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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7678156 No.7678156 [Reply] [Original]

The VN general thread was deleted for some reason.
So here it is again

What are you playing/expecting/etc...? Talk about anything VN related here.
Old Thread

>> No.7678170

That's weird.
Well, waiting for irotoridori no sekai to be out in a torrent.

>> No.7678173

I was interested in Irotoridori no Sekai, after enjoying Hoshizora no Memoria, but kind of disappointed to find out about the genre shift.

>> No.7678186

Huh, that's weird, was it because of the suggestive OP picture?

>> No.7678195

Panchira is so incredibly sugestive.
Also deleting a thread like this while tehre's at least 5 pages worth of unrelated content is not normal.

>> No.7678201

This month is nukige nukige and nukige for me, next month is some more nukige plus Rance Quest.

And I'm fine with that.

Also disgaea 4 in a month-ish.

>> No.7678206

dunno, just blurted out a reason. Might be Op was banned too. Well, whatever.

>> No.7678212

Unfortunately, it IS normal.

>> No.7678216

It only was a panty shot. Considering some of the other stuff on the front page I somehow doubt that's the case.
Had to be a mistake by someone.

But yeah, I'm with the others waiting for a non-Share いろとりどりのセカイ download.
I wasn't that interested in it at first, but some of the spoilers I stumbled upon looked pretty damn interesting.

>> No.7678229
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Reading Cross Channel
its pretty cool

>> No.7678236

Yes, it is.

>> No.7678237 [SPOILER] 
File: 74 KB, 800x600, moe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing Moekan, I sure didn't expect the powerlevels.

>> No.7678238

Some day, I'll learn to set up share properly.
The onl,y time I've been able to find something I wanted, it woulnd't download, and that's after 2 hours trying.

>> No.7678266

You can use those hash databases to input the codes directly and start downloading, since there's going to be lots of people on that game you're going to get good speeds on release days. It's normal having to wait even days if what you're looking for is old.

>> No.7678268

Kazoku Keikaku has some of the most deformed looking heroines ever.... but i guess it's not bad

retarded looking chins aside it's pretty interesting so far

>> No.7678290

Yeah, standard anime art style has changed over the years, so the old one may feel really awkward.

>> No.7678317

I've been looking for VN review (exclusive or heavily featured) blogs to add to my list. Suggestions anyone? Either English or Japanese is okay, though I'd prefer English.

>> No.7678403

The one where the guy calls everything good shit.

>> No.7678407

Michi and Zen?

>> No.7678416

Well, he call everything bad shit too. But there wasn't any review on that site for ages.

>> No.7678418

Just ask /jp/, you won't find a better place filled with gentlemen with great taste.

>> No.7678420

what's the best mecha eroge?

>> No.7678424

Baldr Sky

>> No.7678425

Don't start that shit, please, anything but that.

>> No.7678426
File: 72 KB, 250x186, ff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not Muv-Luv.

>> No.7678435

Baldr Sky qualifies as power armors?
They pretty much turn into mechas digitally.

>> No.7678432

Muv-Luv Alternative.

Baldr Sky/Force and Muramasa aren't mecha but power armors before anyone ask.

I also am fond of Megalaugher though the minigame kind of suck

>> No.7678438

They are only like 3 meters tall.

>> No.7678440

But there's nothing human in them.

>> No.7678446

doesn't the term mecha pretty much always mean anything highly mechanised be it robots, åower armors, space ships, etc. if you want more specific then you used some other terms.
but anyway imo Baldr Sky > Muramasa > Baldr Force > Muv-Luv Alternative > Demonbane = Jinki Extended:ReVision (yeah I kinda enjoyed that one). those are my favorites as far as mecha genre goes

>> No.7678451

He asked for best mecha eroge, not big robot eroge.

>> No.7678449

Finish Muramasa before talking, Metarail.

>> No.7678453

Speaking of Muramasa, I was aware of Nitro concert, but I never bothered with it until recently. VERTUEUX singer looks far different than what I had imagined http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=peJcs9JA_RA&feature=player_detailpage#t=187s

At least he sounds better than Masatoshi, whose voice is totally out of touch http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Th1wjFo5L0I

>> No.7678454

There was that one CG with... Aki, I guess? were the shumicram looked huge. I guess it's kinda grey area but more tilting towards power armor. Sure, they don't really "wear" it since it's more of a transformation, but they mostly take after the body/movements of the user, see Chinatsu's legwork and the doctor's swordfighting, and the damage they take is reflected on the user almost directly.

>> No.7678456

yeah I should, but I still doubt it will beat BS for me as it isn't quite fit for my tastes, altough who knows. nothing will beat it for me, except maybe Ikusa Megami.

>> No.7678457

Can't we just agree on Baldr Sky, Muv-Luv, and Muramasa all being amazing in their own right?
They all are so different from each other that I don't see any reason to compare them and raise one above the others.

>> No.7678459
File: 211 KB, 800x600, aki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The mechs in Baldr Sky are pretty short but I think they're probably bigger than 3 meters, otherwise I don't think they could carry a human into in their hand

>> No.7678458

Nobody said otherwise you know.

>> No.7678463
File: 73 KB, 800x600, muaramasa_and_her_husband.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Muramasa's mecha and human proportion comparison.

>> No.7678472

While I do agree that MLA and Baldr Sky are definitely kamige (especially BS and how the storytelling was done in it, unlike MLA), I don't think they can hold a candle to Muramasa all things considered.

>> No.7678478

opinions and tastes. altough I can't say anything properly untill I finish playing Muramasa

>> No.7678481

Wow.. is Masatoshi on drugs or something? It seems like he doesn't even give a fuck.

>> No.7678487

Baldr Sky, Muramasa and Muvluv Alt are quite different games in almost every way other than LOL MECHA. Why do you guys insist on comparing them?

>> No.7678491

Because boredom and it's a good way to talk about them?

>> No.7678492

How far are you in? And mind you, I was not trying to belittle the other two. An eroge being "weaker" than Muramasa is certainly not an insult to any game. And yeah, it's just my opinion as I said.

