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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7655584 No.7655584 [Reply] [Original]

I'm going to ask you guys once and for all, is Katawa Shoujo ok in this board or not? It's not made in japan, but it is a VN. The amount of anal pain every time there's a thread on /v/ is rediculous.




>> No.7655593

Not this shit again.

>> No.7655592

ralph pls go

>> No.7655599

Sure, just like my little ponies belongs on /v/, millions of cocks belong on /k/, and Harry Potter belongs on /a/.

>> No.7655601


>> No.7655603

Make a thread when it's released. Until then you guys can discuss it.

>> No.7655604


/v/ goes

/jp/ goes

Someones fucking wrong.

>> No.7655596

Disregard this thread, /jp/.
No one in /v/ knows how to troll and would rather disturb other boards than just leave it. Sorry to bother you all.

>> No.7655606

The game discussion sure.

The meme'ing and such that /v/ has taken too, well we already have touhou for that.

>> No.7655611

You sarcastic liar, /a/ probably loves Zero no Tsukaima even more than /k/ loves cocks.

>> No.7655612

If it was another game, we'd make an exception.
But you guys are like MLP, and are just generally creepy fans.
And that is coming from /jp/

>> No.7655621

When the game comes out, sure.
But it is like MLP threads, halfway between seasons.
No actual discussion, just weird memes

>> No.7655623

ZnT =/= Harry Potter, as much as I dislike ZnT.

>> No.7655627

games fine, we just don't want your kind around here

>> No.7655635


You make it seem like Touhou fans are any better.

>> No.7655643

Aside from the scene where Hermione goes after Harry with a bullwhip, I don't think there were any differences between the two!

>> No.7655649 [DELETED] 

KS threads don't belong anywhere as there's no actual discussion (mostly because it's just a fucking demo, there aren't much to talk about). Instead it's just a bunch of tripfriends circlejerking and people arguing over who the best disabled girl is.

>> No.7655644
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Eh, you'd be surprised.
Not all of em are Thad

>> No.7655660

You can make a thread when there's an actual fucking game.

>> No.7655666

Half shopped.

>> No.7655663

So the general consensus is... No? Or it's related to the board, but keep faggotry out? Or... Don't post it anywhere?

Shit, I'm confused.

>> No.7655672

The general consensus is stop being a retard and get out of /jp/.

>> No.7655675

KS threads don't belong anywhere as there's no actual discussion (mostly because it's just a fucking demo, there isn't much to talk about). Instead it's just a bunch of tripfriends circlejerking and people arguing over who the best disabled girl is.

It doesn't belong here or even /v/. If you want to talk about it, go to their forums.

>> No.7655668

The general consensus is that no one gives a fuck. If you don't like the thread, block it like you block everything else.

>> No.7655670


Actually it's not tripfriends. There are artists who wear names and names only to be identified. The OP wears a name. As far as I know only 2 or so people actually wear trips.

I am one of the people who wears a name, and 80% of the thread I have the name off unless I need to respond to something. So while their is trip, it is not infact a circlejerk. No worse then /jp/ is now.

We also bring fan art and content which /jp/ does not have. Instead every page is full of Touhou threads, and nothing is consolidated.

>> No.7655685

OELVNs are not /jp/ reelated

>> No.7655688
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>> No.7655683

>/jp/ complaining about tripfag circlejerks.

Today doesn't make sense at all.

>> No.7655690
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>> No.7655694
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>> No.7655699

Stop ruining everything you touch, /v/.

>> No.7655700
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So anyway, Harry Potter thread?
I only have this one photo of a Hermione figure, though.

>> No.7655705

Maybe you /v/aggots should start telling the normalfags to fuck off too. Your board will be infinitely better once you stand up and start driving them out. Start with the people in the Eve online threads, the people in those threads are some of the board's worst elements. Trust me on that one.

With regards,
-former /v/irgin

>> No.7655703

We didn't ruin this one. When we got Katawa Shoujo it was already pretty much crippled from /jp/ threads.

>> No.7655716

With LoL, and TF2, it will never happen. It's too late, we're /b 2.0/

There is no hope.

>> No.7655726

Posting in a shit thread.

>> No.7655732
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So you're just going to give up without trying? You're just going to let them win because they have the upper hand? Damnit man, you best man the fuck up. Because we have a goddamned war to fight.

>> No.7655733

What's wrong with eve online?
They are neckbeards, they seem like the opposite of normalfags

>> No.7655745


Problem is, there are no EVE thread anymore. I haven't seen one in weeks. Where should we start? Normalfags are the reason I only browse /v/ in the insomniac hours.

>> No.7655748

Spend a good amount of time with Broski Enterprises and you'll see the worst parts of /v/ all in one place. I assure you, they're all normalfag /b/tard scumbag traitors. All of them. All. Of. Them.

