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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 147 KB, 850x637, 1306825343964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7662929 No.7662929 [Reply] [Original]

Why doesn't /jp/ smoke? It's not like you'll live long enough to regret the consequences anyway.

>> No.7662932

Costs too much

>> No.7662943

the taste
the smell
I don't like that feel
the cost
the damaging effect on my belongings
if I actually went out people would be asking me for handouts
fuck that

>> No.7662946

My lungs already suck. They don't need to be any worse.

>> No.7662947

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>> No.7662940

But I do smoke. Been smoking for over a decade now.

>> No.7662955


>> No.7662958
File: 348 KB, 800x600, 1311638403602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't buy anything with your disability checks anyway. Why not a pack of smokes?
It tastes and smells good and makes you feel relaxed, calm, and much less anxious. It's pretty much the perfect drug. Any time you need to take it easy just have a smoke.
You hardly use them sitting in a chair all day. It's not like you run marathons. Your lungs will be fine.
Thanks, autism police.

>> No.7662971


Tobacco companies astroturfing /jp/?
Times must be hard.

>> No.7662980


>> No.7662976

viral marketing

>> No.7662985


>> No.7663003
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I don't smoke tobacco because of the cost, and I don't want to damage my belongings.

I smoke weed every once in a while and that feels much better.

>> No.7663012

I do smoke.

>> No.7663017

I do smoke. Kind of over it, my lungs feel fucked.

Last Friday I got drunk and went through two thirty packs. Not good.

>> No.7663020
File: 183 KB, 1024x576, 1311639103654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because it makes my throat tighten up and I feel like I'm going to die.
Probably some aftereffect of childhood asthma. I get similar things when I do intense physical activity, since as a full-out sprint or something.

So as a consequence of that, I've never acquired the taste and I never will.

Also >>7662932

>> No.7663019

It's disgusting. Even ignoring all health issues and cost, the smell is just disgusting, I cough every time someone smokes around me, and it's terrible for my electronics.

>> No.7663021

Nooooo dont make the contract! Smoking is suffering!

>> No.7663023

I dislike the smell and how it sticks with you. Like how it gets in all your pores and such.

Plus I'm naturally relaxed and calm, so smoking really does nothing for me in the end. That's probably the main reason more than anything.

>> No.7663030

Little girls do not smoke. For shame, have you no breeding!

>> No.7663031
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>You don't buy anything with your disability checks anyway.
Figures. Musical equipment.

>You hardly use them sitting in a chair all day. It's not like you run marathons.
No marathons sure, but my exercise regimen includes a 5k 4 times a week.

Problem, tobacco industry?

>> No.7663038

I smoke like a motherfucker when I can. Usually too broke, so I dip for my nic fix.

It ain't for everybody, but I'm annoyed at the second-class citizen status it gives. But I'm used to that, since I've always been an underdog.

>> No.7663047

I smoke weed everyday, out of a vaporizer of course so I don't hurt my lungs. So far, I regret nothing.

>> No.7663051
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>> No.7663053

Coz my touhou plushes will smell bad

>> No.7663060


>> No.7663063

Chewing tobacco.

>> No.7663068

What the fuck happened to my pure /jp/ nerds, get the fuck out, all of you. Nerds use to be cool, now even i see the fucking biggest nerdy looking shit smoking weed and shit, where did my 1980 nerds go to, fuck.

>> No.7663075

Is there any reason to smoke?

>> No.7663077

Which is a bit of a misnomer, since true chewing tobaccos are leaf scrap like Red Man and Beechnut, and not moist snuff like Copenhagen. Though even "snuff" may be a bit of a misnomer, since it's roots are in "snus", it's not technically incorrect.

>> No.7663079

anime is mainstream
4chan is quite popular too
freeks and geeks are popularized quite a lot in media.
even homosexuals are not underground anymore.
Forget about 1980

>> No.7663083


>> No.7663084

/jp/ hipster?

