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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7645164 No.7645164 [Reply] [Original]

I come from another board and I come in peace.

What's with all the Touhou sex talk around here?
I mean if I didn't know any better I would assume that Touhou were porn games, where you have to undress and fuck the characters, when looking at half the threads on this board.
Why do you perceive touhous in such a sexual manner? I don't see what in the games could possibly lead to that. The characters aren't rendered nude or in a sexually suggestive manner, there is nothing in the plot that suggests sex. So why?

>> No.7645166

/jp/ers are highly passionate people.

>> No.7645167
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Too lewd.

>> No.7645171

>I come from another board
>I don't get /jp/

Durr hurr. Reported for being an infantile reject who couldn't lurk long enough to learn for himself.

>> No.7645173 [DELETED] 

How friendly. Also, I was a very specific question, not "why are you so weird" or "why are you such geeks".

>> No.7645175

You don't get /jp/ either, get out.

>> No.7645176

How friendly. Also, it was a very specific question, not "why are you so weird" or "why are you such geeks".

>> No.7645178

Because we only give a fuck about the H-doujinshi. You silly little faggot.

>> No.7645183

I would assume it's because there are different fetishes to apply to pretty much every touhou.

>> No.7645184

Gensokyo is a land that reflects the soul.

If your soul reflects carnal passion and personal closeness (a desire of many a /jp/ poster), then it's best represented by consensual, loving sex.

(Many /jp/ are also depraved individuals who know nothing of love. We take all comers.)

>> No.7645185

I fucking hate Flan. Worst Touhou. Lower than shit.

>> No.7645191
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More like sunflowers.

>> No.7645197

In the context of /jp/ a primary is someone who dedicates a sufficient enough amount of time they can 1cc a game and clear an extra, thus justifying their skill.

Going from a total noob to a "primary" requires a bit of repetitive trial and error gameplay as your mind begins to develop, and the player becomes accustomed to "reading the bullets (their directions and speeds as a means of dodging the curtains).

In the span of time spent playing these games, those who frequent /jp/ become progressively more attached to the characters within Touhou.

Thanks to the limited involvement of the game's directive mind and essentially one man army programmer Zun, the fandom has been enabled to envision their own idealistic setting and background that encompasses the games, characters, and their daily lives.

There exists within the mind of each player an idealistic Gensokyo that encompasses the breadth of games we spend so much time playing, each Gensokyo tailored to the desires of the one who imagines it.

The origin for the sexually-charged elements is derived from the userbase of /jp/. We're predominantly male and spent most of our adolescent lives reclusive from society, which has resulted in most of us continuing to shun "normalcy" to further self-aggrandize our own pseudo-elitism.

We don't chase after 3D women or pursue relationships like normal-faggots nor do we intend to discontinue worshiping our idealized waifus.

In short, we play touhou because the gameplay is difficult and rewards repetitive behavior. We experienced (sexually and socially) repressed adolescent lives leading to our current state of touhou and waifu worship. Both of these aspects correlate with the supposed higher percentage of autism and aspergers present within our numbers.


>> No.7645200

Lovey stories are the best stories when it comes to that.

>> No.7645203
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>> No.7645208

Saved for future use.

>> No.7645213

Little girls in frilly outfits don't suggest sex, according to you?

Well, okay. Weirdo.

>> No.7645307

Play touhou and you'll understand.

>> No.7645330

But this doesn't explain
"which x fuck?"

>> No.7645331

Delete applemilk thread.
Leave this shit.

>> No.7645353


Speak for yourself. I, for one, have no delusions of granduer. I simply like the things I like, and as a result of them being discussed here, I'm here. Also, writing more and using big words doesn't make your answer correct. On topic, it's just a matter of humans being sexual creatures, and ones that like touhou and dislike real girls substituting one the other.

>> No.7645376

>delete shitty thread
>leave touhou sexualization thread
Hello OP of that shitty thread. Are you butthurt that it got deleted? Awwww.

>> No.7645387

Not butthurt, simply stating facts.
