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7613456 No.7613456 [Reply] [Original]

Fuck Mystic Eyes of Death Perception. Fuck the Tohno Gland. Fuck all of this.

Today, we'll be talking about Tsukihime's VAMPIRES. Because, eh, that's what it's all about.

>> No.7613458


Tsukihime WHAT?

>> No.7613475

>>>/beast's lair/

>> No.7613476

I want to know how the fuck that one guy uses his stomach to predict the future

>> No.7613552

The Burial Agency dudes feed the the stomach (which is all that's left from the vampire) some raw flesh and squeeze it so that chyme comes out, then they look at the chyme and interpret it. It's 100% accurate.

One of the BA fellows assigned to the stomach is in love with "him", so she sticks his pyloric canal into her vagina and squeezes him until he spews his thick, steamy stomach acids inside her tight womb every night. She frequently has prophetic dreams due to the oracular powers of her stomach "husband".

>> No.7613556

How many vampires do you actually fight in tsukihime? I've seen a big list of them but I can't imagine they all appear.

>> No.7613577

>Because, eh, that's what it's all about.
Except half of it is about half breed demon-human people.

>> No.7613592

I haven't played the game in a very long time but from what I recall it's just Roa and Nero. Maybe you could count Arcueid and Sacchin too, and then there's Tatari in Melty but I think that's about it.

>> No.7613608

Three out of 5 routes are about demonic half-breeds.

Coincidentally, those are the best routes and heroines.

>> No.7613615

I founded that strangely erotic.
...really nobody ever shipped Chaos with somebody?

>> No.7613619

>One of the BA fellows assigned to the stomach is in love with "him", so she sticks his pyloric canal into her vagina and squeezes him until he spews his thick, steamy stomach acids inside her tight womb every night. She frequently has prophetic dreams due to the oracular powers of her stomach "husband".

Wait wait wait. What?

>> No.7613621

Chaos x Serpent

>> No.7613639

Is this from a new supplementary material or something? I haven't heard about this at all, but I haven't been keeping up with Type-Moon stuff for the past couple of years.

>> No.7613640

...oh god, why I asked...

>> No.7613662

No, I'm just making shit up.

>> No.7613729

I figured. It was convincing enough to be believable, though.

At first I thought you were talking about Mr. Dawn and his partner, but the genders were backwards.

>> No.7613753

but near side is bette than far side

>> No.7613757

Since when Kohaku and Hisui are half-demon breed?

>> No.7613760

>Maybe you could count Arcueid and Sacchin too
>a preternatural being, commonly believed to be a reanimated corpse, that is said to suck the blood of sleeping persons at night.

I never understood this. How does a nature spirit that assumes the form of a human fits the deffinition of "vampire"?

>> No.7613774

Why don't you just read the VN instead of asking that kind of questions. I bet you only watched the anime (awesome soundtrack by the way).

>> No.7613775

There is no Tsukihime anime

>> No.7613786

...but the real question is:
Arc vs Flandre
who wins?

>> No.7613788

As I said, the OST is too good to deny its existence. It would be like saying that the Umineko VN doesn't exist.

>> No.7613793

Let me correct my question then: When do we read that the Synchronizer ability came from being half-demon?

I did the VN years ago and I'm not interested by doing it again.

>> No.7613801

...wasn't stated somewhere that all the special inherithed powers were the result of a half breed at some point of the family tree?

>> No.7613818

>Umineko VN
...when it will be released?!

>> No.7613834

Satsuki is a pretty beast one. Depletion Garden is really quite deadly.

>> No.7613858


It wishes to suck blood, becomes more powerful if it sucks blood (technically, although they also go crazy), is weakened by sunlight (though not visibly to most people, incredibly to Tohno Shiki's eyes), and is very powerful despite looking like a human.

The only surface difference from a vampire is that it does not actually need to suck blood. It just really enjoys it and always wants to.
The fact that it's a spirit is below the surface.

