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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7641870 No.7641870 [Reply] [Original]

She spends most of her time alone in her room playing games that most people never heard of. Even though she is young, she pretends to be one of the most (if not THE most) intelligent person in the house. She is strict on proper language and punctuation. Though some people call her weeaboo now and then, she adamantly refuses that she has any admiration for the japanese and therefore must not be. She is tsundere about Japanese culture. Whenever someone asks her about it (an act that annoys her greatly), she pretends to hate it and shoos them away. She often attempts to start original projects but inevitably ends up hating them and throwing them out the window. She has a pet bird that can cook spaghetti. She never leaves her room, which is why most of the other residents don't know her well.She compulsively divides any female characters in stories into "good girl" and "slut" categories, and generally has no real cohesion as to what sets them apart.

>> No.7641875

Yes, we know we are moe like that.

>> No.7641873

madoka is shit

>> No.7641895
File: 44 KB, 180x202, 1311168641340.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/an/ is cuter

>> No.7641907

She was good friends and roommates with /a/ because they shared the same interests till one day they grew apart, mostly because she thought /a/ was too normal for her tastes. Truth is she was kicked out because of her extreme obsessions. She has no regrets. She looks up to /tg/ and wished to be good friends, but her reclusiveness operates against any meaningful contact with other people. She believes /d/ is a "good girl". She has a somewhat good relationship with /g/ even though she can't explain why. Some say it was due to a spell cast by the ancient wizard of /prog/. Because of her pseudo-intellectual profile she loathes /b/ and his way of acting.

>> No.7641918

Wow, /an/ is cute.

>> No.7641927

Didn't /an/ and /k/ get married?

>> No.7641934

>pretend to hate it
No, I'm quite sure we actually don't give a fuck about Japan outside of its fiction.
Would you call someone a Russiaboo or tsundere towards Russian culture just because he likes Dostoevskij or Nabokov? No you wouldn't you fucking retard.

>> No.7641962

I made my own Touhou, but I don't think /jp/ wants to see or hear about it.

>> No.7641966

If you just like playing touhou you are not a weeaboo.
If in general you like doujins, vns music rearranges and such, well I have some news for you...

>> No.7641970

>like doujins, vns music rearranges and such, well I have some news for you...
that you are literally retarded?

>> No.7641971

1) Someone obsessed with every aspect of Japanese culture, thinks everything they do is wonderful, wishes the move there, dress accordingly and curses their non-Japanese heritage while simultaneously denouncing all other cultures and preaching Nippon's superiority over the BAKA GAIJINS

>> No.7641976

Does anyone have the link to that old board personifications comic?

>> No.7641977

None of that fits me and yet I'm here consuming some anime and VNs, the fuck does that make me then?

>> No.7641981
File: 102 KB, 210x160, 1311170775786.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A regular

>> No.7641982

>pseudo-intellectual profile she loathes /b/ and his way of acting
Everyone with a sane mind hates /b/.

>> No.7641983


all you need for board personification retardation.

>> No.7641985


Your insight is remarkable. There is a doctoral thesis in Social Anthropology waiting to be written by you.

>> No.7641990


hi suigin

ofc not, that he is a weeaboo. what is so bad about being one anyway? I didn't say he is 100% weeaboo, only more like 57%.

>> No.7641994


>> No.7641995

It means that you are normal and not retarded.
Being normal isnt an insult just like how being a NEET or hardcore anime otaku is not a status symbol.

>> No.7641999

>She has a pet bird that can cook spaghetti.

closed tab there.

>> No.7642006

Since this thread has no future and is wonderful meta-shit, i have a question.

Someone mentioned making a fighter using the resident tripfags as playables, this interests me greatly, would people care to elaborate on it?

>> No.7642012

Many in /jp/ are gonsokyoaboos.

>> No.7642013

that fighter would be obsolete in like six months

>> No.7642014

Better have Kinectimals

>> No.7642016

This is actually true.
Majority of /jp/ are deluded. Just look at all the gensokyo portal threads. Good thing it is gone now. I wish the guy making those thread is really in gensokyo now.