>> No.7678506

Since we are talking about kamige, what are the titles you guys consider kamige?

>> No.7678512

Dat writing style, are you Metdragoid XDDD??? You're the one who was hyping Artemis Blue aren't you? Have you considered getting a trip?

>> No.7678513

It started as a discussion on definitions of mech and power armor actually, but it looks like the guy making the Muramasa/Baldr Sky/Alternative pictures lumping them together got to some people too much

>> No.7678519

not very far due to having shit little time recently and reading/playing few different games at same time. only at chapter 2, so yeah. but I do have liked it quite bit so far and from all the things I have read I can see it nearly reaching top of my list, but BS has that special place in my heart for various reason which is why I doubt Mura can be better for me. should finish euphoria tomorrow (initially picked it up for nukige but the story ended up being pretty good too and it being shorter decided to finish out of the way) and then its back for muramasa for me. and I should stop picking up stuff when I'm still in middle of reading

NO, like various other people who I know who visit here

>> No.7678526

We already have our resident tripfriends, I don't think we need more. Unless it's Moogy or Ixrec.

>> No.7678533

Holy shit people have identities outside /jp/, call the fucking cops even though no one really gave it any weight.

>> No.7678534

>only at chapter 2, so yeah.
Oh boy, you're in for some ride then.

>> No.7678537

Sup KoiNoDensetsu.

>> No.7678545

Muramasa, Oretsuba, Baldr Sky, Muv-Luv Alt and Yu-No are the ones I would call god tier without a doubt
I would put Cross Channel, Forest, Subahibi and Clannad (yes Clannad) too but they probably are more polarizing compared to the titles above that don't have much flaws.

>> No.7678561

Finally getting around to opening and installing Polyphonica Plus, despite having it in my hands since Monday.
Can't wait to have to probably download a crack or whatever for it too, because of RealLive and Visual Arts fear of foreigners.

>> No.7678566

Finished Rain's route.
Now off to get a bad end.

>> No.7678567

Chapter 2 is the weakest chapter of Muramasa, the awesomeness only really start in chapter 3.
So yeah

>> No.7678568

>Cross Channel, [...] and Clannad (yes Clannad) too but they probably are more polarizing compared to the titles above

Not really, if EGS scores are worth anything. CC and Clannad have lower standard deviations than any the "titles above" other than YU-NO. Subahibi and Forest aren't all that much above Muramasa and Oretsuba either.

>> No.7678577

Actually, I'd argue that Muramasa and Forest are the most polarizing titles of the bunch.

>> No.7678587

For me it's 1=5>4>2>3

>> No.7678601

Chapter 3 was when I really started to like Muramasa.
The dynamic between Kageaki/Ichijou/Kanae/Sayo was excellent and the race was really exciting.

>> No.7678620

I'd put Ikusa Megami Zero/Verita to that list too, they need to be played together tough, so you would see the full extend of meaning behind of Zeros events in Verita and can appreciate Serikas story bettter. but this is probably me?

yeah I know, but I already enjoyed the ending of ch1 and the begining parts of ch2.

>> No.7678621

>Baldr Sky/Force and Muramasa aren't mecha

Muramasa has fucking combining robots, if that's not mecha I don't know what is.

Speaking of Gutseider, it still looks like it was made by someone with several tons' worth of Lego bricks and a bunch of spare infant souls at hand. I liked all of the smaller units but Legoeider, Crystal Ramiel and the child-powered walking junkyard that looked like it was designed by an ork mekboss were all hilarious.

>> No.7678630

Is there any decent review (english or japanese) for Muramasa? This genre isn't my cup of tea so I'm skeptical about playing it.

>> No.7678641

I guess we value different things then. I was sold when Kageaki walks into the abandonded classroom, starts his sermon and overhelms his opponent after taking flight.

>> No.7678651
File: 78 KB, 1024x576, getterjeeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like to call it "Getter Jeeg".

>> No.7678663


took me 5 seconds of googling.

>> No.7678666

There is 8/10's review if you want to read it.

>> No.7678673

erogamescape has a few good reviews amongst all the one liners and links to proper blogs with in-depth reviews, just go there

>> No.7678680

Now that you mention it, yeah, that works too.

And look at that axe and tell me with a straight face that it isn't made out of plastic. It might be plastic covered with deadly neurotoxin, but damn, it's obviously made out of plastic.

>> No.7678724

I attempted to post in old thread, but it seems gone now.

Just wondering how hard it is to find old rare games on share and such. I'm looking for 今日のごにょごにょ, which after further googling seem to be sold out everywhere and out of print. So it seems like my only chance is through the hashes in share/whatever.

Think I have any chance at all at finding an old doujin game, or should I give up since nobody shares old stuff?

>> No.7678738

I managed to get some pretty old stuffs on Share with some patience.
Try your luck, you could be surprised

>> No.7678896

KGNE, LB!EX, Oretsuba, Baldr Sky, Kanon, School Days

>> No.7679086

sage for gay

>> No.7679105

you could say it's a ... sa-gayxD

>> No.7679155
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I can't help but notice in each revision of her sprite design through the various Polyphonica VNs, Corti's outfit has gotten slightly more revealing each time.

>> No.7679159

And that's a problem because....

>> No.7679183 [SPOILER] 
File: 660 KB, 800x600, Noname18b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not really, but I sort of miss the fuller mantle thing her earlier design had.
Felt more elegant or something.

>> No.7679184

The MC still looks like a fag.

>> No.7679189

That's okay.
He makes up for it with moe~

>> No.7679644
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What the fuck

>> No.7680114

Recently playing Chaos;Head for a change of pace. Can anyone give a good review? On chapter 7 now, so I think about halfway...probably. Although now it appears my save files are getting corrupted, is this normal?

>> No.7680152

Hello /jp/. I'm thinking of playing Akatsuki no Gouei, partly due to how it is quite popular within /jp/ players. May I ask how is it, comedy and character-wise? Good heroines' routes are welcome as well.