>> No.7613872


Kohaku and Hisui are not demon bloods. The source of Synchronization is because they are from a distant branch family from the Fujou clan, a family of spirit mediums (and member of the Demon Hunter Organization) that fell into ruin. They got picked up by Makihisa afterwards.

>> No.7613880

As the kanji in their name hints, the Fujou (巫浄?) are a lineage of priestesses (miko). Similarly to the Nanaya, it is a clan that has been passing down special abilities to their descendants through teaching of techniques and mystical knowledge. Treated as an ancient bloodline of magi, they specialize in acting as mediums, but originally their expertise was the use of curses. Their psychic ability grants a superior view of the world at the expenses of causing blindness. The family collapsed with the death of its last descendant, Fujou Kirie.

>> No.7613905

yes, but it's not stated what's the origin of the family power. it's legitimate think then that they have supernatural blood in some%.
or maybe not, thanks for the info however.

>> No.7613910


If they got their psychic powers the same way the Nanaya did, GENERATIONS AND GENERATIONS OF INCEST.

>> No.7613932
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>Come up with a bunch of interesting ideas for vampires
>Stuck them all in character materials and never do anything of value with them

Nasu is my hero.

>> No.7613934

no Hisui/Dante and Kohaku/Vergil spin off then...

>> No.7613940

...it's not that you know where I can dl the whole thing?

>> No.7613996

Imagine xenomorphs as part of Nero's zoo!

>> No.7614051
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a wild Nue appears!

>> No.7614263

Ryougi shiki-gained the mystic eyes of death perception when her male personality died, as well as her almost dying, from getting hit by a car and the following coma.

>> No.7615011

Speaking of character materials, where does Arcueid being a/reincarnation of a Type come into play in the VN beyond being an excuse for her power? None of the others ones appear in it, right? (I've never read the game, I should mention)

Do they talk about the whole needing to kill all humans and other Types coming eventually, or is that some idea that was added later?

>> No.7615025

Types first appear in Notes, which was made before Tsukihime, and also are mentioned in character material.

>> No.7615026
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Go! Nitori!

>> No.7615049


>Speaking of character materials, where does Arcueid being a/reincarnation of a Type come into play in the VN beyond being an excuse for her power? None of the others ones appear in it, right? (I've never read the game, I should mention)

The True Ancestor race is dead, save for Arcueid. Because she killed them all.

There's a half-True Ancestor left, though. She does not appear in any story.

The only affect of the story from being the recreation of Type-Moon is that she becomes an existence without death under moonlight, and can summon the Crimson Moon and Millennium Castle Brunestud with Marble Phantasm (this is relevant to Melty Blood).

>Do they talk about the whole needing to kill all humans and other Types coming eventually, or is that some idea that was added later?

That actually came before. A story called Angel Notes, written before Tsukihime, which is not truly part of Nasuverse canon, although Character Material alludes to it. It's a sort of half-canon "it doesn't take away much if we take it to be true" thing.

Although it takes place in the very distant future.

>> No.7615096

>There's a half-True Ancestor left, though. She does not appear in any story.
...yet. half Ancestor+half Ancestor= race restored.
where's the other half Ancestor? it's in Shiki's pendejos

>> No.7615118

>...yet. half Ancestor+half Ancestor= race restored.

Genetics doesn't function like that.

>> No.7615129

yes, but this is Nasu, ain't gotta explain shit.

>> No.7615132

Like you have any idea how genetics works.

>> No.7615146

But I do, bad-fake-kun, and two half-breeds do not make a true-breed.

>> No.7615148

Bad-fake-kun, stop trying so hard. This is -my- tripcode, okay?

>> No.7615152
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There is only one, true White Ren.

>> No.7615154


Stop it, Bad-fake-kun and SHIN-WHITO-REN, or I'll have to report you both.

>> No.7615160

Do you not comprehend my teachings?

Report everything.

>> No.7615161

cool, it's like that time I watched into the caleidoscpe for 3 hours because I was drunk.

>> No.7615162

White Ren party!

