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File: 291 KB, 1600x900, 2011-07-13-421330..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7634981 No.7634981 [Reply] [Original]

What are you playing/expecting/etc...? Talk about anything VN related here.

Old Thread

>> No.7634999
File: 159 KB, 1280x748, 1311018132954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's talk about loli Kotori and how she is a miracle in the universe.

>> No.7635002

Just finished the first Dream Scenario in Dive X. Was another Rain route really needed? And it also feels like the new character (Chris) got shafted.

>> No.7635011

Nice grisaia spoil OP

>> No.7635023

>Was another Rain route really needed?
Rain's route in the original was basically just the game's introduction with fucking Rain on the side, so yeah, I'd say it was.

>> No.7635024

cool spoil guys!!

>> No.7635031
File: 177 KB, 1024x576, 1311018845105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no spoiler if you don't know what to look for.
It's just Sachi being beautiful and the best character ever as usual.

>> No.7635033

oh boy you fuck the heroine whose route you're playing!!! yeah that was totally a spoil!!! sorry!!!

>> No.7635035

fucker of his own mother!! come mierda mierda retardar espero que morir e ir al infierno de mierda que retardan

>> No.7635039

Oh, look! The faggot who can't write properly.

>> No.7635101
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>> No.7635108


moonphase and getchu for companies and dlsite and rss for doujin/indie developers

>> No.7635392

The trial was surprisingly fun

>> No.7635395

Started reading Natsu no Ame.
Seems nice.

>> No.7635396
File: 323 KB, 2400x1200, 1311027155425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know what happened to 陰と影 〜那月綺談〜?

That sequel/remake/whatever to Nijuuei.

>> No.7635432

Indefinite hiatus

>> No.7635460
File: 560 KB, 802x603, 1311029009515.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god...The Tsun in this game is so good.

>> No.7635602

I am reading Muv-Luv alt. and wow, i was spoilered before but, this came out of nowhere. I am still in shock. Damm duplicated file entry, i can't upload the gif.

>> No.7635659


>> No.7635676

It gets worse.

>> No.7636480

I'm not sure if you're past it yet, but just wait for them to fuck.

>> No.7637241
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>> No.7637252

Read that scene yesterday.
Fapped quite hard
Now I want them to be together ;_;

Also when does "AFTER AFTER" take place?

>> No.7637255

Still waiting on my translation for Gore Screaming Show.

Alternatively, learning moon so I can do shit myself.

>> No.7637266

Best girl. By far.

>> No.7637276


What game?

>> No.7637279

Best VN, by far.

>> No.7637284

H2o Root after and another/H2o complete story edition

>> No.7637293
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playing my very first VN, pic related

I want to stop this awful behavior before I turn into someone who lurks /jp/

>> No.7637306


>> No.7637327
File: 813 KB, 816x638, 1311063763023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Started playing Haruka na Sora but progress is slow. I really need to work on my kanji.

note: I'm using chiitrans to auto-furigana but it still takes time to read trough it.

>> No.7637349
File: 61 KB, 354x500, 1311064354423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right now I'm on the second chapter of G-Senjou no Maou.

>> No.7637386

Goddamn, and I actually expected them to get this shit done as soon as possible and get to the proper VNs. It's 2010 all over again; if the only proper title that they release this year is that all-ages one, I'm going to lose all hope in my favorite company.

>> No.7637417
File: 37 KB, 256x354, 1311067775164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddamn, I finished Coco's route in Ever17 more than a month ago and yet I STILL think about how mind blowing it was.

What's more is that every time I reminisce about the plot, I realize something new I never caught before and that adds even more depth to the story and characters.

Let me just list some examples that popped into my mind (Obviously major spoilers):

Sara's hair and how it relates to her being Tsugumi's daughter: A less observant player might not even notice this, but I caught onto it and thought the similarities of their bangs was just coincidence, or maybe even similar character design. I shat a brick when I realized that it was one of the more subtle hints of their shared genetics.

The reason you never see your face in the CGs? It would spoil the fact that you don't actually look like the "Takeshi" or "Kid" that you're seeing. Also, I thought the whole graffiti on Takeshi's face and the fact that you never see it was just played for humor, then realized that it would also spoil the plot if you actually did see it.

>> No.7637427
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>> No.7637434

Okay, got 2 endings in 999, and I'm wondering...

Is there and ending where Snake DOESN'T die? It kinda makes me feel bad for Clover.

>> No.7637442

Seems like you haven't played the true ending yet...
Also, what specific 2 endings? Without spoiling anything, you must get a certain ending before you can get the true ending.
Following the true ending route before that basically gets you a troll ending.

>> No.7637454

Endings I currently have are the ending with the axe picture (Clover killing everyone except Ace and Lotus for revenge) and the one with the submarine picture (some mystery person (I'm guessing Zero) kills everyone)

And yes, I've heard about that true ending thing. So all of these endings before the "true" one will end up with Junpei dying?

..on second thought, I guess I'll just play this out and find out for myself.

>> No.7637461

Do not worry anon. The true ending will explain everything, and it does so quite brilliantly.

Spoilerless Walkthrough (Doors): 5 - 8 - 6 for the safe ending, and then 4 - 7 - 1 for the true end


>> No.7637469

Playing through it yourself would definitely be a better idea.
Don't want to spoil you, but you're looking for the safe ending. Trust me, the game does a pretty goddamn good job at hiding most of the plot from you in the other endings while still managing to tell an amazing story.
Actually, while the safe ending has some mindfucks and shocking revelations, it STILL doesn't contain the true story. However, there's a good reason you have to play through it first before you move on to the true ending.