>> No.7680165

Comedy is great, characters are likable as well;.
Don't expect anything from the story though, all the individual routes are cut short before anything happen.
And the same thing happen in the sequels.

>> No.7680176
File: 69 KB, 800x420, samp_t-shirt_muramasa_l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I blame the 3D artist. It's not as bad as in the other titles (it actually takes me a couple of minutes to see the 3D sometimes), but it's still obvious in the more jarring cases like this one.

Damn, that's one expensive T-shirt. It's still bloody awesome, though, I hope they will sell it anywhere else.

>> No.7680186

The protagonist is amazing, as is most of the cast

>> No.7680278
File: 108 KB, 1030x604, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

いきなりあなたに恋している is pretty good so far. The maid is awesome.

>> No.7680288

Yeah I'm doing Ryou's route right now.
Not bad though the tempo got slower after a while.

>> No.7680332

Ah, just finished. It ended earlier than I thought

I guess I will try Iroseka now

>> No.7680340

Whatever happened to Ruf?

>> No.7680341

Can anyone here give me impressions on the first Higurashi game for the iPhone? I'm thinking about buying it...

>> No.7680363

do the animals in this thread ever leave this thread

>> No.7680391
File: 46 KB, 350x350, Julia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They closed down. They did a couple good games, but Salem no Majotachi, which used lots of resources (You can notice, lots of detail was taken in this game, despite fucking historical accuracy in the ass) , was an average game at best, and thus went bankrupt.

They tried REAL hard. It makes me sad, really.


I don't get enough rough girls using blunderbusses, dammit.

>> No.7680393
File: 38 KB, 536x99, fuckingretard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my good this guy is fucking retarded.


I don't think this was anything new, but Moogy thinks taking random words from a dictionary is "good" writing.

>> No.7680397

Sup Moogy.

>> No.7680400

Sarcasm works well over the internet.

>> No.7680404

That's not sarcasm. That's how retarded Moogy is.

>> No.7680408

>Cross†Channel 10 2011-07-26

>> No.7680410

No hope for them coming back, right?

>> No.7680411

moogy gonna moog. thats moogy for you, nothing new that he is retarded. he petty much rates eroges by the ammount of unique and obscure kanjis it has. more unique and obscure kanjis = the better the game and writing. thats moogy

>> No.7680412

Moogy is eroge expert and God of /jp/ so your argument is invalid.

>> No.7680414

Why are you even here Moogy?

>> No.7680416
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>> No.7680419

So how was Shinkyoku Soukai Polyphonica Plus? I'm guessing that the people who care have already finished it, and yet I haven't even been able to start because the faggots at FedSucks seem to have lost my copy.
Is it around the level of After School? Better? Worse?

>> No.7680429

I still have no idea why the fuck you are so obsessed with Moogy but if you really have to shit up a thread with that can you at least not make it that one?

>> No.7680434

I enjoyed it more so than After School, mainly because it shed more light on Kuchiba Kaoru's past, but I like the series a lot and am very biased
The only way for me to not like it were if Ocelot decided to make Danguis the protagonist or something

>> No.7680437

All this moogy hate will be gone when he finally releases his vaunted dra+koi tl. You shits will soon come to revere him like the guardian deity of eroge that he is.

>> No.7680446

You mean Fungi releases. If he really could have released it, he would've have done so ages ago. It just goes to show that he's incapable of translating a 4 hours long VN.

>> No.7680448

>The only way for me to not like it were if Ocelot decided to make Danguis the protagonist or something
But that'd be great, Phoron x Danguis OTP.
Didn't Fungi translate most of it?

>> No.7680445

Hey, is there any games with an imouto? I've been looking on vndb but that doesn't really let me know if it's patched usually.

In other news I'm looking forward to Imouto Ijime. Apparently it'll be patched by the "end of the week."

>> No.7680452

Fungi only translated the ero.

>> No.7680457

...Isn't the game mostly ero?

>> No.7680460 [DELETED] 

Yeah, that explains why the translation patch is yet to be released.

>> No.7680462

That's cool and all but this thread is about eroge, not translation people hate and reaction images. Go shit up the VNTL status thread or something.

>> No.7680464

Yeah, that explains why the translation patch is yet to be released. Not. Moogy would have released the patch long time ago if he truly could, but he simply can't, because not everyone is fit to be a translator.

>> No.7680466

>I've been looking on vndb but that doesn't really let me know if it's patched usually.
If by patched you mean has an English patch then vndb does that quiet well.

>> No.7680467

i'll shit you up

>> No.7680471
File: 100 KB, 1084x520, g110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've been looking on vndb but that doesn't really let me know if it's patched usually.

Sometimes, in the middle of the night, I wonder what do those flags mean...

>> No.7680474

...shit. I guess most of them aren't patched. Well thanks for the help anyways.

>> No.7680479

how did I used filters

>> No.7680504

more than half of the games he has at 10 don't have unusually many unique/obscure kanji

>> No.7680523

Compared to the others he played, they have.
He will probably orgasm on the spot when he will get to Rail-soft

>> No.7680574

Goddamn, I remember the times when we only had the phone record of MURAMASA from that concert. And that actually sounded better in some way, maybe because of my nostalgia.

And yeah, VERTUEUX is not as manly as I expected him to be. Still has his awesome voice, though.

>> No.7680651

Tenshi no Hane is out in Share

>> No.7680653

Actually it's not, fucking share

>> No.7680896

> I'm guessing that the people who care have already finished it
I care, but haven't finished it yet due to underestimating my fatigue and fell asleep while reading it about 2 hours in.
I'm frustrated.

>> No.7681313

Koikishi OP is out. The few cgs they showed actually had full main character in it and looked very d'aaww. I guess it's alright if I start having slight expectations this won't be a landmine?

>> No.7681575
File: 40 KB, 1039x675, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Iroseka torrent with hash 8E4BD656C752BE09B779DF5C1235C8E9851F53A5 seems to be a fake. It's giving me the error in picture with 2 different computers even though the download is not corrupted.