>> No.7655764
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>former /v/irgin

Die in shame, traitor.

>> No.7655778

I have never touched /v/ and yet I also fail to understand why Katawa Shoujo is not halal in this board.

>> No.7655800

I haven't developed a method to counter this.
How do we stop threads where people are just roleplaying people from the game, and just do threads and threads of that

>> No.7655808


Wrong word usage. hal'al is about preparing food.

/jp/ doesn't like it because it is not Touhou. This is from someone who goes to /v/ only for KS threads (through Bronze Task) and otherwise has spent most of this year on /jp/.

I would love to see the Touhous go to their thread, and not having to skim 3 pages to find an interesting topic to read.

But hey. Having thoughts and common sense isn't /jp/ either.

>> No.7655816

What's so fucking wrong with normalfags? As a /jp/ regular who hangs out with them (it's a long story...), I have found that what you do has very little to do with how your character is...

>> No.7655823

There are currently four touhou threads on the first four or so pages.
But a'ight.

>> No.7655827

Congrats, you've made the stupidest post I've read today!

>> No.7655829

He's been here most of the year, stop disagreeing with him!

>> No.7655832

/jp/ is where everything that doesn't belong in /v/ and /a/ goes to rot and die.

>> No.7655840 [DELETED] 

Reported and hidden.

There are a lot of shitty VN's in the world. But really what makes KS so especially shitty is that it expects people to fall in love with an abstract premise about characters who have zero personality, uninteresting and most importantly unlikable.

Throw in the fact that said characters are there to hide the fact that KS has little to offer in terms of story and entertainment value and you have a VN that exists only because exists and nothing else.

Nobody with any decent sense of value and understanding should fall for the shitty gimmicks that it has to offer and the only reason it has even been "successful" to date was because IT WAS FIRST FUCKING ADVERTISED ON /v/, /a/ and /jp/ BY FUCKING RETARDS WHO CAME FROM /a/, /v/ and /jp.

So please take your shitty western VN and shove it. Come back when you can come up with something else other than a cheap gimmick.

>> No.7655851

Reported and hidden.

There are a lot of shitty VN's in the world. But really what makes KS so especially shitty is that it expects people to fall in love with an abstract premise about characters who have zero personality, are uninteresting and most importantly unlikable.

Throw in the fact that said characters are there to hide the fact that KS has little to offer in terms of story and entertainment value and you have a VN that exists only because it exists and nothing else.

Nobody with any decent sense of value and understanding should fall for the shitty gimmicks that it has to offer and the only reason it has even been "successful" to date was because IT WAS FIRST FUCKING ADVERTISED ON /v/, /a/ and /jp/ BY FUCKING RETARDS WHO CAME FROM /a/, /v/ and /jp.

So please take your shitty western VN and shove it. Come back when you can come up with something else other than a cheap gimmick.

>> No.7655852

I still don't see why KS is not OK in this board. I've been posting here for quite a while and the general impression that I get is that this board is for Touhou, Vocaloid, idols and Hello Project, VNs, kigurumi, cons in Japan, and otaku paraphernalia. Basically, otaku stuff that is not manga, anime or mainstream videogames.

Wait... on second thought, maybe it's because Katawa Shoujo was made by filthy Western pigs instead of righteous Nihonjin?

(Also, if "kosher" also means "acceptable" in general, I don't see why "halal" can be used in the same way).

>> No.7655859

Sorry, you beat me to it.

Basically, is it because Katawa Shoujo is shitty?

>> No.7655861

It's because what's worth discussing has already been discussed. The threads would be trashy if they were to persist.
re: /v/ threads

>> No.7655864
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>This entire thread

>> No.7655865


>Wait... on second thought, maybe it's because Katawa Shoujo was made by filthy Western pigs instead of righteous Nihonjin?

No, because it's a shitty VN.

>> No.7655878

I know you think normalfags are stupid, empty and vapid, but I need to tell you, they're not. Like all people, you have normalfags who are stupid, and normalfags who have a rich, complex and enjoyable character. Just because they listen to hip-hop while you're listening to Touhou j-core doesn't means they're stupid.

>> No.7655896

OP if you are still reading this delete your thread. It's only going to inspire the same shit and hate and any hope of a decent discussion was doomed from the start

Don't get me wrong, a few people on /jp/ have tried to shove some truly shitty VN's down our throats for years now but as I said before with KS it's different. There is nothing interesting about it at all. The writing is wretched, the characters as pleasing as the shit I took this morning and overall it just makes me sick to even look at it.

And this just isn't /jp/ mind you. If you look far and wide (you know, beyond /v/) you will see that it shares the same amount of hate by a lot of people.

>> No.7655896,1 [INTERNAL] 


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