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7681092 No.7681092 [Reply] [Original]

Which waifu did you pick?

>> No.7681097
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the obvious choice

>> No.7681102


>> No.7681107


>> No.7681106

Kuruna, deal with it
>touch her horn

>> No.7681118

What game was this?

>> No.7681116

I chose.......No one


It took me awhile to realize this but...I LIKED them all. I didn't LOVE any single one. I couldn't bring myself to propose to one girl then stick with it. They were all my friends. I couldn't help but to friendzone them all.

>> No.7681121

I have this problem with every rune factory
why must they all be so good

>> No.7681125
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>> No.7681129

RF2 is the only one I actually picked a girl in because you're missing out on most of the game if you don't.

I've been sitting at some festival in RF3 for about half a year now because I never knew who to pick.

>> No.7681144

who was the one chick with the red hair who was real bitchy? I crossed her off the list immediately

>> No.7681152
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then Persia

>> No.7681159

Anon, play Harvest Moon for SNES.
You can get Happy Bachelor ending. That's basically a harem end.

>> No.7681155

Can you go on dates in this game or just have them follow you around to fight enemies?

>> No.7681161

Raven(Tuna). Shes probably the most popular pick, but she is super cold until her last few levels when she turns it around big time. It kind of feels like they're trying to guilt you into picking her.

I'm like >>7681116 in that I liked most of them but none of them really stood out. RF tends to feature some really eccentric characters which makes things kind of weird. I tend to like gentle, nurturing girls but anything resembling that in RF games tends to have some bizarre baggage attached.

Came down to Kuruna, Carmen or Shara for me.

>> No.7681163

she's the most popular because she's a slut

>> No.7681171
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Did a first run with Tuna, I just wanted to know her reason for being a loner and learn the ropes of the game. Pretty good nonetheless
After that Kururufa which would actually be my first choice (the english translation kinda made her worse).
Then when the English version came out I replayed it for Pia.
They were all interesting in some way or another but I just couldn't bring myself to replay the game more than eight times.

>> No.7681173
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Kururufa is so moe~

>> No.7681190
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That she is.
I hope the next rune factories will have more jingai heroines other than elves. Between mermaid, horned tribes and phoenix curses I was crying from happiness..

>> No.7681195

don't call her cursed!

>> No.7681198

I haven't played it, I only heard about it from a friend. Is she a lolibabaa? And those are eyebrows, right? Someone claimed they're wrinkles.

>> No.7681207
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she's more of a iinchou-type character in the original, and a batshit communist militant in the english version. And I don't know what you're talking about, they're definitely eyebrows no matter how you look at them. Have an in-game pic, it's a bit shitty but the only one I have other than the wedding dresses, and I figure you might not want to spoiler yourself that.

>> No.7681210


Is that yuyuko ?

>> No.7681213

Marion because witches are the best.

>> No.7681219

I'm currently trying to decide. First time playing the game.

>> No.7681222 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
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speaking of swimsuits

>> No.7681223

Sofia > Karina/Sakuya > Little sister whose name escapes me > *

>> No.7681227


>> No.7681226

I'm having a hard time figuring out what position would lead to those fluid patterns combined with how her clothes are laid on her.

>> No.7681229

I chose the mermaid cause she was the sexiest and the best fighter.

>> No.7681231
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now that you mention it, how did that happen?

>> No.7681234

I tend to pick the witches, but Marion's obsession with injections was pretty weird. It kept making me think of her as some futanari that wanted nothing more than to fuck your ass. Couldn't take her seriously after that, but I guess that would be a good point for some people.

>> No.7681232


>> No.7681237
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Pia, so perfect.

>> No.7681238
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Maybe this image will ease your choice.

>> No.7681240
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>> No.7681242

I like to think of it as her injecting drugs into you that make you better in bed and last longer for her
Obviously she injects herself with a heavy aprhodasiac first.

>> No.7681250

Except she'll probably end up turning you into a girl instead.

Poor Micah never gets a break.

>> No.7681251


>Zaid stutters
Confirmed for gay

>Not proposing to dere Monica

>Sofia saying 'thank you' in red
...She's pretty much saying 'fuck you', isn't she?

>> No.7681254

You say that like it's a problem.

>> No.7681257
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>drug induced gender bending followed by yuri

>> No.7681260
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>> No.7681265
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Evelyn: "But who is it for? You wouldn't give an engagement ring to a friend, would you?"

>> No.7681301
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I'm of one of the few who likes Sakuya.

Originally, I wanted Hazel, then Shino, but both being unavailable, I 'settled' for Sakuya. After spending time with her though, I've been really happy. I can't even bring myself to go after another girl in another save file.

>> No.7681323
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I would have gone for Yue again, but since I couldn't, I had to settle with Sakuya as well.

>> No.7681326

It's amazing that Rune Factory pretty much took over the hardcore harvest moon fans while the newer harvest moons are reserved for casuals and children now.

>> No.7681344

So they all follow the same religion?

>> No.7681357

If you didn't marry Tuna, you're a monster who left her cold and alone forever

>> No.7681364

;_; I like Harvest Moon better than Rune Factory, but the Rune Factory games are superior to the recent Harvest Moon games in almost every way.

>> No.7681373

They follow christian-style marriage cerimony but there isn't even a church or proper religion, you're not supposed to think too hard about it.

>> No.7681399
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>> No.7681410

Why couldn't you be a cougar? I went through so much trouble to make those damn chocolate cakes for you.

>> No.7681415


Those visible woman pheromones.

>> No.7681656


>> No.7681674 [SPOILER] 
File: 659 KB, 1000x1451, 1312049541639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Monica still tsun
You're playing it wrong.

I chose the girl pictured, OP

>> No.7681678

I chose the tan one who goes fishing. I was kinda teetering between her and the smelly elf hermit.

>> No.7681680
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Karina, that lazyness.