>> No.7681599

It's engine thing, you can't play it unless you change date and time format to Japanese.

>> No.7681616

I love favorite, same problem I had with memoria.

>> No.7681673

IIRC, didn't he have it scored as an 8 back when he played the translation?

I'm sorry, but it doesn't matter how 'bad' a translation is, there's no way a game is going to jump 2 points from playing the original unless you're a pretentious douchebag who puts way too much emphasis on retarded shit. The base story is going to be the same

>> No.7681685

The writing improves tenfold, as does the humour, making it a lot nicer and funnier to read.

>> No.7681689

So what are you reading right now?
I did 2 routes of Ikikoi, Tsumugi and Ryou.
Game has some good moments but the pace during the routes is fucked up.
Also the humor is hit or miss, the heroines always abusing the protag get a little old after a while.

>> No.7681694

I never read the english translation but I never really found the original funny.
In term of humor Romeo is at his best in Saihate no Ima

>> No.7681704

He faps over writing style, it might be pretentious but if that's the one thing he values in a game, it's not really that impossible to jump from 8 to 10. Ixrec's translation read pretty akwardly, while the original was pretty up there as far as writing goes.

>> No.7681735

>IIRC, didn't he have it scored as an 8 back when he played the translation?
Yep. He's a retarded fanboy who hypes stupid shit, that's all I can say.

>> No.7681748

Playing Irotoridori, kinda worried since apparently the good stuff gets down only in the true route and you have 4 routes to go through before unlocking that.
The setting is good but the everyday scenes are kind of dull. Doesn't help that I like Suzu and Ayumu more than the actual heroines so far. If her introduction scene is anything to go by, Kyou is promising though.

>> No.7681760

I'm only hearing good things about Tenshi no Hane, damn I want it so bad.
And no shitstorm over it yet, it's a miracle considering what happened with Asairo and Itsusora.

>> No.7681822 [SPOILER] 
File: 291 KB, 804x634, fuck this shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finally finished. Euphoria, it was pretty great, the true route was really good and ero was dangerously hot. and goddamit why the fuck doesn't the best female character even fucking get proper ending or route, FUCK THIS SHIT. that was pretty much my biggest gripe with it. but overally pretty great, better than excepted as I started it before people started rambling about the true route.

but now it's back to Muramasa now, hopefully I can finish it now without side tracking to other stuff for a bit, but considering it's lenght and my speed and time, I probably will to some side steps in middle.

>> No.7681887 [DELETED] 

I recommend you to finish at least Ichijou's route (recommended first) without getting sidetracked. Seriously, just do it.

>> No.7681893

I recommend you to finish at least Ichijou's route (recommended first) without getting sidetracked. Seriously, just do it. By that point, you'll appreciate Muramasa if you didn't before.

>> No.7682030 [SPOILER] 
File: 278 KB, 900x1200, 587608-KNJ5W3C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

禁断の病棟 is amazing fapping material, as expected from Team Heartbeat and M&M. Too bad that you have to "unlock" Rinne, the nurse on the cover. I wanted to do her asap.

>> No.7682046

Iroseka has a great setting, too bad the slice of life is so boring.
But Shinku is really cute
Anyways I just want to get to the genre shift quickly, maybe it will get more interesting then

>> No.7682048

I concurr, though I like Kana and actually would have said yes to her marriage proposal right at the start.
Too bad there's never a choice for that.

>> No.7682055

>Too bad that you have to "unlock" Rinne, the nurse on the cover
I frustrated. You happen to know the unlock conditions?

>> No.7682096

I'm not sure, but you probably have to clear some/all of the 4 main girls.

>> No.7682153

Fucking finally.
Tenshi no Hane is on Share.

>> No.7682176
File: 228 KB, 800x600, 7469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's /jp/'s take on Demonbane? Worth a shot?

>> No.7682189

It's ok. Nothing amazing, but not terrible either.
Now that it's translated there is pretty much no reason not to try it, in my opinion.

>> No.7682193

It's between this and Muramasa. I've heard Muramasa being called a kamige, can anyone explain why it's good?

>> No.7682195

It's hard to convince someone without spoiling too much. Just play it.

>> No.7682196

I just finished Al's bad end, and I've enjoyed it so far. It is pretty amusing for the most part as it doesn't get serious till near the end. I really liked the writing too, as well as the characters. If you are in hot blooded /m/ stuff and/or Cthulthu mythos, then you should definitely try it out.

Only complaints I have are that it does drag on a bit, and the H-scenes seem random and horribly out of place.

>> No.7682202

Awesome characters, awesome story, awesome setting, awesome writing, awesome art and awesome music.
Will make you laugh your ass off, will make you excited like a little kid on christmas, will plunge you in deep despair, will make you cry your heart out.

The usual.

>> No.7682208

Great characters, well-constructed and well-resolved conflicts, good fight scenes (when you finish it, you'll be given a jetpack and sword and become a flying kendo expert) and stellar humor. In addition, the game explicitly trolls you (don't get spoiled on this) and it's hilarious.

>> No.7682204
File: 265 KB, 1524x1274, 1300205322515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

awesome writing, great action, pretty good alternate history setting, memorable characters and a story which actually feels fresh and original if somewhat prone to get pretty dark
also personal bias but I love protagonists like Kageaki

>> No.7682226
File: 302 KB, 1018x573, muramasa (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And top-notch production values. Maybe not on on the level of MLA, but it sure is hgh considering the fact that Muramasa relies on narration and dialogue rather than eye candy.

>> No.7682257
File: 320 KB, 1021x573, tsurugi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tsurugis' theory of how they came to be were one of my favourite parts in the game. World building at its best.

>> No.7682266

How do you manage to stay awake long enough to finish reading Muramasa? Between the ridiculous explanations of flying sword-fighting combat theory that drag on forever, and Kageaki's dialogue, I could only make it through 1 route before finally dropping it.

>> No.7682282


Thanks. I was hesitant because the mecha design turned me off but I'll give it go.

