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7695553 No.7695553 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /jp/, I'm tired of these fucking MC that doesn't have anything interesting, yet they have a fucking harem. I'm tired of these lame girls with lame problems. "I'm scared of not feeling alive" is bullshit.

I want to play the role of a fucking white knight with a fucking sick girl with real problems. Let's say, rape, drugs, parental abuse, but mainly mental problems. That shit turns me on.

Besides YMK, what are some good VN to play that are like this? Suggest me something, /jp/.

>> No.7695562

Wow man you sound pretty real deal

>> No.7695566

White knight?
Play "return to /v/"
The MC is pretty useless tho.
There are no girls either.

>> No.7695572

The Maiden Rape Assault: Violent Semen Inferno

>> No.7695581

Gotta have it in mind. Although I don't know how much of a white knight I can be there. Thanks dude.

Someone can recommend me something else?

>> No.7695585

Water Closet: The Forbidden Chamber
More bullying

>> No.7695586

The graphics looks kind of strange, but I'll try it. Thank you too, dude.

>> No.7695592


>> No.7695591

>these fucking MC that doesn't have anything interesting

What's funny is they tend to be one of the few types of MCs I can associate with, because I am perhaps the most boring and generic person ever.

>> No.7695597

You don't have to be super exciting to get a harem. I don't understand why you'd think that.

>> No.7695605

Is YMK the de facto VN to start with for /v/ or something?
Anyways, try this website for looking up the tags you want, and then sorting by popularity.

>> No.7695614

YMK is a shit

>> No.7695624

But, YMK's MC has nothing special at all.

G-senjou's MC is a fucking hero, at least in the main route. As for "real problems" well, somehow there's some serious business shit.

>> No.7695629

Wow, didn't know of these tags on vndb. Thank you really much, dude, it was of good help
Short, nice designs. Will play it first.
Tastes, tastes, but yeah, at some times it felt wrong, like in the titty monster route. The ejaculation time thing was such a test to chaos theory.

>> No.7695632

>Is YMK the de facto VN to start with for /v/ or something?

Pretty much.

>> No.7695666

>Is YMK the de facto VN to start with for /v/ or something?

That and Katawa Shoujo.

>> No.7695668

if you want more 'unique' and not so useless MC's you can try sekien no inganock

the MC was pretty cool guy

you might like fate stay night too if you didn't try that yet somehow for heavens feel since abused girls seem to be your thing..

>> No.7695669

>What's funny is they tend to be one of the few types of MCs I can associate with, because I am perhaps the most boring and generic person ever.

We all are. That's why they call them "self-insert" characters.

>> No.7695699 [DELETED] 
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Finished my first route in 天使の羽を踏まないでっ
Arya was damn cute, she was the true main heroine of that route in my mind.
Too bad she has no true ero scene

>> No.7695717

I think the MC issue arises usually with games who attempt too much at a plot. Generic eroge will give you a normal human who'd like to date sexy girls. Easy to relate to.

Advanced stories like Rance taking over the whole country and raping women is harder. Or like Chaos;Head where it attempts to be as much like the worst kind of NEET you can find.

Interestingly enough I didn't have that much issues relating to the hero in Knights of Xentar. Perhaps since his way of living was "Fuck anything that comes along" which seems like a very nice way to live.

>> No.7695721

sharin no kuni

>> No.7695723

>advanced stories like Rance

Rance is a fun game but it hardly has an advanced plot.

>> No.7695724


You'd probably like Cross+Channel. The girls in that are horrible people.

>> No.7695729

Taichi could never be considered a white knight

>> No.7695745

He becomes a christ figure by the end.

>> No.7695750

And if you are into tsunderes he'll make you rage hard.

>> No.7695756

More like a moron if you ask me, but I see your point

>> No.7696472

Sharin among other things is about a guy solving the girl's real problems in an utopia. It's what I assume you'd wanted.

>> No.7696677



It's neither a utopia nor a dystopia, just a society different from ours. Which is the point.

Also, only Sachi really has any kind of problem like the girls in YMK do; Touka's and Natsumi's issues are not their fault in the least.

>> No.7696689

True Remembrance

>> No.7696694

>I want to play the role of a fucking white knight with a fucking sick world with real problems. Let's say, rape, aliens, genocide, but mainly inter-dimensional problems. That shit turns me on.

Muv Luv Alternative

>> No.7696704

what was the one where the MC's childhood friend was raped by her step father and she blackmails the MC into raping her sisters?

