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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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73587 No.73587 [Reply] [Original]

so when do you think guys in Japan will stop acting like misogynistic assholes?

>> No.73692
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Oh, It's nice goods !

>> No.73997
File: 120 KB, 640x480, 1203933965129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice thread.

>> No.73590



>> No.73595

when America stops being a asshole...... so in other words, never

>> No.73661

When they acquire something analogous to liberal guilt.

>> No.73671

Good ending

>> No.73693

even rednecks in America are nicer to girls than the average Japanese male

>> No.73703

What bugs me about Japan is that they think they're perfect. They refuse to think there's anything wrong with them.

See, Americans are assholes, but we also admit that we're assholes. Yeah we're big, clumsy, noisy, and obnoxious, but we think those are our endearing traits.

>> No.73714

When enough of them reach NICE BOAT.

>> No.73726

America is a nation of Kaminas. We're all loud (god we're loud), brash, arrogant, stupid, and break things. But we're also unintentionally funny.

>> No.73739

they don't think their perfect

>> No.73746

but they're too lazy/scared to change the system.

>> No.73754

pot, meet your friend mr. kettle

>> No.73750

I WISH we were as cool as Kamina.

>> No.73761

Also, it seems like the stereotypical American male would use "ore" if we could be assed to learn Japanese.

>> No.73766

why are we smoking pot with a kettle?

>> No.73906

sociology thread dying on /jp/? not if I can help it

>> No.74002

I love the USA and a lot of the people in it.
But I've never seem good replies from americans in discussions of relative cultural merit. For some reason, everything boils down to "Well we're free nyuk nyuk".

This discussion, and the "armed = polite" ones is where the USA got it's bad rep in the first place.

>> No.74012

What *does* the average Japanese adult male use?

>> No.74026


>> No.74028

Your average American is too lazy to vote.

>> No.74031

anyone have that without the gaijin

>> No.74033

My dictionaries seem to indicate that it's largely feminine. Is that just an exaggeration?

>> No.74039

all males use ore

>> No.74047

As far as I've seen, most use 私, a large number use 僕, and those on the internets use 俺.

>> No.74050

Watashi is neutral. Anyone can use it. What I've noticed is that most regular guys use boku or ore, while men who want to sound more professional/cultured will use watashi.

>> No.74056

I chalk the internet one up to e-penis and the like, where people don't know what a person's really like. 僕 is what I expected to come in second, but I had figured 俺 would be in front.

>> No.74058

I figure Japan needs...say, twenty years or so. Enough for the old guard to all die off After no living person in japan remembers a time before...1960-ish, then they can get to work on not being misogynists.

>> No.74059

Right, so not so much a femininity as a lack of masculinity?

>> No.74063

Although I will admit that a lot of my political philosophy seems to include "all problems will be solved if we just kill off all the old people" so maybe I'm biased here.

>> No.74064

Whenever I think of Americans, I think of fat loud people eating hamburgers and farting every 5 seconds with noisy abandon. They are my favourite people.

>> No.74068

Do we have any linkage to hard cold evidence that Japanese people are misogynistic assholes? I'm studying abroad here at the moment, and I know it's true, but It's hard to put my finger on exactly how they are misogynistic, or in other words what they do to h8 on women.

>> No.74071


Fuck'tard. That's exactly why they don't like you. Admitting that you're loud obnoxious brutes, and then saying that's your "good" sides just means you're ignorant, stuck-up cockwipes.
Assuming that "they think they're perfect" just because you got rejected by them for your raving lunacy just goes to show why they ridicule foreigners like you.

You want them to treat you better? Don't barge in a country being a continual irritant to everyone around you. Learn to fucking adapt to a culture and respect that not everywhere is going to be like America or whatever country you came from.

>> No.74074

I love you

>> No.74079


not only in Japan, but also when visiting/living in europe.

>> No.74081

You could say that. There's no problem with either gender using watashi.