>> No.7663085

No, we nerds already have anime,vns,games,etc why the fuck do we need to smoke when we already are addicted to the worse shit ever.
This is what i fucking hate,nerds dont need to smoke, there is no reason to, not like you are gonna be cool or get a women, your a nerd because your a nerd.

>> No.7663086
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I don't smoke. I occasionally like to exercise so I dont become completely fat.

I dont care if people like to smoke. I dont car of people dont like to smoke. what annoys me is both parties arguing over their sides about it.

>> No.7663089

On one of the rare occasions I ventured outside and to a party, a girl attempted to light my cigarette off hers like this and I whiffed it miserably.


>> No.7663097

I was that way for a long time, but depression got the better of me and I decided to live a little.
Years of consorting with the type made me realize how abysmally stupid it was.

>> No.7663096

>worse shit ever.
But it's not though

>> No.7663100

Because it's fucking disgusting.

>> No.7663101
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But smoke is often a attribute of shitty lifestyle. It suits nerds well. It is not about Marlboro cowboy style.

>> No.7663103

I hope you didn't put her eye out or something...
Waste of a perfectly good cigarette, that.

>> No.7663119
File: 449 KB, 900x1350, 1311640851353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take that paranoia down a notch, kid. Not everyone is out to get you or sell you something. It's your loss if you don't want to smoke, but you should at least try it first.
Cigarettes are a better drug than marijuana and they're also legal.
It's "disgusting" because you haven't smoked and gotten used to it. It's disgusting in the same vein beer or other alcoholic drinks are at first. Trust me, you won't even notice the smell when you start smoking.
Could always try chewing tobacco, bro.
People always complain about the smell like it's a thing that can kill you. It's a smell. You seriously don't notice it ever when you start smoking and, even if you do, it goes away if you stop or wash your clothes.
Yes they do. Check out Sayaka over here having a smooth one. Don't you want to be cool like her?

But seriously, even middle schoolers are smoking now. High Schoolers hit the hard drugs like meth and cocaine. Must as well avoid all that bad and illegal shit and stick to the cig. You don't want to be one-upped by middle school girls, do you?
Keep smoking and fight the man, bro.
Nerds have always smoked. What are you, high?
Your touhou body pillows can't smell; it's not like they even have noses if they were real. Besides, all the touhous smoke. It's smooth as fuck.

>> No.7663117

I miss the 1980s.... Nobody went on the internet because it wasn't cool,everything was new and underground,. The internet was better too, since only nerds went on the internet, there were nerdy websites and anime shrines everywhere. Nerds were also nerds, now we have this "im a nerd" while she/he is smoking weed and going to parties and shit,they should all die. modern true nerds are acting hipsters because of how society has changed. you see a nerd,even more nerdy looking then yourself, going to gamestop or your hanging out with one and they smoke weed and go to drunk parties, its fucked up. their are no more nerds,only hipsters.

>> No.7663121

Too little benefit for too much money.

>> No.7663132

Get the fuck off of /jp/, you are no nerd, just a fucking hipster or a modern nerd. True nerds dont smoke or drink and live a healthy life.

>> No.7663136

>I miss the 1980s.... [...] there were [...] websites

>> No.7663137

>a better drug than marijuana
All Earthling LIES.

>Pack of luckies
This, I can get behind. I never put a cigarette down before I'm done with it, though.

>> No.7663138

Yep, also they are socially active and successful with woman and at work

>> No.7663142

Smoking causes all that? Neat.

>> No.7663144

Chewing tobacco really is disgusting, though, not just a foul smell.
I'd imagine it's on par with, say, sucking cocks.

>> No.7663147

I meant 1990, my bad.

>> No.7663151


>> No.7663149

Are people really upset at people smoking? You're not true nerd if you have a cigarette? You people are idiots.

As for weed, not my cup if tea an I don't know anyone to get it off even if I wanted it.

>> No.7663150

Chewing tobacco is like tasting a cock?

Where can I buy some?

