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768471 No.768471 [Reply] [Original]

Ryougi Shiki is confirmed for Melty Blood: Actress Again


>> No.768477

proof or gtfo

>> No.768478

Nasu said Ryougi and Tohno will never meet.


>> No.768481


>> No.768484
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>> No.768488
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>> No.768491
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>> No.768490


But you're lame, ORT. And boring.

>> No.768502

Shiki has nice titties.

>> No.768497

It's cause she is hanging out with Proto-Tohno. Also, Nasu sucks cocks.

>> No.768498
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>> No.768503


I wish. Still, Roa is going to be more than awesome enough to please me.

>> No.768521
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All I want to know is if its going to be SEKUSHIIII or not.

>> No.768534


Probably going to be added to the port, but otherwise we're not likely to get any joke characters for the Arcade version.

>> No.768538

I'd trade one of the Rens for Neco-Arc Chaos.

>> No.768550


Because "he plays like Akiha Vermillion except with lightning and has Arcs as damaging as Nero's."

>> No.768553


Wouldn't we all.

>> No.768671


Never meeting is one thing but the thing Nasu said about only one MEoDP user existing in his universe is ridiculous considering the ties both MEoDP users have to a certain pair of sorceress sisters.

>> No.768689


Their respective MEoDPs are fundamentally different.

>> No.768713


That may be so, but ORC will still fuck your shit up without even waking up from his nap.

>> No.768720



>> No.768731


That has nothing to do with what we're talking about.

>> No.768736
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>> No.768744

Shut up troll.

>> No.768750


Do explain. I don't quite follow, besides the awesome coloring of the lines in the 1st Kara movie

Oh, unless you mean how Shiki Ryogi can actually turn her eyes on and off?

Or whether or not points exist in Ryogi's vision?

>> No.768754


I should get around to reading that rest of that. Not sure if I should bother, though. Goddamn Failrice.

>> No.768858


Ryogi cannot see an object's Point of Death and she also cannot she the death of inanimate objects.

The trade-off is that she doesn't get headaches like Shiki does.

>> No.768961


Sorry for taking so long.

For Ryogi, she is able to see the inherent flaws that all but a granule few objects possess. It does not hurt her to continually see these weak points and cutting things with her eyes accomplishes the same result that Tohno’s would procure, however, there is one other big difference here in that she is not able to destroy an object or entity that does not possess any fundamental flaws, for example, Tohno's Magangoroshi or an actual God.

For Tohno, he is able to see the ultimate fate of everything in the form of the lines, regardless of what it is, and the absolute fate of all things is inevitably destruction. By tracing the lines he sees he is able to activate the targets fate and therefore death. Unfortunately for him, humans were never meant to perceive death in such a direct fashion, and doing so puts an immense strain on his brain since it just isn’t able to handle seeing death like that. Unlike with Ryogi, Tohno can kill absolutely anything with his eyes, however, his eyes are still much less useful than Ryogi’s because he cannot use his freely.

Roa/SHIKI’s ability is the least explained of the three MEoDPs, though it ultimately amounts to a half-way house between the above two. Roa/SHIKI is able to see the exact same lines that Tohno can, however, his eyes still work differently. Whenever Roa/SHIKI traces the lines, he automatically drains all of the “life” out of the opponent, making the victim fall to the ground as an empty husk of themselves and increasing Roa/SHIKI‘s own stamina. If the cut is shallow, then the victim is left with a massive, ridiculous amount of fatigue, though this only ever applied to Tohno because of his protagonist hax. Unlike with the other two, Roa/SHIKI is completely unable to kill inanimate objects, however, as long as it is “alive,” Roa/SHIKI can positively kill it, regardless of what it is.

Contrary to popular belief, none of the above can stop reincarnation.

>> No.769033

>Roa/SHIKI is able to see the exact same lines that Tohno can, however, his eyes still work differently.

Not quite. SHIKI's eyes perceive life rather than death, and by damaging those lines he directly damages the target's lifeforce. That's why he can't perceive lines on inanimate objects.

>> No.769038

>Contrary to popular belief, none of the above can stop reincarnation.

Didn't Tohno's eyes stop roa from reincarnating?

>> No.769050

Roa doesn't reincarnate, he moves from host to host.

>> No.769053


I was saying that the lines that Roa/SHIKI sees are in the exact same positions as the ones that Tohno sees.

>> No.769070


Isn't that called reincarnation...

>> No.769074


Nope. Word of God has stated that Roa may not be gone yet.

>> No.769093

So Ryougi can't hurt Arc, unless she sits there and lets her bludgeon her to death with her bare hands?

>> No.769101

I thought that Ryougi Shiki's eyes were tied to the Akashic Record, so she had all the abilities of Tohno Shiki and more.
And I thought Tohno's eyes worked by relating an object's end to his own.

>> No.769096

No. HE doesn't die when his body is killed, only the body does. His existence continues on to another body somewhere.

In order to kill him you have to kill HIM and not just the fleshbag he uses to walk around.

>> No.769151


Isn't that just a technicality?

If you go by real life ideas, then yes, when a person reincarnates he should have no recollection of his previous life, and is essentially born a new person.

Roa still dies, and the next host is a yet to be born baby, meaning he dies, and is reborn into a new body, which is the fundamental idea of reincarnation.

You can also say chaos is not a real vampire since he doesn't suck any blood, but its just little details in the TM universe that makes it different from real life "common sense".

>> No.769163

So Roa SHIKIrolled Tohno?

>> No.769168


Arc has flaws. Even ORT probably has flaws, too, but Ryogi's attacks would certainly be easier to regenerate from.


