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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7655522 No.7655522 [Reply] [Original]

Why do you like madoka so much /jp/?

>> No.7655531

madoka is a shit

>> No.7655532

madoka is a shit

>> No.7655533

But I never watched it.

>> No.7655530

madoka is a shit

>> No.7655535

a shit

>> No.7655540

madoka is

>> No.7655550

Needs more carbs.

>> No.7655544

I found modaka pretty boring.

>> No.7655546

OP please you can free yourself from the claws of shitposting, i know it's fun to do it once in a while, but you must stop.

Please, remember why you started browsing /jp/, remember the old times

Weren't they much better?

I speak this from experience, today i have freed myself from shitposting addiction, i am now a free man, now come with me OP, give me your hand, let's make this a better board.

Let's fight this raid together, tomorrow will be a long day and probably the last day of /jp/, but stay with me, let's stay together until the end.

>> No.7655577
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One word: homu homu

>> No.7655576

madoka is shit

>> No.7655607

Well, that doesn't tell me much. I haven't watched though, but everybody here seems to like it.

>> No.7655608

Side of rice.

Bam, carbs.

>> No.7655617

I think you mean "worst madoka."

>> No.7655625

Masterpiece of our generation.

>> No.7655638
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That's the thing. I haven't watched it either.

Most of us haven't.

>> No.7655647

madoka is awesome

>> No.7655653

Kannazuki no Miko without the shounen hero (they even cut and pasted the ending) set in the grim darkness of the far future.

>> No.7655661

Mami's Mammies
Sayaka being a (9)

>> No.7655657

Ok, i got lost

>> No.7655658

I don't even know what that madoka everyone speaks of is. A new cartoon I suppose?

>> No.7655689

you said the true meaning of /jp/. the word secondary applies to the lives in general of the users who visit here. they don't participate in life instead they view it from outside. they don't participate in their hobbies, either. like how everyone talks about touhou, but they rarely play it.

zun, you're not a bad guy. i hated you for a while, but you've helped me with a couple realizations.

>> No.7655713
File: 362 KB, 1023x1000, 1311488477295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>insinuating anyone knows what madoka is

Basically madokas involves this process here:

1) Find and post a picture of this character here.
2) Type "homu homu"
3) Congrats, you just did the madoka.

>> No.7655734

you forgot the
parts, that way it'd be even more awesum and randoooom xd

>> No.7655738

How can people like this guy?

Look at that abort of a post he just made, i fucking hate the way he uses the quotation marks ">>lol i am gaybar"

Insinuating xD avatar fagging lolololmode.
Epic for the win its not shitposting as long as i am being ironic.

Go choke on a dick virgin

>> No.7655755
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>> No.7655751

>How can people like this guy?
Nobody does, its just him samefagging endlessly

>> No.7655757

This thread is a prime example of how the Madoka fanbase is fucking retarded.

>> No.7655766
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>prime example
/a/ does it worse, we are just "casual" Madoka fans here

>> No.7655770

All I do is fap to the lolis. I couldn't give two fucks about the show. Does that even qualify as any kind of fan?

>> No.7655777

high school students are loli now? you've fallen into the gutters, /jp/.

>> No.7655780

>>awesum and randoooom xd
>>Insinuating xD avatar fagging lolololmode

My computer's cpu temperature is literally going up due to the vast amounts of internet buttmad that it has to process and display on my screen right now.

>> No.7655786

I think the cast of Madoka are only in junior high.

>> No.7655791

Lolis aren't determined by canonical age, retard.

>> No.7655788

>Few bored people posting at a particular time
>Apply generalization to entire fanbase

I thought we had advanced beyond this, Anonymous.

>> No.7655796
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>> No.7655798

The show itself is utter rubbish, but I enjoy the doujinshi we'll get from it.

>> No.7655795

Because the Touhou fanbase is so much better, amirite?

>> No.7655804

Keep dreaming, ZUN!bar-sama is so cool and sexy and i bet you faggots are just really really angry at him for being so sexy, go hate on my aniki billy herrington or my ZUN!bar-chan and see what happens you fucks.

>> No.7655809
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Oh you guys...

>> No.7655821
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homu homu

>> No.7655824
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>> No.7655835

Seeing as how you seriously think Index is a better show, its obvious that you've either never watched it or are fucking retarded.


>> No.7655841


Have you been to /a/ recently? Moot took a shit on it by saying he likes Infinite Stratos and now the boards name is Infinite Str/a/tos and everyones shitting everywhere

>> No.7655839
File: 304 KB, 500x281, 1311490229243.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dat feel when Homura will never age

>> No.7655844

index is the better show. you've got shit taste, madotard. head back to /a/ and suck on your thumb.

>> No.7655856
File: 149 KB, 565x575, 1311490423319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Index is such a shit series they had to introduce more and more one dimensional skanks to hide it's poor storyline.


>> No.7655860

I tried watching Madoka twice. It was crap. It had no entertainment value. Every time I see someone raving about how good it is, the only good things they have to say about it, are how it is mahou shoujo but with dark themes. As though that makes it good or something.

>> No.7655867

i would rape you if you said that in person.