>> No.7663154

Smoking is not cute/girly.

>> No.7663155

>live a healthy life
Yeah, Hot Pockets, Bagel Bites and Mountain Dew-- the healthiest diet for the healthiest lifestyle of never going out into the sun.

You are no nerd, sir. Present your card for destruction.

>> No.7663158

Bad troll, but will reply because i'm bored.

>Not everyone is out to get you or sell you something. It's your loss if you don't want to smoke, but you should at least try it first.

Terrible argument. Oh yeah, you should try to eat shit once in your life too, you'll never know if you like it or not.

>It's "disgusting" because you haven't smoked and gotten used to it. It's disgusting in the same vein beer or other alcoholic drinks are at first. Trust me, you won't even notice the smell when you start smoking.

You talk like if it was a good thing.
I'm not saying that's your case, but because of that we have a lot of scumbags spitting their smoke on our faces with no consideration for the people around them.

>People always complain about the smell like it's a thing that can kill you.

Ignorant. Inhaling the smoke is worst to health than smoking by itself.

>But seriously, even middle schoolers are smoking now. High Schoolers hit the hard drugs like meth and cocaine

Hahaha, the cool kids do it, you must do it too, argument? Middle school kids and high school kids are dumb and uncultured, that's because they smoke.

>all touhous smoke
Prove it.

>> No.7663172

Thats healthy in my book, its nerd food.

>> No.7663176

Leaf scrap chew tastes like molasses. Moist snuff is a unique taste, but not foul at any rate.

>> No.7663187

I do, and I use hard drugs because it beats killing myself

I feel like I'm alone here

>> No.7663189

get the fuck off, 1980-1990 True nerds only. These 2000 and up nerds are fucking posers.

>> No.7663196

Sounds like a rich brat talking. Where did my practical, calculating and useful nerds of the eighties go?

>> No.7663200

You're the exact kind of fucker I'd smoke a cigar next to in a restaurant. Haters gonna hate.

>> No.7663207

Meh, I'm an alcoholic and I snorted coke the other night. First time I've done a drug like that and it was free.

>> No.7663212

"Acting cool and rebellious" confirmed for your reason to smoke. I guess you never kicked it after you dropped out of middle school.

>> No.7663213
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>Terrible argument. Oh yeah, you should try to eat shit once in your life too, you'll never know if you like it or not.

People aren't going around eating shit. People sell, buy, and smoke cigarettes, however, so there must be some merit to it. Why don't you try it instead of comparing it to shit? Have an open mind, bro.

>You talk like if it was a good thing.
I'm not saying that's your case, but because of that we have a lot of scumbags spitting their smoke on our faces with no consideration for the people around them.

Well, I'm not worried /jp/ will be going outside any time soon so they won't bother anyone with their smoking habits.

>Ignorant. Inhaling the smoke is worst to health than smoking by itself.

Health complications from smoking manifest decades down the road, anyway. Don't tell me you NEETs will still be alive and kicking in thirty years and crying to /jp 2.0/ that you have lung cancer.

>Prove it.

Pic related. All the cool mahou shoujos smoke, too.

>> No.7663211

>rich brat
Im sure they are doing drugs and shit.

>> No.7663218

I was never a fan of speedy drugs, it's almost exclusively depressants for me. Opiates and benzos are my main diet, alcohol is always around, too

>> No.7663220

Have fun smoking weed and shit when your 40 and look bad but you cant stop. fucking hipsters.

>> No.7663224

Not that it matters, but I didn't start smoking until I was 23.
It's not about cool and rebellious, because I'm not rebelling against anything but your own shitty attitude.

>> No.7663227

Not the guy you quoted, but why would anyone smoke in the first place? The only reason the previous generations did is because there wasn't any anti-smoking studies around and they figured it was harmless.

It literally does nothing for you but damage. You don't get high, you don't calm down (rather you become less irritated, as if you never smoked in the first place), and you make everybody fucking hate you. I think the only valid reason to smoke for anyone 18+ is to troll others.

