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7604309 No.7604309 [Reply] [Original]

So, what about a Rewrite thread, lots of people must have finished it by now.
What did you guys think of it?

>> No.7604314

It's got DINOSAAAAAAAURS man. You can't go wrong with 'em.

>> No.7604316
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>> No.7604339

It had too many flaws for such a long awaited game.
The lack of control over the text and pacing is very apparent and almost doujin level.
The common route is too long, dull and overnarrated.
The individual routes are really weak and badly written for the most part except for Akane.
Well Lucia's route was pretty good too but the resolution of the mystery in the first part pissed me off since R07 basically just lied to the readers without explanation and the end was too stereotypical shonen.
But considering it still one of the best route it speaks for the level of the rest.

In the end I guess it's still worth reading just for the last route, Terra, that is actually very good, really well written and pretty long without ever being dull but you still have to go through 40 hours of mediocrity to get to it.

>> No.7604344
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>written by R07

>> No.7604346

who wrote terra's route?

>> No.7604347

I liked it better when it was called Jurassic Park.

>> No.7604352

Lucia's route was written by R07

The style of writing is completely different compared to the rest of the game.

>> No.7604356

Moogy liked Lucia's route the best, that means R07 >>>>>>>>>>>>> Romeo and the other guy

>> No.7604358

So Rewrite confirmed for bullshit?

Right, can we agree from now on that R07 can only be allowed to define the setting and initial stages, and then be left the fuck out of the actual plot and so forth?

The man can cook up some amazing settings and characters, but he has no idea what to do with them.

>> No.7604364

R07 has nothing to do with the setting of Rewrite.

Moogy is a retard, Akane has a much better route

>> No.7604368

>R07 basically just lied to the readers without explanation
So, like always, right?

>> No.7604374

Well at least he tried to give an explanation in Higurashi and Umineko.
Like "it's just a fiction" or "they are crazy", he doesn't even try in Rewrite. There is absolutely no explanation for the unreliable narrator, it's just a straight-up lie.
Before that the mystery was actually pretty good.

>> No.7604414

And once again retards who didn't even read the damn thing step forward to voice their retarded opinion why it sucks.