I'm pretty sure it's not her eyes that are connected per se but her third personality, which has literally Godly powers, however, Ryogi doesn't use these powers for moral reasons, and, after being used once, the third personality fades into nothingness and leaves her.

>> No.769203


It's called reincarnation in the game, so it's reincarnation in some sense of the word.

Roa's “soul” is automatically transfers to a new body each time he is destroyed. This much is obvious, however, his original "mind" had already expired by the second transfer. His consciousness and personality had already fizzled away, however his memory, knowledge, and power still remained, and this memory and knowledge is expanded with each new lifetime. When he enters a new host, the host still has all of the personality traits they obtained throughout their lifetime, however, being flooded with Roa’s memories changes their original opinions. Since we’re all shaped by our experiences, it’s easy to see how each of Roa’s hosts develop similar tastes to the original. See what I mean? Of course, Nasu has said that Roa’s memories only appear gradually, which explains why he was such a pushover in Tsukihime and why Arc was able to beat him continually. If he’s able to cultivate for a month or so he’d probably be able to put up a fight against Arcueid (besides the whole planet automatically making her stronger thing).



>> No.769213

Arc can be damaged easily enough, just not killed except in very specific circumstances. Ryougi would be able to cut Arc but not actually end her.

>> No.769217

>waking up from his nap.

>> No.769237

In before THE GLAND copypasta.

>> No.769241


The entire Roa memory thing was apparently presented to us as a reason why Roa never came back with a connection to Akasha even though he stays there when he's not in a host body. Also to explain why he seemed weak in Tsukihime. And it sounds clever.

>> No.769247

Don't bring that shit up.

>> No.769251


It's either that or USE YOUR HAIR.

>> No.769257

fuck no

/r/ new content

>> No.769260
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>> No.769299

I'm pretty sure it's not her eyes that are connected per se but her third personality, which has literally Godly powers, however, Ryogi doesn't use these powers for moral reasons, and, after being used once, the third personality fades into nothingness and leaves her.

Why? ;________________________;X

But well, she said it herself, knowing and having everything is just boring. Human beings are not meant to be in such position after all.

>> No.769324

>>But well, she said it herself, knowing and having everything is just boring. Human beings are not meant to be in such position after all.

Yes! Those were exactly the moral reasons I was referring to!

>> No.769328

Stop failing at quoting. You've been doing it in other threads too and it irritates me.

>> No.769464

why are they putting in Sion's friend (which I thought she didnt have any anyway) instead of SHIKI?

And wheres my Akira?

>> No.769484

Nightelves are still better

>> No.769512

She's not exactly a friend, IIRC, just an associate who was also present at the Night of Wallachia.

Of course I could be wrong since I've had all over about 5 hours or sleep in the past three days.

>> No.769536

when do you think they'll give us meltyblood 2?

>> No.769551

A few years ago, I believe.

>> No.769564

when do you think they'll give us a meltyblood with new sprites?

>> No.769571

When the Xbox 1440 comes out and it looks as shitty as Pong graphics look to us. Of course, given the current rate of overpopulation increase, there'll probably be a 200% increase in sprite artists by then, so they could probably give us 200% more crappy pixels.

>> No.769572

I'd just like it if the spirtes remained nice looking when I expand the resolution. Some GGesque artwork would be fine too though.

>> No.769709

>Roa still dies, and the next host is a yet to be born baby, meaning he dies, and is reborn into a new body, which is the fundamental idea of reincarnation.

Wasn't SHIKI already born when Ciel was killed? Also, doesn't 17 reincarnations sound a bit too few for the 800+ years Roa has been around for?

>> No.769797

First of all, it was 800 years ago when he first became a Dead Apostle. And Arc and the church didn't kill him immediately, so add as many (indeterminate) years he survived before his first death happened and the reincarnations started.

Also ,perhaps for the first few of them, he managed to stay around longer.
If we assume for the few reincarnations, it took him much longer to surface, stayed under the radar yada yada, and make it an averagae of 35 years of life, that's about 600 years.

If we assume there was a special case where he surfaced in a body with almost no potential and was on a run for 100 years, it can fit.

But really, it's not so important.

>> No.770421

>The first thing I saw upon waking up from the coma was not the surprised nurse running towards me... It was the line wrapping around her throat. People, walls, even the air itself... there are incredibly fine lines visible on everything.

Ryougi could see death in pretty much everything unlike Shiki.

>> No.770437
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SO truth or bs??
<- random pic from my cathalogue

>> No.770467
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>> No.770469


>> No.770478
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>> No.770480

Ryogi can't see lines on inanimate objects that don't utilize energy. Which is why a concrete walled room can imprison her.

>> No.770486


>> No.770526

She did see the lines in her hospital room after she woke up though.

>> No.770532

I thought that's assuming she doesn't have a tool with her. Since she doesn't have a tool with her, of course it'll be hard since she can't really dig in her finger into a concrete wall.

That's what I think. But first of all, she have never been mentioned on cutting any inanimate object, but maybe that's because she has never been put into a situation where she need to do that. She's not like our T. Shiki with his THIS CHAIR thing.

So I myself am not too sure which one to believe now, whether she can see it, or not.

>> No.770543

Not to mention our dear Tohno killing the fucking hallway.

>> No.770550

Shiki uses his ability to surprise attack Akiha by destroying an entire wall.

>> No.770554
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>> No.770557

But that was the explanation given by Touko to the overconfident MAGIC IS TEH ULTIMATE dude. Ryougi is more effective against things with energy in them than those with not. He'd have been better off if he'd use concrete walls and shit.

>> No.770703

Just because shes more effective against objects with energy in them doesnt mean she cant cut stuff without any energy in them.
