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7639569 No.7639569 [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck?

Can anyone wrap their head around Youmu?

>> No.7639578

She's a half non-ghost.

>> No.7639575

This is where Touhou starts to get retarded

>> No.7639572


>> No.7639580

If you impregnated Yuyuko, she would have a half-ghost daughter.

>> No.7639595

Back when Yuyuko wasn't in full control of her power, she involuntarily used it on one of her retainers, displacing his spirit to outside his body. Since he was neither fully alive nor dead altogether, he was deemed a half-ghost and enjoyed a greatly extended lifespan. His descendants are born with the same condition, which now acts as a family curse, and have nonetheless served Yuyuko since then.

But then, that's all bullshit I just made up. How Youmu and Youki ended up being half-ghost is unknown.

>> No.7639604
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She's half-PHANTOM, anonymous...

>> No.7639606

aside from it's well known original storyline

>> No.7639609

yeah, my dick hands.

>> No.7639614

whoops edit; lol my head, my dick head.

>> No.7639616


>> No.7639621
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Put simply, she is a human that is not entirely alive, and a ghost that is not entirely dead.

See pic for the proper state of mind you need to put yourself into in order to understand Youmu.
Beer helps.

>> No.7639633

I want to massage Youmu and then put my penis inside of her.

>> No.7639636


Okay, see that blob that keeps following Youmu around? That's her soul. She keeps it outside her body for easy access. She's sort of like a lich without a phylactery, only not all skeletal and gross.

>> No.7639657
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>not all skeletal and gross

Well, she too has her little quirks. For example Youmu is rather cold to the touch and something of a wisp, while Myon is unusually warm and tangible for a ghost.

>> No.7639659

I wonder if ZUN will ever run out of ways to explain why a girl is permanently a loli.

>> No.7639664
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>> No.7639667

Youmu is just young.

>> No.7639685
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Got citation for that? I've heard of Myon not being cold/being warm, but I don't think I've heard of Youmu being cold.

>> No.7639683
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Sort of. She should be nearly 70 by now.

>> No.7639715
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Yes, sadly I was just about to get to that...

Read it in her character description on the wiki back in 2008, but it doesn't seem to be listed where I remember it anymore. As such, it may not have been reliable information to begin with.

>> No.7639722

She's also half ghost.

>> No.7639733

PoFV was her first time experiencing that 60 year circle event thing. (said in the fanbook (translation))

I guess it was in her official profile or PMiSS. touhouwiki gives me 404s, so I can't check and I don't trust the translations that much anyway.

>> No.7639750
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I love Youmu so much!

>> No.7639810
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Yes, in PMiSS:
You can think of her as a normal human for the most part, but it's said her body temperature is a bit low.

Unlike normal phantoms, its body is not particularly cold to the touch.

>> No.7640039
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>Can anyone wrap their head around Youmu?
No no, you've got that backwards.

...I hate myself.

No more than 50, right?

>She's sort of like a lich without a phylactery
Man, just when I thought Youmu couldn't get any more awesome.

>> No.7640056

I'm glad someone made that joke. It was the first thing that came to my mind.

>> No.7640058
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So will she die if she is killed?

>> No.7640076 [DELETED] 

Half beast and half youkai describe her species, race, ect ect.

Half-ghost isn't a race or species, it's a state of being. Like Yuyuko's a human ghost; that doesn't mean she's half-human, half ghost.

It's not that fucking hard to get.

>> No.7640084
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I'm not sure if I want to find out...

>> No.7640094


Yes. She would become a whole-ghost.

>> No.7640098

People die when they are killed

>> No.7640101
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Half-ghost half-phantom. Wrap your head around that one.

Or... yeah.

>> No.7640112

She's reached the echelon of Playable Character. Who worries about death when you have continues and extra lives? Not Youmu that's who.

>> No.7640117
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Well, at least she has access to some of the warmest tails.

>> No.7640126


Okay, fine.

She loses her human half.

She wouldn't necessarily become a ghost, per se, as ghosts remain on the living side.

It's never explicitly said whether the souls Komachi ferries across are "phantoms", though, so it's possible that whatever phantoms Youmu has collected in her life (spirits of emotion and feeling) are simply released with Myon, and the human side of Youmu becomes the soul (that will be picked up by the Reaper Shinigami and brought to Komachi).

>> No.7640149
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Yuyuko would never tolerate her gardener dying.

>> No.7640255
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Youmu guro anyone?

>> No.7640258

given a choice, I'd say no

>> No.7640298

nope...I like guro, but it doesn't match well with too hoos in my opinion.

>> No.7640314
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Seriously? Even Sakuya?

>> No.7640326
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Ah, Youmu, my favorite touhou

>> No.7640328

yeah, not even her. I don't know, it seems misplaced.
...oh well, if you really want to post some guro, I'm not the one that will stop you. just keep a high quality level.

>> No.7640388
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>> No.7640802
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I like this explanation the best, even if you did bullshit. It's not like secondaries don't make their own cannon on a whim, anyway.

>> No.7640835

>half-human, half-ghost and half-baked
Actually, Youmu's human body is just a puppet controlled by an evil spirit, her ghost spirit.

>> No.7640842
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That's not true!

>> No.7641071
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That is so rude.

>> No.7641078
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>> No.7641084

Pan and EQ are superior.

>> No.7641091

ahaha cant use market gardener? only elementary schoolers dont use market gardener!

>> No.7641118
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What's the possible advantage of Youmu keeping her soul outside of her, though? It seems more dangerous.

>> No.7641120
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long life seems like a decent perk

>> No.7641122

Not using the EQ is like... why would you even do that?

>> No.7641125
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It gets pretty boring.

>> No.7641131
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But it has its moments

>> No.7641138
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come closer and tell me more

>> No.7641142
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who cares she tastes good

>> No.7641192

don't you mean the OPqulizer ?

>> No.7641225
File: 769 KB, 1396x2000, sei2_22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to put it in. Enough staring at cute pictures with morning wood.

>> No.7641238
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150% doesn't leave much room for bladder capacity.

>> No.7642286

Source on that doujin?

>> No.7642303

Asking for source is nothing but parasitizing the board and other users.

Learn to find things yourself.

>> No.7642353

>youmu's age
I think it's fair to assume that she's the same age as all the other playable touhou's from main games: reimu, marisa, sakuya, and sanae appear to all be in the same age group and are all human. Considering the separateness of her phantom-half and human-half, it's likely that her human half ages at a normal rate and her looks don't lie.

>> No.7642359

Nah. I mean, Sakuya's probably not the age she appears to, and likely Sanae as well if not all five of them, but

>Her lifespan is far longer than that of normal humans.
>This is probably because she is half phantom, which do not have distinct lifespans.

>> No.7642370

That was just me surmising on the spot, I'm quite likely wrong.

>> No.7642368

>likely Sanae as well
Why, and how old is she then? Is it the divine blood?
I thought she was pretty much a normal japanese girl (give and take two gods) who just warped to Gensokyo recently.

>> No.7642375

Ah, ok. I agree with you on Sakuya, however.

>> No.7642434
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Reimu, Marisa, and Sanae are all teenagers according to ZUN. Sakuya is the only ambiguous one (as far as profiles go).
