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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7605065 No.7605065 [Reply] [Original]


I'm a good for nothing college dropout otaku, but I have an imouto who looks up to me a lot for some reason. I just got an email from my mom reminding me that today is my sister's birthday (I would never have remembered on my own), and telling me that if I email her it would probably brighten up her birthday so much.

What should I do...?

>> No.7605072

Email her a picture of your dick

>> No.7605080

Confess to her you're a siscon

>> No.7605087

Tell her she is a wonderful sister and that you believe in her.

>> No.7605090

Call her on the phone instead of sending an email.

>> No.7605097
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Try to get as close to her as possible. Spend time with her, make her presents, take a bath with her, rub medicine on her chest when she's sick - all under the camouflage of being a caring brother. Eventually she's developing feelings for you and maybe you an even widen her small, fresh pussy.

>> No.7605099

God damn it's so bizarre. I lived with my sister for years, but since I started living alone I've barely communicated with anyone other than anons from 4chan and the occasional check in with my parents. How the fuck should I go about talking to my sister?

>> No.7605101

Pics of your imouto or your a liar.

>> No.7605105
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Go to meet her, lie a fucking lot about yourself so he would be encouraged to be like you someday.

Don't let her be like you, OP. Also, don't mess with her life and try something erotic/romantic. I know you want, but you can't afford it.

>> No.7605112

If you aren't a troll OP, do this >>7605090

Take it from someone who has an imouto and has regrets. You will never get this time back, make sure you don't fucking waste it. She's your goddamned sister, you will never have another one like her for as long as you live, don't fucking act like a hiki towards her, you WILL regret it someday, even if it's only on your deathbed.

>> No.7605117
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^this. Also you have to ensure, that she isn't deflowered by some fucking sandnigger, but noone other than you if possible.

>> No.7605114
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>> No.7605115

"Hey, long time no see, how're things?"
Talk about recent events
Talk about common events - family and such.
"Ah, life's so boring now without you and the rest around."
Be honest in your communications. Don't be clingy or creepy.

>> No.7605119

Hmm, thanks for giving me a serious reply... you know what I think I might actually seriously consider calling her. I have no idea what to say though.

>> No.7605122

Don't make me filter you again. My opinion of you had someone changed playing EE.

>> No.7605124
File: 19 KB, 284x226, 1310408440263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there sure is a HELL of alot of typos in this thread...

>> No.7605125

Sounds like she wants to fuck.

>> No.7605131

Lately I've been discussing with my mom that I should get therapy for my anxiety, and yesterday my oneechan called me up and told me that she cared about me and that I can talk to her about it if I feel like it, since she's been through similar stuff.

But I can't stand making myself emotionally vulnerable, so all I responded with throughout the conversation was "yeah" and "mhm". I feel like she tried to reach out to me, but I just responded as if I didn't care at all. Feels bad, man.

>> No.7605133

One type which anyone would of read as "somewhat"

Get out grammarnazi.

>> No.7605136
File: 71 KB, 219x244, 1310408647276.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>One type
Don't you even.

>> No.7605138

Why is summer /jp/ so good?

>> No.7605142
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If you are not able to say anything good about how you're doing, don't trouble her with it. Just focus on her and how she's been. Ask about school, friends, the hobbies you know she enjoys, etc. You've been away for a while right? Just check up on her and touch base for all the time you've been missing, so that she knows you're interested in her life.

I don't have any siblings but I sort of know the feel. The difference is I did graduate from a fairly good college, but I never thought about the future because school is all that has ever mattered to me up until now. 2 years later and I still have no idea what to do with myself. Life has grown meaningless and boring, with the exception of my otaku habits.

>> No.7605154
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>and maybe you an even widen her small
>you an even
this is annoying me to HELL and back


>> No.7605158

Well, next time you see her or hear from her be sure to thank her for being there for you and for wanting to look out for you. Try to express how much her support meant, how much it means.

>> No.7605176

OP is some inane, insane swedish pizza guy, who cares if he alienates his family? Whatever! Just as long as it helps him STOP POSTING ON OUR BOARD.

>> No.7605201

Well, thanks for the positive replies to those who gave them. I'm going to sleep now since I've been up all night, and I'm going to delete this thread now. I hope I'll still feel inspired enough to call my sister when I wake up. I don't think I'd like to call her right now in the middle of the day.

Sorry, I realize this was a pretty shitty thread, I'm deleting it now.

>> No.7605207

Dearest Otaku brother,

Though ashamed you might be, by your wrong ways of life, take head to my words. You are capable of almost anything. You must believe in yourself. Listen....Just because you are Otaku doesn’t mean you are a loser. First go out right now and take a jog around the block; this will distress and clear your mind (proven medical fact). Second Look for jobs online and in newspapers. Three, go out sometime this week and go to the places that need to hire and fill out the forms and arrange for interviews if they are willing; make sure to wear outstanding/clean/nice cloths(managers will see you as more responsible). Remember you can do this anon; the only thing that is stopping you is your own mind not fate. Four, keep checking in on all jobs via calling and making an appearance at the jobsite. Five, once you have a job enroll yourself in a cheap gym where you can work out and run/run on a treadmill; this works miracles when it comes to building confidence and looks (go as often as possible for hobby time). Six, once you have enough money start going back to class. You can take it slow and that is probably what you need to do. Pick up the pace at your own speed. If you were at a big university and can't afford it go to your local community college.

Now my Otaku brother, copy and paste what I have said into your documents and read it once or more a day and when reading remember you are change, you are the only one capable of pushing yourself and that you are worth it all. If you find yourself still unhappy in life then my last advice would for you to go to a local Catholic Church and schedule a meeting with a priest. The older priests from ages 48 -70 usually aren't the best with dealing with these situations, but younger priests from 24 -38 are great (shoot from 30 - 38). Explain your life a little and here what they have to say.
mmmmmmm k

>> No.7605214


>> No.7605217

that feel right before you delete a thread and you know that there won't ever be any more replies to it ever no matter what since eks deleted /ghost/...