>> No.7637479

Yup, as I thought it is pretty nice.
Seems kind of short though.

>> No.7637491
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Natsu no Ame is pretty great

>> No.7637493

Only thing I've really disliked is that anyone who wasn't Rikako got what felt like 3 scenes total to me during what I assume was during the common route.
But Rikako is so good, I'm sort of okay with that.

>> No.7637501

Did we ever got a English patch for Shuffle! Essence+? Want to play that Mayumi route...

>> No.7637504
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There needs to be more heroines like Midori.

>> No.7637509

She feels guilty because Rin likes her over Kaede. Cue drama, then they tell her and everything's alright. There's your route, I love Mayumi but her route was pretty shitty.
It's basically Asa route 1.5 with bullying instead of magic

>> No.7637529

『黄昏の先にのぼる明日 -あっぷりけFanDisc-』
『せきさば! ~私立せきがはら学園女子サバゲ部~』

『死神のテスタメント ~menuet of epistula~』

スタジオ 5気筒/ADV/10月28日

>> No.7637526

『’&’ -空の向こうで咲きますように-』

Silver Bullet Automatic/ADV/10月
『凌成敗! ~学園美少女制裁秘録~』

>> No.7637532

 シナリオ:Team N.G.X

>> No.7637536

These look like the most promising ones.

>> No.7637537

New Hino and new Baldr team eroge

>> No.7637541

Rpg by team baldrhead? Well color me hyped.

>> No.7637546


>> No.7637579

Don't you have some naruto/bleach comparison picture to post in some other thread? Go there.

>> No.7637601

Where did you get this?

>> No.7637773
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New Baldr team eroge

>> No.7637775
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>> No.7637778
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Looks like the artist is still in his loli phase

>> No.7637789

>loli phase
Loli is for life.

>> No.7637801
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>> No.7637806

dat moeshit

>> No.7637815
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>> No.7637828


>> No.7637835

See >>7637828

>> No.7637853

>oppai loli
>not flat
Don't really want.

Do want.

>> No.7637971


Fuck yeah for more team-Baldrhead. day one purchase. altough this is first time they have done RPG, I wonder how they'll do

>> No.7638001

I hope you are doing the Sora route for you.

>> No.7638007
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>> No.7638020
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漉し餡は最高だ! 次は”I/O”です。

>> No.7638022

Steal the breakfast of her dying childhood friend every days, like a boss.

>> No.7638050

>horrid graphics
>FM music
>no voices
That's maximum of original game PC deserves nowadays.
As MSX fag and PC pirate I'm happy anyways.

>> No.7638069
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New Akatsuki-works after Ruitomo and Comyu

>> No.7638072
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>> No.7638086
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>> No.7638083
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>> No.7638245

This is bothering me.

Since I'll never play the game, spoil me on whatever it is I'm looking at.

>> No.7638368

I didn't play it but here were my speculations either she loses her left eye or that sky background means they jumped down a building together

>> No.7638551
File: 314 KB, 850x590, 1311100657771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone played Koi de wa naku?
How is it?

>> No.7638693

Well, shit, I thought the sky in the background meant they were flying.

>> No.7639224

One of the most boring shit I've ever read.
Could only go through one route.

>> No.7639246

I can tell it's shit by the title alone.

>> No.7639273

sasuga anon

>> No.7639313

I want to play Tsukihime and Fate/Stay Night, but I can't seem to find a good download for either.

Also, is there an English translation for LoverAble?

>> No.7639409

>I want to play Tsukihime and Fate/Stay Night, but I can't seem to find a good download for either.

>Also, is there an English translation for LoverAble?
No, and there is nobody working on one. In the future, check vndb.org to find this kind of info.

>> No.7639428


>> No.7639766

Looks like Grisaia and Rewrite are getting released on PSP

>> No.7639805

Goddamn, I hate it when I start edging while playing a nukige in between scenes, lose concentration and let it go.
Tonight is wasted. So sad.

>> No.7639897

>Grisaia on PSP
Hopefully they won't put Kazuki's route there but in a separate FD or I'd have to buy a PSP

>> No.7640374

> 『黄昏の先にのぼる明日 -あっぷりけFanDisc-』
It's finally here. I've been waiting for you. ;_;

>> No.7640680

Just finished reading Sadogashima Hive attack in Muv-Luv Alternative.
It was breath taking. It amazes me how much detail and thought were put in to this game. And i really am wondering how much left of the game to finish. I feel like i didn't even read the half of it.

>> No.7640729
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Finished Haymi AFTER AFTER

Hayami sure is moe~

>> No.7640758
File: 73 KB, 419x248, 1311133997823.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just finished tsugumi path
I had never played the game before. Its one of the best things i've played in a while, finished it today a whole day of playing Ever17. Are the other games of the serie this good?

>> No.7640762

My bad!
>Visual Novel (Correction)

>> No.7640773

I'm getting too bored of Ikusa Megami Zero. I'm disappointed after how fun kamidori was.
Time to finish Oretsuba I guess.

>> No.7640779


How far are you in? If you're still in the first act then power through it first, that's when the story really picks up. If you're already past that though and still don't like it then welp.

>> No.7640784

Ever17 is generally regarded as the high point of the Infinity Series, but Never7 and Remember11 are also pretty good. 12Riven had a different lead writer than the rest in the series, so it's not as good.

I/O is also (unofficially) a part of the Infinity series, because it shares the same lead writer and takes place in the same setting.