>> No.7642015

More like 75%, but whatever.

>> No.7642021

he can't be in gensokyo yet. you must finish all touhou games on hard mode on all characters.

However, ZUN didn't make all the touhou games that are need to made yet. no one can reach to gensokyo yet.

>> No.7642022

The best part is that the retard believed he was going to end up in Gensokyo when it's fucking obvious he was going to end up in Hakugyokurou, and that is if the Yama feels generous.

>> No.7642025

You've missed the main part of /jp/'n: It's being tsundere for life.

>> No.7642026

Stop deluding yourself. There is no Yama. There is only Touhou willing to accept or not a Gaijin into their realm.

>> No.7642030

Being a tsundere mean that /jp/ actually secretly like /a/ and /v/. Clearly not the case here.
It is pretty sad that so many /a/ and /v/ faggots want /jp/ approval and acceptance.

>> No.7642032

Surely you jest.


>> No.7642049

/v/ turned /b/ so there is no reason for us to like it.

However, we do get a lot of /a/ stuff here.

>> No.7642052

Being tsundere for life means that only tsun is visible, but dere is never shown, until you would lose your life. Since a true tsuntsun doesn't exist and every person is dere in one way or another, even in their minds, you just don't see it yet.
If dere is based on someone's perception, /jp/'s dere is inside the fucking seacatbox. But I am telling you, it exists where you don't look. It's resting back there, waiting for our swan song.

>> No.7642070
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>> No.7642073

It appears to me you're just typing to type, with no regard for logic, consistency or even meaning.

>> No.7642089

Partially, I guess. But if /jp/ is this little girl, who posseses enough will never to let go of her tsun attitude until death, then surely, she holds worldbreaking, melasa-sweet dere somewhere inside her, which she sadly wouldn't release.

Basically what I am trying to say, you won't be happy until someone shoots you or MAKES you drink the bleach and sends you to Gensokyo.

>> No.7642099

I agree up until
>It is pretty sad that so many /a/ and /v/ faggots want /jp/ approval and acceptance.

Then I started laughing at how delusional some people on this board are. Good show.

>> No.7642116

>/a/ is shit, lets talk about saten or [insert anime title] here
>/v/ is shit, lets talk about mmo and jrpgs here
>i am from /a//v/, recommend me some good VNs

>> No.7642118

1) switch 'every' with 'many' and 'obsessed' with 'really interested'
2) well between love and hate... we don't hate them.
3) a mistake on your part, geographical place of birth does not matter much in the age of the internet. still, many could use a shorter route to comiket.
4) essentially we are, because many are subscribing to japanease sites such as niconico and pixiv
5) switch 'shut up' with ' stop thinking about' and add 'doujin games' at the end.
6) we have no problem of playing our games outside. we don't dress as tohos in our room, so why in public?

>> No.7642121

First of all, your blatant misuse of greentext indicates that you're from /b/.

>/a/ is shit, lets talk about saten or [insert anime title] here
You must be new. I never see anyone saying /a/ is shit, just trolls posting Saten threads.

>/v/ is shit, lets talk about mmo and jrpgs here
Because /jp/ doesn't play video games?

>i am from /a//v/, recommend me some good VNs
Because this is seeking approval.

I suggest you head back to /b/ where you belong.

>> No.7642124

ITT: pointless board war

>> No.7642128

>Because /jp/ doesn't play video games?
Funniest sentence I read in years. I think you're pertaining to /v/.

>> No.7642129

Just another day in autismville

>> No.7642133

>we don't dress as tohos in our room
Speak for yourself.

>> No.7642136

Not 7642116, but it sounds like you're the new one.

>> No.7642141

There are places to discuss those things and they may be shit but thats not our fault and we shouldn't suffer for your mistakes. You're talking like a My Little Pony spammer.

>> No.7642140

You are still a weeaboo.

>> No.7642142

You should get out before more people realize you're new.
/jp/ has been having video game threads for years now.

>> No.7642143


>> No.7642144

1) Where the fuck do you think you are?
2) How does enjoying doujins and vns make you a wapanese? I'd like to hear your explanation beyond "HURR IT FROM JAPAN".

