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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 98 KB, 440x376, mghard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7604763 No.7604763 [Reply] [Original]

Looks like your dream is becoming a reality, /jp/.

>> No.7604768

Pretty fucking cool. Hope they ship to Europe.

>> No.7604765

crossed fingers for a deardrops hard copy. I'm reading the japanese now but I'll snatch that in a heartbeat.

>> No.7604769

Did someone finally run mugen over with a truck?!

>> No.7604774

How could you know of my teleportation experiments!?

>> No.7604776

MG is based in Europe, so most likely.

>> No.7604780

I won't buy it until they start releasing direct-to-brain downloads.

>> No.7604781

I don't understand the appeal of hard copies.

>> No.7604786

It's 2011 already, Satoru.

>> No.7604787

MG devs general

>> No.7604791

Wow not only can I buy a hard copy of Da Crapo I can also buy a hard copy of Da Crapo 2! WHERE DO I SIGN UP!!

>> No.7604794

Someone know the sales for KnS?

>> No.7604795

>have a 300 replies long thread about how mangagamer is fucked without hard copy sales
>hard copy sales not even a week after that

>> No.7604809

Is this really news to anyone? They've had that there for awhile now.

>> No.7604815

My dream is for them to translate Romanesque or Princess Maker 4/5

>> No.7604818

I knew it, they're really stalking our threads

>> No.7604823

>implying /jp/ is relevant.

>> No.7604825

it might not be relevant but they sure as hell stalk this board to get a feel of their market

>> No.7604829

Does mangaGamer accept dollars? I don't know what this wierd looking currency that looks like a demonic "C" is...

>> No.7604826

Is there any ero of their mascot girl? I don't play translated VNs or follow the VN translation scene, but I kind of like her character design. Does she have a name?

I'd especially like something with a scenario like, for example, her going to a con to sell some newly translated games. Then, she gets cornered by a gang of hardened /jp/ers, who inform her that they already played all of her games two years ago when the original versions were released. Then, these /jp/ers proceed to drag her back to their hotel room...

>> No.7604832

it's mangagamer-tan. I 've seen rule 34 of er posted before but unfortunately I don't have them. Maybe some /jp/sies will post them here for you

>> No.7604837

Mugen did porn of her.

>> No.7604838

...and continue to pick apart her mistranslations in the most pedantic detail.

>> No.7604839



Didn't Mugen draw some, or something? But I can't bring myself to fap to something that guy drew. That would just be... ugh.

>> No.7604846

hard copy, someone with a printer and empty dvd cases?

>> No.7604852

>Da Crapo Shit Edition
Are they commiting business suicide?
They should have sold this 4years ago when Da crapo was airing. Nobody gives a shit about Nemu or Sakura now.

>> No.7604860
File: 99 KB, 267x202, 1310402114750.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems like they're including extras like art books and OST CDs. I'm not particularly interested in Da Capo but do this with their other releases and I'm sold (a hardcopy of Koihime with an artbook, for example, would be awesome)

>> No.7604871

That's not bad actually. How much is the set? OSTs alone can run you a ridiculous amount of cash if you're into collecting them. Official artbooks can be pricey too.

>> No.7604878

39.95 Euros

>> No.7604887
File: 335 KB, 776x1692, steplightwear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is there any ero of their mascot girl?
That her and Steparu girl don't have lots of porn is one of the greatest shames of our times.

>> No.7604889

Haven't they had Da Capo hard copies of Da Capo for a while now? Until something else ends up there, this is all old news.

>> No.7604896

I really want a Koihime Hard copy

>> No.7604901
File: 19 KB, 218x223, 1310403000537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This has been on their blog for awhile. Main problems:

a) It was only there
b) Click the North America link you see OUT OF STOCK OUT OF STOCK OUT OF STOCK (aka if you're not a con-going faggot we don't want your money)

>> No.7604906

They have been selling select hard copies online for a while now. Just because they now include a link on their main site that has been up for months (and being sold elsewhere for close to a year). The actual new thing they put up is the Affiliate program, and while updating the site with that they probably just decided to include the hard copy links that have been included on the staff blog for a while.

>> No.7604914

I wonder why the fuck they decided to go with Da Capo. No one will buy that shit and then they'll whine that they're in the red even though they did what everyone wanted and brought hard copy's. The problem is that they're selling the crappiest fucking game ever. Why.

>> No.7604920

Let me guess, Da Capo is made by bamboo?

>> No.7604925

/jp/ doesn't have enough respect for D.C. I mean I'm not a huge fan myself either, but the game is a fucking classic.

>> No.7604931

Because that way those who support hard copies will buy a shitty game they wouldn't have otherwise in the hope of getting more, just like you should buy shitty games in the hopes of getting the good ones.

tl;dr just buy it

>> No.7604937

I would assume that if Navel allowed them to make hard copies of Shuffle they would. It seems like their hard copies tend to be based on a company basis, with all hard copies to date being either from the 3 companies (Circus, Overdrive, Nexton) who originally set up MangaGamer, or 07th Expansion.