>> No.7640787

I'm almost done - chapter 9
I'm annoyed by overuse of amnesia and it seems like nothing is important since serika returned to marcl

>> No.7640789

Playing Baldr Sky, only on chapter 8 of Rain route.
Shit is okay so far, I guess.
I kinda wish there was more gameplay, though.

>> No.7640818

Thanks for the information, i'll try to get my hands on these as i really enjoyed ever17. Though i got first to finish all of the routes
(And sorry for my bad english)

>> No.7640991 [DELETED] 

>Also, is there an English translation for LoverAble?

Wasn't this asked in a few other threads.

Anyway, what Sakura said. No, there isn't, but I wish. Would've been nice if my Tsugumi thread back then jumpstarted one.


>> No.7640994

>Also, is there an English translation for LoverAble?

Wasn't this asked in a few other threads?

Anyway, what Sakura said. No, there isn't, but I wish there was. Would've been nice if my Tsugumi thread back then jumpstarted one.


>> No.7641063


Don't remember where marcl is (the starting town?) or where ch9 fits into the story (the last/fourth act?). But if you're back at the starting town then I don't think you're half way through yet. Unfortunately, the word you spoilered is kind of the key reason of the recurring tragedy so if you strongly dislike that type of plot then yeah, you won't like zero.

>> No.7641095

Gave in and bought Love Plus+, got my first date in about 10 minutes, wish me luck /jp/.

>> No.7641102

Okay, how exactly do I buy this? I can't add this to the cart, and I get an error when I try to click that 1-Click thing. Are they too xenophobic to even sell me a download link?

>> No.7641144 [DELETED] 

You realise Amazon is an American company right? It has nothing to do with being 'xenophobic', it's just the way Amazon does their business. They will sell you books via the Japanese site if you're overseas, but not games, for example.

>> No.7641154

So basically they don't sell digital content overseas, even though there is no "shipping" to speak of?

>> No.7641164 [DELETED] 

They don't sell you digital music from the Japanese site, because they obviously want you to get it from the site for which you should be going to.
For example http://www.amazon.com/Soul-for-the-Sword/dp/B00595RHAW/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=dmusic&qid=13111

>> No.7641167

Oh, huh. Makes sense, thanks.

>> No.7641181

Okay, seems that I can't order it from any other Amazon, since I don't live in US or UK. Too bad.

>> No.7641293

I had Hanachirasu sitting unfinished on my hard drive since last fall and I finally finished it. That fucking alt. ending. The mini-game's really disappointing though.

>> No.7641304

Are there any non-nukige where the protagonist is a teacher and students are amongst the romanceable heroines? I would like to read that kind of story with drama and stuff. Or even just a game like dame koi where the protag and heroine have a large age gap.

>> No.7641312

It's excellent.

>> No.7641330

seconding this. I finished the VN a couple of week ago, and I loved it. Couple of the routes have overwhelmingly large amount of h-scenes, but besides that, it is excellent.

>> No.7641399


>> No.7641460
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Speaking of Kikokugai, I've put these images together to compare some random CGs, just because I haven't seen anyone else doing it. Not like that many people are interested in Kikokugai here, but still.

>> No.7641466
File: 2.94 MB, 1600x3200, 1311154839136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fun fact: even though the game is widescreen, the CGs are still 4:3.

Also, Taoluo looks like Kageaki, which is not surprising.

>> No.7641470 [SPOILER] 
File: 387 KB, 1024x768, 1311154992537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And, since everyone wonders about the lack of H-scenes, here is that spoiler CG. Sure looks like 15+ to me.

>> No.7641589

Taoluo lost his forehead moe~

I can't take it easy like this.

>> No.7641611


I still doubt that the contents of that scene were actually true. We have no way of knowing that the recreated Ruili is anything like the original or not, as the months and months of rape during Kong's absence probably wasn't very good for her sanity.

>> No.7642056

well lot of IM Zero might feel quite disjointed untill you play IM Verita as it connects and gives a lot of new meaning to some of Zeros events. and amnesia is one part of Serikas character, as he himself can't remeber due to incompatibility of human/god soul/body and he has to use others to remember stuff for him. and it's also up to player himself to remember instead of him and see how the past effects Serikas present actions (but thats morerevelant to Verita tough)

>> No.7642229

Can someone explain what happened with the artist from Baldr Sky Dive 1? Did the he quit or what?

>> No.7642233

he was infected with loliconism, it's still clearly his art, but yeah... he got sick... badly

>> No.7642236

No, it's the same guy.
His style just "evolved".

>> No.7642261

I prefer the word "improved".

>> No.7642262

Round my parts we call it "improved".

>> No.7642266

He's apperently round my parts.

>> No.7642275


Jesus, I wouldn't have guessed. His new art and old just don't mesh well. I wish he kept his old style for at least Dive 2 for the sake of consistency.

>> No.7642304

I don't think his art changed that much between d1 and d2. if you look at the CGs it's more like he tried to create age difference between the present and past in d2 which he didn't do in d1 (resulting in "lolification" in some scenes), as most of the more "lolified" CGs are from the past portions, while mostly everything in present does look quite same, well there is bit difference but not as much as in the past scenes. thats how it atleast looks to my eyes

>> No.7642315
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>> No.7642313

Yeah, only the sprites in Sky looked older, every CG has the characters look 10 years younger. I don't really see all that difference.
Also, you might want to notice there's multiple artists for the project and the characters are not all by the same artist.

>> No.7642317
File: 127 KB, 1401x500, 1311180627796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7642328

An artist needs to constantly evolve, challenge himself and try new things. Else there are copiers who can fill in once the original painting has been done.