>> No.7682284

How fast do you read? I can imagine your pain if you read rather slow.

>> No.7682299

Not having awful taste help for one.

>> No.7682351

This is probably a good opportunity to ask, do you think I'd be able to read Muramasa with a good level of comprehension?

I most difficult thing I've read is probably ItsuSora and I understood about 80-85% of that (mainly struggling with some of the walls of text and archaic language). Reading speed as usual, will be slow.

>> No.7682360

You shouldn't have a problem if you managed to read ItsuSora.

>> No.7682382


Welcome to every Muramasa battle scene!

>> No.7682406

Good to hear, thanks. I'll play it after I finish Grisaia.

>> No.7682478

Well, since they have been dead for nearly a year... no.

Unless Will Japan finds a reason to pump money back in them, I find it implaussible.

>> No.7682619

Pretty much so yes, also dropped it after one route just so boring. Well actually it was kind of entertaining when they weren't fighting (and the race was great), but other then that...

>> No.7682674

Muramasa is solid 9/10 game, but with ONE (you know) final Kageaki's line it become 1000/10 game and I'm quite wander no one mention it before in /jp/.

>> No.7682719

Need to get one end/top choice end? for each of the 4 other girls, it seems.

>> No.7682965
File: 81 KB, 816x891, 1310284405707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello VN-experts, I need your help!
I remember some guys used kind of a translating-tool for their VNs/Eroge. This tools runs with the according VN/Eroge at the same time and simultaneously translates the dialogues as they're shown up.
Of course it's shit. But for my h-vns this should be quite enough.
Does anyone know which tool i mean?

>> No.7682969

AGTH + Translation Aggregator

>> No.7683224

Continuing on with Polyphonica Plus, and Jesus fuck, what is with some of these names?
It's like the author threw kana magnets at something and made names out of ones which stuck.

>> No.7683457
File: 38 KB, 240x420, Yuzuriharuluka Na Daphnefiram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7683470

Are you saying that Managariastinockle Lagu Edraikerius is not a name that makes perfect sense? Well, sir, I never.

>> No.7683498

Jokes on you, he used rand()

>> No.7683516

Hmm, still no torrent for Tenshi no Hane wo Fumanaide?

>> No.7683531

Is it even out on Share yet? I don't see it there.

>> No.7683568

I'm keeping watching over torrent page in hongfire, but I don't now much sites besides HF, so I thought it can be somewhere else...
what it is?

>> No.7683597

Finally! just updated torrent page in HF

>> No.7683641


Get out

>> No.7683654

Besides Kageaki himself, I never found the main characters in Muramasa very compelling or interesting, especially Hikaru. The fights can also feel slightly draggy if you don't care about kendo jargon, though on average they're nowhere near Hanachirasu level and the excellent production values help quite a bit as well.

For me, the best thing about Muramasa was that it had a good main theme and it was explored fairly thoroughly, all of the routes contributed in a meaningful way to the big picture. Great game but not one of my favorites.

>> No.7683836

Shikigami is out in Share

>> No.7684035

Just curious, what's your favourite games?

>> No.7684039
File: 786 KB, 2048x1280, ETC_e01a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So how's the newest FAVORITE game?

Is it good as HoshiMemo?

>> No.7684044

Around chapter six and it's honestly kind of dull so far, though I heard Shinku's route is the really good part and that's the last one out of 5 routes.
Didn't play the previous work so can't compare them, but since I'm usually not one to be swept away by the ending if the rest of the game was subpar it's not looking that good.

>> No.7684047

not that far in Muramasa yet, something that I kinda noticed so far, don't know if it changes later, but the Kageaki Muramasa relationship and feel reminds me alot of the relationship between Serika and Haisherra. did anyone of you guys think so when you played Muramasa?

>> No.7684048

Kyo is awesome. and definetely gets better when it focus on a character than instead of harem hijinks (chapter 10 at the moment)

>> No.7684054

Still in the common route, the humor/slice of life is pretty bland but the setting is interesting.
I think it does have some kind of potential but so far I've been mostly bored.
But the main heroine, Shinku, is delicious.

>> No.7684072
File: 102 KB, 800x600, 115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just started 天使の羽根を踏まないでっ
Hopefully it will deliver

>> No.7684082

Looks like a great month so far.
Anyone tried Shikigami yet?

>> No.7684086
File: 286 KB, 1021x573, mura.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7684168

>Kyo is awesome

All is good.

>> No.7684201

Not going to post my favorites because of the LOL IDENTIFIED XDDDD retard(s) in this thread. Out of the more popular games I guess I like MLA and Subahibi. MLA in particular does have more serious problems than Muramasa, but the good things about the game heavily outweigh them as far as I am concerned.

>> No.7684212

Sup Moogy.

>> No.7684226

Well in the end Ikikoi was not worth more than a 7/10
Best part of the game was when they went to the school at night during the common part, there were a few good jokes here and there after that, especially with Tsumugi but overall it was a bit disappointing.
Pretty average moege

>> No.7684232

Started it right now, might be just because it's the beginning but personally it feels pretty fun. I don't really like heroines who are all over the mc from the beginning so the abuse feels somewhat fresh. Does it get worse later on?

>> No.7684236

Can you shed some more light on this without spoiling? I've only played Baldr Sky and am looking for my next mecha fix. I'll probably end up playing them both but priorities, priorities.

>> No.7684238

>. I don't really like heroines who are all over the mc from the beginning so the abuse feels somewhat fresh
They are all over him, they just are tsundere.

But it just get repetitive after a while and the pacing gets fucked up.
And I say that as someone who really liked the trial

>> No.7684248

Oh, got it. I'll continue for a while and see how it works for me, thanks.

>> No.7684254

There really isn't anything definite that sets them apart from each other in terms of quality. It all boils down to taste. As for me, I prefer Muramasa for all these reasons mentioned here:


But what can I say, I prefer traditional storytelling. MLA achieved the storytelling through other means. Stripping MLA down to text and pictures only would pretty much rip everything it has going for it, whereas the same can't be said for Muramasa.

