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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7668703 No.7668703 [Reply] [Original]

How much do you typically eat a day? Is there a good way to train yourself to eat less?

>> No.7668705

Don't leave your room. Works for me.

>> No.7668708

After eating less for awhile you begin to not notice and your body adapts.

>> No.7668707

What kind of shitty subs is that?
Even Ayako wasn't this bad.

>> No.7668714



Too bad that's actually what it says

>> No.7668717

When you eat less you become a fatass. Eat healthy 5-6 meals a day and no trash food and quit being a stereotypical amerifat.

>> No.7668718

If you want to eat less, have more meals a day, but with much smaller portions per meal.

>> No.7668721

Five times a day, usually in the realm of 2500 calories. I'm not quite sure what this has to do with /jp/, though.

>> No.7668727

I'm surprised nobody has done a singular response of

>> No.7668747

/fit/ is probably the worst place one could go for fitness advice. I would never send anyone there.

I mean go and click on it; I dare you.

>> No.7668750

Wanna go out with me, ZUN!bar-kun?

>> No.7668764

You're a boy, though.

Two boys can't go out with each other.

>> No.7668772
File: 1.08 MB, 1024x717, 1311757939106.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

being a NEET hikki is a great way to lose weight/eat less

at one point i was so depressed and filled with self-loathing i basically became a ghost, wandering around at night or curled up in my sheets shivering with fear of my own reality until i passed out from exhaustion (i would stay awake for 2-3 days with only a few blackouts here and there)

this lasted for weeks

if i remember correctly, i only drank water and occasionally ate one of those cheapass TV dinners that only had 150 calories

all that stress, depression, and isolation made me shed pounds like crazy in one or two months

when i hit 150 i started doing some light exercises in my room, setting some pretty laid back goals like 30 pushups/30 situps

currently sitting at 135lb (5'10) steady now and pretty happy with it

i feel like i'm almost ready to take the next step and start running at night

>> No.7668774

We could break that stereotype, man.

>> No.7668777

I've found that the less you eat, the less hungry you'll feel, and the less you'll be able to eat until you feel full. I've found that tea seems to help if you are feeling hungry. I used to eat about 2500 calories a day, but now I'm down to about 900. Eating so much just costs too much.

>> No.7668778


Do you work or have school now? Or still a NEET?

Also, I want to eat less so I have less bowel movements. Because of my painful anal fissure, fiber/stool softner/blahblah won't work

>> No.7668789

It was surprisingly easy for me once I started making food myself. Mainly for economical reasons, I made just made tiny meals all the time, but made sure to make a new meal as soon as I was hungry again. Started losing weight really quickly, and managed to get by on very little food.

For example, one thing I ate a lot of at first was hot dogs. Usually I could eat 4 of them for one meal, but instead I decided to just eat 1 whenever I was hungry, which meant that each hot dog lasted much longer than they would have if eaten together. And I lost like 1 kg a week on this hot dog diet.

>> No.7668795
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i don't have a real job or school, but i do have all my textbooks from before i went full NEET hikki, so whenever i get a flash of motivation i read up as best i can and/or work a few problems

the one thing i've never stopped doing is reading, though i admit they are mostly just novels (but good ones!)

not really trying to re-enter society so much as figure out ways to hate myself less, which i feel is a pre-requisite for re-entry should i one day choose to go that route

i've accepted that it's impossible to experience any sort of true or complete metamorphosis so long as i choose to hold fast to my lifestyle

i view what i'm doing as something similar to smoothing rough edges

>> No.7668802

1200 Calories of food, three 8 oz. cups of green tea, and as much water as I want.

>> No.7668804

Let's see..
>Thread about doing your one rep max
>Steroids Q&A thread
>Thread about that annoying attentionwhoring tripfag
>Desktop thread
>Thread telling people that their cardio machine settings determines whether they're alpha or beta
>Greentext thread
>One actual fitness related thread
>One actual nutrition related thread
>One thread made by Shirou >>>/fit/8529725

I guess that's what you get when you let normalfags have their own board.

>> No.7668844

>Is there a good way to train yourself to eat less?
eat something that is high on fiber. makes you feel full faster.
also, eat only till you are not hungry, not till you are full.
if you are hungry in between meals just eat an apple

it's just like /jp/ but about fitness!

>> No.7668869
File: 283 KB, 600x807, 1311761463037.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember this screenshot.

>> No.7668892

blessed are those who are depressed and filled with self-loathing for they will become a ghost