>> No.7642145

>blatant misuse of greentext
Wait? You mean that > isnt used for quoting the countless number of poster saying those lines on the archive?
Oh wise anon sage, please tell me what is the real use of greentext.



>> No.7642148


>> No.7642149

I find it funny because I'm not really sure what you're trying to say. That, or my sarcasm detector is broken, or you can't make a sarcastic statement.

>> No.7642150
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I want to see your touhou!

>> No.7642152

This is precisely why greentext hating is stupid. Because you start to get blinded to the real issues, or just plain make yourself look stupid.

>> No.7642155

I miss the time when this board was actually about Japanese culture and we could discuss the Japanese way of life... Now it's all about 2hu

>> No.7642161

We still actually discuss Japan sometimes, and we'd probably flame people coming here for /lang/ and /int/ discussion anyway.

>> No.7642164


>> No.7642171
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Read this, visitors from other boards.

>> No.7642176

Good job not answering his question, and nice try to hide the fact you don't actually know what weeaboo means.

>> No.7642177


>This is precisely why greentext hating is stupid.

No, Anon, it's only >>7642121 that's stupid, extrapolating this to anything else is a fallacy.

>> No.7642178

It's mainly the people from /a/ and /v/ coming here and trying to fit in by reporting threads that /jp/ has had for a long time. I miss the good old days when we'd have Netplay and MMO threads regularly; we had a good community back then.

>> No.7642186

Oh please, I still have yet to see how that use of greentext is proper. If you think that /a/ makes serious threads here looking for approval or that it's /v/ making the majority of video game threads on here, you're misinformed.
Or just in denial, neither are good.

>> No.7642189

>MMO threads regularly
Fuck off back to #hotglue.
There is nothing wrong netplay threads, it is just that less people play fightan and mahjong now compare to last time. Or you can treat it as the board being taken over by /v/ with the proliferation of mmo and jrpg threads.

>> No.7642194

Your butthurt is showing.

>> No.7642192

Who gives a flying fuck. Judge the message, not the medium.

>> No.7642200

>Good job answering his question, and nice try to hide the fact you know too well what weeaboo means.
try to actually think before you post next time.

>> No.7642203

I don't think the problem is with those, netplay threads and flavour of the month mmo threads are usually welcomed by most people.

WoW and Starcraft/fighting game league threads and the idiots in them were extremely obnoxious and posted nothing but shit but I haven't seen any of those in ages.

Also the excuse of the WoW posters was purely that /v/ trolled them, there was no real reason to post here or on /tg/.

>> No.7642201

>Who gives a flying fuck.

/jp/. Don't like it? Leave.

>> No.7642202

>Or you can treat it as the board being taken over by /v/ with the proliferation of mmo and jrpg threads.
While I admit that we don't usually have those threads (at least not as often as other software mediums), I don't see anything linking them to /v/.

Also, reported for meta-thread before I leave.

>> No.7642207

Yeah, because "having an NND or Pixiv account means you wish you were Japanese" is a totally legitimate point and not trolling garbage.

>> No.7642211

Ok, you're a troll or an idiot. Either way you don't have a leg to stand on if you actually tried to explain your reasoning, thats why you're trying to deflect any actual discussion by pretending to be stupid.

>> No.7642218

That is always /a/ and /v/ excuses everytime they are told to bring their shit back to their respective board.
Just earlier I saw an anime thread with the OP saying "BAWWWWWWw /a/ doesnt discuss anything before 2000, lets talk about it here". Or "BAWWWWWWW /v/ hates JRPG, lets talk about JAPAN rpg here you guys are cool and etc"

I mean seriously what the fuck? It is like me going to /a/ or /v/ and starting a touhou/eroge threads seeking approval and positive feedback.

>> No.7642223

>I miss the time when this board was actually about Japanese culture and we could discuss the Japanese way of life
Those threads are the reason why we have We nuked Japan you mad? payback for Pearl Harbor bitches etc threads on a constant basis. It's better to not talk about it at all than encouraging that behavior.