>> No.7615171

This reminds me of like 2 years ago when there were white rens all over the front page.

>> No.7615173

That's the spirit!

>> No.7615165

Reported for posting as White Ren without a visible sage.

>> No.7615168

no, please...

>> No.7615175

All bad-fake-kun faggots. Stop using my tripcode. You're going to make Anonymous-kun filter me.

>> No.7615183

geez...the thread is also melty blood related...I guess that it can't be helped...

>> No.7615187

Oh, please. Anyone using a filter deserves what they get. It's not like there's anything else on /jp/ worth reading.

>> No.7615191 [DELETED] 

Anyone relevant that would have filtered you had already done so when the White Ren Legion was at full strength.

>> No.7615195

Exactly. White Ren is the worst shitposter in the history of the Yotsuba Image Board - and I'm the only person with a valid opinion. Everyone else is low-tier scum.

>> No.7615207

You missed the point completely, bad-fake-kun. Of course, you're also the one that erroneously believes that I am somehow concerned with "respectability" in this place of infinite summer.

>> No.7615204

bad White Ren, bad!

>> No.7615212

Reported for going against the spirit of the great White Ren-sama.

>> No.7615222

Bad-fake-kun. You are so concerned with your fake image. You keep pretending to be the true White Ren and saying "bad-fake-kun" to try to portray me as the fake, when you are the fake. So people will not hate you for talking shit. Only a silly cretin would believe in "infinite summer" anyway.

>> No.7615239

Only a deluded newfriend would believe that these aren't the end times. And I call you bad-fake-kun to separate you from the good contributors that use this tripcode. They do their part, every day, so that you are secure. You're not even in the same league that they are.

>> No.7615236


Reported for impersonating White Ren.

>> No.7615238

Speaking of White Len, Melty Blood Re-Act didn't really describe what she did.

She was made from Zepia's body by Aoko in Len's image, and then... she TATARI'd the place up, because TATARI?
She also appeared in people's dreams, or something.

>> No.7615251

Bad-fake-kun, you still don't understand do you? You should at least lurk before contributing.

>> No.7615264

well, I was pleasantly surprised about the tone of White Ren's posts in this thread. they were enjoyable and interesting.
thanks to the others to ruin a good conversation.
see ya

>> No.7615285

You should be thankful I'm in a good mood. I can be obnoxious as HELL.

>> No.7615282

She was made using what was left of the Night of Wallachia, not necessarily Zepia. Her power was to incarnate the inner nightmares/hidden sides of people, which is why Nanaya Shiki and Red Arcueid exist. Hologram Summer redux occurs because White Ren begins eating up the leftovers of the Night of Wallachia that are congregating. Zepia and Nero are spawned by these leftovers: they weren't necessarily "invited." Other things created by the leftover fragments would be Vermillion Akiha and all the "good" characters you fight that wouldn't normally attack you. They're all duplicates made by the frenzied fragments of the phenomenon.

No clue what Aoko's end plan was, but White Ren was attempting to gather power, absorb the entire Night of Wallachia, and carry out her inner desire to own Shiki. Nanaya Shiki was created to handle everyone for White Ren, but he ended up being too much to handle. The rest end up caught by the frenzy, with different motivations. (Rescuing Shiki, detesting White Ren's actions, or just craving violence.)

>> No.7615292

So they don't actually mention anything about types within the game?

>> No.7615288
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>> No.7615296
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>> No.7615306

As can all sex-deprived virgins on the internet.

>> No.7615307

Fuck your weak Tsukihime vampires.


>> No.7615314
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You'll never even be as cool as wth, bad-fake-kun. That's serious.

Your mind is weak, infidel.

>> No.7615319

That anime is gay as HELL. What kind of shit is this, they all have pointy faces?

>> No.7615328

You are so desperate to be seen as the real White Ren, bad-fake-kun. Why?

>> No.7615336

op, can you delete this thread?

>> No.7615335

Nero would stomp both of their shits while thinking of some new magical theorem.

