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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7695800 No.7695800 [Reply] [Original]

So I just picked this up yesterday and I've loved it so far. I'm 4 days from my second payment and comfortably paying it.

I'm tired of the same dungeon, though. When will a new one open up? Also, is it worth it fusing stuff? Most stuff asks a lot of each ingredient, so it's a bit of a hassle.

Tips and suggestions welcome. Also, Recettear thread.

>> No.7695804
File: 152 KB, 480x678, title.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How old do you think Recette is, OP?

>> No.7695809

Reported for viral markting.

>> No.7695810

What? That's disgusting, get out of my thread.

>> No.7695821


Old enough.

>> No.7695826

Fusing is rather good yeah, most of the low-class item are pricier than the sum of their components, needless to say you don't have to perform 10 or so sales but just one.

Also, fusion can provide better than available at shop weapons and armor to your adventurers.

if you aim at a perfect game, there's a wiki for this, but I think it's more funny to play the first 36 day without this help, and dungeon will eventually unlock since the requirements are easily met by luck, at least to obsidian tower.

>> No.7695832

this thread is creepy! reported. fucking pedophiles...

>> No.7695840

Why didn't she just sell her body to pay off her debts?

>> No.7695861

I'm on my 3rd round, flunked out at the 200k payment-I was short by only 4k, I was so mad...

>> No.7695876
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>> No.7695878

Because she had people(adventurers) who would sell their bodies for her.

>> No.7695895

I'd ALL MY MONEY to amra is sha had some kind of handjob parts.

oh I'd do it anyway actually.

>> No.7695898

I always imagine Recette as very dominative and intimidating for some reason. Especially when she's incredibly rich and far past the point she had any debt. Like she could just command any of those adventurers under her hire to do anything. Anything.

>> No.7695930


200K? Wow. I was already a bit scared about the payments going up, but damn.

Better start getting more stuff. Although I can't tell what the purchasing power of my clients currently is... except for that rich ojou-sama.

I'm also between leveling up more (by scoring JustPins) or making a bigger profit. Dunno what pays off better.

>> No.7695935
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I hear Louie will flat out murder a man for a few Pix and some walnut bread.
And Recette? She's got a lot of walnut bread.

>> No.7695948
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>I'm also between leveling up more (by scoring JustPins) or making a bigger profit. Dunno what pays off better.
Leveling up more makes a bigger profit, by far, so always aim for the JustPin.

The higher you level your customers, the more money they'll bring with them when they shop. The higher you level Recette, you can buy more expensive items from the market.

A 100,000 trinket sold at 104% makes you a hell of a lot more money than a 24,000 trinket sold at 130%.

>> No.7695956
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>> No.7695965

JustPins are your lifeline in making the last 2 or so payments especially when the customers start making multiple item requests and you can hammer out the profits on those.

>> No.7695986
File: 147 KB, 700x794, we_need_more_pix_by_dummy04-d3sc3aw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy for 70% sell for 104% to level up fast for the last week. Also if it looks like your about to lose blow all your pix on items because you'll keep them when you lose and get a good head start.

>> No.7695993
File: 2.30 MB, 1032x1053, recettear_clear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How to win:

Dungeons suck after the first week. Blow through a few for fun when you're comforably ahead and nothing interesting is inflated, but don't expect to be making bank on them.

When nothing is inflated, sell at 104%, no exceptions, ever. Except the jew-fairy, she needs 103%. Keep those Just Pins and that sweet, sweet Merchant XP rolling it. Similarily, always buy at 70% even if you don't want it. Stock up on the top tier of equipment from the Guild and the Market every time it restocks, and sell it at ~250% when the right category of stuff inflates - if you've been selling at 104% the whole time, your customers should easily be able to afford it. Feel free to buy more items to sell while the inflation is still up - it doesn't affect NPC vendor prices very much at all. I had about 5M on hand by the time I hit the 500k payment playing like this.

On a semi-related note, has anyone ever gotten the Wyvern Horn to drop in Chantelise? I have everything else but that, and I've been blowing the damn thing's horns up with BBYR for hours to no avail.