>> No.7642332

some of the CGs in Sky were basically the same style as that drawing, you should stop acting like he switched styles overnight

>> No.7642341

They weren't as lolified, the change in artstyle is even more apparent in Dive X where the difference between the tachi and the CGs is clear as day.

>> No.7642350
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>I wish he kept his old style for at least Dive 2 for the sake of consistency.
That always ticked me off. Suddenly, everyone is a cute moeblob. At least wait until the next project for a new style, don't ruin character designs which are supposed to be mature/adult at the halfway point, jesus...

>> No.7642396
File: 87 KB, 887x605, 1311182244280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alicesoft and Key release shits after shits.
Type-Moon and Nitroplus realized producing anime was more profitable than doing eroge.
August and Frontwing are now the best companies

What the fuck is happening? Seems like the eroge market doesn't have much time to live left

>> No.7642430

One good vn doesn't make them good company. And they already returned to making shit.

>> No.7642435
File: 2.54 MB, 3200x1200, 1311182990668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to elobrate a bit. yes the style change is quite noticeable between d1 & d2, but the change can be more clearly seen in the past parts than in present parts. and then there's diveX where they went full lolification.

you forgot Eushully growing bigger too. also other lesser known companies getting better and some old big names falling. it's more like generation change, rather than dying out,

>> No.7642442

I greatly enjoyed many of the 2011 releases so far and I never cared about any of the companies you listed (except for Nitro+ because of Muramasa and Hanachirasu).

So, whatever dude.

>> No.7642449

Eushully should first get a good writer.
The writing in Kamidori was unbearable, I was basically ctrling during the entire second half.

>> No.7642456

Axanael, short and shit

>> No.7642451

N+ doing an anime doesn't mean they've given up on eroge at all. Didn't they release a VN in like 2010?

>> No.7642459

>and then there's diveX where they went full lolification.

Oh, sounds like they are going the right way.

>> No.7642463

Honestly, to me, Eushully makes long-winded SRPGs with porn, not real VNs. I don't really judge them on their writing nearly as harshly since it's not really the focus of the game.

>> No.7642464

well their writing is usually nothing great in their gameplay focused games. for story eushully has the BG-storyline which I think is great

>> No.7642465

What good titles were released this year?

>> No.7642470

Doesn't change the fact that N+ is still clearly making eroge.


>> No.7642474

ドグラQ was announced before Muramasa, it's not getting anywhere.
And the other 2 aren't eroge

>> No.7642478

Artemis Blue
MLA Chronicles 02
Koi de wa Naku
Tits Explorer

Upcoming that are promising:
Tenshi no Hane
Rance Quest
VenusBLood -Abyss- (just because I liked the shit out of -Empire-)

and some other I think I'm forgotting, ofcourse what you find good is dependant on your taste

>> No.7642479

Grisaia, Eustia, Euphoria, Artemis Blue, arguably Rewrite (84 EGS is very good, despite the criticism)

>> No.7642487

>(84 EGS is very good, despite the criticism)
Considering how many troll votes under 50 there are just because it's a Key game, I'd say it's an excellent score.

>> No.7642489

They released an eroge 7 months ago and they've released 3 other all ages VNs in the past year. What the fuck are you nitpicking for? Nitro+ is still in the business, they're not moving over to anime, end of story.

>> No.7642499

Muramasa tier:

Awesome tier:
Eustia (awesome mood and setting, a bit weak on the end but thematically it's very strong)
Grisaia (great writing with some of the best heroines ever, both the comedy and the drama are really well done)

Very good tier:
Artemis Blue (would be in awesome if the middle chapters weren't so boring)
Rewrite (Moon and Terra are awesome, rest is average)
Sukima Sakura (Sakura is love)
Kamidori (gameplay is awesome, rest is mediocre
MLA Chronicles 02 (Best ML spin-off so far)

Good tier
Aqua (pretty good story)
Loverable (really moe)
Kamikaze Explorer (Moe and the heroines are hot but the setting isn't as well explored as I'd have liked)

Tenshi no Hane that will be released in 9 days has the potential to be the best of the year looking at the trial too.

>> No.7642540

I don't know what kind of stories and characters you like, so I dunno? This EGS and tier-shit makes no sense to me when it comes to eroge so whatever. These are the ones I read and liked a lot:
Kamidori, Grisaia, Vermillion, euphoria, Artemis Blue, Taiyou no Promia, World and World's end.
And I still have a huge back-log. 2011 has been good to me so far.

>> No.7642543

I only really enjoyed Loverable and Oretsuba R.

>> No.7642545
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As a Nitroplus fan, I'm not pleased with their current state so far. In 2009, we got two awesome original titles, but after that, all we got were remakes, fandisks and ports, with the exception of Axanael (which is not bad, but really, really average, and does not compensate for the rest of their releases). This year, they seem to have already announced all their expected releases, and that is Sonicomi (which is not even a VN and already got delayed, just like the rest of 2010 titles) and LOST_X (which is all-ages and is not a full-price title). Of course, they had similar quiet periods before, but I'm worried about this one drawing out for too long. Meanwhile, the shelved projects include:

Dogura Q
Nubatama no Nue
Nitro Royale remake
Phantom 360 remake
Robotics;Notes (a 5pb title, but still)
Dramatic Murder

Well, let's just hope that success of Madoka and S;G anime will give them enough money to get to the actual VNs.