Those luxuries are long gone, just accept it and move on.

>> No.7642227

I go to /a/ and /v/ to make Touhou threads because I derive sexual pleasure from being famed on message boards.

>> No.7642230

I always thought /jp/ was more absent-minded, airheaded moe~

>> No.7642234

Try to create a YMK thread on /jp/ or a SDF Macross thread on /a/.

Things WILL go wrong

>> No.7642242

That is cause YMK is a fucking repost genius.

Remember FSN - Overrated shit?
I bet they are done by the same retard.

>> No.7642248

It would be a whole lot better if certain things were completely ignored. Is it any wonder we're getting constant misogyny threads on here when we're so eager to discuss them?

>> No.7642249

I thought it was more a matter of YMK being translated 4-5 years ago and there not being much left to discuss.

>> No.7642253

Just please lurk more.
If you were new and just saw /jp/ for the first time you would probably think that /jp/ hates all eroge and VN.
I suggest you to go to easymodo and read through it from the start to appreciate why /jp/ react certain way to some threads.

>> No.7642256
File: 28 KB, 557x670, 1311178745801.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already posted this a week ago so it might be familiar.

Her name is Martha, and she cooks for all the other Touhous to make sure they eat healthy and don't get fat. The hat gives her the power to spit eggs from her mouth which can be used to hurt foes, or they can be added to a dish to ensure good flavor.

>> No.7642257

>If you were new and just saw /jp/ for the first time you would probably think that /jp/ hates all eroge and VN.
I never suggested that. Also, I've been here (albeit on and off) since the split from /a/, so don't try and tell me to lurk moar.

>> No.7642258

YMK was just an example, try Saya no Uta, G-senjou no Maou, Katawa Shoujo, Wanko...

I was just trying to show you that there are exceptions, it's not that hard to detect threads made by /a/nons on /jp/.

>> No.7642271

Meta threads are always the best threads on /jp/.

>> No.7642269

>being translated 4-5 years ago and there not being much left to discuss.
It is not this.
True Love, Nocturnal Illusion, Desire and etc are all ancient as fuck but get positive feedback regularly.

>Saya no Uta, G-senjou no Maou, Katawa Shoujo, Wanko...
It is very obvious when you compare a thread created by a regular lurker and some outsider that just found the medium for the first time in his life. It isnt the game fault, blame the OP for it.

>> No.7642289

But there's nothing wrong with misogyny threads.

>> No.7642291

it isn't?

>you don't have a leg to stand on if you actually tried to explain your reasoning
1)do you agree that someone who answer to some or all in >>7641971 is a weeaboo?
explain what is a weeaboo in your words
do you agree that
someone who answer to some or all in >>7642118
is a weeaboo?
the fact that your definition is so extreme compared to the normalfag definition only further proves my point that by normalfag standards, you are a weeaboo
than what are we arguing about?

I should post anonymous more often.

>> No.7642302

>it isn't?
Yep, I'm being trolled. Time to add a new name to the filter.

>> No.7642318

well, most people, even ones that cosplay don't go as far as to have accounts in those sites. the ball in your court, stop blaming your lack of retort on LOL TROLLS

>> No.7642322

Considering >>7642118 wasn't even a set of questions and your attempts to link it to >>7641971 where full of stretches of logic and hyperbole, it's hard not to dismiss your "points" as trolling.

>> No.7642326

>it isn't?
You are fucking stupid.
By that same reason, having a youtube and a deviantart account make you both a jewaboo and westaboo.
You are a fucking retard.

Can someone tell me the exact period of time where weeaboo definition of wanting to be japanese got changed anyone that partake in japanese entertainment?

My god if kirsten dunst can get it right, why cant the rest of 4chan get the term right?

>> No.7642333

Having an account to a site related to your hobby means you wish you were Japanese?
The ball isn't in my court until you make an actual point, which you have failed to do.

>> No.7642339

I would like to add that many Japanese have youtube accounts, but that doesn't make them reverse weeaboos, does it?

>> No.7642337

Why do we do this to ourselves?