>> No.7695995

>>7695986 Also if it looks like your about to lose blow all your pix on items because you'll keep them when you lose and get a good head start.

That's like playing Touhou with continues. Sure, you've "won", but you haven't really won.

>> No.7696002

Game doesn't really require strategy. I had no idea what I was doing first time through, didn't even know there was just pin combos or any tricks. I didn't even know you could use items in dungeons so I died constantly, wasting time and money.

That said I think Fusion and dungeons in general are just for 100% completion/fun, so if you are somehow struggling to win, just spend all day in the shop/guild.

>> No.7696005


That's strange, since doing dungeons helped me get a lot of free items. On my very first run I missed the first deadline by a few thousand which was pretty bad (I hadn't done a single dungeon run). Then I restarted and went dungeoning and my finances became much healthier.

>> No.7696018

>>7696005 . On my very first run I missed the first deadline by a few thousand which was pretty bad (I hadn't done a single dungeon run). Then I restarted and went dungeoning and my finances became much healthier.

As I said, they suck *after the first week*. Fusing a few expensive (relative to what else you can do at that point, anyway) items is a great way to kick-start your finances, but once you start unlocking more expensive gear to buy, and random inflations start letting you resell it for ~150% profit, they lose out dramatically. Even when there are no inflations, you need to keep up leveling customers and gaining Merchant XP from Just Pins and sale chains, and so dungeons become more of something to break up the routine than anything to get serious profits from.

>> No.7696027

I'll agree that dungeon sucks after the first week, but in very-late game ( like, 100days in or so ) with crystal Nightmare boss rush, you can easily do 5 million in one go.

>> No.7696029

Yes, don't waste your time in dungeons, outside of getting some initial stock. It is almost impossible to win from simply dungeon running. Just go to the other store, buy shit, and resell it. Then play something else once you realize how boring this is.

Also, reported.

>> No.7696053

>Also, reported.
For what..?

>> No.7696061

For liking games I dislike.
Fuck off.

>> No.7696069


Real men only play Call of Duty anyway.

>> No.7696072

because someone wants a ban for abusing the report function?

Alternatively, because we like something he doesn't, and must therefore be evil.

yeah, the payments go 10k, 30k, 80k, 200k, and continue on up from there. I damn near shat myself when I saw the 200k mark...

>> No.7696081

Welp, time to start newgame+

>> No.7696079
File: 13 KB, 876x603, 1312296539905.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll do less dungeons then, considering I cleared the Jade Way and nothing new is open. They were getting boring anyway, I like to do the shopkeeper stuff a lot more, to be honest.

>> No.7696086

When is summer over again? It's soon, right?

>> No.7696089

just for that, I'm starting a recettear thread in January

>> No.7696091


Funny 'cause it's winter over here.

>> No.7696093

if you absolutely just want to win then just stay in shop

if you want fun then dungeons

>> No.7696094


>> No.7696101

Lucky...I want some snow instead of this HEAT. I am not a hot weather person.

>> No.7696103

That's not how timezones work, dumbass.

Unless it becomes winter whenever the sun goes down where you live.

>> No.7696106


jesus christ you are retarded.

>> No.7696109

the shopkeeping stuff IS fun, although there are some things I hate...like when customers refuse my first offer and take my second offer, when it's THE SAME GODDAMN AMOUNT OF PIX YOU FUCKING OLD LADY YOU BROKE MY COMBO DAMN YOU...

do the items you put by the window affect who comes in and how many people? what about time of day?

>> No.7696110

Are you 5?

>> No.7696132
File: 150 KB, 455x511, 1312297005686.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm not sure on how the highlights on the window affects the customers, but I do know about time of day. Noon and evening have the most chances of getting the most customers, morning and night less so. Also I haven't seen the pestering little girl when I open the shop at nighttime.

>> No.7696152

Why is there so little porn of this game.

All I want is to see my fantasy of Recette paying off her debt with her body, or someone taking advantage of a drunk Charme. Is this too much to ask for?