>> No.7684260

They are both at the top.
Play one or the other but you should eventually play both.

>> No.7684281

I'd say play Muramasa first as with it you don't have to wait eons till it gets interesting, with ML you have to play trough the boredom of EX/UL. ofcourse depending on your tastes they might not be that boring.

>> No.7684318

Okay thanks. I think I'll go for Muv-Luv series first because it seems to have easier Japanese for me as my language skills are far from perfect. Trying to decipher that image >>7682257 was quite painful for me..

>> No.7684329


>> No.7684336

sometimes I hate nukige's. I downloaded Imouto Ijime for some cute imouto and onii-chan interaction. What I get is sex scenes one after another...

>> No.7684337

he wasn't even ironic, see >>7678512

>> No.7684343

Both seem pretty ironic shitposting to me. Either way, >>>/b/

>> No.7684346

Haven't been following the scene for a while. Anyone playing 天使の羽根 yet? Verdict so far?

>> No.7684348

it has epic kanji puns oh shumon oh let me fellate you god plz 10/10

>> No.7684355

everyone has been saying it's pretty easy for a shumon game, god just stop being more retarded than the guy you're making fun of.

>> No.7684365

why so mad? don't tell me you're this guy http://archive.easymodo.net/jp/thread/7557360#p7557454

>> No.7684373

I'm mad because this thread should be about eroge, not "let's find out who the posters are and make fun of random people that aren't related to japanese games with a sprinkle of memes"

>> No.7684391

I am sure you are mad because we pay attention to lord moogy

>> No.7684413

It's pretty nice so far.

>> No.7684621

Reading iroseka, I love when shit goes down right at the route start.

>> No.7684775

So it really does genre shift?

>> No.7684801

Recommend a vn for someones first

I have heard fate/stay night or whatever is a good choice, anything else?

(please don't hurt me)

>> No.7684808

how many chapters does muv luv alternative have?

believe it or not, I can't find this information anywhere on the internet.

>> No.7684810
File: 1.23 MB, 1400x1900, 1311594428351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checkout VNDB to see what interests you.

>> No.7684814

10 chapters. 1 through 5 are rather short compared to 6-10, however.

>> No.7684824

thanks. The reason for my asking is I keep feeling like I'm waiting for shit to go down after what people have said about it and I've been feeling this way for 4-5 chapters. As a result the game might disappear before me as I'm "waiting for something to happen".

Similar thing happened to me with Asscreed brotherhood, when I got to the end of that game I thought I was only half way through (the completion percentage mislead me) and so I wasn't paying much attention at all...

>> No.7684848

One chapter in common route have battle scene but it return to normal after that so I don't know if you can call that genre shift.

>> No.7684851
File: 2.79 MB, 350x263, 1311641565122.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chapter 6 shit goes down in an awesome way.

Chapter 7 and pic related

>> No.7684858

I wonder if I can just download a save and do Shinku's route directly.

>> No.7684878
File: 163 KB, 1020x638, wwwww.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best VN protagonist ever

>> No.7684937


>> No.7684993


>> No.7685058
File: 573 KB, 970x776, Clipboard05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

decided to take small break reading Mura and checked quickly the short trial of VB -Abyss- as I'm fan of the series. trial was entertaining for little it offered and it's ol' good VB quality like -Empire- was, nothing mindblowing but fun. now gimme gameplay trial so I can see what improvements/changes there is to system already.
can't wait for full release in few months.

>> No.7685115

Just downloaded Empire actually. Any general tips or is it beginner-friendly so I'm free to do what I like without fucking up things much?

>> No.7685130
File: 411 KB, 800x600, vbe4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just do anything you want, it isn't that hard unless you start with hard difficult right at the start. it's practically imposible to get "stuck", there's only one place where you might get game over without explanation but its pretty hard to get and, just make sure that you do as much things as possible per turn and you shouldn't have problem.
just play the way you like and enjoy, VB games are really underappreciated imo

>> No.7685150

got it, thanks

>> No.7685155

I used this wiki here and then


Very useful. Also update to the latest patch(1.20) if you haven't already

>> No.7685235

Oh the new Djibril is out now.

>> No.7685272

Nah, only 1/6th of the game is ero, though it's particularly concentrated in the immediate center (The first part of the game before the H-Scene is a bit less than 1/4th of the game, between the first and second is around another 1/8, between the second and third 1/5th, then the remaining third or so after the third scene is around 1/3rd)

I have a feeling these numbers don't add up. No less, Dra+Koi is a great game.

>> No.7685276

On a scale of 1 to 10, how many tentacle rape/NTR scenes?

>> No.7685279

There will be at least one scene with the devil girls in this one. Fucking 4, not having a single one.

>> No.7685285

Tell me about it! Why do they have to cocktease? Reminds of fucking Alicesoft.

>> No.7685292
File: 217 KB, 800x600, 1311947728554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Greetings from /a/.

I just finished Monmusu Quest, and enjoyed every minute of it. Can't wait for the second chapter to come out and be translated.

Any suggestions for something for a beginner to VNs?

Pic Related, Alice is total waifu tier.

>> No.7685296

>Greetings from /a/.
>total waifu tier.
And they say trolling isn't an art.

>> No.7685294

Violent Semen Inferno

>> No.7685304


>> No.7685302

Look up shit that suits your tastes.

>> No.7685316

Now I remember why /jp/ is considered even gayer than /a/.

>> No.7685339

I'm happy you think that way. Now leave.

>> No.7685345

Judging from the CG set it looks to be about the same amount of rape/etc CG as there are consensual sex with protag CG.

>> No.7685692

Just got to the first choice in Tenshi no Hane.
Should I go for the sun or moon school first? Any recommended order?

>> No.7686137

Finished the main segment in Polyphonica Plus.
That was nice, and almost definitely better than After School was I'd say, though it lacked some of the heart warming moments that After School had.
Finally seeing characters that had only been mentioned before actually appear was nice as well. As was the way they've been tieing in some of the various other stories set in the same setting.
Well, on to those extra segments then.