>> No.74085

It's a more subtle misogyny. They don't go around talking about it a whole lot or anything, but then again they don't go around talking about a whole lot to begin with in Japan. It's all about quiet assumptions which everyone has to follow.

It is assumed that women will work customer service and secretary jobs or they will be housewives. The Japanese language has a ton of grammatical patterns that only males or females can use and would be unacceptable otherwise. In a relationship women are expected to do the shopping, the cooking, etc.

>> No.74087

ITT we make complete conjectures about Japanese men based on hearsay and imagination.

I've been living in Japan for a few years now, and I've found that Japanese men, at least in my experience, are:
passive aggressive

>> No.74083

it's not so much that Japanese guys hate women, it's that they casually treat them like shit. One's mother is supposed to act like one's maid, and your girlfriend is supposed to take over from her. And good luck with a postmarital sex life.

>> No.74088

>>74085 In a relationship women are expected to do the shopping, the cooking, etc.

Women should do all that stuff. Have you ever come back from a hard day's work to a house that is warm, smells like dinner and have a woman say "welcome home!" to you?
That shit is the best ever. I'd gladly work some overtime for it.

>> No.74091

I don't know, i've met some pretty annoying bitches, not submissive at all

>> No.74097

>I'd gladly work some overtime for it.

yeah... about that...

>> No.74100


Man up. I've been living here in Japan for years working long hours.
I feel like I live double what I did at home.

>> No.74101

>>passive aggressive

Most of these are traits that people who have to grow up without a sense of self, and to a bigger extent, self-worth tend to develop. If you're constantly being doted on and know you can "get away with murder" so to speak, you become angry/passive-agressive when you're deprived of that.

>> No.74106

makes sense.
Oh well, more J-girls for me I guess.

>> No.74111


ITT we make complete conjectures about Japanese men based on hearsay and imagination.

I've been living in Japan for a few years now, and I've found that Japanese men, at least in my experience, are:
socially aware
slaves to convention

but maybe it's because I actually have Japanese friends and you don't?

>> No.74114


If your gf/wife is working, wouldn't she want to come back to a house that is well kept and with a home cooked meal too?

>> No.74118

which japan are you living in? hint: living here through jdramas doesn't count.

walk behind me, woman!

>> No.74119

and still, she left me.
Fuck that.

>> No.74120

Your friends are a biased sample, since they're the ones who actually assume foreigners are real people and bother becoming friends with one. As such, they clearly do not represent the average Japanese male.

>> No.74122

Hi Evilhead. I'm Grandpa.

I live in Machida. Have done for a few years.
I must admit I don't have many Japanese male friends. We don;t get on very well.
Japanaese girls, on the other hand....

>> No.74124


kinda hard when you, as a typical salary man get off work at 10:30 or later?

traditional male-female roles do, gasp, actually still exist in the world. but you have a point, in that a lot of women in japan work as much as them men, so it's unfair for the work not to be split. my gf works 12-16 hour days with usually one day off a week so I do a lot of that stuff for her since she gets home at about 10:30 or 11 most nights. but she does about half, like making bentos, and other chores.

>> No.74126

Fuck that shit! Women aren't supposed to work.

>> No.74130


I have to say that I have many more girl friends than guy friends, but I have found a few close guy friends since I've been here. A carpenter and a guitarist, among others. The bassist for my band is Japanese but I don't really get on with him so well.

>> No.74138

Japanese guys do seem cool, but I can't seem to stay friends with them. For one thing, they seem a bit scared of foreigners. GIrls, on the other hand, for good or ill, are at least willing to go out for drink with you a second time after meeting you.

>> No.74166

is the 10.30 figure like the official clock off time, or is it that 'obliged overtime' thing they have to do?

working life sounds seriously bad in japan, they ought to adopt a more european attitude (american working ethics are almost as bad as the japanese)

>> No.74207

By law japanese companies can force you to do 300 hours of overtime a year (though whether paid or not I don't know). Although, several people end up doing more of this to stay on their pre-decided climb up the ladder.