>> No.7696713

Go to a civilised-but-still-third-world country, OP. You'll find your adventure there.

>> No.7696727

Shirou of Fate/Stay Night is about as White Knight as you can get("I will stand in the way of that 600lb resurrected demigod rather than let my magically enhanced, superpowerful servant fight it! Why? BECAUSE GIRLS SHOULDN'T FIGHT, DAMNIT") , although ironically the girl with the most fucked up problems is the one where Shirou is the most morally grey.

>> No.7696746

>Besides YMK, what are some good VN to play that are like this? Suggest me something, /jp/.

Ohh lord OP, thank you. That was the best closing line to a opening post I have seen in months. I dont even need to look at the thread, I can feel the buttrage radiating from my screen.

As for your question, I dont know. Planetarian had a girl with real problems, like being completely alone in a dying world. Aeka and Nekoko had real problems. I dont play many VNs though. Good luck to getting answers, im doubt that anyone will be able to give you good answers for the rage shakes their fingers are making.

>> No.7696760

violent semen inferno

>> No.7696764

You should play that one VN about the girl who casts a demonic spell to take her enemy to hell but the price was that she also went to hell.

Now that girl had real problems.

>> No.7696765


yeah girls should just be raped

>> No.7696770

isn't kara no shoujo REAL DEAL heroines?

>> No.7696778

OP, read >>7696770
It is REAL DEAL although it does suffered in the everyone lusting after MC's cock department.

>> No.7696785

real life

>> No.7696788

>implying real life girls have problems that a cock between the legs cant cure.

>> No.7696799

I'm a fan of darker shit, but even Kara no Shoujo was too REAL DEAL for me. I place it on the same tier as Swan Song where I both got so disinterested in both that I didn't finish the true ends.

>> No.7696933

wait, sounds just like my VNs

>> No.7696949
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The /a/v/ newbie VNs have always been YMK, Wanko and E17. More recently Rance, KS and FSN too.

Starting on MLA is like losing your virginity to two $50,000 hookers with an endless supply of cocaine over the course of a weekend.
Nothing you read after it will ever come close.

>> No.7696957

Family Project.
A group of people come together due to how completely messed up they are.
Heck, they all end up meeting together because they're all homeless and end up squatting in an apparently empty house.

>> No.7696985

While MLA is a pretty good read overall I don't really see why people keep treating it as the holy cow of VNs. It had plenty of flaws and was extremely predictable at times.

>> No.7696998

Even the best VNs (or any fiction) have their flaws. What do you consider the best VN if I may ask?

>> No.7697008

I agree with this

it is also English translated

>> No.7697017



>> No.7697020

opinion invalidated

>> No.7697025

I like Subahibi a lot too but it also has a lot of flaws.
And it was pretty predictable, I could see the big twist in the first route.

>> No.7697024


You didin't even read it, right?

>> No.7697029

moogy read it for me

>> No.7697040

Good news is, all of the truly severe cases of bloat are easy enough to identify that you can just ctrl them without hesitation and get back to the good stuff. In the end most of the above was more of a huge nuisance than a fatal flaw, and the story was never in danger of completely losing its momentum or intrigue.

P.S.: There is almost no philosophy whatsoever in the entirety of the story, and the book quotes are sparse after the prologue, acting primarily as something for characters to talk about once in a long while between more important subplots. You need not understand nor have read any of the books SubaHibi references in order to understand the entirety of SubaHibi.

Score: 8/10

>> No.7697038

SubaHibi takes the all-time record for utterly and completely betraying my expectations. In a bad way.

While I can't say exactly how, since it's all spoilers, suffice it to say there are more red herrings than you would dare suspect, and all the real answers are seamlessly hidden where you would never think to look (or do, but can't discern any meaning from). By the end of the game, the sheer volume of things you thought you knew but didn't created something rare for me: an irresistible urge to replay earlier chapters.

At the very beginning, the characters feel almost trite, but once things get going everyone is complex and engaging, and of course a little incomprehensible until near the end of the game. They also succeed at making most of the slice-of-life scenes between plot points entertaining, either comically or intellectually. A few of them are hard to call believable or human, but that's mostly because plot screwed them over. Also, even those trope links stop applying to those characters once you know the truth.