>> No.7642546

whoops, forgot to refer to >>7642465

>> No.7642554
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>> No.7642558

Playing Monster Girl Quest and about to start Tsukihime on PSP. I'm pretty new to VNs.

>> No.7642567

Pirating is killing the industry. It's even killing the music industry, so how do you expect a small industry such as the VN one not to sink?

>> No.7642587

Play Symphonic Rain. I don't care whatever else you play, but play Symphonic Rain.

>> No.7642588

There's a lot of anime based on VNs, it can't be that bad.

>> No.7642605

just like how video taping killed hollywood right

>> No.7642622

If it wasn't for the movie theaters, it would have.

>> No.7642710
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So it was good?
I usually don't trust Light

>> No.7642720


Seconding this. Fantastic game. Mai Nakahara is love.

>> No.7642724

After one week without internet access (damn budget ISPs), and constantly reading VNs with an aspect ratio of 4:3 on my 16:9 Dell, I noticed that it now has obvious image retention issues on the left side of it, where the 4:3 frame ended transitioning to black. A row 10 pixels wide were everything appears dimmer...

This sucks.

>> No.7642758

Are there any eroge with 1920x1200 or 1600x1200 or higher resolution support without resizing?

>> No.7642785

Not really, most PC releases are in the 4:3 format, with the 1024x768 resolution only making some inroads after the second half of the 00s

>> No.7642796

Finished the entire game. It's totally OK if you like the characters and the setting, but it also has some problems. In particular, I didn't really like playing four routes of it; the game would have worked better if it had just one (longer) route.

>> No.7642797

So, what do you use when reading VNs? Personally i use my netbook or PSP. Although i've been wondering can an ipad do that? Does anyone know anything about this?

>> No.7642818

I lie on my sofa with a wireless keyboard on my lap that has an integrated trackpad, using my glorious 27" IPS Dell.

The moans during ero scenes come out with a different depth from my (moderately good) sound system.

>> No.7642873
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>> No.7642882
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I'm playing Yume miru kusuri, on Nekoko's route.

I expect buttsecks soon.

How many of you have played 999? It's just as good, if not better than Ever 17. A little short though, but the puzzles are fun.

>> No.7642887

Eye-patch moe~

>> No.7642909
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>> No.7642923

I'm playing it right now, only reached one bad ending so far, but I can say that it's pretty damn good and the puzzles are fun.

>> No.7642991
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8 days left

>> No.7643033

I think I should start only reading all ages titles.
18+ ones kill my reading rate once H scenes start appearing especially if multiple are in one route (i.e. usually).
Damn my issues.

>> No.7643038

Story of my life

>> No.7643077

Learn to ctrl
It can save your life

>> No.7643104

I'm usually reading 3 or 4 VNs at once, so if one has a cluster of H-scenes, I can just watch one and then flip over to another VN till I'm ready to fap again.

Or, just ctrl.

>> No.7643100

No Anon, you don't understand.
It's not because I don't want to read them, but rather the exact opposite.

>> No.7643119

Is there a list of good VNs around, kind of like how there are for anime?

>> No.7643131

Go to vndb.org and sort by popularity.

>> No.7643140

I'm reading Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni, and I just started Tatarigoroshi. I've noticed that the story gets good after the Watanagashi festival. In episode 2, it took a while for the story to pick up. How long does it take for the story to get to the festival? Otherwise, I'll say 'fuck it' and watch the anime.

>> No.7643150

For the record, the anime is fucking terrible and doesn't deserve to be mentioned outside of /a/. You wouldn't tell your mother you were fapping to CP, and you shouldn't tell us if you're planning on abusing yourself with shitty anime.

>> No.7643164

I sort of agree, not that H scenes that are bothering me however, just that trying to "win" the girl is so much more entertaining then spending time with her.

>> No.7643179

I just want to know how many hours of filler I have to go through in order to get the juicy bits.

>> No.7643185


You won't get any juicy bits unless you do fill 'er.

>> No.7643190

Satoko's route goes to shit soon since most of her events are post watanagashi.
Enjoy having a nice imouto while it lasts.

>> No.7643194

>Enjoy having a nice imouto while it lasts.
>while it lasts
I like where this is going

>> No.7643218

Should probably clarify my issues now. Spoilered for people who don't care (i.e. everyone)
Due to certain issues with my current residence, (ceiling molding like crazy and looks like it could come down any day in my room) I've essentially been displaced and am essentially living in my family's living room. Because my father keeps sort of odd hours due to his work, and my mother being a terrible sleeper that will wake him up and keep him up until it'd be time for him to get up, she's also sleeping and spending most of her time in the living room. This creates a window of fap time for me during the day of about 6 hours a day when it's possible. And I essentially feel obligated to fap a good fap to every H scene I come across and not continue with the game, unless it features something that's a massive turn off for me, so I can fap maybe twice a day, if I time it right.
Or the short version: Can only fap once a day, and I fap to every H scene I come across essentially and will stop right there when I'm done, so I don't come across another one that night.

>> No.7643304

Yea, all ages titles are better, the only problem is that lots of eroge don't have all ages versions. So if you decide to play only all ages VNs then you'll be limiting yourself.