300 hours a year...52 weeks...that's basically 6 hours a week after time off. Though on top of that you have the forementioned going above that, as well as going out drinking with your boss on his whim, business dinners etc. etc.

>> No.76529
File: 13 KB, 379x300, 1203969220417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75435

Americans will admit to problems that need to be fixed. The Japanese like most other Asians won't since that would be a blow against their reputation and damage their honor so they create the facade that everything is perfect even if they know it isn't.
Keeping women in the role they should occupy isn't misogyny but feminism in action.

>> No.75525

Not all americans are loud and obnoxious, it's just most of the people from the south and all New Yorkers.

>> No.75651

The problem isn't with New Yorkers. It is with New Yorkas, ie the scum that dwell in NYC.

>> No.75667

ITT: Butthurt upstate faggots. BAAAAW more

>> No.75704

Americans will admit their faults without seeing a need to correct them.

They're pretty easy about that.

The newest generation of Americans won't do either, though, and will feel that they're the victim of everything. Of course, that's what you get when the Flower Children began having kids and teaching others.

>> No.75901

Everyone is a victim of their circumstances. You are just butthurt that the hippies ruined your war machine all those years ago.

>> No.75952

When they let a woman become emperor.

>> No.75978

Back on point: the guy who said all the old guard need to die off is correct.

To anyone who thinks Japan isn't a sexist society: nobody is saying it's the Taliban, but just for example, there is a job in Japan called "office lady". Not "office worker" (women can be those, of course, especially in more progressive companies) but "office lady". That's actually a JOB in Japan. They wear cute little uniforms and make tea, do copying, etc.

The guys, well it depends on the guy, like any place, but here I have noticed a much much larger proportion of guys who grunt orders to "their women", the womening carry heavy shopping and the guys don't lift a finger to help, guys sitting on the back of bicycles while the girlfriend does all the pedalling (that nearly made me sick with embarrassment as a man) and other shit that makes you realize that a LOT of men grew up as spoilt single kids, and simply stay that way.

>> No.75988

>>75978 guys sitting on the back of bicycles while the girlfriend does all the pedalling

That's fucking hilarious.

>> No.76019

Holy crap, I am now beginning to see the allure of Japan.

>> No.76037


Yeah- it was kind of hilarious the first time, if only because the guy looked like such an utter faggott for doing so, and didn't seem to realize. but I've seen the same thing over and over again and now it just makes me want to kick them off the bike, and tell the dumb bitch to go abroad and find a guy (who will probably think she's super-hot and exotic), and treat her WAAAY better.

>> No.76039

Sauce, please?

>> No.76077

This thread gives me mixed feelings. On one hand, I want to take advantage of this. On the other hand, I want to grab a girl and treat her right.

>> No.76147

You're going to lose that girl
You're going to lost that girl
If you don't take her out tonight
she's going to change her mind
And I will take her out tonight
And I will treat her kind

You're going to lose that girl
You're going to lose that girl
If you don't treat her right, my friend
You're going to find her gone
'Cause I will treat her right and then
You'll be the lonely one

You're going to lose that girl

>> No.76149

>You're going to lose that game

>> No.76173

School Days (anime)

>> No.76247

Women can't become emperor. They can become empress.
The sooner you realize women are beasts of burden here for our disposal the sooner you can get off your fucking high horse.
Asians are brought up to seek out only those of their own ethnicity typically. That wouldn't hold any appeal for many Asian women.

>> No.76268


wtflol? Firstly, I was talking about Japanese, not "asian" women (that's about 1 billion women right?)

But let me assure you, it holds enough appeal for all the girlfriends that have dumped their Japanese boyfriends (or sneaked around on their husbands) so they could sleep with me. About 50+ girls so far (and I know people who've done a lot more). That's all the appeal I really need. I get laid, they get treated like sexy women instead of mother/maid hybrids, win all round.

>> No.76279


Just saying that you had sex with anyone would've been over-exaggerated enough.