Unfortunately, this game is in serious need of pruning. The infamous bullying scenes in particular should be half their current length if not shorter, and there seems to be a constant supply of dialogues which are interesting but just long-winded enough to get annoying. There are also several times when you're forced to rewatch a scene from another character's perspective, and either nothing new is added or it was already quite obvious to me what would be different. Finally, one part of the game got no explanation at all despite very thorough explanations for everything else.

>> No.7697042

I'm not one to say Subahibi is perfect but Ixrec is a retard.

>> No.7697043

A masterpiece of post-modernism, intertextuality and metaphysics.

At first, the game appears to be complete nonsense, and you spend most of your time laughing in awe of how the writers never seem to run out of bizarre things to add to the scene, up to and including bickering narrators, countless voice-only lines and perplexing choices. But the moment you start to see the method behind the madness, your brain will be constantly racing to try and keep up with the barrage of sophisms and symbols that make up both the underlying nature and literal appearance(s) of the forest. Later on, when you finally start to learn the truth, the revelations range from exciting to positively overwhelming.

The numbers of characters, sprites, backgrounds, sound effects and visual effects for a game this size are incredible, and every single one adds to the immersion. Although most of the side characters are lifted from the beloved public domain of children's literature, the core cast is original, expressive, intelligent, sometimes even hilarious, and deep enough to undergo character development right before they risk feeling cliche or repetitive. The art and writing styles also manage to ricochet between mystical and playful on a regular basis. The large number of sex scenes is a bit odd for a game this short, but each one is brief and justified by either plot or character, even if it doesn't seem like it at first.

>> No.7697045

Unfortunately, the plot is so intricate and compact that I doubt it's humanly possible to catch every single important detail on a single playthrough without outside help. Despite that, if you pay close attention and think very, very hard, it's possible to understand the vast majority of what happened not long after finishing the game. In addition, the ending makes some very deep statements about the nature of fiction, which should leave any reader who can understand them quite satisfied. Thus, the game ekes out this score by the skin of its teeth.

It's confusing as all hell. Some of you simply will not get it, and others simply will not appreciate the convoluted way information tends to be presented. Or you may simply disagree with me when I say every scene is justified or explicable. Still, this site might help a little.

Score: 10/10

>> No.7697048

so anyone who has played forest, how true is this?

>> No.7697051

Not that many have played it according to vndb.

>> No.7697053

Ixrec is totally harmless compared to the pest that is Moogy.

>> No.7697067

What is there to agree or disagree with in this "review"?
He basically said nothing

>> No.7697071

how you know? did you play the game?

>> No.7697072

Yes, been a few years though

>> No.7697074

Some of the things he says are true, like that it's confusing and requires multiple playthroughs to get the most out of it. It feels like watching a weird musical about literature, and some things about it really are quite fantastic.
However things like "you will not get it" and "hurr if you think really really hard like me a playthrough is enough, btw here's a wiki that explains everything" are the sort of smarter-than-thou attitude that I hate and that Forest is bound to attract, I guess. Lots of people will hate the game simply because there will be people like him who fap over it.

>> No.7697077

oh well i can see the people trolling it already and people who thinks its the best shit ever

>> No.7697080
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>hurr if you think really really hard like me a playthrough is enough, btw here's a wiki that explains everything
Why is Ixrec so comical?

>> No.7697097

Well, I guess I'm one of the latter in that it's probably one of my favorites, but I can differentiate between "things I like reading about" and "hurr criptic masterpiece that only the chosen will get while peasants grovel in their shit".
And yeah, it's kinda sad that it's bound to receive a lot of criticism. I mean I can already see the word pretentious plastered all over the threads about it just because it uses different voices from the text.

>> No.7697098

I'd really like a Muramasa review from Ixrec.

>> No.7697104

how about trying to sell the game for him? tell him that i'ts deeep and profound (i dont if it is ) and he will play it.

>> No.7697108

If subarashiki hibi was "in serious need of pruning" for him he's going to have an epilepsy during the first chapter alone.

>> No.7697113

What Ixrec didn't like was all the bullying and the first part of This is my own invention that take forever with all the delusions.
Muramasa doesn't have things like this, even the rape scenes are all pretty short

>> No.7697114

Worst idea ever. He'll end up CTRLing the info dumps and lowers the score because of few rape scenes. Besides, it's probably not convoluted and pseudo-philosophical enough for Ixrec even though it tackles with philosophical themes, and does it much more straightforwardly and better than the games Ixrec likes.

>> No.7697125

is ixrec translating forest now?

>> No.7697126


You just described Katawa Shoujo

>> No.7697128

He said he was translating Sharnoth before that.