>> No.7696157

Look at all these hilarious image macros! It's like I'm really on /v/! Now all we need is some greentext.

>> No.7696172
File: 78 KB, 600x475, 1310544537619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SEASONS don't change based on timezones you dumb fucks.

>> No.7696171


Can you please stop sexualizing everything you pedo scumbag? What is wrong with you? This is the last time I visit /jp/.

>> No.7696173

And nothing of value was lost.

>> No.7696182

Years old and not that popular

>> No.7696185

not sure if troll.mp3

>> No.7696191

I don't know, the game just has some magical property that makes it almost immune to artists.

A Japanese game, filled with lolis, that's been out for over 3 years, and there are only 2 pages on gelbooru, with 3 nsfw images, 1 of which is an edit.

>> No.7696202


If you were nearly as worldly as Stallman was, you'd understand the Earth has a Southern hemisphere.

>> No.7696200

>do the items you put by the window affect who comes in and how many people?
Indirectly yes. I think it affects the mood of the shop some and thus the customers. Anyway it has some effect. The fairy explains what so do the tutorial again.

>> No.7696213

Wait, is there a tutorial explaining the shop atmosphere at some point?

>> No.7696211
File: 18 KB, 500x350, 1312248292013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>crying about loli on /jp/

>> No.7696214

It's a low key not very popular non-touhou doujin game. Why would you expect ANY art of it?

I can't really think of many doujin games that have tons or art that aren't Touhou.

>> No.7696217

Yes, at the beginning.

You can talk to the fairy too to do the tutorials again.

>> No.7696216


It was a flop in Japan.

It was successful in the west because of goon spam.

>> No.7696221

So you're saying seasons change based on which half of the equator you're on on a SPHERE? Just how retarded are you?

>> No.7696223

You realize the posts are jokingly referencing the time someone was banned for asking Recette's age?

>> No.7696231

On the Steam forums, before someone thinks it was on 4chan.

>> No.7696238


...said it was winter where he lives. He lives in the South. Nobody mentioned time zones except you.

Yes you trolled me, you can go away now.

>> No.7696249
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>> No.7696250

I think my "nobody is really this retarded" bar just got lower.

>> No.7696261


That really hurts, Ran.

>> No.7696260

I can't even tell if you're trolling. This is way too intentionally obvious... what are you trying to pull?

>> No.7696269
File: 436 KB, 799x831, 1309297786717.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7696275

>Yes you trolled me

>> No.7696294

Worst thread since, well, the last Recettear thread.

If you want to make a thread about a poorly translated game littered with pop culture references, RANDOM humor and internet memes, /v/ is much more suitable than /jp/.

>> No.7696316


>> No.7696321 [DELETED] 

you were making these same posts yesterdy

>> No.7696323


u mad? u butt.hurt?

it is japanese game therefour it is otaku culture

>> No.7696324

Because you so mad

>> No.7696328

>Implying that I'm the same person

Not only are you so pathetic that you crave attention on the internet, you're retarded too

>> No.7696337

What does the '+x' on items/gears do?

Do charme's clones stack?

>> No.7696343

the +x reflects item quality. High quality items are more likely to sell I think, and may work better ingame too

>> No.7696349

But do they heal more/deal more damage? And things sell enough well anyway, what's the point, do I get to charge more?

>> No.7696395


+X Equipment has increased stats, +X Food heals more.

I don't know what +X Ingredients may do, perhaps the Fused items from them have a chance to be +X, as well.

>> No.7696399

Yes they stack, and they're pretty good to compensate for her short range

>> No.7696413

yes items made of +x ingredients will inherit the bonuses. The guildmaster tells you that I think.

>> No.7697093

Fuck, I thought newgame+ was just starting a new game with all the item/money. It's endless mode

>> No.7697122
File: 279 KB, 1288x1005, recettear fail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7697342

Enjoy playing this endlessly until you realise how much of a grind it is.

>> No.7697457

>Play endlessly

nigga you cookies