>> No.7663229

I've never been able to get behind benzos. All they do is knock me out (and not even an opiate-style nod to go with it) and adversely affect my memory.
Speedy drugs are fun, but they're a very social-oriented drug, so there's little point to most of us even trying them.

>> No.7663228

That's why it was the first time I did a drug like that. I'm all about opiates and don't even get me started on benzos.

>> No.7663233

Taste, the feeling of inhalation, having a few minutes to clear your mind while you relax and smoke are all reasons. If you don't want to do it that fine but get off your high horse.

>> No.7663231

I spent so much money on pills that I just switched to heroin

>> No.7663232

Doing drugs means you have to talk to some black drug dealer and have friends that do drugs, you fucks aren't nerds and aren't /jp/ers.

>> No.7663235

I smoke in secrecy. When people find out you smoke, they start treating you... differently. Less respectfully. It's like when they see you drunk for the first time and start acting cold towards you.

Must be the whole drug aspect, but it annoys the fuck out of me. What's the problem with taking a couple of beers? It's not like I'll turn to be a complete jackass next day when I wake up.

>> No.7663237

>"It's not about cool and rebellious"
>admits to it being rebellious in the very next sentence


Anyway, since you seem to be one of those pretentious elitist pricks, why don't you tell me why smoking makes you better than non-smokers?

>> No.7663243

My cousin is a drug dealer and gives me these things for free when he visits sometimes. I wouldn't have the faintest idea where to get drugs without him.

>> No.7663244

Withdrawals on that are such a BITCH. Plus you really have to deal with some scumbags to get it.

It always amuses me that they give methadone for heroin withdrawal, which has some of the longest, worst withdrawal possible in an opiate.

Buprenorphine is the superior weaning drug.

>> No.7663246 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.7663256

I'm not the one trying to push cigs on everyone like a dealer behind a high school. That would be you.

Taste? Tobacco tastes like ass. Sure you 'get used to the flavor', but why not eat some nasty food regularly if that's all you want?

Inhalation? Seriously? Take a deep breath, faggot.

And do you honestly think you can only relax when you're smoking? If you didn't have all the nicotine in your system in the first place, you'd pretty much always be relaxed.

>> No.7663253

Benzo WDs are worse

I used to do bupe once and a while if I was wd'ing or dry, because I could get the 8mg patches for $5 apiece, cheaper in bulk

>> No.7663254

People at this age are aware of the dangers of drugs. They're not angry or looking down on you, they're worried about your health. You know, smoking does shave off a good number of years off your life.

The whole coldening towards you and the preachings from everyone that you should just stop are a side-effect. The best way to deal with them is either ignore or embrace them.

>> No.7663257

It doesn't.
But I'm under no obligation to approve of your rabid antismoking attitude. Being annoyed does not equate to being superior in any way, though you seem to think being annoyING does.

>> No.7663258

No, I'm OK with people smoking near me, like while I'm talking to them and such. Like I said the smell ain't the main reason that I don't care for it myself.

Just not my cup of tea or whatever.

>> No.7663263

Well, I just started my "self-improvement half-year" so I've quit.

>> No.7663265

>benzo WD's are worse.
True, that and alcohol are the only withdrawals I know of that can kill you. Another reason I've never dabbled too much with them.

>> No.7663267

>imply that smoking makes you superior
>someone says that it doesn't
>"rapid antismoking attitude"

Do you even read what you type?

>> No.7663268

No, you're mistaking me with the other guy. I don't care about you or what you do because I'm not a normalfag like you. Get out, normal.

>> No.7663271

>you don't calm down (rather you become less irritated, as if you never smoked in the first place)
That's a pure lie. I started smoking when I was 21 and stopped two years later, so I can remember my smoking and non-smoking periods very well. Smoking sure as hell does calm you down.