>> No.7643591


>> No.7643606

FSN - All the heroines are sluts!
Tsukihime - Twilight lite
Umineko - Newfags first Sound Novel.
PW - FSN ripoff.
ignanock - furry disney shit
Saya no Uta - really really average
Kazoku Keikaku - "The powerlevel is over 9000", CENSORSHIP
Phantom - DVD FORMAT
Sharin no Kuni - Overrated and pretentious shit hurr durr I purposely act as if I hurt my legs, I smoke drugs NO I DONT just trolling
Kikokugai - Kill Bill the VN
Hanachirasu - Kill Bill the VN except you are playing on the side that is being hunted by the revenger
Ever17 - Archimedes and physics class
Cross Channel - pantsu jokes everywhere
YMK - hipster drug is so cool vn
Swan Song - autism the vn
kira kira - k-on the vn
wanko - furry shit
Muramasa - Mecha shit ver. A
Gekkou - furry shit
3days - Higurashi meets Naruto
11eyes - lol Bleach lol slut
Baldr Sky - Mecha shit ver. B
Little Busters, Air, Kanon - KEY AIDS
Planetarian - chobits the vn
G-senjou no Maou - lol retarded coincidence plot twist with 75% shitty heroines and fake incest
Clannad - lol lets collect dragonballs and revive my waifu
Stein's;Gate - pretentious sci-fi mumbojumbo shit
Chaos;Head - more like head full of plot holes
Sharnoth - copypasta shit is copypasta is copypasta
YU-NO - shit art
Sumaga - meta shit with shit protagonist
999 - Saw the VN
Muv Luv - I rather watch ESPN for real lacross or Iron chef
Muv Luv Alternative - Quantum physics and mechanics class
Sengoku Rance - glorified rape
Symphonic Rain - wannabe rhythm game
Kara no Shoujo - Babby's first grimdark, prostitution, gore (SO REAL DEAL XD)

Let's get that out of the way.

>> No.7643614

> all ages titles are better
But that's wrong.

>> No.7643693

Well pretty much everything is right
Well i can only dispute if saber and rin were sluts

>> No.7643694

Posting this really wasn't necessary.

>> No.7643726

Every time someone posts this I get all frustrated because it makes a good third of those seem better than they actually are.

>> No.7643728

yep then you will have good idea what vn not to play...
honestly dont play it if your mind is above 12 year girl.
I dont have anything to side routes but main is just horrible.
And playing this music minigames is just annoying even if music is good, after 10 times i just hit my head on table.
And if someone tells you there is mindfuck included..they are lying. You will agonize for 10h just to find out unimportant stuff/stuff you already should know.

>> No.7643743

Playing Symphonic Rain.

I punched my monitor at least twice per route.

>> No.7643747

>Sumaga - meta shit with shit protagonist

>> No.7643826

Finally got around to finishing the Heavens Feel route in FSN.

I liked it.

>> No.7643832

Started damamuko

Character interaction is great, but I'm not a fan of the whole wife popularity contest stuff.

That being said, anyone know any SOL eroge with a more loner type protagonist?

>> No.7643843
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I'm playing Lord of the Rings, atm.

>> No.7643853

Generic newfag here.

So I was wondering if there's a English patch for the Baldr Sky VNs, and if the MangaGamer version of Higurashi is worth picking up.

>> No.7643859
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I'm looking more foward to Sakura no Uta. Coming out sometime in 2030.

It was really heavy romance and real drama. But mostly camera porn and voyuerism. I disliked it myself, but it also wasn't my kind of game.

About the attached picture, anyone else pumped for this one? Fucking loved Dies Irae.

>> No.7643865

I'm calling this a landmine prematurely. My interest dropped once I saw grimdark and serious shit in my ojou-sama eroge.

Demo was great though.

>> No.7643890

Yes. Baldr Sky's translation patch is due out in August.

>> No.7643928

1. No. You sould check vndb for these things.
2. Play it and decide for yourself.

>> No.7643938
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Is this Hayami's daughter?

>> No.7643955

Why aren't you playing the superior version of it that came out last month?

>> No.7643968


>> No.7643980

The extremely unerotic and unimportant eroscenes are removed in exchange for Ai, one of the best heroines of all time. Of course Oretsuba R is the superior version.

>> No.7643984

Those hands are horrible.

>> No.7644001
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Sure, they're not erotic at all, but they can be hilarious. I can't remember any other game where I laughed this hard in an ero scene.

>> No.7644749
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>> No.7644752


Torta's route isn't too bad.

Al Fine, on the other hand...

>> No.7644873

It's not like it's a genre shift like ItsuSora, it was clear from the beginning that at least the moon side was going to be dark and serious.
Calling it a landmine just due to some wrong expectation is too much.

>> No.7645007

I've finished Muv-Luv Alternative. I am not going to write a paragraph describing how great it was. I am just gonna say, it is the only thing that makes me want to buy it's merchandise to support the creators.

There is just one thing that bugs my mind. What was the factor that made Alt. Takeru to not lose his memories from Unlimited whe he looped one final time? Probably i missed it but...

>> No.7645052
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>> No.7645059

>those hexagons
oh yeah.

>> No.7645492

Just finished my Shumon marathon which was pretty unintentional but since I had just finished Mikan and there was only one title from him left to read I just ran with it.

Name is 黒と黒と黒の祭壇, a story of revenge and rape in a fantasy world.
Very different compared to everything else he did but I didn't really like it, lots of ero but the art is pretty bad.
Writing is good as always but the story is nothing special.

If I was to rank his games I would go
ItsuSora >= Asairo > Mikan > Meguri Hitohira >>>>>>>>>>>Kuro3

>> No.7645494

Final loop is Yuuko loop

>> No.7645497

Sup Moogy

>> No.7645522

Moogy isn't the only one to play eroge you know

>> No.7645551

Moogy invented Shumon and is the only one allowed to talk about or like him

>> No.7645591
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>> No.7646264
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>> No.7646270
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Only 1300 points
Key sure has fallen,

>> No.7646715

Well, paid for Polyphonica Plus earlier and waiting for it to ship out.
Hoping it's on an already released version of RealLive so I don't need to sit around for a crack despite having it in my hands.

