc.) which was cool.
Eventually however, faggots started shitting up the stories by developing the mythology too much and in stupid, mary-sueish directions. Then the new wiki was created, but by then the faggotry was too much.

>> No.7699104
File: 193 KB, 800x600, saya17821862395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After reading around on this wiki for an hour most of them seem pretty lame. But I like this one because it feels like it was written by a /jp/er:


Also I keep seeing the abbreviation as SICP. Thanks Anon.

>> No.7699108

It's been recovering since, though.

And more importantly, shitty SCPs have given rise to hilarity like http://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/duke-till-dawn

>> No.7699120


That SCP scares the absolute fuck outta me.

Imaging Yukari encountering that thing while its awake. I somehow doubt her powers work on someone like that.

>> No.7699127

That's just wrong.

>> No.7699131

>SCP-239 seemingly has the ability to do whatever she expresses a will to do.

This is exactly what I mean when I say its gone to shit

>> No.7699134

I remember when SCP used to be good.
No it's all Mary-Sues, Mary-Sues every fucking where.

>> No.7699139

>Addendum [SCP-294y]: Computer logs on SCP open server show researcher keyed in "Something that'll destroy SCP-682." Recovered video logs show a stream of a brightly glowing liquid pouring into the cup. Liquid increases in visual intensity to the point that the camera ceases to be capable of recording. All contact with Site ██ is lost at this time. An investigation concluded that Site ██ was completely vaporized, with the only remaining trace being a small clump of trees surrounding SCP-294. SCP-294 was promptly transferred to another containment site and held with identical containment procedures as before. Information about the incident is to be disclosed only to O5 personnel. Any further test involving SCP-682 will be forbidden under pain of demotion to Class D.

>> No.7699143

Whoever wrote that article is one of the reasons why SCP sucks shit now.
An it used to be an entertaining site.

>> No.7699155


What. In The. Blue. Fuck?

>> No.7699158

Yuugi would dominate this organization.

>> No.7699161


That thing is just a blatant Haruhi Suzumiya ripoff.

Terminal fail.

>> No.7699160

I have the feeling that some posts in this thread are made by the ELITIST FUCKS of the SCP chat trying to get some attention for their dying, grounded to shit site.
It's really sad.

>> No.7699163
File: 216 KB, 1600x1200, saya1763723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I agree. That's kinda why it felt like an Anon here wrote it.

So it's either horribly rape the little girl daily or else she gives birth to the spawn of satan which will end the world. Sounds like it could be a depressing nukige.

>> No.7699165

and you brought this up why? Stop trying to cause a flamewar

>> No.7699171
File: 58 KB, 320x240, [Guri-Suko] Rance_Sabaku_no_Guardian_01_[H.264_AAC].mkv_000212972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Because I thrive with the tears of those faggots trying to defend their horrible sues and their shitty site.
Deal with it.

>> No.7699176

Go shitpost somewhere else

>> No.7699177 [DELETED] 

How is this thread /jp/ related other than the retarded "which 2hu XDDDDDDDDDDDDDD" part?

>> No.7699178

Is that you,rance?

>> No.7699185

How is the Haven and Hearth thread /jp/ related other than the ratarded "AUTISM XDDDDDDDDDDD" part?

Just let it be, its going well without your need to make an issue of it.

>> No.7699188
File: 73 KB, 800x600, stock-photo-organic-tentacle-like-abstract-in-halloween-colors-1854783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a strange feeling that Rance could seduce any of the SCPs....

and live.

>> No.7699192 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7699197


Only the female ones.
Or the good looking ones.

>> No.7699204

Woah, is this shit still going?

>> No.7699233

Why would you contain an extremely dangerous monster that could destroy humanity when you can kill it?
Those you can't, you contain, which is what the site proposes.

>> No.7699251

Yukari could gap him into a black hole singularity. Or she could manipulate his boundaries, causing his constituent matter to explode.

Flandre could go kyuu with his eye.

Remilia could manipulate his fate to lead to his destruction.

Okuu could destroy him with sustained nuclear fusion.

Mokou and Kaguya are immortal/indestructible and could simply keep pounding him until his limits were reached and he died.

Keine could erase him from history.

Yuyuko could invoke his death.

Suika could render him harmless by reducing his density to the point that he was a gas.

Satori could read his mind and find out why he's such a fuckhead (in order to render him safe) and what would kill him/what he considers dangerous (if she's not in a good mood).

Koishi could manipulate his subconscious mind and drive him to suicide or catatonic importence.

Pretty much any mid to high level 'hou could destroy him without even trying.

>> No.7699268

That should be "impotence," of course.

>> No.7699282

Sort of sounds like Tokyo Akazukin

>> No.7699308
File: 92 KB, 400x300, 1311831730831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The SCP site has, more than anything else I've ever read, made me aware of precisely how much weight that your opinion of the author holds when judging someone's work. I liked the SCP site. I really did. I wasted hours reading them. Some were dull, some were interesting, and some actually managed to creep me out. Then, I get the bright idea to try my hand at it. Surely, with hundreds of SCP entries, and with so many bad entries that frankly weren't good reads, I figured that writing one up couldn't possibly be that difficult, right? How foolish I was.