>> No.7604962

Onii-chan, your copy is so hard and sturdy~


>> No.7604970

Now that MG is going to sell hard copies I wonder what new excuse /jp/ will use to pirate their games.

>> No.7604972


And you're right. When the announcement for the DC hardcopies was first made they mentioned that they had first approached Navel for Shuffle HC, but they were not interested.

>> No.7604981

Navel doesn't want oney. What the hell...

>> No.7604993

Now, a Shuffle HC I might actually buy. Da Capo? Fuck that shit, no way. I don't care how much they want me to buy copies so they can keep doing it with actually good games, I'm not going to buy shit in the hope that they can improve shit and turn it into farts.

>> No.7604997

I have to spend my money on food.

>> No.7605009

>da capo

>> No.7605012

I don't have money.

>> No.7605018

-It's crappy game X. Now if they sell good game Y I might buy it...
-MG is EVIL, I wish they die
-No credit card
-not shipping outside of Europe/NA
-No money, need to eat
-Crappy translation
-crappy editing/QC
-crappy font

>> No.7605032


Why pay for something when you can get it free

>> No.7605059

See no advantage in buying hard copy honestly

>> No.7605063

- Most of the games are good
- MG is decent
- Where do you live....
- Where the fuck do you live? If you live in Asia learn Japanese, if you learn in South Murica move.
- Where do you live... not having money for games because you have to eat...
- Decent Translations
- Decent and improving editing and QC
- Nice Fonts

>> No.7605071

Why do you buy food. I mean you could just go to the supermarket and steal it. Easily.

>> No.7605102

I think I'll just stick to my superior pirating ways.

>> No.7605109

You realise I'm just listing every possible reason /jp/ migh/can/will use to not buy the games, right? It's true I don't live in Europe/NA though

>> No.7605120

>If you live in Asia learn Japanese
>implying all Asian language is similar to Japanese

>> No.7605127
File: 38 KB, 450x450, 1310408464918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7605135 [DELETED] 


>implying I dont steal all my food

>> No.7605147


>- Decent Translations
>- Decent and improving editing and QC
>- Nice Fonts

what strange and magical Mangagamer are you talking about?

>> No.7605150
File: 54 KB, 390x356, 1310408905856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>implying I don't steal food

>> No.7605162

so ?? when can i buy koihime musou HARD COPY WITH VOICES ???

is that fucking so hard ? MG ?

>> No.7605179

>only have da crapo

I'd rather just buy the japanese copies if they dont get good games.

>> No.7605175

>No credit card
>not shipping outside of Europe/NA
>No money, need to eat
This is it for me.

>> No.7605199

-Crappy translation
-crappy editing/QC
-porting to new engines

When these go away, I will buy. Even in download form, with DRM. Until then, I won't even bother pirating their games.

>> No.7605227
File: 41 KB, 542x838, 1310410204824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>complain about no boxed copies to justify piratng.
>box copies come out and complain about something else.

Do you even like visual novels /jp/?

>> No.7605235

I like complaining about them.

>> No.7605240

>box copies come out and complain about something else.

No wrong, its the same shit we are complaining about. Nothing new or different.

>> No.7605248

As one of the complainers from the last thread, I think this is great. And the price is even reasonable. I have little interest in DC, but if they start putting out hard copy bundles like this for better games, I'd be quite interested.

>> No.7605262


Honestly the only game hardcopy or not I'd even consider spending money on is Koihime and I already bought the DDL

>> No.7605421
File: 471 KB, 842x1191, 1310413637756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would buy Kara No Shoujo and Kira Kira if it came in collectables.

The pricing isnt that bad either if they come with their ost and other goodies.

>> No.7605432

Other new stuff was added to the site as well with the update

Empty, though searchable tags under that
>3D, Big Boobs, Bishojo, Collection, Fantasy, Hardcore, Live Action, Mature Woman, Older Sister, School, Series, Younger Sister

>> No.7605502

>3D, Big Boobs, Bishojo, Collection, Fantasy, Hardcore, Live Action, Mature Woman, Older Sister, School, Series, Younger Sister
Sounds like a porn site.

>> No.7605508

You know, he's actually a halfway decent artist. I don't know why he insists on being such a cunt.

>> No.7605517

He doesn't insist, he is naturally like that.
TThat he is a decent artist or not has nothing to do with that.

>> No.7605723

I thank you for this.

Justice Biscuit on you

>> No.7605931

So, would hard copies be DRM and "insert CD" free? Or am I still forced to crack their products to enjoy them?

It shouldn't be so hard to play something you bought. Install, play. If there are any other steps, you lost half the customers.

>> No.7605953

Do the digital downloads have some sort of weird DRM or download / install limit or something? If not, I don't why physical copies are that great.

>> No.7606027

Physical copies are great because you can clutch them close to your breast and feel their warmth.

>> No.7608184

Did you leave the thread? If so, that is too bad.
I thought it was cute to have a father posting here.
