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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7626442 No.7626442 [Reply] [Original]

So how many /jp/s play HoN?
I play atm with a /jp/ bro and he is learning the game still, if someone is interested to join us post your steam ID or your HoN name , so we add you

>> No.7626448

Too bad HoN turned into utter shit.

>> No.7626451
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its stil fun if you play with a group of friends

>> No.7626452

LoL is better.

>> No.7626456

What's your first language?

>> No.7626460
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cant tell you but english is my 3th

>> No.7626462 [DELETED] 

That's a secret :3

>> No.7626473
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Server could not authorize your account.

>> No.7626486

I play HoN (and LoL), but this isn't /v/.

>> No.7626484

I think I raped some /jp/'s yesterday. It could've been /v/ too, it's hard to tell the difference nowadays.

>> No.7626488

Server log-in is 10,000 and the wait queue is 5 hours & we released a new hero you can pay 10$ for or grind 200 hours to earn.

>> No.7626537

If by better you mean shittier, then yes.
See below.

I'll play. Add my ID - TensionPulse
Logging on in a second.

>> No.7626555

I don't like people who play online games, unless they play it with /jp/. I think those people that play games like world of warcraft or league of legends or whatever online game is popular at the moment get used to /v/ slang and the /v/ mindset, and it contaminates them. Even worse are the people who post on "gaming forums", /v/ included. Those posters cannot be good posters.

>> No.7626561

Is HoN similar to Dota?

I know a lot of people that play Dota and they always invite me to play it with them... But i don't have the motivation to learn how to play it...

>> No.7626580

It's basically a carbon copy with a bunch of new heroes and quite a few engine improvements.

Sure, S2 couldn't balance their way out of a paper bag, but it's probably the best non-DotA DotA fix you can get.

Slightly dated comparison: http://forums.heroesofnewerth.com/wiki/index.php/DotA_vs_HoN

>> No.7626602

Don't you have to pay for HoN?

>> No.7626623

Yeah, but only once ($30) and they often times have sales ($10) like right now.

>> No.7627000

I'd like to learn how to play HoN

my HoN name is Ryan2EZ

I tried it a couple times and it was a lot harder than LoL so I opted for Easy Mode but it looks like fun