>> No.7646932

How are points calculated?

>> No.7647004

what is this? also what kind of publication is tech gian? some kind of magazine?

>> No.7647009

Eroge Magazine mostly.

>> No.7647011

is it just articles or are there mangos serialized in it?

>> No.7647019

There are short stories serialized in it like the Muvluv side stories Total Eclipse and the currently running Schwarzesmarken. I've never come across scans of a complete issue of it though, so I couldn't tell you more than that.

>> No.7647028

LNs rather than short stories, I mean.

>> No.7647069

Has 二刀追うものは一刀も得ず surfaced on the internet yet?

>> No.7647093

Oh god, it actually showed up on PD just now.
My penis is excite.

>> No.7647096

Hell yes, finally

>> No.7647103
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Right, just as a bit of evidence.
Bit iffy on the rating though.

>> No.7647115

>Satoko's route

>> No.7647879
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Kuu is so moe.

>> No.7648450

Please tell me you'll make a torrent of this.

>> No.7648766

I'm going to up it to MF instead.
Don't want to leave my laptop on while I'm out today.

>> No.7648779

I'm reading sono hanabira ni kuchizuke wo: amakute hoshikute torokeru chuu

I'm thoroughly enjoying it and I feel really bad about that.

>> No.7648809

Here it is.
Haven't checked if they're real or not yet, but I doubt someone would upload a fake for something like this.

>> No.7648876

This post is pants-on-head retarded, why would you feel bad about enjoying something? Go back to playing real deal games you don't even enjoy if you're so worried about what people think about your taste.

>> No.7649036 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.7649040

Yea. One of the reasons I didn't like Chaos Head.

>> No.7649053

Wow this list

>> No.7649115

That's actually the other way round for me. At least it added to the overall paranoid atmosphere, which was thoroughly destroyed in the latter half.

>> No.7649155

The game is working for me.

>> No.7649159

Good ending was depressing. It just finishes where Torta route finishes. You don't even know if they manage to move on even if they don't end up together or whatever. Really pissed me off.

True end is cool, but I was expecting a continuation to the Torta route ending situation through all of Al Fine.

>> No.7649398
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>> No.7649518

>it's okay to have bad taste

Now you're just trolling.

>> No.7649645

>real deal
>good taste
It's even sadder that you're not trolling.

>> No.7649747
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Seriously, stop bullying logic-chan.

>> No.7650117

Giga just released a trial for Sucre.
Let's hope it will be as good as Parfait

>> No.7650119

There's also the web trial for sonicomi out, for anyone interested.

>> No.7650151
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I`m trying to make my own VN, but I´m stuck trying to find a fitting background. I can´t seem to find a normal living room with a table TV couch shelves etc... Soemthing like in this picture but a little bit more animestylish. Do you know any archives or something along those lines were I can find somehting like this, or even better a picture?

>> No.7650158

I'm finally getting on with Aiyoku no Eustia and finished Eris chapter.
I actually liked it a lot, from how she completely breaks to the reasons of her behavior. The change may have been too drastic from the prologue, but understandable.
Also Una atadura is an awesome BGM.

>> No.7650217

My penis is extra excited now.

>> No.7650277

Real poster here.
Because I'm a buyfag, and I didn't feel like spending a hundred bucks for an extra route.

>> No.7650284

At least pirate R after to play her route.

>> No.7650465

Too many games I wish to fap to.
So few times available each day to actually fap.
Such a terrible dilemma.

>> No.7650499


Page of the new Akatsuki is out, need proxy since it's an Akb2 affiliate.
Looks a bit weird to be honest

>> No.7650510

Sucre feels like a bad fanfiction of Parfait.

>> No.7650520

Anyone play Snow Sakura?

>> No.7650525

I don't think it's landmine, very few expected anything from this. Guess they were right.

>> No.7650528

Anyone know a good Japanese torrent site for VNs? I got a few I can't seem to find.

>> No.7650543

Japanese don't really use torrents, those that do use hongfire, get share or perfect dark (but then again, most vns upload there find their way on hongfire anyways, chances are if you didn't find them there they aren't uploaded)

>> No.7650544

Yes. It has a good common route but all of the individual character routes I played were shit.

>> No.7650571

Ah fuck, 二刀追うものは一刀も得ず is still has a higher Y resolution than my Monitor does and no way to change that, like in the demo.

>> No.7650594


I have. It's decent if you're looking for a light-hearted high school romcom without darkness or people dying when they're killed. But I don't think it was that great. I only liked a couple of the routes. I was disappointed in the teacher route, got a little too (melo)drama for my taste, especially with the MC.

>> No.7650680

Whelp, started playing Lovely x Cation.
Only to find out the heroine I want to pursue the most shares VAs with my're waifu who's a character from only Character design is fairly similar as well.
Today is a good day.

>> No.7650905

While it isn't a VN, a Hizashi partial translation patch has finally been released.

>> No.7651036

Which is the best route in Grisaia?

>> No.7651641


Hard to say, there's four different scenario writer so it really depends on whose style you like the most.

Amane and Makina has the writer who starts off each scene with a couple of paragraph discussing a word or phrase. He/she is also considered subjectively the best out of the four so those two routes are considered the best especially Amane's. But again, that depends if you like his/her style.

