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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7639881 No.7639881 [Reply] [Original]

Koreans are taking over your country.
This is only the beginning.

>> No.7639886


>> No.7639887

Since when is Japan my country?

>> No.7639892

Are you trying to bait that Korean who complains about jjokbari into replying or what?

>> No.7639894

If Korea were to take over the US, Homefront will actually happen. So, nothing.

>> No.7639910

So you want a shitty brown and bloom battle kicking down doors every 2 seconds?

>> No.7639917

Welp. If you care about it. Do something.

>> No.7639935

Heavens, no. Chances are that I will be killed on the streets just like the beginning cinematic.

>> No.7639958
File: 21 KB, 450x293, 1311120786559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I laughed at the video, i did knew most of that already but still, it was funny to watch

>> No.7639971

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        ∧_∧    <`∀´ヽ>‖~ ~∧_∧  This board is ours now !!!
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>> No.7639976

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>> No.7639985

Hyundai was conceived first. The one who made the video also claims that all the examples he showcased were called by Korea as their own when only 2 were proven. He also cherrypicks like hell. I mean seriously, taking crappy bootlegs that nearly every country produces and using those as examples? The worst part is the comments. Piece of shit blind nationalistic pigs.
The Japanese also owe their having language to the Koreans and the Chinese, I think. It's a great country with its own merits but that faggot needs to take his head out of his ass.

>> No.7639997
File: 176 KB, 1282x939, 1311121501415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not Korean(not ethnic too).

I just dislike Jjokari people.

>> No.7640013
File: 74 KB, 500x500, 1311121739080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bootlegs exists in any place of the word. Hell, I remember when Phoenix Games used to be a minor Internet meme thanks to their shameless plagiarism of Disney's IP.
One of the things that bothers me about videos like that is how everything is singled out as a typically Korean thing to do. I wonder, would the Japanese even spend so much time creating this myth of Koreans stealing everything they do (OH NO MY PRECIOUS JUNK FOOD) if South Korea's electronics and cultural exports didn't become a threat to the Japanese market?

>> No.7640068

santo dio, dove l'hai trovato quello, a napoli?

>> No.7640565

>implying iphone has anything to do with japan-korea controversy
>nothing to back up his claims

opinion void right at 0.21

oh wait
we just got trolled hard