>> No.7697129 [DELETED] 
File: 396 KB, 1022x574, mfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My face when I realized I will never play a VN as good as Muramasa again ;_;..

>> No.7697133
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>Ixrec's face when he realized he will never play a VN that is deep and good as Forest again

>> No.7697162

Grisaia is what you want, OP
Protag is proactive and awesome, the girls are all really fucked up but not in the simple BAWWWW I WAS RAPED way
And the way the protag "solve" their problems is awesome.
For example, one girl goes "There is no reason for me to live, I should just die".
What does the protag do?
He drugs her, buries her alive and leaves a message telling her she only has 2 days worth of air and the only way she could get out would be to solve all her problems herself or die.

>> No.7697179
File: 163 KB, 1036x772, 1310651800672.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit man.

>> No.7697214

Sound like a great main character

>> No.7697222

Which route does that happen?

I only read Amane's route

>> No.7697226


>> No.7697232

You should read them all.
Especially Sachi's.

>> No.7697231

this has finally made be decide to learn moon

>> No.7697240

don't forget to make a thread about it asking always the same shit

>> No.7697245

>finally made be decide

Try learning english first.

>> No.7697250

owned fucking nerd weeaboo elitist fucker

>> No.7697278


Should one read anything else before Muv Luv Alternative?

>> No.7697280


I mean, anything else in the same series?

>> No.7697284

Yes, the two main routes of Extra and one of Unlimited (together they are "Muv-Luv", one game) are the bare minimum.

>> No.7697302

Anything else as in: You should read anything else before this crap.

>> No.7697314

Saya no Uta

>> No.7697328


Oh, so they're routes/parts of the same game.

I'll go through everything I find in it in order anyway, I just thought "Alternative" was the sequel to an other game.

>> No.7697341

"Muv Luv" and "Muv Luv Alternative" are two different games. Extra and Unlimited are the names of two very different scenarios inside Muv Luv. Alternative is a sequel of sorts but it requires you to have read at least what I said before for it to make any sense.

>> No.7697368
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Yume nikki, OP. That's what you're looking for.

>> No.7697396
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Itaike na Kanojo seems like it'd have what you want, but I'd doubt someone like OP could read Japanese.

>> No.7697409
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>> No.7698713 [DELETED] 

Is reading Extra and the original REALLY necessary?

I want to read Unlmited because of how amazingly super everyone says it is, but I also hear everyone say the other two aren't that good.

Is it really worth going through two not so good ones for it? Is it REALLY necessary?

>> No.7698716

You want to read alternative.
And yes, they are necessary to read.

>> No.7698718

Only Sumika and Meiya's routes though

>> No.7698726

God I hated Itaike.

>> No.7698781
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>look up grisaia
>find this


>> No.7698812
File: 222 KB, 1040x614, Grisaia 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Delicious Michirun.

>> No.7698852

Kei's route is a nice bonus though

>> No.7698865

I want a VN where the MC finds some mind-broken sex slave and brings her back to her senses.

>> No.7698880

I want a VN where the MC is some mind-broken sex slave and the plot is her/him slowly regaining his senses and reintegrating into society.
Or not, if you so choose.

>> No.7698878

There is one kind of like that. Well, iirc it was something like the protag's girlfriend was kidnapped and made into a sex slave but then she makes it back and the game is basically about either giving her a normal life or in the bad end, she reverts back to her old ways. I don't remember the name of it.

>> No.7698884
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>> No.7698929

This sounds great.

>> No.7698956

While MVLA is pretty good, I don't consider it the best VN ever. Of course, I won't be stating my favourite since it's just
and people will say that I have bad taste, but whatever. While Alternative is a pretty good read with good production values, the story, characters, and themes are nothing special. They've been done before everywhere and there's nothing elevating it to greatness.

The people who say that it's the holy bastion of VNs are the same people who say that the Clannad anime is the greatest story ever told.

>> No.7699040

Yeah, Grisaia is the perfect VN for OP. It's a shame it probably won't be translated for a long time, if ever. It'd be huge with the English community.

>> No.7700510

I don't have a boner big enough for this.

>> No.7700533

I agree that people worshipping it like it's in some separate dimension from all other games are stupid, but I don't understand the "they've been done before" argument. Every eroge has a similar story in a book or movie out there, it doesn't mean they can't be powerful because they've been done before, because otherwise time loop eroge would have been dead after its first games.

>> No.7700541

Autism in action.