>> No.7686187

>Well, on to those extra segments then.
Too lewd.

>> No.7686481

If only that were true. Dammit Ocelot, I want an actual Polyphonica eroge, not a kinetic novel.

>> No.7686526

http://www.liar.co.jp/raiL/ new game announced

>> No.7686531

Just finished Mei/Sunohara in Clannad.

Godfuckingdammnit I feel cheated. I expected an epilogue with Mei and Tomoya hooking up or something later.

The anime adapted it surprisingly well, all things considered. Given there's no proper Mei end, he might as well have been going out with Nagisa.

>> No.7686534

Liking what I see in the IroSekai reviews.

>> No.7686735


Speaking of which, did you know that you can enter the Fuko route while dating Nagisa?

It changes some scenes, but you can't make out with Fuko later.

>> No.7686750

I'll avoid that. Fuuko needs some lovin'.

Still interesting. The VN has a lot of random shit like that like different people to get to the storage room and the "choices" of girlfriends for Sunohara.

>> No.7686758


Yeah, I really missed that in Little Busters.

>> No.7686769

Little Busters has some variation and stuff in Saya's route.

>> No.7686975

I'm curious, when does Baldr Sky get into the action? I keep hearing great things about it, but, at chapter 6 in Rain's route, I'm really craving a long sequence of fights amid these slice of life flashbacks, and the whole of 5-7 instances to this point haven't really cut it.

Another question, how do you get more points to buy stuff? Is there any way to do it outside of getting more per story battle? Like a training or challenge mode? My current arsenal is lacking.

>> No.7686982

Rain's route is just there to show the setting, it doesn't have much fights.
The other routes have more battles, especially starting from Chinatsu's route

>> No.7686985

You'll start getting more battles by the end of Rain's route and enoigh points to buy all the available weapons, don't worry about that, first you need to read Ko's past and the like, introduce the characters and all.

>> No.7686987

Rain route is basically a tour to introduce you to the setting, it doesn't have much action. You'll have 4-6 battles for most chapters, except the 11th were there's plenty.
And no, just story battles for the moment. Though you really should watch all the endings and that makes you earn enough points to buy everything. At the beginning it's normal to feel like you can't afford anything.

>> No.7686990

Playing Baldr Sky here too.
It kinda sucks that you can't reload a save to get another ending and keep the shit you got from a previous ending.
You have to restart the entire game.

>> No.7686992

Thank you for the responses. I'll keep at it and look forward to the following routes.

>> No.7686998

I just saw it as a way to grind with ending bonuses. Instead of using traning mode or challenge mode like that guy was saying, you just replay the routes for money and get the other endings.
Maybe it's because I played it with a joypad instead of keyboard but I had so much fun with the gameplay I didn't really care about doing a route three times over (well, except Aki's, there the fights really get endless).

>> No.7687028

Irotori is getting some really good reviews in egs.
Is Shinku's route really THAT good?

>> No.7687099

Not that far yet, but I wouldn't really trust early scores for genre shift games. It's the reason euphoria got that many 90+ scores, from people who played for porn and found out plot, while if you play for plot you find it disappointing.

>> No.7687131

>I want an actual Polyphonica eroge
All of my money.
I did find it kind of funny though that they redrew/censored one of the CGs from the Waterpark Extra story from the artwork it was based on.

>> No.7687418

It truly was too lewd.

>> No.7687703

Currently about 5 hours into the sun school route of Tenshi no Hane.
Arya and Sora are cute but it's not especially interesting otherwise so far, kind of remind me of Otoboku.

>> No.7687743

Just finished Eustia
Prologue and Colette/Lavi chapters were good.
Fione chapter was okay.
Eris and Eustia chapter were absolute shit. Overall a disappointment but still enjoyable.
The threesome scene was probably one of the best h scenes I've played this year. So fucking adorable.

>> No.7687759

You forgot Licia

>> No.7687766

So... is Irotori difficult to read?
After reading some reviews I'm kinda interested in it.

>> No.7687769

Not difficult, it gets pretty boring.

>> No.7687781

Rather than boring I would call it subdued.
Reading it I've been learning to appreciate its mood, it's pretty charming

>> No.7687823

>Colette/Lavi chapters were good.
Oh hey, someone else who didn't hate Colette's story just because hurr religion preaching means it's shit? I like you.

>> No.7687844
File: 117 KB, 1280x720, why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

( ´,_ゝ`)

>> No.7687856

it's about faith and to believe, not necessarily about religion. anyway, I liked it because it flows nicely and is sufficiently self contained. the characters all behave believably and Collete is cute.

>> No.7687863

well I agree, I was just mimicking the kneejerk reaction of most people I've read about

>> No.7687883

I liked it too, I found Collett a truly upstanding person.
And the way shen just made Caim shut up in one sentence, she's love.

>> No.7687886

Ah. I know what he is going through.

For some reason only ugly chicks have ever interest in me. I know I am no model material, but they were bbsolutely hideous.

>> No.7687908

now that I've been reading Muramasa, it's pretty minor nitpick but annoys me a bit. did anyone else find it annoying that each character has like only one or two tachies, but their potrait in message box changes expressions, and then doesn't reflect to tachie at all. it kinda weirds me out and makes me feel somewhat uncomfortable at times. maybe it just takes some time to get used this style and by the end I probably wont even notice it

>> No.7687912

Yeah, it's pretty gay. All resources that were spent on those unneeded CGI clips could have been spent on adding more CGs and sprites instead. They added more sprites in the fandisc, though.

>> No.7687911

Yes. That shit drove me crazy.
You do eventually get used to it though.

>> No.7687918

so who do you like more haisherra or muramasa??

>> No.7687935 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.32 MB, 1064x1623, haisherra3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not that far in Muramasa yet so can't say much about her yet, liking her tough so far, but considering that Haisherra is in shared first place on my favorite heroine list Muramasa has to be exceptionally good as heroine to beat her for me, which I doubt will happen

>> No.7687942

Fuck, I really need to play Ikusa Megami Zero/VERITA at some point.