>> No.7642345

there is a dif between having a youtube acount to regulary reading the bible in hebrew.

What stretchs of logic?

Why are you having an account in a site you need google translate for? you let your hobby take you deep into the rabbit hole.

>> No.7642354

english is a international languege. japanease isn't.

many japs are germanboos tough.

>> No.7642358

>google translate

>> No.7642364

I didnt know you need to know japanese to navigate niconico.
Must be hard to type

http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/smxxxxxxx into your browser.
Nowonder there are so many youtube uploader that just repost niconico stuff. They need to help people like you that cant type simple number on a browser.

How does it feel to be a peasant that wait for weeks for your fap materials to be approved by failbooru admins?
Even a dumbshit pinoy like mugen got a pixiv account. Must feel bad to be even dumber than mugen.

>> No.7642376

I don't browse danbooru much. I don't care to see every touhou fanart before I die, but I know this: most of the art on pixiv worth watching eventually end on /jp/. same for niconico and youtube.
you are an intense fan of touhou, which drews you into weaaooism. tell me, do you only watch touhou vids on niconico?

>> No.7642388

>most of the art on pixiv worth watching eventually end on /jp/
/jp/ is a blue board silly namefag.
Why else would be I on nico if not for Touhou?
I have no interest in horseface, attention whoring 3DPD nip girls or their variety show.

Why do you want to be labeled as a weeaboo? Do you actually think that being a weeaboo is a status symbol?

>> No.7642395

well, when i just got into touhou i viewed hundreds of images on danbooru simply because they ware labeled with 'touhou'. my addiction has calmed down a little since than.

>> No.7642390

Mugen only uploaded two pics on pixiv until now. What a waste.

>> No.7642400

Guess how long it took before this video showed up on jewtube.

>> No.7642402

I for one find /jp/-tan to be moe, although she should be more elegant and have a silly hat.

>> No.7642398

Another perk: I rather see my touhous as pure girls. I have enough fap meterial outside of touhou, thank you very much.

>> No.7642417

but eventually it did.
besides, touhou is mainstream enough for vids to transfer to youtube quite quickly nowdays.
anything else?

>> No.7642420

Urobochi Gen used her as the basis for Homura.

>> No.7642424

Nico is good for music that people don't give two shits about over here.

>> No.7642431

You are too stupid or dense to get it.
I just gave you answers on why people use nico and pixiv.
It has nothing to do with I use them because I want to be japanese.

The ball is back at your court. How does that make you a retarded weeaboo? I find the label more suitable for you since you are clearly a weeaboo.

>> No.7642454

I just told you why those 'reason' are just excuses. stop calling me names and give me real answers!

look, i don't say nico is bad, just that using it raise your level of weabooism.
up to a certain level, there is nothing wrong with being a weaaboo.

>> No.7642466


wee a boo
/v/ /a/ /b/

>> No.7642471

The fuck is weabooism?
Some kind of word play from haruhi?

Do you wish to be japanese instead of being a fat white gaijin?
If you answer yes you are a fucking weeaboo.

If no you are a normal sane person.

Are you really too stupid to understand such simple logic?

>> No.7642473

the fact that your definition is so extreme compared to the normalfag definition only further proves my point that by normalfag standards, you are a weeaboo. and since 'weeaboo' is a normalfag word, than you are a weeaboo.
anything else?

>> No.7642475

The way I interpret it, is that weeaboos are delusional neckbeards who think that if they learn japanese and eventually move to japan everything is gonna turn out like their favorite anime and life will be perfect, which is obviously wrong.

I rather be a weeaboo than a 40 year old unemployed divorced faggot going through an existential crisis after his whale of a wife cheated and got away with all of his money in court.
So much for people thinking I'm pathetic. I'd rather be pathetic and happy.

>> No.7642476

So /jp/ is Rika?


>> No.7642480

Not everybody is fat like you.

>> No.7642481

Why do you care about normalfag opinions?
Do you know that weeaboo originated from 4chan and not perpetuated by normalfags as claimed by you.
Seriously I am really starting to think that you are retarded.

