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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7622765 No.7622765 [Reply] [Original]


Take it easy, /jp/!

>> No.7622774

I pity all those alpha guys with high-maintenance girlfriends who demand a new gift every week. I prefer a waifu over that hell.

>> No.7622776

Obviously. Every married man I know remarks me how young I look compared to them.

>> No.7622778
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Take it easy.

>> No.7622781

Married men are mostly betas.

>> No.7622786

That feel when the monkey BETAS still had mating opportunities every now and then but you as a human still have zero mating opportunities.

>> No.7622785
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Living the dream.

>> No.7622788
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I don't pity them at all, they chose to live like that and then they look down on everyone else for not living their lives exactly like them.

Pity is best reserved for those who actually deserve it.

>> No.7622789

The problem is most of /jp/ (let alone 4chan) would be those lowest ranking males, the omegamales. Betas still mate, and fight, and ofc. socialize, where as omegamales take all the shit from everyone and are alone forever.

>> No.7622792


>> No.7622794

Damn, you know nothing about animal hierarchies, do you?

>> No.7622804

Thanks to those on the lower ranking other people can feel better about themselves, 頑張って!

>> No.7622806

>>Beta males, who fought less and had considerably less mate guarding to do, had much lower stress levels. They had fewer mating opportunities than the alphas, but they did get some mating in, more than any lower-ranking males.

That feel when you never get any mating in.

>> No.7622829

I guess I see what you point is, but "that feel" is a terrible /a/ level meme. Unless you actually did it right (it originated on Krautchan), something like~

>that feel when you want to get mating in but no gf

Not how it starts as something you want to do (but obviously can not or will not), and you end it by sugguesting your relationship status (as a single heterosexual male) as the cause of your lack of motivation / means to the end.

>> No.7622835

Why do I keep missing the r in your today~

>> No.7622844

>did it right
Not really.

>> No.7622845

>I guess I see what you point is, but "that feel" is a terrible /a/ level meme.
How new must you be to not know that ZUN!Bar uses memes ironically all the time
Also nice greentexting that feel

>> No.7622852

Have you ever talked with ZUNbar?

Do you know him?
I can assure you he doesn't do it ironically.

>> No.7622854

The Matrix is a system, Neo. That system is our enemy. But when you're inside, you look around, what do you see? Business men, teachers, lawyers, carpenters. The very minds of the people we are trying to save. But until we do, these people are still a part of that system, and that makes them our enemy. You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to protect it.

Were you listening to me, Neo, or were you looking at my waifu?

>> No.7622861

Stop getting all wet over a /a/b/v/ level shitposter.

>> No.7622887

why don't you fuck off to /soc/? you like to whine about gay threads, but you're always desperately whining about your virginity and trying to hook up with any female anon who'd let you pork her. losing your virginity is fucking easy if you're not brain dead or a shut-in. for a normal who bailed on /jp/ to work for a year or some shit it's truly pathetic you can't manage to get pussy.

at least stay the fuck out of gay threads with your faggot fan club and go make a "PLEASE HELP I'M DESPERATE AND LONELY THREAD". other people on /jp/ are virgins for various reasons, but not many are as much of a loser as you.

>> No.7622937

Anon: Mr. Serious Sam 24/7.

The greentext/memes are a joke, I have nothing against our funny/entertaining homo threads, and I always make fun of my virginity and small (?) penis whenever possible. They say the ability to poke fun at yourself is a sign of confidence.

If you can't appreciate the humor in how a monkey has more sex than most /jp/ers and myself then I don't know what to say. No fun allowed ever I guess.

Also I don't try to hook up with female anons; we don't even have any.

>> No.7622962


You mean...

Giant American Barbaric Penis

>> No.7622964

Dude I hug my pillow too but isnt that stuff a bit too much?

>> No.7622970

I believe African belongs in front of the second word down there.
Thank you very much.

>> No.7622985

you're full of it. you're desperately trying to bait out any possible fujoshi with your shit jokes. go to kuroko irc on rizon.net and stick your dick her that whores mouth. i'm pretty sure your stalker is a pair with her too if they're still in that channel too.

no one else on /jp/ whines about losing their virginity like you. it's not funny since the board isn't filled with a bunch of normals who give a shit. constant poking and comments that scream desperation speak contrary to your claim about not actually being serious. you talk about it every chance you get and even when you don't get the chance you still bring up and derail threads talking about it.

just go make a "i want a fat disgusting fujoshi to sit on my face" thread. you have no standards, there is literally no reason why you haven't had sex yet. go pay a woman and shut the fuck up if you want to lose it so bad.

>> No.7622983


No, it really does not.

>> No.7622998

They have internet in Africa?

>> No.7623002

is that whole thing with you having a 2 inch dick true? sucks, I guess.

>> No.7623005

xDDddDDDdd fucking niggraaaas can't has interwebzz
Fuck off.

>> No.7623006

Get out. Now.

>> No.7623012

Confirmed for no sense of humor, Jesus.

>> No.7623010

YOU get out, i will never understand your obsession with shitposters.

NOBODY cares about you and your tripfriends

>> No.7623025
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Someone desperately needs to take their chill pills.

>> No.7623020 [DELETED] 

nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger

AM I FUNNY YET??!?!?!?!

>> No.7623029

I've had ENOUGH with you shitposters and i am not even him.


>> No.7623031
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>> No.7623033

This is why i am moving to /bun/... there are no annoying tripcode users there... everyone is the same...

