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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7668000 No.7668000 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.7668006


every day is great




>> No.7668005
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>> No.7668008

I know that feel and it feels like HELL

>> No.7668007

Nice GETTO anon. Now please leave.

>> No.7668012
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Well its not like it matters, i am going to bed now.

>> No.7668014

You don't have to remind me, you know.

>> No.7668016

That feel when /jp/ is getting hipster and gay and less nerdy and you cant even have a decent talk with them without dicks,reporting,and spam.. I miss japan/general...

>> No.7668020

/jp/ - meta culture

Go somewhere else if you want to discuss your hobbies.

>> No.7668029

>That feel when
Yeahhh, no

>> No.7668030

This all fucking happened because of the name change,it was the root of everything. Its all because of fucking /a/, we could still be elite,we could still have a decent user base and have all those great 20-40 year old wizard /jp/ers. but no, we had to turn into fucking what we see here today.
felt like using it, what dose it matter any more anyway.. Im just tiring to fit in with the new /jp/ userbase.

>> No.7668032


>> No.7668034

Why hasn't OP joined the Navy yet?

>> No.7668036

Shut the fuck up and get out of /jp/, Old /jp/ didn't gibe a fuck about shit like that.

>> No.7668038

I had a pretty good day though and it's not even over yet; I'm going to be up for another, like, 2 hrs.

>> No.7668040

Calm down man. Have a smoke or something.

>> No.7668060

Yea man I don't gibe a fuck about anything

>> No.7668062

Uh well, I don't have a smoke. Can you gibe me one?

>> No.7668068

I don't remember /jp/ being any different three years ago when I first starting browsing this board

people bitching about having no friends, no job, being worried about their future
threads about inane touhou shit
sion spam
the occasional videogame thread
the same tired type moon powerlevel discussions
people complaing about moderation
tripfag drama

I really wish I had something better to do with my time than coming here. this place never changes

>> No.7668076


Some guy playing 2hu.

>> No.7668104

It was better, you might not remember, /jp/ changed a fucking lot and we lost a good small userbase of ages from mostly 20 and up, they all left after the namechange/raids and the new userbase came in. I dont know how you cant tell, because its so obvious. We might of had spam but it was different, now it all dicks,3dshit and our userbase acts like fucking /b/ and /a/ combine,they dont have the elite feel we use to have. We had good threads and everybody acted as one,now everybody acts like their from some other board.

>> No.7668122

where did they go? i've been looking for a place to "migrate" to and I can't find any... or did they finally get a life?

>> No.7668130

Why would you post that at midnight?

>> No.7668144

We really dont know, I once went to a couple of other chans and asked if anybody was from /jp/, it seems a lot of the older /jp/er didnt want to put up with moots and /a/s bullshit and left after the name change and then even more so after the pudding raid. Thats why after the raid i felt something was off... /jp/ seemed and acted why to different out of nowhere. And we all know the story, after the raid and the name change (which added more people on /a/, hurrdurr Otaku Culture) tons of people stayed and /jp/s userbase doubled,which brings us to were we are right now,a shit hole.

>> No.7668164

I've been browsing /jp/ on and off since shortly after the creation of the board. I wasn't around for the name change and raids that you mentioned, but I honestly don't see a huge difference. If anything, the userbase seems slightly smaller. This place can get really dead at certain times of the day, to the point where a couple minutes can pass without a single post. And sure, there are different shitposters and spammers now, but they're really not any worse than the ones before. In fact, I see that some of the worst tripfags from a year or two ago have cleared out to make way for equally irritating new tripfags

>> No.7668169

A good chunk of posters committed suicide over the years, you need to take into account that too.

>> No.7668172

I still think that WtH is that "/jp/'s resident /b/tard" tripfag that posted here a few years ago

>> No.7668173

Its bad in a totally different way, the spammers were spamming out of sarcasm and were mostly from /jp/, now they are spamming out of ignorance and being /a/,/v/,/b/ shit.
the userbases is also a lot bigger and /jp/ is a lot faster than what it use it be, we use to be shit slow (i liked that). The userbase also was a lot more older and they had much more problems, now most of our userbase is a bunch of normal /a/ and /v/ fags.