>> No.7642484

>Can someone tell me the exact period of time where weeaboo definition of wanting to be japanese got changed anyone that partake in japanese entertainment?

Within minutes of the first use.

This kind of amelioration happens with most insults of this kind (pertaining to subjective, rather than objective qualities) - people simply embrace the term. This, of course, requires a bit of common sense, cool head and capability for self-irony - given that we're on 4chan, it's hardly surprising that some people didn't get the memo yet.

>> No.7642492
File: 157 KB, 1280x960, 1311184022186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ discussing about weeaboos.
Oh boy.

Frontpage threads:
>Reach Mahjong Care to play a round or two with me?
>VN General Thread Talk about anything VN related here.
>Ar Tonelico thread
>You'll never know what it's like to hug someone you love. 2d is not the new 3d
>I upgrated my computer to 7 and I decided to re-install Ougon Musou Kyouku but I'm stuck with this error I can't read.
>Your favorite Touhou is now with child. Will she be a good mother?

Okay, stay classy /jp/.
I'm fucking fascinated with japan to a sickening degree.
Traveled 3 times for multiple months, even lived there for a short time. Each time it was glorious.
Gonna travel again in october while /jp/ sits in the basement calling me a weeaboo.

Japanese are europeboo and koreaboos as well.

>> No.7642504

>It has nothing to do with I use them because I want to be japanese.
A tsun weaaboo. how nice.
you want japanease modern art, and by modern i mean current times and not 'modern art' which isn't even art. you seek japanease culture, even if only a certain portion of it- vids and anima drawings (and sometimes even doujin hentais and games)- so even if your goal is to enjoy yourself trough fine art and fun games, our methods are more fitting to a person born in japan than one from the western world.

>> No.7642507

Get out.

>> No.7642508


>Within minutes of the first use.

Except no.

The first use had "weeaboo" mean absolutely nothing.

It wasn't until moot made the wordfilter "wapanese -> weeaboo" that it caught on.

Therefore, weeaboo = wapanese.

But not everyone who likes japanese anythings are called wapanese, only white people who wish they were japanese.


>> No.7642512

fine word. but stick to current use, you senile dinosaur.

>> No.7642517


I bet you think "wherefore" means "where".

Just because a language is alive does not mean you have to embrace every single bastardization a word is shoehorned into.

>> No.7642518

Now you're trolling wether animu is real art or not? Seriously not even hardcore weeaboos think like this.
Most jap people aren't into VNs, shmups or anime either, what's this talk about if you're western you can't enjoy a doujin, what sense does that make?
Just stop replying, you're making yourself look like an idiot. If that was the purpose of your trolling then mission accomplished I guess.

>> No.7642519


>> No.7642521 [SPOILER] 
File: 2 KB, 256x246, 1311184407544.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In 3 months I am.

>> No.7642528

>animu and videogames
>japanese culture

What the hell not even we are that autistic.
Also, read the name of this board. Otaku is about as offensive to the japanese as weeaboo is on 4chan. We don't care about being called weeaboo, you're the only one making a big deal of it.

>> No.7642535


Strangely, we don't care about being a weeaboo or not, but we care more about them abusing the definition of the word.

Strangely autistic, I mean.

>> No.7642536

>so even if your goal is to enjoy yourself trough fine art and fun games, our methods are more fitting to a person born in japan than one from the western world.
If you're born in the west, you're obligated to like Call of Duty and only that. Because you're western.

>> No.7642537
File: 190 KB, 600x800, 1311184569979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While you're all busy arguing over what labels to slap on each other, I'm busy enjoying myself. Hope it's worth it.

>> No.7642539

Do you know that the term was used to insult gaiafags?

>> No.7642548

languege is the meaning the people who use it gives it. for now, more people belives in the 'new' meaning of weaaboo, so this is the meaning. and this is the meaning that is written in OP.

a country is it's culture. globalization make people more tuned in with the rest of the world- just because most japanease don't care about it doesn't mean much- after all, most japanease doesn't care much about ninjas.
Well, not THAT much.

>> No.7642555

We should make a campaign to change the meaning of the word "fire" to "water" and vice versa.