>> No.7663275

I think they fucked my GABA receptors permanently, I noticed some cross-tolerance between benzos and alcohol

>> No.7663279

Well for many reasons: I'm allergic, detracs from my well being and health.. along with physical preformance.Cigs are disgusting, i'd rather not support a huge industry of self imposed legitamacy.Cigs make you older and age you, you get tired more, (out of shape). Lastly people who smoke and say it alleviates stress are just in the spiral of fulfilling what they are mentally/physically addicted to.I'd rather not waste my money on cigs.

>> No.7663280

I can't tell if you're intentionally lying to defend your point or if you've seriously deluded yourself into thinking that what you said is true. Go see if Google agrees with you.

>> No.7663286

Stop misusing the quote function you asshole.

>> No.7663287

>smoker calling a non-smoker a normalfag

Maximum autism reached.

>> No.7663289

Physiologically it doesn't calm you down but psychologically it does.

I'm not the guy you're quoting but I'll trust my own day to day experiences over google.

>> No.7663292
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>using ad hominems, name-calling, and nitpicking to avoid making a legitimate point
>getting angry over differently colored text
>trying to act like an 'oldfag' when you just showed up this summer


>> No.7663293

You sure showed him lol

Brofist xD

>> No.7663303

>imply that smoking makes you superior
This is where you lost me. I never implied this, and if I did, it wasn't intentional. I even explicitly stated such a view already. I just don't appreciate being treated like dirt for doing something I enjoy.

If this post doesn't seem like someone who is needlessly antismoker, then it's clear we are not on the same page. Decent folk let people do what they're gonna do and just deal with it. They take it easy.

>> No.7663313


>> No.7663324


>> No.7663329

Why should I smoke? I enjoy having lungs, the smoke stinks and that smell never goes away.
I don't see a single good point about smoking, other than possibly looking cool - but hey, why should I care about looking cool? Who am I going to look cool for?

>> No.7663341

But I'm not even that poster. And if you want to smoke behind closed doors, I have no problem with it. Most of my family smokes. But when you start doing that shit in public places then it becomes my problem. I have pretty bad lung problems as it is, and it smells like shit to me to boot.

>> No.7663343

I have always hated all these straight-edge normalfags on /jp/.

>> No.7663344

>95 posts and 10 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

Goddammit, /jp/.

>> No.7663348

I'm glad I quit. I don't miss it at all. And I got my dad to quit too, so now there's no more smoke in the house.

>> No.7663350

It's hard to understand unless you're used to it, but it tastes great and gives you a soothing feeling.

Sort of like coffee, it's something you have to get used to before you can enjoy it.

>> No.7663367

STRAIGHTEDGE, is a term invented by elitist drugfag pricks who think that other people don't do it because they hate themselves, or are just to stiff to have a good time.

I don't want to kill myself.
I don't need drugs to have a good time.
I get off watching elitist drugfags slowly kill themselves in their ignorance.
Some people do it, others don't.
Now shut the fuck up and go share a needle.

>> No.7663368

fuck hipsters.

>> No.7663383

Look at all these fucking not /jp/ers doing on /jp/. everybody knows /jp/ers are elite true nerds.
/jp/ really has gone to shit.

>> No.7663377

The main problems I see with it are:
1. It's detrimental to health
2. It's highly addicting
3. It costs money
I am already heavily addicted to the Internet, and it already covers all of those points. I don't want to obtain any more addiction if possible, no matter how delicious it may be.

>> No.7663379

See, the problem here I think is I have a desire to annoy those who annoy me. Don't take it personally to you yourself, as my only desire to smoke a cigar in a restaurant would be to annoy that earlier poster. I actually don't like to eat and smoke at the same time at any rate.

>> No.7663380

>People aren't going around eating shit. People sell, buy, and smoke cigarettes, however, so there must be some merit to it. Why don't you try it instead of comparing it to shit? Have an open mind, bro.

Because socialization and because we're already aware that things getting out of our bodies should not be inserted back. Of course, it has its merits, but when you look at things from an overall, it just doesn't worth it.