I like D, but it's a power imbalance.

>> No.7615338


In Tsukihime? They never come up.

Crimson Moon (Type-Moon) comes up in Kagetsu Tohya and Melty Blood Actress Again, as an aspect of Arcueid. Although it is not the original Type-Moon, who was slain in ages past by Zelretch, simply part of Arcueid who doesn't get seen normally.

>> No.7615346

>Implying Arc isn't the strongest vampire in fiction

Bitch please. She is always as strong as her opponent + 1.

>> No.7615353


>weak Tsukihime vampires.

>instead, post a vampire who moves at nominal speeds and fights with a sword wielding human

Unless that's fucking superman wielding the sword of unending majesty and the fight is slowed down for our enjoyment, that vampire is not impressive at all.

>> No.7615349
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You seem desperate to believe that I am desperate, bad-fake-kun. That's pretty weird, man.

Besides, who can worry while using a SUPERIOR TRIPCODE? Every post you make is instantly golden.

Unless you make the post, of course. Chilly can't solve everything.

>> No.7615356
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>> No.7615357

Against things weaker than Gaia, yes.

>> No.7615362


I see, thank you. They didn't focus on the story in Re-Act and Actress Again as hard as they did in Melty Blood (1), but that's still an interesting story.

>> No.7615366

TL;DR, bad-fake-kun.

>> No.7615381

Actress Again is an entirely different kettle of fish. That's TATARI Sion from the future dicking around with time and space to create some sort of eternal monument to humanity that will survive the end of a thousand years, when the Crimson Moon returns and humanity dies.

It was sort of convoluted and I didn't pay attention, so someone with a better attention span could help you with AA's story.

>> No.7615389

Can you name a fictional vampire that's stronger than Gaia?

>> No.7615406

>stronger vampire

>> No.7615412

How many non-fictional vampires can you name? Vampire animals don't count.

>> No.7615418

...and I forgot to point the "in fiction".
how many vampires you know irl guys?

>> No.7615417


>> No.7615432 [DELETED] 

Evangeline, Alucard, Flandre, Remilia, Moka, Dio and maybe Cars, D.

None of them have the power to blow up planets, or to conceptually kill the planet. And they certainly can't overpower a whole planet.

>> No.7615440

I mean, the last certificated vampire seen in the last two centuries was Max Schreck.
no, non-famous vampires don't count.

>> No.7615445
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Dude, are you serious?

Everyone here in my town is a fucking vampire. Even the whore from the corner!

>> No.7615441

Honestly, can anything even kill ORT? You can't even approach it without ORT passively activating it's power. Good thing it doesn't really do anything except exist.

>> No.7615442


Do ORT and Brunestud really count as vampires?

They just seem to suck blood because it's tasty, or something.

>> No.7615453

reallly? where do you live, in Italy?

>> No.7615475

I suppose that's what being a vampire is all about. It's a pretty vague description though, all ORT did was eat a Dead Ancestor. I don't think there's any record of it being vampireish in any other way.

>> No.7615493 [DELETED] 
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Why does many people says that Archer came from not-produced Ilya route? I don't see any proof that it came from Ilya route.

>> No.7615496

Aschaffenburg, Bayern, Germany

>> No.7615510

Unrelated Blade Works.
ok, sorry.

>> No.7615540

really? I visited it a couple of times when the Archbishop von Dalberg was on charge. it was before the shift to Baviera.
i had no idea that there was still a active undead community.

>> No.7615801

Qualifications for being a vampire:
A. Needs to suck blood
B. Church needs to dislike it (so halfway decent bloodsuckers like Akiha don't cut it but if a mosquito tries to bite a high-ranking bishop then it can get into one of the empty DAA ranks and will be hunted down by the Burial Agency)

Main reason ORT got in is that it killed the fifth DAA (canon is that he tried to fight it but I like to believe that the poor vampire was just taking a stroll and ORT just fell on his head) and the church couldn't find anyone to replace him. It apparently does suck blood, though.