>> No.7642561

Weeaboos are white kids who wish were born japanese.
Otaku are jaded losers who use anime as a substitute for interaction with real people. Specially women.

Not that hard to understand.
As for staying withing the confines of your country's culture, I'm Brazilian and I refuse to accept my culture. HUEHUEHUEHUE

>> No.7642571

shouldn't the term 'gaiafag' be insulting enough?

>We don't care about being called weeaboo, you're the only one making a big deal of it.
this whole thread is me talking to myself, right?

>If you're born in the west, you're obligated to like Call of Duty and only that. Because you're western.
In the same way that if you are born in west you are obligated not to turn wepenese.
Or in other words: that is not what I said. I said that a western person who likes japanease culture is a weaaboo.

>> No.7642577

Try to find a pharse in the bible that says so and wait a generation or two for the education reformation to kick in.

>> No.7642584

>The first use had "weeaboo" mean absolutely nothing.

How is that relevant to >definition of wanting to be japanese?

Is comprehending the context really that hard?

>> No.7642591


He said within minutes of the first use.

It was weeks after the first use that it got any meaning at all.

>> No.7642600

what the fuck are you smoking, son?

>> No.7642614

Are people really arguing denotations in here?
How fall you have fallen /jp/.

>> No.7642616

Everytime you think /jp/ cant get any worse.
There are people who wish they were japanese.

So what? They exists in every country/race.
And also, whats wrong with that?
To each of his own.
There exists much much worse people.

Weird that /jp/ would say that she does not care about weeaboo while these threads will never see page 15.

>> No.7642620

>So what? They exists in every country/race.
Just to clear that up:
With this I didn't mean weeaboos.
But that asians like european culture or american culture etc.
Knew a japanese girl who bought korean shit like crazy.

>> No.7642625

Okay, whatever, this is stupid. I'm not going to try to explain something completely irrelevant to the topic at hand to someone who doesn't want to understand.

>> No.7642635

I agree I love Japan,Korean,Taiwan,Thailand and Germany and I used to want to be Korean when I was like 16.

>> No.7642637

well it's been fun 5 hours but i need to go back to the place where my ban is still in effect. (no i can't change ip)
see you in another time.

>> No.7642660

I guess this is why they call him brainless celestial.

>> No.7642660,1 [INTERNAL] 

Achievment unlocked: a new nickname
lets see...
thoughtless celestial
thoughtless autist
blow fish
brainless celestial

wow 6 nicknames. I'm like /jp/ 'dark one' or something.

Thanks suigin for promoting me from 'autist' to 'celestial'. to think I haven't given you a nickname yet...
What about 'not junk'? No? I thought so. that name is too mundane. we need something more rich. how about 'treasure'?
ha, emberessing? than I'll make a nickname just for the both of us. how does 'Precious' sounds?

>> No.7642660,2 [INTERNAL] 

I swear I make Bawson faces in real life whenever I read his stupid posts.

>> No.7642894

Man, you are so tsundere for each other that it is heartwarming

>> No.7643328

You can call mugen names like retard and such but dumbshit is not one of them. As retarded as he is, he's accomplished far more than all of us will ever have ;_;

>> No.7643339

You forgot your trip, Yama.

>> No.7643354

He's rich, is married, owns several businesses, even smuggled onions but that doesn't change the fact that he is STILL a RETARD! An AUNTISTIC, ATTENTIONWHORING RETARD! All tripcode users are ATTENTIONWHORES, even the good ones.

>> No.7643363


Save for VNstatus-kun.

>> No.7643363,1 [INTERNAL] 

Yeah, my posts are really 'bawww' meterial. so are yours btw.

>> No.7643363,2 [INTERNAL] 

It seems Ghost Posting is back up again...

>> No.7643363,3 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.7643363,4 [INTERNAL] 

Someone claiming to be anonymous-san said he quit in April.
Could this be one of the main reason why moderation went to shit?

>> No.7643363,5 [INTERNAL] 

No, moderation has always been shit. And why the fuck did /a/ return to easymodo? Whatever happened to green oval?