>> No.7623043

>>you're desperately trying to bait out any possible fujoshi with your shit jokes.

How does that even WORK

Also man you make it seem like I'm some sex-crazed maniac or something. If I cared about it that much then yeah, I would have paid some whore years ago. But I really don't.

I really don't know if my penis is large or small. I just say it's like 1.75 inches tall because it's funnier that way.

>> No.7623045

Get out with your shitty reaction images.

>> No.7623052

One can't make a crack about the obvious underdeveloped state of Africa in general without it being a racist joke? There's other skin colors there, too.

>> No.7623050



>> No.7623059

How can you not know if your penis is large or small?
Jesus Christ, you just have to look at it and maybe measure it.

>> No.7623062 [DELETED] 
File: 104 KB, 413x248, 1310758196655.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying I don't use reaction images, greentext and >implying to piss you off more
>mfw when you are this mad

>> No.7623058

>Daytime on /jp/
Stay classy /jp/

>> No.7623068

>One can't make a crack about the obvious underdeveloped state of Africa
This is not funny.

>> No.7623072

I was just trolling you xD!

>> No.7623097

you're the only guy who makes comments about fucking fat pig fujoshi on /jp/. you've made more comments about that in the past week than i've seen in the past year. you're obviously desperately reaching.

go get bent you fat pig fujoshi.

>> No.7623094

The people in the Alice thread are less cancerous than you guys

>> No.7623108

>>measure it

Too lazy. I guess it's probably 6-7 inches looking at it, but that's pretty normal or something. So neither large or small.

Don't really care either way.

>> No.7623130

Tripfags are emotional trainwrecks, i knew some.

They are not being ironic or trying to be funny, this is what they truly are, you guys are looking at their real personalities.

>> No.7623146
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>go get bent you fat pig fujoshi.

>> No.7623325

I loved this thread.

Shitposters getting owned everywhere.

>> No.7623337

>>you're the only guy who makes comments about fucking fat pig fujoshi

Hey man, I'm just taking one for the team. Someone has to teach those fujoshi a lesson.

>> No.7623421
File: 115 KB, 462x368, 1310763783054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody took it easy...

>> No.7623428


Fujoshi don't come to /jp/.

There are too many Tiger & Bunny threads on /a/ for them to destroy.

>> No.7623430

Ugh, the Pixiv top 100 has been covered with that shit since it started airing.

>> No.7623449

You will never become a K-ON if you're associated with fujoshi.

>> No.7623457

What are the males called that are not part of any pack? The ones that strike out on their own with no goal to make a pack to call their own?

This 'mating' thing is hilarious. I fully do not want kids nor express any desire to ensure my genes, and my family name, live on. There is no reason to. My family is not special in any sense of the word. We're average Joe's.

I've fully realized that I do not want a mate/girlfriend. Whereas animals have it easy with dealings from their female kind (most of the time), we humans have to put up with more annoyances than they do. There is hard work, responsibility and other factors involved to keep it going. I myself already know that I do not have the patience nor the personal skills to put up with what comes from having a girlfriend or wife. On the weekends I want time to myself and prefer to be alone. I do not want someone calling or texting me every 30 minutes to ask-
"What are you doing? Where are you? Who're you with? Come pick me up and let's hang out. Why didn't you call me last night?" etc etc

Just do not want to deal with it.

Besides, I find most females boring and uninteresting.

>> No.7623473

i am willing to bet that we have fujoshi infiltrators instigating the constant flood of crossdressing/cocksucking threads

>> No.7623488

Zeta, I believe.

>> No.7623487

That would explain a lot, but really, that much dedicated effort.... who'd bother?

>> No.7623493

In every group there are always the same 4 categories. 'Leader', who gets the best food, etc. 'Regular members' who eat what's left after the leader. Few 'outcast(s)' who are bullied the most by the first two and receive less than everyone else. And finally, few 'autonomous' - guys who keep to themselves and do everything alone. They aren't really a part of the group.

Interesting thing is, even if you take leaders (or any other types) from several different groups and put them together they will eventually establish that exact hierarchy among themselves.

There are tons of articles about that, but I'm too lazy to search.

>> No.7623498

This thread really brought out the asspain.

>> No.7623499
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That makes it even more fitting for /jp/.

>> No.7623536

Where exactly did this 'autism' fascination come from? Sorry, I missed the memo.

>> No.7623544

you missed the chance to lose your virginity too loser

>> No.7623551

But that's not the question I'm asking nor the answer I am looking for.

>> No.7623554

I thought I'd remind you

>> No.7623562

Well I appreciate the thought but my question still remains unanswered.

>> No.7623568

didn't K-ON invent autism?

>> No.7623571


>> No.7623572

I'm always stressed due to video games.

>> No.7623573

I guess people just really like K-ON then, I like K-ON too

>> No.7623577

So the whole 'autism' thing came from /a/? I figured it might've come from /v/ since they have a reputation for shitting out bad memes other boards quickly begin using.

>> No.7623580

Autism is a /jp/ meme.

>> No.7623601

Is it now? Claiming ownership to make the board appear cool?

>> No.7623609

We don't need any help appearing cool

>> No.7623610
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>> No.7623613

It started off as a forced meme on /jp/ about a year ago and now is more or less part of /jp/ canon. I was just implying similarities between /jp/ anons and Zeta's protagonist and that happened to be the picture I had on hand.

>> No.7623785


I'm pretty sure more than half of /jp/ has some form of assburgers, which more or less is autism.