It turns out that first you have to join the site. An experience more convoluted and bizarrely unintuitive that words along cannot describe. A fair example of this painstaking process can be read here:
And that isn't even the entirety of it. Part of the application process is going into their IRC chat, pming an admin, getting a "password" which is just whatever the admins think of at the moment, and then putting that "password" and who gave it to you into the appropriate box in the application. This password is then verified upon reviewer of your application.

>> No.7699310

I find myself compelled to also point out at this point how much the ego of these douchebags (if the fact that they have enormous egos wasn't demonstrated by their application process) bleeds into their site. Their chat rules include such gems as not making fun of the admin's nname, instructions not to talk about certain things on the site, and a general "don't piss off the mods." Still, with all the vigor of a writer finding something interesting to write about I soldiered through the process of joining the site. I managed to piss enough glass to stroke the ego of whoever thought their application process was a good idea, and I was a site member. Yay.
It was at this point that I came to realize exactly what manner of douchebags these people are. Elitist fucks.

The only writers they allow to post on the wiki is themselves. It is one massive circlejerk wherein they review works, and only upvote each others and downvote (enough downvotes = deletion) any newcomers. Not an ounce of support or constructive criticism is given aside from "it sucks." while the work of "established" writers within the community are fawned over like gifts to the masses. At first I thought it was just me not being well-versed in their canon, and probably leading to sub-par writing. Alas, this is not the case. For the only people who get approved SCPS are the same group of people that wrote most others (I came to find out that the "established" writers all have named characters with positions of authority). If you are outside this little clique, you aren't getting an SCP approved to be published on the main site. Tough shit.

>> No.7699311

The SCP is a massive circlejerk of roughly ten people that think they're infallible with such inflated egos as to believe anyone new are truly beneath them. They place so much of themselves into that site that any suggested change or addendum is taken as personal attack, and they are threatened by new blood.

This is why the SCP series sucks now. They're out of ideas and desperate enough to think of something that they'll allow anything to be an SCP, so long as it's by their own little cliche. Any new blood is summarily quashed into obscurity.

FUCK the SCP Series.

>> No.7699331

Your stories suck.

>> No.7699351


Can't be worse than "Able".

>> No.7699426

I'd Procedure 110-Montauk HXXXXXX RXXXX if you know what I mean.

>> No.7699477

my problem with SCP is that it deviated from the "scientific log" to freefom shit.

>> No.7699482
File: 54 KB, 401x551, cat_question2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the image from? Like what is it actually from? I found the site that hosts the image that relates SCP-682, but I want to know what the photo is from.........
I want to know like this guy

>> No.7699505


>> No.7699561

mmmmmm......should I trust the link?.....

>> No.7699607

thanks I cheked it out.

>> No.7699685

Reimu can fly away from reality and blast it from there.
Pachu could probably come up with a spell.
Remilia can manipulate fate.
Flandre can destroy anything.
Youmu can slash at 1/3 lightspeed and her swords are so fucking sharp they can cut abstract concepts.
Yuyuko can cause death on anything.
Yukari can manipulate borders, which is a god tier superpower.
Eirin is a fucking genius and could come up with a way to kill it.
Kaguya can manipulate destiny.
EX-Keine could axe its existence from history.
Yamaxanadu could send it to Hell.
Sanae could cause the miracle of killing it.
Kanako and Suwako can create the world, I don't see why they couldn't kill SCP-682.
Okuu could engulf it in a fucking sun, which I think would be on the same level of power as when they ordered a cup of "something that could kill 682" on the universal coffee machine.
Koishi could coax it into killing itself.
Yoshika could eat it.
VIVIT is powered by the most incredibly ultimate energy ever.

Yep, SCP-682 in Gensokyo wouldn't even stand a snowball's chance in hell.

>> No.7699738

>Reimu can fly away from reality and blast it from there.

That's a stalemate, anon.

>> No.7699904

SCP-87 was really fucked up

>> No.7700861

I'm not sure if Yuyuko could actually kill it. Her power is to cause death in anything 'mortal', so she can't kill, say, Moukou, who is effectively immortal. If 682's immortality is of the same kiind as Moukou's (and it seems to be, since it can heal any damage and an SCP that can insta-kill anything couldn't kill it) then she can't invoke its death.

>> No.7701486


I want one.

>> No.7701502

>That's a stalemate, anon.
Reimu could also fly 682 further toward/away from reality. One direction or the other ought to negate his insane regen.

>> No.7701527


Mokou is not "effectively" immortal, she is "literally" immortal.

There is no method of killing Mokou. She will exist unto the end of time. Her body is her soul, and her soul cannot be damaged.

>EX-Keine could axe its existence from history.

I really wish people stopped thinking Keine can do that.

She can only alter how people remember shit.

>> No.7701533


Regeneration and immortality aren't the same thing.

