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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7664147 No.7664147 [Reply] [Original]


I'll just leave this here...

>> No.7664154
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>> No.7664156



>> No.7664158 [SPOILER] 
File: 18 KB, 325x348, 1311657044419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> .com
> Moot interview


>> No.7664162

Sit down, tuck in, and lets discuss, gid, hrt, traps, crossdressing, /jp/ mansion, being the little girl, tea parties, delicacies and pretty clothes.

>> No.7664165

>He is a founder of the websites 4chan and Canvas as well as an American internet entrepreneur.
>This website is a hub of the Internet trends
>Canvas is more sophisticated website

Oh man, with an introduction like this I cannot wait to see what kind of faggottry he'll pull out when he'll go live.

>> No.7664193
File: 1.45 MB, 312x346, 1311657605739.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think he'll poop his pants like he did at that technology conference a few months ago?

>> No.7664194

why the hell would I want to watch this?

>> No.7664200

I hope he doesn't show up drunk and nearly shit his pants again.

>> No.7664203

What the hell anime is this.

>> No.7664209

I think he just wants to be the little girl.

>> No.7664210

I need a refresher here. Why does moot need to have a conference with 2ch or 2chan again? Someone said he was abandoning this site over to them or something? I surely hope not. I hope the moot I once new has not grown up into some faggot who lost his love for this site.

>> No.7664213
File: 8 KB, 189x184, 1311657888371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those girly gestures...

>> No.7664229

Zouken just wanted to be the immortal little girl.

>> No.7664232

>Abandoning to 2ch
Fuck yes!

>> No.7664235

Zun is a known tripfag on 2ch.

>> No.7664236

Why do you even care? Either ways, he doesn't care for /jp/ and would rather this board disappeared altogether. Am I supposed to feel any sympathy or thankfulness for a person like him?

>> No.7664238

Fuck yes!

>> No.7664240

Thanks for that captain obvious-poke fuckwit cunt tard

>> No.7664242


Actually, if 2chan took over 4chan it would be a very VERY good thing for us in particular.

Primarily, all the hipster/reddit faggots + random /soc/ normalfags etc would exodus en masse, once 4chan got a more Japanese presence. There could be ads for Amiami and Hobbysearch etc, those little text ads for various merchandise appearing in front of posters' names, maybe some new boards reflecting 2chan layout better and whatever else they may do... would serve to both reinforce and protect 4chan's original identity and clandestine purpose, AND migrate a bunch of the erm, "newer" users over to other sites. Or should I say, moot would have canvas ready for them. If that thread on /a/ a few days ago, plus this interview is anything to go by, it seems like moot may be one of us after all, and he just puts on a more professional/mainstream mode when dealing with investors and mainstream media.

Still though I don't think that he'd completely hand over control of 4chan unless canvas became something way bigger/more profitable than it.

>> No.7664253
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Those days will never come back, anon...

>> No.7664257

>Slowly reach hand over and massage her tit.

>> No.7664258

moot is tsundere for /jp/.

That excuse of making of the board to ''take Touhou and VN out of /a/'' is just a cute denial.

>> No.7664259

I know he does not like this board but as I look at the new section on the front page for this site I get to see who moot was at one point were he was dedicated to this place at one point and cared for it's users. He would post regularly and the userbase would talk to him just as often and there was not shitstorm because of it. Whereas he would post once in a blue moon or if there is some even going on and everyone and their mothers would go apeshit crazy because of it. As I scroll to see the most recent news posts he would make I could see that He would post less and less to the point were all you see are those 4chan birthday cards. I am truly sadden by this if moot has really grown distant and ashamed of this site.

>> No.7664260

Are we talking Toho ZUN or that faggot that is on /jp/?

>> No.7664265

You're so delusional I couldn't even make it halfway through your post. Jesus Christ, go back to whatever place you came from as it's surely not on 4chan.

>> No.7664266

Revel in the shit that is this board.

>> No.7664267

What about 'none of the above' anon? Op is a gigantic faggot.