>> No.7687963
File: 981 KB, 1100x1489, haisherra1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you should, they are great games

>> No.7687969

I should, but games keep piling up. It has stayed on my to-do list like forever. How addicting or good is the gameplay?

>> No.7687973

well the IM games are the "story" games of Eushully, so the gameplay isn't quite as good as in their more gameplay focused titles like Kamidori. but it's still quite entertaining if you like RPGs

>> No.7687979

oh forgot to mention that, during the times played them I never got tired of the gameplay and it offered bit of challenge too here and there

>> No.7688197

Naberius makes the IM gameplay fun and broken

>> No.7688202

Speaking of IM games, would it be best to just start from the first game in the series and move to the last, are there games that didn't hold up well and can be skipped and aren't that important story-wise, or what

>> No.7688225


>> No.7688229 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 543 KB, 1600x1200, 1312232494406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh, just noticed on the disc that supposed to have all the CGs from the various Polyphonica Crimson games that game with Plus, that there are CGs that didn't even appear.
Like this and a variation of it is apparently from After School, but unless I'm going blind it's doesn't show up there at all.
And with that, that should be the last post from me about Polyphonica for quite some time.

>> No.7688246


>> No.7688250
File: 292 KB, 560x420, RJ037750_img_main.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just started this, what to expect other than futanari sensei ?

>> No.7688314

Playing IM 1 and 2 last seems kind of weird. If they're archaic, you'd think you'd want to play them first because otherwise they'll seem too outdated after completing the other ones. And if they come later in the timeline, doesn't that mean that the future games were made as prequels? Like, you don't watch Star Wars 1-3 before 4-6, and you don't play Lufia 2 before Lufia 1, so why play IM 1-2 later?

>> No.7688532


>> No.7688615

No point making a new thread, so I guess I'll ask here:
What are some English translated VNs similar to Canvas 2? Something with romance, slice of life, some comedy, no real plot, light character-driven drama and no random supernatural/sci-fi bullshit.
Bonus points if it's actually, you know, better than Canvas 2.
From the handful of VNs I read the only other one that comes to mind is Kira Kira, at least outside of Kirari's route.

>> No.7688622

Violent Semen Inferno.

>> No.7688625

Yes, I played it, it's a rather good, but not what I'm asking for.

>> No.7688627

Muvluv Extra. Sort of.
Crescendo maybe.
Da Capo I/II. Maybe.
That early MG title, Hinatabokko, though I can't recall what their title for it was.
Maybe KazoKei?
Pia Carrot maybe. Though, that's much much more of a dating sim.
Parts of Suika sort of fit that.
What's been translated of To Heart 2.
Maybe Snow Sakura.

>> No.7688631

The Maiden Rape Assault.

>> No.7688646

Oh, that's right, I utterly forgot I played Crescendo, Pia Carrot and Snow Sakura - since that was a couple years ago when I first tried VNs. Snow Sakura fit quite nicely from what I remember, Crescendo was a bit too heavy at times.
Doesn't Da Capo have some supernatural bullshit going on?
I'll play Ef once I forget the plot of the anime.
Kazoku Keikaku I've been meaning to play in the past but it slipped my mind, so I guess I'll try that first. Hinatabokko sounds promising too, though I don't expect much. Also, since it's early MG translation, that means it'll probably make my eyes bleed.

>> No.7688653

Both Da Capo's have supernatural bullshit, as does ef (but you should know that if you've seen the anime, even though it diverges from the game's plot significantly). Kazoku Keikaku can get fairly heavy in the drama but it's really excellent.

I'd recommend Brass Restoration (some melodrama) and Quartett.

>> No.7688651

>Doesn't Da Capo have some supernatural bullshit going on?
Sort of, but it's more just to create drama at times and just sort of there from the routes I've played similar to how it is in Shuffle.

>> No.7688656

Well, I specified that I don't want it partly because of how much it bothered me in Shuffle(amongst the many, oh so many other problems Shuffle had), so I guess I'll pass for now.

>> No.7688669

You know, I remember playin Private Nurse.

It was such a... calm game. It was a sedative in digital form. I always ended up sleepy after playing it.

>> No.7688681

I wouldn't wish something that boring on anyone.

>> No.7688692

Couldn't stand Brass Restoration's protagonist when I played it, so I dropped it really fast. Does he keep being such a dick for the entire game?
Quartett's great, though I didn't finish it and am reluctant to do so - because of one single scene that seems to be foreshadowing something that's going to make me rage way too much.
And clicking on "all" tags on vndb, I'm not so sure I want to play Kazoku Keikaku right now either.
I just want my silly happy escapist moe fantasy, dammit.

>> No.7688696

I made it a point to play the game on its entirety. I recall taking over a month to finish it, playing around an hour per day before going to bed.

I no longer have the drive I had as a youngin'.

>> No.7688960

it can be done both ways really. personaly I think it't better to play IM Zero/Verita before because then IM1/2 dont spoil their events and few twists would strike you harder because you don't know that they are coming. altough if you play IM1/2 befire Z/V it probably would be cool to see all the events they refer in those games to play out. also there is IM Remake coming too

>> No.7689081
File: 89 KB, 530x397, m-l_extra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just started getting into Visual Novels and I want to try Muv-luv next. Been hearing nothing but good things about Alt but I want to play all of them. Sadly, I can't find a full english patch since most links just lead back to Amaterasu's page. Is there another location for the patch that I'm missing?

>> No.7689096


Literally the first two results on google.

>> No.7689134

That was one I checked out, but the comments made me think that it was incomplete. I'm downloading this one now either way. Seems like the best option atm.

>> No.7689168

I know for a fact that the Muv-Luv one works.
When I replayed Unlimited to get in the right mood for "The Day After" that's the download I used.

>> No.7689307
File: 432 KB, 1280x1024, qqq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing Grisaia. It is pretty good

>> No.7689687

why couldn't you put a spoiler? i thought it was a normal scene before opening it

>> No.7689751

new thread