Mokou doesn't merely heal fast like Wolverine, she is actually categorically impossible to kill.

>> No.7701535


"There is no history in Gensokyo other than what Keine Kamishirasawa writes."

>> No.7701541

Sorry, english isn't my first language. I tried to say that she is actully, literally immortal.

Well, you have a point there. Still, since 682 survived being pitted against a being with a power similar to Yuyuko, it's safe to assume it's actually immortal.

>> No.7701593


>> No.7701603

Because she's the only one remotely interested in recording history?
It was proven she cannot alter history, just memories.

>> No.7701613
File: 169 KB, 1200x981, SCP-173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some of these things seem to come out straight out of Madotsuki dreams or something.

this thing will move and kill you whenever you break eye contact with it.

>> No.7701629

I thought this one was pretty neat


>> No.7701640

She alters his ability to remember he exists.

His brain promptly BSODs.

Even if you eliminate Keine from the list, 682 is no big challenge for a decent-tier 'hou. Yuyuko and Flandre are the most obvious "I win" buttons. Flandre can destroy anything and Yuyuko can invoke death in any mortal.

>> No.7701643

That's just a ripoff of the Weeping Angels from Dr. Who.

The best original SCP is probably that infinite staircase one. In general, SCPs that seem curious/creepy but harmless only to get progressively more sinister tend to be the coolest.

>> No.7701646

We know categorically that 682 can be killed. Therefore, Yuyuko could kill him.

>> No.7701652

173 and 87 are the best indeed.

>> No.7701658

My favorite SCPs are the silly ones.

The camera that shows "what you desire at the moment your image is taken" is greatly entertaining.

The giant uber-machine that turns things into OTHER THINGS is also good, although it got repetitive.
"Very Rough = constituent parts
Rough = ancient version
1:1 = Same thing slightly different
Fine = future version
Very Fine = silliness"

>> No.7701661

No, it came first.

>> No.7701666

I remember when that thing was first posted and some anon was saying it was some leftover school project. There were pictures from other angles too.


Things like this don't scare me though because they remind me of Boo Diddleys from Mario.

>> No.7701669

>>7701666 Things like this don't scare me though because they remind me of Boo Diddleys from Mario.
That's why they DO scare me.

>> No.7701672

I once imagined a monster living in vacated hallways which is invisible and harmless until it is exposed to strong light, which makes it visible and very aggressive.
is there an equivalent of such a thing on SCP?

>> No.7701686

Even if there isn't the fuckheads running the site would poo-poo at it (before stealing the idea).

>> No.7701688

Just what the hell is wrong with you that would you be scared of turning lights ON?

>> No.7701695

turning the light on makes THEM see YOU
never played Amnesia?

>> No.7701709

What kind of lame monster can't see you in the darkness?
No I have no interest in Amnesia. Video games don't scare me.
Except Parasite eve 2 because I am incredibly creeped out by the way those people-faced cow-puma things look.

>> No.7701718
File: 56 KB, 615x466, desertanmc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7701727

I can see you in the darkness.

>> No.7701745

Is that a line from a j-pop song?

>> No.7701761


SCP-682 is broken bullshit. There's entire articles written based on attempts to kill it that had no way of failing. Most of the things you listed have been tried or outdone.

It cannot die even if it is killed.

>> No.7701768

Why can't it be killed by those cat statue things?

>> No.7701824
File: 249 KB, 1122x842, graboid_girl_by_ikura_maru[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

re: OP: this picture
the really weird thing is this was in the first page of image results for "graboid"

>> No.7701828

Oh that artist has done every big to medium name movie monster.

The deep rising one was terrifying.

>> No.7701838

Item #: SCP-666

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-666 is to be kept on a single room at Site-19 with a computer with internet access along with 15 DVDs of [DATA EXPUNGED].

Description:SCP-666 is a caucasian man who is 5'9 ft tall and weights 160 pounds and refers to himself as [DATA EXPUNGED]

SCP-666 usually likes to use and accentuate the word [DATA EXPUNGED] in every conversation and writing, recent research have shown that SCP-666 has an IQ of -1 but still manages to do common activities and can even do simple mathematical operations.

feels like my writing is horrible as shit but i tried

>> No.7701849

They didn't 239 wish it away yet.

That would probably do it.

>> No.7701859


If I remember correctly, SCP-666 is already used, and to prevent generic number of the beast nonsense, it's just a normal-looking handbag that eats whatever is put in it.

however they did apocalypse shit with the OTHER number of the beast, 616, a room that contains hell, or something.

>> No.7701858

Read 'em. Disagree.

At the very most conservative, Flandre, Yukari, and Yuyuko could kill 682.

>> No.7701862


>> No.7701870

one of the most interesting totally off-topic threads in /jp/.

>> No.7701872
File: 289 KB, 350x500, nrvnsqrchaosgb5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh shit, it just keeps eating.

>> No.7701878

I sometimes wonder how many graboids it would take to kill a Duneworm.

>> No.7701883

Close but no cigar

let me show you SCP-666