>> No.7651827

Slowpoke here. I haven't see you talking about this:


What do you think of it? Do you expect something from it? (like more things to come, etc). They (Arksys) are going to sell it as a 'visual novel', unlike other stuff like 999 or Phoenix Wright that were cataloged as puzzle adventures.

Also, bump.

>> No.7651842


They're pretty gutsy! I don't really see it doing all that well though.

>> No.7651871

I'd say Amane has the most solid route

>> No.7651964

Do cousin and stalker route. Disregard the rest if you want.

>> No.7652162

Guess I'm going with Amane, thanks. I liked most of the writing he did at the beginning of scenes during the common route, so that's a plus.

>> No.7652176

You are the type to go for the best first?
I would leave her route last personally

>> No.7652429
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>> No.7652432

Wait what, who's the stalker?

>> No.7652445

Yomehapi is kinda worse than I expected, and I didn't expect much to begin with.

>> No.7652579

Well, I'm playing Kira Kira at the moment and getting towards the end of the Kirari normal route.

They really, really, didn't have to describe the whole crematorium part with the bones and stuff. That shit got me depressed as fuck.

Shit like this makes me thankful that there's an actual true ending where things will most likely turn out a lot better.

>> No.7652591

Just finished my first route in Soranica Ele (Saya).
The story/setting seemed interesting at first but that route was pretty much one of the most boring thing I ever read.
I sure hope the other routes will be better, or maybe I will just download a save to be able to read the true route immediately .

>> No.7653066
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I thought the Interlude OVA was pretty entertaining, so I tried giving the VN a spin...

What the hell. All these plot hooks lying around, and I somehow end up on a route with nothing but boring school romance? Where's my monster attacks and crazy parallel world Matrix bullshit?

>> No.7653120

I'm playing little busters, finishing all the events in koihime musou, and recently started majikoi.

I'm expecting to cry like a baby soon

>> No.7653210

Little Busters has some sad shit, but it's not BAWWW on the level of Clannad or whatnot.

>> No.7653227

Oh yeah, does Rewrite has some crying scenes like every Key games before it?

>> No.7653246

Refrain and Saya's route are Air levels of bawww-worthy if you ask me.
Especially the end of Saya's route.

>> No.7653250

I cried in Little Busters and Clannad, but didn't cry in Rewrite. That's not to say there's no emotional scenes, they just weren't soul crushing enough.

>> No.7653265

I cried while reading LB, but it wasn't anything like the older Maeda Key VNs, IMO. Not to say LB wasn't still excellent, but it was good for other reasons than the BAWWW.

>> No.7653268

No, there is no nakige style scene, well Shizuru's and Kotori's endings try to be but they are pretty badly done.
Rest of the emotional scenes are more like what you'd see in an utsuge, though even that isn't close

It's dark and twisted, the kind of feeling you'd get from Muramasa or Cross Channel, Akane and Terra's routes in particular

>> No.7653695

YU-NO is the hardest motherfucking VN I've ever played. I'm trying to navigate my way through this maze and felt like I was missing something, so I checked the walkthroughs online. Not only are the walkthroughs very vague, they conflict, with one telling me I need to play Ayumi route first to get 100% and one telling me I need to play Eriko route first to get 100%. I'm pretty much saying screw it and playing it solo, come whatever 99.87% completion may.

Has anyone else here played this? It's good, but I'm paranoid about fucking up my choices, especially since I'm only allowed three saves since this is from 1996. Also, my captcha is 1996 ecilicyc.

>> No.7653743

You shouldn't worry too much about fucking up things, there is only one dead end and it's pretty hard to get.
Just try things around, you can go back to get whatever you missed later

>> No.7653751

If there aren't any specific conditions usually people write down the route order they want when making a walkthrough, could it be the routes don't actually need to be done in any order, and they just chose whatever heroine they liked first?
Anyways, I have 4 walkthroughs saved for it since it's in my backlog:
I don't know which two you're checking, see if the other two feel better to you.

>> No.7653775

Question for you knowledgeable anons, I already played through the first day and missed the jewel according to this walkthrough. Is this worth starting over just for the stupid jewel or is it more of an extra that I don't necessarily need?

>> No.7653803

It's a loop, you will be able to get what you want later. No need to restart from the beginning.

>> No.7653940

It's been a rather long time since I played it and my memory isn't so good, but basically I remember Aya's routes (all endings) being the only meaningful parts of the game. Maybe there was something on the OL's route, not really sure. Anyway, Tama's route was pretty much straight SOL bullshit, so if you got into that...

>> No.7653950

Quick question about 涼風のメルト.
Looking at a walkthrough, the only heroine I really wish to pursue's route or whatever only opens up after clearing the routes for the other 4 girls.
Would I be missing much if I were to skip through those or download a save to get to that point, or I am I going to miss a lot?

>> No.7654002

Does anyone know if any of the Yarudora games outside of Double Cast are worth playing?

>> No.7654015

Why don't you check EGS? Anything below 65 isn't worth playing, anything above 80 is generally good to great, anything in the middle is a tossup.

>> No.7654052

I want Kiminozo translated, and I don't give a fuck what everyone else thinks. ;_;

>> No.7654060
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>Implying it isn't

>> No.7654077
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First route in first vn thread?

First route in first vn thread. Pic related.

>> No.7654287

New thread

>> No.7656046

Playing Dies Irae right now, actually. KKK is the only game I have high expectations for during the remainder of this year.

Of course that being under the assumption Mahou Tsukai is delayed to 2012, and that Tenshi no Hane doesn't end up being the game of the year.

Also >>7637427
Rito is my wife.