>> No.76286


That's believable- I knew a black guy who hung out every Saturday at clubs in Roppongi or Shibuya looking for those fake hip-hop J-girls. He got a different fuck every week for the 3 years he was in Japan. That's..counts fingers..OVER 9000 or something.

>> No.76287


Clearly not an asshole.

>> No.76300


You don't have friends!

>> No.76302


Me? I carry girl's shopping, talk to them like adults, ask their opinions, buy them flowers, NEVER use that stupid demeaning Japanese way of talking down to people. What's assholish about that? Because I like to have sex with Japanese women? I think they know that and can judge for themselves. Not my fault their boyfriends are fucking spoilt little kids or cavemen.

>> No.76309


That's misogynistic, not really *nice.*

>> No.76319

Anyone know if DVD version has red blood?

>> No.76324


Not trying to be funny- but why is it? You think maybe I lie to these girls- tell them I'm gonna marry them or something? (I don't, ever). Or that they are too stupid and pathetic to think for themselves and do what they want to do? Seems like you have a much lower opinion of Japanese women than I do...

>> No.76333


Wow, way to pull inferences out of the air! Seriously though, you're on 4chan talking about how you've banged countless chicks, be glad this is daytime and you aren't getting gang lynched.

>> No.76340

Go away basement virgin

>> No.76354


I'm not arguing with you- I was wondering why it's "misogynistic".

RE: getting lynched on 4chan, er, whatever, /b/ makes me pretty blase about that. You can all think I'm making this shit up (hell, I could be) for all I care.

The only reason I brought this up was because some idiots started talking about "asian women" being beasts of burden(now THAT is misogynistic AND racist). I'm just pointing out that he is a pencil dick and plenty of Japanese women like being treated WELL rather than badly.

If you just think it's bad to sleep around, ok, that's your opinion, no problem. Personally I like sex with different people and the girl's I've slept with seemed to have the same opinion so where is the problem?

>> No.76364


You heard the man /jp/, let's all go and leave him to his devices on his own in here.

>> No.76372

>/b/ makes me pretty blase about that

Holy fucking shit, just get the fuck back to /b/ and raid stickam you useless newfag. And what's up with this pejorative use of the term virgin? This isn't just 4chan... It's fucking /jp/ for god's sake!

>> No.76382

What do you do for a living in Japan if I may ask?

>> No.76402

On a whole, is there really that much difference in how Japanese men treat women in comparison with American men?

>> No.76423

He's probably a businessfag or teacherfag. In during adding the suffix "fag" to every occupation.

>> No.76420

>now THAT is misogynistic AND racist


>> No.76442


Seeing as this has turned into "hate on the guy who likes treating women like women instead of maids" thread, I will give you 2 choices, so everybody is happy.

1: I don't live in Japan, and have only ever had 1 gf, who was a weeaboo like me. I am making all this shit up.

2: I'm an ex-model-fag (not good-looking, just slim and bland so I make a good clotheshorse) turned design/fashion consultant-fag. I live in Tokyo sometimes and London sometimes.

>> No.76448




>> No.76451


3. you live in your parents' basement in Tulsa

>> No.76469


Dude, I know you're a newfag from /b/ but let me explain something to you. /jp/ is largely just made up of us night-shift /a/fags. Now, seeing as how you're a newfag let me explain something to you, /b/ wasn't always a hive of people discussing their latest sexual exploits or whatever. A few years ago the place was basically virgin central, or at least woeful-with-women central. /b/ changed when it achieved mainstream popularity and people like you came along because you thought it was super hardcore to join the super-secret internet club and raid habbo hotel.

Now, us old-school /b/tards, sensing your kind's fail, fled in droves to /a/ and /v/, and thus we have remained (now including /jp/ obviously). The truth is, the rest of 4chan outside of /b/ is pretty lonely and pretty much like the old /b/ (made up as it is of veteran /b/tards).