>> No.7655866

Take the Madoka shit back to /gaia/ please

>> No.7655871

>not complete shit

The plot is incredibly shitty and reeks of "POWER OF LOVE", the setting has the potential to be interesting but every new power makes it clearer that the author doesn't know what the fuck he is doing, there's close to no character development, and Touma is just Naruto 2.0.

>> No.7655873
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>>my face when I haven't watched Madoka, Index, or Railgun

You guys are such nerds. Just post more pics of the girls and stuff like I do.

Why does it even matter that you think object A is better than object B. You are probably wrong in some way anyways.

>> No.7655886

Those people in /a/ are such posers.

They ignored the series when it first actually aired, but when the moeblobs from Railgun came, they jumpd that bandwagon like hot shit.

>> No.7655887

Why are you so normal?

>> No.7655890

>hate FSN for having a shitty, inconsistent plot and awful characters with broken-as-fuck abilities
>like Railgun/Index

I seriously hope you guys don't do this.

>> No.7655894


i seriously you faggots stop this shit

>> No.7655899

A normalfag is anyone that isn't NEET.

>> No.7655898
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Define normal first, and I'll tell you if I actually am.

>> No.7655902

Don't listen to him ZUN!bar-sama you're a sexual anomaly

>> No.7655905

Fuck off.

>> No.7655909
File: 95 KB, 850x795, 1311491029949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's the most hipster definition of normal that I've ever heard.

>> No.7655910

How can you be so autistic ZUN!bar?

>> No.7655908

Caring more about the girl's appearance than the girl herself is pretty normal.

>> No.7655915

there is plenty of people who followed the series before it was even airing and posting spoilers for discussion straight from the novel when they released information about the anime. it was very popular on /a/ having quite raw stream threads as it was airing.

>> No.7655914

This madoka shit has the worst fanbase I've ever seen, even worse than the big 3 and umineko combined.

>> No.7655917

I can't believe there are people out there that seriously like you.

>> No.7655918

So hip.

So cool.

>> No.7655923

Maybe I should create a new trip and use it for my normal posts and see how well the "reputation" of such trip goes, it would be hilarious. Anon's concept of contribution is twisted since only a handful of people contribute here with something, that would be translators of all sorts (except for those "translate this plz :P I'm from /b/") and people that dig out stuff from Comiket, the rest of "contribution" is pretty arguable due the diversity of opinions towards it and a fine example of that is the OC thread, something that I do "contribute" as anonymous sometimes by the way. Also feeding lazy people with a spoon make them happy so they think you are actually contributing to the board when you are simply making them grow even lazier.

>> No.7655922

He seems pretty cool.

>> No.7655921

wait, moot is an anime nerd again and he enjoyed some lame sion shit? I like him again...

>> No.7655926

>I don't know what hipster means

That's how the board defines normalfaggotry. If you don't like it, you can get out.

>> No.7655927


>> No.7655930

I said the 'Original Index series' not 'Railgun'

Hell, i only remembered this show existed when Railgun was announced. Can't blame it though since Geass was BOOMING at that time.

>> No.7655932

Oh my God look it's >ZUNbar

Epic, epic for the wiiiiiin


>> No.7655943
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Once again, why does such a thing matter. I mean it's like Anon always tries to find to a reason to dislike someone. "Oh, he's so normal. Oh, he doesn't like the same anime or game I like" and so on.

I mean why even bother wasting energy into something like that. Instead just post stuff that makes you happy (whatever that may be). Like right now, I'm trying to find ass shots of this homu homu here.

>> No.7655949

i meant the original series... i was reading threads about it before it aired on /a/ and there was a stream watching thread when the original episode went live.

>> No.7655951

If I posted the things that made me happy, I wouldn't be able to post at all.


>> No.7655973

zun!bar, doubles girl is getting two new OVAs, I hope to see you post her again.

>> No.7655978
File: 621 KB, 849x1200, 1311492347120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's so bad about having a job?


Man I hate this cat thing. Ruins the picture almost.

>> No.7655983

>letting fanbases get in the way of enjoyment
I seriously hope you don't do this.

>> No.7655996

Stop shitposting pleaseee....

>> No.7656002
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>> No.7656007

He is an attention whore

He is a shitposter

He is ugly

He is a nerd


He is.....

>> No.7656035
File: 1.78 MB, 1152x1527, 1311493800238.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>attention whore

All I do is post things which arouse me, so no. All that other stuff comes from Anon.

>>He is a shitposter

That's not a real word. What does it even MEAN

>>He is ugly

Debatable. I feel pretty pleased when I look in the mirror, but this is obviously something that others have to decide.

>>He is a nerd

I won't argue against this.

>>He is VIRGIN

Nothing wrong with this, right?

>> No.7656039

Ignore the haters, ZUN-chan

>> No.7656040

Why do you bump this?

>> No.7656040,1 [INTERNAL] 

Craving for attention

>> No.7656040,2 [INTERNAL] 

I always think it's silly when people go out of their way to find random posts I've made.

>> No.7656040,3 [INTERNAL] 

kill zunbar

>> No.7656040,4 [INTERNAL] 

Your posts are pretty terrible so they must leave an impression.

>> No.7656040,5 [INTERNAL] 

Oh you.

And I always bump my posts when I'm having a conversation with Anon and I'm interested in what he has to say.