Smoking and drugs are for weak-minded people that can't run away from reality without damaging their own body.

You know it's truth.

>> No.7663395

Yeah, I can see that. I have a tendency to do that sort of thing too. By all means, light one up next to that other guy. I'll just be on the other side of the restaurant.

>> No.7663401

We aren't all ignorant. Some of us made an informed decision. Many don't, granted.

I willingly trade a chunk of my life for what boils down to entertainment, true. But it's my call.

>> No.7663409

>Smoking and drugs are for weak-minded people that can't run away from reality without damaging their own body.
/jp/ - stoic warriors embracing virtues

>> No.7663405

Typical smoker causing harm to people around him.
Shit should be banned already.

>> No.7663408

Good, I wouldn't recommend anyone to start smoking, I'm just telling you why people do smoke. It's not at all as bad as it seems from the perspective of a non-smoker.

>> No.7663414

Drugs aren't always necessarily an escape. Illicit drugs can be used to benefit in the same way prescribed drugs can.
Your ignorance is blinding you.

>> No.7663418

/jp/ - Self-righteous drugfags that continue to get unreasonably angry at even the most obvious of trolls

>> No.7663419 [DELETED] 
File: 135 KB, 716x720, 1311644521218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>elitist drugfags

>> No.7663424

My waifu will not be pleased if I'd smoke in her presence.

>> No.7663427

Same here man. She has asthma, so it'd be really disrespectful of me.

>> No.7663429
File: 293 KB, 1000x945, 1311644685378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So does homu homu really smoke?

>> No.7663434


Stop adding the *fag suffix to everything.


>> No.7663438

I love how one side of /jp/ is misanthropic and hates society, and another is altruistic and wishes to protect it from harm.

>> No.7663441

You know i'm not talking about controlled use. Don't play fool.

>> No.7663442

Probably. She leads a pretty stressful life.

>> No.7663445

Pure innocent maidens do not smoke. You should all feel bad for smoking instead of drinking tea.

>> No.7663444

All these straightedge normalfags should be banned or sent back to the faggy anime forum they all come from.

>> No.7663451

She's smoking hot.

>> No.7663449

Both are wrong.
I am just self-centered.
I am aware of that, and not willing to change.

>> No.7663453

/a/ image,smoking,fucking hipsters.
yep,/jp/ really has gone to shit.

>> No.7663454

I would not be surprised if all these straightedge kids are also the homosexuals who arrived this summer.

>> No.7663458

If you wanna talk like that to me why don't you come here and say it to me face so i can answer your insults with a swift fist to the nose. yea you have a lot to say from hundreds of miles away but i bet if my fists were in reach of your face you would be like a tv on mute with no volume button So do yourself a favor and keep your mouth shut unless you want to die. Next time you think about saying something like that to me I want you to remember one thing. I know the guy that created google maps and I can locate you in the time it took me to type this.Don't want anymore problems....didn't think so faggots. You have any idea what gorilla warfare is? I do, I was in the US Marine Core and I perfected it. I'm fully capable of using it on you motherfuckers. Do you know the dander your in if I find you? I am 100$ serious. Bunch of god damn newfaf loser here and I will not have it. At least I've had sex, had girlfriends, and gotten laid, and blowjobbed unlike you virgin pieces of unpatriotic SHIT.

>> No.7663459

Aren't you the guy I keep telling to get out of /jp/?

>> No.7663460


You are a fucking snooty faggot, shut the fuck up.

>> No.7663462

get out, these fucking hipsters are even worse then the homosexuals.

>> No.7663463

Okay, I'll play your game. So, how is doing drugs for the enjoyment any different from doing ANYTHING for the enjoyment? Do you bear drinkers this same ill will? Are you aware that damage from recreational drug use is minimal to negligible when not done to excess, and that some are harmless?

>> No.7663467

Summer detected. All real /jp/edos are homosexual.

>> No.7663469


Underaged faggot. Also >>>/b/