>> No.7668201


>> No.7668275

>the spammers were spamming out of sarcasm and were mostly from /jp/, now they are spamming out of ignorance and being /a/,/v/,/b/ shit

Speak of the devil >>7668212. When it first started, we used to occasionally make silly jokes and goofed around, now it's just one butthurt fag spamming the same pasta. Not that I'm saying flanfly is acceptable though.

>> No.7668280

Is it official meta-discussion week or something?

Why are we drowning in it all of a sudden?

>> No.7668285

I know, right? Where's meido when you need him?

>> No.7668294

A lot of the meta-discussion has been about meido also. Which is also somewhat retarted, let her go about her business.

>> No.7668310

We are just talking about how shitty /jp/ has become, its a /jp/ tradition. its better than talking about fucking dicks and wanting real 3d man and women, you guys better not have posted in those threads.

>> No.7668344

My guess is moot's interview or whatever has attracted a lot of people to /jp/. I'm only here because of said interview.

I quit 4chan a few months ago, so you can blame moot for my return. Meta gives me nostalgia of the days when I actually cared about this shithole. I used to go around saying "/jp/ is getting worse." Wow, what a waste of time.

>> No.7668352

I'm sorry I probably told you to fuck off and stop making dedicated whine threads six months ago when you were complaining that /jp/ was getting shittier. I guess I got what was coming to me.

>> No.7668372

♪/jp/ /jp/ is boring but for some reason I've come here again today♪

>> No.7668377

Nah, two things resulted in me quitting. I couldn't adapt to the captcha and I got tired of trying to protect the community or whatever I was doing. It's funny how being away from 4chan for so long can change a person. I now have a decent paying job and I'm engaged.

>> No.7668395

So you were always a terrible user.

Get back out.

>> No.7668409

I can safely say I embodied the heart and soul of this board back in my time. I'm willing to wager I've said 3D is pig disgusting more than you.

>> No.7668426
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> I now have a decent paying job and I'm engaged.

hahahahahahhahaahaahhahaaaaaaaaaaaa try again pal we tru /jp/s stick to the end like blood bros. whu dont you kick a dog if you hate me so much hahahhahahaahahahha photo related its my face reading ur dumb bull shit

>> No.7668429

I quit /jp/ for 6 months and I didn't change at all. Once a socially inept deviant always a socially inept deviant, I guess.

>> No.7668452

>I quit /jp/ for 6 months and I didn't change at all.
>I *stopped going to* /jp/ for 6 months and I didn't change at all.

I wouldn't use the word quit in your case since you're still here. I fixed it for you.

>> No.7668455

I hardly ever visit /jp/, but I still maintain my True NEET essence.

>> No.7668476

Thanks for that.

>> No.7668504

Not the guy you replied to but I was never a NEET.
But I always pretend to be True NEET shitting and pissing on the floor to fit in.

>> No.7668526

I actually shit on the floor occasionally and posers like you offend me

>> No.7668566

But I have a job and I have a decent amount of money.

I'm not that lonely and enjoy a robust life style.

>> No.7668568

>I've said 3D is pig disgusting more than you

>> No.7668615

I don't even remember what /jp/ used to be like when I first came here.

>> No.7668696



Please elaborate

>> No.7668701

"Shamwow" was not just another "shitty" image dumper.
He was the greatest poster to ever grace this site with his presence.

"We all sang dirges in the dark, the day that /jp/ died."

>> No.7668704

Would you consider adopting a 20 year old loser?

>> No.7668720

>trying to protect the community
>I've said 3D is pig disgusting more than you
>I now have a decent paying job and I'm engaged.
So you were underage normalfag, who then grew the fuck up. Nothing to see here.