So don't come in here and start giving us the whole 3d bullshit. We're not interested. And for the record, I, myself, despite being generally pathetic with women, am not a virgin. But I detest faggots like you spreading your cancerous sores to the rest of 4chan.

Stay the fuck out of any board but /b/, you can raid habbo, post 'you laugh, you lose' threads and endlessly repeat shitty tired old memes there to your hearts content.

>> No.76497

He said women are beasts of burden. Nothing about Asian women in particular just women in general.

>> No.76502


(And everybody else)

I am gonna apologize for any breaches of conduct right now- and I wanna clear a few things up.

1. I didn't call anybody a virgin - and the racist/sexist trolling was the reason I started this run (of only 5 or so posts so far).

2. I am not a b/tard or newfag- I said that /b/ made me less concerned about getting lynched. But I'm not doing this for some kind of troll lulz.

3. I'm really sorry if you guys don't like the tone of my posts. But I was replying *in a thread about sexism* to a guy who said *asian women are pack animals and whores* or something like that.

I don't think it makes me "cool" that I have had a few girlfriends, if I find a nice wife one day in the future, great.

Please don't assume everyone who may possibly not fit in so well on this board is a hardcore raidfag.

>> No.76505

That would make sense if any of those boards have been able to create a meme better than any of /b/'s. The only original content/meme-worthy stuff that comes out of /v/ or /a/ are all MS Paint comics.

>> No.76512


Once again, go away basement virgin.

>> No.76515

You do realise cooking, cleaning etc is working, right?

>> No.76517

not livejournal

>> No.76524


Right, what original content of note came out of /b/ during 2007? The 'When I was' meme? Hahahaha, /b/tards are so fucking delusional if they think their shitty image macros are funny. /v/'s rage faces were 10x more funny.

>> No.76535

It isn't real work. It is what women are suppose to do when they aren't sucking us off or in bed.

>> No.76548

OK, one last post, this time in the spirit of things:

All Japanese men are insecure micro-dicked immature little children who are so terrified of women they either become child molesters or try to boss women around like yakuza tough guys from movies in order to try and compensate for their utter faggotry.

There. I'm done, and will go back to my parents basement.

>> No.76561

So, cooks don't have a job, cleaners don't have a job?

>> No.76562


>> No.76578

They both cook and clean a hell of a lot more than housewives. By quantity that makes it a job.

>> No.76590


When Michael Moore stops spouting socialist propaganda and disguising it as entertainment.

>> No.76584

Housewives work on weekends too. Don't get paid for it, don't get any thank for it.

>> No.76593

Since you fail at reading comprehension I will reword it for you so it is simpler. Typically Japanese go with only Japanese, Koreans only with Koreans, Chinese only with Chinese, and it goes that way for most of the other Asian cultures. Asians are brought up to be anti-race mixing but more than that they usually won't mix with those from other Asian cultures as well. What you are proposing would not interest most Asians, but particularly Asian women since women tend to follow what their culture tells them like pack animals. So cut the fucking shit about being a Gaijin Casanova!

>> No.76624


He could probably find a girl with a westerner fetish but she would probably just use him and leave him.

Actually once you get past the "gaijin are scary" factor, you will find that most Japanese women are so lonely and starved for attention they will jump on your purple python so fast your head will spin.

>> No.76630


ITT: butthurts who make up bullshit societal reasons why they aren't popular with asian wimminz.

>> No.76659

I don't want to be popular with Asian women. Very few of them are attractive. Sorry but I don't share in your yellow fever.

>> No.76713

This is almost correct, but I would say there is some mixing with Koreans and Chinese. Additionally due to centuries of getting massive butthurt from white countries, there is this engraved mindset that causes half of them to usually want you just because you're white, while the other half will hate you. All the other colors are fucked.

>> No.77941

>so when do you think guys on 4chan will stop acting like misogynistic assholes?

. . .

>> No.78834

When women aren't slutty bitches anymore. In other words never.

>> No.78834,1 [INTERNAL] 

long live the patriarchy
